Sample of an extended profile for a college student. Examples and samples of positive characteristics of a student from the place of practice

For admission to work, to the military registration and enlistment office and in many other cases, a student’s characteristics from the place of study may be needed. With this document, the educational institution where the student was previously gives him psychological characteristics and characteristics of academic performance and discipline. In essence, it is similar to a similar document from the place of work. But in in this case it must be prepared on a form educational institution and contain his seal, as well as have the signature of the dean or rector of the educational institution. The student’s characteristics are compiled by the leader or curator of the group, an employee of the dean’s office or other representatives of the educational institution.

Example of a student's profile

The student’s profile from the place of study is compiled according to the following rules:

1. It must indicate the details and exact address of the educational institution where the student studied, as well as its full name. Sometimes this information is indicated on the form. In any case, it should be located in the header part of the document.

2. Complete information about the student. They imply not only the data on the questionnaire (date of birth and full name), but also the period during which he studied at the institution, the name of his group, specialty, faculty.

3. based on his academic performance, attitude to learning, abilities in certain areas of knowledge. Here it is necessary to indicate his educational scores, achievements, participation in the life of the institution outside of studies.

4. Characteristics of his personality traits: both behavioral and psychological. Here it is necessary to indicate the type of his thinking, what kind of relationship he had with the team, his level of culture.

5. the last part The document is assigned to the date of its preparation and signature of authorized persons - the dean.

Please note that the specification should contain only information that corresponds to reality. Because characteristics of the student from the place of study gives general idea about a student at a new place of work.

Educational institutions and organizations that, in accordance with concluded agreements, provide places for internship, periodically have to draw up characteristics for students. In educational institutions, this responsibility is assigned to the curator or dean; in a company, it is the head of practice from the enterprise.

Characteristics of a student, depending on the source of the request, can be internal or external. The first include documents that are used within the institution itself for transferring from one specialization or faculty to another, for awarding or imposing penalties.

The external recipients of this characteristic are other educational institution, where the student is transferred, the military registration and enlistment office when passing the commission, the future employer for whom the student is applying for a job, etc.
A student's profile is an official document drawn up at the institution; it contains information about his academic performance, personal and business qualities, participation in various circles and sections, as well as about his scientific activity.

There is a student profile that is filled out at the enterprise, place of industrial or pre-graduate internship. It is necessary to inform the educational institution about the student’s knowledge and the success of their application in economic activity organizations.

Sample of compiling a general description of a student

This document is drawn up on the letterhead of the educational institution, which must contain the name of the institution, details, address and contact numbers.

After this, the name of the recipient who submitted the request for the description is indicated.
When filling out, indicate the student’s personal data, year of birth, date of admission to the educational institution, name of the faculty, course, group.

Then information is entered about the student’s academic performance, his abilities in certain subjects, and his attitude towards educational process, discipline. Here you can talk about the student’s participation in scientific and social activities, awards and certificates. It is also recommended to indicate your GPA.

The characteristics must contain data about the student’s personal qualities, his attitude towards teachers and other students. At the end of the document, the date of its compilation is filled in, and it is signed by the curator and dean of the faculty, indicating their positions and personal data. The characteristics are certified by the seal of the educational institution.

Sample of compiling a general description of a student from the place of internship

According to the curriculum, students must consolidate their acquired knowledge at a certain time while working at the enterprise. These places are provided either by the educational institution itself, or by the student himself.

After completing an internship at an enterprise, a characteristic is drawn up, which is then applied by the student to production report and a diary of its passage.
It is advisable that the characteristics be filled in, which should contain his details.

The introductory part indicates the name of the educational institution where this document is sent. After this, fill in your full name. trainee, faculty, specialty and group.
The description should contain information about the type and duration of practice. There are several types: introductory, production, pre-graduation. Information about the duration of the internship can be taken from the referral to the organization or the diary of its completion.

Next, the manager from the enterprise must fully describe the student’s responsibilities and the list of works that he performed. In conclusion, the compiler of the characteristics must draw a conclusion about the acquired skills and abilities. It is also necessary to mention the personal and business qualities of the trainee. After this, the student’s final grade is indicated.

The document is signed by the supervisor of the practice from the enterprise and the head of the organization, and then certified by the seal of the enterprise. It must be registered in the outgoing correspondence journal and have a number.



per student of group _______

Andreev Andrey Andreevich

The year of birth

Andrey has been studying at KUPK since 2013 in the specialty 02/09/04 “ Information Systems" During his studies in college he showed high abilities. Based on the results of the first, second and third courses, he has excellent and good grades. There were no disciplinary reprimands, no lateness or absences without a good reason.

