A fun housewarming party. Scenarios for housewarming: funny and humorous competitions, funny games, original skits and jokes

Housewarming scenario

Now it's your turn.
We came for a housewarming party
View your possessions -
Accept honest people!

Here are the mansions, so are the mansions,
Everything you need for the soul:
Kitchen, bathroom with toilet,
Well, and the rooms -
If you want, stop, or if you want, dance!

Even if you roll on them sideways
With a turn and a jump -
Who can't ban
Is it luxurious for you to live here?

So that the doors don't break
And the floors didn’t dry out,
I washed the bath, cooked the stove,
So that the apartment is warm.

Come on, good mistress,
Fill our glasses.
A cup of good wine
Let's drink, brothers, we'll reach the bottom.

Before sitting down at the table, each invitee writes with a felt-tip pen on a piece of paper given to him what he would like to give or wish to the hosts. For example, a car, a key new apartment, baby, banknote, new dress. All pieces of paper are placed in a hat (deep bowl). The owners are invited to pull out one piece of paper and read it out. What was there will definitely be available to new residents before the end of the year.

Act 1

The action takes place in front of the entrance to a new home. Cheerful music is playing.

The sheep appears and begins to pester the guests - scares them, pinches them, makes faces, etc. The Brownie ceremoniously comes in behind him, drives him away from the guests with a broom and threatens him with his fist. The drummer calms down in fear.

Brownie. Hello, my dear new residents! And all the guests - hello! Did my Barabashka scare you a little? Actually, he is good and kind, just stupid.
Drum(offended). I'm not stupid!
Brownie. Well, yes! But tell me: what should you do first when you move into new house?
Drum. Sign up for the House Book!
Brownie. Eh, and also Barabashka! The house book is not going anywhere, but you need to... Get the bag!

The drummer hits himself on the head, runs away, and returns with a sack.

Brownie. You must first let the cat into the house!

The drummer opens the bag, takes out the cat and hands it to the owner. (Note that with a live cat everything looks more impressive.)

Brownie. So that. Well, now you can sign up for the House Register.

First, the owner and hostess, and then all the guests, are recorded in the House Book. Then Domovoy and Barabashka put their signatures. As for the seals, the women present place them on the pages of the book with painted lips. For those whose lips are not painted, Barabashka paints them to the best of her “stylist” abilities.

Drum. And I also know something that new residents must have!
Brownie. And what?
Drum. And you ask the guests!

The brownie conducts a survey among the guests. This moment can be used to present gifts to new residents.

Drum. All this, of course, is good, but the most necessary thing is here!

He takes out horseshoes and puts them on the neck of the owner and mistress.

Drum. Whenever you need luck or just feel sad, put on these horseshoes, walk around the house for an hour or two - and everything will be fine.
Drum. We're in trouble, Uncle Domovoy.
Brownie. What's happened?
Drum. Why, the hosts were given gifts, but the guests were forgotten!
Brownie. You are right. Well, prepare gifts for your dear guests!

The drummer carries a bag with “gifts”.

Among them there can be a wide variety of things, but they need to be given, accompanying this process with a witty explanation - why this particular thing is needed for this particular person. This explanation is associated with some well-known character trait, habit, or simply serves as a reminder of what happened funny incident. Of course, it should not be offensive to the recipient. The donation ceremony can be replaced if desired. win-win lottery. In this case, guests are given tickets with numbers immediately upon entering the apartment, and then in this place of the 1st act, each number receives a won item-gift.

Items and comments on them can be as follows:
a rolling pin is an indispensable tool for preventing family scandals;
picture frame - free instant photo;
bottle mineral water- the dream of tomorrow;
mop - a device for camouflage, intended for the thinnest member of the family;
cap - a self-assembled hat, the best substitute for a wallet and boring work;
noodles - a favorite dish of TV viewers interested in politics, produced by the State Duma;
lollipops (or toffee) - hello to the dentist;
matches - morning eyelid holders;
a head of cabbage is the currency for settlements with the “new Russians”;
buttons are the material base for the special course “How to become a prankster.”

Drum. Now everyone seems to be happy.
Brownie. I suggest having a snack on this occasion!

The guests sit down at the table.

Act 2

After the guests have refreshed themselves, Brownie and Barabashka appear again, but in bow ties and absolutely serious. In addition to them, two more participate in the 2nd act - a man and a woman. Despite all the seriousness, Barabashka still cannot restrain himself and continues to make faces, in every possible way attracting the attention of the guests. The brownie pulls him back.

Brownie. Calm down, we have a serious mission.
Drum. Yes, now your attention will be presented to the works of the most famous fashion designers in the world (gesture towards Domovoy): Domodashkin...
Brownie....and Barabacci!

Those present applaud loudly.

