Unusual traditions of other nations. The most unusual traditions and rituals of the peoples of the world. Most revered animal

Japan is generally a strange country, and those who have visited this country talk about the strange sense of humor of the Japanese. So, they have this “prank” - kancho, usually only schoolchildren play with it junior classes, however, adults at a party also like to have a “kancho”. The point of the prank is to perform an “enema” - a person folds his two hands and puts his index fingers forward, which he tries to insert into the anal passage of the person being pranked, who suspects nothing.

2. Sex in the temple

You will be surprised, but this is not even some kind of Hare Krishna temple or a temple of some such conditionally free religion. On the island of Java, in most beautiful place, there is a temple called Gunung Kemukus, which is considered Muslim. Such a strict religion (but only this temple in this place) there is a belief that if you have sex with a stranger in its vicinity at night, you will be lucky and rich for the rest of your life. Whether because of the beauty of the temple, or because of basic instinct, thousands of “pilgrims” come here, and the surrounding area is dotted with brothels.

3. Greeting in Eskimo

While some comrades are proud of their handshake strength, the Eskimos have gone further. When a guest comes to their village, they line up and take turns greeting the guest with a slap on the back of the head. The guest must respond in kind, and the turn passes to the next Eskimo, who must strike harder, and so on in increasing order. The welcoming ceremony ends only when someone, either the guest or one of the Eskimo men, does not fall to the ground from the blow.

4. Tears and snot

South Korean cuisine is famous for its spiciness. Some dishes are impossible to eat without your nose hurting or tears coming to your eyes. However, if you are not snotty and tearful enough, you will be considered callous person, who does not respect the laws of hospitality and does not want to please the hostess. To be a good guest, and also to show the hostess that she is an excellent cook, you will have to emit your bodily fluids from your eyes and nose to the maximum.

5. Sad wake

In India, during the holiday of remembrance of the holy Khoja Moinuddin Chishti, thousands of fakirs and pilgrims walk through the streets of the city of Ajmer. To prove their commitment to religion, and to show how much they grieve, participants in the procession pierce themselves with needles, and especially popular is gouging out their eyes with sharp metal objects.

6. Dolphin Killing

All over the world they admire dolphins and watch their performances in dolphinariums, but in the Faroe Islands the position is completely different. In order for local youths to become men, the following custom is arranged. Boats drive pods of dolphins into the bay, and there, in the shallow waters, the beating of innocent fish with knives, fittings, axes and stakes begins.

The newly minted “men” usually release one dolphin - this is part of the custom; next year he will “bring” a new herd. It’s extremely sad, because if earlier this was due to hunger, and the killed dolphins were at least eaten, now this is done only for the sake of the custom itself.

7. Photos of the dead

In Russia at the end of the 19th century, a wild tradition came from Europe - photographing dead children. It is clear that the infant mortality rate was high, the parents grieved greatly, but it was considered good form to take the “last” photograph and keep it as the most valuable. The kids were dressed up in best outfits, they seated living brothers, sisters and parents, pets next to each other, and generally tried to create such an atmosphere so that it seemed that the child was alive; they also often drew pictures for them open eyes and a smile.

8. Not a light burden

Let's end on a more or less cheerful note. Japan celebrates a local holiday of spring and labor - the Shinto festival Honen Matsuri. Instead of festive columns with an orchestra and slogans, in Japan a 25-kilogram wooden phallus is carried through the city, which symbolizes the onset of spring and fertility. Carrying this is considered very honorable and volunteers compete for such an honor, so not everyone has the honor of carrying a 2.5-meter-long penis across the entire city.

9. Resourceful Indians

In India there is a ban on having a third wife. Moreover, historically, the custom literally sounds like this - you cannot have a third wife. First, second, fourth and subsequent ones - please. Resourceful lovers of marriage easily get out of this situation and choose a tree for a third marriage.

He is dressed in festive clothes and the wedding ceremony is held, and at the end of the celebration, the groom's witness cuts down the poor tree and announces that his friend is “widowed”, and thus can look for a fourth, “permitted” wife.

Each nation has its own customs and traditions. Traditions can be the most original and interesting, even unexpected. And peoples pass on these traditions from generation to generation. So let's get acquainted with the most interesting traditions and customs.


Samoans are accustomed to following the tradition of sniffing each other when they meet. Now this is not done as seriously as before, but simply respect and tribute to the ancestors. Previously, a person was sniffed to understand where he was from. Samoans could identify a variety of things by smell. For example, when was the last time he ate, or how long did he spend walking through the jungle? But the most common thing they did by smell was identify a stranger.

