Natalya Vorotnikova is an official psychic. Psychic Natalya Vorotnikova: “I grew up in a family of hereditary psychics”

Natalya Vorotnikova is remembered by many due to the fact that she became the first winner of the domestic “Battle of Psychics.” The clairvoyant's talent truly surprised critics and skeptics.

In the article:

Psychic Natalya Vorotnikova - biography

The name of the psychic according to the passport is Natalya Yuryevna Vorotnikova. Was born in 1976 in Tula region. Birthday - April 10th. Almost all of Natalia's family have paranormal talents. Parents are healers and psychics. Raisa's mother has a reputation as a powerful magician. Younger brother, also received a family gift. After my sister took first place in mystical show, Maxim decided to try his own strength. It is known that in the second season the magician took third place, losing to stronger psychics.

The turning point in Natalya’s life was two clinical deaths that the girl experienced in infancy. Vorotnikova believes that clinical death strengthened her abilities. Strength appeared in early childhood: at first the girl was able to predict only bad events, which, according to most psychics, are easier to see. In more mature age, as her abilities developed, the clairvoyant learned to make positive predictions.

Future psychic Natalya Vorotnikova graduated from regular secondary school. She received a nursing diploma after graduating from college. She worked as a nurse for some time. Vorotnikova’s abilities did not go unnoticed in the hospital: thanks to Natalya’s attention, patients recovered faster - even seriously ill patients, who were said to “not survive,” got back on their feet.

Natalia has powerful energy almost from birth. To learn how to control her forces, Natalya graduated from the International Academy of Human Development.

Natalia Vorotnikova's abilities were proven through scientific experiments. Experts have discovered that the clairvoyant has a strong bioenergy field. After gaining knowledge and skills at the academy, Natalya decided to stop working at the hospital in order to start practicing healing on a more professional level.

Currently, the witch is with her brother, with whom Natalya is connected strong friendship, conduct seminars, receive people in need of the help of a clairvoyant or healer, and help others in other ways.

The choice of psychic Natalya Vorotnikova was a conscious rejection of family and children. The clairvoyant was not married. Maxim Vorotnikov also has problems in his personal life. According to Natalya's brother, living together with a psychic is too difficult for ordinary person.

“Secret Knowledge” - a book about the famous psychic

Book " Secret knowledge"was not written by Vorotnikova herself, but by Mikhail Komlev from her words. The paper edition was released as part of the “Heroes of the Battle of Psychics” series.

The book, according to the author and readers, really contains secret knowledge. The text also contains practical recommendations for beginner esotericists. In the book you can find some facts from Natalia’s biography that are not in any interviews, the reasoning of a psychic and the secrets of reincarnation:

Back, back, back. “Let’s go back,” Natalya said.
- I see her. She looks at me.
- Back, back, back. Follow the order, return back to your body. We take a deep breath, open our eyes and feel lightness and calm. Breathing calms down, we come to our senses, otherwise you will shake for a long time. Inhale and exhale, rhythmically.
I lay on the couch, opened my eyes, breathed more evenly, after a few seconds I said:
- I can’t feel my arms and legs. I don't feel myself.
- All body sensations return completely. Now everything will be back to normal.
- I have pictures, images.
- Forget about the paintings. Get up. Now these paintings will pass. The images still work, they will work for some time. We come, we come to our senses.
- It’s kind of cold.
“Here and now, completely and completely,” Natalya repeated, “a complete return.”
- I'm back? - I asked myself. - Yes!

The book contains secret techniques used by the entire Vorotnikov family:

Natalya was taught this practice as a child - the girl was then 12 years old. In her life she came across such a grandfather, a forester, a very sweet grandfather, who saw something in the girl and began to teach the child how to walk correctly in the forest. Natalya was a forest girl in her childhood, she still loves the forest, but in her childhood she had such an opportunity, and she most spent time in the forest.
“I know how to listen to the forest, I know how to understand it, and if necessary, I will never get lost there, I don’t need stars or anything else, I will find it according to my feelings: where it leads, I will go there,” explained Natalya.
This practice is very useful. The technique can be used not only in the forest, but also in big city. Works great. A person begins to navigate and walk correctly.

