Husband of Channel 1 announcer Ekaterina Andreeva. Ekaterina Andreeva - biography, photo, personal life of the presenter. Difficult responsibilities and undoubted talent

TV presenter Ekaterina Sergeevna Andreeva is a well-known journalist from Channel 1, without whom it is impossible to imagine a news release. She has been running this information program for twenty years.

This beautiful and impressive woman, who does not look her age in her passport, not only talented journalist and an actress, but also a wonderful wife and mother. This beauty is also quite a lucky person, to whom fate often throws pleasant surprises.

Ekaterina often admits that she absolutely loves being the first to know the news and sharing it with other people.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Andreeva

Currently, the leaders in the line of queries for the tag Ekaterina Andreeva are questions that clarify her height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Andreeva? This is the next most popular query, since no one gives the age of a TV presenter more than thirty years.

Ekaterina Andreeva was born back in 1961, so she was already fully fifty-five years old. For many of her fans, this information may come as a shock, since the TV presenter looks incredibly beautiful.

According to the zodiac sign, Andreeva is a reasonable, practical, strong-willed and diplomatic Sagittarius, who breaks stereotypes and achieves everything on her own. By eastern horoscope the woman is a conservative, stubborn and persistent Ox.

Andreeva’s height is one meter and eighty centimeters, and her weight currently remains at 67 kilograms. This weight is a small victory for the TV presenter, who is constantly struggling with excess weight.

Biography of Ekaterina Andreeva - presenter of Channel 1

Katyusha was born in November 1961 in the capital. She was a thin and sickly child. The little girl lived not far from the Spasskaya Tower and told everyone that she lived in the Kremlin. IN kindergarten everyone considered her an incorrigible liar and a dreamer.

IN school years I started playing sports, including basketball. For a long time I studied at a school where they trained athletes for the Olympic reserve.

The girl decided to connect her life with the protection of human rights, so after school she entered the VYUZI in the correspondence department. She completed her pre-graduation internship in the department of the Prosecutor General's Office, which oversaw the criminogenic Stavropol and Krasnodar region. During practice, young Katya was almost killed when she returned home from an investigative experiment. Only slept with a girl Lucky case and fast response.

After some time, the girl radically changed her life; she transferred to the history department. And then I decided to get a second one higher education, entering the capital's pedagogical institute. She became the author of a dissertation that covered Nuremberg trial.

Biography of Ekaterina Andreeva - presenter of Channel 1 in the Maldives photo

This was not enough for her, Katya went to courses for television and radio presenters. Talented girl impressed the famous announcer Igor Kirillov, who undertook to teach her the skill individually. The television meter was struck by a calm and even somewhat cold look, with whom the girl appeared on the screen. Kirillov believed that he could be useful for the host of a news block, in which any news must be reported with an equanimity.

The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva as a presenter was closely connected with the Ostankino shopping and entertainment complex. In 1991, she was the first face of a television program with which thousands of Russians woke up. Since 1995, the channel changed its name to ORT and entrusted Andreeva with hosting news and a program about cars. She could have appeared on the screens earlier, but she categorically refused to appear on the screen with the news about the hostage-taking in Budennovsk.

Since 1998, Ekaterina has been the permanent anchor of news broadcasts and has acted in films. She appears in such works as “In the Mirror of Venus”, “Fiend of Hell”, “First Ambulance”, “Personal Number”, and her image is often used in the parody show “Cartoon of Personality”. By the way, Catherine is very superstitious, so she flatly refused to star in the cult series “The Master and Margarita.”

Biography of Ekaterina Andreeva - presenter of Channel 1 photo

Ekaterina Andreeva several times admitted herself beautiful TV presenter Russia and was awarded the Order of Friendship. In 2010 she made it to the top of the most popular presenters, and in 2014 she found herself out of favor with the Ukrainian government for truthful coverage of events in Donbass.

A woman loves to go shopping, but not ordinary, but antique. She knows how to distinguish a fake from a real thing and is not ashamed to bargain to the last.

Ekaterina will never trust stylists to prepare for the broadcast. She chooses her own clothes, puts on makeup and does her hair before the broadcast. Andreeva believes that she is most suitable for a presenter business style.

