Aspen factory download fb2. Iain Banks - Wasp Factory (Iain Banks). About the book “The Wasp Factory” by Iain Banks

Iain Banks

Wasp factory


"The Wasp Factory" is not just a promising debut, but an exceptional achievement, a real little masterpiece. This is an obsession novel, a nightmare novel from which it is impossible to wake up. Death and blood fill its pages, and the only possibility of release is black humor, an unobtrusive touch of surrealism, and, finally, poetry. Something completely foreign and shocking, an amazing new talent...


It is a sick, sick world when the trust and investment of a respected publisher is justified by a work of unparalleled wickedness.

There is no point in denying the grotesque fecundity of the author's imagination: Banks's brilliant dialogue, cruel humor, repulsive ingenuity. However, the majority of the reading public will be relieved that only professional critics are forced by duty to pick up such literature.

Irish Times

The first novel is so powerful, heartbreakingly original, that whether you like it or not - and there's a good chance you'll hate it - it's definitely the debut of the year. Amazing, disturbing, brilliantly written.


From a literary point of view, The Wasp Factory soars to the level of mediocrity. Perhaps, with the impossibly frank expressions and shamelessness of the plot, the author hoped to strike an acceptably avant-garde note.

It is possible that this is just a joke designed to fool literary London and force it to respect outright hack work.

The Times

Iain Banks has written one of the most brilliant debut novels I've ever read. for a long time. It's amazing how thoroughly he researches obsessive-compulsive disorder the narrator, with what clarity and scrupulousness (nothing superfluous!) he builds the plot. An amazing novel, literally amazing.

Daily Telegraph

A stupid, nasty, gloatingly sadistic fable about a family of Scottish psychos, one of whom has nothing better to do than torment animals. Slightly better written than the bulk of horror nonsense, but still nothing more than the tawdry literary equivalent of video horror.

Sunday Express

Not a masterpiece and one of the hardest books to read I've ever come across. Lately However, the rhythm, plot-thematic control and shocking invention give credit for the elegant debut. However, I cannot say that the book gave me pleasure.

Sunday Telegraph

What's with this blood-oozing volume? Is he nauseous? Of course, there is more blood and dirt in it than in the average horror novel... However, nothing corrupting, nothing even remotely pornographic.

To begin with, Banks presents any most nightmarish scene with insane, off-scale humor, and it is difficult to fight nausea and laugh at the same time.

Secondly, not a single scene of violence is superfluous, everything is strictly conditioned and works for the plot.

The Scotsman

The easiest, if not the best, way to make a splash with your first novel is to pile on more horror. So “The Wasp Factory” combines disgusting irresponsibility with a lot of ridiculous sadism. Unfortunately, the author's satirical intent is overshadowed by his delight in excessive cruelty.


If a more violent or sickening novel comes out this spring, I'll be surprised. But at the same time, it’s unlikely that anything better will come out. You read “The Wasp Factory” literally with bated breath for fear of missing a symbol, or a beautiful turn, or a nightmare so terrible that your hair stands on end. Infinitely painful to read, grotesque and at the same time very human, this novel is prose. A new talent of the first magnitude has appeared in British literature.

Mail on Sunday

A disgusting work - and therefore, it will certainly win a lot of fans. He piles nightmare upon nightmare in a manner that should satisfy readers who adhere to the now fashionable view that man is base and vile.

Evening Standard

A gothic novel of the highest standard. Creepy, eccentric and incredibly entertaining. The debutant wields a pen a hundred times more confidently and originally than many recognized masters. I highly recommend it.

Financial Times


Dedicated to Anne

Sacrificial Pillars

On the day when we were informed that my brother had escaped, I started going around the Pillars of Sacrifices. I knew in advance that something was going to happen. That's what the Factory suggested.

