Retro Minute: How Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain met. Cobain's suicide note: Kurt despises Courtney Love Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love together

0 July 7, 2017, 22:59

Courtney Love turns 53 on July 9th. The life of a star was rich in a variety of events. But one of the most striking was the relationship with Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain. Literally everyone knew about her short marriage to the musician. Moreover, their relationship is still the subject of high-profile discussions. Already during their first meeting, it became clear that they had found each other. the site decided to remember under what circumstances they met.

By 1990, Kurt Cobain had already managed to take place as an artist. He gave concerts in many cities and continued to gain popularity. The musician managed to organize a group, which, however, broke up just a year after its creation. Creative searches led to the fact that Nirvana appeared. Debut album Bleach was released in 1989. Then no one had any doubts that the newly minted Music band waiting for success.

Cobain was able to determine the mood of the listeners very in time, which is why it was his compositions that had such a resounding success. And Courtney Love, by the way, was one of the army of Nirvana fans. She herself was actively involved in music, tried herself in different directions.

In 1990, Courtney Love managed to attend a Kurt Cobain concert. She was so delighted that she certainly wanted to meet him. By the way, the wait was not long. Their first meeting took place quite soon, albeit under very strange circumstances...

It all happened on the evening of January 12, 1990 in one of the nightclubs in Portland (Oregon). On that day, Kurt, along with the group, was preparing to present their compositions to the audience, where Love came with her friend.

Courtney saw Kurt just a few minutes before the band went on stage.

You look like David Perner

Lav burst out.

There was some truth in Courtney's phrase: the Nirvana lead singer really looked like the leader of Soul Asylum with his long hair. Except David washed his hair only once a week and looked rather untidy. Of course, such a comparison offended Kurt. But for Courtney there was only a way to get acquainted with the musician she liked. Cobain reacted very harshly and pushed Love.

It happened opposite jukebox, who played my favorite song of the rock band Living Color ... - recalled Courtney Love.

Both fell to the floor, but Courtney was quicker than Kurt. She was taller than him and much stronger physically. They almost bashed their heads in, but it was all turned into a joke. Kurt helped Love up and handed her one of his charms.

Later leader of Nirvana admitted that he immediately felt a physical attraction to the girl and wanted to get to know her better, but she left the institution very soon.

This is one version, but there is another one... Some people claim that Korni insulted Kurt with a sassy remark: she said that his songs were uninteresting. The musician became furious and attacked the girl, but the fight almost escalated into hot sex: trying to calm Courtney, Kurt passionately kissed her.

No matter how the details of that evening at the club in Portland are retold, one thing is certain - this meeting turned their lives upside down. At that time, Cobain was still in a relationship, and Korney had only recently gone through a divorce, so both, it would seem, could not have thought of having an affair with each other ...

Later more than a year, in May 1991, they crossed paths at a concert in Los Angeles. A series of speeches and constant traveling around the country did not allow the future spouses to meet earlier. But in the end, they ended up on the same platform together. And a conversation began between them. And without flirting here, of course, not done. Cobain said he lives at the Oakwood Apartments, and she lives just a few blocks from the Palladium Sports Complex.

The stars exchanged phone numbers. The lead singer of Nirvana took the first step and called Love at three in the morning ... The rest is history!


There are a huge number of people in the world who are at least partially familiar with creativity. legendary band Nirvana, as well as the tragic fate of its lead singer Kurt Cobain. It's true great person despite their hectic lifestyle. The guy had a huge talent, which he never had time to fully reveal. Worldwide popularity came to him at the age of 24, and just three years later he died. Despite such short life, he loved and was loved, but Kurt could not overcome because of which he paid the most dear - his life.

Few would have thought, but Kurt experienced all the delights of a wandering life. Perhaps that is why his talents received the expected surge. He created a group and released the first songs that the public really liked. The first album brought the group and Cobain stunning fame. This was followed by a turbulent personal life. The soloist of the Nirvana group had no end to the fans. He changed girls as quickly as he could, but over time he began to think about long-term and serious relationships that could give him something more than just fleeting intimate relationships. Soon he met the sophisticated, slightly eccentric and so beautiful Courtney Love.

Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain: A Love Story

The couple met at a Nirvana concert. Their life views coincided, and sympathy was mutual. A passionate romance quickly gained momentum and soon Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love announced that a wedding was scheduled. It is noteworthy that during the wedding ceremony, Courtney was already pregnant, but this did not bother them at all. Then they were unthinkably happy, which they told everyone in a row. The real shock was that even during pregnancy, Love was addicted to drugs. Fortunately, their daughter was born healthy and strong, which Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain were incredibly happy about.

Everyone knew that Courtney and Kurt's family was not the most exemplary due to addiction to heroin. Kurt was a loving, faithful husband and a caring father, which did not fit in the minds of the fans, because his image did not have it at all. One day, Courtney decided to give up drugs forever and save her husband from inevitable death. However, no matter how Kurt Cobain's wife Courtney Love tried to do it, all attempts were in vain. He himself knew that he was heading into the abyss, but he could not do anything. In the end, heroin won. The man was found dead on April 5, 1994.

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After the death of Kurt, Courtney Love could not find a place for herself, and was heartbroken. However, for the sake of their joint daughter, she was able to pull herself together and overcome deep suffering.

This sweet couple scandals haunted from the very beginning of their romance. A gloomy and depressive drug addict with a fine mental organization and a wild girl who was never averse to breaking away to the fullest. Kurt Cobain has millions of fans around the world. Courtney Love has millions of Kurt Cobain and a reputation so tarnished that even squeeze it.

“From the age of seven, I began to hate all of humanity as a whole”

Old sneakers and torn jeans, second-hand clothes, complete disdain for commerce and fame - that was Cobain. His hysterical vocals with a slightly nasal coloration, the depressiveness of music and lyrics hypnotized, caused a feeling of homelessness and restlessness, driving millions of fans crazy. At 24 he was famous, and at 27 he was dead.

Listening to his music, it's hard to believe what Cobain said about himself: "I was incredibly happy child. I screamed and sang all the time. I just couldn't stop in time. I was really happy." But childhood ended when his parents divorced. Kurt was just over seven years old at the time. In his suicide note, he writes: "From the age of seven, I began to hate all of humanity as a whole." The divorce severely traumatized the boy, and he withdrew into himself, becoming sullen, cynical and angry. All he wanted was to have the most ordinary family, With mother and father. But the adults didn't seem to be too interested in his desires.

When Kurt was 14 years old, Uncle Chuck gave him a guitar. Music has always attracted him, and playing the guitar has become a real outlet. Meanwhile, in the personal life of the mother, with whom he stayed to live, a series of changes took place, however, not too happy. Wendy kept hoping to find a better boyfriend than Kurt's father, but she had no luck. When her son refused to go to art college, she gave him a choice - either he is looking for a job, or he leaves home. Kurt chose the latter.

For a while, he wandered around the apartments of friends and casual acquaintances, and even briefly lived under a bridge by the river. A close acquaintance with the alternative side of life did not add to his cheerfulness and optimism, but taught him honesty. “Every day was a revelation and I learned those lessons well. Do you call Nirvana's music depressing? Not at all. It's just true to the very last note. She is an alternative to that nauseating syrup that fills the radio air. And this is its greatest value.

The success that hit Nirvana with the release of Nevermind, he commented: “I certainly could not let my ego admit that we are so big that we deserve so much attention ... I felt stupid because There are a lot of bands in the underground scene that are as good as us or better than us, but for some reason we are the only ones that get attention.” However, the disc became multi-platinum, and Cobain was called the voice of a generation.


The daughter of wealthy hippies, having received an inheritance, traveled around white light from 16 years old. And she inherited the most free views. Replacing your real name Harrison on the pseudonym Love, the girl comprehended life not by school textbooks. She learned to play the guitar, composed music and even founded the punk band The Hole (“Hole”), acted in films, loved, suffered, tried drugs and made scandals.

The first time Courtney saw Kurt was at a concert. Sympathy turned out to be mutual, outlook on life - similar. The romance was stormy and passionate. When Courtney got married, she was already pregnant with her daughter Frances. Kurt was dazzled and inspired: “Now I feel happier than ever. Finally, I found a person who is exactly like me. And it does not matter at all who it is - a man, a woman, a hermaphrodite or a donkey. The main thing is that we fit together."