Recently, news spread across the Internet that TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva left Channel One. However, to the delight of her fans, this news turned out to be just a ridiculous rumor. The woman just went on another vacation. Ekaterina jokes that she can’t leave the channel because gossips they immediately kick her out or simply send her to a well-deserved rest.

Personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva

The personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva is not often advertised, since the woman does not like to open her soul to either fans or spiteful critics. As a matter of principle, she does not mention the names of her fans in interviews. No one knows the name of her first husband, from whom the famous TV presenter once had a daughter. Also, no one knows the reasons for the separation married couple and whether they were legally married or not.

No matter how carefully her personal life is hidden from fans, they admire Katerina’s ability to combine family life and career.

Ekaterina Andreeva spends her holidays in the Maldives, as she is an experienced traveler. She loves to scuba dive and share details of her vacation with fans. The TV presenter always spends her holidays in the Maldives with her beloved husband.

Family of Ekaterina Andreeva

Ekaterina Andreeva’s family is her support, support and main wealth in life. For the sake of her loved ones, a woman is ready to sacrifice her work on television and her career.

Catherine's father - Sergei Alexandrovich - had weight in public and political life country, since he worked as Deputy Chairman of the State Supply Soviet Union. He was rarely at home and took raising his children quite seriously. Unfortunately, Sergei Andreev is no longer alive.

The TV presenter’s mother, Tatyana Ivanovna, did not work; she kept house and raised her daughters.

Sveta's younger sister was born in 1969, she graduated from Moscow State University. Currently, the woman works as an editor at the Vremya news program.

Children of Ekaterina Andreeva

The children of Ekaterina Andreeva are her main wealth. The woman believes that any, even the most dizzying career, should not become an obstacle to communication with family and children.

The famous TV presenter still has few children, namely, her beloved daughter, who, by the way, is very similar to her star mother in both character and appearance. She is persistent, incredibly beautiful and confident.

Catherine is happy in her second marriage and really wants to give birth to an heir to her chosen one. However, this is not yet possible for reasons that do not depend on the married couple.

Daughter of Ekaterina Andreeva - Natalya Andreeva

The daughter of Ekaterina Andreeva, Natalya Andreeva, was born in 1982. The girl’s father is unknown, and it is also unclear whether Natalya communicates with him or not. She followed in her mother's footsteps, graduating from the law faculty of the prestigious MGIMO.

The girl amazes everyone with her beauty and generosity. She became a volunteer while still studying in higher education. Natalya became interested in charitable projects on a global scale, in which she was quite successful.

She loves her mother and respects her work, but she is in no hurry to become a television presenter.

Ekaterina Andreeva and her daughter photos on the Internet look more like girlfriends than mother and daughter. They are beautiful, graceful and self-sufficient, which makes many people curl their eyes.

Ekaterina Andreeva's husband - Dusan Perovich

Ekaterina Andreeva’s second husband, Dusan Perovic, is a native Serb and a famous businessman. Dusan saw the girl on the news and found her through TV friends. He persistently courted the beautiful TV presenter, although he did not speak Russian.

In three years, the man not only thoroughly learned the Russian language, but also won his heart with his care and attention. Dusan did not focus on the fact that he was rich, because he knew that money did not matter to Andreeva.

At that time, the woman was in a relationship with her first husband, but did not want to start an affair. She just didn't want to lie to any man. Dusan won the heart of his beloved by giving her a family heirloom - a medal that is passed down from generation to generation. When he was about to return to his homeland, Catherine simply could not let him go.

After the man replaced little Natasha’s father, Catherine completely melted. In 1989, the couple legalized their relationship, and are still happy.

Photos of Ekaterina Andreeva before and after plastic surgery do not leave the front pages of newspapers and magazines. Materials often appear on the Internet about which clinics a woman underwent rejuvenation surgery.

It’s worth dotting all the i’s right away, Ekaterina does not rule out the possibility that in a couple of decades she will want to change her body. Currently she is happy with him and has no plans to change anything.

At fifty-five, she looks simply gorgeous, not thanks to her complex plastic surgery, but because she doesn’t use cosmetics too often. Ekaterina sleeps exactly eight hours a day, does yoga, gymnastics, and martial arts. Every morning she starts with a set of gymnastic exercises.