Natalya Vorotnikova at the “Battle of Psychics”

Vorotnikova’s energy is so powerful that light bulbs near the psychic constantly explode or burn out and electrical appliances malfunction. It is not surprising that in 2007 the clairvoyant managed to receive the main prize of the first season of the “Battle of Psychics.”

Program participants and members film crew They often noted that from Natalya’s gaze strange sensations appeared, similar to a surge of energy. Many believe that the clairvoyant has x-ray vision.

Winning the project gave a lot not only to the psychic, but also to her family. Maxim was imbued with his sister’s example and decided to take part in the “Battle of Psychics.” Thanks to her victory, the clairvoyant was able to receive an invitation from the international James Randi Foundation. The organization is ready to provide a million dollars to the person who demonstrates paranormal abilities more convincingly than all other participants.

In 2011–2012, Vorotnikova took part in another project - “Psychics Are Investigating.” During filming, the clairvoyant solved many crimes, unraveled the mysteries of deaths and told about other events. Since 2012, the witch began making regular forecasts for the 7 Days magazine, which relate exclusively to

Natalia Vorotnikova- psychic, clairvoyant, healer, participant and winner of the first season of the show "The fight of extrasensories" on TNT. Within a few days of her birth, Natalya Vorotnikova experienced two clinical deaths.

Biography of Natalia Vorotnikova

Natalia Vorotnikova born on April 10, 1976 in the Tula region. In the first days of her life, Natalya experienced two clinical deaths. At birth, she was diagnosed with 4th degree of asphyxia, the child was twice wrapped in the umbilical cord. And when Natasha was two weeks old, she choked on her mother's milk. These events became largely decisive in Natalia’s life. Her mother, Raisa Ivanovna, recalls that Natalya early years I felt different from others, not understanding the reasons for what was happening. Natalya grew up, and so did her. psychic abilities, bringing benefit to others and trouble to herself and her family. Since childhood, Natalya could foresee misfortunes and tragic events. Natalya Vorotnikova was called a witch as a child, and after a while they began to call her the radar girl.

“Fear and curiosity are always there. Since childhood, I have constantly frightened those around me with various terrible predictions. If I saw death, then the person always died, and within the time frame that I predicted. The fact is that negative information is more pronounced and easier to read from a person. After the predictions came true, people at first avoided me, but after that they still began to reach out to me. Curiosity is one of the engines of all humanity."

With age Natalia Vorotnikova I learned to predict not only troubles, but also joyful events.

Natalya trained as a nurse, worked for some time in a hospital, caring for patients after operations. Her care and invisible manifestation of the healing gift helped to recover ahead of schedule even for bedridden patients. The hospital remembers a case when, thanks to Natalya, they managed to save a person after cardiac arrest; she insisted on continuing resuscitation measures, even when the time had passed during which it was possible to restart the heart.

Despite the seemingly positive gift, Natalya’s family suffered from side manifestations of her power: the house burned out Appliances, light bulbs and electrical appliances. When Natalya Vorotnikova studied at the International Academy of Informatization using the method of V. M. Bronnikov, the “side effect” of the manifestation of her gift came to naught. At the Academy, people developed extrasensory abilities, and Natalya learned to interrupt the spontaneous manifestation of abilities, control time and force.

After working at the hospital, Natalia took up healing professionally. She believes that she received the gift of clairvoyance by inheritance: all the women in her family had psychic abilities. By the way, Natalia’s brother also has the gift of clairvoyance, Maxim Vorotnikov, who took part in the second season of the show "The fight of extrasensories" and eventually became a finalist.

Natalya Vorotnikova believes that her purpose is to help people. It was for this reason that she began working in a hospital, learned to manage her gift, and began to professionally engage in healing sick people. In order to devote all her strength to healing, she deliberately does not marry and does not give birth to children. Natalya notes that she knows her destiny and everything will have its time.

