Composing "what it means to be human." A good person is a comfortable person

There is knowledge called Iissiidiology. It presents the scientific and cosmological concept of the formation and development of our universe, based on which it is very easy to trace the relationship with the immortal existence of any form of self-consciousness, including man. In Iissiidiology, a form of self-awareness is any manifested form (regardless of whether we consider it alive or not: animal, insect, fish, plant, mineral, metal, atom, elementary particle, microbe, bacterium, planet, star, galaxy, etc. .), which demonstrates conscious - both visible and not visible to us - interaction with other forms of life.

Each of these forms of self-awareness is combined with other similar forms by similar thought processes and sensory experiences, on the basis of which they jointly form the direction of their development. This gives us the opportunity to recognize and classify in the world around us all the diversity of their interactions with each other. All directions are inextricably linked with each other, thus making it possible for all forms of self-consciousness entering into relationships to exchange experience and, as it were, "shift" to any of the "interesting" directions of development (for us, people, this is still happening at an unconscious level , that is, we are not yet able to be aware of the dynamics of our thoughts and feelings at every moment, and, accordingly, the change in the direction of development).

So, each direction has its own distinctive features (or rather, their representatives), and not only phenotypic, but to a greater extent reflecting the internal content (thoughts, feelings), which, in essence, form the external characteristics of forms of self-awareness, allowing us to unmistakably determine who or what we are observing. In other words, we can always confidently say that there is a person in front of us, and not an animal - a bird or a fish, for example - and vice versa.

The signs mentioned above have a qualitative basis, which in the Human direction of development necessarily reflects the inextricable connection between the manifestation of two qualities in mental-sensory creativity - Love and Reason. Only in this combination do our daily choices acquire an orientation that reflects our - Human - essence. But the majority of people, unfortunately, do not yet know about the existence of any directions of development, including the Human. Therefore, we develop chaotically, impulsively, constantly changing our interests, sometimes deviating significantly from the Human path.

It is not known for what reasons, but it was only in Iissiidiology that the concept of the Human direction of development appeared, and so far there is no mention of it in any other sources. Although the prerequisites for explaining to people their truly Human nature have always been undertaken - in various religious "messages" to mankind, for example. This is how the saying from the "Gospel" (the Christian Bible) is widely known: "created in the image and likeness of God." Until now, this phrase causes active controversy and judgments, because it is not entirely clear what it refers to - either to human physiology, or to his spiritual essence. In other words, due to the ambiguous interpretation of this expression, the question arises: what is image and likeness?

At the moment, various religious sources provide information on how to become a true Christian, a true Muslim, a true Jew, etc. Under the word “true”, from my point of view, one should understand a pure, bright - Human - soul. I will make a reservation right away that Iissiidiology has nothing to do with any of the religions. I have taken religious sources as an example only because the concept of spirituality for most people is inextricably linked precisely with religion, which postulates the inner purity of thoughts and feelings. In the context of this article, I put an equal sign between development in the direction of Humanity and spirituality.

In many scriptures, certain provisions are mentioned, observing which, you can very quickly achieve spiritual enlightenment and get closer to the "source". For example, in Judaism and Christianity there are ten commandments, and in Islamism there are five pillars of Islam, the observance of which will provide believers with a spiritualized (with respect to morality, morality) perception of life. But it seems that we already have ready-made recipes for reincarnation into more perfect spiritual configurations, for some reason we still have not become, figuratively speaking, neither angels nor saints, but continue to realize our numerous aggressive intentions not only in relation to the surrounding forms of life, but and in relation to ourselves. That is, often knowing quite precisely what to do not to act, we become like foolish children and nevertheless act contrary to our reason.

An example of this is everyday human life, in which all kinds of media outlets regularly warn us: “ Do not overeat, otherwise the metabolism will be disturbed, which will lead to excess weight and, as a result, to diseases associated with it!», « Don't smoke, because this habit has a detrimental effect on your lungs and on your cardiovascular system in general!" or more " Do not abuse alcohol - it is fraught with oxygen starvation, which increases the load on the heart and contributes to the destruction of brain cells!"And, in addition," Do not be nervous about trifles - nerve cells do not regenerate!". That is, the logical chain is obvious: I smoked, drank too much, overeat, got nervous - hurt myself, but for some reason it doesn't work. We already quite firmly know what is harmful to our health, but this does not stop us, but on the contrary, it seems as if the interest in harming ourselves is only warmed up. Are we really that stupid ?!

It seems to be not, but it turns out that we are missing something. Since we admit nonsense, then we can assume that there is not enough intelligence. It is difficult to disagree with this, but what to do with the facts of manifestation of recklessness by people in whose intellectuality there is no doubt whatsoever? Apparently, everything is not so simple and the point here is something else. Let's try to figure it out. When at the beginning of the article I briefly described the Human direction of development, I focused on the symbiosis of two defining qualities of it - Love and Reason. In the light of solving the problem, it is interesting to consider what happens in our minds when aspects of one of these qualities are more active than aspects of the other.