New Zealand

Interesting things about New Zealand

In New Zealand, Maori people also have an unusual tradition of saying hello. They touch each other's noses. This tradition began quite a long time ago. After they touched noses, that person became a friend, not an ordinary person. It is worth noting that this tradition is observed even at the highest level. So, if you see a president rubbing another president's nose, you may not be surprised. These are the customs and culture of a given country, so they should not be neglected.

Andaman Islands

Here it is customary to sit on another person’s lap, hug the neck and cry. But you shouldn’t worry that everything is bad in his life and he complains to the person. The fact is that he is very happy to meet his friend, and tears are a sincere joy that fills him from meeting a loved one.


A little about Kenya

There is a tribe in Kenya called the Maasai. They observe these traditions. For example, it is recommended to dance the welcome dance. The dance is performed exclusively by the male part. The dancers stand in a circle and jump high. The higher the jump, the braver and more courageous the warrior. After all, when hunting lions, they have to jump.

Which one interesting tradition is there in Tibet?

It's customary to stick your tongue out here. This custom goes back to ancient times. Then a tyrant with a black tongue ruled there. The inhabitants of Tibet were afraid that even after death the tyrant would move in and commit atrocities, so they began to stick their tongues out at each other in order to protect themselves.

About Tibet


But, before you do this yourself, while you are here, make sure that your tongue is not stained dark color from food, otherwise you will be misunderstood and something not very pleasant may happen. And don't forget to cross your arms over your chest.


Interesting Japanese traditions

Japan, and other eastern countries, have an unusual tradition. Here you need to take off your shoes. In Japan, caring owners give you slippers, but only to get to the living room, and then you have to take off your shoes again and be barefoot. And socks must be perfectly clean.


When leaving guests, don’t forget what your slippers look like and don’t wear someone else’s.


Interesting things about Thailand

In that part of the country where Buddhism flourishes, it is not customary to touch someone else's head, because... it is considered offensive. The fact is that the head here is a sacred repository in which the soul is concentrated. Even babies' heads are not touched here. You should also not point your finger at anyone, because... it's very rude in Malaysia. If you want to point at someone, then use a clenched fist with your thumb extended (it is the one that shows the direction). And in the Philippines it’s not even customary to show it like that. They are enough modest people, so they show the direction with their eyes.

Interesting wedding traditions

Wedding in India

There is an unusual tradition in India. A third marriage cannot be carried out here. You can marry 4 times, or 2 times, but you can’t get married 3 times. But this ban applies exclusively to living people, so some men marry a tree for the third time. At the same time, all wedding traditions and customs are observed. Finishing wedding celebration, the groom begins to “widow” by cutting down a tree. And therefore, a third marriage is no longer scary. This also happens when younger brother decides to get married, but the older brother is not married yet. Then the latter marries the tree, becomes a widow and gives way to his younger brother. Each country has incredibly interesting customs and traditions. It is very interesting to recognize them and even observe them when you come to a particular country. Therefore, read informative articles and broaden your horizons, and then go to different countries and learn new traditions.

Unusual rituals of the peoples of the world

In ancient times, in some settlements of Kamchatka, a night spent by a guest with the owner’s wife was considered a special honor for the house. The lady, by the way, tried to seduce the guest with all possible ways. And if she also managed to get pregnant, then the whole village celebrated it. Which was, of course, reasonable - fresh genes. Such traditions are not uncommon: the Eskimos and Chukchi, for example, also used the beauty of their wives for the benefit of the clan. They gave them to “use” the men who went fishing. Well, in Tibet it was generally believed that if a guest liked someone else’s wife, then it was the will of higher powers and there was no way to resist them.

About quirks

For example, in Tibet, a girl was considered an enviable bride only when she changed a dozen or two partners. Virgins, as you can see, were not held in high esteem in the Dalai Lama’s country. But the Brazilians from the Jerusalem artichoke tribe made impressive sacrifices to please their ladies. The fact is that girls found only huge genitals worthy of their attention. To do this, men exposed their penises to poisonous snakes, after the bites of which their manhood met the expectations of discerning Jerusalem artichoke women.

Girls have been training their intimate muscles since time immemorial. It is known that the wives and concubines of the Chinese emperor trained their vaginal muscles using jade eggs. According to legends, they knew how to control their vaginal muscles so skillfully that they could bring a man to orgasm while remaining motionless.
The ability to expand the vaginal opening made it possible to “absorb” fairly large objects, such as apples. And the wave-like contraction of the muscles from the arches to the entrance made it possible to throw out objects inserted into the vagina, sometimes over considerable distances.