They really suited each other. Outrageous and outrageous Courtney looked very advantageous next to her exquisitely depressive husband, always unshaven and badly combed. She willingly gave interviews and once, talking to a Vanity Fair correspondent, imprudently mentioned that she had always dabbled in drugs - and even during pregnancy. The fact that Kurt and Courtney, in fact, drug addicts, was no secret to anyone. But such an open statement caused a scandal, and the spouses had to explain themselves not only to the press, but also to the guardianship commission, which initiated a case to deprive them of their parental rights. However, the girl was born surprisingly strong and healthy, and the scandal was hushed up.

Kurt turned out loving husband and caring father. This did not really fit with his image, but he idolized his wife and especially little Francis. "Every time I look television show about dying children... I can't stop crying, he writes in a letter to his father. - Every day I am haunted by the thought that I can lose my child. I even get a little nervous when I take it in the car, afraid of getting into an accident.


Their life was like a volcanic eruption - they quarreled loudly, smashed furniture and smashed dishes. Friends feared that things could take a very bad turn, and in the heat of a quarrel, one day they would simply kill each other. But the darlings did not scold, they amused themselves.

By the time they met, Kurt Cobain was already taking drugs, he was tormented by bouts of bronchitis and stomach pain, he constantly smoked and looked very unhealthy. He was not too healthy child since birth. At 13, he smoked his first marijuana cigarette. Then the "heavy artillery" came up - heroin and LSD, with which he tried to drown out the unbearable pain in his stomach.

“All this grass. All that supposedly non-addictive, harmless, life-saving marijuana cigarette that damaged my nerves, ruined my memory, and made me feel like ruining the high school prom. She just never was strong enough, so I moved on,” he described his fall into drug addiction in The Diaries.

It was not possible to tie up in any way - despite all the efforts of Courtney, who decided to fight for her love at all costs. She blocked his credit cards, took money to the cent so that he would have nothing to buy another dose, slipped stacks of letters from fans who begged their idol to cope with this addiction. Once she even invited to the house full squad Nirvana, so that they persuaded, threatened, but forced Kurt to give up drugs. Everything turned out to be useless. Cobain listened attentively to his friends, and when they dispersed, he injected himself with another dose. Treatment in specialized clinics did not bring any results. Breakdowns followed one after another. At concerts, he now and then had to be pumped out and taken out of a drug coma.

He understood that he was heading into the abyss, but he could no longer do anything: “When I started taking heroin, I knew that it would be as boring as smoking marijuana, but I could no longer stop, heroin became like air!”.

His other passion was firearms- Kurt was buying more and more new guns and pistols, and Courtney lost all hope.

Go to nirvana

On April 8, 1994, an electrician came to Cobain's house to install a security system. Mr. Smith rang the doorbell several times and, surprised that no one opened it, went around the house. He was alerted by an open garage and a Volvo car parked there. Therefore, the owners must wait for him, as agreed. But there was no one in the garage. Then Smith went up the stairs to the greenhouse and there, behind the glass door, he saw a body lying motionless, a gun and a pool of blood.

The police arrived a few minutes later. The protocol from the scene was drawn up formally, no analysis of the details and no investigation was carried out. The world never knew what really happened. And the fact of Kurt's suicide is still questioned. One of the alternative versions of his departure is a premeditated murder, in which Courtney is involved. The motive is the most ancient and the most obvious: money.

After Kurt's death, Love sold the rights to 50% of his works for a round sum of $50 million. According to her, it was not a financial decision, but an “emotional” one: “He was my best friend but Kurt and I have only been married for three years and now I need my own life. I'm always a "widow" and it drives me crazy, says Love. - It's not really my money. They have been cursed from the moment I received them. I don't want Kurt Cobain to buy me shoes. I want to buy them myself!

And the last:

“All my life I have not believed the things that are written about in the history books, and most of what they taught me in school. But now I conclude that I have no right to judge anyone based only on what I read in books. I have no right to judge anything at all. That's the lesson I've learned..."

We will not judge either.

Photo: All Over Press,

Rock love stories never end well.

Rock love stories never end well. Rockers do not know how to live happily ever after, an example of this is Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love.

romantic meeting

At the time of their acquaintance, Kurt was already known as the lead singer of the increasingly popular Nirvana band. The debut album was released in 1989, and the famous single Smells Like Teen Spirit in 1991. Love was the daughter of rich hippies, traveled the world from the age of 16, played in the group Hole, moderately successful, but not up to the popularity of Nirvana.

