Real name of Lena Ermine. Elena Gornostaeva. Nude Energy radio presenter

And this is cool, because only geometry experts can appreciate all your shapes! It is not surprising that your career then took off sharply. Is Katarina her real name?

Yes. I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina, my father is Serbian. By the way, I am also Miss Serbia 2014. But I lived all my life in St. Petersburg, in Kronstadt.

Then tell me as an expert: where in Kronstadt can you be alone with a girl?

Oh, there's an amazing place there! One of the most romantic places I've been. It is called Ust-Rogatka, ships go there. At the end of one of the parts of the “slingshot” there is Alexandrian lighthouse. And couples in love often go there by car.

I look very nice in the kitchen. Underwear, an apron, shoes - and then the man has no time for food

Now tell me about your radio show.

It still airs on Energy every weekday from 7am to 11am. Black2White is a morning with black pepper named Simon, Yulia Morozova and Lena Gornostaeva. This show is eight years old, and you have already done an interview with Yulia. And I’ve been working there for two years as Gornostaeva.

What are you discussing there?

The topics are very different: both funny and topical. For example, we recently asked listeners to describe their first intimate experience using movie titles. It turned out that for some it was “Home Alone”, for others it was “Wrong Turn”, “The Lord of the Rings”, “Dumb and Dumber”, “The Revenant”, “My Fair Nanny”...

What text messages do you receive most often?

They constantly ask for my phone number, invite me on dates, even the most active ones even send flowers and gifts to the studio. But even without a fly in the ointment: “Ugh, scary,” “I was only smart enough to pump up my lips,” “How did they just get you on the radio?” And more often such messages are written by guys! The boys seem to be jealous that I was born a girl and have more possibilities than theirs. And in general, in the head of an ordinary loser man who sees a young successful girl in a good car, there is only one thought: “I sucked.”

Yes. But today we give you the opportunity to prove that this is not so. Come on, tell me how you acquired everything through backbreaking labor.

I've been working since I was fifteen. At first she was a promoter in a cosmetics store, offering perfumes to people. Then I was noticed, a modeling career began, beauty contests, filming in advertising for lingerie, swimwear, and jewelry.

There was some video of yours with the actor Averin, where you meet in a store and leave in an embrace. At the same time, he hugs your butt - is this normal?

It’s just his signature style, I didn’t ask him for it. And then, this is a commercial, not real life. In real life, a man may put his hand on his butt on about the third date. As with all other places, since the third date usually takes place in bed. And in public I don’t like such signs of attention. Although sometimes girls want a man to passionately hug and kiss them in public. So that everyone would understand how lucky she was and would begin to envy her.

Recently, Alena Vodonaeva posted a photo on Instagram with the hosts of the show “Black 2 White” on NRJ radio. I immediately noticed the blonde girl on the left, she didn’t look like Gornostaeva at all. Questions immediately poured in in the comments:

"What happened to Gornostaeva?"

"Who is that girl on the left?"

And there was one comment that made me go into a search engine and start a mini-investigation: “Gornostaeva is a brand name, Google it.”

And this is what I found:

In August, the host of the Black2White (NRJ) morning show, Elena Gornostaeva, left the radio station. On her Instagram account she wrote: “Now in the morning I’m not on the air, but in bed. My name is Katya. Hello!”

“Lena” herself admitted that her work at NRJ radio was over. Gornostaeva left NRJ quietly. She had been working on air since 2008 and was very tired of waking up early.

Now the truth that has been forgotten. Lena Gornostaeva is a brand name that the beautiful Katya Lopareva received the right to wear almost 6 years ago. It was Katya who won it in the on-air game of the NRJ radio station “Battle of the Blondes”. Here's how it went:

Now the girl will have to “Meet” the public again under her own name. Nothing is known about Katya's plans yet.

Immediately after leaving the show, she changed the name on her Instagram page and on

A banner appeared on radio NRJ with the new “Lena”

I don’t know about you, but I think it’s a stupid idea to change a person but keep the same name. Reminds me of the scam with the Mirage group. And it seems to me new girl listeners would have been more loyal if they had not tried to deceive them, but now the public is indignant, and many people write that they will stop listening to the show and unfollow the presenters on Instagram.

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Moscow radio presenters are on the move. The 2013-2014 season on radio was marked by a whole series of changes in popular shows on metropolitan radio stations. Here are just a few important facts.

