Bulk crafts for February 23. What gifts to make with your own hands for men on the day of the defender of the fatherland. Leather keychain

Do-it-yourself crafts for February 23 can be called the most traditional version of children's gifts for dads and grandfathers on Defender of the Fatherland Day. What kind of materials do not create gifts by the hands of little craftsmen! In addition to the simplest options, such as paper and napkins, original crafts for February 23 are made from sweets, ribbons, popsicle sticks and even kitchen sponges. The versatility and availability of such source materials allows them to be used with equal success both in junior and senior groups of kindergarten and in elementary school. Of course, the master classes themselves with photos and videos of children's crafts for different ages differ in the level of complexity and technique. Therefore, in our today's article, we tried to collect for you the simplest, but original step-by-step crafts workshops for children on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 from the available materials.

Beautiful crafts for February 23 "Airplanes" do-it-yourself for the senior group of kindergarten, step by step with a photo

We are the first to bring to your attention a step-by-step master class of beautiful crafts for February 23 "Airplanes" with your own hands for the older group of kindergarten with a photo. Such a craft will be both a great gift for dad and a good toy for a child. Find out how to make a beautiful and original craft on February 23 in the form of airplanes with your own hands with the children of the older group of the kindergarten.

Necessary materials for crafts "Airplane" do-it-yourself on February 23 in kindergarten

  • wooden sticks for ice cream - 8 pcs.
  • water tube - 1 pc.
  • PVA glue
  • gouache and brush
  • scissors

Instructions for crafts "Airplane" do-it-yourself for the senior group of kindergarten on February 23

A simple craft "Tank" for children 4-5 years old on February 23 with their own hands, a master class with a photo

Since military paraphernalia is the main topic of do-it-yourself crafts on February 23 for children 4-5 years old, we suggest that you master the manufacture of a tank from simple improvised materials. This time, the most ordinary kitchen sponges for washing dishes will be used. Learn more about how to make a simple craft "Tank" for children 4-5 years old on February 23 with your own hands from the master class below.

Necessary materials for a simple craft "Tank" on February 23 for children 4-5 years old

  • kitchen sponge for dishes - 2 pcs.
  • scissors
  • simple pencil
  • straw for drinks
  • coin

Instructions for DIY tank crafts for children 4-5 years old on February 23

DIY crafts for February 23 for dad to school for grades 3-4, a step-by-step master class with a photo

Continuing the theme of military equipment, we move on to the next master class of crafts "Helicopter" on February 23 with our own hands from improvised materials for grades 3-4 of the school, which is ideal for a gift to dad. Of course, do-it-yourself crafts on February 23 for dad to school for grades 3-4 differ in complexity from options for younger children. For example, to make a helicopter from this master class, you must be able to work accurately and accurately with a stapler and scissors.

Necessary materials for DIY crafts for dad on February 23 to school

  • plastic bottle with convex top
  • straws for drinks
  • stapler
  • hairpin
  • ping pong ball
  • scissors

Instructions for crafts on February 23 for dad to school with his own hands for grades 3-4

The original paper craft "Shirt" for children on February 23 do it yourself, step by step with a photo

An original addition to a gift for February 23 with your own hands will be a paper craft "Shirt" for children, which can be used both for decoration and as a postcard. The best thing for this version of the original paper crafts "Shirt" for children on February 23 with their own hands is thick multi-colored or just colored paper. You can also take plain paper and print the desired ornament on the printer, for example, military colors.

DIY paper craft materials for February 23 for children

  • colored paper
  • simple pencil
  • scissors

Instructions on how to make an original paper craft "Shirt" on February 23 for children

DIY crafts for February 23 from napkins in the younger group of kindergarten, video

Original DIY crafts for February 23 can also be made from ordinary napkins, for example, postcards for the younger group of kindergarten, as in the video tutorial below. If desired, napkins can be replaced with corrugated or plain colored paper, but it is easier to work with such materials already with children from the older group, and even in elementary school. As in any other step-by-step master class, the level of difficulty in making such craft cards for February 23 with your own hands from napkins in the younger group of the kindergarten can be adjusted. For example, to supplement the craft with a congratulatory inscription for dad / grandfather or decorate the main gift with such a technique.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of courage, courage, strength and courage. With this celebration, we always congratulate our men, regardless of whether they served for the Motherland or not. After all, they are our protectors, who mean a lot to us, which is why it is so important not to deprive loved ones of attention on a men's holiday. In this article, we want to present you with several options for the original do-it-yourself crafts for February 23.

A gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day should be presented from the heart and make the recipient smile. Therefore, it is best to try to make it yourself, especially since auxiliary materials can always be found at hand for these purposes.

First of all, a gift for February 23 can be prepared from ginger dough. It's easy to mix it up:

  • First, using a mixer, 100 g of sugar and butter are mixed
  • In another bowl, mix the egg with flour
  • The contents of the two containers must be combined, add cinnamon, liquid honey, ginger and soda to them
  • Mix everything thoroughly and then roll out
  • We cut out figures on the rolled out dough - it can be little men, stars, tanks, airplanes - anything

All that remains is to color the pastries with cream or homemade mastic, which is also easy to prepare from marshmallows, powdered sugar, lemon juice, butter and potato starch.

Such do-it-yourself gift for February 23 a girl can present to her brother, son, husband, dad and grandfather. Each of them will gladly treat themselves to a delicacy prepared by a loved one. Young mothers who have small children in the house can involve the kids in the cooking process to combine business with pleasure.

If you don’t know how to bake, and your men love sweets, you can use purchased sweets to make a very original “Chocolate Car” out of them:

For work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Corrugated cardboard and paper (choose the color you like best)
  • Packaging film, which is used in floristry
  • Wire (the more the better)
  • A piece of beautiful fabric
  • Braid
  • Thermal gun
  • Scotch
  • toothpicks
  • chocolates
  • Chocolate medals

We cut out the interior of the future car from corrugated cardboard according to the template, on which sweets and other decorative elements will be attached using adhesive tape and a thermal gun:

Men who like to please themselves with salted fish and beer can be presented with a kind of bouquet of dried roach, wrapped in newsprint, tied with a decorative ribbon:

Note that all of the above examples of crafts are best presented to relatives and friends. To congratulate veterans or teachers, it is better to make paper presents.

Crafts for February 23 from paper

You can make a very solid postcard for February 23 out of paper, which is not a shame to give not on behalf of a child, but on behalf of an adult. As an example, here is a paper product:

To create such a paper shirt with a tie, you need two types of decorative paper and a template from which you need to cut out the elements of the product:

To decorate the postcard, you can use real buttons and even fabric (a tie will look good from it, for example). In the middle of the postcard there is a lot of space where you can write a congratulatory text. It is good if the congratulator comes up with this text himself in poetic form.

Children's crafts for February 23

Very often educators kindergarten offer kids to do crafts on February 23 for their dads and grandpas. It is clear that a preschool child will not be able to do some complicated crafts on their own, so mothers need to provide all possible assistance to the crumbs in preparing an important gift for a loved one, but in such a way that in the end it was clear that the child tried himself.

  1. Airplane

  • A thin strip is cut out of cardboard of any color (the width should be approximately 3 cm and the length 20 cm). This strip must be folded in half and glued to the matchbox:

  • Make two more strips with the same width. The length should be 10 cm. These will be the wings, which also need to be glued to the matchbox:

  • Glue the tail to the plane: you need to cut out two thin strips. We glue one exactly horizontally, and fold the second into the shape of a house and glue it to a horizontal strip:

  • It remains only to make a white paper propeller in the form of a camomile and decorative elements for the wings of the aircraft. The result is a memorable crafts for dad on February 23, which he can attach to himself on the rear-view glass in the car.
  1. Racing car

  • Paint a toilet paper roll with gouache paint:

  • Cut out 4 circles from thick cardboard (these will be the wheels of the future car) and paint them like wheels with black paint:

  • On the sleeve, you need to make a cutout for the driver of the car and attach a paper seat there (you need to do it in the same way as the body of an airplane - fold the paper strip in half, but put it perpendicularly into the sleeve);
  • Put a plasticine man in the car.

To make a craft for February 23, you just need to find out what the person you want to give it to loves the most. In any case, the main thing is to show attention, which is always pleasant for any person.

Crafts for February 23: photo

Video: How to make a gift for February 23 with your own hands?

