“We are not enemies-enemies”: Sergei Netievsky spoke about the conflict with “Ural dumplings. Sergey Isaev, director of Ural Dumplings: “Netievsky was a “dumpling in a pan”, now he is a “fish in water”

Where did Netievsky go from “Ural Dumplings” and will he return again? Sergei Netievsky is a very colorful character in the humorous group “Ural Dumplings”, who for some time was the director of the popular show. However, in 2015, he disappeared from TV viewers’ screens, which caused a wave of misunderstanding.

The artist’s biography dates back to the end of March 1971, when in the small village of Basyanovsky near Ural mountains a simple and unremarkable boy was born. Here he spent his youth and received his secondary education.

This was followed by a trip to Yekaterinburg and admission to UPI to major in Mechanical Engineering Technology. During his studies, Sergey became one of the founders and member of the Ural Dumplings team, the activities of which will accompany him for another 21 years, while for 17 years he will be the director of the team.

In addition to participating in popular show, in the biography of Sergei Netievsky from “” there are several personal achievements. This versatile person has proven himself to be a talented actor, screenwriter and presenter, as well as the head of Idea Fix Media. He has worked in several television programs, writing film scripts and producing sketch shows.

In 2019, Netievsky from the Ural Dumplings will be the ambassador of the World Winter Universiade, which is to be held in Krasnoyarsk.

Personal life

The biography of Sergei Netievsky from “Ural Dumplings” contains very little publicly available information about his personal life. For a long time there were rumors about his affair with his colleague on the comedy show Yulia Mikhalkova, but they did not come true.

Netievsky and Mikhalkova

In fact, successful showman Sergei Netievsky tries to hide his personal life, unlike most other stars of modern show business. It is worth noting that he is excellent at keeping his family a secret, because the existence of a family as such became known only from the lips of the artist himself.

It turns out that the man has a beloved wife, Natalya, who bore him three wonderful children. The eldest sons Timofey and Ivan were born in 2002 and 2005, respectively, and daughter Maria, the youngest representative of the family, was born in 2007. On the pages of some magazines it has been suggested that the artist’s wife sits at home and only takes care of the children. In fact, this is only speculation by representatives of the press, and the general public does not know exactly how Natalya Netievskaya and the children of the couple live.

At one time, photographs of Sergei Netievsky and his wife were leaked onto the Internet, and they can still be found on World Wide Web. From that moment on, the head of the family began to hide his personal life even more carefully, trying not to make it public, so today we can only expect that Sergei himself or his relatives will lift the veil of this secret.

Relationship with Ural dumplings

Since Sergey was one of the founders of the team, and for a long time was its director, his disappearance from the stage in 2015 could not go unnoticed. From the very first performances without his participation, viewers began to wonder where Netievsky from “Ural Dumplings” was. There have been many conjectures on this score, and representatives yellow press they wrote that the artist put his well-being above the success of the team and simply abandoned his colleagues to their fate.

A little later, the culprit of the gossip himself made a public statement and answered the question of why Netievsky left Ural Dumplings. As it turned out, the showman himself did not know about his resignation, since the team submitted a petition for the director’s resignation to the court without notifying the plaintiff. Colleagues accused Sergei of fraud with the team’s earnings, low wages and the insufficient amount of time he devotes to “Ural dumplings”. During the trial, Sergei Isaev was unanimously appointed as the director of the group, and performances continued as usual.

Where is Sergei today

During 2016, the court more than once accepted counterclaims from team members, then from the defendant, trying to somehow understand the current situation and endure correct solution. For a long time former director fought for the restoration of his rights and, judging by latest news, Sergei Netievsky won the trial against the team. He was fully restored to his rights as a director.

Obviously, the trial had a negative impact on the director’s relationship with the team, so Sergei decided to leave of his own free will and leave the trademark to the team. Unfortunately, for some reason this was not enough for the team, and in February 2017 a new trial began against the former director. This time he was accused of illegal use trademark, which he gave at his own request. Sergey did not tolerate this attitude and filed a counterclaim, in which he asked the court to recover moral damages from the team for the costs of conducting the trial in the amount of more than 700 thousand rubles.

As one would expect, this time the court again sided with the defendant, but decided to satisfy the counterclaim only partially. As a result, instead of suing the former director for 400 million rubles, his not very friendly colleagues must pay him 300 thousand rubles themselves.

After a long judicial trial, the successful showman continues to live with his family in Moscow on a permanent basis. The man’s family, as far as is known, lives with him and supports him in all his endeavors.


« After all, friendship is strong! And friendship, supported by documents, is not unbreakable at all!!!”, - the prophetic joke of “Dumplings”. So do famous band everything worked out. At first there was friendship. And then there’s business.