The TV presenter almost never gets upset and often smiles, looking for the positive in everything in the world. A woman is happily married, loves and is loved.

Few people will believe it, but Andreeva had problems with excess weight. By the way, in her youth, Ekaterina was a real chubby girl, however, thanks to a special diet and patience, she was able to lose weight and maintain the weight until now. She does not limit herself in food, but simply eats small portions. Andreeva is a fan of Japanese cuisine, especially loves seafood, sushi and all kinds of cereals.

The woman does not abuse alcohol, but she has bad habits: passion for good Israeli tobacco and sweets.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Andreeva

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ekaterina Andreeva are filled with bright and positive photographs. The TV presenter personally posts them on her page, giving away a piece of her soul.

She has few subscribers, only about 12,000 people, but they faithfully follow her personal and creative life TV presenter. From Ekaterina Andreeva’s Instagram you can learn about what they do famous people from her environment.

Very beautiful pictures a woman brings back from numerous trips, accompanying them with interesting comments. On her page, the TV presenter gives useful tips those who want to succeed in life.

On Instagram you can watch videos that Ekaterina posts regularly. They introduce subscribers not only to television projects, but also with the hobbies of a TV presenter.

Ekaterina Andreeva is a wonderful woman, mother, wife who successfully combines career and family life. She gives us good news and helps soften the blows from the bad ones.

Ekaterina Andreeva is the host of the “Time” program on Channel One. Probably every resident of our country knows her. Many people note how wonderful Ekaterina Andreeva looks. The presenter's date of birth is November 27, 1961. Amazing, isn't it?

Study and work on television

The presenter studied at the capital's pedagogical institute in the evening department.

Then she worked in the Investigation Department, as well as in the Prosecutor General's Office, under her department were the most crime-prone places - the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories. Then Andreeva heard that a competition was being held for the position of announcer central television, and decided to try my hand. As you can see, she succeeded. After that, she studied at the Institute for Advanced Studies for Television and Radio Employees. For some time, Andreeva hosted the “Morning” program. In addition, she studied at the “School of Speakers”, her mentor was Igor Kirillov. It is not known exactly how old Ekaterina Andreeva was at that time.

Difficult responsibilities and undoubted talent

The life of the presenter is divided into two parts: professional activity And all the rest. The first is the “Time” program. And the second is family, friends, travel, training and much more that is not shown on air. The famous presenter began working on television in 1991. Soon she was entrusted with leading the news. And in 1998, viewers began to regularly see her on the TV show “Time,” which is perhaps the most informative and interesting program of all those broadcast on Channel One. How old was Ekaterina Andreeva then? Already 37.

Andreeva is forced to notify the country about a variety of events, including very sad ones. She told us about the city of Budennovsk, about the explosions of buildings in the capital and Volgodonsk, about the invasion of militants in Dagestan, about Beslan, about “Nord-Ost”, and also about “Kursk”. You need to be able to speak with restraint and calmly, and Catherine always succeeded in this.

Sense of time and age of TV presenter

The presenter has been working on television for 20 years, on the screen we have seen her for 15, and in the program “Time” she has been appearing for a whole decade. But Catherine did not even notice how time passed. She feels it differently than other people. Perhaps this is the secret of why the presenter has not changed at all over all these years. Many people are interested in how old TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva is. Surprisingly, she is 52 now.

How good is the TV presenter's memory?

Anyone would say that 20 years on television is a huge period of time, but not Ekaterina. She is surprised that for some people even four years is already a long time. She doesn't think so at all. She is not used to counting time: minutes, hours, days... Most likely, for this reason, she does not keep any memorable dates in her head, for example, her friends’ name days.

Yes, and about your own memorable dates she sometimes forgets. However, none of the relatives are offended by her; everyone is aware of this small feature of Catherine. Despite the fact that she doesn’t remember dates, she always easily dials phone numbers from memory. She doesn't need to look at her notepad to call someone. In addition, she only needs to read the text once to remember it, so she can do just fine without a prompter.

