Outlast 2 computer freezes. Necessary files, drivers and libraries. Incorrect keyboard layout

Below full list all available graphics settings in the options menu. If you are having performance issues, please read carefully. Recommendations from developers are provided.

Monitor display resolution.

  • The native display resolution is marked as .
  • Any resolution that matches the native aspect ratio will be marked as .

Texture quality
Texture resolution. Very High V original form, without reduction. All settings below will reduce them. Trying to use larger textures than your RAM/VRAM can handle can result in poor performance.

  • On systems with Direct3D 10, this setting should be set to "Low" or lower.
  • On systems that have 1GB VRAM or less, the setting will be limited to "Medium" or lower.

Texture filtering
Anisotropic filtering, from 1x to 16x. Your graphics card may limit filtering to a lower value if higher values ​​are not supported.

Shadow quality
Controls the resolution of shadows. Higher values ​​will require more resources from your graphics card. On systems with Direct3D 10, this setting should be set to "Low".

  • Low: Shadows will be half the resolution (512).
  • Medium: Default resolution shadows (1024).
  • High: Double the shadow resolution (2048).

Geometry quality
Controls the detail and range of drawing objects. Using the "High" setting will likely put more pressure on your CPU. On systems with a weak CPU (central processing unit), it is recommended to set this setting to “Medium” or “Low”.

  • Low: Objects will more often use the low-poly version of models.
  • Medium: Balanced draw distance.
  • High: Detail and drawing distance of objects are significantly increased.

The "High" setting will put a lot of pressure on the GPU, but the difference in image quality will be negligible. Do not use the "High" setting unless you have a modern graphics card. Systems running Direct3D 10.0 will be forced to use a lower quality version of fog.

  • Medium: Good balance of performance and quality.
  • High: Softer 3D effects and slightly less shimmer in the fog, the difference is subtle.

Controls various other effects. When set to "High", effects such as skin shading and Parallax occlusion mapping are enabled. Systems with Direct3D 10 will be forced to use the "Low" setting.

The smoothing method, both are quite economical in resource consumption. We recommend always using "Temporal".

  • FXAA: Fast approximate anti-aliasing.
  • Temporal: Temporal smoothing.

Enables motion blur.

V- Sync
Enables V-Sync (Vertical Sync). Running without Vsync may result in tearing effect, but will allow you to play at frame rate regardless of the screen refresh rate.

To specify the maximum frame rate when running without V-Sync, see the "Advanced INI File Options" section below.

Please note that when playing in windowed mode, it is likely that Windows will force V-sync. It's also possible that different versions Windows behave differently.

Full Screen
Switch between full screen and windowed modes. You can use ALT-ENTER at any time to switch between window/full screen.

To use borderless mode, see the "Advanced INI File Options" section below.

Triple buffering
Enables triple buffering. Triple buffering can allow you to run V-Sync without tearing and at frame rates that are relatively independent of your monitor (not locked to 30 or 60, for example). This comes at the cost of higher input latency.

  • Resolution: 1920x1080
  • Texture quality: Very High
  • Texture filtering: 1x (or slightly higher)
  • Shadow quality: Medium
  • Geometry Quality: Medium
  • Fog: Medium
  • Antialiasing: Temporal
  • Effects: High

Direct3D 10

If your graphics card does not support Direct3D 11 (Shader Model 5.0), some graphics options will be disabled and the game will run at lower quality.

To determine if your graphics card supports Direct3D 11, check the "Graphics API" value in your graphics settings. If you think your graphics card supports Direct3D 11, but the game detects it as a Direct3D 10 adapter, update your graphics drivers.

Additional INI file options(for advanced users only)

Some additional options are available when editing various INI files. Modify these files at your own risk, and remember that some combinations of settings may result in graphical artifacts and crashes. All INI files are located in the folder:
%userprofile%\Documents\My Games\Outlast2\OLGame\Config

Chromatic aberration
You can disable the chromatic aberration effect by setting “AllowChromaticAberration” in “OLSystemSettings.ini” to “False”.

Borderless mode
If you want to play in borderless mode, you can set the “UseBorderlessFullscreen” option to “True” in the “OLSystemSettings.ini” file.

Unlocked frame rate
If you are gaming without V-Sync, at a refresh rate higher than your monitor's refresh rate, you can change the "MaxSmoothedFrameRate" in "OLEngine.ini". The game will check this setting and the monitor's refresh rate, choosing the highest value.

Sync Interval
If the framerate jumps significantly (say from 30 to 60 FPS), then it may be preferable to simply lock it at 30 FPS. This can be done by setting "SyncInterval" in "OLSystemSettings.ini". For example, a SyncInterval of 2 will update V-Sync every 2 frames on your screen, causing the game to run at 30 FPS if your monitor supports 60Hz.