Brownie. Let me also inform you that the work will be demonstrated by the inimitable Claudia Schiffer...
Drum....and Claudius Shingles!

Applause breaks out again. Beautiful slow music sounds, Brownie and Barabashka pronounce their text in a measured voice.

Brownie. The hallway... This is the face of the house, it is a tunnel, at the end of which we see the light of cozy rooms. This is a mystical place...
Drum. And the owners in the hallway seem to be completely unknown to us, mysterious, alluring and excitingly dangerous... Here they are!

Models appear. A woman with scarlet lipstick on her lips, loose hair, dressed in a black T-shirt and shorts, with shoes on her feet. high heels(platform), around the neck - a black scarf. The man is wearing black trousers and a collared shirt. Both are wearing black masks. They move smoothly, like predators. At the end of their exit they smile, showing vampire fangs. They leave.

Brownie. But what is it? What is it that attracts you so much - so bright, shining! The azure surface of the water...
Drum. San Lorenzo?
Brownie. No.
Drum. San Francisco?
Brownie. No! This is a bathroom!
Drum. Oh, the bathroom! These are special rooms! Pay due attention to their visit, do not forget about a decent appearance

Models are emerging again. The woman is in a robe and swim slippers. There is a pair of curlers on the head, and a sour cream mask on the face. A roll of toilet paper sticks out of my pocket. The man is dressed in pajama pants, his hair is tousled, a towel is thrown over his shoulder, and there is a toothbrush in his mouth. Fashion show. They leave.

Brownie. Mmm! What delicious smells are coming from that room! This must be the kitchen! My favorite place in the house. What could be more important than the kitchen?
Drum(whispers). Only the bedroom!
Brownie. We managed to develop unique clothing models that will allow new residents to save time and feel comfortable in any of the rooms. Note...

The models come out. The woman is wearing a robe, an apron, and holding a saucepan and a spoon. The hair is gathered in a ponytail.

Brownie. Once Claudia makes a few light movements...

Claudia begins to beat the imaginary dough "in the pan with a spoon, salts and peppers it, removing salt and pepper from the pockets of her robe. She places the pan on the table, "bridges" the spoon... All movements are made with manic speed under very fast music. At the end, the music fades out, and Claudia sinks to the floor in exhaustion.

Drum. And now she is ready to go to the bedroom.

A man appears. The only clothes he wears are sweatpants. Fashion show.

Brownie. One wave of the hand is enough for these trousers...

Claudius takes off his trousers, revealing pajama pants from a previous fashion show.

Brownie....turned into an elegant sleeping set.

The models leave to thunderous applause.

Brownie. Our show is over. Now we want to check something in our calculations...

Barabashka distributes sheets of paper and pens to all guests.

Brownie. I ask everyone to write combinations of three letters in a column: PNR, PD, PVS, PVP.
Drum. Now, opposite each combination, write a line from the song that you associate with these letters.

Brownie. Have you written? Now listen to what the letters mean:
PNR - your behavior at work;
PD - your behavior at home;
PVS - family status;
PVP - behavior in bed.
Let's hear what happened.

Everyone reads out their notes.

Brownie. There should be similar moments in the life of every new resident.
Drum.. Therefore, we invite all those present to take part in the composition of the solemn “Ode for Moving In.” Each of you writes two rhymed lines on a sheet of paper, and next to it with a pencil draws some kind of drawing as a keepsake for the owners.

Act 3

Gypsies burst into the room singing and dancing. Their role is played by the guests themselves, throwing colorful scarves over their shoulders, wearing long bright skirts or tying scarves around their hips.

1st gypsy. Hey, romale! Come on, gild your pen! I’ll tell you everything that is, what was, and what will be.
2nd gypsy. Get into the bag, let's make a prediction!

All guests pull leaves with fortunes rolled into a tube from a bag.

Good luck is predicted for everyone pleasant events, and also funny tasks are given.

For example:
- today you will be lucky, but luck will happen only after you dance on the table;
- someone is really looking forward to your kiss, and clearly your neighbor is waiting for it;
- you’re really looking forward to someone’s kiss, so choose whose.


Housewarming song adaptation “For those at sea”
Singing together: he and she

She Do you remember how it all began?
He There was nothing here at all.
And how we worked, and how we fought,
To make him beautiful.

She And for the sake of a dream, you know
He You didn't sleep all night long.
Together And now we raise our glasses,
Our house will gather all our friends.

Together we drink to you,
We love you all.
Thank you for coming
And they brought joy to our home.

We are this day and hour
Never forget.
The doors are wide open
And they wait impatiently
Here each of you.

She Do you remember how our guys
Miracles worked here.
He Both the architect and the chief builder -
This is our family.

Happy birthday to our home.
May love always live here.
And we dedicate this song to the guests
And our house will sing along to us.

