Nowhere without love: all the romantic relationships of the characters in “Game of Thrones”


Attention! The narrative will follow the series, but it will not affect the canon, because this story will change the fate of the Lannisters, at least one of them...
So why was the fate of the great husband and head of the house of Lannister, Tywin, predetermined? After all, he seemed smart and calculating, but what went wrong? His main shortcomings destroyed him - he was too proud, arrogant and cynical and underestimated his hated son. This will be corrected...partially... (Otherwise it will not be Tywin. Smart, but not proud.) After all, we see how the greatest house gradually falls apart and family members die.
The only one who cared about the fate of the family's inheritance was Tywin, but he also had many wrong, even erroneous, actions, which resulted in hatred and enmity between the houses of Tyrell and Martell. And therefore, let's make Tywin smart, and not proud and, in some ways, selfish towards his children. Let's give this family a chance to survive and leave at least some legacy for their descendants.

Part I. After the trial...
Night. Tyrion was in prison, but later Jaime came to him to free him. As soon as Tyrion heard the noise and noticed the dim light of the torch, he turned his attention to the door and saw a familiar approaching figure in armor with a golden cloak - it was Jaime, who began to open the door.
“What are you doing?” Tyrion asked him.
- Isn’t it visible? I'm saving you. I won't let my brother die and I believe that it wasn't you who did it...
“The only normal brother...” Tyrion drawled under his nose.
Jaime freed Tyrion, wishing him luck and bidding him farewell. As soon as Tyrion was free, he was overcome by the thought: “Why did Shae betray him? Didn't she really love him? or did Tywin force her to lie by threatening her? But it was best to think that she did this to save Tyrion, and the truth would not help here, because her father is in power and, one way or another, his side will win. And Tyrion went to his father’s chambers to find out everything from him. Arriving at the Hand's chambers, he saw Shae on Tywin's bed, she was sleeping... It is difficult to convey Tyrion's feelings at that moment. He was so stunned and very surprised, approaching the bed and looking at Shaya, but then she woke up, opening her eyes and slowly pulling herself up on the bed and said
- Mm... Tywin, my lion...
-Shaya? - Tyrion said in surprise, stopping next to the bed.
Shae opened her eyes and quickly stood up, looking at Tyrion and grabbed the dagger on the nightstand next to the bed. Tyrion abruptly grabbed her hands, realizing that she was really ready to kill him, and a struggle began by the bed. Tyrion took a rope, which was a decoration for the bed, and wrapped it around Shaya’s neck and began to choke him... Shaya twitched, trying to get out of the grip, but soon stopped breathing and died... He was very sorry, hard and painful, because he loved her...
- Forgive me... forgive me. - He was overcome by despair, he sat for a while near the bed, then slowly looked up at the wall in the room where the crossbow hung. He took it, loaded it and took with him some crossbow bolts. He went to look for Tywin and came across the restroom. it was quiet. He walked to the toilet door and opened it, returning to his seat opposite the toilet. Tywin was sitting there. Tyrion pointed his crossbow at him. Tywin was very surprised by this circumstance and even shocked, but did not show it.
-Tyrion? Put down the crossbow. - short pause - Who let you out? - He continued to keep his cold gaze on his son, as if he was not impressed. He was confused, but thought that Tyrion would not have the heart to do him any harm. Tyrion was silent. Without waiting for an answer, Tywin made his own assumptions.
- Your brother, I guess. He always had a soft spot for you. - Tywin jerked his head slightly and was about to stand up, saying the following
-Let's go and talk in my chambers.
But Tyrion pointed the crossbow even more at him and Tywin sat back down, frozen in place.
- That's how you want to talk to me, right? You always liked to disgrace your father... - he did not have time to finish his speech as soon as Tyrion interrupted him.
- All my life you wanted me dead. - Tywin cast his contemptuous glance at Tyrion for a second and gave an answer, nodding. - Yes, but you didn’t want to die. I respect this, even admire it. You're ready to fight to get what's yours. I wouldn't allow you to be executed. Are you afraid of this? I won't let Ilion Payne behead you. You are a Lannister. - Tywin turned his head slightly, looking at him seriously and coldly. - You are my son.
- I used to love her…
- Whom?
- Shayu.
- Oh, Tyrion... Lower the crossbow.
- I killed her.
Tywin moved slightly, looking closely at Tyrion.
-...With my own hands.
- It doesn't matter.
- Doesn't matter?
- She was a whore...
- Say it again...
- And what? Would you kill your own father in the restroom? - Tywin shook his head - No. You are my son. Enough nonsense - Tywin started to get up, but sat back down...
- I am your son, and you sentenced me to death. You knew I didn't poison Joffrey, but you still sentenced me. Why?
Tywin was already starting to get angry - Enough. We will return to my chambers and have a decent conversation.
- I won't go back there. There she is...
-Are you afraid of a dead whore? - and then Tywin forgot about Tyrion’s warning and inadvertently called Shae a whore and Tyrion sharply shot at him and a crossbow bolt pierced his side on the left side, from the blow he flew back to the wall and hit it, falling a little on his side and grabbing the wall candlestick. Tywin groaned and turned his head towards the wound, taking hold of the bolt.
- You shot at me. - and in anger he said - You are not my son.
- I am your son. I have always been your son. - Tyrion fired again and hit Tywin in the shoulder.
Tywin regained his sanity late and it was in vain that he spoke to his son like that, which he greatly regretted. He lost consciousness, and Tyrion thought that his father had died and walked away, then he met Varys and they escaped from King's Landing.
But, a little later, one girl, pretending to be a servant, somehow entered the tower of the Hand like a shadow and discovered the seriously wounded Tywin and hurried to him. It was Lorea the Faceless, she was a killer, but also had healing skills.
- The wound is serious, but I will try to help him, and if he dies, then I will have to turn to the Lord of Light, the fire god.
She removed the crossbow bolts from Tywin's body and treated the wounds with an herbal ointment. Lorea didn’t really believe in the Lord, but she was a foreigner, and she had her own secrets of healing... Soon Tywin woke up and, in order to survive, he had to listen to the stranger. Later in the morning, Lorea drugged Tywin with a death faking agent and when he was discovered, he appeared to be dead. After the funeral, Lorea returned for him and helped him get to Harenhall, which became his refuge for a while.
So, thanks to a mysterious stranger whose motives were unknown, Lord Tywin found himself in Harenhal, recruiting an army, while showing himself to the army in a helmet and armor. Now he is a shadow of himself.

