You can draw a May Little Pony. How to draw My Little Pony My Little Pony

Welcome to the next lesson. Today's lesson will be devoted to drawing ponies from the cartoon “Friendship is a Miracle.” The pony will stand with its left hoof raised and its head turned slightly back. So, let's go.

Step 1. Let's take a closer look at how to draw the head of the pony from “Friendship is Magic.” Overall the head is round when viewed from the side. If you look at the head from the front or back, it will already be slightly oval. The eyes are located low on the muzzle and close to each other. The ear line continues almost along the back of the head.

Step 2. Here is another example of drawing a head. The head is larger here due to the nose, the sketch of which looks square. This is typical for female ponies. The eyes are a little smaller here.

Step 3. There are eyes too various forms and styles. Different positions of the iris may show different look your pony from Friendship is Magic.

Step 4. A pony's mouth can also express different emotions. Here is an example of a mouth from cheerful and happy to sad and angry.

Step 5. A special feature of our pony is its horn. The horn is located in the middle of the unicorn's forehead.

Step 6. If you draw the wings of a pony, you get a pegasus. Here are some examples of wings. Here the wings are folded and open, going up and down. Notice how the feathers are arranged in the wing. The second feather is always the longest.

Step 7 The wing should start approximately at the pony's shoulder, as shown in the picture.

Step 8 Let's move on to the legs. The legs are one of the most difficult elements in this drawing. Since, if you get confused with drawing at least one of the legs, you can ruin the entire drawing. Here you need to make sure that all the legs are the right length, and all the joints are in the right place. If the pony's legs are compared with human arms and legs, we get the following:
1 – this will be the shoulder/hip;
2 – knee/elbow;
3 – ankle or wrist;
4 – sock.

Step 9 Check out some examples of how to draw the front legs.

Step 10 And for one thing, an example of drawing the hind legs.

Step 11 Here are three hoof styles for ponies. A simple style that is most often found in cartoons. The second is a small hoof. And the third is a furry hoof.

Step 12 It's time to discuss the mane. Any mane will look great on our pony. But to prevent the mane from looking roughly stuck to the head, you just need to add volume to it (the mane).

Step 13 A pony's tail begins where the tailbone ends. The tail will be narrow at the beginning, and then it expands, transforming into the shape we need.

Step 14 Drawing fashionable clothes on the Friendship is Magic pony with a pencil can be a lot of fun. However, it is difficult in its own way. You need to understand how clothes correspond to the lines of the chest, waist and hips. For example, the skirt will start from the back. Its length depends on the height and volume of the tail.

Step 15 Now let's take a step-by-step look at how to draw a pony from “Friendship is Magic.” Let's draw three circles. The top one is for the head. And the lower ones are for the shoulders and hips. Let's connect the circles with a line to show the location of the body. Using cross lines we outline the location of the muzzle.

Step 16 Let's draw the pony's mouth and nose.

Step 17 Let's add eyes, horn and ears.

Step 18 We draw lines with a pencil from the head to the body, this will be the neck.

Step 19 Draw the front legs. One leg will be raised.

Step 20. Select the back and outline the back of the body.

Step 21 Now let's draw the back leg, which is located on our side

Step 22 We draw the second hind leg in such a way that the pony has a cheerful pose.

Step 23 Add a fluffy tail.

Step 24 The mane will be styled like a tail.

Step 25 Adding some aesthetic elements. Let's draw earrings in the ear, add a microphone, a decorative mark on the hip, and bracelets on the legs. The result is such a pop singer.

Step 26 Now we have come to the last step. Erase the extra pencil lines with an eraser and trace the drawing.

When painted, the pony looks even more fun.

All! We mastered this great lesson. But now we know how to draw a pony from Friendship is a Miracle. And thanks to the first steps of the lesson, you will be able to draw a cartoon character in various poses and views, which will undoubtedly diversify your drawings based on your favorite cartoon.

And for those who like to watch how to draw a pony with a pencil from the cartoon “Friendship is Magic”, here is a short video lesson

Worldwide famous animated series My Little Pony has gained an army of fans among both children and adults around the world. The cartoon tells us about the life of little ponies in the wonderful country of Equestria. Incredibly cute and mischievous horses set an example of true friendship, kindness, miracles and magic. Each character in this cartoon is unique, each New episode talks about adventures and events in magical land, attracting the attention of the child and his parents. And, of course, after watching, many people wonder how to draw a pony.

Drawing these cartoon characters– an incredibly exciting process for both children and adults. We have prepared a simple lesson for you that will teach you how to draw ponies on paper as similar as possible to the original characters.

