Public consciousness, its levels and forms. The structure of social consciousness: its levels, forms and functions

The structure of social consciousness, its main levels and forms

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In the structure of social consciousness, three interrelated levels are usually distinguished: everyday, social psychology and social ideology, as well as forms of social consciousness, which include political ideology, legal consciousness, morality (moral consciousness), art (aesthetic consciousness), religion, science and philosophy:

1. Ordinary consciousness arises spontaneously in the process of everyday practice, as a direct reflection of the external (domestic) side of people's life and is not aimed at finding the truth.

2. Public psychology- the emotional attitude of people to their social being, which is also formed spontaneously in the daily life of people. Its specificity and regularities are studied by social psychology. Social psychology includes unsystematized feelings and ideas of people, first of all, about their emotional life, certain states and some mental characteristics. It is the prevailing mood of feelings and ideas in a given social group (ʼʼsocio-psychological atmosphereʼʼ), in a given country, in a particular society.

3. Public ideology - conceptual and theoretical reflection of social life, expressed in forms of thinking (concepts, judgments, theories, concepts, etc.). Taken as a whole, it is defined as a system of political, legal, moral, aesthetic, religious and philosophical views, in which people's attitude to social reality is recognized and evaluated.

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, social ideology - a systematic, theoretical justification, spiritual expression of the interests of various social groups or communities. Ideology is a complex spiritual formation, which includes a certain theoretical basis, programs of action arising from it and mechanisms for the dissemination of ideological attitudes among the masses.

In any of its manifestations, it is essentially or formally, correct or false, but always connected with the needs of the whole society, is an expression of its goals, values, ideals, its programs, contradictions and ways to resolve them. As such, a social ideology is always necessary, obligatory for any society - class, non-class, ʼʼopenʼʼ, ʼʼclosedʼʼ, etc. She always was, is and will be. For there is always a vital need for knowledge of the characteristics of the development of society, current problems and common tasks, stages of social change and prospects for social development.

Nowadays, some theorists (both in the West and in our country) came up with the idea of ​​the end of ideology (ʼʼpre-ideologizationʼʼ). They associate this either with the "natural falsity" of ideology, or with the end of the confrontation in the world of capitalism and socialism, or with its totalitarian class essence.

Forms of public consciousness are ways of spiritual development of reality. The main criteria for their differentiation:

1. On the subject of reflection - science and philosophy reflect reality, but at different conceptual and methodological levels (lower and higher).

2. By forms (types) of reflection- science reflects reality in the form of concepts, hypotheses, theories, laws, and art - in the form of artistic images.

3. According to the functions performed - art performs aesthetic and educational functions, science - cognitive, morality - moral, etc.

4. By public role. Science is the ʼʼlocomotiveʼʼ of progress, religion satisfies belief in the supernatural, art satisfies belief in the beautiful, morality elevates a person to the ʼʼvalue of goodʼʼ, and so on.

All levels and forms of social consciousness interact with each other and influence each other in the course of the interaction of social being and social consciousness.

In conclusion, we note that social consciousness is a reflection of social being, social reality as a whole. At the same time, public consciousness and each of its forms have a certain independence regarding social being, its own logic and special patterns of its development. This manifests itself in:

a) continuity, preservation of the rational, positive content of the old in the new;

b) the mutual influence of various forms of social consciousness;

c) lagging behind or ahead of the forms of consciousness from social existence;

d) the active reverse impact of social consciousness and its forms on social existence (a vivid example of this is the active impact of science on the development of technology and technology of the modern information society).

Lecture 9: Consciousness and language. The problem of the unconscious

1. Language as a way of existence of consciousness.

2. Natural and artificial languages.

3. The role of language in society and its main functions.

4. Consciousness and the unconscious.

The structure of social consciousness, its main levels and forms - the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Structure of public consciousness, its main levels and forms" 2017, 2018.