KVN members flatly refuse to comment on the current war. And in general in Lately words have to be pulled out of them practically with pincers (unless, of course, it concerns a scene where they continue to laugh in the usual manner of 10 jokes per minute).

I myself invited Sergei Netievsky to the team. This was in 94,” recalls the founder of Ural Dumplings Dmitry Sokolov. - The team itself was born a year earlier, when we were still students. I invited only the best to join my team. Those who won competitions for propaganda teams. And - off we go. Rozhkov, Isaev, Ershov and Brekotkin were the first to join me...

Pelmeni's signature armor-piercing humor quickly paved the way for them to success. The Urals became champions of Yekaterinburg in the local KVN league. And then it was just a stone's throw away from the major leagues and the recognition of the great Maslyakov.


« It's better to have a bird in your hands than a buttock in someone else's hands" This is what Pelmeni joked about those who are trying to make a quick career. But the comedians themselves did not stop at the success achieved in KVN. After saying goodbye to the major league, the Urals began touring. Tickets for the Ural concerts were selling like hot cakes (or dumplings, if you prefer). The only one prodigal son turned out to be Sergei Svetlakov, who in 2002 “deserted” from his native team to Moscow. However, the “dumplings” easily survived without him. Sergei Netievsky then said:

Ural dumplings have no competitors. We are a unique team of actors and authors. God grant that everyone has such a job.

By the way, it was Netievsky who brought the team to the federal level, concluding a contract with STS TV channel. It was then that he took on the role of director. And not just some idiot boss on stage, but a very viable leader and businessman.

I brought tapes of our performances, and the STS management responded: “Why you? Why should Ural Dumplings be on our air? Where is Nanny? Where " Good jokes"? – Netievsky recalled. - And after this conversation we held a concert in Moscow. A lot of people came. Representatives of STS sat there like this: “Well, yes, people are laughing. Come to us." And now they consider us a top project.


“Because gladiolus!”, - this comic universal answer from “Ural dumplings” to the question “why?” has long become an aphorism throughout Russia. It fits perfectly into the current scandal. Just a couple of years ago, the rest of the team members were ready to almost carry Netievsky in their arms.

We don’t pay more for filming, but quite the opposite,” Dmitry Sokolov happily spoke about concluding a contract with STS, calling Netievsky in a friendly manner “Basya” (after the name of the area where Sergei was born - the village of Basyanovka).

If any complaints arose against the director, it was only in a humorous form.

Our director keeps us close to him with charm, charisma, threats and does not give up our passports,” Dmitry Brekotkin sneered in an interview with KP.

“Basya” Netievsky in response revealed the blissful secrets of friendship in the team:

No need to swear. It's like a family. We allow each other to say some caustic things. Like your number...

And in October 2015, the rest of the team (9 people) gathered at the table in the evening and unanimously decided that “g...” is no longer a specific number for Netievsky, but he himself, as a director, is the fourth letter of the alphabet. In fact, there was no time for jokes at that impromptu meeting. “Pelmeni” unanimously decided that Sergei Netievsky is no longer their director. And they kicked me out of my “plate”.

Of course, the demoted boss did not agree with this decision and filed a lawsuit against his former comrades. And so began the new show “Ural Dumplings”. But not on TV, but in the courtroom.

Sergei Netievsky did not fulfill his duties for a long time: he missed all deadlines for filing tax returns, did not sign balance sheets, did not conduct a transaction,” Olga Yuryeva, a lawyer for the KVN team, said in court. - All this indicates that the activities of “Ural Dumplings” were not interesting to Mr. Netievsky. Therefore, on October 14 last year, nine participants in the show, and part-time founders creative association“Ural Dumplings” (each with a 10% share) unanimously voted “against” the current leader at the general meeting.

At the meeting, Netievsky’s lawyer tried to convince the judge that this vote was illegal, because her client did not participate in it.

The decision on early termination of the powers of a director is made unanimously by all members of the company. But my client was not at the meeting,” Netievsky’s lawyer Vera Katina tried to explain to Themis representatives. - Therefore, the decision to dismiss Sergei Alexandrovich is illegal. My client only learned on April 26, 2016 that he was not the director of Ural Dumplings.

True, these words immediately turned against Netievsky.

The date “April 26, 2016” just indicates that Mr. Netievsky is not engaged in “Ural dumplings”! - Yuryeva retorted. – On the official website of “Ural Dumplings” back in November, an interview with Sergei Isaev about the dismissal of Mr. Netievsky was posted. It turns out that Mr. Netievsky did not even know what information was posted on his portal!