First, decide on the pony hero you want to draw: Pinkie Pie Pony, Rainbow Pony, Apple Jack. Or maybe you'd like to start with Princess Sparkle?

One way or another, at the first stage you need to understand the anatomy of the pony. Some characters have wings, others are unicorns, even the ponies' manes are combed differently.

It is very important to know the characteristics of each character: look carefully at the horses, trying to catch character traits, this will greatly facilitate the drawing process.

Cheerful ponies do not tolerate boredom and pale colors, so stock up on bright pencils and a good mood.

What you need for drawing

Have pencils and a good eraser ready, as you may need to erase and adjust lines frequently. Stock up on several sheets of paper; be sure to use one sheet as a rough draft, on which you will test the thickness of the lines and check the sharpness of the “tools.”

Choose a pencil with which you will draw the outline of the horse; it should not be too bright and must be erased well with an eraser. Be prepared to adjust the sketch frequently, so the elastic should erase well and not leave marks.

Rainbow ponies can be colored with both colored pencils and wax crayons and felt-tip pens. Or maybe you would like to paint funny horses with bright colors? watercolor paints or gouache.

Drawing Instructions

The very first and important point- this is drawing in a well-lit place, take your time and enjoy the process. Before you start using bright colors, draw a sketch of the future design with a simple pencil. Now let's move on directly to the general algorithm and each character.

General instructions

All the heroes of the cartoon of the same name are united by the fact that they are all ponies, which means that once you learn to draw one small horse, depicting the rest of the heroes will not be difficult for you. You should start drawing horses step by step, based on our instructions and advice.

  1. Step one: try on the future size of the horse on a sheet of paper, try to imagine the pose and location of the pony on paper as clearly as possible.
  2. If you carefully examine the pony, you will notice that the horse almost entirely consists of several ovals. In order to get the pony's head, you need to draw one oval at the top of the sheet, leaving room for the subsequent voluminous mane.
  3. The pony's eyes are also ovals, and the hips are the same geometric figures, but located vertically.
  4. A little lower, horizontally, place another oval bigger size, this will be the body of the horse. The smooth connection of these two ovals forms the pony's neck. There is no need to draw the ovals too far apart from each other, so as not to disturb the anatomy with an overly long neck.
  5. Then we will form the muzzle. All ponies have a small nose and bright, expressive oval eyes that occupy about half of the muzzle. Draw the pointed tips of the ears.

The front hooves of all ponies are located clearly under the muzzle; be sure to take this fact into account when drawing a character.

Drawing the Rainbow pony is quite simple if you already know how to draw a horse from the above description.

Pony Rainbow is distinguished from other characters by her voluminous rainbow mane, the same rainbow tail and wings. The Rainbow itself is colored sky blue.

Rainbow's bangs are not as neat as those of the other characters. A slightly disheveled hairstyle well shows the character of an active and restless horse. Color your eyes purple.

This horse is a unicorn, so when drawing the oval head, immediately determine the location of the future horn.

Rarity has a curly mane, and the character also has a special mark on her thigh - 3 blue crystals, because she has the ability to find these stones.

Rarity is colored white and her mane is bright purple. The pony's eyes are blue with very expressive and long eyelashes.

Pony Sparkle, like Rarity, is a unicorn, but Princess Sparkle's bangs are straight, her tail ends in a neat horizontal line, as if the horse had just been taken to the hairdresser.

Twilight herself is a soft purple color, and her dark blue mane and tail have distinct pink and purple stripes.

The final stage of drawing: on Sparkle’s hip, draw 4 small stars and one large one.

When drawing Flattershy, pay attention to the fact that this horse has wings and a very voluminous mane and tail. Therefore, when drawing the mane, allow enough space for the wing and other attributes.

Color Flattershy herself yellow, and her mane and tail pale pink. Draw 3 small butterflies on the horse’s hip. Notice that this one has eyes magical character green.

Draw a pony blank using the algorithms described above. Pinkie Pie is characterized by a bright pink curly mane, large blue eyes, and draw a 3 on her hip. balloon– a distinctive sign of this cheerful and bright cartoon character.

Pony Apple Jack

Draw a sketch of the pony as described in general algorithm. The Apple Jack pony wears a brown cowboy hat, and the horse's mane and tail are tied at the ends with an elastic band.

Color the Apple Jack orange, draw 3 small neat apples on the thigh. Shade the eyes green and the mane yellow.


We hope that by following our instructions you will learn how to draw little ponies. If you wish, you can even draw them on the wall, using the image of your favorite characters when decorating various children's events or just to lift your spirits, because, looking at cute little horses, it is impossible not to smile!