Children's performance on the poem "The House That Jack Built"

So this is the house we built.
And this is our dad,
Who was always wandering somewhere,
Did any housework,
He fed us an unusually delicious lunch.
In general, everyone should shake dad’s hand,

And here is our mother,
One day inspiration came to her
And then it began.

From now on our dad
I started running around all the time,
In general, shake dad's hand,
Everyone should kiss mom
Living in the house that we built.

There are also three guys in the house.
And you know, they talk about them
That they always helped everyone
And at the same time they showed commendable zeal.
But this is interesting.

What will mom say to this?
Which moved towards the goal stubbornly.
And one day inspiration came to her
And the image of the house was born at the same moment.
From now on our dad
I started running around all the time,

I started doing any housework,
Feed us an unusually delicious lunch.
In general, shake dad's hand,
Kiss mom
And everyone should give us something,
Living in the house that we built.

And there is also little Nastya,
Which in our home is joy and happiness.
And now everyone is talking about her,
And not about those three guys,
Who always helped everyone
And at the same time they showed commendable zeal.

What will mom say? What about mom?
She always goes towards her goal stubbornly.

Many today are of the opinion that it is necessary to spend holidays and meet with friends outside the walls of the home. This, of course, has its advantages, but such a holiday as a housewarming is usually celebrated in the house. And in his own way. And always in a new one - that is, in the very place where, in fact, the hero or heroes of the occasion moved. Otherwise, the whole meaning of the holiday is lost: guests want to look at the new home, evaluate, praise, envy, give out a bunch of advice and recommendations and, of course, congratulate with all their hearts. If you invite friends to housewarming to a restaurant, the soulfulness of the holiday will disappear.

Housewarming celebration: when?

So, celebrate housewarming better at home. But when? Should I wait until the renovation is completely completed and all the furniture is delivered? In fact, it doesn’t matter whether the apartment is renovated or just purchased. Another thing is important: whether you moved into it or not. After all, the very word “housewarming” implies moving into a new place. Even if you decide to move into a new apartment that has not been renovated, this does not mean that you need to postpone the housewarming party. If you wish, you can invite friends and family to a housewarming party, even though the wallpaper is only in the hallway, and the only furniture in the apartment is a table, a bed and a couple of stools. Moreover, if you know that the renovation will take a long time, it is better to arrange a housewarming party right away. Agree, it will be strange to invite people to a housewarming party a year and a half after you moved into your new house.

Housewarming celebration: how?

If the interior design of a new house or apartment is still in progress, preparing for the holiday will be a little more difficult: you will need to somehow decorate the premises, find places for guests. On the other hand, this has its advantages: tipsy guests will not break the new vase, lovingly chosen by the hostess especially for the new interior, and will not stain the carefully pasted wallpaper with mayonnaise. And you can even accommodate guests on the floor, laying out a clean carpet either on a screed or on an already laid parquet.

At a housewarming party, it is customary to show guests all the premises of the new home: “We have a kitchen here. Yes it's big. Yes, I like it too, thank you. Now let's see our bathroom...". The first part of the housewarming takes place approximately in this spirit. If there is no renovation and/or furnishings, you will still have to demonstrate the premises - guests will be able to appreciate their size, the convenience of the location of window and door openings, etc.

To make a tour of the house more interesting, you can install something like an easel with a design project in each room. Moreover, each room has its own design project. You can draw it by hand with pencils or markers or make it in 3D using computer program. Or you can make a joke by cutting out photographs of luxurious interiors found on the Internet from magazines or printing them - very expensive and respectable or, conversely, incredibly creative and extravagant. Let the guests rack their brains - are you really so rich and extravagant or is this just a joke.

The main thing at a housewarming celebration is - this is still a feast, even if there are newspapers instead of tablecloths, and boxes instead of stools. After all, you are inviting guests to your new home, and holidays in Rus' have never been complete without refreshments. However, guests also need to be entertained. Cooking for , organizers festive events Often two components of this holiday are combined - a tour of the house and entertainment for the guests. We offer an approximate course of the holiday in this spirit.

An approximate housewarming scenario in the form of a tour of the new home

When guests arrive, the owners give them slippers and offer them a tour of the house. The tour begins in the hallway.

Hallway. There is a tray with glasses filled with juice, beer, light wine or other drink. At the bottom of each glass is a small key. Keys for mailboxes are suitable - you will need to buy a pair of inexpensive locks, which come with several keys. Of course, the keys must first be washed with soap. Guests pick up glasses with a drink and, at a sign from the owner, begin to drink, trying to quickly fish out the key. Whoever fishes out the key faster and takes it out of his mouth wins this game. The owners give him a small symbolic prize: for example, they present him with a decorative figurine-key with the words: “This is a pass to our house - now you can come here at any time”. But after a few seconds they add: “We also wanted to give the winner a gift so that he could call before coming to us, but you don’t need a phone - you have your own. So call if you decide to come".

