Natalya Moseychuk: “We met my husband twice. Natalya Moseychuk: I'm sorry for families where spouses need personal space Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - and always be aware of the most interesting showbiz news and materials

We see them every day - in newspapers, magazines, on TV screens, in news releases. A public person is a person in official status and wearing a tie. This is a conscious image, an edited role. But everyone knows that there is another side - invisible, hidden, private, conveys

Natalya Moseychuk was born in the city of Tejen, Mariinsky Region (Turkmenistan). Her father is a military man, her mother is a teacher. He graduated from high school in the city of Berdichev, Zhytomyr region. Entered the faculty foreign languages Zhytomyr state university them. I. Franko. During her studies, she began working on Zhytomyr television. Since 1997, she has worked as a presenter on the popular TV channels Inter, UTAR, Express-Inform, and since 2003 on Channel 5. Married, has a son.

Every TV year for channels means global updates. For Natalia Moseychuk, last year's television season began with new job to "1 + 1", from the new status of the leading daily TSN and from new program"Hidden Life" Natalia introduces viewers to various aspects of life every Saturday famous people. He chooses famous people as the heroes of his programs, about whose personal life ordinary citizens know nothing. - There are several people in the state who set an example for the political beau monde to live according to European and world rules, including the rules of open public life. There have been no direct refusals yet, Natalya says in one of her interviews. Politicians respond to our requests: "We know you and work with you." Another thing is that the format of the shooting itself is not always acceptable for them. After all, it is necessary to allocate 5:00 of time and not at the workplace, but on a weekend. And under the guns of the cameras. And this is the optimal time frame. We have time to walk around, talk, reveal our hero. By 5:00 you like it or not, but you have to look into the slit of a person's personal life.

During an interview, Natalya Moseychuk always relies on her feelings and visions of the line that should not be crossed. She likes the position of Valery Leontiev - there is not a single scandal associated with his personal life. He does not advertise it. He set himself up in such a way that journalists, even the most painful ones, cannot soil the topic of his personal life. Each politician decides this issue for himself. Regardless of whether it is a Ukrainian politician, American or European. We also have a number of public people who do not talk about their private lives. In her program, Natalya tries to look for keys to them too. When she was offered to do her program on the "pros", she agreed without hesitation. The portrait genre is an evergreen project, and at 1+1 this format can be most fully realized. Natalia is very grateful to the channel that she was allowed to work without censorship. There are absolutely no taboo people for her.

My privacy Natalia does not want to advertise too much. - Probably, I'm not the TV presenter who lives such a degree of public life. On the air, I am a public person, everything behind the air is without comment. My work is in the frame. People should appreciate it,” she says in another interview. — I'm not used to the situation when journalists play the role that I usually play in my program. And to be honest, I don't want to change this habit.

Moseychuk Natalya Nikolaevna Belousova, Moseychuk Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova
journalist, TV presenter

Natalya Nikolaevna Moseychuk(Ukrainian Natalya Mykolaivna Moseychuk; born May 30, 1973, Tejen) - Ukrainian TV presenter, journalist, TSN host on the 1 + 1 channel.

  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Career
    • 2.1 Grade
  • 3 Achievements
  • 4 Personal life
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 Links


Natalya Moseychuk was born on May 30, 1973 in Tejen, Turkmen SSR. Father is a military man, mother is a teacher. 1990 graduated high school in the city of Berdichev, Zhytomyr region. In 1995 she graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Zhytomyr Pedagogical University.


In 1993, Natalia Moseychuk began working as a journalist and presenter on the Zhytomyr regional television.

Since 1997 - the host of the infotainment program "Morning Review" on the TV channel "Inter".

Since 1998 she has been a news anchor on the UTAR channel.

Since 1999, she has been a news anchor for the Express-Inform TV company.

Since 2003 she has been the host of the Channel 5 information service. Author and host of the VIP Woman program.