Public consciousness - it is a set of ideas, theories, views, ideals and principles, desires and moods of people, reflecting their social existence. Although social consciousness depends on social being, it has a relative independence, develops according to laws different from the laws of development of social being. The relative independence of social consciousness is manifested in the fact that its development can outstrip the development of social being or lag behind it. In the first case, public consciousness contributes to the movement of society forward, and in the second case, it hinders its development.

carrier public consciousness can be an individual or any social group (production team, class, nation, society as a whole). In the first case, one speaks of individual consciousness, i.e. consciousness of a single person. Individual consciousness contains all the features inherent in a given person: abilities, interests, level and nature of education, etc. It also contains something in common that is characteristic of the social group of people to which this person belongs (ideals, values, assessments, general rules of behavior, principles, attitudes, etc.), that is acquired by a person in the process of socialization. This common is the core of individual consciousness, determining the quality of man as a social being. In other words, social consciousness does not have its own transpersonal brain, it exists in a multitude of individual consciousnesses, although it is not reduced to their simple sum.

Public consciousness differs in levels and forms.

The structure of public consciousness (its levels):

The first level of public consciousness- ordinary (everyday, spontaneous) consciousness; it is based on the ordinary life and practical experience of a person, it covers mainly the external side of an object, a phenomenon. Common sense and prejudices, true and sometimes accurate observations and fiction are present in everyday consciousness at the same time.

Second level- theoretical consciousness; it is a rationalized, substantiated system of knowledge that reflects the internal properties of an object, its essence.

Both ordinary and theoretical consciousness can be true or false. Both of them characterize the subjective aspect of human practical activity.

From point of view regulation human behavior in the public mind distinguish social psychology and ideology. Social psychology is closely connected with everyday consciousness and embraces mass mental processes inherent in individual communities: mental warehouse (social character), mental states (apathy, stress, etc.) and mental phenomena (panic, hearing, fashion, etc.). Social psychology is formed mainly spontaneously, but its purposeful systematic formation is not excluded.

Unlike social psychology, ideology is a set of theoretically substantiated ideas and views of certain social groups. Ideology, in contrast to theoretical consciousness, is "charged" for a certain activity. Reflecting social reality from positions interests certain classes and social groups, ideology contains program of action to change (if reality does not meet the interests of the class) or to preserve social reality (if reality meets the interests of the class). Ideology is a value reflection of social reality, it is formed purposefully and has an active functional orientation, it affects the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of people. Functions of ideology– integrative-consolidating; organizational and mobilizing; value-motivational; legitimizing.

Forms of social consciousness. There are the following forms of social consciousness:

political consciousness - a set of views that reflect political relations, i.e. relations about power;

Legal consciousness- a set of views on the system of generally binding rules of conduct (norms) established by the state;

moral consciousness- a set of ideas about moral relations and the corresponding norms and ideals that evaluate and regulate people's behavior (good, evil, justice, duty, honor, conscience);

Artistic consciousness- a form of reflection of natural and social reality in the form of artistic images, representing an organic fusion of thoughts, feelings, assessments;

scientific consciousness- a form of reflection of reality in the form of a system of objective knowledge that reveals the laws of the world.

Philosophical consciousness- a form of social consciousness, expressing a rational-critical awareness of the world by a person and his attitude to it;

religious consciousness- a form of social consciousness based on the belief in the existence of a supernatural reality (God) and assuming a certain relationship of man to this reality.

In each historical epoch, one or another form of social consciousness acquires a dominant meaning in people's lives (as is known, religion dominated in the Middle Ages, and politics and science dominated in modern and modern times).

The most important functions public consciousness - cognitive, socially transformative, prognostic, regulatory, educational. All of them are interconnected with each other.


Thinking is inextricably linked with language. Language is the material carrier of consciousness, in it thinking expresses (objectifies, materializes) itself. Thanks to this objectification, the knowledge, ideas, meanings, values ​​and ideals produced by thinking can be consolidated and preserved in culture, transmitted and developed. Language is not only method of storing and transmitting information, but also means of knowledge and communication. With the help of language we get to know the objective world, we get new knowledge. Perception and cognition are carried out through the prism of language. There are elements in the language that replace real objects. These elements play the role of representatives of objects of knowledge in thinking, are signs objects, properties or relationships. Language is a system of signs and symbols endowed with a specific meaning. Every language contains a certain "conceptual scheme" that determines the nature of the perception of the world.