For the first time, Kurt and Courtney saw each other in January 1990 in one of the Portland clubs and, according to legend, ... got into a fight. Courtney made a rude comment about his appearance, in her understanding it was flirting, but not in his. Cobain did not remain in debt and pushed the offender to the floor.

“Everything was happening in front of the jukebox, my favorite song from Living Color was playing, and beer was spilled on the floor,” Courtney later recalled this romantic moment.

A few months after such a bright acquaintance, Courtney confessed to their mutual friend, Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl, that she was in love with Kurt, and Dave became their "cupid".

They met again at a concert in May 1991, then talked for hours on the phone. Both were children of divorced parents, had difficulty communicating with other people and took drugs.

Despite such a number of "common themes", they did not immediately converge. By that time, the fans had already made Kurt their idol, the journalists labeled the “voice of a generation”. Cobain was not too happy about the fallen popularity. And he got his friends talking about Courtney: “I met the coolest girl in the world!” The next time they saw each other only five months later.


February 24, 1992 Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love got married. The wedding took place in Hawaii, on the beach of Waikiki. Only a few friends attended the modest ceremony.

The groom wore checkered flannel pajamas, and the bride wore a dress once owned by Frances Farmer, the Golden Age Hollywood actress best known for her scandalous and tragic fate than roles.

On the day of the wedding, Courtney was already pregnant, on August 18, 1992, the couple had a daughter, Francis Bean (Bean - English “bean”, as the father called the girl when he first saw it on an ultrasound).

Kurt loved his daughter very much, in one of the interviews he admitted: “I knew that when I had a child, everything would change, and this is true. I can't tell you how my life changed when we got Frances. When you hold a child in your arms, you feel that this is the best drug in the world.

"The best", but not the only one. The birth of a child was accompanied by a scandal. By that time, journalists already knew about drug addiction Nirvana frontman added fuel to the fire and Courtney's statement that she took drugs during pregnancy. An investigation began, and the young parents barely managed to regain custody of their daughter.

27 year old club

Perhaps no less has been written about the death of Kurt Cobain than about the duel between Pushkin and Dantes, but the controversy is still ongoing. His body was found on April 8, 1994. Official version- suicide. He died from a shot in the head, the gun was found in the same place, next to it is a suicide note.

The singer's body was cremated. Courtney, a practicing Buddhist, donated some of the ashes to make ritual tsatsa figurines (in the Buddhist tradition, the ashes of people considered holy are added to clay to help them be reborn). Courtney kept some of the ashes and a strand of her husband's hair for herself.

The official version of death quickly gained supporters and opponents. According to the unofficial version, Courtney was the culprit.

They were very different: the closed and unsociable Cobain and the quick-tempered, violent Courtney. It is not surprising that the label in the spirit of Lennon and Ono quickly stuck to the couple. The insidious harpy Courtney lured the humble rocker into a trap - such was the common belief. Close friends, however, did not think so - Kurt was very difficult to push around.

rocker's widow

Cobain started smoking marijuana while still in school, then switched to heroin to numb the stomach pains he suffered from. long years. Courtney, who at first also did not deny herself a dose or two, at some point tried to stop her husband, who got bogged down more and more. More and more drugs were required, depression became deeper.

Shortly before the singer's death, Love placed him in a rehabilitation clinic, from where he escaped. Courtney hired a private detective to search, then blocked her credit card so Kurt couldn't buy a hit.

Later, this detective became one of the supporters of the version of the murder, which Courtney called the customer. The motive for the crime was the most unromantic - money. Cobain and Love have been constantly at odds in recent months and have started talking about a divorce that would see Kourtney get only a million of her husband's money instead of the thirty she got as a widow.

But further documentaries and this conspiracy theory did not go to books. Kurt's relatives did not support this idea, knowing his character and state of mind at the time of death, in addition to big family Cobain had several suicides.

A year after her husband's death, in a TV interview, Courtney tearfully denied all accusations against her, but admitted that she blamed herself, referring to the clinic and card blocking that forced Kurt to go on the run. "I shouldn't have interfered, I shouldn't," she repeated.