In Japan and Korea, there was an interesting practice of enhancing male orgasm. To make it more vivid and memorable, an injection into the groin with a golden needle is enough, they say eastern traditions. The inhabitants of the Trobriand Islands were very inventive in bed pleasures. Just look at the habit of nibbling your partner’s eyelashes; this is considered their traditional caress. I would like to see the teeth of these entertainers, because in order to gnaw an eyelash, the teeth must be at least sharp.

But the Indians, experienced in love, had much more options for extreme entertainment of this kind. For example, their treatises on the art of love taught the use of "apadravia" - male piercings made of gold, silver, iron, wood or buffalo horns! And the great-grandfather of the modern condom “yalaka” - an empty tube inside with pimples on the outside - was also invented in India.

The sex-seekers of the Batta tribe of Sumatra had a tradition of inserting pebbles or pieces of metal under the foreskin. They believed that this way they could give their partner much more pleasure. The Argentine Indians also had a similar idea in their arsenal. They attached horsehair tassels to the phallus. It’s scary to think about the hygiene of meetings with such fellows.

Tanzanian women increased their attractiveness in an interesting way. They did not decorate themselves or dress up. They stole from the man they desired... a hoe and sandals! In those parts, the things listed are of particular value, so the man, willy-nilly, had to go and rescue the property, and then - who knows?

What about our compatriots? In ancient times, in some settlements of Kamchatka, a night spent by a guest with the owner’s wife was considered a special honor for the house. The lady, by the way, tried to seduce the guest in every possible way. And if she also managed to get pregnant, then the whole village celebrated it. Which was, of course, reasonable - fresh genes. Such traditions are not uncommon: the Eskimos and Chukchi, for example, also used the beauty of their wives for the benefit of the clan. They gave them to “use” the men who went fishing. Well, in Tibet it was generally believed that if a guest liked someone else’s wife, then it was the will of higher powers and there was no way to resist them.

Japan - crawl up and "yobay"

An ancient sexual tradition with the poetic name “yobai” existed in the Japanese outback until the end XIX century. The essence of the custom “sneaking in the night” (approximate translation) was as follows: any young man, under the cover of darkness, had the right to enter the house of an unmarried young lady, crawl under her blanket and, if the chosen one did not mind, directly engage in the delightful “yobai” . In Russian, however, it does not sound like the name of a tradition, but more like a call to action.

If Japanese girl If she came across an intractable woman, the upset young man had to go home. Like any tradition, the custom of “yobai” was regulated strict rules. A potential lover had to go on a romantic date completely naked, since a night visit from a clothed man was considered robbery and could end in disaster for him. However, the guy had the right to cover his face and appear before the girl as a beautiful stranger. That's how Japanese they are role-playing games.

Tibet - a one-way journey

Once upon a time in Tibet, visiting men were greeted with genuine cordiality. IN travel notes famous traveler Marco Polo tells of a local sexual tradition that required all young girls to have intercourse with at least twenty women before marriage. different men. Either there were few men in Tibet, or, according to custom, fresh girls were intended exclusively for foreigners, but travelers were worth their weight in gold here. And those poor fellows who could not stand up for themselves were literally “torn like Tuzik’s slippers” by sex swindlers. Therefore, the trip to Tibet for some of our brothers was the last.

South America - Indian Babformation

The sexual traditions of the Kagaba tribe can forever discourage a man from conscientiously fulfilling his marital duty and having offspring. Representatives of the stronger half of the tribe are terribly afraid of women. It's all about the strange ritual of initiation of young men into men: a young Indian Kagaba must have his first sexual experience with the oldest lady of the family. For this reason, in a marital relationship, a man is lacking initiative, and if his wife hints at intimacy, he prefers to cowardly hide in the jungle in a bunker pre-equipped for such purposes (like he went hunting).

It happens that several fugitives are hiding in a bachelor's den at the same time. Then the female half of the tribe equips a search expedition. Role-playing games of slave and mistress always end predictably. Unsatisfied wives comb the jungle until they discover the cache and return their faithful to the bosom of the family.

Africa - food preferences

Who is interested in military parades? Perhaps only to the military, but the common people demand bread and circuses. The King of Swaziland knows exactly how to make a holiday of the soul for his subjects, and therefore every year he organizes a grand procession of virgins. Thousands of seductive scantily clad beauties cheerfully march in front of the monarch. It has become a good sexual tradition in Swaziland when the king chooses from the participants of the parade new wife, and each failed wife is rewarded with a large bowl of food. And believe me, by local standards this is a royal gift!