Russian women accept congratulations from women several times a year. As a rule, this happens during famous holidays such as: March 8, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day. But with men, the situation is somewhat different. Basically, they accept congratulations only on February 23rd. It is worth congratulating all men on this day, even though they did not serve in the army. If you don’t know what to give a man on Defender of the Fatherland Day, then look for gifts that were made by yourself. Such gifts can leave a pleasant impression on a man, which he will remember throughout the year. In this article, we decided to list all the original gifts for February 23 that you can make with your own hands for men. In general, get everything you need, be inspired by our ideas and start creating something beautiful.

Gift ideas for February 23

Beautiful mug.

In order to make a gift for February 23 to your husband with your own hands, you need to try. In addition, you may need imagination in such a matter. Giving a simple glass on February 23 is a commonplace idea. Why don't you turn an inconspicuous mug into an original work of art. To make such an original mug you should prepare:

  • coffee beans and a cup,
  • thread and cotton pads,
  • brown acrylic paint
  • Super glue.


  1. First, the entire surface of the cup is pasted over with cotton pads. Try to glue the discs tightly to each other so that no gaps are visible.
  2. Wrap the cup with thread.
  3. The surface of cotton pads should be well covered with acrylic paint.
  4. Now you can stick coffee beans on the mug. In order for the craft to look voluminous, the grains can be glued in two rows.

Do-it-yourself pillow "For memory".

Everyone loves to receive gifts. Men are also no exception. If you want to please your chosen one with something original, then turn a simple pillow into an original gift. Such a product will always remind a man of you. Place some cool photo or inscription on such a gift pillow. In order to make such an original pillow, you should prepare:

  • pillow in a white pillowcase,
  • jet printer,
  • a collage of pictures or a photograph,
  • thermal paper.


  1. First, print a photo collage or picture on thermal paper.
  2. Now attach the image to the pillowcase. And carefully iron it with an iron.
  3. Remove the paper from the fabric after it has completely cooled down.

Gift bottle.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, every man will be pleased to receive a bottle of expensive alcohol. But giving just a bottle of alcohol is trite. Try to decorate the bottle in an original way. To make a bottle, prepare:

  • a shirt for a boy (it is advisable to take it in a box and the shirt should be in a box),
  • bottled alcohol,
  • needle and tie
  • scissors and thread.


  1. First, put a shirt on the bottle, then fasten the buttons on it.
  2. Tie the sleeves behind the bottle.
  3. Now tie a tie around the neck of the bottle
  4. If there is a lot of material left below, then cut off the unnecessary and carefully sew everything.
  5. Complete the composition with souvenir medals or orders.

That's all the original present for Defender of the Fatherland Day is ready. If you learn how to make these original gifts for February 23, then they can be presented to male colleagues. In addition, you can present as a gift and other presents that you must also make with your own hands.

Today it’s enough just to make gifts for February 23 with your own hands. Take a look at one more photo in order to please your man with something original.

A postcard is what we often congratulate our loved ones with. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, postcards should be comic. They need to be decorated: with gladiators, knights, soldiers or other characters that are known today. To make such a postcard, you just need to print a drawing of a knight. Also print out the face of the person to whom the card will be presented. Attach the face with double sided tape. Do not forget to decorate the card with a festive inscription.

Bank with money.

Making this gift is quite simple. Take a clean jar and fill it with money. Use banknotes of different denominations. This jar should be closed with wrapping paper. Tie it with twine and seal it with sealing wax.

This bank can be signed in different ways. Here, for example, it can be like this: “chopped cabbage”, “vinaigrette in a jar”.

An interesting shaped cookie.

You can easily make a gift for your loved one with your own hands on February 23. All men love sweets. So why not please them with your talents this holiday. We offer you to bake delicious cookies in an interesting form. Remember that this option of delicacy can please any man.

Bouquet of socks.

Socks are a practical gift for every man. After all, everyone knows that this element of the wardrobe wears out very quickly. But giving socks in the usual format is a boring event. It is necessary to present this gift in an original way. Try to make a bouquet out of socks and give it to your dear man.

Bonbonnieres with sweets.

The next present will be great to give to work colleagues or classmates. Purchase small candies and make star-shaped bonbonnieres. Remember that every man will be very pleased to receive such a gift.

Knitted things.

