Draw a three-dimensional flower. How to learn to draw flowers with a pencil? How to Draw Flowers with Young Children

All children love to draw bouquets and flowers. You can please your parents or teachers with such images; the main thing is to know how to draw a flower so that it turns out beautiful and original.

Drawing a lily of the valley with a pencil

It's quite easy to draw beautiful bouquets of lilies of the valley, which will make a wonderful gift.

This process is carried out step by step as follows:

  • You need to draw the bases of the stem (3 pieces) and two leaves.

  • Then you need to make voluminous stems, and at the bottom draw branches on which the lily of the valley flowers will be held.

  • Next, you need to draw the caps of the buds, and at the end of the branch (bottom) - berries. Some flowers have a pistil at the bottom.

  • On the stems (their tips) you need to draw berries, then twigs and the base of the buds.

  • Then you need to apply the curved sides of the leaves again and finish the bells.

After this, you need to remove all intersections (in places where they are unnecessary) and add realism to the drawing. This can be done using shadows that are applied with a simple pencil.

How to paint a bouquet of gladioli and wildflowers

How to draw flowers step by step so that they form an attractive and sophisticated bouquet? For this, stunning gladioli or delicate wildflowers are most often chosen. Only in the first version they use a pencil, and in the second - paints. In order to draw gladioli you need to use the following diagram:

  • First you need to draw half a flower, and then add another one below.
  • Next, attach 2 buds at the back, add another one at the front.
  • You need to “attach” another flower on top, then add buds, stem and leaves.
  • It is necessary to shade the drawing to complete the composition.

How to paint flowers?

Usually, for this you will need to buy gouache or watercolor at an art store. First you need to draw the stems. Should be mixed White color with green and add a little blue tint. You need to take a brush and draw long grass along the leaf. You need to apply such stems until the grass becomes too thick. Next you need to add 5-6 blades of bright green grass. Then you need to mix white paint with dark blue and paint a few cornflowers. Absolutely all edges of the flower must be uneven and asynchronous. This will give naturalness to the buds. Next, you need to take red paint and paint a couple of flowers of this shade. Each bud should have a white core. You also need to add daisy petals, with a yellow center. To complete the picture, you need to depict several spikelets, and only after that the picture will be ready.

How to draw a tulip?

You can depict a tulip very beautifully. How to draw a flower with a pencil?

To do this, use the following scheme:

  • Draw the outline of the bud and stem.

  • The square outline needs to be “transformed” into a beautiful tulip.

  • Draw the petals proportionally, removing unnecessary lines. You need to outline the contours of the stem and leaves.

  • Remove the original markings from the painting.

  • Draw the tulip with a simple pencil.

If you know how to draw beautiful flower, then you can teach your child a new type of art, especially since it is very easy to do.

Continuing the flower theme, I’ll tell you how to draw a bouquet of flowers. This time not just any one, but a whole bunch of different ones. In general, now the bouquet symbolizes love, carrots, and, in general, all sorts of drool and snot. We already know (or guess) why men give flowers. All that remains is to find out where this tradition came from.

First story.

Quite a long time ago, when water in plastic bottles was not yet sold on the third planet from the sun, there were only two people: Adam and Eve. And everything would be fine if someone didn’t want an apple for themselves. Well, in general, everyone knows this story about the apple? Poor Eva was upset, upset that they would not be able to live in paradise as before. And God gave her a bouquet of flowers as a consolation. This is such a beautiful story.

Second story.

And there is an even more rational and less ancient tale. Probably, our great-grandmothers could easily have seen this. At that time, when the men returned from hunting, they brought home not only the carcass of a bear, but also an armful of flowers! So take note modern men: The breadwinner was carrying a bouquet into the house. It is clear that at that time this was not a sign of attention. The flowers brought were dried and used in medicinal purposes. Not a bad tradition.

How to draw a bouquet of flowers with a pencil step by step

Step one

First, let's outline the outline of the vase. Place large circles on top of it. A little later they will turn into buds.
Step two

Let's decorate the vase a little. Let's start drawing the flowers: stems, core, leaves.
Step three

Between the large flowers we will draw smaller ones. Some are smooth, some are jagged.