You can recall difficult life situations in which the passionate relationship between a man and a woman (usually called love) is accompanied, as a rule, by jealousy, envy, hatred of real or imaginary rivals (s). This leads to tragic consequences affecting the lives of not only these two people, but sometimes also several generations of their descendants, to whom the propensity to experience such emotions is inherited. We are talking about situations in which a person is able to show aggression towards those whom he seems to love, but at the same time does not think at all about the consequences of the aggressive states he experiences and the actions performed under their influence, which confirms the inferiority of mental activity in such moments. Presumably, in such cases, people really show a special sensuality, heightened emotionality, but, in my opinion, far from love. An indirect proof of this can be the fact that in our society the following dictum is considered to be the folk "wisdom": "He beats - it means he loves!"

Or another fact of a not entirely normal, and sometimes quite perverted, understanding of love in modern society - the so-called “blind” love of a mother for her child, which leads to the fact that a spoiled, cynical, cruel egocentric person grows out of him, for whom the interests of loved ones to him people do not exist in principle and who, in order to satisfy his needs, is ready to cross any moral line. In other words, the manifested feelings of the mother for the child are evident, but they are devoid of rationality, the presence of which makes it possible to understand how the “blind” indulgence of the whims of his own child will affect in the future his fate and the fate of the people around him.

Another example of sensory perception dominating over rationality can be the unaccountable faith of those people who faithfully follow something or someone (religion, politics, financial pyramids, sects, charlatans enjoying the trust of people, etc.), but find it difficult to explain why exactly this faith and devotion should change their lives and how such changes take place. Before, I myself believed in many things, as, incidentally, I still believe in many things, because without faith as such, it is impossible in principle to exist. The main thing is what to believe in!

The most striking example from my life can be called the time of my belief in the so-called "Our Lord Jesus Christ" (adherence to Orthodoxy - this is the direction I trusted most of all), so I have the opportunity to analyze and compare those states of mine with my current perception of life , which undoubtedly differs from the previous one in a more information-rich base.

Then I tried to understand and sincerely believe that in essence, of course, was somehow explained, but very limited. Believers with whom at that time I closely communicated, convinced me that you just need to believe in the existence of a more perfect person who once lived on Earth - in Christ. At the same time, it remained a mystery to me why he, who lived more than two thousand years ago, could remain a Man in any situations, and we still have not learned this? Apparently, Jesus Christ had information that he tried to convey to the attention of people, but they could not "decipher" it. Suffice it to recall that the biblical truth that is given at the very beginning of the article - "created in the image and likeness" - still has no unambiguous interpretation.

Like believers who did not receive answers to their questions from the ministers of the church and did not find answers to their questions in religious books, I had no choice but to trust my sensory perception and wait for me to be rewarded for my faith - while I, like any ordinary person, from time to time he sinned and asked for forgiveness for this. This state of affairs did not quite suit me, and more and more often I returned to thinking about why it is so difficult not to sin.

In my opinion, it is precisely the lack of information, and therefore the lack of understanding of the mechanism of punishment for sins and reward for a righteous lifestyle, that prevents believers from keeping the commandments and adhering to righteous actions. It turns out that, as in the examples with passionate lovers and a mother indulging her child with excessive attention, believers who build their lives primarily on sensuality, again lack information to fill the cognitive vacuum and manifest their Human essence.

But “naked” reason (rationality, overwhelming the sensory aspect), as well as unreasonable sensibility - individually - cannot express in life circumstances the manifestations of the inner Human essence. Let's speculate about that as well.

Most of us have probably come across people for whom irrationalism in any area of ​​their activity is simply unacceptable. Moreover, in people who are inclined to a rational type of thinking, someone's unreasonable (in their opinion) actions can cause a storm of negative emotions, which very easily deprive them of self-control. That is, for such people, everything should be extremely clear and explainable, or there should be a source that should contain information that explains something incomprehensible to them. In families, such individuals become family tyrants.

At first glance, prosperity reigns in the tyrant's family. He can be successful in business, not drinking, not smoking, playing sports, but, according to household members, living next to him is a real test. “This person knows everything for sure, that is, absolutely everything, even if he does not understand anything in this area of ​​knowledge. He is firmly convinced of his own infallibility and family authority. All other family members must unconditionally obey his authority. He harasses all family members with constant moralizing and boring lectures. Such a tyrant thinks that he cares about his family, in fact, he just needs power. "

Or a tyrant boss, for whom the interests of his employees should be subordinated only to the interests of the company - consider his own. In other words, a person who is subordinate to such a leader becomes for him an inanimate means of manipulation or an insignificant detail in the general mechanism of his arrogant ambitions.