February 23 falls in the coldest month of the year. Therefore, on this day it is appropriate to give knitted things for a man. You can, of course, limit yourself to banal things. And you can also knit something original. For example, it can be a helmet, or any other creative item made of yarn.

Sports equipment made from sweets.

Giving sweets is always nice. And receiving such gifts is doubly pleasant. But on February 23, you should do something original. For example, you can build a kettlebell or a dumbbell out of thick cardboard and paste over this item with sweets.

How to creatively congratulate colleagues at work

Towels can be purchased for work colleagues. However, you need to give them in an original way. Tie each towel with a ribbon and shop around for holiday-themed bath hats. Also print the faces of your colleagues on the printer and attach them to the towels.

Tanks with their own hands for the holiday.

Try to make interesting gifts for February 23 with your own hands, which you can give to your close men. Now we will offer you some ideas for creating creative tanks.

So, make the first version of the tank out of sweets and a bottle of beer. First of all, make the shape of the tank and cover it with candies. Attach a bottle of beer to the tank to represent the muzzle.

The tank can be made from socks and decorated with a beautiful satin ribbon.

Another version of the sock tank.

Candy mug.

By February 23, you can make a huge number of gifts. But all people will be happy to receive an original sweet glass as a gift. It is worth saying that for this gift you will need various sweets. Long sweets are used to decorate the glass, and the rest of the sweets are used to decorate the saucer and the mug itself. In work, you will need thick cardboard, candy and glue. Making this mug is incredibly easy. We create a base from cardboard and glue it with sweets.


As you can see, original gifts for February 23 are easy to make. Besides, it's very nice. After all, the creation of some original thing brings pleasure and positive emotions. Therefore, create unique and beautiful gifts and delight your beloved men with them.

February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. And even if not all of your beloved men (no matter how old they are) served in the army, for you they will always be defenders, the stronger sex, so you need to congratulate them. Simple and cute DIY crafts are just right for this occasion.

The main thing in the article

Crafts for February 23 dad

When helping your child to do such a craft, convince him that it will not matter at all for dad to see small errors in the work, because the main thing is that the kid put a piece of his soul into the work done.

Cardboard mug for February 23

Such a product can be used as a stand for stationery, or interior decoration.

  • Cut out two rectangles from cardboard: yellow - 15x21cm, white - 10x15cm, as well as a pen.
  • In the yellow box draw lines, stepping back 3 cm from the edge. Bend the edges along the drawn lines to the inside.

  • As a decor, cut out colored stripes, 21x2 cm in size, and circles. Use glue to decorate the yellow rectangle.
  • Glue the handle to the white rectangle.

  • Now glue the folded edges of the yellow cardboard to the white rectangle.
  • Attach the tea bag tag with a thread to the inside of the mug with tape.
  • Write your wish on the back of the cup.

Postcard with a wish for February 23

A postcard as a gift is a classic of the genre, and will always be in place.

  • Take light blue cardboard as a basis.
  • Help your child to make preparations. To do this, print the car and the sun on a color printer, cut them out. Templates can be downloaded on the Internet, or you can create them in any graphics editor.
  • Cut out clouds from a sheet of white paper.

  • Glue the sun first, then the clouds and the car.
  • Cut the grass out of double-sided colored paper, making the “bottom” longer.
  • Then bend the bottom of the grass, retreating one centimeter from the edge, and glue it to the postcard itself.

  • Print a beautifully designed holiday greeting, stick it on a postcard.
  • The inside of the craft is ready, this is how it will look in a turn.

  • Now decorate the front part, approximately, as in the photo. You can choose a different design.

You can also make such an interesting postcard:

Crafts for February 23 to school

Gift ship by February 23

  • Cut out the details of the ship, as shown in the photo, glue them. Cover the joints with paper with patterns, it will also serve as a decor.
  • Glue the two parts of the bow of the ship together, attach to the ship.
  • Cut out the cardboard dividers and place them on the frame of the ship as crew seats.
  • Cut out circles from colored cardboard, divide them into segments. Then use the buttons to attach to the ship.
  • Stick strips of white paper on red, this will be a sail. Pass it through a toothpick, and stick it into one of the seats.
  • Paint in front of the ship in the form of a dragon.
  • Make oars from pieces of cardboard and toothpicks.