In the late 1940s, German gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg discovered a new erogenous zone. It was located on the upper wall of the vagina and was the size of a pea. Grafenberg described it in the scientific article “The Role of the Urethra in the Female Orgasm” (1950). Either the circulation of this publication was too small, or the title did not inspire the general public, but until the early 80s, even Cosmopolitan stubbornly ignored Grafenberg's discovery.
It took the writing talent of sexologists Alice Ladas, Beverly Whipple and John Perry for the whole world to know about a new source of pleasure. Their book, The G-Spot and Other Discoveries in Human Sexuality (1982), became a bestseller and was translated into 19 languages.

In the Baganda tribe (East Africa), there is a belief that sex directly on agricultural land significantly increases its fertility. By the way, such a sexual tradition was inherent in many nations. However, the natives did not organize vulgar orgies in the plantain beds (main fodder crop Bagandyans). For the ritual they chose married couple- parents of twins. The event was held in the field of the tribal leader and consisted of the following: the woman lay on her back, a plantain flower was placed in her vagina, and the husband had to get it out without using his hands, using only his penis. According to custom, the family of agronomists had to demonstrate the miracles of balancing act only in the leader’s field. There was no need to play role-playing games in the gardens of their fellow tribesmen; it was enough to dance a little.

The sexual traditions of the peoples of the world are different, as are the standards of beauty. How can a woman from the Zambezi River valley be considered attractive if her mouth is full of teeth like a crocodile? To become beautiful, a Batoka girl had to get married. On their wedding night, the satisfied husband turned an “ugly” girl into a beautiful woman by knocking out her front teeth. This custom, accompanied by a simple plastic surgery, makes a Batoka woman happy and a radiant smile never leaves her face again.

Mesopotamia - temple prostitution

Every resident ancient Babylon had to make a sacrifice to the goddess of love Ishtar. To perform the ritual, the lady went to the sanctuary of the goddess, sat in a visible place and waited for her to be chosen unknown man. The client gave the chosen one a coin, after which they went to some secluded corner, where they made a generous sacrifice.

Once was enough. However, some particularly zealous Babylonians constantly practiced such role-playing games, offering strangers an interesting vacation for money, which then went to the needs of the temple. It was impossible to leave his territory before the end of the ritual, so the pretty girl “shot back” quickly, and the unsightly young lady had to wait for her prince for a long time, sometimes even years! Housing and food were provided. Similar sexual traditions existed in Cyprus, and Greek girls made sacrifices to the goddess Aphrodite.

Russia is a country of Soviets

Family life in Rus' is not easy! The getting married couple had to feel this statement already at the wedding. All night before the holiday, the bride, according to ancient Slavic custom, unbraided her braids and sang sad songs with her bridesmaids. In the morning, a bunch of tedious wedding rituals awaited her, which continued until late in the evening and on an empty stomach. Even during the festive feast, the bride was not allowed to eat. The groom was also not happy - throughout the celebration he was obliged to cheerfully jump around his numerous relatives.

And finally the feast ended. The exhausted young people found themselves alone in the bedchamber and were about to have unbridled sex and go to bed. Let's daydream! Sexual tradition assumed the active participation of relatives in the first wedding night of the newlyweds - the guests shouted obscene ditties under the bedroom windows until the morning, and one of them (specially chosen for this purpose) periodically knocked on the door and asked: “Has the ice broken?” In such a situation, the groom soon began to realize that the mission was impossible, and his efforts were in vain, despite the body of his betrothed, immobilized from fatigue. Therefore, the young spouse was given the opportunity to rehabilitate himself over the next few nights. If things still didn’t work out, then experienced advisers were involved: the groom’s brother or father. It is known that in some villages in Ukraine, an authorized prompter sat comfortably under the bed, from where he helped the newlyweds with good advice on how to do everything right, and at the same time, with his presence, created the atmosphere of an unusual holiday.

Micronesia – love with a sparkle

If you are sure that role-playing games with elements of sadomasochism were invented by the well-known marquis, I hasten to disappoint you - this is a common misconception. The natives of Truck Island were into self-mutilation during sex even before Marquise de Sade's mother faked an orgasm in a simple missionary position. The custom was as follows: while the partner diligently puffed, making back-and-forth movements, the ardent lover set fire to small breadfruit balls on his body. It is quite difficult to imagine how she did this during sex... One can assume that the man copulated not with the whole lady, but with a distant part of her (for example, the heel). These natives are such pranksters!

Wedding tradition in every corner of the world is a reflection of the soul of the local population, the essence of the people of a given area. All nations on our planet have their own identity, unusual rituals and unique flavor. Let's look at the wedding traditions of the peoples of the world and find out how interesting they are to us, and whether we are ready to get married according to some unusual exotic ritual that will unite the hearts of two lovers forever.