Since August 2006, she has become the host of the Television News Service (TSN) on the 1 + 1 channel. She was also the author and host of the Hidden Life project about the public and non-public aspects of the life of famous politicians.

Natalya Moseychuk, together with Lydia Taran, leads the main issues of TSN.


Moseychuk’s transition to 1 + 1, the general producer of Channel 5, Yuri Stets, commented as follows: “I know for sure that this is not a desire to earn more and not a desire to leave Channel 5. She had a dream to work for 1 + 1 and, in my opinion, this is where the reasons should be sought.

In turn, the host herself, in an interview with Lviv Portal, said that the reason was the dismissal from the channel of several significant figures for her - in particular, the presenter, "teacher and friend" Roman Skrypin. She also expressed the opinion that by that time the "honest news channel" had changed markedly: "It was not the news that we did in 2004 ...".


Awarded with the distinction of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Named Electronic Journalist of the Year (Person of the Year 2009)

Personal life

Married, has two sons - Anton (born in 1998) and Matvey (born in 2012).


  1. "Hidden Life" by Natalia Moseychuk is no longer a secret
  2. 1 2 Natalya Moseychuk
  3. 1 2 Natalya Moseychuk
  4. Natalia Moseychuk returns to the air 1 + 1
  5. Personalities: Natalia Moseychuk
  6. Natalya Moseychuk in the ranking of the most successful TV presenters
  7. TSN presenter Natalya Moseychuk named "Journalist of the Year"
  8. Natalya Moseychuk: Our colleagues copy us


  • Natalya Moseychuk on the 1+1 channel website

Moseychuk Natalya Nikolaevna Aleksandrova, Moseychuk Natalya Nikolaevna Belousova, Moseychuk Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova, Moseychuk Natalya Nikolaevna Pushkina

14:24 22.03.2012

The host of the information program "TSN" ("1 + 1") Natalya Moseychuk is preparing to become a mother for the second time.

"The husband, of course, was very happy. We wanted this child and planned it,- Natalia told the magazine "Telenedelya". - By the way, even before I knew about my interesting position, he somehow looked at me and said: "You know, but in my opinion we are pregnant, Bead."

Secretive Natalia, to celebrate, told the publication about her personal life, frankly answering intimate questions. I suggest you read:

What does a typical news anchor day look like?

I wake up at 7.15, I accompany my son to school (Anton is 13 years old. - Note. ed.), and her husband to work. Then I cook lunch and dinner, But before that I still have to go shopping and buy groceries. Plus, something to wash, iron, clean ... Until 14.20 - the time when I start from home - I spin like a squirrel in a wheel. For 40 minutes, while I go to the television center, I rest. From 15.00 to 21.00 I am at work - and so five days a week.

- Do you arrange debriefing at the end of the day?

Necessarily. First, we are interested in how the son's day went. If we find some pain point, it hits two flywheels (laughs). Then we check homework. It takes about an hour - Anton learned to quickly prove that he understood everything. Then we have dinner and discuss our affairs with my husband. In general, everything, like everyone else.

- Do you read books for the future?

Is it the "History of Ukraine" or " world history". Or any of Ukrainian literature if it was not passed at school. How else? It is necessary to talk with the child in the same language, to be in the subject. As for reading for yourself, recent times I was carried away by books about the greats, including autobiographical ones. I read about Churchill, Thatcher, Ranevskaya, Gurchenko, Gerdt and have already compiled a list of books that I plan to enjoy in the next few months ... under the peaceful sniffing of a baby.

- You are not at home for half a day. Have Anton been taught to be independent?

He is a very conscious boy - he does not want to upset my husband and me. In addition, he is afraid of failure. But I still call him every hour, I suggest something, I help. This is inconvenient: I am distracted from business, he is forced to interrupt and wait for me to have a free minute. But it doesn't work any other way.

- Did you think that your fate would turn out this way?

