What questions does the subordinating relationship answer? Types of subordinating connections in phrases. Examples of coordinating connection

Methods subordinating connection the following: coordination, control, adjacency

Agreement as a method of subordinating communication

  • Coordination- this is a type of subordinating connection when dependent word takes the grammatical forms of the main word, for example: beautiful picture.

The main word when agreed, a noun, a substantivized adjective or participle (i.e., has become a noun), as well as a pronoun, a noun, for example: high spirits, student canteen.

dependent word can be an adjective, an adjective pronoun, an ordinal number or a participle, i.e. such categories of words in which the categories of gender, number and case are not independent, for example: the right decision, our meeting.

Management as a method of subordinate communication

  • Control- a type of subordinating connection, when the dependent word is used in the indirect case that requires the main word, for example: write a book, click your teeth, advise a friend (to whom? dative case);

The main word when governing, it can act as a verb (to rejoice in meeting you), a noun (love for people), an adjective (regrettable), an adverb (near the city), or an ordinal number (first in class).

When driving dependent word nouns, pronouns-nouns, substantivized adjectives always appear (cover with snow, conversation with workers).

Adjunction as a method of subordinating connection

  • Adjacency- this is the kind syntactic connection, when an unchangeable dependent word is attached to the main one in meaning. For example: Very nice (how nice?).

Unchangeable words are adjacent: infinitive, adverb, simple comparative form, gerund, some fixed adjectives (order to advance, door to the left, a little to the south).

Infinitive adjacent to a verb (try to answer, came to stay), a noun (desire to make peace), adjective (intends to relax)

Comparative forms adjacent to a verb (it’s better to answer, to run faster), to a noun (the news is more interesting, the drink is stronger)

Participles adjoin the verb in cases where the meaning of an adverb develops in them (read while lying down, sleep while sitting).

Immutable adjectives such as beige, mini, maxi, hindi, midi, flared, etc. adjacent to nouns (Hindi language, peak hours).

It is necessary to distinguish between adjacency and control

  • Her shoes– this is an adjunction (whose?),
  • To see him– management (of whom?).

In the categories of pronouns there are two homonymous categories. The personal pronoun answers questions of indirect cases, and it participates in a subordinating connection - this is control, and the possessive is involved in adjacency.

  • Run to the store– management,
  • Go here– adjacency.

It is important to distinguish between the prepositional case form and the adverb, because there may be the same questions! If there is a preposition between the main and dependent words, then this is management.

Complex sentences always contain two or more simple ones (also called predicative clauses) connected various types connections: union coordinating, non-union and union subordinating connections. It is the presence or absence of conjunctions and their meaning that allows us to establish the type of connection in a sentence.

Definition of subordinating connection in a sentence

Subordination or subordination- a type of connection in which one of the predicative parts is the main, subordinating part, and the other is the dependent, subordinate part. Such a connection is conveyed through subordinating conjunctions or allied words; from the main part to the subordinate part it is always possible to ask a question. Thus, a subordinating relationship (as opposed to a coordinating relationship) implies syntactic inequality between the predicative parts of the sentence.

For example: In geography lessons we learned (about what?) why there are ebbs and flows, Where In geography lessons we learned- main part, there are ebbs and flows- subordinate clause, why - subordinating conjunction.

Subordinating conjunctions and allied words

Predicative parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinating connection are connected using subordinating conjunctions, allied words. In turn, subordinating conjunctions are divided into simple and complex.

Simple conjunctions include: what, so that, how, when, barely, yet, if, as if, as if, for sure, for, although and others. We want all peoples to live happily.

Complex conjunctions include at least two words: because, because, since, in order to, as soon as, while, until, despite the fact that, as if and others. As soon as the sun rose, all the songbirds woke up.

Conjunctive words can be relative pronouns and adverbs: who, what, which, whose, which, how many(in all cases); where, where, from, when, how, why, why and others. Conjunctive words always answer any question and are one of the members of the subordinate clause. I took you there, where I Gray wolf didn't run!(G. Rosen)

You need to know: what it is, examples of it in the literature.