A fairly accurate image of a person striving to live primarily by reason (that is, not completely devoid of any sensual manifestations) is created by the dictatorial types of Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Pinochet and the like, whose regimes of government were built in such a way that they had the support of the masses, - mainly in the person of those people who also had similar qualities, but for one reason or another they did not have the opportunity to realize them. The rest (although not everyone, for example, those who represented resistance) had no choice but to believe (realizing the sensory type of perception) and submit to the majority, especially since this is much easier to accomplish when the idea being presented is supported by the prospect of realizing personal self-interest.

But it would be wrong to understand the expressions "naked mind" and "blind love" literally, because feelings without thoughts do not exist, just as the thought process is inextricably linked with emotional perception. When we think about something, that is, we operate with some information of interest to us, there is always a sensory experience of it, which, in turn, contributes to our further mental dynamics, which is again accompanied by reactionary activity (expression of emotions, feelings), and so on ad infinitum. It's just that we humans have a tendency to delve more deeply into either the sensory or the mental content of our perception.

The ability in everyday life (regardless of whether it concerns professional activity, interpersonal relations, public policy or solving problems of the planetary level) to operate harmoniously combined aspects of the qualities of Love and Reason, gives a person unlimited opportunities for self-improvement, since in this case he adheres to the given parameters (described in Iissiidiology) chosen by him - Human - direction of development. And then Love, supplemented by Reason, will cease to be "blind", and endowed with true wisdom will become a part of the Human way of life. And the Reason, saturated with wise Love, will not allow people to show the slightest egocentrism, because it is transformed into Human Intelligence.

Modern people have already learned to use intelligence in their lives, predicting the political situation, weather, exchange rates, the development of the economic and social spheres, designing cities, modeling complex mechanisms, aggregates and systems, even the future, but oddly enough, until now they have not been able learn to predict and model your mental-sensory process, although, and I have already mentioned this, attempts have been made and are still being made to teach people (with the help of various religious doctrines and esoteric techniques) to live as befits a real Man: keep the commandments, follow the postulates , the advice that we (humanity) receive from the scriptures, channelings, all sorts of knowledge - that is, we are constantly convinced of the need to believe that we absolutely need to become Human.

At the same time, again, there is not enough information about what a real Human is and why we need to become one. And again I am forced to repeat that it is only in Issiidiology that the concept of the formation and development of the Human direction of development is detailed, for what and why we manifested in it, and how it differs from other directions.

What is already known about the existence of such a direction gives people the opportunity to study its signs in more detail and learn how to track any deviations, that is, to move from the stage of impulsive development to a conscious perception of the surrounding reality. Mindfulness means the ability of a person to track and analyze his own reactions in order to be able to predict and model his behavior and its impact on other people, based on the experience gained.

But a completely natural question may arise: what is the analysis of reactions for and how can they harm me and even more so other people?

To understand this issue, you need to know a lot and investigate in detail, in particular the cause-and-effect relationships between all the manifested forms of life. This is where Issiidiology helps - knowledge, in which the invisible connecting thread between the micro- and macrocosm is gradually described and consistently revealed. And since we are an integral part of both, it is very important to understand by what principles the interaction between all participants in this global action called the universe takes place and how we, it would seem, are grains of sand in this dynamic infinity, with our reactions can influence the grandiose creation. Therefore, knowledge is necessary in order to reunite in our perception, at first glance, disparate parts of the world around us and to feel the full responsibility for what we have created together.

And since you and I have chosen human forms, then we must start from the direction that we, without realizing it, chose, but having now learned about which, we can no longer remain outside observers, because there are no accidents, but there is only a fact confirmation of our interest in development in this direction. To satisfy our interest, we must first of all scrupulously study all mental-sensory dynamisms inherent in man, and first of all their interaction with their own kind, and, of course, understand what effect other forms of consciousness (elementary particles, atoms, microbes, bacteria , animals, insects, fish, plants, minerals, metals, planets, stars, galaxies, etc.), the influence of which on our daily choices we are not yet able to realize, but we are able to cognize.

Absolutely everything in our world is informationally interconnected with each other, therefore, our reactions, reflecting the inner, instantaneous informational essence of each person, are capable of introducing a destructive or creative impulse into the surrounding reality. All this will need to be learned in order to radically change our extremely limited ideas about the world in which we live together, and about a person as a part of it. We should not be intimidated by the large amount of information that needs to be assimilated, since this is the development of the Human Intelligence that we desperately need, which, if you remember, is closely related to wisdom. And then, as it seems to me, we will, to a greater extent than now, come closer to understanding the meaning of that very biblical truth - "created in the image and likeness."

