How old is Meikher Granovskaya? Nadezhda Granovskaya about raising three children: “It seems that I’m not a strict mother.” Nadezhda Granovskaya photo before and after plastic surgery

Ex-VIAGRA Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya spoke about family life with Mikhail Urzhumtsev.

The TV presenter and singer opened up about her family life.

Let us remind you. In 2008, Nadezhda Granovskaya met general director Melon Fashion Group LLC by Mikhail Urzhumtsev. On March 23, 2012, she gave birth to a daughter, Anna, from Urzhumtsev. In 2014, they secretly got married. And on October 17, 2015, the couple had a daughter, Maria. Nadezhda also has an eldest son, Igor (born in 2002), from Alexander Lishchenko.

According to the star, her husband is sympathetic to her work.

“He understood who he was dealing with! Although when we met, he was not aware that I worked in the VIA Gra team. But Misha quickly found out everything. The employees of the company of which he is the general director told him. Apparently, she’s okay, since we’re still together!” Nadya noted.

According to her, she devotes a lot of time to her family and children: “I am my own boss: I don’t work in an office, where I am dependent on the schedule, or on producers and their impulses, so I personally set the schedule, calculate the time, organize it the way I like.” convenient. Of course, there is not so much of it, but nevertheless, since I freelancer, I have every right dispose of it as you wish."

Regarding her husband’s jealousy, Meikher-Granovskaya noted: “Well, probably, we are all a little jealous to some extent. Maybe it’s our nature, but one way or another, my husband is a sufficiently intellectually developed person to be jealous of me for my business, creativity , what I do. Naturally, he understands that there is the attention of many men, but these are abstract things, so he treats everything absolutely adequately. My husband works in a company where most of women's team. It seems strange to me to be jealous - there are more important things, especially when the feelings are mutual."

Nadezhda said that they always go on vacation twice a year: “in the summer - to the sea, in the winter - to ski. We also love evening gatherings with the whole family - we cook something together, and then we gather at the table and chat.”

In addition, the singer does not regret that she left the VIA Gra group at one time: “If I regretted that I left, I would not have left it. Therefore, of course, my decision was finally made absolutely consciously. Of course, “I am grateful to Konstantin Meladze for everything he did for me.”

Nadezhda Granovskaya told Lera Kudryavtseva about her men, her career at VIA Gra and terrible disease, because of which she almost became disabled.

Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya became the heroine of the “Secret to a Million” program. The presenter of the program Lera Kudryavtseva found out how she started her career future star group "VIA Gra". It turned out that even at school Nadezhda felt that she was cramped in hometown Khmelnitsky. She wanted to quickly leave for Moscow to start new life. However, when the star was 17 years old, a misfortune happened to her. Doctors diagnosed an intervertebral hernia, which led to the young dancer’s kneecaps becoming displaced.

As soon as the first signs of the disease were discovered, Nadezhda went for a medical procedure to specialists who were supposed to set her bones. Otherwise, she would quickly lose the ability to move independently. However, after visiting the doctor, Granovskaya’s condition only worsened.
“Nothing helped me. It all started from the knees. After another month or two, back pain began. I was referred to a chiropractor. When there is an inflammatory process, nothing can be adjusted. But who knew about this? After the second session with the doctor, I was already crawling home because it was incredibly painful. At that moment, my legs once gave out,” Granovskaya recalled on the program.

Nadezhda admitted that she was completely desperate at that moment. It seemed to her that she could forget about performing on stage forever. By the way, the star has been dancing professionally for a long time. It was really stressful for her. The pain did not subside every day, but only intensified. Medical specialists were unable to help Granovskaya cope with the disease without surgery. The singer flatly refused to lie down on the operating table.

Soon, Granovskaya managed to meet one healer, who gave her hope for a bright future.
“They took me to a healer. She began to examine me with her hands, touch me and put my organs in place, and then she laid me on the table. I dangled my legs over my stomach and felt like I was being hit with a hammer. The pain, of course, was unbearable, but after one session I got up and went to dance,” Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya told the story.

Among other things, the artist also recalled how her career at VIA Gre developed. For some time, the star did not have enough money to feed even himself. But soon everything turned out just fine. According to the artist, she was twice seriously attracted to men. From her first chosen one, Nadezhda gave birth to a son, Igor. After his birth, she returned to the group just two weeks later. The soloist understood that Konstantin Meladze did not want to part with her, and she was also afraid of losing her place in the team.