Types of subordination in a complex sentence

Depending on the means, connecting predicative parts, the following types of subordination are distinguished:

  • conjunctional subordination - parts of a complex sentence are connected by simple or complex alliances. He opened the doors wider so that the procession could pass through freely.
  • relative subordination - between the predicative parts there is a conjunction word. After death, people return to the same place they came from. they came.
  • interrogative-relative subordination - parts of a complex sentence are connected through interrogative-relative pronouns and adverbs. The subordinate part explains the member of the main sentence expressed by a verb or noun, which has the meaning of a statement, mental activity, feelings, perceptions, internal state. Berlioz looked around sadly, not understanding what frightened him.(M. Bulgakov).

Often one complex sentence contains more than two predicative parts that are dependent in relation to the main one. Due to this There are several types of subordination:

This is interesting: in the rules of the Russian language.

Based on which member of the main sentence explains or extends the dependent one, subordinate clauses in some sources are divided into subjects, predicates, modifiers, additional and adverbial.

  • Every, whom he met here offered to help him. The subordinate clause extends the subject of the main clause every.
  • Never think that you already know everything.(I. Pavlov) The subordinate part explains the predicate of the main think.
  • You should never regret something that can no longer be changed. IN in this case the subordinate clause answers the question of the prepositional case.

A more common classification is that depending on the questions they answer, subordinate clauses are divided as follows:

Subordinating connection

Subordination, or subordinating connection- the relationship of syntactic inequality between words in a phrase and a sentence, as well as between the predicative parts of a complex sentence.

In this connection, one of the components (words or sentences) acts as main, the other - like dependent.

The linguistic concept of “subordination” is preceded by more ancient concept- “hypotaxis”.

Features of subordinating communication

To distinguish between coordinating and subordinating connections, A. M. Peshkovsky proposed a criterion of reversibility. Submission is characterized irreversible relations between the parts of the connection: one part cannot be put in place of another without prejudice to general content. However, this criterion is not considered decisive.

The significant difference between a subordinating connection (according to S. O. Kartsevsky) is that it functionally close to the dialogical unity of the informative (question-answer) type, firstly, and predominantly has pronominal nature of means of expression, Secondly .

Subordination in phrases and simple sentences

Types of subordinating connections in phrases and sentences:

  • coordination
  • adjacency

Subordination in a complex sentence

Subordinating relationship between simple sentences as part of a complex sentence, it is produced using subordinating conjunctions or allied (relative) words. A complex sentence with such a connection is called a complex sentence. The independent part in it is called main part, and dependent - subordinate clause.

Types of subordinating connections in a complex sentence:

  • allied subordination
    - subordination of sentences using conjunctions.
    I don't want the world to know my mysterious story(Lermontov).
  • relative subordination
    - subordination of sentences using allied (relative) words.
    The moment came when I realized the full value of these words(Goncharov).
  • indirect interrogative submission(interrogative-relative, relative-interrogative)
    - subordination with the help of interrogative-relative pronouns and adverbs connecting the subordinate clause with the main one, in which the member of the sentence explained by the subordinate clause is expressed by a verb or a noun with the meaning of a statement, perception, mental activity, feeling, internal state.
    At first I couldn’t realize what exactly it was(Korolenko).
  • sequential submission (inclusion)
    - subordination, in which the first subordinate clause refers to the main part, the second subordinate clause - to the first subordinate clause, the third subordinate clause - to, the second subordinate clause, etc.
    I hope that this book says quite clearly that I was not shy about writing the truth when I wanted to.(Bitter).
  • mutual submission
    - mutual dependence of the predicative parts of a complex sentence in which the main and subordinate clause; relations between parts are expressed by lexical-syntactic means.
    Before Chichikov had time to look around, he was already grabbed by the arm by the governor(Gogol).
  • parallel subordination (subordination)



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  • Subordination (syntax)
  • Subordinating connection (linguistics)

See what a “Subordinate relationship” is in other dictionaries:

    subordinating connection- The connection between two syntactically unequal words in a phrase and a sentence; one of them acts as the main word, the other as the dependent word. New textbook, implementation of the plan, answer correctly. see coordination, control, adjacency; IN… …