What do you! Considered work on television non-prestigious! I always knew that I would be a teacher. In the meantime, I studied at the institute, television was my hobby, which allowed me to earn extra money. I remember that even at a 45-minute break I managed to run to the TV channel and record some announcements. I came there as an international journalist to practice translations. It was only later that they looked at me and said: “Come on, sit in the frame!”.

But life has made its own adjustments. She got married and had to earn her own apartment. Despite the fact that in Zhytomyr she worked at several jobs - both at the institute, and on television, and taught English courses, the provincial city did not give such an opportunity. It was really possible to do this only in the capital, and certainly not in a teaching position. Although in Kyiv she tried to get a job in her specialty - at a polytechnic, at the department in English. I was refused because there was no Kyiv residence permit.

Natalia with her son Anton

 What a blessing it wasn't!

But I don't know if it's happiness. Maybe my fate would have been different then. Or life would be easier. I still feel guilty about my child. I went to work when my son was 10 months old. I "borrowed" it to my mother and for two years came to Zhytomyr on my weekends - then I worked week after week.

There is no item in your daily schedule that is often found in all public figures - the gym ...

The lives of many people that viewers see on TV are not as bohemian as they think. Nobody eats the rainbow! I haven't seen my girlfriend for 20 years. When we met and talked, she was very surprised: “But I thought you don’t wash, you don’t cook, and your life has nothing to do with everyday life.” Why? After all, this life has not been canceled ...

- But the gym is not necessarily a tribute to fashion. There is also a physical need to give a load to the muscles.

I got it only this year, so I bought a subscription to a sports club for the whole family. And what? My husband and son go, and I keep thinking how to find time in the morning for swimming as well. But since this is necessary, including for the health of the unborn child, I will definitely come up with something.

- How did your beloved men react to the fact that there will be a replenishment in the family?

The son immediately began to choose a name for the baby. And since the day before I watched the film "Home Alone", I came up with: "If there is a boy, let's call him Kevin" - as the main character. To which the husband replied: “Kevin Ilyich? Sounds very good!” (Laughs)

 TV presenter Ilya's husband

 - Do you plan to stay on maternity leave for a long time?

I don’t know how it will turn out ... Some are already in the ranks a week after giving birth. It seems to me that this is wrong - the mother should be with the child. However, if she manages to pay attention to her husband, older children and baby, and even earn extra money, this is wonderful. Another thing, I'm not sure if I can make it.

- When, after the first birth, they decided to return to work (Natalya was then the presenter at the Yutar television company. - Note. ed.), you weren't taken. Did you get it wrong this time around?

What guarantees can there be? Another thing is that then I had an inferiority complex: if they didn’t take it back, then I’m a bad specialist. Although in fact I did not even try to find out why I was not reinstated. Now I am more confident in my professionalism - I have my own price in the television market. Plus, I'm a workaholic - what employer wouldn't love that?

As for the situation 13 years ago… If I had not learned such a “slap in the face” then, nothing would have come of me.

 - Are you afraid to get better after childbirth?

I don't even have those thoughts! Nature and life balance everything. After the first pregnancy, for example, excess weight dropped it a week after giving birth. And how else could it be if on the fifth day she was left alone with a child in a rented apartment - in a house where there is no elevator and you have to drag the stroller up and down yourself?

- Does your spouse work as a cameraman?

My destiny is very similar to life main character film "Moscow does not believe in tears", only my "Gosh" is not a mechanic at the institute, but a manager in large corporation. The father of my first child is really a television man. Unfortunately, this is my second marriage. I say “unfortunately” because I would like to meet my current spouse earlier. Only now I feel like "for my husband." This is my wall, my shoulder native person, a friend to both me and Antoshka.

- Husband with son mutual language did you find it right away?

Anton perceives all people very positively. As for their relationship with their spouse ... You know, sometimes even jealous. I think he loves her husband more than me. In any case, they have more common interests.