But here's what is paradoxical: having been born in human bodies, we need to make “inhuman” (literally and figuratively) mental and sensory efforts in order to become People with a capital letter. Why is it so difficult to become a Human?

To begin with, let's try to conduct a comparative analysis and find significant differences (not external, they are quite obvious) between people and other forms of self-awareness. Let us take as examples birds, animals, insects, which, like us, have a biological structure of bodies and are more studied by us than other forms existing next to us. I propose to start with what we are like with them.

First, of course, is survival - " the ability to endure, endure, endure, endure unfavorable conditions, without breaking down, without losing heart, preserving oneself physically, psychologically, and spiritually". When it comes to levels of survival, very often people lose their human appearance, completely forgetting about morality and ethics, drowning out the voice of conscience - the main thing is to save our lives at all costs, in other words, at such moments we are not much different from other forms of self-awareness: animals, birds, insects, etc.

Secondly, reproduction - " the inherent property of all organisms to reproduce their own kind, ensuring the continuity and continuity of life. Breeding methods are extremely varied.". There is nothing to add here. :)

Third, nepotism. And although the family is “ a set of individuals bound by blood, marriage, or love”, But this form of association is characteristic not only of people. There are many examples of nepotism among animals, but, of course, with their own specifics. We (the people) even have an Italian interpretation of the family - the mafia: “ It is an association ("family") of criminal groups with a common organization, structure and code of conduct". It is very reminiscent of groups of animals that are constantly at war with each other in order to protect their own or conquer someone else's territory.

The concept of a collective (from the Latin collectivus - collective) as "a group, an aggregate of people united by common interests, joint activities" can also be attributed to the same list. In my opinion, this is not much different from the pack - " a structured group of animals (mammals, fish, birds), usually of the same species, actively maintaining mutual contact and coordinating their actions; a flock consists of individuals that perform a number of important life functions, being members of a particular flock for most of their life».

And finally, the border - " a line separating two adjacent holdings. The boundaries of adjacent states determine the limits of the territorial supremacy of each of them; therefore they must be precisely defined, in terms of collision avoidance and misunderstanding". It can be compared with the territory (from the Latin territorium). This is “the space (land, water, etc.), which the given individual protects from other representatives of his species (sometimes strangers). The boundaries of the territory are usually marked with various metabolic products (urine, feces, odorous secretions of special glands, sound characteristic signals - shouts, singing). The territory allows animals to use environmental resources more efficiently, to reduce competition for food, shelter, and a place for breeding. "

I brought these comparisons in order to visually show the life-forming principles of today's humanity, the signs of which are not much different from the signs of representatives of other directions of development. It must be admitted that we are still focused on the most primitive levels of our development, the result of which is a powerful concentration on the delimitation between people, collectives, states, which confirms our Human failure.

Many may argue that they say we, compared to animals, are at a much higher stage of development, as evidenced by our settlements with developed infrastructure, all kinds of technical discoveries that allow us to master space, computer and nanotechnology, thanks to which we have penetrated into micro- and macrocosm. All this is absolutely indisputable confirmation of the faster evolution of man in comparison with other forms of self-consciousness, but our psychisms are still not much different from the psychisms of primitive people, who seemed to be more like animals than we are. Perhaps the most significant difference between us is the desire for spirituality inherent in people, which many often ignore, perhaps because they misinterpret it. We will talk about it a little later.

In the meantime, let's try to understand the Iissiidiological paradox, which sounds something like this: in order to become real People, we need to go through all the stages of inhuman development. In principle, this is what we are doing now, but unconsciously. In other words, people do not realize their non-Humanity due to what I have already mentioned several times - due to a lack of information, although they are endowed with an innate indicator of Humanity, the name of which is conscience. This is such an inner voice that sometimes haunts us with its obsession and interferes with leading an inhuman lifestyle, which is observed in almost all areas and spheres of our activity. In order not to be unfounded, I will give as an example some of them.

Politics; there is internal and external. With the very definition of policy, everything is fine. In short, this is the sphere of activity of the structural units of the state, which are obliged to comply with their obligations to ensure the external interests of the country and be responsible for observing the conditions of universal human norms of life of their citizens. Naturally, this area is represented by specific people who call themselves politicians, whose duties are precisely to take care not of themselves, but of the well-being of the population of their country. That is, the political structures themselves were created on the basis of Human principles, which were supposed to push politicians to serve people, but our inhuman approach to everything in life has distorted everything beyond recognition, turning the original principles upside down. And now we are seeing a completely different picture: the people are in the service of politicians. And all because politicians, like most of us, have not realized the unconscious, instinctive levels of survival, reproduction and the like, which we call greed, greed, gluttony, duplicity, arrogance, lust for power, debauchery, self-interest, crookedness, deceit , hypocrisy, dexterity, flattering, unbridled, promiscuous - in general, the "consumer basket" of their own dissatisfaction in any form of their manifestation.