20 years later

Courtney Love is now 51 years old. During all these years, she continued to shock the public and make scandals. They say that in 1995, at the Oscar ceremony, the singer tried to beat a journalist who once wrote that she took drugs during pregnancy, and Courtney tried to do this with a statuette of Tarantino himself (and he doesn’t have many awards) .

Music scene she also doesn’t think about leaving yet, sometimes she acts in films, in the 90s she played with Milos Forman in the films The People vs. Larry Flynt and The Man in the Moon, and now she can be seen in episodic roles series "Sons of Anarchy" and "Empire".

As for the relationship with her daughter, they are not the easiest for Courtney - in 2009, she received an injunction on the right to approach Frances Bean. And recently, the girl secretly married, which greatly upset her mother.

Periodically there are rumors about new fans of Courtney, but none of them could take Kurt's place in her heart. In August of this year, on her daughter's birthday, she posted an old family photo on her Instagram account, captioning it: “I am so sad. Our child is already quite big. God, Kurt, look at her face, what were you thinking?.. I miss you, we all miss you.”

Great love stories: Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love. Scandals haunted this sweet couple from the very beginning of their romance. A gloomy and depressive drug addict with a fine mental organization and a wild girl who never mind to break away to the fullest. Kurt Cobain has millions of fans around the world. Courtney Love has millions of Kurt Cobain and a reputation so tarnished that even squeeze it. Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love. The most beautiful story love in the history of rock. One evening, Kourtney went to the Dharma Bums concert at the Satyricon. Nirvana was the opening act. Behind his good looks - stringy blond hair, growling vocals and touring grime - the vocalist was surprisingly handsome - the kind of guy you could hang on a keychain bracelet. However, she was unimpressed by their concert and dismissed them as "love rockers from Olympia". When Kurt Cobain walked past her table after the concert, he glared at her, and Courtney looked back at him. He pulled up a chair and poured himself a beer from her pitcher, those crazy blue Charlie Manson eyes still focused on her. “I thought she looked like Nancy Spungen,” Kurt later said. - She looked like a classic punk rock dude. I actually felt that she attracted me. Probably wanted to fuck her that night, but she left." In the winter of 1990, Courtney began long phone conversations with Dave Grohl, the Nirvana drummer and one of Jennifer Finch's pals. During one of their conversations, Courtney let slip that she had a crush on Kurt, whom she nicknamed "Pixie Meat"*. Dave told Courtney that Kurt liked her too, and that Kurt was suffering from a recent breakup with his girlfriend, Bikini Kill drummer Toby Vail. “I was definitely looking for someone I could spend quite a few years with,” Kurt told Michael Azerrad, author of the most complete history"Nirvana" "Come As You Are." “I wanted that kind of security, and I knew it didn't happen with Toby. I'm just tired of not finding the right pair. I've been searching all my life. I was just tired of trying to get a girlfriend, with whom I knew I would end up spending no more than a few months. I've always been old-fashioned in that regard. I wish I could just play this field, but I've always wanted more than that." Tracey Marander was "not artistic enough" for him. Toby Vale was only twenty-one years old, too young to think of settling down. Reassured by this breakup and Dave's revelation, she put together a special package for Dave to give to Kurt. It's no secret that it was a heart-shaped box. But Kurt didn't answer her. They met at a concert and Courtney punched him in the stomach, Kurt didn't owe him a favor. Then it turned out that they live only two blocks from each other. The next time Kurt called her at 6am, Courtney kicked Eric out by telling him to "go away because there's a pixie-meet here". Subsequently, Kurt stated that it was the best sex in his life. Then they met again, Courtney was going through a breakup with Billy Corgan and went to Nirvana. they got drunk, then Dave and Kurt shared housing, but Grol had to give in and go to sleep with the sound engineer, as this couple made very noisy love. Then, they began to live together. Courtney learned that she was pregnant and decided to finally stop using drugs. But at the wrong time, one impudent journalist came across, because of which a lot of problems will begin. Courtney and Kurt got married in Hawaii when she was three months pregnant. Then they tried to get Francis back. Lawsuits, Heroin, separation from his daughter, stomach pain, Courtney getting into a row over drugs, all this began to get on Kurt's nerves. After escaping from the blade, in April 1994, the last shot was fired in the Cobain house ...

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