    Subordinating connection (linguistics)

    syntactic connection- A connection that serves to express the relationship between the elements of a phrase and a sentence. Subordinating connection, see subordination. Compositional connection, see essay... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    syntactic connection- A connection of words that serves to express the interdependence of the elements of a phrase and a sentence. Subordinating connection. Coordination... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    Syntactic connection- a connection that arises between the components of a complex sentence. Contents 1 Description 2 Types of syntactic connection 3 Notes ... Wikipedia

    Subordination- subordinating relationship, a formally expressed dependence of one syntactic element (word, sentence) on another. On the basis of P., syntactic units of two types of phrases and complex sentences are formed. Word (in... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Subordination (syntax)- This article or section describes a certain linguistic phenomenon in relation only to the Russian language. You can help Wikipedia by adding information about this phenomenon in other languages ​​and typological coverage... Wikipedia

    Subordination (linguistics)- Subordination, or subordinating relationship, is a relationship of syntactic inequality between words in a phrase and a sentence, as well as between the predicative parts of a complex sentence. In this connection, one of the components (words or sentences) ... ... Wikipedia

    Complex sentence- (SPP) is a type of complex sentence, which is characterized by division into two main parts: the main part and the subordinate clause. The subordinating relationship in such a sentence is determined by the dependence of one part on the other, that is, the main part presupposes... ... Wikipedia Buy audiobook for 49 rubles

There is such a thing in linguistics as a subordinating relationship. In Russian, subordinating connections occur in phrases and sentences. This happens in speech all the time. But what is subordinating phrase and a proposal?

First, let's look at what a subordinating relationship means. It connects independent (notional) words and phrases with each other through the fact that one part is the main one and the other is the dependent one. This is very easy to check. From the main part you can ask a question to the dependent part. Such a connection is determined both in meaning and grammatically. For example, beautiful flower, where from the word “flower” you can ask the question “which one?” to the word “beautiful” and determine that the dependent adjective here is.

Types of subordinating connections in phrases


The gender, number and case form of the dependent part are fully consistent with the main part, that is, they are similar to it. From the main word you can ask questions “which?” and “whose?” (these questions may vary depending on the form).

When agreeing, the main noun is always the noun, and the dependent ones can be:

  1. Adjectives: blue sea, clear image, bright light.
  2. Ordinal numbers: first place, (on) the tenth floor, hundredth film.
  3. Participles: writing man, running kitten, bouncing ball.
  4. Possessive pronouns(except for them, him, her): our hearts, my treasure.

Coordination also can be complete or incomplete. In the first case, the dependent word in all forms is likened to the main one, and in the second case - only partially. But the incomplete form rather concerns only exceptions and vernaculars. An example of incomplete (or partial) agreement is the case when a word denoting a profession (as we know, many such words occur in male uniform, but the person himself can be a woman), has an adjective next to it, but in a different gender (our doctor).


When controlling, the dependent word changes under the influence of the main word only by case, one word “controls” the other. Control phrases can be: verb + noun, gerund + noun, participle + noun, two nouns or cardinal number + noun. Happens two types of control: with a preposition, when there is a preposition, or without a preposition. When controlling, the dependent word is asked an indirect case question or an adverbial question (where, to where, from where), since the word can answer two questions at the same time.

Examples: smoking a cigarette, living in a house, a toy cat, six players, dropping out of school, writing books.


With this type of connection, one part is “adjacent” to another. In other words, such phrases determined only by meaning, since both parts retain all their shapes. The main sign of adjacency is that the dependent word is an unchangeable part of speech (the infinitive of the verb, the gerund, the adverb, the pronouns his, her, their).

The main difference from management and coordination is precisely the “independence” of the parts and dependence on each other only in meaning. An adjacency is a connection between two nouns if they denote a name (Lake Baikal, the country of Russia, the Volga River). You can ask an adverbial question (not to be confused with management!): what to do, what to do, what by doing, what by doing and whose (his, her, theirs).

Examples: his jacket, planet Earth, live well, drive without stopping, grew up quickly.