Unsupported Features

SLI and Crossfire technologies are not supported. The game will run, but should not show any performance improvements.

NVIDIA G-SYNC and AMD FreeSync technologies are also not supported.


Playstation 4 / Xbox One
Both console versions are identical and run at 1080p at 60 frames per second. Sometimes the resolution may be lowered a bit in a graphically intensive scene, but it will never drop below 936p.

Playstation 4 Pro
The PS4 Pro version of Outlast 2 will run differently depending on whether your console is connected to a 1080p or 4K display:

  • When connected to a 4K TV, the game will run at 1440p at 60 frames per second. Almost all other settings will be the same as the base PS4. Resolution can sometimes be reduced a bit in a graphically intensive scene, but will never go below 1260p
  • When connected to a 1080p TV, the game will run at 1080p at 60fps, but will use higher quality texture filtering (8x) and more a high resolution shadows than the base PS4 (equivalent to the "High" shadow setting on PC). The resolution never changes, no matter how saturated the scenes are.

Characteristics of my computer.

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6550@ 2.33GHz
OS version:
Windows 7 (64 bit)
Video card:
Model: ATI Radeon HD 4770 Main. video memory: 512 MB
RAM: 2047 MB

Characteristics of OUTLAST 2.

Minimum System Requirements

Processor: Core i3-530
HDD: 30 GB hard disk space
Video card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 260 / ATI Radeaon HD 4xxx with 1GB memory

DirectX version: 10
Also: Keyboard, mouse

Recommended System Requirements
Operating system: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10, 64-bits
Processor: Intel Core i5
HDD: 30 GB hard disk space
Video card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 660 / ATI Radeon HD 7850 with 1.5GB memory
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX version: 11
Also: Keyboard, mouse

Preparing for launch.

Clean your PC of unnecessary files (I recommend CCleaner cleaning).
Install a swap file. To do this, go to the control panel, system, additional system parameters, performance, additionally, virtual memory - change, mine is 6000.
We improve performance. 1) to do this, go to the control panel, system, additional system parameters, performance, support. best performance.2) press start, enter run in the search, enter msconfig, go to download, add. parameters, incl. all percent, then go to startup and turn off. everything except the video card and operating system.

OUTLAST 2 launch options.

How do you set the launch option(s)?
Go to the library (Steam), right-click. mouse on OUTLAST 2, go to properties, set launch parameters.
Here are all the commands to run (you can write the commands together):
-novid - removes the splash screen with the engine (allows you to speed up loading)
-w 640 -h 480 - will launch the game with a screen resolution of 640x480 pixels (optional)
-full - will launch the game in full screen mode
-window - launch the game in windowed mode
-noborder - will launch the game in windowed mode without a border
-dxlevel 81 - to use DirectX 8.1
-dxlevel 90 - to use DirectX 9
-heapsize 262144 - allocates 512MB of RAM for the game
-heapsize 524288 - allocates 1GB of RAM for the game
-heapsize 1048576 - allocates 2GB of RAM for the game
-noaafonts - to disable screen font smoothing

1.What should I do if the game crashes and won’t let me exit?

To do this, enter in the launch parameters (see table of contents above)
-novid -w 640 -h 480 -window -dxlevel 90
The -dxlevel 90 command only works for all versions of DirectX except DirectX 8.1.
It's also worth checking for updates - most modern games have a system for automatically installing new patches.

2.Outlast 2 won't start.

To start, you need to switch to the game manually. To do this, press the Alt+Tab key combination. By clicking it, you can see your active applications. Pressing the combination repeatedly allows you to switch between them. We saw Outlast 2 and then release Alt, after which the video splash screen and the main menu will finally appear on the monitor.

3. Increase FPS.

First of all, turn off anti-aliasing and try lowering the post-processing settings.
Also, make sure you have the latest video drivers. Also try changing your monitor's refresh rate. If you are using 120Hz, try running the game at 60Hz.
Next, set the game's priority to high in the task manager.
Also, go to the Nvidia or AMD control panel, go to "Manage 3D Settings" and set it to maximum performance.
To enable Borderless mode, you need to find the UseBorderlessFullscreen option and set the value to True.
Go to C:/Users/Username/Documents/My Games/Outlast2/OLGame/Config and open the OLEngine.ini file. After which, do the following:
- Find the line "bSmoothFrameRate" and change the value to "true"
- Find the line "MinSmoothedFrameRate" and change the value to "0"
- Find the line "MaxSmoothedFrameRate" and change the value to "0"

Fans popular game Outlast 2 have already appreciated all the charm gameplay. However, in addition to the good side, there are also various problems that users have to face both during the game and before it starts, during the installation and configuration process. If it happens that the game Outlast 2 does not install, does not start, or freezes, slows down, or a black screen appears, or other problems arise during the game, in particular, Outlast 2 does not save, controls do not work or there is no sound in the game, Here we will look at the main causes of problems and errors, as well as ways to eliminate them.