Natalya Vorotnikova at the “Battle of Psychics”

Natalia Vorotnikova took part in the first season of the franchise "The fight of extrasensories" in 2006 year. Long before the final, the test heroes and observers noted Natalya as one of the most powerful psychics among the participants. In addition, her gift as a healer was evident: after talking with clairvoyant people felt better, felt inner peace. The host of the program also felt Natalia Vorotnikova’s radar gaze Mikhail Porechenkov.

Natalya Vorotnikova believes that the meaning "Battles of psychics" It’s not about identifying the winner among people with extraordinary abilities, because many have the gift of foresight and can predict the winner. She thinks that the main objective show - to tell people that there are people with psychic abilities, and to show what they are like.

“Nobody knew who the winner would be. Strong specialists reached the finals, and each of us strived to be the best. Such information did not exist in space until the last test, and it was impossible to count it.”

Most challenging task During the tests, according to Natalya, it was to focus on the situation, the person in a situation of time restrictions, a tense atmosphere under the gun of cameras.

After the broadcast "Battles of psychics" The actor also contacted Natalya Alexander Pankratov-Cherny, who participated in the show as an observer, with a request to find a missing friend. Natalya not only assured the actor that her friend was alive and well, but also saw the area in which he was located and named the letters from the name of the village. As a result, the missing person was successfully found.

Psychic abilities Natalia Vorotnikova were noted not only as heroes of the tests, but also by skeptics, including Mikhail Vinogradov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, forensic psychiatrist, head of the special research department. He has been studying extrasensory perception and the manifestation of the gift of clairvoyance in people since Soviet times and, based on his experience, states that Natalya Vorotnikova is a psychic with a very strong positive orientation.

"U Natalia Vorotnikova all three are well developed famous destinations extrasensory perception - bioenergy (healing), clairvoyance (predicting the future) and clairvoyance (assessing the present and past). I can confirm this based on my own observations and experiments and by analyzing the laboratory research of my colleagues and the tests of the 1st season "Battles of psychics".

In 2011–2012, Natalya Vorotnikova took part in the program "Psychics are investigating , trying to find reasons strange deaths and murders. Natalia Vorotnikova conducted investigations in pairs with participants and winners of other seasons, including together with her brother Maxim Vorotnikov. In parallel with this, Natalya writes a column with forecasts about the relationships of stars for the popular Internet portal “Seven Days”.

In 2017, Natalya became the host of the “Sorcerers” program on the “U” TV channel. Her co-hosts are mediums and psychics sisters Snezhana, Svetlana And Nadezhda Filaretov, also known as the "Queens of Spades".

In the show, girls reveal “magical” secrets happy relationship and good health, getting rid of negative energy and increasing money and wealth.

The psychic abilities of Natalya Vorotnikova, a physician and psychologist by training, were recognized by both viewers and skeptical experts of one of the television projects dedicated to paranormal phenomena.

SOON Natalya will have to compete at the world level. In America, $1 million is at stake. The most powerful psychics in the world will compete for it. Vorotnikova is a sixth generation psychic. After graduating from medical school, she worked in the operating room of the intensive care unit. She studied esotericism at the International Academy of Human Development.

People are like books

- NATALYA, if you really see through people, I can assume that those around you are afraid and it’s difficult for you to make friends...

Fear and curiosity always go hand in hand. Since childhood, I have constantly frightened those around me with various terrible predictions. The fact is that negative information is more pronounced and easier to read. After the predictions came true, people at first avoided me, but after that they still began to reach out. Curiosity is one of the engines of humanity.

It is really difficult for her to build any relationships. As soon as a person becomes for you open book, it's downright boring. I am not smarter, better or stronger than others. It’s just that my path to obtaining such private information is thousands of times shorter.

- Do you often have to hide information that you perceive from people?