After some time, Nadezhda broke up with common-law husband. The star’s second serious hobby was Mikhail Urzhumtsev. Almost a year after they met, he proposed to her, but she did not answer him immediately. In 2014, they arranged a secret wedding because they did not want to attract public attention. Even the relatives had no idea that they were invited to the restaurant for a wedding. The couple has two children: four-year-old Anna and one-and-a-half-year-old Maria.

"The little black one from" VIA Gra“, as Nadezhda Meikher was called for many years, has long been unrelated to the girl group, and news about her life is still interesting to fans of that “legendary” trio. The father of the baby, who was born in one of the clinics in Kyiv, businessman Mikhail Urzhumtsev, is completely happy, although that pregnancy, according to the parents, was not “planned.”

Granovskaya gave birth to her third child

Nadezhda decided to give birth naturally and gave up all painkillers in advance. But everything went easily, and three days later she returned home, where her older brother and sister were already waiting for her mother and newborn. Let us remember that Nadezhda Meikher is raising a 13-year-old son, Igor, whose father is a Moscow businessman. And a three-year-old daughter, Anechka, the first-born in her marriage to Mikhail Urzhumtsev.

By the way, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, the first interesting position The wife was recognized by her husband Mikhail.

He had a dream,” Nadezhda Meikher said in one of the broadcasts on the Ukrainian channel. “Misha saw my mother and his mother, who told him that I was pregnant.” The dream turned out to be “right”!

Nadezhda Granovskaya gave birth to her third child 2015

Nadezhda Granovskaya gave birth to a girl from her husband, businessman Mikhail Urzhumtsev. The baby was born in one of the clinics in Kyiv a few days ago, but this became known only now. Granovskaya has already been discharged from the maternity hospital and is with her daughter in her Kyiv apartment.

“I really became a mother, I’m already home! Everything is fine with me,” Granovskaya told the StarHit website. The artist’s husband admitted that he was very happy and assured that he accepts the most Active participation in caring for a newborn daughter. “We had a girl, very calm, but sometimes, like all children, she is capricious. Sometimes you have to stay awake at night. Now everyone is busy, we are walking, growing, learning to smile. Everything is fine with us, I'm happy. I change diapers, walk with the stroller, I get great pleasure from everything,” Urzhumtsev shared.

Nadezhda Granovskaya gave birth to her third child photo

The daughter became the third child for Nadezhda Granovskaya. The former VIA Gra soloist also has a 13-year-old son, Igor, from her first marriage and a three-year-old daughter, Anya, from her current husband, Mikhail Urzhumtsev.

Natalya Granovskaya and Mikhail Urzhumtsev got married last year. This conclusion was reached by attentive journalists who discovered on the ring finger right hand artist's wedding ring.

Nadezhda Meikher gave birth to her third child

The singer claimed that getting married was never a priority for her. “I love Misha very much and I feel that it is mutual. We feel good together, and that's the main thing. Both Misha and I are spontaneous people, we can live without a stamp in our passport, or we can instantly become legal husband and wife. This spontaneity is what makes relationships strong. He is the brain of the family, and I am the palette of emotions,” Granovskaya shared in an interview.

Former soloist"VIA Gra" Nadezhda Granovskaya became the heroine of the NTV show "Secret for a Million". Presenter Lera Kudryavtseva managed to find out the secrets from the singer’s life that she long years hid, and even forced Nadezhda to reveal the identity of the father of her first child.

It turned out to be Alexander Lishchenko, once quite famous person in the Kiev criminal world. In certain circles he had the nickname Lich.

According to Granovskaya, despite everything, she is very grateful to Alexander for her son.


“We met him on the street. He was doing something entrepreneurial activity. He immediately brought me into his social circle. But he never introduced me to the details of his activities. And he always protected me from all this,” says Nadezhda.

She also admitted that she didn’t think about marriage at all then, but wanted a child: “I don’t remember how he introduced me to everyone at first, but after a while he said: “This is my wife.” In fact, I didn’t even think about the fact that we would ever get married. In principle, I did not consider it obligatory for myself to get married. I gave birth to him because I wanted a child. It was my choice. But I still felt that this relationship would probably not last long. Alexander was not my destiny. He was not the person with whom I could connect my life...” shared Granovskaya.