Outlast 2 won't install

Outlast 2 System Requirements

Before installing Outlast 2 on your computer, you should check the system requirements provided by the game developers. Remember that for the game to work correctly, at least the minimum requirements must be met. However, in some cases, even minimal settings may not be enough. In this case, you will either have to abandon the game or increase the performance of your computer.

Minimum Featured
OS: Windows Vista 64-bit Windows 7 64-bit
CPU: Intel Core i3-530 2.90 GHz
AMD Phenom II X3 715
Intel Core i5-760 2.80 GHz
AMD FX-8100 2.80 GHz
Video card:

nVidia GeForce GTX 260 1 Gb
AMD Radeon HD 4870 1 Gb

nVidia GeForce GTX 660 1.50 Gb
AMD Radeon HD 7850 1.50 Gb

RAM: 4 Gb 8 Gb
Free disk space: 30 Gb 30 Gb
Download DirectX

Of course, we won’t throw away the game, but we will work on the preliminary settings. In this regard, we will check our PC for compliance with the simplest requirements. So if Outlast 2 won't install, let's see if there is enough free space on your hard drive to install the game. The distribution requires free disk space, so a few gigabytes of extra space will not hurt. Also, you should keep in mind that various games require a significant amount of free space, up to 100 GB and above.

Outlast 2 installation blocked by antivirus program

Often, anti-virus programs, in the fight against viruses, protecting our computer from external threats, block for security purposes numerous processes executable by the operating system. Sometimes such security is so strong that it begins to block access not only to viruses, but also to suspend some normal processes, perhaps by mistake, considering them potentially vulnerable. Hence the conclusion: disable your antivirus while installing Outlast 2.

Cleaning your computer and rebooting

Sometimes, a simple system reboot can immediately solve many problems that arise both during the installation of games and their subsequent operation. The same applies to various programs and applications. There are many reasons, as already mentioned: the computer is clogged with various types of garbage, including an overflow of the system cache, extremely permissible quantity simultaneously running processes, some of which may be frozen and not executed, but the load on the system is not bad at all. In this case, .

Internet access

Some game clients, during the installation process, require access to the Internet, providing access to the installation or update server. In this case, it is necessary make sure the Internet is working.

Outlast 2 won't launch

Before you look for reasons why Outlast 2 won't launch, you need to make sure that the installation of the game itself was successful. Otherwise, if during the installation process on the computer any failures or errors were observed, but at the same time the game was installed, it is still impossible to guarantee the subsequent launch and operation of the game with maximum accuracy. If the game starts, you're lucky. However, what will happen next is unknown.

Reinstalling the game

Surely, many gamers have encountered a situation or, as you might call it, a cause or effect associated with reinstalling a game. That is, if the game installed normally, but does not want to start, reinstalling it can fix the problem. It is unknown what this is connected with, perhaps the antivirus or firewall “ate” some files or something else during installation, but after installing the game again, it becomes fully functional. Thus, delete the game and install it again, paying attention to every detail of the installation. Perhaps at some point the installation program will ask for some files, etc.

Searching for information by error text

Another option, it is not described in this article, but as such little secret, which everyone knows about, we’ll add that an error when starting Outlast 2 is usually accompanied by a corresponding system message. So, in this case, it would be true enter the text of such an error in the search, as a result of which you will receive the most detailed answer, and, moreover, concerning this specific error. This is how you will accurately determine the cause and, as a result, find a solution.

Computer news, reviews, computer problem solving, computer games, drivers and devices and other computer programs." title="programs, drivers, problems with the computer, games" target="_blank">!}

Run Outlast 2 as Administrator

As an alternative, you can run the game as an administrator. That is, in our case, so that run Outlast 2 as administrator, you need to right-click on the game shortcut and select Run as administrator. If this method helps solve the problem so that the error does not occur later, set run as administrator by default for this game. To do this, open the Shortcut Properties, in the Compatibility tab, check the box Run this program as administrator.

Game compatibility issue

Another obstacle to launching Outlast 2 may be the game's incompatibility with your operating system. In this case, still there, in the Shortcut Properties, you need to add a checkbox Run the program in compatibility mode for:, and select the desired OS from the drop-down list.

Availability of .NET Framework libraries

Also, a very serious problem with launching Outlast 2 is the lack of the .NET Framework library installed on the computer, which ensures the launch and maintains the functionality of almost all programs and applications, including games. This is a prerequisite and Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that there are different versions of the .NET Framework library, and therefore the presence of any one of them on the computer cannot sufficiently guarantee correct work games.