Because of this, language can be defined as a specific complex developing sign system that serves to fix, store, process and transmit information, as well as to ensure cognition and communication.

Thus, the functions of the language - e expressive(an expression of a person's thought), significative(designation), communicative(providing communication between people), cognitive ( the most important means of knowledge) cumulative, or information-translational ( ensuring the preservation, accumulation and transmission of knowledge).

There are two types of language: natural and artificial.

natural language arises spontaneously in the process of human development as a necessary means of communication and cognition (national languages ​​- Russian, Ukrainian, Armenian, etc.)

Constructed language specially created by a person for any purpose (Morse code, Esperanto, languages ​​of mathematics, logic, programming languages, chemistry and other sciences).

In a natural language, signs are words and phrases, in an artificial language, certain symbols. One of the most important aspects of a language is its semantics, and the most important semantic characteristics of a sign are its objective meaning and meaning.

subject meaning- this is an object (a separate object or a certain class of objects), the representative of which is a sign.

The meaning of the sign- this is such a set of features that allows you to select the object denoted by the sign from other objects. The same sign can have several different meanings.

Thought can be expressed not only with the help of linguistic signs. It can be embodied in one or another artistic image, a certain gesture can correspond to it, it can be expressed with the help of various dance figures and other non-linguistic signs.

As can be seen from the above, human society is a complex and evolving system. Its functioning and development is influenced by many factors. Which of them are decisive? Subjective - from the sphere of consciousness, from the sphere of spiritual life (ideas, views) or objective - from the sphere of the material side of society. In other words, "social being" or "social consciousness" determines the historical process.

social life - this is the real process of people's lives, those relations that develop in society in the process of social production. This is the economic, material side of society.

Public consciousness - it is a complex system of feelings, views, ideas, theories, which reflect social life. In this concept, we abstract from everything individual, personal and fix only those feelings, views, ideas that are characteristic of a given society as a whole, or for a particular social group. It, as the spiritual side of the historical process, performs two main functions. Firstly, it reflects social being, in relation to which it is secondary. Secondly, it has an active feedback effect on social life.

Public consciousness has a certain structure, which is understood as the dismemberment of consciousness into constituent elements. It has two main levels: ordinary and theoretical (scientific).

Ordinary consciousness characteristic of the mass "everyday" social consciousness. As a rule, it reflects not the essence of processes and phenomena, but their external manifestation. It develops spontaneously in the process of everyday life, more often it contains not knowledge of the world itself, but only an emotional assessment of reality, that is, the feelings and moods of people, on the basis of which appropriate social attitudes and value orientations are developed.

theoretical consciousness acts as a specially developed doctrine, theory. It does not “slide” over the surface of the phenomena of reality, but reflects their essence. It is not “neutral”, but reflects the positions of certain strata of society, that is, it acts as an ideology.

Ideology - it is an integral system of ideas and views, reflecting the material and spiritual conditions of people's lives, as well as goals aimed at strengthening or changing the relations existing in society. Its peculiarity is sloganism, focus on mass consciousness, when the factor of faith prevails over the factor of knowledge.

Another area of ​​public consciousness is social psychology, which is a system of feelings, emotions, beliefs, which reflect the material and spiritual conditions of human existence. The determining factors in the development of social psychology are the state of the economy, culture, education, traditions, and the standard of living.

The main forms of social consciousness include:

- political consciousness - a set of ideas, theories, views, feelings, moods, reflecting the attitude of social groups, parties, and society towards power. Key value - power. Political consciousness includes political ideology and psychology. The first finds its theoretical expression in the Constitution, in program statements, in party slogans. The second includes the feelings, moods of a particular social group, or society as a whole;

- legal consciousness - it is a system of mandatory norms, rules of conduct, expressed in legal laws. These are various feelings and understanding of freedom, justice and injustice, rights and obligations in the state. Key value - law;

- moral consciousness includes feelings, ideals, interests and views of people associated with the public good, as well as knowledge of the norms, rules of behavior in society, customs and traditions, assessment of people's behavior in public opinion.