Beware: spoilers!

- When did you first learn about what would happen to Shaya?

I was aware that she would die. There are so many dedicated fans leaving spoilers. I've often been asked, "Do you know what's going to happen to your character?" And it was clear that there would be no happy ending. I actually thought Shae would die back in Season 3, but she lasted much longer. You never know, maybe she's destined to become a queen! (laughs - THR note). By the way, just during the filming of the third season I asked Dana (Weiss- approx. THR) and David (Benioff- approx. THR) about when my character would be killed off, to which they responded, “Next season.”

How were the rehearsals for the final scene?

Death scenes are too emotional and shouldn't be rehearsed often. Otherwise, the episode loses its power. He (Tyrion - THR note) cried while he killed Shae. I don't think such feelings can be achieved after many takes. The day before we filmed this scene, Dan, David, and I Peter (Dinklage- approx. THR) had dinner together. We hardly talked about work and just enjoyed my last day on site.

- How long did it take you to film this scene?

It was quite long. As soon as Tyrion enters the room, I grab my knife in self-defense. After all, he came to kill me. In addition, a stunt coordinator was present during the filming. We worked on the fight scene for a long time, and after it there was an equally significant episode in the restroom ( in which Tyrion kills his father - approx. THR). It was especially difficult for Peter because his dialogue with Tywin was apparently filmed on the same day.

- Did you discuss this episode with him before filming began?

In our free time we try not to talk about the script. We discuss it during rehearsals with the directors. Our communication is usually limited to personal questions: “How is your family doing?” or “What have you been up to lately?”

We understand that this is work for you, but it is still nice to know that in real life You and Peter communicate in a friendly manner.

That's right. After "Game of Thrones" Peter went to filming in Germany, and then to my hometown, Hamburg. There we met him and had dinner. Soon he will go to the premiere in New York, where we will see each other again.

- In the fourth season you had several major episodes. Has this year been the hardest for you?

The end of the second season was especially important for me. Tyrion just won a battle, albeit at a cost. own health (There was a scar on my face - approx. THR), and his relationship with Shaya is on the rise. But the most emotional scenes, of course, were the scenes in court. It was there that the characters split. Our world is not black and white, it is full of shades of gray.

Those scenes were really difficult for us. Despite the bewilderment that most viewers probably had, I had to understand why Shae, who was once in love with Tyrion, acts this way and not otherwise. After all, she really had special feelings for him. Was she angry, hurt, or perhaps being blackmailed by the Lannisters? One way or another, Shae partially blames Tyrion for what happened.