It is curious that similar metamorphoses already occurred with the voice-brand (Anya Gordeeva) of the morning show “Operation Morning” on Avtoradio at the beginning of the century. One girl sang songs and parodies, another was on air, and a third took part in the stage version of the show “Murzilki”. The listeners had no idea. Fortunately, later a presenter, Tanya Gordeeva (Elena Loginova), was found who was able to perform all these difficult functions on her own, and fans politely agreed with the version that Gordeeva’s talented sister appeared on air.

Radio We wish Katya Lopareva, who was born for the second time, good luck. We'll hear you on the new broadcast, Katya!

Listen to excerpts from last broadcast(July 25, 2014) by Lena Gornostaeva (Katya Lopareva) on NRJ:

Radio station: NRJ
City: Moscow
Internet address:
Frequency: 104.2
Format: CHR
Show: Black2White
Presenters: Simon, Yulia Morozova, Lena Gornosteva
Time: weekdays from 7 to 11 o'clock
Chronicle: 2"04".

The voice of Yulia Morozova is known to many, since this is what they listen to in the morning hours, because Morozova is the host of the morning show BLACK2WHITE, which is broadcast daily on a dynamic and modern Moscow radio station called "RADIO ENERGY".

This radio station broadcasts on the frequency 104.2 FM.

Now Yulia Morozova ( real name– Prolygina) lives and works in Moscow. But she comes from an ancient Russian city with rich history- cities Kaluga.

Julia was born May 22, 1977. According to her zodiac sign - Twins. Studied at a regular Kaluga secondary school. In 17 years the girl became a participant in a prestigious competition at that time "Mademoiselle Nathalie" and won.

IN hometown Julia received and higher education, she studied at Kaluga state university them. Tsiolkovsky from 1994 to 1997 at the Faculty of Philology.

Julia started working as a journalist in 1997. It was her voice that was, in a way, business card regional radio. At first 2000s years Prolygin moved to Moscow, where she almost immediately found a job.

Moreover, this can be called a real “luck”. Find a job for a young provincial woman without Moscow registration, and even on such a unique and popular project as "Avtoradio", covering more than a thousand cities in Russia, is quite complex.

Julia was searching, via the Internet. She sent out her resume to all radio stations in the capital. And her efforts were crowned with success. The girl was hired at Avtoradio. It was work on night broadcasts.

Yulia successfully combined work with studies at Institute for Advanced Training of TV and Radio Broadcasting Workers. This is the only thing educational institution in Russia, which trains highly qualified specialists for the media space.

Julia, like all “twins”, is an active, purposeful and energetic person. She loves extreme and active recreation, as evidenced by numerous photos on social media pages.

In 2017, Morozova vacationed in Norway, Where's she went down the raging river in a kayak and enjoyed the most beautiful mountain scenery.

Morozova loves to relax in exotic and interesting places . For example, she is in In 2014, I went on an exciting trip to the United States of America, where she visited Hollywood, Golden Maine, the Grand Canyon, and Las Vegas.

And here recently The presenter looked at the sights of the “country” rising sun» – Japan. On weekends during the winter, Yulia I don’t mind walking through the forest or through the park on skis.

As for her personal life, Julia Married, according to available data her husband is a Muscovite. She also mother of two wonderful daughters - Polina and Agrippina.

It is worth noting that Julia tried herself in the role fashion models and actresses. She took part in the filming of a comedy Russian film directed by Eduard Oganesyan called "Double Trouble", which was released in 2015.

But I gained experience as a model at a photo shoot for a popular men's magazine "MAXIM". The photos turned out great, because this hot and shocking brunette has a beautiful figure.

Already about 16 years old Yu. Morozova works on the radio "RADIO ENERGY". Julia is not just a presenter; one of the shows “RADIO ENERGY” can easily be called Morozova’s “brainchild,” since the presenter was directly involved in the creation of this project.

Morozova’s colleagues on the above project are Simon and Elena Gornostaeva. Morning broadcasts very often feature famous and popular stars domestic show business.

For Morozova, the work team is a second family. Turns 35 in 2012 she celebrated with great fanfare in the radio station's studio. Despite the fact that Yulia devotes herself completely to her work, the main thing for her is still children and beloved husband.

Agrippina spends the whole day with her mother. The studio even has a place for my daughter. Her husband helps Yulia raise her eldest child and has taken on many of the responsibilities around the house. At the same time, allowing Morozova to plunge headlong into creativity and career.

Yulia's working days are very busy, because leading a team of creative and extraordinary people pretty hard. Morozova is also author of scripts for radio programs, edits and writes news information.