Once you master the process of drawing these horses, you can create new illustrations and stories yourself! Supplement the pictures with new elements, use the entire palette of colors, give free rein to your imagination, and the drawing will delight not only you, but also those around you. And children who draw a pony according to these instructions will happily show their picture and be proud of the work done.

Learning to draw your favorite cartoon characters is an exciting pastime for a person of absolutely any age. It will definitely cheer up both adults and children.

Many children watch cartoons about charming ponies and then often ask their parents to draw such an animal for them. Those who are older try to do it on their own. But often both parents and children fail or don’t know where to start. How to draw a pony Rainbow? In fact, there is nothing complicated. Following step by step instructions, you can easily draw a cute horse.

Let's start from the head

How to draw a pony Rainbow step by step? Draw in the top right corner album sheet small oval. This will be the pony's head. Try not to press too hard on the pencil. Don't worry if the oval isn't perfect - it's okay.

Inside the oval, draw two lines - one horizontal, the other vertical. First, draw a vertical line, then mentally divide the sphere into four parts and draw a horizontal encircling line in the lower quarter. These lines will help you draw the pony's face.

Above the horizontal line, draw two ovals that reach half the height of the sphere. These will be your pony's eyes.

Drawing the torso

Just below the head, outline the outline of the body - another oval, only elongated horizontally.

How to draw the Rainbow pony at the next stage? You need to connect the head and body. To do this, draw two slightly curved lines from the head to the torso. Don't try to make them straight - the pony will look unnatural.

Drawing a tail, legs, wings

Now you need to draw the horse’s legs and tail.

From the torso, draw two curved lines. Please note that they should be as long as the neck along with the body. On the left side of the horse's torso, draw a wavy line - this will be the tail.

Now on the upper body, between the neck and tail, draw a curved line, similar to an upside-down horseshoe or an upside-down U. This is a sketch of a wing.

During all the manipulations you should end up with a drawing like this.

This is the basic model of the future horse.

Drawing an ear, bangs, mane

How to draw a pony Rainbow ear? To do this, on the left side of the head, slightly going inside the oval, draw an inverted English letter V and a small line inside it.

All ponies have bangs. So that your horse has it too, start drawing from the ear, slightly protruding beyond the oval of the head. The bangs should cover part of the right eye and be a little spiky.

Now the mane. It should start from the bottom edge of the ear, extend slightly onto the muzzle and occupy approximately half of the neck. Don't forget about the "spikes".

Drawing a face

It's time to work on the pony's eyes. Inside the left eye, draw two more ovals, one inside the other. Mark two small spots on the “pupil” and, excluding them, paint over it. Draw three small eyelashes. Repeat the same steps with the right eye, except for the eyelashes - they are not visible because of the bangs.

Something is missing... How to draw a pony Rainbow nose? From below, from the right eye, draw a small line beyond the oval of the head and connect it to the left side of the head. Draw a nostril and a smile.

We design the wings, legs, tail

Let's return to your pony's wing. Draw 4 “petals” to the sketch, and from the far left make a small curl extending onto the body.

Inside the wing, draw two more “petals” and a curl.

Now let's get back to the legs. Start drawing the pony's front legs from the top, gradually expanding them downwards.

Repeat the same with the hind legs. Add a small corner at the top of the horse's left leg.

In this tutorial I decided to draw several characters from Equestria together. If you want, I can also make them together with other animals: zebras, buffaloes, dragons, manticores and everyone else who still lives in the world of ponies. Write to me about it in the comments. Now watch my drawing lesson:

How to draw Friendship is a Miracle with a pencil step by step

Step one. Ponies are round, so I start drawing with circles. Each circle represents the head and we also use lines to show the body and tail of the pony.
Step two. Now I depict the pony’s eyes in these circles. They are big enough. Usually big eyes are typical for the anime style, but in the cartoon Friendship is Miracle, the little ones also have big and beautiful eyes. Another important point is the hairstyle. A distinctive feature of ponies is not only their special signs, but also their hairstyle, or mane, it’s better to say.
Step three. Now I’ll draw the torsos in detail and paint over the eyes. To make the ponies seem cuter, you need to add a highlight to the eyes. Remember that the highlights should be on one side.
Step four. The drawing of a pony from the cartoon Friendship is Magic is almost ready. All that remains is to add shadows. I don’t color my drawings, I only shade them. Therefore, if you want, you can skip this step, take colored pencils, paints or markers and color each pony.
Thank you for watching my lesson. I'm sure if you all followed me, then you got some good pony drawings. You can send your drawings below under this lesson. And you can leave comments there. And check out my other lessons about ponies, they are even better.

