Nikolay Sobolev - Biography, personal life, YouTube, photo. Strong feelings of Nikolai Sobolev Do you know who Nikolai Sobolev is

Nikolai Sobolev carried out a large-scale hoax: first he announced a beating, and a day later - about a staging. Not just for the sake of hype: the main blogger of Runet admitted that he wanted to show how easy it is to spread fake news these days. The idea is noble, but it seems that this is just a screen to pay off past sins.

On June 3, an entry appeared on Nikolai Sobolev’s page: “I’m going to record a video in the studio.” The news is actually atypical: the king of Russian YouTube never makes such announcements - if a blogger is going to record something, no one knows about it.

A couple of hours later, murky video recordings spread across the Internet: they vaguely show aggressive young people attacking Nikolai, accusing him of being a glutton. After some time, Soboleva crawls out on the page new post: The creator of the most famous author's show admits that he was beaten. The incident allegedly happened near famous studio, in which the same one is located Brick wall: Gnoyny’s diss lit up the location, and it was not difficult for ill-wishers to track down the Russian YouTube star.

The Internet exploded. Someone condoled with Sobolev: beating is the last thing, no matter what kind of person he is. Someone openly mocked. Someone doubted out loud: the wounds were too minor, it looked like makeup. However, no one remembered two important things. The first is that Sobolev walks with two guards who are not in the video. Secondly, this man once gave the Russian language the words “prank” and “production”.

A day after the incident, a new video is released on Sobolev’s channel. The youth hero appears in black: his face is covered sunglasses, on the body there is a harsh suit, and that very wall is not even visible - it has disappeared in the darkness. Sobolev talks for a long time about how he became a victim of a beating, and periodically takes off his glasses, showing his bruised face. And by the middle of the video he admits: no one beat him. The blogger wanted to check how easy it is to deceive people, and in general, this whole story is just introductory chapter to a general investigation into hoaxes and the spread of fake news in the media.

“The purpose of this experiment was to clearly show how easy it is in our time to make a false statement. How easy it is to make a fuss out of nowhere. In addition, I really wanted to check: which of the media will follow up on the news feed and who will conduct a real fact check?” - Nikolai Sobolev said about his alleged beating.

The event is truly unique. There were staged beatings before Nikolai, but he was the first who not only publicly admitted it, but also managed to use it for his own benefit. But the main thing is that six months ago it was Sobolev who was one of the main drivers of the spread of false rumors about hundreds of deaths in " Winter cherry". “Are the authorities hiding it?” asked the most scandalous video blogger, in which the YouTuber openly assured that there were not 67 dead in the Kemerovo shopping center, as it seemed then, but more, much more.

As we know, the rumors were not confirmed - there were 60 dead. Sobolev drowned in dislikes and accusations, including from Gnoyny. This was perhaps the most severe reputational damage in the career of the Rakamakafo co-founder - the blogger deleted the video and apologized for a long time. However, erase folk memory not so simple: if the hysterical Khovansky could get away with this, then the luminary of Russian YouTube, the main intellectual and truth teller, such actions are clearly contraindicated.

Now Sobolev has declared war on what he himself got himself into not so long ago. Is there a subtle note of hypocrisy here? Or does the bigot simply want to once again remind about his person, but under a plausible screen? Let's figure it out.

Fake to fake

Colleagues did not fully appreciate Sobolev’s zeal. In their opinion, he is exactly the person the blogger was called by the mummered aggressors - a high-guzzler. They also doubted Nikolai’s methods - it’s somehow strange to fight fake news by producing fake news. For example, Varlamov said that "Sobolev made our lives a little more dangerous." And the honored veteran of the YouTube scene, Ruslan Usachev, made a video “Sobolev is wrong, and here’s why,” where he explained why Nikolai’s provocation was a bad idea.

“The question is who can be trusted - the media or bloggers, it is complex and even philosophical. This is not something that can be figured out with one prank or social experiment, no. And Sobolev’s performance in best case scenario didn't change anything. And at worst, he only ruined it,” a blogger about the alleged beating of Sobolev.