Unusual wedding traditions of different nations

People of all nations of the world constantly fall in love and get married. Our country also has its own wedding traditions, rooted in ancient times. Each element of a Russian wedding ceremony hides a separate tradition. For example, among the Russian people it is customary:

  1. Blocking the road for the wedding procession.
  2. Distribute sweets to children before going to the registry office.
  3. To ransom the bride.
  4. Release pigeons.

According to an ancient wedding tradition, the Russian bride is given the opportunity to be the first to cut the wedding loaf, indicating her emergence as the mistress of the house. After the wedding, the mother-in-law removes the bride’s veil, which symbolizes the acceptance of a new member into the family. Another old Russian wedding custom that has survived to this day is the meeting of the newlyweds after the registration of marriage with bread and salt. According to Russian custom, the newlyweds must take one piece from the wedding loaf, and whoever has the largest piece, according to legend, will be the head of the house.

Recently Slavic peoples Another wedding tradition has appeared: throwing the bride’s wedding bouquet to her unmarried friends. The girl who caught the wedding bouquet should be the next to get married. A similar ritual also exists among men: the groom removes the garter from his wife’s leg and throws it to his single friends. Whoever catches it first will meet his soul mate. Mention of this wedding tradition can be found in manuscripts of the 14th century. Then it was believed that any clothes removed from the bride or groom would bring favor to the opposite sex.

Russian is still the most fun wedding custom bride price Usually the witnesses are involved in the ransom, but sometimes the groom also becomes a participant in this event. Traditionally, the girl is redeemed with money, less often with champagne, vodka, sweets and flowers. Neighbors, acquaintances and invited guests take part in this wedding ritual. Although many other peoples of the world carry out a similar ceremony - for example, it is customary for Muslims to take a bride price for a bride - but in the Russian tradition, ransom is more fun than monetary payment for a girl.

Russian wedding ceremonies are more focused on entertainment. Among other peoples of the world, wedding traditions are striking in their practicality, thirdly, in their minimalism, and fourthly, in their romance. For example, in Australia, wedding preparations begin a year before the appointed date of the celebration. The people of Australia are Catholics, so they do not have civil registration of marriage. All newlyweds undergo a wedding ceremony, after which the celebration begins.

Three months before the due date, future spouses begin to go to the priest, who prepares young people for life together and draws up a wedding plan with them. Australians are practical in everything, that's why wedding gifts are agreed upon in advance. The bride and groom make a list of desired gifts in advance, and the guests decide among themselves who will give what.

Australians, like other Catholics around the world, have an interesting tradition of making a lot of noise on the way to church. The roots of this ritual come from ancient times, when the aborigines believed that noise would drive away evil spirits. To create noise, to this day, many newlyweds around the world still tie old tin cans or other metal objects that can create noise to their wedding car.

The ritual of breaking a wedding glass exists in many countries around the world. After leaving the church, the newlyweds are presented with glasses of wine, which they must drink and then break the glasses. According to the belief of many peoples, if both glasses break, then the newlyweds will face happy life. But if any glass remains intact, then the marriage will not be successful. There is another explanation for this mysterious ritual: ancient people around the world believed that ringing broken glass drives away evil demons from newlyweds.

Wedding traditions in Europe

  • Hungary

According to wedding tradition, the Hungarian bride takes off her shoes and places them in the center of the hall. The gentleman who wants to dance with her must throw coins into his shoes. Whoever throws the most coins has priority to the dance. Another interesting Hungarian ritual is morning washing, when the bride, on the morning of the second day after the wedding, went to the well with her guests and washed all the guests in turn, then drying them with a towel with her own hands.

  • Slovakia

The bride chooses her chosen one and then gives him a ring and a shirt, which is sewn from natural silk. The groom also picks up the bride in return silver ring, puts on a fur hat and a chastity belt. Weddings in the cities of Slovakia often include traditional entertainment, games, competitions and a buffet, but in rural areas there is still the opportunity to see the national wedding ensemble of folk instruments.

  • Norway

It is believed that in countries with a harsh climate, people do not know how to express feelings violently. The wedding traditions of cold Norway are proof of this. There are much fewer women in this country than men, so young people are looking for a bride from an early age. Since ancient times, a Norwegian woman has had equal rights with a man, so not only older boys, but also older girls are considered heirs.

No one collects a dowry in Norway, and the newlyweds arrange their wedding at their own expense. The most beautiful Norwegian wedding tradition, which is still supported by newlyweds, is when guests go to the matchmaking site in brightly decorated boats, hung with wedding bells and other traditional wedding accessories.

