Interesting things from Soviet times. Antiques from the ussr. As a conclusion

Fashion is a cyclical phenomenon and every 20-30 years some trends and images return to us in the same or changed form. As an example, varenka - jeans brightened unevenly with bleach were all the rage in the 1980s. last century and returned after 30 years into everyday life.

And there are styles of clothing that dominate in any country at a certain time. Usually they have their own time period and are reflected in clothing, architecture, and interior design.

  • The style is not completely copied, but only brings details and design elements to modern things, making the image more interesting.

Things and interior items made in this era are museum pieces and rarities, are used extremely rarely. More often, basic moods and details are taken and stylized as an addition. These styles include vintage and retro - two concepts that raise many questions when identifying.

Which came first - retro or vintage

History refers to the past century when it comes to vintage clothing or retro style. How do they differ and what era do they represent.

Earlier, the vintage style appeared, from French it can be translated as “grapes harvested in season”. At first it was called wine, now this concept means an old thing made more than 20 years ago.

Many people use this term to define images of the 20s. last century and many trendsetters use it in this sense. Technically, things from the 80s - 90s can already be called vintage.

But "retro" is already a style, clothes, accessories and interior items, made recently, but with elements of decor of that time they already belong to it.

Details that send us back to the 80s. last century, create the mood of this era. Clothes made in the 80s are vintage, while modern looks using the mood of that era are retro. The end of the USSR, minimalism in everything, bright large details. Technically, vintage came before!

There is also a similar concept of "antiques", it is often confused with vintage, naming items incorrectly. These are words that are similar in meaning, but mean different things.

Antiques have nothing to do with an era, time or style, but only denotes things of value to art or history.

These are museum exhibits, they cannot be found on the street - antique costumes are over 100 years old.

Color combinations and materials used

Retro style elements of natural pastel colors, discreet colors, simple combinations are often used in clothes.

The end of the 20th century is the era of the extinction and collapse of the USSR, a time of acute shortage in the country, so many women wore factory dresses, men in trousers and shirts, in winter in knitted sweaters.

These things differed from modern ones in simple cut, a minimum of details, they were sewn most often from natural inexpensive fabrics of gray, blue, blue, brown shades. Because of this, women had to look for options to stand out from the crowd, embroidered details, bright buttons, beads, and large earrings were used. Popular colors of factory fabrics were flowers and plaid, men's jackets, sweaters, shirts, women's dresses and skirts - all this was covered with a solid large pattern.

As for vintage, it means chic and luxury - black, red, white and gold or silver trim. This is the hallmark of a vintage suit. All elements are massive, screaming about their value and high cost. The materials used were natural, expensive - silk, velvet, furs, precious metals.

Retro elements in clothes

If we take into account the general concept of "retro", then some people put clothing in this word and the 20s - 80s of the last century. Therefore, the collections of the 30s with bright images and the sophisticated 50s can also be attributed here.

  • The main feature of retro is the impossibility of mixing it with other styles, all elements must be made in the spirit of the same era.

The 20s of the XX century were bright and memorable, the following elements have survived to this day:

  • Fur and feather boas in bright colors;
  • Colored fishnet tights;
  • Cloche hats, veils decorated with artificial flowers;
  • Low waist on skirts and dresses, some models open the back;
  • Wing sleeves;
  • Shoes with low heels or platform, with rounded toes and ankle strap;
  • Clothes made of chiffon, velvet and satin fabric.

The 40s are a difficult time for the whole world, they brought modesty and calm elegance to clothes, in dresses the emphasis was shifted to the waist, skirts became fluffy and long to the knees. A bright accessory was a white collar, or the top was wide at the shoulders.

In the post-war period, women were actively introducing ever brighter details into fashion. In this era, everyone wore puffy skirts above the knee with petticoats, wide belts in contrasting colors at a narrowed waist.

A sophisticated feminine silhouette with gloves, jackets, miniature handbags was in fashion. The image was complemented by bright makeup, pearl beads, black eyeliner and curls came into fashion. It was the time of colorful fabrics with prints, beautiful elegant women and pin-up style - high waist, polka dot top and curls tied with a bow.

And in the 60s and 70s, a style revolution came - loose hippie outfits, geometric patterns and ethnic details came into fashion.

It was during these years that mini skirts came, shortening by the end of the decade to the sizes familiar in our time. Women have found freedom to express their individuality, more and more open dresses and synthetic tight-fitting fabrics. The men wore colored plaid shirts, matching them with suits of incredible colors and shades.