But, no matter how much one would like it, the co-founder of Rakamakafo is not as simple as it seems. The beating prank is not just an attempt to gain hype. Although this too.

Fake beatings

For the first time, the now completely forgotten Roma Acorn resorted to this method: “Russian Justin Bieber” pretended to be beaten by posting a minute-long video. In the video, an unhappy and heavily made-up young man cried, saying that he was “sorry.” The Internet was not so sophisticated and cynical then, so they believed the blogger, even launching the epoch-making hashtag #Romazhivi. After some time, they began to perceive him exclusively sarcastically, but, believe me, at the initial stage, thousands of guys and girls (mostly, of course, girls) quite sincerely put these words after the bars. Who knew that Acorn, who was losing popularity, was simply “spreading his signature”.

Since then, everyone has staged fake beatings - from Purulent to Pug, but Firamir did it best: the Novosibirsk prodigy pretended that he was being pursued by Ukrainian bandits, Russian security forces and simply haters. The guy even had his arm broken almost in live(while he was streaming). True, the bandage is on right hand every now and then migrated to the left. And the general level of execution clearly made it clear that the whole story of the attack was a complete mess. A little later, in an interview with Life, producer Firamira admitted that they simply launched a reality show without warning anyone. Therefore, the level of shock on YouTube at that time was prohibitive: a man had just been quietly streaming Minecraft, and now he was being killed live every week.

The imaginary beating brought dividends to Sobolev. Not to say that the blogger was doing badly, but the videos began to gain less: only tracks and that same ill-fated episode about Kemerovo surpassed four million views. Even heavy artillery in the form of Shurygina and the blocking of Telegram did not help. But the video about the attack on Sobolev collected the coveted four million clicks in less than a week. And it again spurred interest in the prankster.

However, Sobolev’s approach is radically different. If Acorn pretended to the last that he had been beaten, and Firamir immediately began to play the fool, then Nikolai made a kind of squeeze out of two methods: first he professionally acted out the drama, and then pretended to be an experimenter. This is, of course, not the first time for the blogger, and it is not surprising that the production turned out to be more or less reliable. And we wouldn’t pay attention if he started this business just for the sake of hype. However, Sobolev has taken it upon himself to “highlight the problem of fake news,” and there are several questions here.

Who will save the watchmen

When journalist Arkady Babchenko played for the amusement of the public own death, international union journalists spoke in the spirit that he should be punished: they say, he makes us look like fools. That’s right: today any media, even the largest and most respected, can swoop in on fake news and successfully publish it. And it’s not a matter of laziness or unprofessionalism of today’s journalism - the world is simply too big, you can’t check everything. Sobolev took on this highly relevant topic and, perhaps, as a master of YouTube, could really say something important.

But the YouTuber followed the path of least resistance, simply gaining views and drawing attention to his already boring person. Sobolev did not do anything new or relevant. Okay, I’ve identified the problem, now what? How to solve it? Does Nikolai have any guesses or at least thoughts?

No, of course not - the blogger took the bullhorn, yelled into it and left, deciding that his job was done. Everyone can shout loudly - thank you, we are aware that there is a problem with the spread of false information. Thank you for reminding us about the virus cases with Samburskaya, Svetlakov and the same Acorn. Thank you for reminding me about the interview with the “line emergency doctor” from Kemerovo, whom you, Kolya, so happily quoted. Thank you for stating the obvious. But what to do next? Sobolev does not have an answer; moreover, he does not think for a second about finding this answer. After all, this will not bring likes, bells and subscriptions. Why bother then?

But even in this area - attracting attention to the problem - the blogger managed, as they say, to "get into trouble." Agree, it’s strange to shout about the spread of fake news when you yourself are the source of this news. In pursuit of popularity, Sobolev did not hesitate to spread idiotic rumors about those killed in Kemerovo - and now he is ready to take on cleanliness on the Internet. Seriously?