- Do you think she is a victim?

Hardly. To call Shae a victim is to admit her weakness. My heroine came from the bottom, she had to learn to survive. She may have been a victim of the system or circumstances, but she definitely had the strength of character.

- Why did Shaya act this way in the end?

If Cersei wants something, she gets it. And Shaya was a girl of low birth. It all started after Tyrion called her a whore and told her to get out of the castle. She decided that she was again left with nothing, that she would again have to survive and take care of herself on her own.

- What do you think the fans think of your heroine?

The fans of the show are great, but they can be cruel to Shae. Some love her, others hate her, while Tyrion is adored by everyone. Some people think that my heroine got what she deserved because she shared bed with Tywin, but I wouldn’t jump to conclusions. That scene was too complicated and emotional.

- Did your loved ones know in advance when Shaya would die?

No. They asked me to reveal plot details, but I refused until the last minute. Otherwise, HBO representatives would simply kill me. A few weeks ago, after the trial scene, my friend said, “I can’t believe what you did to Tyrion. He will die? Please tell me! I can't wait to find out."

- What "Game of Thrones" meant to you?

I can't put it into words. The series has brought a lot to my life. Four years is quite a long time. I was really very lucky to be on one film set with Peter. I saw a lot of great actors - young actors - like Sophie (Turner- approx. THR), for example. It was extremely interesting to watch her grow up.

Political intrigue and bloody wars with murders are not all that Game of Thrones has to offer its fans. In the Seven Kingdoms and beyond the Narrow Sea there is a place for love. Of course, not all alliances concluded here are filled with romance. Some of them can frankly shock the viewer. We invite you to remember the most striking relationships between the characters in the television series - from frightening and cruel to exciting and beautiful.

37. Craster and his daughters

The former ally of the Night's Watch was known for sleeping with his daughters and giving all his newborn sons to the White Walkers. Hands down, Craster's relationship is the worst in our review.

36. Walder Frey and his wives

The love “adventures” of Frey Sr. look no less disgusting. The elderly Lord of the Crossing preferred to marry very young girls.

35. Sansa Stark and Ramsay Bolton

For Sansa, the bloodthirsty Ramsay was not the best match. Having endured an incredible amount of humiliation and bullying, she fed her husband to the dogs.

34. Stannis and Selyse Baratheon

This marriage was devoid of love and ended tragically. On the advice of Melisandre, the couple gave their daughter to the Lord of Light, sending her to the stake, after which Selyse hanged herself from a tree.

33. Sansa Stark and Joffrey Baratheon

Sansa's first suitor was no better than Ramsay Bolton. Joffrey showed her the head of the dead Ned Stark and threatened to shoot her with a crossbow.

32. Lord Baelish and Lysa Arryn

Littlefinger coolly exploited Lisa's love. To begin with, Baelish removed it with the hands of Lord Arryn, and then threw it through the Moon Door and gained power over the Valley.

31. Melisandre and Stannis Baratheon

The characters' relationships were more of a partnership than a romantic one. Their "fruitful" collaboration killed Renly, Shireen and Stannis himself.

30. Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon

Robert didn't bother to hide his feelings for the late Lyanna Stark from Cersei. The humiliated wife cheated on the king with her own brother and organized his death.

29. Lancel and Cersei Lannister

Cersei was just manipulating her cousin through sex. At her request, Lancel got Robert drunk during the hunt, after which the drunken king was wounded by a boar.

28. Tyrion Lannister and Shae

These were ideal relationship, until Tyrion got married and Shae started to get jealous. She cheated on him with Tywin and betrayed him in court. As a result, Tyrion strangled Shae and shot his father with a crossbow.

27. Loras Tyrell and Cersei Lannister

Tywin tried to force his daughter to marry Loras, but Cersei threatened to make her and Jaime's secret public. The marriage never took place.

26. Margaery Tyrell and Joffrey Baratheon

Margaery managed to seduce Joffrey, but their relationship did not last long. Fearing for the fate of her granddaughter, Olenna Tyrell poisoned the king at his own wedding.

25. Sansa Stark and Lord Baelish

Littlefinger confessed his love to Sansa more than once, but for the most part he used it for his own purposes. When Sansa realized this, Lord Baelish was sentenced to death.

24. Sansa Stark and Tyrion Lannister

The heroes were forced to marry in order to conclude an alliance between the South and the North. However, Sansa and Tyrion had nothing in common except mutual respect.