For a long time the artist hid the name of the father of her first child and even deliberately introduced him by a different name.

Now her son is already 14 years old, and she rarely remembers the past.

34-year-old Nadezhda Meikher (the singer’s real name) is now married to businessman Mikhail Urzhumtsev. The couple also has two girls: four-year-old Anna and one-year-old Maria.

After some time, Alexander Lishchenko cut off all dubious connections and began political activity. He later became a member of the city council.

Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya (real name Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Meikher). Born on April 10, 1982 in the village of Zbruchivka (Volochyssky district, Khmelnitsky region, Ukrainian SSR). Ukrainian singer, actress, TV presenter, poetess. Former lead singer of the pop group VIA Gra.

Born in the Ukrainian village of Zbruchivka.

Father - Alexander Meikher.

Mother - Galina Anatolyevna Granovskaya, salesman.

Nadezhda's parents separated when Nadezhda was 4 years old. Mom and daughter went to live in the regional center of Volochisk.

While studying at school, Nadezhda was left alone - her mother went to Italy to work.

Since childhood, I have been involved in athletics, dancing, and dreamed of ballet. To fulfill her dream, Nadezhda danced 6 hours a day.

After 9th grade, in 1997, Nadezhda entered the Khmelnytsky Pedagogical School at the faculty musical education and choreography. The student was taken to the Khmelnitsky cultural center “Podolia”. After graduating from college, she taught dancing at a local cultural center.

In 2000, singer Valery Meladze came to Khmelnitsky on tour - he performed in the theater where Nadya worked. From him the girl learned that in Kyiv his brother, Konstantin, was casting for a female pop group.

Meikher immediately arranged a photo shoot for herself and sent the photo to Kyiv. After some time, the group’s producers, Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk, invited Nadezhda to a casting, which she successfully passed and became the lead singer of the VIA Gra group.

Over the course of two years, the group released several videos that took high places in the charts of Russia and Ukraine. Among these clips were “Attempt No. 5”, “Hug Me”, “Bomb”, “I Won’t Come Back”.

Via Gra - Bomb

In 2002, due to pregnancy, Nadezhda had to leave the team. For a while, her place in the group was taken by Tatyana Naynik, who later had to leave the team, since after giving birth Nadezhda returned to the trio. It took the young mother only a month to return to the team.

Nadya returned immediately to film set clip “Good morning, dad!”, when the main material had already been filmed.

Via gra - Good morning, dad!

In 2006, Nadezhda left the team.

In 2006, she tried herself on television. In 2006-2008 she was the host of the program “ Incredible stories Love" on the Ukrainian TV channel "STB".

In July 2009, Nadezhda released a collection of poems “Momentary Attraction”, the illustrations of which were her erotic photo shoot. On January 19, 2009, Nadezhda returned to the VIA Gra group, replacing Meseda Bagaudinova.

At the beginning of 2011, Nadezhda became the host of the program “Neymovirna pravda pro zirok” (“The Incredible Truth about the Stars”) on the STB channel. On November 30, 2011, Nadezhda left the team for the third time due to her second pregnancy. The singer assured that she was not going to return to the group this time, so this departure was the last for the singer. Nadezhda was the first to set a record for staying in the team - 7 years 10 months.

She took part in the second season of the show “One to One!” on the Russia 1 TV channel, where she tried on the images of Masha Rasputina, Mireille Mathieu, Elena Vaenga, Valery Leontyev, Montserrat Caballe, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Nadezhda Babkina, Patricia Kaas, Liza Minnelli, Boris Moiseev, Bonnie Tyler, Alena Sviridova and Ingrid.

On May 27, 2014, she returned to the stage as a solo performer with the single “It’s Not About the Body.” In June, the online release of the new single “Stay” took place. On October 14, 2014, the single “Tango of Return” premiered on iTunes.

Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya - Stay

IN New Year's Eve In 2015, Nadezhda reunited with, performing on the Inter TV channel in the program “Wait for Me” the song “Airports” by Leonid Agutin and Vladimir Presnyakov.