Crafts for February 23 in kindergarten

Application "Airplane" for February 23

Such work will be feasible for preschool children. Then it is quite possible to give such an application to dad, uncle, brother, etc.

  • The educator must make airplane templates , which children will apply to colored paper, circle, and cut out.
  • On a square sheet of paper need to frame .
  • Then cut out all the details , as in the example in the photo. It is not at all necessary to make blanks for the sun and a cloud, so each child will have his own special craft.
  • A window in the plane can be made by tracing the “bottom” of pencil glue.
  • It remains only to glue all the details of the application.

Paper tie for February 23

According to the template, cut out a tie from colored cardboard. Then it can be glued to a sheet of paper and painted with felt-tip pens, or you can fold a white collar to it.

Craft for February 23: a ship on a postcard

Very simple and tasteful. You will need:

  • Glue four wooden sticks to colored cardboard , for this, use pencil glue (you can replace PVA).
  • Cut out from cardboard of a different color ship sail details, glue a wooden stick to them on both sides.
  • With the help of plasticine vertically attach the bottom of the sail to the wooden base of the sticks, that were glued to the cardboard earlier.

Plasticine will perfectly hold the tree together, because it is absolutely impossible to entrust a child with a glue gun or super glue for safety reasons.

  • From colored paper cut out the stripes , and glue them to the postcard, it will be an imitation of waves.

Craft sailboat on February 23

Here, as a basis, you can take any improvised materials:

  • For frame use an egg container , color it with bright paint.
  • Make a sail from scraps of unnecessary fabric , fasten it with a skewer, and pull the jute thread.
  • This boat is already equipped with seats, so get your passengers on board quickly!
  • Also an option for the base of the boat can be an empty carton of milk , cut a small rectangle in its side - this will be the place of the navigator.
  • And if you make a small boat sponge for washing dishes , but it can easily be allowed to swim freely, in a puddle, for example.

Interesting crafts for February 23 beloved

  • Prepare a beautiful heart-shaped box , put love notes in it, write how much you love and wait for your soldier .

  • Print your general photos, or just your own, addressed to memory (service time).
  • Second layer fill the gift box with candy so that the surprise is sure to be sweet.

  • Also write a letter to your beloved, tell about your life, let him be in the know. Make your message original - fold the letter into a triangle, as the fighters sent their letters from the front. This will complement the theme of the holiday.

You can please your beloved soldier.

Crafts for February 23: master class

There is a kind of gifts that will come in handy and will be useful in every home. These include photo frames. Here is an unusual idea for creating quilling frames.

  • To start prepare the base - it can be a fiberboard board with a slotted hole, or a ready-made photo frame.
  • Use old magazines and colored double-sided paper . You can buy ready-made strips specifically for this type of needlework.

Adding such a color element will make the product very colorful and bright. Whereas using only magazine sheets will give the frame a gray tint. The choice is yours.

  • You can use special quilling tools, but simple twisting by hand will do.

For those who are completely unaware of this technique, we recommend watching the video for beginners:

  • Cut out long strips from magazine and colored paper , approximately one centimeter wide.
  • Bend them in half, align with your fingernail along the fold line.

  • Now start twisting to a circle, pressing the paper strip as closely as possible with your fingers.

  • Roll, alternating magazine and colored paper in one such mug. When the braid ends, glue its tip to the mug itself.
  • Thus, roll up circles of different sizes.
  • Using a glue gun, glue these circles "edge" to the base of the frame.

  • By the way, if you take an ordinary plank of wood as a basis, then you can paint it with spray paint.

As an option, try to create just such an unusual craft-photo-frame from pencils.

Crafts for February 23: video

Show your imagination and congratulate your beloved men on February 23rd. And our tips will help you with this.

Dad is the most important man in the life of every child, a real example and the main authority. With the help of his father, the baby comprehends the world around him, receives lessons in courage, perseverance and reliability. The role of the father in the upbringing of the boy is especially significant, because only he can give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe male world - in joint activities, games, and conversations. Therefore, on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the main holiday of men, in kindergarten and school, children are happy to make gifts for dad, grandfather, older brother. How to make beautiful crafts for February 23 with your own hands? We tried to collect the simplest step-by-step master classes with photos and videos on creating children's crafts by February 23 in the senior and junior groups of the kindergarten and school - from paper, napkins and other improvised materials. With our lessons and recommendations, you can make real masterpieces of children's creativity! Of course, for small children, the help of a mother or educators will be required, but the result is worth it - you get an original and beautiful craft for dad on February 23. So, inspiration is in your work, and we will be happy to share interesting ideas!