Ordinary moral consciousness or moral includes

feelings and understanding of duty, good and evil, honor, dignity, conscience and

happiness. moral ideology or ethics acts as a theoretical

expression of moral interests, as the doctrine of morality and norms

social behavior, that is morals.

The core value of morality is good, and morals duty;

- aesthetic consciousness these are special feelings, tastes, interests, ideas,

ideals and theories. The ordinary level includes aesthetic feelings,

ordinary understanding of beauty. Theoretical level or aesthetics - it

reality. Key value - beauty;

- religious consciousness - these are social feelings, ideals, interests, views associated with the recognition of the otherworldly, supernatural world.

It is based on belief in supernatural forces and worship of them.

Ordinary level - religion. Each of them includes three elements:

Mythological, that is, belief in the real existence of supernatural

Emotional, that is, religious feelings;

Normative, that is, the requirements for the observance of religious rites.

Theoretical level - theology, that is, the doctrine of God. Key value

- sacred.

Since the end of the 19th century, more and more assertions have been made in the public consciousness human values ​​- respect for human life and dignity, for a different way of life and thought, a virtuous attitude towards people and nature.

In the structure of social consciousness, three interrelated levels are usually distinguished: everyday, social psychology and social ideology, as well as forms of social consciousness, which include political ideology, legal consciousness, morality (moral consciousness), art (aesthetic consciousness), religion, science and philosophy:

1. Ordinary consciousness arises spontaneously in the process of everyday practice, as a direct reflection of the external ("everyday") side of people's life and is not aimed at finding the truth.

2. Public psychology- the emotional attitude of people to their social existence, also formed spontaneously in people's daily lives. Its specificity and regularities are studied by social psychology. Social psychology includes unsystematized feelings and ideas of people, primarily about their emotional life, certain states and some mental characteristics. It is the prevailing mood of feelings and ideas in a given social group (“socio-psychological atmosphere”), in a given country, in a particular society.

3. Public ideology - conceptual and theoretical reflection of social life, expressed in forms of thinking (concepts, judgments, theories, concepts, etc.). Taken as a whole, it is defined as a system of political, legal, moral, aesthetic, religious and philosophical views, in which people's attitude to social reality is recognized and evaluated.

Thus, social ideology is a systematic, theoretical substantiation, a spiritual expression of the interests of various social groups or communities. Ideology is a complex spiritual formation that includes a certain theoretical basis, programs of action arising from it, and mechanisms for the dissemination of ideological attitudes among the masses.

In any of its manifestations, it is essentially or formally, correct or false, but always connected with the needs of the whole society, is an expression of its goals, values, ideals, its programs, contradictions and ways to resolve them. As such, a social ideology is always necessary, obligatory for any society - class, non-class, "open", "closed", etc. She always was, is and will be. For there is always a vital need for knowledge of the characteristics of the development of society, current problems and common tasks, stages of social change and prospects for social development.

Nowadays, some theorists (both in the West and in our country) came up with the idea of ​​the end of ideology (“pre-ideologization”). They associate this either with the "natural falsity" of the ideology, or with the end of the confrontation in the world of capitalism and socialism, or with its totalitarian class essence.

Forms of public consciousness are ways of spiritual development of reality. The main criteria for their differentiation:

1. On the subject of reflection - science and philosophy reflect reality, but at different conceptual and methodological levels (lower and higher).

2. By forms (types) of reflection- science reflects reality in the form of concepts, hypotheses, theories, laws, and art - in the form of artistic images.

3. According to the functions performed - art performs aesthetic and educational functions, science - cognitive, morality - moral, etc.

4. By public role. Science is the "locomotive" of progress, religion satisfies belief in the supernatural, art - in the beautiful, morality elevates a person to the "value of good", etc.

All levels and forms of social consciousness interact with each other and influence each other in the course of the interaction of social being and social consciousness.