Serves as a deputy leader in the group. .

Interest in public life college shows, attends events.

Andreev A.A. physicallyHe is well developed, has an aptitude for mathematical sciences, and is a participant in Olympiads and research and development projects at various levels. In 2015 he received the City Youth Prize of the 2nd degree and a Government scholarship. At the same time, he studies in the evening department and receives a second specialty.

By nature, he is a cheerful person, not lazy, low-fatigue, persistent in achieving goals.

The attitude towards teachers is respectful. Relations with group mates are friendly. He treats comments from fellow students and teachers adequately, and self-esteem is normal.

Outwardly he is always neat, keeps an eye on appearance. He is brought up in a friendly family, his parents are interested in their son’s success. Mom visits parent meetings. Andrey bad habits does not have.


Class teacher Full name

Ministry of General and vocational education Sverdlovsk region

state autonomous professional educational institution

Kamensk-Ural Polytechnic College



per student of group ____________

Ivanova Irina Ivanovna

The year of birth

Ivanova Irina has been studying at KUPK since 2013 in the electrical engineering department, majoring in 09.02.04 “Information Systems”.

During her studies in college she showed high abilities. Based on the results of the first, second and third years, he has only excellent grades. There were no disciplinary reprimands, no lateness or absences without a good reason.

In the group he performs the duties of the educational sector. A very responsible girl.

Possesses the skills of planning educational and labor activity, knows how to highlight the main thing in educational material, analyze, and draw conclusions. Able to show composure and organization. Irina is a regular participant in Olympiads, competitions, and research and development projects at various levels; in 2015 she received the City Youth Prize, 1st degree, and a Governor's scholarship. At the same time, he studies in the evening department and receives a second specialty.

Shows interest in the social life of the college, was present at all events taking place in and outside the college.

She is a modest, well-mannered girl by nature, cheerful, not lazy, has Creative skills to drawing, sewing, persistent in achieving goals. Has slightly low self-esteem.

The attitude towards teachers is respectful. Relations with group mates are friendly.

She is always neat in appearance and takes care of her appearance. She is brought up in a friendly family, her parents are interested in their daughter’s success. Mom always attends parent-teacher meetings. Irina has no bad habits.


Class teacher Full name

A reference from the place of study may be needed in several cases. Sometimes your employer asks for it when you get a part-time job, wanting to combine work and study. Or it may be required at the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence. But whatever the reason, the form of the document and its typical content remain approximately the same.

Unlike the student's autobiography, the characteristics are compiled by a responsible person from the institute. It should reflect the following points:

  1. Full name, as well as basic information about the application plan.
  2. Data where the student is studying, in what course and department.
  3. Characteristics of educational and professional qualities.
  4. Characteristics of the student’s personal qualities, his relationships with teachers and classmates.
  5. Conclusions and indication of where the characteristic is intended

It is also customary to evaluate the psychological and moral qualities of the student, his characteristic inclinations and abilities. Now let's look at examples.

Sample characteristics from the place of study


for student Anton Pavlovich Venediktov, a graduate of St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University

Student Anton Pavlovich Venediktov is a second-year student at the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, at the department of nanotechnology and quantum mechanics. During his studies, he showed himself to be a responsible student.

Took part in cultural events organized by the university: freshman day and open doors. Member of the institute KVN team.

He completed practical training at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Marine Physical-Technical Systems" and established himself as a responsible trainee.

Shows special abilities in physics, passed educational practice in the department's laboratory of optics and photonics.

In contacts with classmates, Anton Venediktov shows leadership qualities, is non-conflict, and is always ready to help friends and acquaintances.

In 2010, he was nominated for a scholarship from the Governor of St. Petersburg based on the results of two examination sessions.

Teachers characterize Anton Venediktov as a capable student who can later reveal his engineering talent in the professional field, subject to intensive training.

The specification is given for presentation at the place of request. Seal. Signature.

Form template for student characteristics from the place of study

Full name, date of birth, studied at the evening department of _______________________ (name of the institute) from September 2005 to July 2010.

During his studies, __________________ (full name) showed himself to be a purposeful, disciplined and capable student. Successfully mastered educational material in specialized disciplines. In general education subjects, semester and coursework received "good" and "excellent". Graduate work in the specialty “_________________” on the topic: “____________________” is novel and reflects the high professional training of the author.