The next stage is the kitchen. The owners say that this is where they will prepare all the delicacies that guests will be invited to. But the question is whether they (the guests) can understand the taste of the products. One or two volunteers are blindfolded and allowed to smell different foods in turn. The guest must guess the product by smell. It could be a slice of tangerine, pickle, shrimp, cheese, ice cream, glass of vodka, etc. If two people participate at the same time, then they are offered different products “to smell.”

Whoever guesses everything or almost everything gets a comic prize - a very deep plate with a huge spoon to take with you the next time you are going to visit the heroes of the occasion.

Next is the bathroom. The owners say: “We always welcome guests and want you to feel comfortable. We don’t know how convenient the toilet paper we buy is for you, dear guests. Let's check now". You will need two or three rolls of paper with perforations (perforations on the tear line). 2-3 people participate. They need to tear off the paper exactly along the tear line (along the notch) and put these small pieces of paper in their pockets or in their bosom - in general, hide them on themselves. Whoever runs out of rolls the fastest wins. He is entitled to a comic prize - a collection of jokes: “When you go to visit us, you can take it with you: our toilet is at your complete disposal”.

The next object is the bathroom. The bathroom probably has tiles or something else, but it must be waterproof. You can ask guests to write wishes as a keepsake with special “bathing” pencils (easily washable). How nice it will be to see good words friends and relatives while showering, but only before the first cleaning. There is no need to worry - the pencil washes off very easily.

Bedroom. Two special “pillows” have already been prepared in the bedroom. Or rather, these are just pillowcases filled with various items. The owners ask you to rate the bedroom: “Well, how do you like our bedroom? Is it comfortable? Comfortable? Is everything there? Yes? Do you know exactly what should be in the bedroom? Will it be comfortable in the dark? Have you been here in the dark? Well, now let’s see how authoritative your opinion was.”.

Two people are invited to play the game and thereby prove that their praise can be trusted, because they understand this matter. The hosts show those same pillows, then blindfold the participants and give each one a pillow. Task: unzip the pillowcase and take out items from there, sorting them. Put in one direction those items that may be needed in the bedroom, and in the other - those that do not belong in the bedroom. This, of course, will have to be determined by touch.

The following items can be placed in pillowcases: sleep mask, night face cream, book, towel, comb, condoms, massage oil, sunscreen, tweezers, wallet, screwdriver, jar of preserves, washcloth, tube of toothpaste, small pillows, soft slippers, nightie, stockings , tweezers, glue, etc. Once the items are sorted, the players' blindfolds are removed. The number of obvious errors is then counted. Whoever has the least wins, receiving a symbolic prize. For example, a small pillow-thought, which should be presented with the words: “If it gets really bad, take this pillow and come to us - we will always be glad to see you and will find somewhere to put it, but don’t count on a place in the bedroom!”.

Let's go to the nursery. “What do you think of our nursery? Will our children be comfortable here? And how do you know whether it’s convenient or inconvenient - you’ve long forgotten what it’s like to be a child. Or they haven't forgotten. Shall we check?, - with this liner the hosts invite guests to the game. If the children's room is for absolutely small child(possibly even the future), you can organize a competition to throw a pacifier the farthest directly using your mouth. Of course, you will need a lot of pacifiers, since everyone who wants to “shoot” needs to be given an individual pacifier.

If it's a nursery for older children, they probably have a Lego-type building set. Let the guests make a plan of the apartment from it - the very one they are invited to move into. So there will be a test to see how they remember everything they saw.

Living room (or dining room). This is where the table is set. Where we started is where we ended up. At the table you need to immediately raise your glasses to interesting excursion, and after that you can carry out a ritual: the owners hand out pieces of paper and markers to the guests asking them to write something bad that could happen to their new home. Then all the pieces of paper are collected and immediately burned in a large heat-resistant bowl or in a fireplace, if there is one. Now the owners can be sure that nothing bad will happen to their new home!

The second part provides another approximate housewarming scenario, but of a completely different nature - in the form theme party. See this script on the “ “ page.

Housewarming! Pleasant troubles and worry about how to organize a holiday at the proper level: after all, what a housewarming, so will life in the new place. Therefore, let's not limit ourselves to the feast and think about the scenario for the housewarming holiday.

Holiday decoration

Taking into account the age of the new residents and the composition of the guests, you can select competitions and sweepstakes, but let’s start with the design. We will demonstrate comfort and prosperity another time, but today it would be appropriate to decorate it in the “just completed construction” style. Along with cheerful holiday balls, there will be shavings (paper or real) scattered across the floor, and on the walls there will be a huge floor plan where guests can leave their wishes, and funny signs like “jacuzzi” on the bathroom or “ winter Garden" - on the balcony. You don’t leave any room unattended, even the toilet and dressing room.