Constantly. As a child, I voiced, without filtering, everything I saw. I thought this would help people. Once, when I was in third grade, I predicted an earthquake two days in advance. And when it really happened, neighbors and classmates began to shy away from me. In general, after I was “beaten” a couple of times, I quickly learned to keep information to myself.

- And when you are in a crowd, can you read information from those around you?

I can, but no reasonable psychic will ever turn on to the maximum in front of a large crowd of people. Streams and fragments of various information can overwhelm and devastate energetically.

According to my personal observations, approximately 80% of our society has severely disrupted energy exchange. As a result, some become pronounced energy donors, others become energy vampires. Hence a lot of physiological and mental problems. The majority of Russians do not monitor their internal or external state at all. It’s understandable: working on yourself is the most difficult thing in this world. And we are used to hoping either at chance, or on someone who, with a wave, magic wand can solve our problems. This mentality gives rise to a huge number of charlatans in our profession.

70% are charlatans!

- BY THE WAY, how can you distinguish a scammer from a real psychic?

You need to immediately understand that of those who offer their services in this market, about 70% are ordinary charlatans. To avoid getting hooked by them, sometimes basic attentiveness is enough. Listen to your intuition and don't blindly believe everything they say. A true professional will never promise you instant results and fantastic changes. Miracles, unfortunately, do not happen. A psychic helps a person launch internal reserves body and psyche. With the help of information from the past and future, it helps to understand life's problems. This has nothing to do with mysticism. Psychic abilities are a talent like any other. A musician works with sounds, and a psychic works with energy and information. That's all the difference.

- Could you look into the future for our readers and say who will become the next president and what generally awaits our country in 2008?

I see the next president, but I think it is extremely incorrect to mention his name. I can say that this is not Putin. Perhaps I will disappoint fans of fried facts and predictions, but I don’t see any defaults, terrorist attacks or shocks in 2008.


I have been involved in the study of extrasensory perception since Soviet times and, based on my experience, I can firmly say that Natalya Vorotnikova is a very powerful psychic with a positive orientation,” says Dr. med. Sciences, psychiatrist-criminologist, head of the department of special research Mikhail Vinogradov.

Vorotnikova has well-developed all three known areas of extrasensory perception

Bioenergetics (healing), clairvoyance (prediction of the future) and clairvoyance (evaluation of the present and past). I can confirm this based on both my own observations and experiments, and by analyzing the laboratory research of my colleagues.

The very first winner of the battle of psychics was a woman whose extraordinary abilities had frightened and surprised those around her since her childhood. Today we will meet Natalya Vorotnikova.

Biography of psychic Natalia Vorotnikova

Natalya Vorotnikova was born on April 10, 1976. She came from a family of hereditary healers and psychics. Born in the Tula region. In infancy she went through two clinical deaths, which became one of the determining factors in her life. At first, at birth, doctors diagnosed the newborn with the fourth degree of asphyxia (the child was wrapped in the umbilical cord twice), and two weeks later she almost choked on milk while feeding. From a very young age, Natalya showed her psychic abilities, without fully understanding what was happening. She could predict the death or illness of a person, tragic events, for which some called her a witch or a radar girl, many avoided her. According to Natalia herself, if she saw death, the person she indicated would die within the time frame predicted by her, because negative information is brighter and is always easier to read from a person. Over time, the future psychic learned to see not only negative information and negative events, but also joyful ones. A side effect was that until the moment when Natalya learned to control her energy through classes at the International Academy of Human Development, electrical appliances, light bulbs and household appliances in the house constantly burned out. Natalya entered medical school educational institution and after graduation she began working as a nurse in a hospital. During this time, she helped many people, raising even seriously bedridden patients to their feet ahead of time. Thanks to her intervention, a man who suffered cardiac arrest was saved. Natalya insisted on holding resuscitation actions beyond the period established by regulations, and the person survived. Then the doctors said that only thanks to the young girl he was alive. One day, at the call of her heart, she entered the patient’s room at night and saw that the patient had fallen into a coma. The timely intervention of doctors saved her life. And there were many such cases.