- You recently returned from vacation. Where were you? Were there two or three people?

We were in the Middle East, together - it was a selfish trip for me (laughs). We had a very good rest. Finally managed to get some sleep. When we returned to Kyiv, I even called the hotel to find out what company their mattresses were. They are so comfortable that I want to buy one for my home, in my position it is very important.

In general, we always try to relax together. I believe that at this age it is still too early for children to show Versailles and the Colosseum - they will quickly be erased from memory. But Turkey, for example, where there is a lot of entertainment for children and you can relax to the fullest, just right.

- How do you relax yourself?

Only when I leave Kyiv. It is worth seeing the line beyond which the capital has remained, and I am already resting.

Congratulations to Natalia!

According to the publication "Telenedelya"

Photo - "Telenedelya", provided by the press service of "1 + 1"

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(1973-05-30 ) (45 years old) K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Natalya Nikolaevna Moseychuk(ukr. Natalya Mykolayivna Moseychuk; genus. May 30, Tejen) - Ukrainian TV presenter, journalist, host of TSN on channel 1 + 1.


Natalya Moseychuk was born on May 30, 1973 in Tejen, Turkmen SSR. Father is a military man, mother is a teacher. In 1990 she graduated from high school in the city of Berdichev, Zhytomyr region. In 1995 she graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Zhytomyr Pedagogical University.


Natalya Moseychuk, together with Lydia Taran, leads the main issues of TSN.


Moseychuk’s transition to 1 + 1, the general producer of Channel 5, Yuri Stets, commented as follows: “I know for sure that this is not a desire to earn more and not a desire to leave Channel 5. She had a dream to work for 1 + 1 and, in my opinion, this is where the reasons should be sought.

In turn, the host herself, in an interview with Lviv Portal, said that the reason was the dismissal from the channel of several significant figures for her - in particular, the presenter, "teacher and friend" Roman Skrypin. She also expressed the opinion that by that time the “honest news channel” had noticeably changed: “It was not the news that we did in 2004 ...”.


Awarded with the distinction of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Named Electronic Media Journalist of the Year (Person of the Year 2009 Award)

Personal life

Married, has two sons - Anton (b. 1998) and Matvey (b. 2012).

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An excerpt characterizing Moseychuk, Natalya Nikolaevna

- Oh, so this is Vereshchagin! - said Pierre, peering into the firm and calm face of the old merchant and looking for an expression of treachery in him.
- It's not him. This is the father of the one who wrote the proclamation,” said the adjutant. - That young one, sits in a hole, and it seems to him that it will be bad.
One old man, in a star, and the other, a German official, with a cross around his neck, approached the conversation.
“You see,” the adjutant said, “this is complicated story. Appeared then, about two months ago, this proclamation. The Count was brought. He ordered an investigation. Here Gavrilo Ivanovich was looking for, this proclamation was in exactly sixty-three hands. He will come to one: who do you get from? - From that. He goes to: who are you from? etc., we got to Vereshchagin ... an undereducated merchant, you know, a merchant, my dear, - the adjutant said smiling. - They ask him: from whom do you have? And most importantly, we know from whom he has. He has no one else to get from, as from the director's mail. But, apparently, there was a strike between them. He says: from no one, I composed it myself. And they threatened and asked, he stood on that: he composed it himself. So they reported to the Count. The count ordered to call him. "From whom do you have a proclamation?" - "I wrote it myself." Well, you know the Count! the adjutant said with a proud and cheerful smile. - He flared up terribly, and think about it: such impudence, lies and stubbornness! ..
- AND! The Count needed to point out Klyucharev, I understand! Pierre said.
“It’s not necessary at all,” the adjutant said frightened. - There were sins for Klyucharev even without this, for which he was exiled. But the fact is that the count was very indignant. “How could you compose? says the Count. I took this "Hamburg newspaper" from the table. - There she is. You didn’t compose, but translated, and translated it badly, because you don’t know French, you fool.” What do you think? “No, he says, I didn’t read any newspapers, I composed them.” “And if so, then you are a traitor, and I will put you on trial, and you will be hanged. Tell me, from whom did you get it? “I didn’t see any newspapers, but I composed them.” And so it remained. The count also called on his father: he stands his ground. And they put him on trial, and sentenced, it seems, to hard labor. Now the father has come to plead for him. But bad boy! You know, a kind of merchant's son, a dandy, a seducer, he listened to lectures somewhere and already thinks that the devil is not his brother. After all, what a young man! My father has his inn here stone bridge, so in the tavern, you know, a large image of the Almighty God and a scepter is presented in one hand, and an orb in the other; so he took this image home for a few days and what did he do! Found the bastard painter...