At the northern tip of the island, near an abandoned slipway, where the bent handle of a rusty winch still creaks in the east wind, I dug in on the far slope last dune two pillars. One of the Pillars was decorated with a rat's head and two dragonflies, and the other with a seagull and two mice. As I was putting the lopsided mouse head back in place, birds soared into the evening air, screaming and croaking, and circled over the path winding between the dunes, where it passed not far from their nests. I planted my head firmly, climbed onto the crest of the dune and took out my binoculars.

Along the path, pedaling hard and head bent to the steering wheel, drove Diggs, a policeman from the city; The bicycle wheels were buried in the soft sand. At the bridge, he dismounted, leaned his bike against the cables, walked to the middle of the suspended span, where there was a gate, and pressed the button on the intercom. He stood for a second or two, looking at the quiet dunes and the landing birds. He didn’t see me, I was disguised so well. Finally dad answered the call. Diggs bent down to the bars, said a few words, pushed the gate and, crossing the island, moved towards the house. When the dunes hid him, I sat a little longer in my shelter, thoughtfully scratching my crotch; the wind ruffled my hair, the birds returned to their nests.

I pulled a slingshot from my belt, selected a half-inch ball from a bearing, took careful aim and sent the projectile over the river, telephone poles and the small suspension bridge leading to our island. With a barely audible ringing, the ball hit the sign “No Trespassing - private property", and I smiled. Good sign. The Factory, as usual, did not go into details, but I had the feeling that it was warning about something important, and I also felt that the news would be unpleasant, but I was smart enough to take the hint and go check out the Pillars, and now I he knew that at least he had not lost his accuracy; so for now everything is with me.

I decided not to return home right away. My dad didn't like me being home during Diggs' visits, and anyway, I still had a couple of Pillars to check before the sun went down. I jumped up, slid down the sandy slope into the shade at the foot of the dune and turned to look at the Pillars guarding the approaches to the island from the north. The bodies and heads mounted on gnarled branches looked quite satisfactory. The breeze waved the black ribbons tied to the branches in a welcoming manner. Everything will be fine, I decided; I'll have to get more out of the Factory tomorrow.

Suddenly the father will tell something, if he’s lucky, and if he’s really lucky, then maybe he won’t even lie.

When the darkness deepened and the first stars appeared in the sky, I left the bag of dead meat in the Bunker. The birds told me that Diggs had already left a few minutes ago, so I ran the shortest route to the house, where all the lights were on, as usual. My father met me in the kitchen.

Diggs was just there. You probably know.

He stuck a thick, half-smoked cigar under the stream cold water and when it hissed loudly and went out, he threw the soggy cigarette butt into the trash can. I placed my stuff on the large table, pulled out a chair and, shrugging my shoulders, sat down. Father turned on the gas under the pot of soup, lifted the lid, looked appraisingly at the brew and turned away from the stove.

There was a cloud of bluish-gray smoke hanging in the kitchen at about shoulder height, with a wide hole apparently created when I entered through the double doors of the back porch. While my father was staring at me, the hole managed to close. I shifted in my chair, then lowered my eyes and fiddled with the rubber band of the black slingshot. It didn’t escape me that my father looked worried, but my father good actor, and it is possible that he simply wanted to give me such an impression, and therefore I took it with skepticism.

The novel “The Wasp Factory” became the first work of Iain Banks, which caused a wide variety of reviews. This is a very specific book, it is difficult to form a one-sided opinion about it. However, the fact that it is capable of shocking, causing unpleasant sensations, a feeling of horror, even rather a premonition of something - all this is beyond doubt. It is not recommended to read the novel for those who are very impressionable, as it contains many violent scenes.

The events of the book take place on a small island in Scotland. A strange guy, Frank, lives here with his father. He has a brother who is currently is on his way home, he escaped from a mental hospital. Eric sometimes calls Frank from telephone booths and conducts not entirely adequate dialogues. And Frank is waiting for his arrival, although it is not entirely clear whether he wants this or not. It is clear that he loves his brother, remembers many moments, but Eric is a madman with sadistic tendencies. Until a certain time, he was a good and smart guy. If it weren't for that incident...