It turns out that the “fighter against fakes” is an ordinary hypocrite: after burning in Kemerovo, he takes it upon himself to put out the fires that he himself provokes. It’s okay, a public figure needs to somehow wash off the shame. However, there is another point. The boy who cried for a long time about wolves finally waited for them. We sincerely hope that this fate will not visit the pranker, but still: you don’t have to pretend that you are being beaten. Because if (when) this really happens, no one will come to the rescue.

The blogger exposed himself as a ridiculous liar who received likes more important than emotions people - well, please. We will survive another fake and another viral video - but Sobolev probably won’t. It will evaporate like tears in the rain, while the rest of the “fake” world moves on.

Nikolay Sobolev is a famous Russian video blogger, who is known as the author of the SOBOLEV channel (Life YouTube). And as the founder of a project called Rakamakafo Pranks.

Nikolay is a native of St. Petersburg. It has higher education, which he received there, at St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Faculty of Economics and Management.

He also wrote several books that are very useful and interesting for many, especially for beginners who want to conquer and climb to Olympus YouTube.

His books are called: “Video Blogging Basics”, “Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions”, “Stories of the Creation of Rakamakafo Projects”.

He became famous in the Russian-language YouTube space as a pranker. Thanks to its various social experiments.

Therefore, when he had a question about what topic to run his channel on, he decided to analyze all the niches on YouTube and realized that without options, it would be pranks, practical jokes and various social experiments. And I was right. He created the Rakamakafo Pranks project and this brought him amazing fame and money. Yes, yes, exactly money, since Nikolai earns very decent money.

Nikolay Sobolev - full biography, age and height.

Nikolay Sobolev on VKontakte, Instagram and YouTube.

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  • YouTube –

Be sure to check out Nikolay's pages to stay up to date with what exactly he's up to.

The most popular video of Nikolai Sobolev – Blue Whale

This is the most popular video on Nikolay’s channel, which has received more than 6,300,000 million views. Blue Whale is a dangerous game that can drive participants to suicide.

Also, Nikolay is a regular guest and participant in the Vidfest festivals for video bloggers, which very often take place in Russia. He also conducts master classes on promoting his brand in in social networks and feels very good thanks to his work and his creativity.

The biography of Nikolai Sobolev is interesting for its diversity and originality.

Nikolai Sobolev - biography

Young and ambitious, 23-year-old Nikolai Sobolev is a master’s student at St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

In the present, a well-known pranker and video blogger in the Russian-speaking space, one of the creators of the popular project Rakamakafo (Pranks show), tells how it all began:

“We met and became acquainted, Guram and I at a mutual friend’s birthday party and became friends. Over time, we realized how similar we are in our outlook on life and sense of humor.

One day we were watching videos on YouTube and noticed foreign pranksters, we really liked this idea. We discussed and decided to create a similar project.

I had my doubts and thought that many people were already doing this. And we were lucky, not everyone. At the time when we started making videos, there were no decent examples of pranksters in Russia.

We decided to concentrate and chose the topic of social experiments, because... it's very unusual and fun.

We thought and planned the shooting of the first video for a long time, what idea and topic to start with, but as soon as we launched it online on YouTube, it went like clockwork.”

Nikolai is a very versatile personality, he has always been active life position and loved public performance, sang, performed in cabaret, and in school years played in the theater.

He was engaged in bodybuilding and weighed about 120 kilograms. A maximalist who strives to achieve the maximum in everything and does not tolerate intermediate results.

Nikolai never had anything to do with sociology, much less social experiments. Launching my own video channel was a spontaneous decision.

There was interest in the topic of pranks and experiments, and after analyzing the Russian-speaking space, the choice of niche was determined. Only 3 similar channels were found in Russia, and they are not at all popular.

Filming and the beginning of the prank show: is it really so difficult?

Sobolev received an offer from a friend to join a team, later called “Rakamakafo”, and despite the doubts that crept in, Nikolai could not refuse.