Traditional ritual - amulet

If you are supporters of Russian traditions, then it is customary to consecrate your house before moving in. It is believed that someone else’s energy (from builders or previous residents) can negatively affect your well-being and mood. To protect the house and themselves from all evil, a priest is invited from the nearest temple. After the ceremony, you can celebrate housewarming.

Russian feng shui

Host: Now it has become fashionable to coordinate the entire furnishings in the house with the traditions of Feng Shui. This is doubly important for housewarming parties, so we prepared thoroughly today and chose the gifts with meaning. (Read about what gifts you can give to housewarming people.)

First of all, it is a symbol of well-being and prosperity (hands a piggy bank to the owner). He will attract money so that it flows like a river into the house and does not disappear to no one knows where.

Evil spirits are lured into the house by dirt and disorder, so secondly we give symbols of cleanliness (broom, dustpan, vacuum cleaner).

In order for the owners to want to return here, the house must be cozy (hands the owner slippers as a symbol).

The latter are symbols of the hospitable person (handing over a ladle and other utensils to the hostess).

There's a colonel in the kitchen - that ladle! To make the dishes tastier, he builds an army of dishes. And the symbol of hospitality - the corkscrew - begins every feast and it’s time to experience it!

Everyone is asked to come to the table.

The presenter hands the owners a warrant.


Issued to citizen_______(full name), female citizen_______(full name) and citizens (indicate names if they have children) to confirm the fact that they are the full and sole owners of the house at ___________(indicated).

Owners' rights

  • spend the night in this house regularly, go to work and always return;
  • enjoy without restrictions all the benefits of civilization provided to them (water supply, heating network, sewerage, electricity, Internet);
  • change the furniture and layout of the house in accordance with the impeccable taste of the owners.

Host Responsibilities

  • ensure order in the house with the help of mops, maids, vacuum cleaners;
  • live in the house exclusively in peace and harmony;
  • Regularly organize fun events for today's guests.

New resident's oath

After (or before) the presentation of the warrant, one of the new residents reads an oath, and the whole family says “we swear” three times.

We, the new residents of 2014, solemnly swear in front of all those present:

  • in accordance with the Charter, comply with all norms and rules of collective living;
  • make utility payments on time;
  • I consider everyone living in this apartment to be my family, and in others - good neighbors.

For the last point of the order, a drink is offered, and the guests are seated at the table.

Raffle “Uninvited Guests”

The doorbell rings (it is not the owners who open the door), a “commission” of 2-3 well-made-up guests in the usual clothes of housing office workers enters. The question is: “Do so and so live here?” and, without waiting for an answer, they begin to look around the apartment, talking among themselves:

Not a bad apartment, 50 meters away, and the side is sunny (describes the apartment).

Yes, and the services are separate, children will have a good time here.

Here you can arrange a nursery.

After the owners objected.

- And you, citizens, without scandals! What country do we live in? How many children are homeless without a roof, and you clearly exceed the standards here.

We have to share, it’s a mess, we can accommodate seven more here - just a family one Orphanage, take the children.

(Children appear in the apartment and unceremoniously play with the ball they brought with them).

The hosts and uninvited guests exchange documents (fake ones can be made).

Well, why are you fuming, you have such happiness, after all, the guardians are also paid an additional 5,000 rubles. for each, well, kids, did you like the apartment?

Children: No! Somehow cramped, uncomfortable, cold (other options).

Okay, we'll look at the neighbors... but we'll come back to you!

After the revelation, everyone joins the feast.

Another option is to bring in gypsies (guests in disguise) with belongings (disguised gifts), songs, dances, fortune telling, an unceremonious feast, and accommodation for the night.

Getting to know the brownie

A fragment of a housewarming scenario with a brownie would be appropriate for such a holiday. One of the guests clarifies whether the owners managed to get acquainted with the brownie, because there are no houses without brownies. At this time, one of the guests changes clothes, takes a broom and a loaf with a can of beer and appears in front of the owners.

Brownie: I want you to like me, let me introduce myself! A brownie by profession, I am involved in economic processes.

Anyone who wants to live in abundance should be friends with me (gives beer to the owner)! Well, owner, will you be friends with me? Let's drink beer for this...

And I prepared a new broom for the hostess. Will you get along with me or chase me with a broom? (Hands over). (The housewife explains to the brownie). Now everything is fine - let's live nicely!

To become related to me, I propose a toast: “Peace in the house is the main thing and we will have a glorious life. For this occasion, I have prepared a loaf for you - swoop in and cut it!

The loaf contains a secret, which is communicated to all guests. Whoever gets a piece of the pie with a baked key will be a welcome guest here. If the key comes across one of the owners, he is declared the head of the family.