In conclusion, we note that social consciousness is a reflection of social being, social reality as a whole. However, social consciousness and each of its forms have some autonomy regarding social being, its own logic and special patterns of its development. This manifests itself in:

a) continuity, preservation of the rational, positive content of the old in the new;

b) the mutual influence of various forms of social consciousness;

c) lagging behind or ahead of the forms of consciousness from social existence;

d) the active reverse impact of social consciousness and its forms on social existence (a vivid example of this is the active impact of science on the development of technology and technology of the modern information society).

Lecture 9: Consciousness and language. The problem of the unconscious

1. Language as a way of existence of consciousness.

2. Natural and artificial languages.

3. The role of language in society and its main functions.

4. Consciousness and the unconscious.

Topic: Public consciousness: the structure of its levels, forms and functions

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University: VZFEI

Year and city: Ufa 2009


Social philosophy as an established system of knowledge has a number of specific issues that it is designed to solve. Each philosophical system has a core, main question, the disclosure of which is its main content and essence. So, for ancient philosophers, this is a question about the fundamental principles of everything that exists, for Socrates it is connected with the principle of "know thyself", for philosophers of the New Age - how knowledge is possible, for modern positivism - what is the essence of the "logic of scientific discovery", etc. But there are general topical issues of social philosophy. Among them: "What is public consciousness as the main element of the spiritual sphere of society, why and due to what does society develop independently?". Society is a material-ideal reality, a set of generalized ideas, ideas, theories, feelings, mores, traditions, etc., in other words, what constitutes the content of social consciousness and forms a spiritual reality, acts as an integral part of social being. Consciousness is a necessary attribute of human life, and therefore its manifestations in society are universal. Public consciousness functions in a variety of levels, forms, states and types.

The subject of the work is public consciousness as the main element of the spiritual sphere of society.

The goal is to find out what significance social consciousness has in the spiritual life of society for social philosophy.

My work tasks:

Describe spiritual reality as an integral part and reflection of social life;

To reveal the structure of social consciousness: its levels, forms and functions;

Show the correlation of social psychology and ideology in society.

1. Spiritual reality as an integral part and reflection of social life

Spiritual sphere of society - is a system of relations between people, reflecting the spiritual and moral life of society, represented by such subsystems as culture, science, religion, morality, ideology, art. The study of the spiritual and moral life of society necessarily presupposes the identification of its structural elements. Such elements are called forms of social consciousness. These include moral, religious, political, scientific, aesthetic consciousness. These forms determine the corresponding subsystems of the spiritual sphere of society, differing from each other, not only in the content and way of knowing their object, but also in the time of occurrence in the process of development of society.

public consciousness - the cumulative product of the spiritual activity of society, reflecting social life in the form of spiritual and practical development of social reality and in the form of spiritual development of the surrounding world.

Public and individual consciousness are in close unity. Social consciousness is interindividual in nature and does not depend on the individual. For specific people, it is objective. Public consciousness can be defined as a public mind that develops and functions according to its own laws.

individual consciousness - this is the consciousness of an individual, reflecting his individual being and through it, to one degree or another, social being. Public consciousness is a combination of individual consciousness. Along with the peculiarities of the consciousness of individual individuals, it carries the general content inherent in the entire mass of individual consciousness. As the total consciousness of individuals, developed by them in the process of their joint activity, communication, social consciousness can be decisive only in relation to the consciousness of a given individual. This does not exclude the possibility of individual consciousness going beyond the limits of the existing social consciousness.

Each individual consciousness is formed under the influence of individual being, lifestyle and social consciousness. At the same time, the individual way of life of a person plays the most important role, through which the content of social life is refracted. Another factor in the formation of individual consciousness is the process of assimilation by the individual of social consciousness.

Individual consciousness is determined by individual being, arises under the influence of the consciousness of all mankind. The main levels of individual consciousness:

1. Initial (primary) - "passive", "mirror". It is formed under the influence of the external environment, external consciousness on a person. Main forms: concepts and knowledge in general. The main factors in the formation of individual consciousness: the educational activity of the environment, the educational activity of society, the cognitive activity of the person himself.