IN Lately The cartoon “Friendship is a Miracle” has become truly popular. And not only among children, but also among adults. Therefore, it is not surprising that everyone more people begin to be interested in how to draw Rarity's pony. It can be difficult to portray a character on your own, but if you follow step by step plan, then the problem is significantly simplified.

This lesson is suitable not only for girls, as it might seem at first glance. It can be used by any fan of this cartoon, as well as by a person who simply wants to learn how to draw something else. It is recommended to consistently follow all the recommendations indicated in the article so that the result turns out really good.

  • sit comfortably at the table, preferably on a chair with a back;
  • set the lighting so that it falls from the left side;
  • A4 sheet, although you can draw on a regular notebook sheet if that’s more convenient for you;
  • prepare a couple simple pencils, as well as an eraser and sharpener;
  • find about thirty minutes of free time (preferably without anyone distracting you).

And now that everything is ready, we can take a closer look at the process itself. It is as simple as possible and even a novice artist can handle it.

Rarity or Rarity is truly stylish, well-groomed and beautiful pony-a unicorn who has refined manners. She is the owner of the store indeed fashionable clothes in Ponyville. She is not only an excellent fashion designer, but also good designer. Using her magic, Rarity can find gems.

She has a body white, tail and mane are purple. They are always perfectly styled and look as attractive as possible. Distinctive feature Rarity can be called three sparkling blue diamonds. Overall, this is a very cute pony that every My Little Pony fan will want to draw.

Reference figures and head lines

First, draw a circle in the upper right corner. It is she who will set the tone for the entire picture. Don’t try to make it perfectly even; after a while, its shape will have to be changed. If you have just started learning to draw, you can make a couple of corrections, but it is better to do without them at all.

Next, you need to create an intersection of two lines. One of them should be vertical and should be closer to the right edge, and the second should be horizontal and should be drawn as low as possible. Make sure the lines are curved. You could do something similar if you took a lesson on that one on our website. As a result, you should have an intersection.

The bottom line defines the border of the eyes. Since in the cartoon “Friendship is Magic” the characters have big eyes, we will also keep up with this trend. In the upper left part, draw an ellipse, elongated vertically. In the upper right part, draw the same circle, but slightly smaller and narrower. It is necessary that the drawing looks correct and complies with the laws of perspective.

Now we need to set the basis for the ears and horns of our pony. Since we are considering how to draw a pony Rarity with a pencil, it is better to make the lines thin and barely noticeable. This will allow you to erase inaccurate contours in the future without any consequences. Draw two triangles with rounded corners. In this case, one should be on the left and directed upward, and the second should be closer to the center and directed to the right. This is also explained by the laws of perspective.

Body base

Find the intersection point of the vertical line and the reference circle. Step back a little down and to the left. This will be the right edge of the new reference circle. Draw it slightly elongated in the horizontal plane. Imagine that you need to draw a rectangle and inscribe a circle inside it. This is the base for Rarity's torso.

Next you need to draw the neck. Ponies are small horses, so their necks need to be proportionate. As you know, horses have quite long ones. Therefore, we draw curved lines. One should start from the top center and go almost vertically, and the second should be from the bottom right and have a curved shape. Something similar was discussed in the lesson dedicated to.

Next, you need to set guidelines for the tail and legs. In the cartoon "Friendship is Magic", the ponies have very long tails, so we draw a curved line. It should fall to the height of two torsos. You should also mark the position of your legs. Let them be bent in front and remain straight in the back. Although, if you wish, you can draw them the way you want. This concludes the part of the lesson on how to draw the pony Rarity from My Little Pony and it’s time for drawing.

Drawing the head

Based on the circle, draw the lower part of the head in the form of a short arc. Its continuation will be the outer part of the nose. Make sure it doesn't rise too high. Next, round it and point it towards the circles for the eyes. You should also add the lower part of the nose and make it parallel to the upper one. At the end, add a dot to indicate protrusion and add volume.

I remember when I was just learning to draw, I really liked to redraw various cartoon characters. I still enjoy doing this, although I draw from memory and try to come up with some unusual pose for them or create a plot. If you are just starting to learn, then try to do the same. And on our website you can find excellent help in the form detailed lessons. In order not to miss a single one, subscribe to updates.

Rarity is a very pretty pony, so we'll portray her as a little flirty. To do this, she needs to slightly close her eyes and draw eyelashes. Based on the reference circles, draw the lower boundaries of the eyes. Then draw horizontal lines from them. They can protrude slightly to create the effect of arrows. At the end draw some eyelashes. In doing so, make sure that:

  1. There weren't too many of them.
  2. They were directed in the direction of the lines.
  3. On the right eye they could slightly extend beyond the boundaries of the picture.
  4. They tapered towards the end.