DIY crafts for February 23 in kindergarten for the older group - a step-by-step master class with a photo

On the eve of February 23, in kindergarten, in manual labor classes, kids make touching gifts with their own hands - crafts made from paper, natural materials, plasticine. According to the established tradition, such home-made military-themed souvenirs are created in the form of cars, planes, tanks, stars. Today we will try to make with our own hands a popular "military" plasticine craft for dad or grandfather - a tank. With the help of our simple step-by-step master class with a photo, any child of the senior group of kindergarten will be able to independently fashion a gift for February 23 to his beloved dad. A little imagination and patience - and you will get a great combat vehicle, almost like a real one!

Materials for children's crafts by February 23:

  • plasticine set
  • matchbox

Step-by-step instructions for a master class with step-by-step photos on creating crafts by February 23 for the older group of kindergarten:

Beautiful crafts in honor of the holiday of February 23 with your own hands from napkins - a detailed master class with a photo for the younger group of kindergarten

With the approach of Defender of the Fatherland Day, children want to please their beloved dads and grandfathers by learning a poem for the holiday or making a cute gift with their own hands. For crafts in honor of February 23, the most accessible materials that can be found in every home will go into the “case”. So, we propose to make a beautiful craft for February 23 from ordinary napkins - according to our detailed master class with a photo. It is quite possible to conduct such a lesson in the younger group of the kindergarten and create touching gifts for the most important men's holiday together with the children. So, on the "agenda" of the day - a postcard from napkins in the form of an asterisk! On Defender of the Fatherland Day, every dad will be pleased to receive such a bright red star, a symbol of the invincible Red Army, from his son or daughter.

The list of materials for the master class crafts from a napkin for February 23:

  • basis for the product
  • cardboard star template
  • thick napkins - red
  • plasticine yellow
  • braid
  • stapler
  • glue stick
  • double sided tape

A step-by-step description of the master class of postcards from napkins by February 23, with a photo:

Original do-it-yourself crafts for February 23 for dad, a step-by-step master class with a photo

When making a gift for dad on February 23, you can focus on personal hobbies and hobbies. So, a motorist dad will like a racing car - even the smallest child can easily cope with such a craft. We have prepared a step-by-step master class with a photo on how to create an original DIY craft for February 23 in the form of a car, which can be supplemented with a funny driver figurine. Such a touching gift from a beloved son or daughter will be the best memory of the holiday on February 23 for dad.

We stock up on materials for the master class "Racing car - craft for dad by February 23":

  • toilet paper rolls
  • gouache
  • colored cardboard
  • scraps of bright self-adhesive film
  • glue

How to make do-it-yourself crafts for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23, step by step with a photo:

Children's paper craft for February 23 for dad, a master class with step-by-step photos

Defender of the Fatherland Day is rightfully considered a national holiday glorifying the courage and reliability of the representatives of the strong half of humanity. So, on February 23, all men celebrate with pleasure, regardless of their age and belonging to the army. According to tradition, on this day, boys receive gifts from girls, and also prepare surprises for their dads, grandfathers and brothers. In a kindergarten or elementary school, you can conduct a lesson on creating cute paper crafts with your own hands - we suggest going through our master class and using step-by-step photos to make a “Tie for Dad”. Such a comic children's craft by February 23 will cheer you up and create an atmosphere of celebration and fun.

List of materials and tools for crafts by February 23, dad, according to the master class:

  • bright multi-colored sheets of cardboard - red, green, yellow, blue
  • image-pictures - "airplane", "tank", "ship"
  • corrugated paper in different colors
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • polyethylene
  • napkin

The procedure for making paper crafts for the holiday of February 23, step by step photos:

Funny do-it-yourself crafts for February 23 for children at school, a step-by-step description with a photo

A gift for dad on February 23 can be made from the most accessible materials that are always at hand. On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the school holds thematic labor lessons on creating a fun craft for a gift to dad in the form of a three-dimensional application. In our master class with a step-by-step description and photos, you will find many interesting ideas for crafts for the holiday of February 23.

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