Natalya Vorotnikova at the show “Battle of Psychics”

Natalia's abilities were appreciated in the first season television show"The fight of extrasensories". In it, she became the winner, and was also noted by both the heroes of the show and skeptical experts. After the end of the show, she was invited by the Foundation. James Randi (the fund is ready to provide $1 million to anyone who shows the real abilities of a psychic) ​​in the USA. According to Natalya, with her participation in the show she wanted to show everyone around her that psychics and people with extraordinary abilities really exist.

The life of Natalya Vorotnikova after the 1st season of “Battle”

Throughout 2011-2012, the psychic participated in the show “Psychics Are Investigating,” during which she found out the causes of murders and mysterious deaths. Currently, Natalya is engaged in healing at the center " Magic power", gives lectures and conducts seminars. To her. She heals the sick, helps those who dream of loving and being loved, those who dream of a child but have not been able to fulfill their dream for many years, and saves families. She can see a person’s future and warn against mistakes and troubles, look into the past and point a person to the causes of his current problems. In practice, she is helped by medical and psychological education. Natalya completely devoted herself to this mission and, in order not to waste her energy, deliberately does not create a family or give birth to children. According to her, she knows about her destiny, and everything will come at the appointed time. It should also be noted that her brother, Maxim Vorotnikov, who in the second season reached the final of the “Battle of Psychics”, is also endowed with the gift.

Hello Natalya, let me ask you for help. A few months ago, a girl in contact asked me to be friends with her and I accepted her friend request. She often visited my page, I knew this and often looked at her photos myself. After some time, the contact pages were blocked and all photographs, as well as information about this girl, became inaccessible to me. Without thinking twice, I realized that I love this girl, but I cannot see those photographs and only her image is preserved in my memory. I wrote to the support service in contact three times, but each time they answered me in cold blood with indifference to my problem in simple words I wish I could be patient and wait until the pages unlock by themselves, so more than three months have passed. Then I tried to write to them again and asked: Please help me unblock the page, tell me what to do in my case, but they answered me that they could not help me. Then I felt bad, once while at home I lost consciousness and fainted, and then they took me to the hospital, but even there, under an IV, I still couldn’t stop constantly thinking about her. Four months have passed since then and the contact page has not been unblocked. I realized that no one can help me, not my parents, not doctors, not this indifferent technical support in contact. It is also very important to know that the page was blocked not by the girl herself, but by other people who want to use it for their own selfish purposes. Unfortunately, all this happened so quickly that I didn’t even have time to find out the exact details of this girl, I only remember her last name, first name and the city in which she lives, as well as her approximate age. Please help me find out information about her.

  • Igor 12/08/2016 at 23:15

    I’ve heard about Natalya Vorotnikova for a long time, since the first season of the psychic show, and her person regularly appears in the news. I dreamed of making an appointment and asking a few questions that have worried me since childhood. I called the Magic Power center and made an appointment at a convenient time. The announced price for the session, of course, was very steep, but what can we say – after all, he is a well-promoted person. Now I'm extremely disappointed. I was left alone with my problems, spent the money, and was only offered to sign up for a few more sessions. Does Natalya really work like that with everyone? I can’t believe it...

  • Victoria 11/18/2016 at 16:30

    Natalya has an extremely angry look... To be honest, after my visit to her I was left with an unpleasant aftertaste, and my problem was not solved. I signed up several weeks in advance. That is, there is no need to talk about some banal service. It seems that Vorotnikova can only predict the personal lives of show business stars, and she is not able to help solve the problems of an ordinary person. I would like to say about the price in a separate line. Everything is paid, and the prices are sky-high. I don’t have financial problems, but I like to pay for results, and here I didn’t have any. As a result, after two sessions I decided to turn to another psychic. The result is 20 thousand rubles down the drain. Should I turn to Natalya Vorotnikova for help? It's up to you to decide, but I hope that mine personal experience will help someone make the right choice.

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