Even though the pony's eyes are half-closed, the eyelids are still worth drawing. This is the peculiarity of drawing My Little Pony. Since we are talking about how to draw the pony Rarity, we will do the same. Now you need to draw the pupil. Its outer edge should cut off a small part on the right. Back off a small distance and then draw another curve. Leave two large circles for highlights and shade the rest. Repeat the same steps with the other eye.

The next step is the horn. Previously we drew a reference curve for this element. Now we need to draw it more carefully. First of all, it must have an elongated pyramidal shape. Do not cover the bottom borders as the horn grows from the head. Then use several semicircles to mark the unevenness. In principle, this will be enough.

Did you know that the series “Friendship is Magic” was first shown on October 10, 2011. Since then, every year new seasons of this interesting and very fascinating cartoon. Thanks to the bright graphics and unusual plot, this series has appealed to many people and is watched not only by children, but also by adults.

Next you need to finish drawing the head. Draw a short line from the border of the right eye to the horn. Then along the supporting circle to the ear. There you need to draw an elongated triangle with a rounded top. In this case, the lower boundary will also serve as the reference circle. From the bottom border of the ear, draw a curve that will smoothly go into the neck. At the end, add a stroke outlining the border of the ears.

Magnificent mane

Now it's time to draw the mane or hair, whichever is more convenient for you. To do this, you need to draw a line from the horn along an arc. Then draw the same line from the middle of the head, only larger and they should connect in one place. From the top border of the ear, draw a line to the right strand. The last part should fall to the shoulder and be shaped like a drop. Since we're showing you how to draw Rarity, you can use a simple cartoon style.

Next you need to draw curls. Let's start with the top one. Draw a curved line from the middle of the upper arc to the head. Then, from the end of the previous strand, lower a short curve. Connect everything from below and get the base. Next, outline the outer boundaries of the curl in a semicircle. Add two curved rectangles in the center. Make sure they are behind the last strand of your mane.

Repeat a similar procedure for the second curl. However, note that here the strand looks more like an outwardly curved rectangle. Otherwise, everything must be done the same, only in the vertical plane. By the way, several lessons on how to draw hair so that it looks realistic and beautiful will soon appear on our website. If you don't want to miss them, be sure to subscribe to updates.

Drawing the body

First of all, you need to draw the legs of our pony. First, let's draw the front right one. To do this, draw a horizontal line from the body to the right. Step back a little from the beginning and draw a short vertical line. Then you need to draw a long arc so that its end coincides with the beginning line. Draw a vertical arc to the left and end the leg with a short swoosh indicating the bend of the knee. To draw the left leg, just draw two straight vertical lines and connect them with an arc.

Since we are talking in detail about how to draw Rareli's pony, let's look at the process of drawing the hind legs. They should shoot forward, that is, they need to create a bend to the outside. Also keep in mind that the right leg connects to the torso with a slight extension. At the back you need to complete the drawing with a short horizontal line. Do the same with the other leg.

Now you can draw the torso. Draw a short arc between the legs to indicate the abdomen. The back of the body should run vertically and then smoothly transition into the back. From the front, draw an arc all the way to the head. The more smoothly and evenly it is drawn, the better.

Now it's the tail's turn. Based on the reference line, draw an outer outline that goes down to the middle of the back right leg. Then draw a vertical line to indicate the boundaries of the tail. Next, you will need to draw an arc from the outer contour to the end of the vertical line. Then add volume to the design by finishing it with a short arc from the inside.

At the end you can draw a few curls. It has already been described how to do this correctly. You can simply repeat what is drawn in the image. While you don't have to do everything the same way, the more creative your approach, the better and more interesting.

What to do next?

If you did everything correctly, then in the end you should get something like this. You can leave everything as is, but I recommend getting rid of all the reference lines. Firstly, this will make the drawing truly complete. Secondly, you can color it in different ways. I got something like this.

How to decorate Rareli's pony? Here it is worth relying on the cartoon. There she has purple hair and lavender skin. Rareli also has 3 characteristic crystals on his torso. If you want everything to look like in the cartoon, you can add them too. This is what I ended up with, but you can get creative and create something interesting.

If you still have any questions about how to draw a Rareli pony, feel free to ask them in the comments. You can also write your wishes and messages there. Don't forget to subscribe to updates to always be aware of the latest lessons and not miss anything important. I hope this material helps you. Bye!

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