The cat goes into the house

Host: There is another ancient sign: before moving into the house, a black cat was the first to be let into the house - it was believed that he was calling happiness into the house. Where's your cat? We need to fix problems. During this time, one of the guests dresses up as a cat. You need a headband with ears and appropriate makeup.

Cat: Meow! (In terms of - Good evening!) What a joyful meeting! And the company is big, I won’t bother you at all. My stomach is no bigger than a thimble, and besides, I have fluffy fur, and I’m also trained to catch mice, and, of course, I’m toilet trained. Take me into your home - you won’t regret it later!

(New residents are given a live cat or a toy by agreement).

Cat: Good for you guys. But my kittens have been waiting for a while, so as not to be sad later, I want to invite the owner to a dance!

Host: Indeed, it’s time to check whether the floors are strong. Music sounds and dancing begins.


For latecomers

On the threshold, the latecomer is immediately puzzled by the question: “Wow or well?” “Wow” means “kiss one,” “well” means “kiss one,” depending on your choice.

Don't laugh!

Someone at the table shows a movement (for example, touching a neighbor’s nose), and everyone along the chain duplicates the gesture with one condition: do not laugh! Troublemakers are sent to a punishment cell and, upon completion, they are given some kind of funny task.


The presenter reminds that a real man not only makes eyes at his neighbor, grows a belly and plants a liver, but also has to build a house, a tree and raise a son. They determine who has how many children, houses and trees in the garden and identify the main builder.

Songs about home

Competition for best performance songs about home. For example, “Weather in the house”, “Under the roof of your house”, “ Parents' house", "Grass near the house", "No one will be in the house" from the repertoires of L. Leshchenko, L. Dolina, Yu. Antonov, the group "Earthlings", the film "The Irony of Fate". One starts, everyone picks up.

Guessing game

If you have chosen a company that does not sing, you can supplement the housewarming scenario by replacing the songs with sayings: the host says the beginning, the rest guess the continuation.

  • At home - not away: ... gone.
  • In every home in the closet...
  • The hut is not red in its corners... .
  • My home, my...
  • Houses and walls...
  • Without an owner...
  • It’s good to be away… .


Two pairs participate (how best to distribute them, see the situation). Two players are blindfolded and, pointing to the other participants, asked the question: “Where are we going to kiss?”, noting a specific part of the body (ear, nose, hand, etc.). The next question is: “How many times?” The number is shown on the fingers until the participant makes his choice. Then his eyes are untied and he fulfills his own condition, for example, to kiss the man’s knees 7 times.

Last toast

The apartment is so wonderful

Live as the most friendly family.

We wish that for many, many days

Great happiness settled in her.

The housewarming scenario is not a monolithic block; you can combine any options from the proposed modules and supplement competitions (for example, “Find your key on the ring,” “On which side of the world are the apartment windows?”). Creative inspiration and happy holiday! Read all about gifts for newlyweds.

Moving to a new place of residence is a grandiose event, which in our country is usually celebrated on a grand scale. After all, when a family or even a single person buys an apartment or house, it becomes a great joy both for them and for those around them. Such an event is usually celebrated in a new home with a large circle of relatives and friends. If you are invited to a housewarming party as a guest, think in advance about what you will give to the happy housewarmers and how you will congratulate them on this grand holiday.

How can you congratulate someone on a housewarming?

When going to, you should prepare in advance. However, this preparation is not only about buying a gift, it is also important to choose warm words that will please the heroes of the occasion. The presentation of gifts to new residents can be played up in poetry with a slight dose of irony. You can also hold competitions, funny lotteries, or even play a few comic skits at this holiday.

What should you pay attention to first when preparing congratulations on your housewarming?

How to congratulate you on your housewarming in a comic form - in poetry or prose?

Choosing a housewarming gift should be taken seriously. The whole point is that it should be useful and necessary. After all, a trinket that will gather dust in the farthest corner of the apartment will bring neither benefit nor pleasure. It is also important to present the gift correctly. Under no circumstances give it away silently with an emotionless expression on your face. Choose beautiful and warm words or give a gift in a humorous way. This can be done using a special congratulatory text in verse or prose.

Presentation of household appliances

If your financial situation allows, present the heroes of the occasion with something from household appliances. Such a gift will clearly come in handy in a new apartment.

True, before doing this, you should find out in advance whether they have the item you are going to buy, otherwise the gift will simply become unnecessary.

You can present household appliances that will help the housewife in cooking using the following words: “A woman is not a dishwasher,” as one famous advertisement says. She is also not a cleaner or laundress, but she is an excellent cook. We hope that our gift will become an indispensable assistant for the hostess, who will continue to delight us with her culinary masterpieces, but will spend much less time on it.” Give large household appliances as a housewarming gift, for example washing machine, you can use the following verses:

Congratulations on your housewarming, our dears, you

And we present the washing machine at the same hour.