To enhance the effect, let's consider such a phenomenon of human activity as art, which in itself is “ a form of creativity, a method of spiritual self-realization of a person through sensory and expressive means (sound, body plastic, drawing, word, color, light, natural material, etc.)". And again we run into the same distortion of the originally Human way of expressing and selfless use of our talents, which should activate in people everything that is purest and brightest, that is, spiritual. At the present time, many talented people of art have succumbed to their unconscious instincts and, as a result, have highlighted the already familiar qualities of greed, greed, gluttony, duplicity, arrogance, lust for power, debauchery, self-interest, crookedness, deceit, hypocrisy, dexterity, flattering , unbridled, illegible, etc.

This is not a criticism of humanity, it is a simple statement of the facts of our inhumanity, in which we cognize ourselves and the reality around us. And of course, in our society there are people who, under no circumstances will be able to enter into a deal with their conscience, which at first glance is unprofitable, as a rule, from a material point of view, but in the long term such people always win, because they showed and altruism, and wisdom, and reason, and intellect.

But in no case should one treat with negativism everything inhuman that still manifests itself in us, humans, because this is not fatality, but a normal process of self-knowledge, without which human evolution would be impossible. For example, how could we empathize with people who are depressed if we didn’t experience it ourselves? Or how can we approach forgiveness and not condemn a person who, in spite of the prohibitions and the likelihood of punishment, still cannot refrain from material gain, if we do not have an understanding of the deep reasons for this person's lack of such experience. Knowing about the nature of the manifestation of the unconscious in the self-consciousness of people, it is easier to forgive any other person. So - bit by bit, grain by grain, we collect and continue to collect invaluable experience of our yet non-Human existence for many millennia, passing it on from generation to generation, so that sometime in the Future - to realize ourselves as real People.

So why, you ask, wait so long when already now, having learned that there is a Human direction of development and its signs, we are able to start consciously adhering to the chosen path ?! For this, as I have already mentioned, it is necessary to learn a lot and awaken in oneself an irresistible desire to become a Human. This is not fast, because you will have to overcome the layer of certain ideas about the surrounding reality, accumulated over many centuries by our ancestors and transmitted to us, about the surrounding reality and about the place we, people, occupy in it. It is not so easy to do this, because we have already got used to existing ideas and, most importantly, they are familiar to us and more or less understandable (as we think!), And everything new is always unknown and frightening. Remember, at the beginning of the article, giving a brief description of Issiidiology, I mentioned that this concept describes the principle of immortality of any form of self-awareness. So, in my opinion, our fear of death is connected precisely with the fact that at the moment of death, which is the greatest illusion, we are faced with the unknown. But now is not about that.

« Spirituality is a property of the soul, consisting in the predominance of spiritual, moral and intellectual interests over material».

I think that in this definition we are talking about the predominance of intuitive (sensory) perception over rational (material). Let me remind myself once again about Issiidiology, in which these two philosophical categories of our self-consciousness are not opposed to each other, but, on the contrary, only in such a combination of their interaction is Man able to manifest his truly spiritual nature. In other words, neglecting materiality (including its financial aspect), we abandon the centuries-old experience of human development, which provided us with opportunities for development that are incomparable with the conditions even just a hundred years ago.

But the debate about what is more important, spirituality or materiality, continues to this day ... But imagine that this is a single whole, which in no way can be considered in separation. Why? Because both spirituality and materiality are information, and we share it only in our systems of subjective perception. That is, the same information is in a mode accessible to all, and each of us uses it depending on his cognitive need, either through a sensory experience of the surrounding reality, or through the prism of rational materialism. Therefore, the concept of spirituality cannot be considered only from the position of sensory perception, otherwise some kind of human "semi-finished product" will turn out, and then there can be no talk of any Human direction of development.

We - people - have no other choice but to become Human! Otherwise, we will perceive everything in separation for a long time, which contributes to the activation of our unconscious (animal) levels of aggression. But in the end we will still come, of course, to an understanding of the need for unification - it's only a pity if we lose time! For this (for unification), we need more reliable knowledge of how to learn how to manipulate our - Human - qualities in our own self-consciousness, that is, to become at the same time feeling wisely and intellectually developed.

People have already developed enough sensuality (the proof is the centuries-old preservation of religious perception of many aspects of our life), but for the intellectual part of our self-consciousness we need arguments confirming not only the rationality of following in the Human direction, but also evidence of the "benefit" that (we, unfortunately , while they are so arranged) if we do not realize, then we will not accept. But there is a “benefit”, only prolonged in time, because we live in inertia.