Step four

On the vase we have a drawing - a heart. Now let's pay attention to individual large flowers. These are roses. To draw them correctly, you can refer to special lessons: about a rose and about a bouquet of roses.
Step five

Now let's do the shading. Let's shade some of the small leaves more strongly. The flower cores should also be dark. The petals themselves are lighter. Well, our bouquet is probably ready. Now you can color it.
See more lessons.

The desire to pick up a pencil and start painting album sheet lines and contours in order to create the output beautiful drawing, at times covers every person. In this way he tries to express thoughts, internal sensations and his vision of certain objects. On the one hand, this is a fascinating and exciting activity, and on the other hand, it is painstaking work that requires skill and skill. But don’t rush to get upset! Today we will reveal some secrets to you artistic arts and tell you how to draw a bouquet of flowers.

Prelude to drawing

For this you will need: a landscape sheet, a simple pencil, an eraser, colored pencils (optional), enthusiasm and patience.

You can recreate flowers on paper in different ways. The source of ideas can be a fragrant bouquet of flowers standing on the windowsill, or a postcard with their image given to you by friends.

Don’t think about what you will succeed, but just draw, trusting the flight of your imagination. The simplest design is flowers with a round core and rounded petals, but you can try to depict something more complex and unusual.

How to draw a bouquet of flowers step by step

Regardless of what flowers will make up your bouquet, the first strokes of the picture are drawn the same way:

  • The general outlines of the bouquet are indicated.
  • The buds and stems of flowers are depicted using ovals and lines.
  • Flower cores and petals are drawn. The latter can be drawn in the form of clouds and daisies with rounded ends and a circle in the middle.
  • Buds, large and small leaves are depicted, taking into account the selected bouquet of flowers.

It was step-by-step instruction about how to draw a bouquet of flowers from the simplest category. A successful drawing will give you confidence and inspire you to create a more complex artistic composition.

Draw a bouquet of roses

Blossoming fragrant, velvet roses on paper is a little more difficult than drawing ordinary flowers. But a beautifully designed drawing can be given to a loved one in the same way as real roses. Let's try to draw a bouquet of these beautiful flowers with you. A rose is generally a flower of five petals, leaves and stems with thorns.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. The first step is to draw the stems. To do this, draw two smooth intersecting lines running diagonally along the plane of the sheet. Draw circles at the top points of the stems, thereby indicating the location of the flowers. Use curved lines to recreate the outlines of the leaves on the stems of your roses.

Step 2. Drawing a bouquet of roses is quite simple if you first carefully study the object, “disassembling” it in your mind into its component parts and lines. Having sketched a sketch of the future picture, draw petals inside the circles, designating them with wavy arc lines. The arcs should intersect each other, recreating the effect of petals overlapping each other. Draw one more line parallel to the line of the stems.

Step 3. The sheets need to be drawn with uneven lines with small corners. Draw a central vein on each one. Once you have finished decorating the leaves, add one parallel line to the stems on which they are located. Add thorns to the rose stems. Decide for yourself how to draw a bouquet of flowers: as a still life (in black and white) or as a full-fledged color picture.

Step 4. Give the edges of the petals a natural look, making them uneven rather than rounded. On the leaves, draw small veins in the direction from the center line to the edges.

Using an eraser, carefully remove the auxiliary contours of the sketch and unnecessary lines. Then, additionally outline the image with a pencil to give it a finished look. The drawing is ready!

We hope that our tips on how to draw a bouquet of flowers helped you. Don't be upset if the picture doesn't turn out so believable. Drawing requires regular practice, and the more often you pick up a pencil, the more beautiful your “reproductions” will turn out. And who knows, maybe in the future it will turn out that a modern Michelangelo lives inside you!

How to quickly draw a flower using different techniques.

Draw what you like

The first step is choosing an object. Start with colors you like: it's always easier to paint what inspires you. Gerberas, magnolias or tulips - create a watercolor bouquet to suit your taste.

Determine the shape of the flower

Define a simple basic form plants. It can be a cone, bell or triangle. You may want to get started quickly and skip this step. But believe me: this helps a lot and speeds up the process.

By sketching the basic shape with light lines, you will understand the structure of the entire plant.

Advice: The first sketch can be done in a sketchbook. Starting to draw on watercolor paper, don't take too much soft pencil and don't press too hard. Otherwise, the paper may be damaged and the lines will remain visible after erasing.