Washing with a basin and tongs is a thing of the past,

Well, the miracle unit is not too lazy to wash all day long!

A microwave oven would make a great housewarming gift. You can give it as family people, and for those who live alone.

You can present a microwave oven as a gift with the following words:

Congratulations on your housewarming today,

It was awkward to come without a gift.

And therefore we solemnly present

Wonderful microwave for you.

After all, cooking is so tiring sometimes,

Well, the dishes should be hot.

We wish you only happiness in your new home!

Take a microwave as a gift!

Delivery of bed linen

You can purchase a set of beautiful bed linen for new residents. This item will be useful in every home. Well, hand it over to in a comic form you can use these words: "To a new home, by old tradition, it is customary to buy everything new, for example, a broom, towels and other items common use, because housewarming is a great reason to start life with clean slate, forgetting old grievances and problems. We thought that you hardly made sure that you had new dreams in this home, so we present you with this small gift. Have pleasant and easy dreams and good luck in your new place!”

Presentation of wine glasses

You can give a set of cognac glasses as a housewarming gift. After all, in the life of every family there are a lot of holidays, which are celebrated in big company, which means such a gift will definitely come in handy. Well, you can hand it over using this comic congratulations: “Of course, everyone knows that alcohol is very harmful. But this is only if you use it without measure, but a measure is a unit of measurement for old Rus', equal to approximately 16 liters. Therefore, you can drink as much as you like from these glasses, and it will still be very far from being adequate. We solemnly present these glasses to you and wish you to have as many occasions for meetings in your new home as possible!”

Do not forget also that the gift should be chosen with taste. If you don't know what to give to happy new residents, try to carefully find out what they would like to receive and what they need.

well and if you are invited to a housewarming party by loved ones, ask them directly about the gift. Perhaps there is some item that will definitely be useful to them in the household, but they cannot yet afford to purchase it.

Comic scene of congratulations on housewarming

Presentation of a gift or simply congratulations on a housewarming can be played out in the form comic scene. This will certainly cheer up both the guests gathered at the holiday and the happy new residents. Here is a script for a funny comic scene with which you can please the heroes of the occasion:

Restless brownie

In order to act out this costumed scene, you will need two participants and an agreement with the guests that they will gather at the entrance to the new home at the same time. It’s not at all difficult to get the costumes needed for this scene - you can buy them in a specialized store or rent them. Besides, You can make outfits for this production yourself. Particular attention should also be paid to makeup. You can smear yourself with soot, ruffle your hair and draw freckles on a brownie, and draw a nose and whiskers on a cat. According to the script, the brownie and the owners should greet guests at the entrance to the apartment or house. The cat needs to hide until certain point. For the owners, you need to prepare a couple of suitcases, pretending that they cannot enter the apartment because of the brownie. Brownie: A large number of guests came to us from various volosts. Why are you all gathered here? Ali got lost? Maybe the goblin took you through the swamps? Did you feed him fly agarics and toadstools? Yes, by chance did you lead to this house, where a large rich table had been laid for a long time? Come on, answer! Guests: We came for a housewarming party!

Don't know how you can? Take advantage of our ideas! What are the benefits of creative birthday gifts? The answer to this question is in our article. On the next page you can choose your favorite wedding anniversary gift for your husband.

Share it fully, be sure to show how happy you are that this family has finally acquired a new home, and be sure to include warm and kind words in your congratulations!

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I have a lot of ideas, but maybe you can advise me something

So maybe first you can tell me what you are planning? Let's think in unison, maybe we can add something, adjust it...

Otherwise, out of nowhere one doesn’t think at all.

tanya 125

tanya 125





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I wonder where the topic is... I would never have thought that you could find a topic in a chat room thread))...

Housewarming CONFERENCE AFGalka

INTRODUCTION (the presenter begins):
Everything is behind - anxiety and excitement,
Knots, cabinets, sheer vanity.
You are in a new home. Without a doubt
There will be heat and water in it.
But the main thing will be to glow
Window calling beacon.
And it will be visible from everywhere,
What a wonderful home you have.
You need a housewarming drink,
Raise a glass of wine to you:
"Live joyfully and in harmony,
But just don't forget us!"
We celebrate today historical event- our friend is moving to a new apartment. It is known that humanity has always had a hitch with this matter.
In the time of our ancestors, the wife said: “Darling, is it possible to find a better cave?” To which the hairy Neanderthal grumbled: “I’ve already broken two clubs trying to do this.”
The ancient Romans lamented: “Everything flows, everything changes, the time of worries gives way to the time of muses and the lyre, but only the torment of a person when looking for an apartment remains unchanged.”
In the Middle Ages they said: “What does a person need? A comfortable house, a lot of children and a wife who is not a witch.” This means that we must share the joy of the new residents and drink to their well-being and happy life in a new home!
There are several values ​​in every person's life.
Toast to the parental home:
We live well
Or we live poorly, -
There is one thing that always
It caresses and warms.
And, of course, this is -
Parents' house,
There is nothing sweeter, nothing more dear.
And today, having gathered
At this table
We announce our toast
For my parents' home!
track...parents' house...