2. Secondary - "active", "creative". Man transforms and organizes the world. The concept of intelligence is associated with this level. The end product of this level and consciousness in general are ideal objects that appear in human heads. Basic forms: goals, ideals, faith. The main factors: will, thinking - the core and backbone element.

Social being and social consciousness - these are two sides, the material and spiritual life of society, which are interconnected in a certain relationship and interaction. The question of the relationship between social being and social consciousness is a concretization of the main question of philosophy as applied to society. Before Marxism, the dominant view in philosophy was the idea of ​​the determining role of consciousness in the life of society. In reality, however, social consciousness is nothing but “conscious being,” that is, a reflection of their social being in the spiritual life of people. The first formulation of this proposition was given by Marx and Engels in the “German ideology”: “... people who develop their material production and their material communication, along with this activity, also change their thinking and the products of their thinking. Consciousness does not determine life, but life determines consciousness. Marxism showed that the relationship between social being and social consciousness is complex, mobile and develops along with the development and complication of social life. If at the first stages of history social consciousness is formed as a direct product of the material relations of people and, as it were, “woven” into material activity, then later, with the division of society into classes, the emergence of politics, law, political struggle, social being influences the consciousness of people in a decisive way. through many intermediate links, such as the state and Gosstroy, legal and political relations, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to see and take into account the great role of social consciousness and its impact on the development of social life itself. The methodological role of social life is to teach a person to live here and now. The methodological role of social consciousness is to tell a person about how to live tomorrow. Therefore, social being is the basis for social consciousness. They are as interconnected as the past and the future.

2. The structure of social consciousness: its levels, functions and forms.

Consciousness is structurally organized, it is an integral system consisting of various elements. Sensations, perceptions, ideas, concepts, thinking form the core of consciousness. Consciousness also includes the act attention. It is thanks to the concentration of attention that a certain circle of objects is in the focus of consciousness. Feelings, emotions, intuition, goals, desires, memory are also components of the structure of consciousness. Our intentions are translated into deeds through the efforts of the will. However, consciousness is not the sum of its constituent elements, but their integral, complexly structured whole.

Public consciousness - these are views, ideas, ideas, political, legal and other theories, philosophy, morality, religion and other forms of consciousness.

Social consciousness arose simultaneously with social being and in unity with it. The main function of social consciousness is that it can reflect being and actively contribute to its restructuring (through the practical activities of people).

Public consciousness has a complex structure. It can be analyzed in epistemological aspect, when public consciousness is considered mainly in terms of content, as a reflection of reality, and in sociological , when public consciousness is studied in terms of its social conditioning, place, role, functions in public life. The epistemological aspect shows the movement from reality to consciousness, when ideas act as the result of cognition; sociological, while the aspect fixes attention on the transition from consciousness to reality, on the practical implementation of ideas,

Epistemological aspect public consciousness involves two levels - ordinary and theoretical corresponding to two levels of reflection of reality (the criterion for their differentiation is the degree of penetration into the essence of phenomena).

Ordinary consciousness arises as a person's awareness of the natural and social environment, everyday needs and needs of people. theoretical consciousness tries to understand the essence of phenomena, their natural connections and relationships. It exists in the form of a system of ideas, concepts and laws: theory is systematized knowledge. At the theoretical level, social consciousness is represented mainly by science, and on the ordinary empirical knowledge.

Sociological aspect public consciousness allows us to distinguish two areas - social psychology and ideology. The dominant feature in the delimitation of these spheres is not the knowledge of reality itself, but the attitude to this knowledge, its role in social life, its connection with the needs of specific subjects of consciousness (classes, nations, peoples) and types of social activity.

If the structure of social consciousness is approached from the point of view of its bearers, then it should be distinguished social and individual consciousness. Public consciousness is a set of socially significant, relatively stable spiritual formations of a given society; individual consciousness is a reflection of individual being, the spiritual world of a particular person. Individual consciousness cannot be directly derived from an analysis of the laws of social development. It can be revealed only on the basis of knowledge of the biography, living conditions, upbringing, taking into account the entire system of influences that the individual has experienced.