On March 8, 2014, Nikolay and his partner Guram created their own prank channel on YouTube, which collected more than 1 million subscribers in a year. And in 2 years, views of their videos exceeded 120 million views.

The first video was shot in winter, at 20 degrees below zero. This was a video of a more humorous nature, friends approached passers-by with an indecent proposal.

The shooting lasted fifteen days; the guys, not accustomed to this lifestyle, were simply shy and overcame their fear of the upcoming situation.

Despite the fact that the video only received 800 views, Nikolai was confident in the future success of his project.

Through the main idea of ​​“Rakamakafo”, Nikolai calls not to be cruel, indifferent and inhumane, showing and revealing the pressing problems of modern society.

People react appropriately to social projects Soboleva. Although his opinion was different at the very beginning.

Nikolai was sure that the negative reaction would simply crush him.

But after time, especially for the first seven months, the guys did not encounter any negativity at all.

A year later, Nikolay Sobolev, together with his friend and partner, became laureates of the “TOP 50” most famous people St. Petersburg 2015.

How much does Nikolay Sobolev earn?

According to WhatStats, the Rakamakafo channel brings in $2,900 - $3,700 per month, and if you divide this amount by 2, it turns out that Nikolay earns $1,450 - $1,850 per month.

In addition to this channel, Nikolay Sobolev is also the host of the Life YouTube channel, which, according to SocialBlade, brings in approximately $2,500 per month.

According to our modest calculations, it turns out that Nikolay earns from 3900 to 5050 dollars and this is only from the affiliate program.

Charity mission

It is sometimes very difficult to watch the “divorces” that were invented by Sobolev and his friends. The video “Child in the Trash” makes the heart beat faster, cry and think about the indifferent trill of youth.

The bottom line is that children's lives are not valued in our time and only a few will rush to protect them. Nikolai is trying to stir up society, he shows brutal truth, these are the realities.

He receives money from his project, but important point is to convey to people the idea of ​​how neglected everything is.

You need to be more receptive to other people's problems, especially since everyone is able to help. Sobolev focuses on ensuring that a person does not succumb to the crowd syndrome, but remains himself in any situation.

A wonderful idea with an evolving production - new center for orphans. It exists not only in words, but is also confirmed by actions.

Young blogger Nikolai Sobolev, after appearing on the air of the talk show “Let Them Talk,” which was dedicated to the scandal with Shurygina, increased his audience on Youtube by 1.7 million subscribers in a few months. Such a huge influx of followers in a short time was recognized as a record - Sobolev became the fastest growing channel in the entire history of video hosting! After this success, the young man began to be invited to other popular television shows, such as “ Evening Urgant" and "Comedy Club". Sobolev’s fame was also increased by the release of his book “Youtube. The path to success,” dedicated to promoting your channel and the intricacies of running it. In addition, Nikolai’s frequent appearance on top programs has increased the number of search queries about him on the Internet. For example, users are interested in who Nikolai Sobolev is, his biography (how old, does he have a girlfriend, children), as well as videos and photos from his Instagram. And the female part of the audience is concerned about the blogger’s personal life and his relationship with the beautiful Polina Chistyakova. We’ll talk about all this in more detail later.

Who is Nikolai Sobolev: biography, personal life, family, children photo

Let's start with who Nikolai Sobolev is, highlighting some facts from his biography, family, personal life (photo below). As already mentioned, Nikolay is a top video blogger, a famous pranker on Russian YouTube and an author of books. To a young man He is only 24 years old, but has already managed to achieve success, collecting 3.5 million subscribers on his two channels. In addition, Nikolai tried himself as a writer and published a book, dedicated to YouTube and the intricacies of video blogging.