By the beginning of the 80s, the color chaos reached its climax, the market had bright shoes, sweaters with prints, plaid fabrics, large accessories. The main details of the retro style of these years:

  • Headscarves of rich flowers and beads of large green, red, yellow white or blue beads;
  • High-waisted trousers and jeans complete with T-shirts and blouses;
  • Bermuda shorts and short skirts;
  • Hippies and their ethno-style;
  • Leather jackets with rivets, fringes and zippers;
  • Lush bell dresses with a well-defined waist;
  • High heels and comfortable platform shoes;
  • Lightweight blouses and sweaters with high collars and bows around the neck.

In any decade of the 20th century, the style changed dramatically, there was relative freedom in clothing, architecture and culture, women completely abandoned corsets, men began to take an interest in fashion and take care of their appearance.

Vintage looks

Even the word vintage itself immediately mentally refers to chic dresses and expensive accessories, high heels and lace gloves. To some extent, this concept is intertwined with retro, when we mean the 20-80s.

The main signs of a vintage component are the price of a suit or item.

  • By the way...
    If a wardrobe item is of a museum, historical or cultural value, then it can be safely attributed to vintage.

As a rule, such outfits were part of the collection of a famous fashion designer or belonged to a popular person, therefore they are in a single copy and are in private collections or exhibition centers.

Vintage-style garments are eccentric and individual, with many of the costumes being made and tailored to order.

The most expensive and valuable ones date back to the years after the revolution - the beginning of the 20s. last century. And this period ends in the 80s. the same century, when production went to the mass level.

For 60 years, a huge variety of vintage suits, wedding dresses, evening dresses have been released all over the world. And since the second half of the 80s. clothes are designer clothes and are not considered historically valuable.

Because the furniture of those times was not made in factories, but by hand by craftsmen from natural tree species, decorated with precious metals, and inlaid with stones. These are unique, beautiful things, most often presented in museums and in private collections. Jewelry related to vintage, made in a single copy of especially valuable metals and stones.

For shows and custom-made models, only expensive fabrics were used - velvet, velor, chiffon, silk, they were sewn by hand, right up to lace and inlay. It is believed that each vintage item has its own history, character and soul.

Signs of vintage clothing

To distinguish a real vintage item, you need to be a true connoisseur of the history of clothing and understand their main features:

Age. A real exclusive thing cannot be younger than 20 years old, modern clothing items, even made to order, and using images of that era, are not considered vintage.

Original details. The thing should not be altered and altered, the basis remains intact, only then it is of particular value.

Chronological linking. The dress or costume belongs to a certain time period with the presence of special details and typical elements of those years.

A thing as an event. Designer or unique items made in one copy or marked by the appearance of revolutionary upheavals in the history of clothing. These can be the central models of the collections of great fashion designers and stylists.

What to wear with vintage and retro clothes?

The paradox of the dress of that time is its spirit and mood, which cannot be combined with any style in the world. Retro-style clothes with a modern twist should only be complemented by accessories of that era, including jewelry and shoes. The same goes for vintage - there may even be a complete copy of a thoughtful look, right down to tights, nail color and makeup. Only then does the costume take on its appearance. It is a great responsibility for the person putting it on - to convey the author's idea to the public.

Over the past 10 years, retro and vintage have become a great option for photosets in the spirit of that era. Many girls are happy to try on the images of a fashionista of the 20th century. For maximum effect, the appropriate background, furniture and decorative elements are selected. Such photo sessions are gaining popularity, many photo studios and photographers offer such services to their clients.

Stylists and make-up artists master the features of the make-up and image of that time in order to maximize the spirit of that time. And you can take accessories and jewelry from grandmothers or in chests, many have come down to our times unchanged. Modern clothing manufacturers have begun to produce retro style clothes for children - “mom and daughter” look, family sets - for mom, dad and children.

Main accessory - bag

An image in any style will be incomplete without a bag; it also needs to be chosen correctly in color and suit. There are several types of bags in retro style:

  • Ridikul - the most popular was this bag in the 20-80s of the last century, it was sewn from leather and dense materials, generously decorated with rhinestones, beads and stones. Perfectly complements the vintage look.

  • A bag is a roomy bag made of fur, leather and textiles, usually made in the form of a rectangle, trapezoid or square.
  • The briefcase was used to complete the look of women and men, it had strict shapes, minimal trimmings and perfectly complemented the retro look.
  • Chanel bag - leather bags on a chain with branded diamond stitching, decorated with a logo.

  • A bag with a narrowed top, similar to a purse, was sewn from dense fabrics under a dress or suit, often decorated with stones, embroidery and metal elements.

As a conclusion

Retro style is not only things made to match the old, but also the mood and spirit of that era, the right accessories, makeup and shoes. In this case, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of details, without them the image will be ridiculous and incomplete. Shoes, hats, gloves, tights, jewelry - all this needs to be taken suitable. Going to a theme party or simply choosing a similar outfit for a festive event, you will have to try to get into the mood and not oversaturate the image. Paired suits look very beautiful in such a situation, when a man and a woman both choose clothes in the same style.