Forms of public consciousness philosophy, politics, law, morality, aesthetic consciousness, religious consciousness and science. All forms of social consciousness, except for philosophy, can be divided into two cycles with some degree of conventionality. The first includes politics, law and ethics - they are based on a single semantic core associated with the clarification of various modifications of the initial relationship between subjects (this is the relationship between people - ethics: between a person and society - law; between different social groups, up to entire states, politics). The second cycle includes aesthetics, religion (or atheism), and science. The common core here is the initial “subject-object” relationship, that is, the diverse forms of reflection by the human consciousness of its complex relationship with the world. The boundary between these cycles is conditional, especially between ethical and aesthetic categories.

3. Correlation of social psychology and ideology in society

Public psychology- a partial analogue of the ordinary level of consciousness, which represents scientific and non-scientific views and assessments, aesthetic tastes and ideas, customs and traditions, inclinations and interests, images of bizarre fantasy and the logic of common sense.

Ideology- a partial analogue of the theoretical level of consciousness, in which a systematized assessment of social reality is given from the standpoint of a certain class, party.

Social consciousness is a very complex structure in terms of education. In this regard, its division into structural elements can be carried out for various reasons. Firstly, the specificity of those aspects of reality that are reflected by public consciousness can serve as such a basis, and then we are talking about its forms; secondly, the division can be carried out in connection with the subjects of consciousness, and then, along with the consciousness of the whole society, the consciousness of large social groups and even individual consciousness should be considered. And, finally, the structure of social consciousness can be viewed from the point of view of the level, depth of reflection of social reality by public consciousness, and then social psychology and ideology are singled out as the main structural elements. With the characteristics of these elements, we will begin the structural analysis of social consciousness.

The social consciousness of each historical epoch (excluding the primitive communal system) has two levels: psychological and ideological. Public psychology there is a set of feelings, moods, customs, traditions, motives characteristic of a given society as a whole and for each of the large social groups (class, nation, etc.). Social psychology develops directly under the influence of concrete historical conditions of social life. And since these conditions are different for each of the large groups, their socio-psychological complexes inevitably differ among themselves. These specific features are especially noticeable in a class society. Of course, in the socio-psychological complexes of the opposing classes, there are also common features in each country associated with its historical features, national traditions, and cultural level. It is no coincidence that we are talking about American efficiency, German punctuality, Russian optionality, etc.

Ideology there is a system of theoretical views that reflects the degree of society's knowledge of the world as a whole and its individual aspects, and, as such, it represents a higher stage in comparison with social psychology, the level of social consciousness - the level of theoretical reflection of the world. If, when analyzing the psychology of social groups, we use the epithet “public”, because there is also a psychology of age, professional, etc., then the concept of “ideology” does not need such a differentiating epithet: there is no individual ideology: it always has a social character.

It must be borne in mind that the concept of "ideology" is used in social philosophy in another, narrower sense - as a system of theoretical views of one large social group, directly or indirectly reflecting its fundamental interests. Thus, if in the first case the cognitive aspect dominates, the level of social consciousness is clarified, then in the second application, the emphasis shifts towards the value aspect, and the assessment of certain social phenomena and processes is given from narrow group positions.

If social psychology is formed spontaneously, directly under the influence of those life circumstances in which the class finds itself, then ideology primarily appears as a product of the theoretical activity of the "specially empowered" of this class - its ideologists, who, in the words of Marx, theoretically come to the same conclusions, to which the class as a whole comes practically. It is very important to note that, according to their social position, the ideologists of a class may not belong to this class, but by expressing the interests of the class in the language of ideology, the ideologists serve it, constitute its intelligentsia.

The relationship between social psychology and ideology is predetermined by the fact that the first is an emotional, sensual, and the second is a rational level of social consciousness.

It is known that sensory cognition in general is an insufficient (superficial) but necessary level of consciousness, since only thanks to it our brain can receive primary information about the world and from it synthesize knowledge about the essence of things. Social psychology is that direct reflection of the external manifestations of social reality, which constitutes a kind of basis for the emergence of the corresponding ideology. Ideology clarifies what is vaguely grasped by psychology, penetrates deeply into the essence of phenomena.