Facts from biography and personal life - who is Nikolai Sobolev, photo

Nikolay Sobolev was born and raised in St. Petersburg in the very ordinary family. WITH early years Kolya was involved in sports and even seriously thought about becoming a professional bodybuilder. But then he changed the direction of development and after school he went to the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Faculty of Economics, which he successfully graduated in 2015. As a student, Nikolai meets Guram Narmania. Young people quickly find mutual language and become best friends. Later, their friendship develops into the most popular Russian-language channel on YouTube, dedicated to pranks. At first, the idea of ​​filming sharp social pranks did not seem particularly promising to Nikolai, but a year after the opening of the Rakamakafo channel, its audience numbered more than a million subscribers. After some time, Nikolai Sobolev launches the second YouTube project Sobolev (Life YouTube). On this channel a young man illuminates last news and scandals from the lives of top bloggers and celebrities. Today Nikolai Sobolev is not married and has no children.

Blogger Nikolai Sobolev became a writer: what is his book “Youtube. Way to success"?

What is blogger Nikolai Sobolev’s book “Youtube” about? Way to success"

So, what is the series of books by video blogger Nikolai Sobolev dedicated to? Of course, YouTube and how to become successful with the help of this popular video hosting site. Both volumes contain not only theoretical knowledge, but also have a lot of practical information that can be used in the conditions of running a real channel. The author himself in his book emphasizes that YouTube is not so much a source material goods There is so much limitless space for self-realization and personal growth.

Nikolai Sobolev and his girlfriend Polina Chistyakova - joint photos from Instagram

Attractive appearance and the ability to present oneself to the public are two trump cards that helped Sobolev get the female part of his audience. But to the great disappointment of his fans, the heart of the video blogger himself has long been occupied by one girl. And as is clearly visible on Instagram from the joint photos of Nikolai Sobolev and his girlfriend Polina Chistyakova, the couple is happy. It is noteworthy that the young people met during the filming of one of Nikolai’s many video pranks. On this moment Polina and Nikolai live together in a rented apartment in St. Petersburg, travel a lot and actively attend various social events.

A selection of joint photos of Nikolai Sobolev and his girlfriend Polina Chistyakova from Instagram

Even if judging only by photographs on Insta, it is clear that between young people real love. Touching photographs of a couple in love fill the lion's share of the page not only of Polina, but also of Kolya. Selection joint photos from Chistyakova and Sobolev’s Instagram, see below.

Scandalous photos and leaked intimate video of Nikolai Sobolev’s girlfriend Polina Chistyakova

Alas, the idyll reigning in the couple Nikolai Sobolev and Polina Chistyakova was recently spoiled by the series scandalous photos and merged intimate video. The couple’s ill-wishers, who allegedly hacked Polina’s iPhone, posted a home video of a sexual nature online. It clearly shows a girl who looks similar to Nikolai’s passion, Polina Chistyakova. Soon this information was refuted: users recognized the person featured in the video as a famous porn actress who looked like Polina.

Who benefits from the scandal with intimate photos and leaked video of Nikolai Sobolev’s girlfriend Polina Chistyakova

At the same time, a discussion appeared online about who benefits from the leaked video and intimate photos girls blogger Polina Chistyakova. Some users suggested that the scandal could have been initiated by one of Sobolev’s former passions. There were also those who accused Nikolai himself of hype, which again attracted a lot of attention to his person. Moreover, there was a rumor that Polina Chistyakova and Nikolai Sobolev were no longer a couple and the posted video showed the girl’s infidelity. But it’s enough to take a quick look at the guys’ Instagram pages and understand that love still reigns between them. We hope that in this article we were able to tell you a lot of interesting things about the biography and personal life of Nikolai Sobolev. And now you know him not only as a scandalous expert on Shurygina’s rape on “Let Them Talk,” but also as an interesting blogger and author of the book “Youtube. Way to success".

Sobolev Nikolai biography

Real name— Nikolai Yurievich Sobolev

Hometown- Saint Petersburg

Activity— Blogger

Who is Nikolai Sobolev

Nikolay Sobolev is a Russian video blogger, blogger, singer, better known as the creator of such projects as Rakamakafo, Ready Steady Go and, of course, as the author of his solo channel on YouTube “Sobolev”, on which he covers famous events that concern the public.