  • Netherlands

Some wedding rituals in the Netherlands can shock ordinary people from other countries of the world. But the local bride and groom do not suffer from unnecessary modesty and believe that everything natural should not be prohibited. Guests at a wedding are having fun without Slavic virtue, and competitions, according to our ideas, cross all decent boundaries. The more raunchy wedding performances there are, the more successful it is, according to local residents.

There is no traditional wedding cake at a wedding celebration in the Netherlands. Instead, guests are offered national sweets called “bride's sugar.” They come in different shapes, and the taste is a real mosaic. The bride orders sweets from different confectioners, so if a guest gets two identical sweets, this is considered a lucky omen.

African wedding rituals

  • Nigeria

According to Nigerian wedding traditions, the groom's parents invite a professional matchmaker, who selects the right candidate for the bride that meets the family's requirements. The matchmaker in the hammam checks the selected candidates for innocence, and then presents them to the parents for judgment. An interesting local custom is observed immediately after a Nigerian wedding, when the groom is driven through the corridor by relatives who beat him with sticks. It is believed that only after this the groom is ready for family life.

  • Ethiopia

In African tribes, family life for a girl begins with real trials. For example, in the Surma tribe, six months before the wedding ceremony, the newlywed's lower lip is pierced and a clay disc is inserted. In order not to interfere with the disc, the two front teeth are removed, because it is believed that the larger the disc, the richer the bride’s dowry. In addition to notifying the girl of her high financial status, the clay disc protects her from evil spirits that may enter the body through the mouth.

  • Egypt

This African country is the birthplace of traditional marriage. The ancient Egyptians were the first people to propose to the world to legalize the relationship between a woman and a man. The marriage contract also appeared for the first time in Egypt - it specified in detail the responsibilities of the husband and wife. The wedding rituals of the peoples of Egypt are rooted in Islam, in which a man has the right to have four wives, but must provide for all of them. Not all modern Egyptian men can afford more than one wife.

Egypt has interesting and colorful national dances that are present at all traditional wedding ceremonies: belly dancing, skirt dancing and sword dancing. Exchange of rings too ancient tradition of the Egyptian people, which was picked up by almost all countries of the world. The Egyptians consider the ring a symbol of love and wear it on their middle finger left hand, because the cardiac vein passes through this finger, which holds the hearts of young people together.

  • Rwanda

The traditional wedding ceremony of the Bahutu tribe in Rwanda is very passionate! The customs of this people require that newlyweds express hatred towards each other. Immediately after the marriage ceremony, a woman with her face covered with a veil goes to her husband’s house and there the real massacre begins. The wife scratches her husband mercilessly, causing him significant wounds, and the husband also becomes aggressive towards her.

The massacre continues until the morning, and its participants remain silent, not uttering a single word during the entire fight. The pugnacious ritual can even continue for several nights in a row, after which the wife moves into her husband’s house forever and the Bahutu tribe spouses never quarrel again. These strange wedding traditions test the readiness of young people for family life. Maybe that's why African families are so durable?

Customs of the peoples of Asia

  • Thailand

The wedding ritual of this Asian people does not require modest attire. On this day, a Thai bride can change up to ten multi-colored and white outfits, depending on what ceremony is being performed. For each ceremony you need to choose the appropriate dress. The color black is not allowed at a wedding; in Thailand it is worn by widows, so it is not even used in the decoration of a wedding dress. According to Thai traditions, weddings should feature a lot of gold, red and orange colors.

  • China

These people love the color red, so according to the Chinese wedding tradition, everything is red: the bride's dress, envelopes with money, boxes with gifts and even rose petals. The wedding tradition, when newlyweds drink from glasses tied with a red ribbon, also came to the world from China. A Chinese wedding ceremony requires a lot of expenses, but it quickly pays for itself, since gifts to the newlyweds are transferred only in money. Even those relatives who are not present at the ceremony give money.

  • India

The wedding ritual of the Indian people is the most colorful spectacle in the world, the clearest demonstration of the beliefs of the Indian people, a manifestation of their spiritual culture and deep religious roots. Usually, Indian newlyweds meet for the first time during the marriage ceremony, but these people almost never get divorced. For other nations, this remains a mystery, because in those countries of the world where people marry for love, the divorce rate is simply catastrophic.

For Hindus, flowers are the main wedding accessory. There are countless quantities of them at a wedding, which is why it is an expensive component of every Indian wedding ceremony. The gods love the scent of flowers, so through flowers they will quickly hear the requests of mortals. An important point at the holiday is the table: exclusively vegetarian dishes are served, and eggs, fish and meat are strictly prohibited.