Draw leaves correctly

The leaves determine how convincing the image will be. The secret is to not interrupt the line of the main central vein. If it is out of place, the sheet will look unnatural. Start drawing the leaf from the central vein. Imagine that the leaf is transparent and you can only see its edges and veins.

Advice: When drawing, do not erase unnecessary lines immediately. Otherwise, there is a chance to make a mistake again. And if the wrong line remains in front of your eyes, it will be easier to draw the correct one next to it.

To obtain a soft, uniform wash, it must first be moistened with water. This allows the paint to flow naturally before it begins to soak into the paper, and gives extra time for the color to stretch (create a smooth transition from one color to another) and to blot out highlights.

Moisten from the middle and spread water towards the edges. Repeat a couple of times to make sure the paper is well hydrated. In this case, the edges will not dry as quickly. After you have evenly distributed the water, check to see if there are any “puddles” left on the surface of the paper, and if there are any, blot them with a damp brush.

1. Fill a brush with water and wet one leaf or petal. The surface of the paper should acquire a uniform shine.

2. While the paper is wet, apply paint.

3. Distribute the color to the edges of the design with a minimum number of brush strokes.

4. Gently stretch the paint to the edges of the element, while aligning the outline.

5. Before the wash dries, you can blot the paint to reveal the illuminated areas and emphasize the shape of the element.

“Color Stretch” Technique

Often you need to use two or more colors on one area. The advantages of this method are that you don’t need to add additional blur and it’s easy to immediately set the required form. You can work with any number of colors at the same time.

1. Clean water wet an individual petal or leaf, then apply the first color of paint.

2. While it is still wet, apply a second color of paint next to it.

3. Flatten the tip of the brush and create a transition between colors.

4. Continue until the transition is smooth. Try to work quickly before the paint dries. Avoid unnecessary strokes, otherwise streaks will remain after drying. In the example in the photo, such a stroke is visible on the fold of the petal.

5. Before the paint dries, blot the highlights and outline the veins on each petal. A gradual color change can be used to indicate the direction of light. Draw the rest of the petals in the same way. Work on them one at a time so as not to touch the still wet layer of paint on the adjacent petal, and when they are completely dry, proceed to the missed ones.

“Textured blotting” technique

This interesting technique, which is suitable for complex folded or wavy petals. For example, to simulate folds on the surface of a poppy petal.

1. Moisten the paper in the desired area and apply deep red paint using the wet-on-wet technique.

2. While the paint is still wet, add a dark purple color to the base of the flower to blend in with the red.

3. Using a crumpled paper towel, blot the paint only once.

4. Lift up the towel.

5. Repeat a couple of times, using a clean towel each time to avoid transferring paint from the towel back onto the design.

6. Let dry completely and refine the highlights to create petal folds.

Advice: for the first wash, take it immediately rich colors so that you don’t have to enhance the color later. Dark shades will give a good, strong contrast of dark and light in the pattern.

Usually children draw exclusively simple flowers like chamomile, other varieties of flowers seem difficult to them. And parents can’t always shine either artistic abilities. Thanks to these simple step by step diagrams you can explain to your child how to draw flowers - daffodils, tulips, roses, snowdrops and others. Step by step drawing much more effective method than trying to redraw an object from a photograph.

Draw flowers with your child step by step

The first spring flowers are, of course, snowdrops, so the ability to draw them will be useful for anyone.

From simple shapes that a 4-6 year old can draw, a beautiful picture emerges tulip. The child will be very proud that he was able to draw one!

Here's another simple option:

Daffodils- yellow favorites of June. To make them look neat and uniform, explain to your child that it is better to first outline a circle in which the petals will need to be written. Then erase the outline of the circle.


Lilies of the valley:

Bells: This option is for older children, as there are a lot of small details.

During the learning process, pay your child's attention to details. different colors: degree of curvature of the stem, shape of leaves and petals, different types inflorescences. You can also accompany the drawing with short stories or simply information about this or that flower - where it grows, what time it blooms, what its smell is like. - this will help the child quickly remember the names of different colors and learn to distinguish between them.

Learning to draw flowers and teaching this to your child is not difficult at all! Try it and next time your child, instead of the usual colored dots that he used to indicate flowers, will draw a whole flowering meadow!

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