The new radio season began with a surprise. IN morning broadcast show Black2White, the pseudonym Lena Gornostaeva was tried on by a completely different girl. The Lena who woke up the country for 5 years returned to her usual name Katya Lopareva, stopped waking up at 5 am and temporarily put her love affair with radio on hold. I couldn’t ignore such an unexpected personnel change, I talked with Katya and wrote down the thoughts of a person who I sincerely like...

New season in the world of Russian FMbegan this year with your completely unexpected departure from the Black2White show. Tell me why this happened...

Black2white is a huge and very important period in my life. I started working in morning broadcasting when I was 18. It was definitely a dream job. I hosted the show for more than 5 years. It's like going to university. But it's strange to be a student longer if you don't go to graduate school. So it is here. I could no longer give more to this image (Lena Gornostaeva) and take more from the show (since there is a format). And plus - in my case, I didn’t manage to fall in love with getting up at 5 am.

How did you get your on-air name “Lena Gornostaeva”?

I got into "Black2White" after winning the show "Battle of the Blondes", in which the place of the third presenter was up for grabs. The pseudonym "Lena Gornostaeva" was one of the conditions of the competition.

Behind the air and in ordinary life to your family and colleagues were you Katya or Lena?

In ordinary life, for everyone, I naturally remained Katya. But the co-hosts always called me Lena, so as not to misspoke on air.

I myself work in the morning broadcast and I understand how difficult it is to get up early, now do you feel relieved that you can rearrange your schedule or have you become 100% a lark after so many years?

I feel more than just relief. I just feel it!! Getting up early was definitely stressful for my body. Now I get up at 9-10 and this has had a very positive effect on my health and on appearance. I no longer use tons of concealer to cover up dark circles under my eyes)

What did you really enjoy working in radio?

I am a man of the moment. I can’t think about one thing for a long time. Writing articles, for example, is a very tedious task for me. And on the radio everything is in real time. This - real life, no matter how trite it sounds. A lot of the show was based on improvisation and live reactions, and this really inspires and keeps you on your toes! I also really liked that Lately In parallel with the broadcast, we worked a lot on the Internet. And I love social networks!

You have a journalistic education, were you not embarrassed that the format of the show and the image of a blonde did not allow you to be revealed deeper on air?

To make full use of my education, I need to do serious social reporting for a news channel. To inform and enlighten, but not to entertain at all. It's not really mine. On the one hand, I want to open up more, I want to learn more and then present it to the audience. In the future I would like to work in entertainment, but with a more intellectual overtone. But on the other hand, Lena Gornostaeva is still one of the facets of Katya Lopareva. In my image of the blonde, it was not stupidity that prevailed, but naivety and a certain “isolation” from real world, which is common to many modern girls. And I really liked joking through Lena Gornostaeva’s mouth, because she can afford more than I can in real life.

Over the years of working on the morning air, you didn’t have the feeling that you were going in circles: the same holidays, events, guests...

There are too many events, people and news in the world to talk about the same thing. No, I'm not tired of the content. Rather, the form itself has become a routine.

Who was your etheric teacher, without whom your radial growth would not have taken place?

Obviously, these are all the people who surrounded me at work: producers, editors, DJs and, of course, Morozova and Simon. When I came to radio, I was the youngest in the team and had no experience at all. I was literally raised on Energy and I am incredibly grateful to everyone who surrounded me at work! The carrot and stick method (in my case, chocolate anniversary cookies) and daily practice on air did the trick.

To what degree of madness did your radio fans reach, what actions did they remember?

I didn’t have fans, I had regular listeners. And most of them did beautiful things, not crazy things. There were many gifts, especially sweet ones. The love for chocolate is what united Katya and Lena in me) Among the memorable and unusual are my oil portrait and a 2-meter teddy bear.

I remembered! And it was crazy too!) One day I received a huge box with an anonymous letter. The box was really big, but very light and something was rolling around in it. A security guard was entrusted to open it. Inside were rubber dummies of a hand and heart. It was creepy.

How do you live now?
Do you still think about returning to radio?

IN this moment I'm waiting for the start of a project on television. I’m not giving up on radio, but I don’t yet see a project where my desires and capabilities would coincide. Now I'm studying art history. I really like it and maybe I can somehow combine journalism and interest in art. I read a lot and go to museums. In general, it turned out to be a wonderful period for spiritual and intellectual development. I also went to driving school. But here everything is not so rosy. “A turn in a confined space” turns into a turn into nowhere for me)

Are you a happy person?

I feel love and see beauty around me. I think this is happiness.

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