Draw the face of a hare. How to draw a hare with a pencil step by step. Cool and funny pictures with bunnies

I'll tell you. A cute little furball, no less cute than . I thought for a long time what I could tell about the hare. In general, he is an ordinary animal, eating everything he finds, including leaves and roots; he can even eat a dandelion. And they can also eat it with pleasure, or even a person, if they catch it. To catch this beast, people have, of course, come up with many cunning methods. We will not go into details, because this is scary and now we will not talk about that at all. Let's get down to business

How to draw a hare with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, let's draw circles for all parts of the body: ears, head, neck, torso, legs.
Step two. On the head, draw a circle indicating the nose and eye. Let’s also finish drawing the front legs.
Step three. Let's move on to detail. Let's outline the bunny's face and ears with a thicker line. The previously drawn circles can be erased little by little. We'll do the same with the limbs.
Step four. Let's draw a mustache and show the fur with strokes.
Step five. All that remains is to erase all the auxiliary lines and add some shadows to give it a realistic look. Result:
Do you like zaya? If yes, you should click Like and tell your friends! If not, draw your own and attach the picture below under this article! And, as usual, you can make me write a lesson on a topic that interests you. You can do this on the page -. And for a snack, I suggest you draw other cute animals.

A small fluffy ball with long ears - this animal causes only tenderness in everyone. But at the same time he is quite nimble and elusive. How to draw a hare if it is constantly on the move, running somewhere and hiding from people?

Everything is very simple - step-by-step schemes with its image will help you easily cope with the task. Even if you have never held pencils and paints in your hands, if you have never seen a real live bunny, you will really enjoy the exciting process of drawing. After all, it lifts your spirits and helps you take your mind off worries.

Let's start the lesson with such a positive, cheerful hero with a drum. He can become a decoration for any holiday, and his mischievous smile involuntarily makes you smile back. The diagram makes it clear how to draw a hare step by step, but if you have any questions or doubts, we’ll look at it in more detail.

  1. We draw a circle, divide it into two equal parts, this will be the future face of the animal. The ellipse is his torso.
  2. Add legs, nose and eyes.
  3. Our bunny lacks long ears, a small tail, a cute face and an apron of paws.
  4. We trace all the strokes to get the complete image.
  5. All that remains is to erase the extra lines and the drawing is ready.
  6. To make the fluffy look even more beautiful, we suggest painting it with bright colors.

This cute little bunny is loved by both kids and adults. It is a symbol of many gifts, cards, and souvenirs. Hundreds of children's poems have been written about him, and adult songs have been sung. And of course, fairy tales and cartoons could not do without his participation.

In them, the hero sometimes appears as a coward, defenseless and helpless, and sometimes he is cunning, cheerful and mischievous. He deftly leads large animals by the nose, constantly escaping their clutches. You should definitely try to portray someone so smart and funny. cartoon character.

For example, going on a trip on a skateboard with a flower in hand.

If you look at how to draw a hare with a pencil according to the following diagram, you can understand that the process comes down to learning how to beautifully depict circles and ovals. It is from them that a small hare is produced, which, as if frightened of something, hid under a bush, quietly pressing its ears. I just want to take him in my arms under my protection, warm him and gently hug him.

Which bunny will you like the most? Cute smiling face? A mischievous creature standing on its hind legs? Or a furry animal, preparing to jump, to gallop far into the forest?

You can choose anyone, or try yourself as an artist and draw all three interesting pictures.

The following diagram explains how to draw and color with a simple pencil, while receiving real works of art. The animal on it seems to be alive and is about to jump into your arms to be stroked on its soft back.

Looking at this step by step instructions drawing a hare, no one will say that it was done by a simple person, without special creative skills and abilities. And everyone can add such a wonderful image to their collection of paintings.

And this is simple step by step guide to create a drawing on a quick fix. It is quite easy to depict such a bunny and the drawing is done with almost continuous lines. Looking closely, you can see that all he lacks is a wide, radiant smile.

Here you should use your imagination and figure out on your own how to draw such a cheerful facial expression on the hare that will delight and amuse everyone around. If the idea achieves its goal, then you can safely give an “A” for the drawing lesson.

And again, let's draw an animal, I'll tell you how to draw a hare step by step with a pencil and for a beginner it will be a simple drawing, since the master class is very simple. If you learned to draw, or, then you will get the hare the first time. The most important thing is to do it right general shape animal, and also draw the ears at the right angle.

As we learn, I increasingly offer you animals, because this is the basis, you train to correctly draw lines at a certain angle, train to think intelligently and logically make the necessary strokes. There are many methods for drawing a hare step by step, but I chose the simplest way, side view, the eye is not too difficult, the tail is very ordinary and there are only two legs, front and back. It is planned that the other two legs are hidden behind these ones. The bunny will be sitting and looking straight. Let's draw an eye and a nose, the mouth will not be done.

From the very beginning, we need to correctly depict ovals and circles, or rather compare them with each other. We draw a large oval and lie horizontally, but so that its left edge is slightly raised. Then in this large oval on the right we draw a circle, it is needed for the hind leg in the future. And on the left we make a head, an oval in a vertical position and one side intersects with the main large oval.

Make two ears on the head, they are also almost like ovals, but the lower part is not completed. After this, on the right, from the very edge, you need to make a tail, it’s just a small circle. And also the back leg, an oval that intersects the main oval and the back circle, and the front leg, these are two small circles intersecting each other, one in a vertical position, the other in a horizontal position. Also make an arch on the back; in the final version, the hare’s back should be slightly arched.