I propose to recall the things from the USSR that we used and that surrounded us. Let's dive into the past and remember some really great things.

Sets for spices.

Electrical device for burning UZOR-1. For the first time I saw such a device in labor lessons. I liked the smell that appears during wood burning.

Meat grinder. This is one of the first manual meat grinders that we began to produce.

Children's plasticine. I still have such a set at home, not started.

Cognac set. I always thought it was a set for drinking water. Something like a decanter. Interestingly, someone drank cognac from it?

Theatrical binoculars. I had exactly the same. I did not understand at that time why such small binoculars and what is theater?

Soviet video tape recorder "Electonika". Was worth a lot of money with us. Someone could buy a car, but for the same amount they bought a video recorder. The aunt has one at home and in working order.

Volchok or Yula, and still do not know what is the correct name. This is the first toy that immediately comes to mind from childhood.

Montana watch. It was a very fashionable watch with lots of melodies and lights. Montana is the dream of any boy in the past.

Pulverizer. In every home sideboard and in every hairdressing salon.

My first tape recorder Electronics. It was presented by the father. I remember almost sleeping with this tape recorder.


Teas of the highest grades - "bouquet", "extra" and the highest grade

And then the tea box turned into a box for storing buttons. My mom still has this box and the buttons are kept there.

SOVIET INDIAN ELEPHANT TEA There were several types of popular teas in the USSR, but Indian elephant tea was the most famous and favorite. That is why he became one of the symbols of the Soviet Union.

Rubber ball. In the USSR, they loved to stamp things in the millions and monotonous. Exactly the same ball was in my childhood and in millions of other boys and girls.

Non-alcoholic soft drink "Buratino" is one of the most popular sorts of lemonade, which was produced in the USSR. The highly carbonated golden drink was sold in glass bottles. The very container with the drink was decorated with a label with Pinocchio.

PROCESSED CHEESE "FRIENDSHIP" The main Soviet snack can rightfully be considered processed cheese "Druzhba". The cheese was produced in foil with a corporate logo and was very popular in Soviet times. The product was made exclusively from natural ingredients.

The Smena-8m camera is a Soviet school camera manufactured in the USSR since 1970. The camera was very popular among the residents of the Soviet Union, not only schoolchildren, but also adults. The camera was remembered by many for its body.

Here's the ticket office on the bus. I liked that when you turn the knob to get the ticket out, the money goes to the coin acceptor on a rubber band.

Just looking at these things brings up extremely good memories. Nostalgia!

Soviet lollipops in tin boxes. I loved them very much in childhood.

Plastic travel cup. We had 2 of these, my sister and me. I loved playing with them more than using them for their intended purpose.

Juicer of Soviet production. Mom still makes juice with this juicer at the dacha. My darling works. Did you have one?

School pencil case.

The best watercolor paints.

Artistic oil paints.

Retro (also retro style; retro style from Lat. Retro "back", "facing the past", "retrospective") is a rather abstract artistic and historical term used to describe various categories of antiques that have some kind of cultural and / or material value, and, as a rule, rarely found in modern everyday life with its deliberate practicality and the desire to get rid of "unnecessary" details.

Let's dive into the past and remember some really great things! In this section of Antique 1941, you can recall things from the USSR that we used and that surrounded us.

In the post-war period, the USSR had an interesting, eventful life with uncomplicated toys, the same type of communist attributes. People, for the most part with a selfless belief in a happy bright future of developed socialism, were happy even in small things ... Now the products of the USSR presented in our catalog of antique 1941 often evoke a smile, nostalgia and good memories.

Buy things from the USSR

On our website Antik1941 you can buy real Soviet vintage items with a quality mark.

Various retro goods and vintage are widely presented: ashtrays and cigarette cases, abacus and calculators, cameras and measuring instruments, office busts and clocks, old money boxes and boxes, and many other household little things: caskets, hangers, corkscrews, locks, stands, cutlery, children's Christmas tree toys.

Original souvenirs of the Olympics 80

Of particular note are the 1980 Olympics souvenirs, such as the porcelain figurines with the Olympic bear. If you think about it, more than a decade has passed since that time! Goods from the past are like instant time travel. They bear the signs of a different era, remind of past events, revive forgotten experiences, special feelings. For many, the Soviet era is a carefree childhood, hot youth, exciting youth.
Most of the lots presented are items in excellent condition, a considerable number of which are real rarities.

Soviet porcelain is a great love not only of true collectors, but also of lovers of the VINTAGE style, people who understand exclusive, truly high-quality and rare things. Connoisseurs of antiquity especially appreciate porcelain, produced in the USSR by the hands of famous masters. Soviet porcelain collect not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but all over the world. Things, household items and interiors made in Soviet times are of interest to many people today as historical objects. Indeed, antiquities reflect the history of the country and a bygone era ...

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