In confirmation of the inertia of our development, everyone can recall an example from his own life, when something "bad" happened to him. This caused bewilderment, especially when it was in this period of our life that we devoted ourselves to achieving spirituality, for example, and expected only "good". And naturally, we did not understand why we were in such unfavorable circumstances, tormented by questions of this kind: they say, why did I do all this or how did I deserve it? Yes, not for anything, and did not deserve anything, but simply in this way our earlier made elections "catch up" with us. That is, once we very powerfully invested in something mentally and sensually, and now, after a certain period of time, we are reaping the fruits of our ignorance, in the form of an already manifested result.

Our choices, which we make on the basis of intellectual wisdom, are subject to the same inertia. The expected result does not appear immediately, but it will certainly be and, what is most interesting, we may not even notice it, because we will be concentrated on a completely different interest. People are strangely arranged: for good, from our point of view, deeds, give us a reward right away, and for the rest - you can not rush. Impatience, in my opinion, is one of our main ailments, overcoming which will present us with completely unexpected gifts in life.

Those who are in business know that first it is necessary to invest in the business and only then can you expect profit - even an element of risk prediction is provided. In other words, in order to organize any business, you need to spend a lot of time and effort (mental and sensory contribution), and only then you can receive dividends - then it is perceived as absolutely normal. And to commit, contrary to reason, some unexpected act that is unprofitable from a financial point of view, but at the same time not to feel remorse afterwards and sleep well, we often cannot, because we do not see the benefit. Simply put, we often have a choice: “either a tit in the hand, or a pie in the sky,” and the refusal of something is associated with a loss forever (material, temporary). But this is an illusion, since by reaching another level of Human perception, we expand our intuitive and material capabilities.

The inability to listen to the voice of conscience as a source of intuition, which we ignore and accordingly limit our perception, ultimately leads to the fact that we lose not only the spiritual, but often also the material. But we do not know how to draw the relationship between a disdainful attitude to conscience and financial loss, which proves our still intellectual and vital inconsistency. Therefore, you need to learn to analyze and model the consequences of your actions and your choices - this is no less exciting and "profitable", as it turns out, an occupation than a business. Moreover, for this we have enough time, given our eternal existence.

The topic of immortality, which was already discussed above, is one of the main topics in Iissiidiology, so I want to pay a little attention to it. Immortality, moreover, conscious, is directly related to the Human direction of development.

So, the one who is already a little familiar with the scientific theories of the many-worlds and the existence of the multiverse, and even more so, their interpretations in esoteric literature, in which the topic of parallel worlds (realities) has become familiar, there is no need to convince that our current existence - not once, that is, there are other our personal interpretations that are manifested in many other variants of our life creativity. Iissiidiology is in solidarity with scientific theories and esoteric works in this, but there is a very significant difference. She claims that all our incarnations in parallel worlds, other realities, civilizations, universes, in the past and in the future, exist simultaneously and simultaneously, that is, in one moment of eternity.

And since we (naturally not exactly who we now perceive ourselves to be) are present everywhere and everywhere, then at the so-called "death", at the same moment, only a change of form occurs, and mental-sensory processes, the basis of which is information, continue exist, but in a more updated version. That is why our soul is immortal. But, as I understand it, the soul also cannot exist without the one who perceives it, therefore Iissiidiological information does not contradict, but only complements in more detail the already known fact of the soul's immortality.

Some of the readers may rightly object to me: “ Well, why should I know about immortality if I can neither touch it, nor realize it ?!". I doubt about touching, but I think it is possible to realize it, but on one condition - it is necessary to adhere to the Human direction of development. And not from time to time, but consciously try to stabilize your choices in this direction, for which it is necessary, as you probably remember, to analyze your internal states for their impact on the people around you (modeling). And to those who are not interested in the Human path or seem too complicated, they, in principle, do not lose anything, except for their Human essence, to which they will come anyway later (unfortunately, the duration of the time period necessary for this cannot be determined). Well, who is interested, then welcome to the society of researchers of the Human direction of development - the society of Humans!

As a child, I loved reading about pioneers and dreamed of sea voyages full of surprises, breathtaking, and when I grew up, I was a little upset, realizing that almost everything had already been discovered and mastered. But now I, like each of you who have not forgotten how to dream, have a real opportunity to become the pioneers of the Human direction of development, which will also require us to overcome difficulties, and disappointment, and patience, and endurance, and the joy of discovering in ourselves and in other new qualitative transformations and promising horizons of knowledge - success to all of us on this path!

Tell people pleasant things about Them Themselves
And let's not use the word "compliments" in this regard.
This word - so unlucky for him - now has a hypocritical flair:
it is now more often used not in its direct meaning, but in this one:
"Kind words spoken for personal gain"
Will not work.

Because this is manipulation.
That is, this way of influencing people, which is generally unacceptable.
Because every person is a great and sacred value.
Not a puppet.
To become such a person, you - get ready - you will need to develop 2 very important skills in yourself:

Skill 1:
Look not through people, but directly at them.