23. Margaery Tyrell and Tommen Baratheon

The king truly loved his wife, and when Cersei blew her up along with the Great Sept of Baelor, he jumped out of the window.

22. Margaery Tyrell and Renly Baratheon

Despite Renly's homosexual relationship with Loras Tyrell, Margaery got along well with her husband until his death.

21. Bronn and Lollys Stokeworth

To bribe Tyrion's protector, Cersei arranged his engagement to the noble and narrow-minded Lollis. Instead of marrying her, Bronn went with Jaime to Dorne to save Myrcella, because he promised the warrior a richer bride.

20. Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth

Jaime is devoted to his sister and hardly ever dreamed of Brienne. However, during the journey to King's Landing, the characters developed an undeniable chemistry, and an intriguing bathroom scene left fans questioning the friendship aspect of their interaction.

19. Theon Greyjoy and Ros

These heroes had a good time in Winterfell until Ros left for King's Landing and was killed by Joffrey.

18. Tormund and Brienne of Tarth

There is no relationship between the heroes yet, but the prospect of a romance between Tormund and Brienne is exciting.

17. Robert Baratheon and Lyanna Stark

Robert continued to love Lyanna even after her death. As it turned out in season 7, his feelings were not mutual.

16. Catelyn Stark and Lord Baelish

The only woman Littlefinger loved was Catelyn. But his deep affection for her remained unrequited.

15. Daenerys Targaryen and Daario Naharis

A short and passionate romance broke out between Dany and Daario. He remained in the past when the queen left Meereen, leaving her lover to keep order in the city.

14. Myrcella Baratheon and Tristan Martell

The engagement of Myrcella and Tristan was the work of Tyrion, nevertheless the young people fell in love with each other. Unfortunately, their relationship did not continue. Ellaria poisoned Myrcella out of revenge for Oberyn, and Tristan was killed by her daughter Nymeria.

13. Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen

The heirs to the Iron Throne spent a night of love on their way to Winterfell, but have not yet learned about their close relationship. It is difficult to imagine how this news will affect their relationship.

12. Ramsay Bolton and Miranda

The union of Ramsay and Miranda turned out to be unusually strong, because they both had a passion for killing and torturing people. However, after the death of his mistress, Ramsay fed her body to the dogs.

11. Gray Worm and Missandei

Missandei and Gray Worm have been in love for each other for the past 4 seasons and in Season 7 they finally admitted their feelings.

10. Loras Tyrell and Renly Baratheon

Homosexual relations were condemned by the inhabitants of Westeros. However, Loras and Renly disdained social principles. Their relationship was wonderful until Renly was killed by his enemies.

9. Sam Tarly and Lily

Sam took a liking to Craster's daughter and saved her and her son. Lily didn't seem to share his feelings at first, but Sam's devotion and efforts to protect them eventually won her over.

8. Jorah Mormont and Daenerys Targaryen

For Daenerys, Ser Jorah fought in the fighting pits and defeated the incurable greyscale. After all the tests, he enjoys the undeniable trust of the queen. But now Mormont is more distant than ever from Dany, given her romance with Jon Snow.

7. Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand

One of the most passionate romances in Westeros ended tragically. After the murder of Oberyn in King's Landing, Ellaria, distraught with grief, poisoned Myrcella out of revenge and eventually died herself in the dungeon of the Red Keep.

6. Robb and Talisa Stark

Out of love for Talisa, Robb refused to marry one of Walder Frey's daughters, breaking his promise to him. The result was a brutal massacre of the Starks at the Red Wedding.

5. Jon Snow and Ygritte

There was a lot of romance in the relationship between these characters, and they had chances for a successful continuation. However, before Jon could make a truce with the wildlings, Ygritte died.

4. Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo

Although Viserys sold his sister to Drogo, the couple turned out to be quite harmonious. Daenerys loved her husband so much that she decided to revive him after death and named one of her dragons after him.

3. Cersei and Jaime Lannister

Being brother and sister, Cersei and Jaime committed incest and fathered three children. However, after the queen's recent threats towards her brother, their relationship is on the verge of a split.

2. Catelyn and Eddard Stark

Catelyn and Ned Stark connected real love, mutual respect and 5 common children. Their union was the strongest and most thorough in all the Seven Kingdoms.

1. Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen

The meeting of these heroes changed not only their lives, but also the history of Westeros. Prince Rhaegar dissolved his marriage to Elia Martell, and Lyanna forgot to think about her engagement to Robert Baratheon. While the lovers were getting married, the jilted groom rebelled, mistakenly believing that his bride had been kidnapped. As a result, the entire Targaryen dynasty was destroyed, Rhaegar's name was posthumously tarnished, and his son Aegon turned into the bastard of Ned Stark. Well, Lyanna and Rhaegar risked everything for love, and their short but happy union can be called the most romantic and most tragic on our list.

Season 6 of Game of Thrones is watched by millions of viewers around the world; we still have to see many surprises and twists of fate in the lives of our favorite characters. But the actors themselves who played the roles in this popular series are interesting to the public. These 13 facts may surprise you. Just don't ask where these nuggets of information come from. Our birds are everywhere!

13. Jason Momoa(Khal Drogo) starred in the movie "Baywatch"
Khal Drogo and his Dothraki were afraid of water, but not Jason Momoa. Before Game of Thrones, the actor played the role of a rescuer in the film Baywatch, which will be released soon New film"Justice League" directed by Zack Snyder, in which Momoa played the role of Aquaman.

12. Lena Headey (Cersei) and Jerome Flynn (Bronn) hate each other
Lena Headey never talks to Jerome Flynn on set. These actors once dated, but their separation, apparently, was not pleasant.

11. Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy) - brother of the famous British singer Lily Allen
We all remember how the sadist Ramsay Bolton mocked Theon Greyjoy. The role of Theon in Game of Thrones made Alfie Allen truly famous, so now he can measure his popularity with his sister, singer and composer Lily Allen.

10. Sibel Kekilli (Shaya) starred in adult films before Game of Thrones
The German Sibel Kekilli, who played the role of concubine Shaya, in her “past” life starred in pornographic films under the pseudonym Dilara.

9. Sophie Turner (Sansa) is actually the owner of the direwolf Lady
During the filming of the series, Sophie Turner became so attached to Lady, who played the dire wolf, that she was allowed to take the dog. In real life, Sophie named her favorite Zunni.

8. The Night King killed Batman's parents
Actor Richard Brake played not only the role of the Night King in Game of Thrones, but also Joe Chill in Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins, who killed Bruce Wayne's parents, setting him on the path to becoming Batman.

7. Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) beautiful voice
Peter Dinklage has an amazing voice, and that's not just my opinion. The producers of the popular 90s series “Seinfeld” invited the actor to participate in one of the episodes - to voice the “boudist” (the person who calls the phone and wakes up the client). And Peter coped with this task perfectly.

6. Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) loves to dance
Arya Stark's hobbies are fencing and making a list of future victims, and Maisie Williams's is dancing. The girl even studied at the Dance School, and in 2012 she demonstrated her skills in one of the flash mobs.

5. Kristian Nairn (Hodor) - DJ
In the series, Kristian Nairn plays a weak-minded groom, but in real life he acts as a DJ.

4. Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth) doesn't know the exact date of his birth
It turns out that Christie’s mother simply did not remember the exact date of birth of her daughter, and holidays on the occasion of the birth of someone were not accepted in their family.

3. Peter Vaughn (Maester Aemon) is truly blind
Peter Vaughn was born in 1923 and worked extensively on stage, becoming famous for his roles as police inspectors and Soviet agents. Even at 93 years old, being partially blind, he gets new roles!

2. Tamzin Merchant almost got the role of Khaleesi
It's hard to believe, but Tamzin Merchant was originally cast as Daenerys Targaryen, who was later replaced by Emilia Clarke. Merchant became famous for her role as Catherine Howard in the television series The Tudors.

1. It wasn't Kit Harrington (Jon Snow) who was naked in the cave.
Remember the episode where Jon Snow and Ygritte seclude themselves in a cave? And Snow's naked bottom? So, at the time of filming this scene, Kit Harrington injured his ankle and asked to find a double. There was a man on the film crew who looked like Harrington, although he had to cut his hair long hair under the hero's hairstyle and expose himself. But what a scene it turned out to be!

And yet I cannot remain silent. Because this is already the fourth season, there’s no one to really discuss it with, but it’s really necessary.
First of all, be sure to wash the bones of your aunts. And it will be seen there.

1. Margaery Tyrell(Natalie Dormer). The actress (like most actors who perform “children’s” roles) is much older than the character(in "Song of Ice and
flame" by George Martin Margaery - 15-16 years old). Actually, in the book she doesn’t particularly attract attention. Just another ambitious girl. In the film she is memorable. By the way, the screen Margaery looks much more interesting than the actress in real life (very typical appearance ).