A wedding ceremony on this Indonesian island has become a fashionable event among newlyweds around the world, and it’s clear why. It is believed that if you enter into a traditional marriage on this paradise island, it will be happy and long. In addition, the Balinese ceremony is very impressive: incense is burned, floral offerings are made to thousands of local gods, and the newlyweds wear stunningly beautiful costumes, decorated with gold embroidery wound in several layers.

The newlyweds travel to the wedding ceremony site on a golden carriage, while the wealthier ones arrive on richly decorated elephants. In the temple, the newlyweds are showered with petals of exotic flowers, and invited priests say special prayers that will help the husband and wife find happiness. Music, dancing, flowers, traditional Balinese treats make you feel in harmony with the ancient island deities.

North and South America

Unlike other countries of the world, a wedding ceremony in the United States is part of a business, the preparation of which Americans trust to special agencies. The celebration begins in the same way as in other Catholic countries of the world:

  • a guy proposes to a girl;
  • an engagement date is set, at which the groom gives a ring;
  • An official wedding ceremony is held.

There are no restrictions in an American wedding, but the newlyweds' outfits are usually done in a traditional style. In addition to a new dress, a girl must have some kind of old thing and a blue object. A worn item symbolizes connection with family, and the blue color represents fidelity in marriage. An undoubted advantage is the opportunity to choose several bridesmaids, and not just one, as in other countries of the world. This way, not a single friend will be left without attention.

  • Mexico

Latin American peoples are descendants of the Mayans and Aztecs, so their wedding traditions are somewhat different from those of the rest of the world. In a traditional Mexican wedding, there are sponsors who finance the celebration. These are, as a rule, parents, godparents and relatives of the newlyweds. During the wedding, the priest wraps a symbolic “lasso” in the form of a special rosary around the newlyweds, symbolizing the unification of two people into one.

Mexicans have even more ancient Indian traditions, which they inherited from the Indians, so the unity of two people is celebrated before the official wedding ceremony. First, the woman must undergo a ritual of ablution, and then an Indian traditional ritual takes place near the oldest tree, which notifies the elements (water, air, earth, fire) and ancestors that the young people are bound together forever.

Video: overview of the traditions of the peoples of the world

Different peoples of the world have their own wedding rituals, but they have one thing in common: the desire to achieve prosperity, love and success for a young family. Nowadays, many wedding traditions can no longer be called exclusively Slavic, Asian or Indian, they have spread so widely throughout the world. For example, a ransom or bride price is given for a bride in all religions, and not a single wedding ceremony in the world takes place without a dance of the newlyweds. Let's see in the video how this happens in different parts colors:

The customs and traditions of other peoples are interesting, surprising, and sometimes strange and even shocking. People of other nationalities may express their feelings or spiritual mood in a completely different way than is customary among us. Also among the peoples different countries the world there are unique rituals, beliefs and holidays that reflect their history or beliefs. Knowing all these nuances, you can better understand what they live in a particular country. Study national customs not only entertaining, but also useful if you are planning to travel.

The strangest and most original traditions of the peoples of the world

Undoubtedly, one of the important aspects of any culture is its rules of etiquette: the way of greeting, farewell, behavior at the table, etc. For example, among Russians it is customary to shake hands; loving and friendly Spaniards can generally kiss when meeting. But in Japan it’s better not to do this - they value personal space and only allow close friends.

What other unusual things are there in the world? Here is a ranking of the 10 most unusual traditions of other countries:

  1. On the streets of India you can see men holding hands. This does not mean that they are romantic relationships. This is how they show their friendship. But Indian couples in love never express their love publicly.
  2. In Germany they don't clap when they want to applaud. To express their feelings, the Germans are accustomed to knocking on the table.
  3. The people of some Asian countries, such as China, Korea or Japan, consider it good form to slurp while eating at a party. This way they show the owner that the dish is very tasty.
  4. In Japan, it is considered indecent and rude to blow your nose in public. If someone needs to clean their nose, they do it away from everyone and very quietly.
  5. For residents South Korea Writing someone's name in red is taboo, and all because red ink was previously used to write the names of dead people.
  6. In Malaysia, pointing at something index finger– it’s rude and offensive. Instead, it is common to point at things with the thumb.

Another one interesting feature: While in many countries people shun cemeteries, in Denmark they are turned into parks of sorts where you can socialize. Quite a pragmatic use of space, isn't it?

Holidays are part of the culture of the people. They often involve unusual rituals and customs, which can be quite funny and sometimes frightening.

Monkey banquet

In Thailand, the Monkey Banquet festival is held annually, dedicated to the god Rama, who, according to legend, monkeys helped defeat his enemies in a great battle.