Skill 2:
Find in people even those qualities and traits that they themselves do not even know about.
And that's all.
Having developed these two skills in yourself, you will automatically become a person,
who just do not want to refuse.
And this amazing secret will help you with this:

Every person is God!

... To be honest, I never understood why this is a secret for many - after all
that is what the Main Books of all religions are about.

This message (and in fact, a reminder)
is transmitted on almost every page of them - and just this message, unlike others,
NOT encrypted at all.

Do you need to be convinced that you - YOU PERSONALLY - are the essence of divine energy?
If you still need to, then this: you will definitely be convinced of this when, keeping in mind
"Every person is God", you start looking at people
who constantly surrounds you, or with whom you briefly meet.

And just this world is the real one.

This phenomenon - vision clearing - is very easy to explain.
You (and me, and all people in the world) can perceive the world in two ways:
⚫ Through your physical shell (through the senses)
⚫ Or its core.

And you, of course, know that.
How do you know that when you feel good at heart, then you see wider - much
you see more: both in the panorama and in its details.

But perception through the senses does not give such a vision - that is why
such a limited overview: only in pinpoint and insufficiently intelligible fragments.

So strive to look around with your core - it's not just more interesting,
it is much more practical! After all, this way you get many times more information,
than only through the senses - and from this little remains incomprehensible.
And don't put it off.

Sit down and rewrite all the people you are with today
(or tomorrow) will have to communicate.
Keeping awake
"Every person is God",
write next to each name 2-3 qualities (traits),
who you like about these people.
Special attention to those people with whom you have ...
let's say, it doesn't work out very well.

Next to their names, also write 2-3 qualities (traits),
which you like.

Or like this: don't write anything about them,
but close your eyes and imagine them one by one in a bright sheaf of light.
Throw light on every person - bathe in him.

Just take your time: let these people stay in your energy for at least 1 minute.
Please let them do it. Do this good deed - you can:
you have an unlimited supply of this colossal healing energy.
Don't forget about your loved ones. And even so: start with loved ones.
List their good qualities and traits - and bathe them
in its energy of light.
And then like that.
Go and chat. Just don't switch to limited vision, okay?
Look at people from your core.
Knowledge will help you in this, which is no longer a secret for you.
So when interacting with people (even fleeting), tell yourself mentally:
"Before me is God"
Only this is what.
Do not be embarrassed that many people do not really allow
perceive yourself as a manifestation of God.
Therefore, looking at such people, just remember: you know
but they are not. This is the whole point - in their confusion.

Those people who do not arouse sympathy by their external manifestation,
just succumbed to the haze on the topic:
“You are sinful (ie dirty) from birth to the funeral” - they live under it.
And they do not even suspect that this is only a haze, an evil suggestion.

And just YOU can become the person who will remove this suggestion.
For this, all you need is to tell such people about
HOW do you see them from your core.
And in conclusion - hold: this
I got this secret from my professor.
Many years have passed, and I clearly remember that moment.

There was an exam, I have already answered both the ticket and additional questions - and I waited,
when will the professor give me a grade. And he sat and, with his hands folded on my closed record book,
looked out the window. It seemed to me that a whole eternity had passed - for so long he looked detachedly out the window.
Finally, he handed me the record book and said very quietly:

“The more people you
you can help, the closer you are to God "

There was an A in the student's record-book, but my soul was not singing because of this.
I was given ... no, NOT parting words. I was given a key to myself.

Now I am giving this key to you.
Take this key and reveal them to people.
You can do it. By its very nature, you can.
All the best to you!
Marta Nikolaeva-Garina

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How often do we ask ourselves the question of how to become human? If you think about this topic, it can get a little sad. After all, a person is not just an individual in a human body and in clothes. A person is a person, a worthy citizen and a member of society. Consider how difficult it is to become human.

In order to become human, you need to think about this issue as early as possible. It is not for nothing that there is a proverb: "Take care of honor from a young age." Indeed, from childhood, adolescence, one should be attentive to this issue. Elder and experienced people should be treated with respect. You need to be able to be merciful and be able to maintain balance in difficult moments of life.
In order to become human, you cannot feel sorry for yourself. You need to love to work, be able to set goals and try to achieve them. A person should be able to build relationships with friends and strangers. Be polite, kind, reasonable and wise. Although it can be very difficult at times.

In any case, a person is distinguished from all other earthly creatures by the presence of a mind and the ability to think, weigh and learn. Even if it is based on your mistakes. Let us all try to be human and remain human in any situation.