The illusion of immutability

No one will argue with the fact that Ekaterina Andreeva, whose year of birth you already know, has been on television for a long time. Her bosses have changed more than once, and Russia is already completely different. And the presenter remains the same as twenty years ago. Many people are interested in how she does it. And Ekaterina agrees that everything has changed; she believes that time is generally difficult to understand. It lives according to its own, beyond its control ordinary people laws The same, in her opinion, can be said about the program “Time”.

Sometimes it seems that this project itself chooses its presenters. And regarding her immutability, Andreeva says that this is just an illusion. She is also completely different.

What has changed over time?

Ekaterina established strong contacts with people who began to play in her life significant role. She also became much more confident, calmer, stronger. Looking at the photo of Ekaterina Andreeva, you understand that she is a reliable person with a stable psyche.

Iron grit

Many might have noticed that live broadcasting is always very stressful. It can hardly make a person calmer. Ekaterina says that it is indeed stressful, but she has learned not to overreact to it. Nevertheless, the presenter says that she still experiences some tension, but the audience, of course, does not notice it. And you have to face unpleasant consequences. For example, sometimes after work she sees that small blood vessels have burst on her hands. Of course, the reason is quite a lot of tension. It’s hard for Catherine to talk about very sad incidents. It happens that a story is shown on the screen, and the presenter tries her best to control herself, throws back her head so that the tears do not flow down her cheeks, and after a few seconds again appears before the audience in excellent shape.

She belongs to the category of people who can control themselves. The presenter can only allow herself to relax in a calm environment, for example, forgetting the key in the apartment, leaving an umbrella somewhere, etc. And when she is in the studio, she keeps everything under control. All TV presenters should be like this. Ekaterina Andreeva is no exception.

Twists of fate

The girl could become an actress, historian or lawyer. But she wanted to be the leader.

Initially, Ekaterina entered the Faculty of Law, but soon realized that this specialty was not suitable for her, and switched to history, as she thought that this field was quite close to her.

We can say that fate smiled on the future presenter when she came to advanced training courses for radio and television employees, because it was thanks to them that she got on the screen. But Catherine never thought that she would become famous, as she was constantly criticized. According to the professors, the girl seemed too proud and unapproachable, as if The Snow Queen. By the way, the celebrity studied with Igor Kirillov, she was one of the last to go through his school.

Then Ekaterina became an announcer for Central Television and the Ostankino company, then viewers regularly saw her on Good Morning. And after that she switched to ORT and became an editor and news anchor. Then came “Time” - a TV show that everyone watches. By the way, in 1999, a survey was conducted - they wanted to find out which presenter viewers considered the most beautiful. As you might guess, Ekaterina took first place.

By that time, Andreeva had already graduated from the Institute for Advanced Studies and wrote a dissertation on the topic How old Ekaterina Andreeva was then can be calculated by knowing her date of birth.

Excitement and fatigue

The presenter said that during the first broadcast her heart was beating so bad that she was suffocating. But now nothing can scare her anymore, she always tries to remain calm and can report news in any conditions. The presenter's job is hard, you can't argue with that.

Dressing style

Catherine does not have a stylist; she chooses her own clothes.

Everyone comments on how impeccable her taste is. Andreeva is better dressed than all the other presenters, there is no doubt about that. Ekaterina loves a businesslike but elegant style. This applies to everything - things, cosmetics, and behavior. The presenter buys clothes for the broadcast herself and does her makeup and hair without any help. People calculate how old Ekaterina Andreeva is and are surprised when they find out her true age, because she looks very young. Many women envy the presenter, because few people manage to preserve themselves so well. Most likely, heredity played a role here and proper care behind you. Ekaterina understands cosmetics and always carefully monitors her appearance. The profession obliges me, and I just always want to be young and beautiful.


The presenter loves to visit antique shops. She says that some invisible force is drawing her to antiques. At the same time, the presenter has never been deceived; she has an excellent knowledge of antiques. If she really likes the item, she can always bargain for it at a lower price.

Now you know how old the presenter Ekaterina Andreeva is, and you also know some facts from her biography.