“In biathlon, like in sex: if you don’t hit, then speed won’t help...” This is one of the few jokes of “Ural Dumplings” below the belt. Sverdlovsk residents have always been proud that there are no obscene gags in their repertoire. This is how the KVN members distinguished themselves from the Comedy Club. However, with the departure of Sergei Netievsky, “dumplings” still took on a participant from Garik Martirosyan’s project, Alexey Lyutikov. Previously, he was the head of the regional development department of the Comedy Club. And now he has become the general director of Ural Dumplings Production LLC. By the way, close friends of Sergei Netievsky claim that in many respects the reason for the change of power in “ Ural dumplings“It was Lyutikov who became.

Lyutikov greatly stirred the waters,” a friend of Sergei Netievsky, who wished to remain anonymous, explained to KP. – Alexey was the catalyst for what happened. “Pelmeni” has been together for a million years. And over the years, the team always accumulates a lot of old grievances. Personally, it was not surprising to me that the director of the group, Netievsky, earned slightly more than other participants. Lyutikov competently aggravated the already sharp corners. He pointed out the difference in fees. I found some documents.

True, the team itself denies all accusations against Lyutikov.

Does the change of director mean that we have an unfriendly team? The time has come, they changed the leader, says Sergei Ershov, a member of the Ural Dumplings, also known from the television series Real Boys. - Nothing wrong with that. Changes occur in any team. This suggests that the team is alive and breathing.

They say the reason for the change of director was the new CEO LLC "Ural dumplings production" Alexey Lyutikov...

Lyutikov is a professional in his field. Since Netievsky is not there, we need someone who knows all Moscow cuisine. So they hired Lyutikov.

Let us note that Alexey Lyutikov himself refuses to comment.


“In Sverdlovsk there are native Sverdlovsk residents, there are dairy workers, and when the wise ones appear, they are immediately sent to Moscow,” - another classic "Dumplings" joke. Now you can easily joke about Sergei Netievsky.

Sergey is now a big Moscow producer,” Ershov says about his ex-colleague. - Netievsky simply felt cramped in our team. He's doing big amount projects in Moscow. And for God's sake. Svetlakov also left for Moscow at one time.

But, apparently, the newly minted Muscovite Netievsky will soon have to return to Yekaterinburg. After all, the funniest and most resourceful court in the world (Ural) returned Sergei’s powers as director of Ural Dumplings!

Netievsky's representatives, leaving the court, did not hide their joy and loudly exclaimed right in the corridor: “Victory!” But when asked how Netievsky will now work with former comrades, his lawyers just shrugged their shoulders...

Meanwhile, the remaining nine KVN members are already preparing an appeal. The “dumpling battle” continues.

This summer, Sergei Netievsky left the “Ural Dumplings” show. It turns out that he betrayed his friends and embezzled several million rubles from the general money. The actor himself denies all accusations, naming others...

This summer, Sergei Netievsky left the “Ural Dumplings” show. It turns out that he betrayed his friends and embezzled several million rubles from the general money. The actor himself denies all accusations, citing other reasons for his departure.

This year, a real scandal broke out in the Ural Dumplings team. It turned out that over the past three years, Sergei Netievsky, as a director, carried out financial fraud, pocketing several million rubles. Now he claims that he left on his own and due to completely different circumstances.

He recently stated that the entire team, including himself, had stopped “sparkling in their eyes”; the comedian sacrificed himself to shake up the team. Sergei admitted that many of his colleagues no longer had the desire to move on.

However, his former colleagues do not agree with this point of view. Sergei Isaev believes that creative differences were the main reason for Netievsky’s departure. “The whole team’s eyes were still burning. A new show is being filmed, everything is great. A speck of dust got into his eye. Maybe his eyes light up somehow differently,” Anews quotes Isaev.

Let us recall that this summer Sergei was accused of taking money from the television activities of “Ural Dumplings”. Then he confessed everything. “To say it’s a shock is an understatement. Can be compared to the end of the world! About the same reaction as if a person found out that he had cancer... Apparently, he did not consider us either friends or associates,” Dmitry Sokolov was indignant.

In 2015, Sergei Netievsky was removed from his position, and Serey Isaev took his place. Claim to former leader was that he received income from the sale of episodes of the show to television channels. This went on for three years. It's about about several million rubles.

Sergei Netievsky filed a lawsuit against his own colleagues. He stated that he was removed from office illegally, without a quorum of votes and without notifying, as required, 30 days in advance. The court sided with the comedian, he was paid 300 thousand for legal costs and reinstated. After some time, the manager was again removed and he again proved a violation of the rules. When it became clear that it was no longer possible to work with such a mood, Sergei decided to voluntarily leave Ural Dumplings.

Now Andrey Rozhkov has become the legal director of “pelmeni”.

Many fans of the show immediately noticed that there was a lack of a comedian. They are sure that without him the program would not be the same. Do you think that the program has changed without Sergei?