Several interesting compositions

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  • Analysis of Gorky's story Konovalov composition

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  • The image and characteristics of Vaska Ashes in the play At the Bottom of Gorky composition

    In the play "At the Bottom" by Gorky, various characters are involved, who have ended up in Kostylev's shelter for various reasons. People who once had a certain status, belonging to different social strata, and now they are simply outcasts who have sunk to the bottom of life

  • Review of the poem Vasily Terkin Tvardovsky

    The theme of the Great Patriotic War is reflected in the best possible way in the poem "Vasily Terkin" by A.T. Tvardovsky. Literally in each chapter of this work, a different front-line episode is displayed

  • Before, people dreamed a lot. We dreamed of flying like birds, moving quickly, or simply making our life easier. But time passed, and dreams turned into reality.

Why can't everyone be a Human?

We are all people, but not every one of us is a Human with a capital "H", this is not a misprint. Only a part of Russians can boast of their humanity and philanthropy, and it is from this that you can understand what kind of person you are. Why not everyone can call himself a Man with his head held high? Because he does not keep in his heart to people, is not ready to put up with other people's vices and shortcomings that can annoy, does not understand why others and help them. You can list without interruption, but why just write something that almost everyone already knows about.

The interesting thing is: each person can see shortcomings in himself, name them, but not say a word about the shortcomings of his friends, relatives, acquaintances and unfamiliar people. But a simple person will always say what everyone is around, point out to them and the interlocutors about the shortcomings, but forget that he himself has his own shortcomings, or considers them completely insignificant in comparison with the shortcomings of others. Hence it becomes clear that not every person can become a Human! However, if you want to change, then all this is within your power, you just have to take a closer look at others for the presence of advantages and to yourself for the presence of shortcomings.

How to become a real Human.

It’s not hard to be a man, they only need a rule that will not turn you into an animal, but will leave you at the level of a Human. First you need to learn to be honest with yourself and others. This is not only human, but also easier for life, you do not have to remember what you lied about and what you hid.

What should be included here:

  • do not lie to people (even for the good),
  • do not hide what may be important and what you consider not important to yourself,
  • do not be fooled, do not be deceived in relation to people,
  • do not forget to repay debts if you have to borrow.

What else says about you as a Human, how to become a Human? This is politeness. Try to talk to people in a way that would be pleasant to you, otherwise you will not be able to become more human. Politeness is the ability not to "poke your nose" into your own business, to answer correctly, to talk politely, to feel the difference in age, gender, significance, etc. Try to greet first, and not wait for someone to greet you, let the elderly go ahead, hold them doors, give a hand if necessary to girls, women, children and the elderly, so that it is more convenient for them to descend the stairs, even if you are unfamiliar, give up a seat in public transport to those in need.

It is important to become human, to be hardworking. Without labor, you not only become stupider and lose your good appearance, but you also stop appreciating life, people and the work of others. Try to work as long as your health allows, do not count the years until retirement. Work is important for a Human, so as not to perish, in order to “bloom”.

And charming. Know how to listen to people, be able to tell your story correctly, be able to laugh where necessary and remain silent where required. Smile more often, a smile reveals the potential of kindness and humanity in you.

The word "person" has at least two meanings. On the one hand, we call any human being a human. On the other hand, when we say: “Be you human!”, We put a special moral meaning into the word “human”. “To be human” means “to be a good person, a real person”.
Pupils of the third - fourth grades in November read a fascinating and instructive fairy tale by Selma Lagerlöf "The Wonderful Journey of Niels with Wild Geese" on the occasion of the 155th anniversary of the writer's birthday.
Selma Lagerlöf was born in the Swedish province of Värmland. After graduating from high school and seminary in Stockholm, she began to work as a teacher. During her long life she wrote many novels, short stories and plays. In 1906, the first volume of her famous book The Amazing Journey of Niels Holgerson with Wild Geese in Sweden was published, written as a geography textbook for Swedish schoolchildren.
Here is how a 4th grade student Anastasia Modenova says about the story she read: “I read the kind and wise tale“ The Journey of Niels with Wild Geese ”by the famous Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf, who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1909. The author in this exciting book introduces us to the wonderful natural world of Switzerland. I learned a lot from the geography, history and culture of this country. Especially dear to me is the main character of the fairy tale - the boy Nils, who was turned into a tiny man by a dwarf and who received an amazing gift: to understand the language of animals and birds. This story is so interesting that, without even noticing, I found myself on the back of Martin's goose together with Niels, in a flock of geese, led by the wise old Akka Knebekais. This happened, probably because I wanted to experience incredible, extraordinary adventures with them, full of dangers. And yet, I realized that this is not just an exciting journey, but the formation of a boy's personality. Having overcome many difficulties on the way to wonderful Lapland, Niels learns what real friendship is, kindness and the ability to empathize awakens in him. I am becoming sympathetic to the hero, because, protecting and saving his fabulous friends, he becomes brave, honest, true to his word.
The fairy tale made me think about kindness, patience and generosity to all people, my loved ones, as well as to our native nature. "
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