We make one arc on the ears. We erase the unnecessary line on the back so that it is bent. We also erase unnecessary and, accordingly, auxiliary lines on the paws and tail.

And on last stage just draw the eye and nose. The eye is the most common, a bit like a . And the nose is at the leftmost point on the oval of the head. Be sure to look at the overall size of the hare and what kind of eye and nose to draw, so that it is not too big and not too small.

That's all, the bunny drawn in pencil is ready step by step, now you know how to draw it.

my eldest daughter Soon two years. She loves when someone draws for her - she plops a piece of paper on the table, puts a pencil in her hands, climbs onto her knees and points her finger at the paper: “Daddy, yaya!” (in her language, “yaya” is “zaya”). Well, a hare is such a hare: I draw three or four lines, and a cheerful bunny smiles at us.

Today I will tell you how to draw a bunny without knowing how to draw. How is this possible? The fact is that you don’t have to be an artist (at heart or by profession) to draw a few lines - any adult is capable of this, which means you can too. The main thing is to KNOW HOW to carry them out: for each drawing there is simple circuit, and I’ll show you exactly this diagram. Let's get a look!

Our bunny starts with the ears: one, two...

... and, without lifting the pencil, we finish drawing the head: three!

In the center we draw a nose, but it must be flattened, otherwise our bunny will look like a pig:

With a quick movement we draw a mustache (from approximately the middle of each “cheek”) - even if they stick out in different directions, this will not make our bunny any worse:

Eyes - two short vertical dashes (this is important! if the dashes go astray, we will get a Chinese bunny):

Smile! draw so that the line goes along the “chin” line:

We can end here, but here’s the final touch:

Hooray! The bunny is ready! Personally, this kind of art takes me about five seconds - can you imagine how much joyful squeaking there is per unit of time? :)

If it doesn’t work out the first time, don’t be discouraged - it’s so simple that you’ll definitely succeed the second or third time.

Finally, I’ll tell you a little secret from the field of psychology: the very little ones are happy recognition- and it doesn’t matter to them whether something is drawn beautifully or not. So draw and show it to the kinders - you will see for yourself how much joy there will be!

Well, next time I’ll tell you how to draw a kitten. By the way, there is a green button on the right - if you press it, new posts will be sent to you by mail. I recommend!

What child doesn’t dare to draw their favorite fairy tale or cartoon characters? And the furry inhabitant of the forest, who changes the color of his coat in winter, is one of the most... popular characters. That is why it will be interesting for both children and adults to learn how to draw a hare step by step easily and quickly.

Good old friend

Little children love to be read aloud to. Over time, they begin to ask to draw them their “own” bunny or fox. However, not all parents have the ability to fine arts. Therefore, it makes sense to master the most basic techniques for drawing representatives of the animal world participating in various scenes. And in this case, you simply cannot do without the omnipresent kind, cowardly, resourceful hare as a character in the drawing! Moreover, over time, you will be able to show and explain to your little one how to draw a hare step by step with a pencil or felt-tip pens. For some children, this may be the starting point of a new exciting hobby.

2 funny bunnies

According to psychologists, children with early age must hear the correct and full names objects of the surrounding world. But with the images of this very world the situation is different. If you are going to draw animals with your child, then it is better to let them be funny and funny cartoon characters. In this case, the baby will not experience fear of some representatives of the fauna. For beginners, there are several diagrams describing how to draw a fairy-tale hare with a pencil step by step.

Scheme No. 1


1. Use a pencil to sketch the contours of the bunny. To do this, draw two ovals - the head and the torso, and mark the ears on the head.

2. Now let's give it geometric shapes natural shape body parts.

3. Draw the ball of the tail and paws. We draw the forelimbs bent at the elbows, and the hind limbs at the knees.

6. Draw the contours. The pencil drawing is ready.


1. Draw a horizontal oval.

2. Draw a semicircle to it so that it turns out to be a mushroom.

3. In the top figure we denote a circle of the muzzle and eyes.

4. Draw the columns of the front and hind legs.

5. We detail the eyes and finish the nose.

6. Add ears.

7. Draw the toes on the paws, inner side ear, eyebrows, mustache and mouth. The hare is ready.

Hare on 9 squares

If your child is seriously interested in the animal world, then he will probably be delighted with the drawing of a “real” hare.


1. Divide the working area of ​​the sheet into 9 squares.

2. We place 3 circles on them - for the head and for the torso. The oval head runs along the lower border of the upper square, one of the body shapes - at the intersection of 4.5 and 7.8, and the second body shape should be at the junction of squares 5.6 and 8.9.

3. On the head we mark the ears and muzzle.

6. Add fur. The animal is ready.

“Well, Hare, wait a minute!”

One of the most prominent obliques is considered to be the character of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” How can you not learn to portray something like this yourself?! Moreover, the explanation of how to draw a hare from this animated series is understandable even to a child.


1. Draw an oval for the head, a rectangle with a beveled upper side for the body, lines for the arms and legs.

2. Let's start with the head. Draw the fur on the cheeks and add ears.

3. Let's start with the muzzle. We draw eyes on half the face, detailing the pupils and eyelids with eyelashes.

5. Draw the eyebrows and mustache.

6. Draw clothes. We finish drawing the T-shirt and shorts.

7. We enlarge the protruding parts of the arms and legs and detail the fingers and feet.

8. Color the drawing. The most famous cartoon hare is ready.

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