In the middle of this new story, Pierre was called to the commander in chief.
Pierre entered Count Rostopchin's office. Rostopchin, grimacing, was rubbing his forehead and eyes with his hand, while Pierre entered. The short man was saying something, and as soon as Pierre entered, he fell silent and left.
- AND! Hello, great warrior, - said Rostopchin, as soon as this man left. - Heard about your prouesses [glorious deeds]! But that's not the point. Mon cher, entre nous, [Between us, my dear,] are you a Mason? - said Count Rostopchin in a stern tone, as if there was something wrong in this, but that he intended to forgive. Pierre was silent. - Mon cher, je suis bien informe, [To me, my dear, everything is well known,] but I know that there are Masons and Freemasons, and I hope that you do not belong to those who, under the guise of saving the human race, want to destroy Russia.
“Yes, I am a Mason,” answered Pierre.
“Well, you see, my dear. I think you are not unaware that Messrs. Speransky and Magnitsky have been sent to the right place; the same was done with Mr. Klyucharev, the same with others who, under the guise of building the temple of Solomon, tried to destroy the temple of their fatherland. You can understand that there are reasons for this and that I could not send the postmaster here if he were not harmful man. Now I know that you sent him yours. a carriage to get out of the city and even that you took papers from him for safekeeping. I love you and do not wish you harm, and since you are half my age, I, as a father, advise you to stop all contact with such people and leave here yourself as soon as possible.

Natalya Moseychuk was born on May 30, 1973 in Tejen, Turkmen SSR. Father is a military man, mother is a teacher. In 1990 she graduated from high school in the city of Berdichev, Zhytomyr region. In 1995 she graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Zhytomyr Pedagogical University.


In 1993, Natalia Moseychuk began working as a journalist and presenter on the Zhytomyr regional television.

Since 1997 - the host of the infotainment program "Morning Review" on the TV channel "Inter".

Since 1998 she has been a news anchor on the UTAR channel.

Since 1999, she has been a news anchor for the Express-Inform TV company.

Since 2003 she has been the host of the Channel 5 information service. Author and host of the VIP Woman program.

Since August 2006, she has become the host of the Television News Service (TSN) on the 1 + 1 channel. She was also the author and host of the Hidden Life project about the public and non-public aspects of the life of famous politicians.

Natalya Moseychuk, together with Lydia Taran, leads the main issues of TSN.


Moseychuk’s transition to 1 + 1, the general producer of Channel 5, Yuri Stets, commented as follows: “I know for sure that this is not a desire to earn more and not a desire to leave Channel 5. She had a dream to work for 1 + 1 and, in my opinion, this is where the reasons should be sought.

In turn, the host herself, in an interview with Lviv Portal, said that the reason was the dismissal from the channel of several significant figures for her - in particular, the presenter, "teacher and friend" Roman Skrypin. She also expressed the opinion that by that time the "honest news channel" had changed markedly: "It was not the news that we did in 2004 ...".


Awarded with the distinction of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Named Electronic Journalist of the Year (Person of the Year 2009)

Personal life

Married, has two sons - Anton (born in 1998) and Matvey (born in 2012).

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