In the last month of November, the monkeys, who live in the province of Lopburi and are considered sacred among the locals, are served tables with a huge amount of fruits, vegetables, sweets and drinks in the middle of the temple.

They say that more than five thousand primates gather there and it takes about 2 tons of food to feed them! Their feast looks very funny: uncultured guests throw food, fight for the right to get the most delicious fruit, and tease the visiting tourists.

Tomato fights

Snowball fight – last century. In Spain, tomatoes are used for these purposes! At the Tomatina festival, held there every August, thousands of people gather to take part in a tomato fight. Vegetables are brought in on carts and all participants in the action throw each other for an hour, turning everything around into red slurry. In total, approximately 15 tons of tomatoes are used in the battle!

Officially, the holiday is dedicated to the patron saint of the city, Saint Louis, but in fact it has long been a magnet for tourists.

Goose Day

On the occasion of this Spanish festival, held in the city of Bilbao, a goose is chosen, greased and tied over the water on a rope. Competitors swim up to it in a boat and jump up to catch it. The goal is to rip off the animal's head. The winner receives his carcass and everyone's respect.

It is worth mentioning that previously they used a live goose, but then, at the request of the Animal Welfare Society, it was replaced with a dead one. The competition may seem cruel to some, but for the Spaniards it is an indicator of the strength, endurance and dexterity of men.

Cobra Festival

Indians have worshiped snakes since ancient times; cobras are considered especially sacred. In Indian temples there are images and statues of these reptiles; they pray to them and make sacrifices.

In some cities and villages of India, a festival is held in honor of the worship of snakes “Nag Panchami”. It takes place in the middle of summer. Just then, heavy rains flood the holes of the reptiles and they crawl out.

Nag Panchami is directly dedicated to the god Shiva, who is depicted with cobras around his neck. During the festival, people dance to music while carrying potted snakes on their heads. The procession goes around the entire village and moves to the main temple. After chants and prayers, the snakes are sprinkled with turmeric, given honey and milk to appease them, and released into the courtyard temple. Animals crawl, performing peculiar dances. The holiday looks spectacular and bewitching, which attracts crowds of tourists.

It is noteworthy that people are often bitten during the holiday, and some snakes are poisonous, but no one suffers from this. Phenomenal!

Night of Krampus

This terrible holiday is celebrated in the first 2 weeks of December before Christmas in Austria, Bavaria and Switzerland. About a thousand men dress up as Krampus - devilish creatures with horns and hooves, the antithesis of Santa Claus. They walk the streets, scaring children and adults. The Krampus beat the caught “pranksters” with rods.

The celebration is accompanied by mass fairs, processions and competitions. City residents compete for the best and scariest costume. They are not afraid of evil spirits!

Rituals and rituals

Particularly unusual and strange are the customs and traditions of the peoples of the world associated with religion, marriage and various initiation rituals. Some of them may seem absurd, but the natives believe that it is important, so they should not be considered stupid. Perhaps some traditions of our country also seem meaningless to some.

  1. Japanese warriors still adhere to the code of Bushido, according to which in case of defeat he must commit suicide. It is better to die than to fall into the hands of enemies.
  2. In Muslim countries, 2 days before the wedding, a girl is covered with temporary henna tattoos - mehendi, which symbolize femininity, fertility and good luck. They should only be applied by a happily married woman. Mehendi is usually painted on the feet and hands. The longer the tattoo lasts, the better, so the bride is even exempt from housework.

Chinese brides, namely residents of the city of Fuji, must cry for a whole month before the wedding. This is how they prepare for married life. Maybe they think that they will cry all their tears and won’t have to cry in the future?

  • Here's another unusual one folk ritual. When a person of the Tanomani tribe (Brazil) dies, his body is cremated. Relatives of the deceased mix the ashes with plantain decoction and drink. They believe that this pleases the dead soul, which finds a resting place in their bodies.
  • The Greeks have a strange custom of not giving a damn about everything. In their opinion, such a ritual brings good luck and scares away the devil. They perform spitting rituals in different special cases, for example, christenings or weddings. IN old times the guests had to give a good spit on the bride's dress, but now everything is done rather symbolically. It is enough to say “tfu tfu tfu.”
  • Young boys in Brazil undergo an extraordinary rite of passage. To prove their bravery and strength, members of the Satare-mawe tribe put their hands in a glove filled with poisonous ants. You need to hold out for 10 minutes, but the bites are unusually painful, and the pain lasts the whole day! There were even deaths.

In fact, every culture has a lot of fascinating things. Some may consider these customs inhumane. Others still look for meaning in them, because even the most strange customs and traditions in the world there is an explanation.

Unusual traditions and rituals of the peoples of the world

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