Phrases that do not have a subordinating connection

  • Word and functional part of speech (near the house).
  • Compound words (more vivid).
  • Words joined by the conjunction “and”.
  • Phraseologisms.
  • Verb and subject.

Subordinating communication in sentences

Sentences also have a subordinating relationship, but this only applies to non-complex sentences. Complex sentence differs from a compound one in that both parts cannot be separated. If they are used separately, the sentence will lose its meaning, while parts of a complex sentence can be completely use separately from each other and divide the letter with a dot.

The types of subordinating connections in such sentences are distinguished only if there are several subordinate clauses. For example: he told me that he would only go to the place where he was directed. Here we see one main clause and two dependent clauses.

  • sequential;
  • parallel;
  • homogeneous.

Sequential a sentence can be defined if a question goes from the main part to a subordinate clause, and from this subordinate clause to another subordinate clause. For example: I bought a jacket (which one?), which was sewn for me in an atelier (which one?), which is located far from my home.

At parallel In the form of subordination to all subordinate clauses, questions from the main part are asked, but from different words. Thus, a sort of “parallel” is obtained. In such cases, usually the main part is located between the dependent ones. (Example: when the school bell rang, I was talking to a new classmate who had recently transferred to our class).

At homogeneous type, dependent clauses refer to the same word found in the main part. (For example: today I went for a walk in the park, where there are usually very few people and where I forgot my jacket).

Complex sentences allow you to convey voluminous messages about several situations or phenomena, making speech more expressive and informative. Most often, complex sentences are used in works of art, journalistic articles, scientific works, texts in official business style.

What is a complex sentence?

Difficult sentence - a sentence that consists of two or more grammar basics, is an intonationally formed semantic unity that expresses a certain meaning. Depending on the relationship of parts, complex sentences with coordinating subordinating and non-union connection.

Complex sentences with coordinating connections

Compound Sentences - union proposals, which consist of equal parts connected by a coordinating connection. Parts of complex sentences are combined into one whole using coordinating, adversative or disjunctive conjunctions. In writing, a comma is placed before the conjunction between parts of a compound sentence.

Examples of compound sentences: The boy shook the tree and ripe apples fell to the ground. Katya went to college, and Sasha stayed at home. Either someone called me, or it seemed like it.

Complex sentences with subordinating connections

Complex sentences - conjunctional sentences consisting of unequal parts that are connected by a subordinating connection. In complex sentences there are main part and dependent (subordinate clause). Parts of the dictionary are connected to each other using conjunctions and allied words. In writing, between parts of a complex sentence, a comma is placed before the conjunction (conjunctive word).

Examples of complex sentences: He picked a flower to give to his mother. Those present were wondering where Ivan Petrovich came from. Misha went to the store his friend was talking about.

Usually, a question can be raised from the main clause to the subordinate clause. Examples: I came home (when?) when everyone had already sat down to dinner. We learned about (what?) what happened yesterday.

Complex sentences with non-conjunction connections

Unconjunct complex sentences are sentences whose parts are connected only with the help of intonation, without the use of conjunctions and allied words.

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Examples of complex sentences with non-conjunctive connections between parts: The music started playing, the guests started dancing. It will be frosty in the morning - we won’t go anywhere. Tanya turned around: a tiny kitten was huddled against the wall.

A comma, dash, colon or semicolon can be placed between parts of non-union complex sentences (depending on what meaning the parts of the BSP express).

Complex sentences with different types of connections

Mixed complex sentences can include several clauses connected to each other by coordinating, subordinating and non-conjunctive connections. In writing, in mixed complex sentences, the punctuation characteristic of complex, complex and non-union sentences is observed.

Examples: Vitya decided that if the teacher asked him to answer a question, he would have to admit that he had not prepared for the lesson. On the right hung a painting depicting a blooming garden, and on the left there was a table with carved legs. The weather worsened: rose strong wind and it started to rain, but it was warm and dry in the tent.

If complex sentences include mixed offer form logical-syntactic blocks; a semicolon is placed between such blocks. Example: On the porch, a sparrow was pecking at grains that grandmother accidentally scattered; At this time, dad came out, and the bird quickly flew away.

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