A real star and beauty of Channel One, the wonderful presenter Ekaterina Andreeva has been delighting viewers with her appearance on the screen for many years. There is some debate about the age of this wonderful and feminine person. for a long time. Some to this day are sure that Catherine is no more than 45, while others insist that her age does not exceed 35. But few people realize that this year this charming and eternally young TV presenter will celebrate her 54th birthday. The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva is quite interesting, so about the most significant and bright moments We will talk about her life in our article.

Birth and family of Katya

The future TV presenter was born in Moscow on November 27, 1961. Catherine's father was the deputy chairman of the State Committee for Logistics and Technical Services. The mother of the future journalist took care of the children and kept the home. In the family, Ekaterina is not the only child. Her younger sister named Sveta grew up with her.

Ekaterina studied in a regular secondary school, where I became seriously interested in basketball. Her height pushed her into such an unusual sport for a girl. Katya even studied at the Olympic reserve school for some time, but for unknown reasons she decided to leave it.

Catherine's education

Contrary to all interests, future TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva, whose biography is interesting to many viewers, enters the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law (VYUZI) in the evening department. After some time, the girl changes her decision and makes a choice in favor of the Krupskaya Moscow Pedagogical Institute. In 1990, after graduating from higher education educational institution, the future TV presenter is enrolling in courses for television and radio workers. From this moment on, the name and biography of Ekaterina Andreeva arouse keen interest among the public. Even then, Igor Kirillov himself was interested in the girl, who expressed a desire to teach her announcer skills on his own.

Work in the Prosecutor General's Office

Before working on television, Ekaterina managed to serve and General Prosecutor's Office, in the investigative department, where she oversaw the most difficult crime-prone areas (Stavropol and Krasnodar Territory).

Few people know that while working at the prosecutor’s office, a terrible incident happened to Ekaterina. Then the girl was leading the case of the murder of a girl, she was only 18 years old. Having been late at work, Catherine returned home late at night. Suddenly, several people approached her, took out a knife and began to demand a murder case. Catherine was saved by a man who suddenly came out from around the corner. When the bandits were distracted, the girl pushed one of them hard and ran away. That's when her athletic skills came in handy.

Television career

The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva continues on television. The first program in which she took part was “ Good morning" After this, Katya was assigned to present news on economic topics. Next, the presenter tried herself as a car expert on the “Big Races” program.

After this, the biography of presenter Ekaterina Andreeva became the object of close attention of journalists and viewers. In 1994, the aspiring presenter was supposed to host her first episode of the “News” program on ORT, where Katya played the role of announcer. But, unfortunately, she refused to film because of the tragedy that occurred in Budenovsk. Creative biography announcer Ekaterina Andreeva began to gain momentum again two months later.

Since 1995, the presenter has not left the screens of ORT, and since 1998 she has become the constant presenter of the Vremya program.

Biography of Ekaterina Andreeva: personal life

Many people are perplexed how this woman can combine such hard work on television with family responsibilities, be a wonderful mother and a loving wife.

The personal biography of presenter Ekaterina Andreeva is, in a sense, under a veil of secrecy. The TV presenter prefers not to talk about her first husband. His name and the date of their wedding are also unknown. From this marriage, the journalist is raising a daughter, Natasha.

The second husband of Ekaterina Andreeva, whose biography, by the way, is also somewhat of a secret, first saw his first wife on television. Through the efforts of mutual friends, their fateful meeting was soon organized. Dusan (that’s the name of Catherine’s current husband), before proposing to the girl, courted her for three years. It should be noted that at the time we met, the man knew no more than 10 Russian words, because he had just recently arrived in the USSR from distant Montenegro. While Dushan was paying attention to Catherine, he actively began to study the Russian language. 3 years after their first meeting, the couple got married. “Dushan is the man I’ve been waiting for all my life,” says Ekaterina Andreeva herself.

The biography (daughter Natasha, by the way, graduated from MGIMO and received a law degree) of the family of the famous Channel One announcer has been on the lips of journalists for almost 20 years. But, as you know, Catherine does not want to reveal her secrets and let the public into her life.

It is only known that when the presenter met Dusan, she was still legally married to her first husband. The woman does not respect relationships on the side, therefore, at first she preferred to dot all the points in her marriage.

Ekaterina also claims that she forbids her current husband to watch programs with her participation, explaining this by the fact that once, through the screen, the presenter felt that someone was influencing her. Seeing Dushan for the first time, she realized that exactly the same energy came from him.