Since February 2015, she has been one of the jury members of the Ukrainian show “Sing as a Zirka.”

In June 2016, Nadezhda Meikher presented a video teaser for the play Historia de Un Amor, which premiered in Kyiv on June 21, 2016. The performance is an original art project by Nadezhda Meikher, which she prepared for two years. It featured songs in four languages ​​and original poetry by Nadezhda Meikher. Also at the performance, Nadezhda’s new original song “Bilshe Nizh Friend” was performed, the official premiere of which took place on November 15.

On May 17, 2017, on “Russian Radio” in Ukraine, she presented the song “I Sin - I Pray,” which she performed back in January 2017 in the “Secret to a Million” program.

In 2017, she was invited to the series “Nothing Happens Twice” directed by Oksana Bayrak.

The height of Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya:

On August 15, 2002, she gave birth to a son, Igor - she kept her father’s name a secret for a long time. Only at the beginning of 2017: Igor’s father is Alexander Lishchenko.

“Igor’s father’s name is Alexander Lishchenko. We met him on the street. He was engaged in some kind of entrepreneurial activity. However, he never talked about the details of his work. He always shielded me from all this. I don’t remember how he introduced me to everyone at first, but after a while time he said: “This is my wife." In fact, I didn’t even think about the fact that we would ever get married. In principle, I did not consider it obligatory for myself to get married. I gave birth to him because I wanted a child. It was mine choice. But I still felt that, for sure, this relationship would not last long. Alexander was not my destiny. He was not the person with whom I could connect my life,” Nadezhda shared.

Son Igor made his debut as an actor in the voice acting of the cartoon "Alice's Birthday" (in the Ukrainian dubbing in the role of Bolo).

In 2008, Nadezhda Granovskaya met the general director of Melon Fashion Group LLC, Mikhail Urzhumtsev. For a long time, the couple preferred not to advertise their relationship.

In 2014, they secretly got married. Later, the artist said that only the closest people knew about the celebration.

“Misha proposed to me long before, let’s say, our official wedding ceremony. And somehow we were both internally prepared for this, because we both had no experience of this. We simply, as adults, consciously came and signed at the Kiev registry office. Together! We didn’t make an epic out of it, we didn’t stage a pretentious event. The more you love, the quieter you pronounce this word - so that no one disturbs the unity of two hearts. Then they invited their closest people, relatives, friends, and in the restaurant they quietly celebrated this matter.”, - said the singer.

Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya and Mikhail Urzhumtsev

Discography of Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya(V composition of VIA Gra):

2001 - Attempt No. 5
2003 - Stop! Cut!
2003 - Biology
2004 - Stop! Stop! Stop!

(as part of VIA Gra):

2000 - “Attempt No. 5”
2000 - “Hold Me”
2001 - “Bomb”
2001 - “I won’t come back”
2002 - “Good morning, dad!”
2003 - “I didn’t understand”
2003 - “Don’t leave me, my love!”
2003 - “Don’t leave me, my love!” (space mix by YaD)"
2003 - “Don't Ever Leave Me Love”
2003 - “Kill my girlfriend”
2003 - “Till The Morning Light”
2003 - “Kill My Girlfriend / 愛の罠”
2003 - “That’s how it is”
2003 - “Ocean and Three Rivers” (together with Valery Meladze)
2003 - “Stop! Stop! Stop!”
2004 - “There is no more attraction” (together with Valery Meladze)
2004 - “Biology”
2004 - “The World I Didn’t Know About Before You / Take You Back”
2005 - “There’s nothing worse / I Don’t Want a Man” (together with TNMK)
2005 - “Diamonds”
2009 - “Anti-geisha”
2009 - “Crazy”
2010 - “Get out!”
2010 - “A Day Without You”

Video clips of Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya(solo):

2014 - “It’s not about the body”
2014 - “Tango of Return”
2015 - “Stay”
2015 - “Flame”
2016 - “Historia de Un Amor”

Filmography of Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya:

2002 - Evenings on a farm near Dikanka
2003 - Cinderella
2004 - Sorochinskaya Fair
2013 - Valery Meladze. Nobody's Fault - cameo
2014 - Do you love me? - psychologist Ilona
2018 - Nothing Happens Twice - Raisa

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