And lady Olenna! Oooh, Olenna is my favorite heroine - in the book, what
in film. An amazingly subtle and intelligent old intriguer, not devoid of either nobility, however, or spiritual sensitivity. The actress who plays Olenna Tyrell is absolutely gorgeous and fits the character surprisingly well.

Margaery, under her grandmother's sensitive guidance, could be a wonderful queen, capable of saving, perhaps even the hopeless reign of the psychotic sadist Joffrey.

Alas, alas. It’s time to give our bunny as a wife to our enemies, like a talisman for good luck. We bet the third husband won't live to see his wedding night? Virgin Queen of the highest standard, with a patent.

And in the series our Shaechka was acquitted, hurray! Whatever she does now will be motivated somehow. Amazing!

Actress Sibel Kekili, by the way, is wonderful, she is much better than the very young girl described in the book. Even though she’s a porn actress) However, perhaps this is just quite appropriate: in “Game of Thrones” there are heroes and villains, whores and gentle loving women- are not antipodes at all, but so many mutually exclusive qualities can coexist in one person that you inevitably begin to believe in the reality of these people.

3. Asha (or Yara) Greyjoy. Here is actress Gemma Willen surprised. More precisely, the choice of this particular actress. A kind of chubby-cheeked peasant girl, Alyonushka, in the role of a pirate, to whom the devil himself is not a brother. Or brother?.. ah, yes, he is no longer a cake and not a devil...

Somehow she doesn’t convince me at all. I just want to scream: I don’t believe it! It’s strange, in general, in “Game of Thrones” the actors were chosen for the most part close in type to the original source.

4. Melisandre, the red priestess (actress Carice van Houten). It's amazing how different perceptions can be. I immediately decided that she was one of the most attractive women in the series.

But men (different, of different ages and with different tastes) at first glance they described it to me as “faded.” Then, looking closer, they recognized: she really was beautiful, sexy. Looks great.

The actress perfectly fits into the character: demonic and infernal.

5. Osha the wild(Natalia Tena). I just love this actress madly, ever since Nymphadora Tonks from Harry Potter. By the way, it’s a lot of courage and a sign of a good actress, perhaps, not to be afraid to look worse than you are. She really is charming! But this hunched position, head to one side, glance from under his brows, constrained movements, sweeping gait - all this creates a surprisingly solid image. In Martin's Game of Thrones she was even less expressive.

Again, interesting: I think Natalia Tena is charming even in this image. And representatives of the male half of humanity don’t really see women like that in her. Marvelous.

6.Catelyn Stark(Michelle Fairley) and Cersei Lannister(Lena Headey). It's surprising that no one notices how similar they are: conditional positive Katelyn and conditionally negative Cersei. Both were once married without love. Both are primarily females. Or first of all - mothers, depending on how you look at it. For everyone, their own children are of the highest value (regardless of what or who they have to sacrifice for them).

The main thing that separates them is that Catelyn is somewhat softer. She was given in marriage, she was told to love - and she fell in love. Cersei simply found her own little happiness, never listening to those who controlled her destiny.

It is significant, by the way, that they treat those innocents who involuntarily caused them pain equally. For Catelyn, this is the bastard John - evidence of her husband's betrayal, a child who is guilty of nothing except that he was born. For Cersei - Tyrion, a dwarf, a disgrace to the family, giving birth to whom their common mother died. And Tyrion’s main guilt before Cersei is still the same... he was born.

And both do not reason too much, intending to take revenge for their children. They are quick to draw conclusions and take revenge. So, Catelyn is ready, without looking at the consequences and not particularly including logic, to execute Tyrion for what happened to Bran (Tyrion is not to blame, but who cares?). Later (ahtung! spoiler for those who haven’t read!) this trait of hers will take on an extreme form - when it turns into the only thing that remains of the living Catelyn. To the same Tyrion, Cersei is ready to immediately cut off his head for Joffrey (Tyrion is not to blame again, and in general, hands off the beautiful dwarf! But oh, who cares in this world justice...), just like Catelyn, without really looking for someone to blame, being simply obsessed with the thirst for revenge and blood.

By the way, I admit that Catelyn is a grown-up Sansa by type. An obedient girl, a true lady, “remembering her duty.” It’s just that in the Catelyn that she is now, the defining feature is motherhood. And Sansa just hasn’t become a mother yet.

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