Interests and hobbies

The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva, personal life, the secrets of her beauty are still topics of interest to everyone to this day. Therefore, next we want to tell you about what we do famous announcer out of duty.

Ekaterina regularly attends classes in Pilates, yoga, fitness, and tai chi. The presenter devotes two days a week to each lesson. In the mornings, Ekaterina always does gymnastics.

She is a believer who observes all Christian fasts and regularly attends God's Church.

As for food preferences, here is TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva, whose biography is filled with the most interesting events, quite picky. She has not eaten meat for more than 15 years, but she does not consider herself a vegetarian, because the TV presenter really loves fish, eggs and dairy products. She does not eat sweets, starchy foods or fatty foods; she prefers to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Sleeping famous TV presenter at least 8 hours a day. Catherine claims that before hard work and sleepless nights she uses the Da Vinci method. It consists in the fact that you need to sleep every two hours for 15 minutes. After this method, strength and energy come on their own. TV presenter Ekaterina Andreevna, whose biography has not ceased to interest the public for almost 20 years, advises to always ventilate the room and not allow the room temperature to exceed 22 degrees.

Few people know that the TV presenter was once a heavy smoker. On this moment Katerina gave up this bad habit. Today she actively promotes the fight against smoking. Katya never visits a solarium and believes that it is best to tan in the sun by applying a special sunscreen.

Few people realize that Catherine always applies her own makeup. He tries to use only natural French cosmetics based on herbs grown in environmentally friendly places.

Katya is also a supporter of hydrotherapy. Every day, the TV presenter consumes more than 1.5 liters of water per day. As for alcohol, he prefers dry wine. He believes that a little wine a day is good for the body.

Filmography of the TV presenter

The biography of the announcer Ekaterina Andreeva is replete with not only information projects, but also filming in several films. So, in 1990, the TV presenter played the role of a passenger in feature film entitled “Unknown Pages from the Life of a Scout.” 1991 was also a significant year for Katya, because she was invited to star in the film “Incarnation of Hell,” where the girl played the role of Elena, Georges’ love. In 1991, the aspiring actress delighted viewers with her appearance in the film “In the Mirror of Venus,” in which she played the role of Chistov’s wife. In 2004, Ekaterina Andreeva starred in the film “Personal Number”, where she played herself.

Also, the TV presenter’s character was used for the First Channel’s “Multi-Personality” program.

Awards of Ekaterina Andreeva

The famous journalist has the following awards in her arsenal:

2006 - Order of Friendship;

2007 - “TEFI” in the category “Presenter in an information program”;

In August 2014, Ukrainian authorities added Ekaterina Andreeva to the list of banned journalists.


The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva is quite interesting and varied. Charm, charisma, sexuality, beauty - these are all the qualities that this fragile woman possesses. It is no wonder that Catherine does not change over the years, either externally or internally. She has been an object of imitation for many women for a long time. So we wish the TV presenter success in her new endeavors.

The permanent presenter of the Vremya program, Ekaterina Andreeva, unexpectedly for many, began to rarely appear on the country's television screens this season - the final news broadcast for the European part of Russia was hosted by Kirill Kleimenov, head of the information broadcasting directorate of Channel One. Even in the summer, viewers noticed Andreeva’s “absences” from the air, although for more than 20 years she appeared on camera almost every evening, only occasionally allowing herself a short vacation.

Since then, rumors have constantly appeared that she was “fired” from the channel, but there is no official confirmation of this. Andreeva herself for the time being did not comment on her work, but yesterday she answered one of her subscribers who asked her: “Why do I now see some terrible presenter on the news, and not you? Is it true that you left Channel One?”

“This is the taste of bosses. I haven’t left yet, while I’m working at Orbits and our huge country still sees me,” answered Ekaterina Andreeva.

Vladimir Berezin came to the defense of Ekaterina Andreeva

It has become known that TV presenter of the Vremya program Ekaterina Andreeva will no longer appear on weekday newscasts for the European part of the country. Now Catherine has switched to the Far East and Siberia.