Sergei Netievsky is a talented comedian and a person who has invested a large number of forces in the development and establishment of the show “Ural Dumplings”. Moreover, thanks to his efforts, the team went beyond the gates of KVN and became federal. And after Sergei took over as director, he was able to conclude a long-term contract with STS for filming and showing performances.

First version

Netievsky had to leave the Pelmeni team due to the fact that “his own shirt is closer.” Sergei realized that his own well-being is much more important than the team’s money. Therefore, he simply left the project, leaving his friends to “float freely.”

Sergei switched to producing television series and other projects, so he did not want to waste personal time on the show - there is no interest, there is no such profit.

This is the version that was voiced by some of the participants in the Ural Dumplings, but Sergei Alexandrovich himself does not agree with it. Sergei told a completely different story, radically different from the first. In support of his version, it can be noted that it is supported by two years of litigation.

Second version

According to this version, presented to the public by Sergei himself, at first he did not know at all that he had left the project. Yes, yes, this happens. As it turned out, the team members had long looked askance at their friend, who held the post of director. Most of the team was sure that Sergei not only poorly paid their work and labor, but also took all the money for himself. There were also complaints that Sergei began to spend too much time on other projects, abandoning his own show.

After some time, the team simply got together and wrote a class action lawsuit, in which there was a request to remove the director of the Unitary Enterprise from their position. Naturally, no one warned Netievsky about this / But Sergei, having learned about this, filed documents for an appeal, and it was accepted in 2016. Then the team filed another lawsuit, and Netievsky filed a counterclaim.

After the trials took place, Sergei was reinstated in his director’s position, and the class action was declared illegal. But why then did Sergei leave? Nothing surprising - after all the events it would be difficult to simply forget the sidelong glances and the class action lawsuit, and the old Ural friendship was no longer there. Therefore, Sergei handed over the affairs to Isaev and wrote a letter of resignation at his own request.

Where is Sergei now and what is he doing?

On this moment former director comedy show everyone also lives in golden-domed with his family. Sergei owns his production studio Idea Fix Media. The studio's main activity is producing television series.

NETIEVSKY Sergei Aleksandrovich (born 1971), leader and producer of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”, TV presenter, actor, showman.
Netievsky Sergey Alexandrovich was born on March 27, 1971 in the village of Basyanovsky Sverdlovsk region. There he graduated from local school No. 12. In 1993 he graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology.

Member of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings” since 1994. After graduating from the institute, he worked for some time as the director of a hardware store in Yekaterinburg, but in 1998, when the choice arose between work and KVN, Sergei chose the latter and headed the Ural Dumplings team. Largely thanks to his efforts, several years ago an agreement was concluded with the STS television company to broadcast the Ural Dumplings show, which helped the team reach the federal level. Sergei Netievsky Awards - Champion Major League KVN 2000, Big KiViN in gold 2002, KVN Summer Cup 2002.

Sergey Isaev became the new director of the Ural Dumplings show. A few days ago a meeting was held at which members of the famous Ural team decided to resign Sergei Netievsky. The decision can be called collegial (according to the constituent documents, all team members have the right to vote).

It is not yet known what exactly caused the resignation. “Only the show participants can know about this. But they say that the guys expressed no confidence in their previous director,” our sources agree. The decision on whether Sergei Netievsky will remain on the team and, if so, in what capacity, has not yet been made. It is possible that the cause of the discord was a financial conflict.
We have not yet been able to reach Netievsky himself. He doesn't answer calls.

The founder of the show “Ural Dumplings” Dmitry Sokolov, who is now on vacation in Abkhazia, when asked by a journalist from Portal 66.ru about what caused the decision to change the director, said literally the following: “I won’t tell you anything, I won’t tell you anything, nothing yet I will not say". New director show Sergei Isaev said that he is not yet ready to comment on the situation and does not advise other participants in the show to do so. Soon, “Ural Dumplings” promise to issue a press release, which will formulate the official position of the team.

Let us remember that thanks to this, an agreement was concluded with the STS television company to broadcast the show “Ural Dumplings”, which at one time helped the team to enter and gain a foothold at the federal level. Today's tour schedule is directly related to this contract (the number of shows is determined by the schedule of premieres on STS). Of course, to say that this is only the merit of Netievsky would be unfair to other participants in the show. The team also owes its success to the head of the author's (Sergey Ershov) and acting groups (Andrey Rozhkov).

Sergei Netievsky himself, unlike other team members, permanently lives in Moscow (his apartment is located in the residential complex " Scarlet Sails"). He is the owner of the production studio Idea Fix Media, whose area of ​​interest includes not only the production of the Ural Dumplings programs for STS, but also the production of TV series.

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