Nikolai Sobolev before he became famous

Nikolai’s passion for creativity began from an early age; he attended various acting and creative clubs at school. But sports also had a place in Kolya’s life; he is the champion of St. Petersburg in taekwondo. Also in high school, he was heavily involved in bodybuilding and weighed about 120 kilograms.

After school, Nikolai decides to enter the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, which he subsequently graduates with a master's degree.

Sobolev YouTube

In 2014, Sobolev came up with the idea of ​​creating a channel on YouTube, together with his friend Guram Narmania, on which they would shoot videos with practical jokes and pranks. And they call him Rakamakafo / Rakamakafo. Since the guys made videos on sensitive social topics, the videos gained great popularity, and the channel gained subscribers accordingly. So, in the first year, the Rakamakafo channel gained 1,000,000 subscribers and its creators got into the TOP 50 popular people St. Petersburg.

An interesting fact: the first video on the rakamakafo channel, where Kolya and Guram invited passers-by to have group sex with them, took fifteen days to film, due to embarrassment and inexperience.

Life YouTube and SOBOLEV

In 2016, Nikolai Sobolev became the host of the channel “ Life YouTube", where he covered the last interesting events from the life of YouTubers. Soon, on November 8, 2016, Nikolay changes the name of the channel to “ SOBOLEV” and begins to cover news, not only from the YouTube environment, but also from the whole world, touching on such tough topics as “Khabarovsk Flayers”, criminal cases brought against various bloggers, etc.

Ready Steady Go

In 2016, Nikolay Sobolev, together with Ilya Strekalovsky and Alexander Murataev, launched the channel Ready Steady Go, which at some point becomes the fastest growing in the world in terms of subscriber growth. The guys use it to make reviews of cars and everything connected with them.

Book by Nikolai Sobolev “YouTube: The Path to Success”

In August 2016, Nikolai released a book "YouTube: The Path to Success" in which he describes the basics of creating, developing and promoting your channel on YouTube.

Sobolev and Shurygina

In 2017, Nikolai Sobolev was invited to the program “Let Them Talk - In the Height of the Party,” where the rape of Diana Shurygina was discussed, the veracity of which the whole country doubts. The appearance on this program brings Kolya more than 250,000 subscribers to the channel and in total he gains 1,000,000 on the channel.

Personal life of Nikolai Sobolev

Nikolai is a very serious young man and is not a supporter of casual relationships with girls. At the moment, he had about two serious relationships, one of which continues to this day. The first serious relationship was with Yana Khanikerian and it lasted 3 and a half years.

Parting with Yana Khanikerian

Nikolay did not advertise his breakup with Yana anywhere, but subscribers somehow found out about it and at the moment Kolya’s personal messages are flooded with the question: “Why did you break up with Yana?” He comments on it like this: “Yes, indeed, after 3.5 years of relationship, we broke up, I don’t know whether unfortunately or fortunately it happened, but we’re just not together. »

Sobolev's new girlfriend

At the moment, Nikolai Sobolev is dating a very pretty girl, Polina Chistyakova, and as Nikolai himself says: “This is the girl with whom I want to live my whole life.”

Interesting fact: Kolya and Polina met thanks to one of the “Rakamakafo” pranks. Kolya and Guram made a video on the topic: “how many people recognize them on the street”, periodically people came up to them to take pictures and one of these people was Polina, Kolya, of course, noticed this beautiful girl, but no more, since at that time he was in a relationship with Yana. And now, after 9 months, Nikolai breaks up with Yana, falls into a stupor and remembers such a girl from the video as Polina. A week and a half later, Kolya writes to her on VK, makes an appointment, word for word, and a year later they are already living together.

At the moment, Nikolay Sobolev is one of the most popular bloggers in the Russian segment of YouTube. He shoots videos for several channels with enviable frequency.

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