Frank himself hardly communicates with anyone, he leads a solitary life and diligently guards his island. Not just in harmless ways. The attic is the only place his father can't reach. And it is there that the guy arranges animal sacrifices to protect his possessions. It seems to him that he can control the life and death of small creatures. But he himself doesn’t even know why own life It turned out that way.

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Wasp Factory Iain Banks

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Title: Wasp Factory

About the book “The Wasp Factory” by Iain Banks

"The Wasp Factory" is a debut in literary activity Scottish writer named Iain Banks. This novel was published in 1984 and immediately caused controversial criticism among writers. Some still criticize the novel for its openly sadistic scenes, while others believe that a work does not necessarily have to teach the reader good and useful things. good example, and a work like “The Wasp Factory”, with its negative, can also become useful to the reader in the sense of how not to be like the heroes of this novel. And in the end, the book is accepted by critics as an educational novel, and it takes its place among hundreds best novels twentieth century.

The novel “The Wasp Factory” has age restrictions. Read it better for people of strong mental health and at least eighteen years of age.

Iain Banks in his novel tries to understand the theme of mortality and the theme of the emergence of brutal instincts and cruelty in a person, without any restrictions.

The novel is narrated on behalf of the main character - young man, living with his father on the island. The author reveals well the essence of the hero, his inner world. The reader seems to be present during all the disgusting scenes of the protagonist’s actions and clearly perceives his thoughts, his thoughts about his father or brother. At the same time, he considers himself normal person, although it kills both people and animals.

The plot of the novel “The Wasp Factory” is simple. Somewhere in Scotland, a father and son live on an island. The boy does not have a mother; she left him in childhood. Nobody is involved in raising a young man. He received some education from his father. Gradually he grows and turns into a young man, but with strange inclinations. The young man loves to kill, and first he kills insects, then small animals and even small children, and does not repent and considers it normal. On Fridays, the young man appears in a neighboring town, where he gets drunk with his only dwarf friend. The main character has a brother who has long gone crazy while working in a hospital, and whom everyone in the area is afraid of. He, like everyone else, considers him truly crazy, but not himself. The identity of the hero's father may be poorly revealed, but it turns out that the father gradually changed the sex of his child with the help of drugs and simply watched the process from the side. This, of course, is not easily accepted by the reader, but that’s how Ian Banks is. This book is not for the faint of heart or for people with delicate psyches. For readers who can read between the lines, much in the novel will become clear. Although the plot of the novel is unusual, the main thing about it is the ending, which simply “breaks” the reader’s brain.

The novel “The Wasp Factory” is an interesting read, but it is not intended for everyone. This is essentially terrible work designed for a certain portion of readers.

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Quotes from the book "The Wasp Factory" by Iain Banks

My main enemies are Women and the Sea. I hate them. Women because they are weak and stupid and live in the shadow of a man, and nothing compares to them, and the Sea because it always irritates me, destroying what I built, washing away what I left, clearing the traces I left. And I'm not sure of the Wind's innocence.

Death always invigorates, makes you realize how alive you are, how vulnerable you are, but so far lucky; the death of someone close provides a good excuse to become briefly a little crazy and do things that would otherwise be unforgivable. What a pleasure it is to behave badly and still receive tons of condolences!

There is no need to take revenge at all, even in big world. In my opinion, actions of retaliation against people related to the offenders remotely or due to circumstances are aimed only at bringing joy to the avenger.

One of the reasons I've come to like the landfill in years past is that it never stays the same, it moves like something huge and alive, spreading like a huge amoeba, swallowing up dirt and debris.

Sometimes my thoughts just can’t agree with each other, and my feelings too; not the brain, rightly so, but a whole people's assembly.

Death always excites you, each time reminding you how alive you are, how vulnerable you are - but for the time being, lucky.

Hello Eric. Where are you?
- Here! And where are you?
- Here.
- If we're both here, what the hell is the phone then?

I raised my face and threw my head back, putting my neck to the wind like a lover, to the rain like a victim.

... any question is the beginning of a search for the end.

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