When undergoing introductory practice in ___________________ and industrial practice in __________________ ________________ (full name) showed good knowledge of engineering, programming skills in languages high level and the ability to apply in practical work knowledge acquired at the university. During the internship, he successfully completed all assigned tasks, showing himself on the positive side. Has a penchant for rationalization activities. Good industrial and educational training is confirmed

In addition to basic documents, a passport and an application for conscription, a reference from the place of study is required, which the university provides to the military registration and enlistment office for the student. This type of document must be provided to letterhead and with all the seals of the institution in which the conscript is trained. This type of document cannot influence the choice of the type of military service, but a general idea of ​​the conscript will be obtained by the draft commission. This document is also paid attention to during selection at the recruiting station when representatives from the military unit arrive.

Why do you need a characteristic?

In theory, this document is required when being distributed at a recruiting station, but in practice everything is different. Basically, the student’s characteristics are required by the psychologist of the draft commission when undergoing conscription activities. According to it, the military registration and enlistment office draws up psychological picture boys in addition to psychological tests which are carried out with the conscript.

The student’s characteristics may be useful during selection at the military registration and enlistment office in elite troops. These include the Presidential Regiment, Airborne Forces and Marine Corps. If the conscript does not have everything in order with this document, the road to such troops will be closed. People pay attention to the characteristics when it comes to. It is from this document that one can get an idea of ​​the pacifist inclinations of the conscript.

How a document is compiled

Characteristics from the university for the military registration and enlistment office are compiled by the dean's office of the educational institution and its employees. It takes into account various aspects recruit's personality. These include:

  • personal information;
  • information about family composition;
  • psychological portrait of a conscript;
  • behavior and inclination to do something at the place of study;
  • personal successes and achievements;
  • habits and hobbies.

The certificate from the university must reflect reliable information that is important for the military registration and enlistment office. It should show not only positive sides student, but also his negative ones, if any.

If there are reports to the police, this information must be indicated in the document. Conflict and other aspects of character can also be taken into account when distributing at a recruiting station.

A sample description of a student at the military registration and enlistment office is given below for your visual reference.

What information should be included

The characteristics from the place of study of the conscript must be drawn up in accordance with a certain structure. All points must be present in the characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office.

  1. Title. The title must indicate the name of the educational institution from which this document is being provided, and also list the address and name of the institution for which it is being issued. In some cases, the phrase “provided at the place of request” is indicated.
  2. Student profile information. This paragraph must indicate in which year the student was enrolled in this educational institution. His full name and place of residence. Sometimes the place of his birth may be required. It is also indicated which course and faculty the student is studying in, indicating the specialty.
  3. Student performance. An assessment of the student's performance and his attendance at the educational institution is provided. Does he have a lot of absenteeism? An analysis of his attitude towards learning is carried out. Participation in public activities of the educational institution. Various achievements in competitions and other participation in the life of the educational institution.
  4. Description of the student's personality. This part describes the student’s personal qualities, his ability to communicate with fellow students, his ability to cope with conflict situations. It is appropriate for the military registration and enlistment office to indicate in this part the student’s sporting achievements, his awards and participation in various competitions.
  5. Final part. The conclusion indicates the date and list of officials with signatures. Most often, the signatures of the curator of the group in which the young person is studying and the dean of the faculty are required.

If the reference is printed on letterhead, the name of the educational institution is not indicated. For a college student, a reference is submitted to the military registration and enlistment office similar to that described above.


In the upper right corner is written the name of the university or college (full name with the address of the institution), the institution to provide characteristics.

Characteristics of a student

Zaitsev Stepan Igorevich, born in 1998, has been studying at Samara Industrial University since 2014. IN currently is a 4th year student at the Faculty of Hotel Management.

During his studies at the university, he conscientiously coped with the mandatory curriculum and attended all required training events. Student performance on good level. Absence from classes is not allowed. He has no complaints about violations of discipline. Accepts Active participation V social work university. Conducts events as a presenter and leads an active lifestyle. He has a sports category in shooting sports and numerous awards for participating in competitions.

Zaitsev Stepan Igorevich has a calm character. On good friendly terms with others. He does not like to enter into conflicts and tries to avoid them.
Has a positive attitude and is able to make independent and responsible decisions.

The date and signature of the group curator and the dean of the faculty are placed at the bottom.

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