The house is like a full...BOWL.
My home is my castle
Houses and walls...HELP.
The hut is not red in its corners, but red... IN PIES.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better. Housewarming toast
Let your house know neither a doctor nor a lawyer!

Bluff - club The house we live in (collected on the Internet Interesting Facts about houses and everyday life.. we played in a variant - and I say something and the guests must simply answer whether it is true or false)), that is, yes or no.. with my facial expressions I am trying to mislead them.. for correct answers I give out mini prizes or something that I then use to enter the next competition... then getting to know the guests - and if gifts are to be given... distribution of responsibilities between the guests, who will do what to help the new residents settle in the first month in the new place..
There is a crush on the tram. Some go to work, some go from work.
The old storekeeper was squeezed from all sides. One of the women was standing close to him and felt something hard pressing into her thigh.
- Wow! - the woman exclaimed.
- This is not wow, but a key to a large warehouse!
I suggest we drink for the KEY to your new apartment, because whatever you say, this is wow!
presenting a talisman key as a souvenir.. then a game with what the guests came with.. salad from the guests, as an option we serve it on festive table, a musical quiz guessing songs that mention the house... a comic version of the feast if the heads of state came to us to congratulate us..
How about this HOUSEHOLDING
Did you invite guests?
We gathered slowly
Quiet rooftops...RUSHING
Votna helicopter
Putin himself is approaching!
And with such respect -
Looks with….MOFITING
etc... laughed
games on options congratulations (anything..)
and at the end, a thematic block dedicated to the current year - as an option, we will please the owner of the year to ensure her patronage in a new place..

I made it for clients for a housewarming party, it’s really not a quiz, but it might be useful for someone))
principle: we invite guests to play a game of bluff club, you say some fact, they listen and must say whether it’s right or you are misleading them, that is, you said it, the guests begin to answer.. you don’t immediately say yes or no, trying to confuse them with facial expressions and questions - really? here the guests are trying to deceive you and win by saying Yes to everything)) so there are questions where it clearly seems that everything is clear, but in fact it’s nonsense))...
Bluff - club The house in which we live (Galina Afonina)
1. Is it true that a house has been created that occupies an area of ​​only 1 sq. m. The house has two windows, a roof, a closing door and a folding table inside. And if you put a house on one of the walls, the room turns into a bedroom (YES, in Japan)
2. Is it true that a three-story residential building was built in Japan? And its peculiarity is that from the third floor to the first you can go down not by stairs, but by a real slide (YES)
3. Is it true that the first bed sheets appeared due to the fact that people were freezing at night? (NO, at the beginning of the 15th century ancient Rome rich Romans made their beds with linen fabric with beautiful patterns of fruits, flowers and cupids, because they believed that this brought strength to their lovers)
4. Is it true that Lady Abigail Adams pulled the ropes in the 3200 sq. m East Hall? meters to dry President Adams' laundry. (YES)
1. Is it true that in the mountains of Portugal a house was built in a huge boulder - a stone house, with cavities carved inside it? (YES)
2. Is it true that there is a house in the world that is 122 centimeters wide and suitable for human habitation? (YES, the house was built on a narrow plot between two buildings in Warsaw, Poland. The house has everything you need: a kitchen with a small dining room, a living room with an armchair, a bathroom and a bedroom with a work space. The house was squeezed into a gap between high-rise buildings in Warsaw. Architect Jakub Szczesny )
3. What will you definitely have to do if you become President of the United States of America when you move to The White house. You can completely change the information to your taste (NO, the Eagle Carpet in the Oval Office remains unchanged)
4. In the center of the carpet lying on the floor of the oval office of the white house is an eagle holding an olive branch and arrows in its paws. When America is not at war, the bird's head is turned toward the olive branch. During the war - in the other direction. (YES)
5. Is it true that if you touch the right breast of the statue of Juliet in Verona near Juliet’s House, then your love will last? (NO, touch cures infertility in couples)
6. Is it true that you can exchange a plastic paper clip for a house? (YES, In 2005, a 20th Canadian set out to exchange insignificant change for a house, the idea was based on a children's game called Bigger and Better, when an item is exchanged for something more valuable. 14 exchanges were made from the beginning to the end of the entire transaction It lasted from July 12, 2005 to July 12)
We give out small prizes for correct answers, and then challenge them to any subsequent competition..

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