The relationship between ideology and social psychology is very complex. On the one hand, forming an ideology is based on certain features of the psychology of a given social group. On the other hand, ideology is not a simple passive reflection of the peculiarities of social psychology. Having been born, it contributes to the strengthening of some psychological traits of its class and the weakening, introduction to a minimum of others.

In philosophical and historical literature, the concepts of “ordinary consciousness” and “mass consciousness” are very often encountered. And although, as follows from the names, these concepts are intended to characterize different aspects of social consciousness (in the first case, we are interested in the degree of "scientific" consciousness, in the second - the degree of its prevalence in society), to this day they largely coincide in their scope and can be defined as empirical, spontaneously arising in the process of everyday everyday practice and characteristic of the bulk of members of society consciousness. Their relationship with social psychology and ideology looks more complicated. One can often meet with an attempt to reduce the entire content of everyday and mass consciousness exclusively to the socio-psychological. In particular, this is not true in relation to modern society, the ordinary and mass consciousness of whose members has already been noticeably theorized and ideologized.

At all stages of historical development, the socio-psychological factor plays an active role. One can, for example, clearly trace the patterns of psychological maturation of social revolutions, as well as those psychological factors that make it possible to stabilize post-revolutionary society. Thus, the transition to new production relations (“choosing” them) is determined not only by the economic factor (the level of productive forces), but also by the psychological factor: to what extent this or that way of life is morally justified or condemned in the eyes of society.

The spiritual sphere, being a subsystem of society as a whole, necessarily responds to all changes occurring in its other subsystems: economic, political, social. Therefore, sharp economic changes in Russia could not but affect the state of the spiritual life of the country. Many researchers focus on changes in the value orientations of Russians, the increase in the importance of individualistic values. There is an acute problem of the commercialization of culture and the related problem of reducing the level of its artistic value, as well as the lack of demand for classical cultural samples by the mass consumer. These and other negative trends in the development of domestic spiritual culture can become a significant obstacle to the progressive development of our society.


The main element of the spiritual sphere is social consciousness, which has structural integrity. It is not the sum of individual consciousnesses, but those feelings and ideas that are characteristic of the whole society or a separate social group. The objective world, influencing a person, is reflected in him in the form of ideas, thoughts, ideas, theories and other spiritual phenomena, which form the social consciousness. The structure of social consciousness is very complex: first of all, it distinguishes the ordinary-practical - as social psychology and scientific-theoretical - as ideology levels. Social psychology is formed as a result of the holistically direct influences of social life and directly depends on the real state of affairs in society, on theoretical consciousness, and ideological influence. Allocate types of social consciousness - individual, group and mass consciousness. The carrier of individual consciousness is an individual, the carrier of group consciousness is a social group, the carrier of mass consciousness is an unorganized group of people united by some idea, goal. There are forms of social consciousness - moral, aesthetic, religious, legal, political, philosophical, scientific, environmental, economic, etc.

The sources of the development of society are the contradictions between: social being and social consciousness, social psychology and ideology, between the individual and society, society and nature, city and village, poor and rich, in the economy - between producer and consumer, etc.


1. Philosophy: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. V.N. Lavrinenko, prof. V.P. Ratnikov. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2005. (Series "Golden Fund of Russian textbooks"). pp.442-443.

2. Social philosophy. Textbook / P.V. Alekseev - TK Welby, 2004-S.74,79,83.

3. Philosophy. In questions and answers. Textbook manual for universities Lavrinenko V.N., Ratnikov V.P., Yudin V.V.; Ed. prof. V.N. Lavrinenko. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2003. S.392.

4. Philosophy: Textbook for higher educational institutions. Kokhanovsky V.P. - Rostov n / D .: "Phoenix", 2003. S.307.

5. Philosophical Dictionary / Ed. I.T. Frolova. - 7th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Respublika, 2001. - 413 p.

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