Many fans believe that the celebrity was deliberately transferred to remote regions, and then completely removed from the air. It is worth noting that Channel One employees anonymously criticized Ekaterina, calling her arrogant and unprofessional.

Vladimir Berezov, a famous announcer, decided to comment on the situation. He stated that working for the Far East and Siberia is just as important and responsible, and Andreeva, as a “steadfast soldier,” has no choice but to carry out orders from her superiors.

Ekaterina Andreeva left Russia after being expelled from Channel One

Ekaterina has been the host of the “Time” program on Channel One for more than 20 years. For some time she left her post to Kirill Kleimenov and went on a tour of South Korea, and judging by her Instagram, she doesn't miss work at all.

Popular Russian TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva, who has been hosting the “Time” program on Channel One for many years, is now going through an unpleasant period. The fact is that relatively recently they stopped appointing her as a leading news program.

Andreeva herself tries not to show her sadness. On the contrary, on her personal blog she regularly shares with subscribers information about her life, in which there is practically no room for sad thoughts. From Ekaterina’s latest records, we can conclude that she left Russia and settled in South Korea. From now on she leads travel notes and supports a culinary blog, which came as a surprise to her large army of fans.

Ekaterina Andreeva is one of the most famous people Channel One, permanent presenter of the news program “Vremya” for more than 20 years. She picked up the baton from recognized legends of Soviet television, and. Andreeva’s appearance on air has become a kind of symbol of stability, and her short-term disappearance from the screen causes a wave of negative reaction. Even the president more than once called Catherine his favorite media person.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva originates in the family of a serious person - her father worked all his life as deputy chairman of the State Supply Committee of the Soviet Union. The mother was a housewife and raised two daughters - the TV presenter has younger sister Sveta.

In the first grade of school, Katya was the smallest among the other children and received the nickname Chicken. As I got older, I stretched out, started playing basketball, and even ended up in an Olympic reserve school. In her youth, Ekaterina began to have problems with her figure: in her 5th year at the institute, the girl was engaged in writing thesis and practically did not move, but ate a lot.

With a height of 176 cm, Andreeva recovered to 80 kg. To reset excess weight, Katya took up sports again, attended Gym and went on a strict diet. Then she managed to lose about 20 kg. Now the TV star remembers this with humor and still considers physical activity an important part of his life, but inferior in importance to family and work.


The life of Ekaterina Andreeva should have turned out differently, because the girl wanted to become a historian, lawyer or actress. However, in the end I chose television. At first future star Channel One, she entered a law school, but already in her 2nd year she realized that she did not like such a profession, and transferred to the Faculty of History. Andreeva was always interested in past eras, so she assumed that this was her calling.

Ekaterina Andreeva got into television by accident - she learned that courses for radio and television workers had opened in Moscow. The girl was not too confident in her abilities. The reason for doubt was the position of the institute teachers, who believed that Katya looked too cold on the screen. Later it was strict and inaccessible appearance became business card TV presenter. This image was perfect for a news program, where it was necessary to report not only on holidays, but also on tragedies.

Catherine nevertheless began to study with, the master of Soviet television broadcasting. Andreeva became the last of the Russian television broadcasters who was lucky enough to get into the old, traditional announcer school.

Presenter Ekaterina Andreeva first appeared on screens in 1991. At first she worked at the Ostankino television company, after which she lifted the spirits of viewers in the Good Morning program. Since 1995, the face of the TV presenter has appeared on the ORT channel.

Ekaterina hosted “News” and edited information programs, including the program for car enthusiasts “Great Races”. Andreeva was supposed to appear on screens back in the summer, but she refused to go on air with tragic information about the hostages in Budennovsk. As a result, the debut in the news program was postponed, but when it took place, the new presenter immediately won the love of the public.

As Ekaterina later recalled, before the first broadcast her heart was beating wildly and she could barely breathe, but she understood that nothing should throw her off balance and interfere with her work. As for fatigue, the method of dealing with it is quite simple - the TV presenter lies down on the nearest sofa and sleeps for 20 minutes.

Since 1998, Ekaterina Andreeva has been the permanent presenter of the Vremya news program on Channel One.

Photos of celebrities can be seen not only on news headlines, but also on movie posters. Andreeva has several works in the film industry. The first project with her participation was published in 1990 and was called “Unknown Pages from the Life of an Intelligence Officer.” A year later, the star was invited to star in the film “Fiend of Hell,” and in 1999, Catherine was lucky enough to play one of the main roles in the film “In the Mirror of Venus.”

In 2015, rumors appeared that Ekaterina Andreeva was fired from Channel One. TV viewers reacted differently to this. Many were worried and nostalgic, others were sure that it was time for the older presenter to give way to the younger ones.

Loyal fans remembered that news about the TV presenter’s departure appears regularly and usually coincides with the vacation period of their favorite. A little later, Ekaterina gave an interview in which she did not say a word about possible dismissal.

Andreeva reviewed the news programs she hosted only at the beginning of her career. Nowadays, if he turns on the TV, it’s only for the sake of documentaries or National Geographic and Animal Planet. Only those series that are recommended by friends fall into the orbit of interest, and only if the time is convenient.

Personal life

The personal life of Ekaterina Andreeva is an example to follow and envy. TV presenter manages to be at the same time business person, mother and wonderful wife. The woman does not hide the fact that she got married very successfully for the second time and is happy in her marriage.

Ekaterina never talks about her first husband Andrei Nazarov, with whom she studied at school. From this marriage she left a daughter, Natalya. In 1989, fate brought the Channel One actress together with her second husband, Dusan Perovic, a Serb by nationality. Andreeva said that the man first saw her on TV and found her through journalist acquaintances. During the meeting, Dusan barely knew 10 words in Russian.

Perovich courted his beloved woman for 3 years before the couple got married. The decision about this fell, in fact, on Natasha’s shoulders: if she had not accepted her stepfather, Catherine would not have gotten married. Dusan, fortunately, easily won over the girl.

Family life The spouses built on compromises and agreements. Ekaterina and Dusan are opposites. He is calm and order, she is the embodiment of chaos. The husband begins to express his complaints with the words “Forgive me, but...”, and after that, in the eyes of his wife, everything is perceived differently. However, Katya brings romance into the relationship. Perovich, according to her, simply asks what her beloved needs and undertakes to fulfill it.

There are no common children in the family. The daughter of Ekaterina Andreeva received a law degree from MGIMO, where and with whom she works is unknown.

Ekaterina Andreeva in the program “Alone with Everyone”

The presenter honestly spoke about her life in the program “Alone with Everyone,” where she appeared in an unusual formal suit, and in a bright scarlet jacket with sequins and told a lot interesting facts About Me. Ekaterina knows how to repair equipment, works martial arts and gets carried away Soviet history. So TV viewers were surprised to learn that the cold and unapproachable TV presenter was actually a cheerful and interesting woman.

Andreeva admitted that she has two bad habits - a love of sweets and smoking. If the presenter can do without chocolate, then she is already tired of “quitting smoking” from time to time. It is known that Ekaterina prefers ultra-light cigarettes and orders them from Israel.

Love, they say, has “mothballed” Catherine, or the TV star is “sleeping in an oxygen pressure chamber.” Otherwise, how do others think, Andreeva manages to look the same age as her daughter, whether she is without makeup or in full combat readiness.

As the head of the information programs directorate explained, he took on the risk of developing algorithms for the transition to new standards. Andreeva’s team will return when the mechanism is debugged.

Yielding to numerous followers on Instagram, who bombarded their favorite with questions, Ekaterina said that Moscow is not Russia yet, and “News” with her participation will be seen “from the Volga to the Yenisei.” So for the residents Far East and Siberia, nothing has changed.

For Andreeva, rumors about another dismissal, by her own admission, each time are like an attempt to throw her off balance. However, the presenter is not afraid of losing her job. I’ll have to leave television - something else will appear, life won’t end there.

At the beginning of May, Catherine returned to her usual place for millions of TV viewers.


  • 1990 - “Unknown pages from the life of an intelligence officer”
  • 1991 - “Fiend of Hell”
  • 1999 - “In the Mirror of Venus”
  • 2004 - “Personal Number”
  • 2006 - “First Ambulance”
  • 2011 - “Suicides”
  • 2014 - “About Love 2”
  • 2014 - “Star”
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