Availability of DirectX

And, of course, perhaps the most important condition, a requirement that is necessary for absolutely all games, including Outlast 2, installed DirectX. Without it, no game will work. Currently, almost all distributions that in one way or another require DirectX installed already include this set. Typically, DirectX is automatically installed with the game. However, if it is missing, you need to download and install it. It is not necessary to do this before installing the game, you can do it after installation, but installing DirectX on your computer is a must.

Outlast 2 freezes

Video card problem in Outlast 2

The reason why many computer games, including Outlast 2, freeze is due to the video card not meeting its minimum requirements. For gamers, the video card is the main tool, the main success or disappointment. If your weak video card, then no updates, no drivers, and the like will help you. To achieve maximum effect and enjoy the game, A reasonable remedy would be to think about purchasing a more modern, stronger video card. The downside of this method can be a significant financial investment, since high-quality graphics and gaming at maximum settings are not a cheap pleasure, and buying a good video card can cost a pretty penny.

Installing and updating the video card driver

But don't despair. In order for the game to run more or less well on the computer, you can solve the problem even with a regular average video card; you can configure it, and also check all the necessary computer parameters to ensure a comfortable game. If your video card is more or less modern, then It is mandatory to have the latest drivers. Fortunately, you can download and install them completely free of charge from the manufacturer’s official website. After installing the drivers, as a rule, if you have an AMD or nVidia video card, then special software is downloaded along with them, which is installed on the computer, and thanks to which you can control various game settings.

Outlast 2 slows down

Let's return to the problems described above, related, so to speak, to poor installation of the game. If there were any problems, it is quite possible that the game will often cause slowdowns, lags and other errors in the future.

Outlast 2 slows down due to unnecessary processes

If the game Outlast 2 slows down, you can also check the operating system load. Any game itself requires significant resources to play and work correctly. Outlast 2 is no exception. If in this moment, in addition to the game, there are other processes running on the system, you need to check them and determine how important they are at the moment. As a quick solution, close all unnecessary processes and leave only the most necessary ones. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise you can close everything in the world so that the computer itself simply stops.

Computer news, reviews, solutions to problems with the computer, computer games, drivers and devices and other computer programs." title="programs, drivers, problems with the computer, games" target="_blank">Компьютерная помощь, драйверы, программы, игры!}

Outlast 2 slows down due to weak internet

Another point is Internet access. If the game requires good high-speed Internet, then of course the problem is obvious and, in principle, understandable. Therefore, it is worth thinking about purchasing a more powerful tariff. But there are situations when even with good internet, Outlast 2 is slow. For example, in certain moment an application on the computer has begun updating, for example, an antivirus, not to mention if movies are downloaded along with the game. Or maybe you watched a video, for example about passage of Outlast 2, and played the game at the same time!? Thus, anything will slow down here. Decide one thing: either a movie or a game. And if you need both, then at a minimum the computer must have "thermonuclear" properties. Do you understand what we mean!?

Outlast 2 how to increase fps

Setting up graphics in Outlast 2

High fps or fps is something that is so often lacking in the game. If you are one of such users, then Using maximum graphic settings can greatly affect the FPS of the game and cause various lags, slowdowns, and freezes. On the other hand, If you lower the graphics settings as much as possible, you can significantly increase FPS. By the way, you can control graphics settings not only in the game itself, but also in software your video card.

Video card overclocking tools

To significantly increase fps Outlast 2 Many users use overclocking tools. There are a lot of them on the Internet and it won’t be difficult to find them. For example, to overclock an nVidia video card, you can use the MSI Afterburner utility.

Low FPS due to overheating

Low FPS in Outlast 2 maybe because of CPU overheating, and the video card itself. The above remedies can eliminate this problem, thanks to which you can, for example, set the cooler speed to maximum.

Outlast 2 black screen

If it happened that Outlast 2 gives a black screen, there is a problem, again, with the video card. Check the availability of drivers, namely, whether they are the latest ones. If the manufacturer has produced more than new version, don’t be lazy to waste time - update your video card driver.

Outlast 2 crashes

If the game Outlast 2 crashes to desktop, V in this case It’s worth checking the correct installation of both the game itself and updates, patches, etc. Perhaps the previous update itself contains certain errors. There is little here that depends on the gamer, all questions are for the game developers. If it is possible to reinstall the received updates, do so. In the worst case, reinstall the game itself.

Outlast 2 won't save

Probably the most common cause, according to which Outlast 2 won't save, is incorrect path to save game. What does it mean? This means only one thing - many games refuse to work with Cyrillic. If the folder on your computer with game saves has Cyrillic characters in its path, then Outlast 2 may give an error when saving. Simply put, use the path to the Outlast 2 save folder, only in Latin, without Russian words.

Most problems with saving Outlast 2 occur due to the game being incompatible with the operating system. This fact is most characteristic of the operating room Windows system 7, but perhaps others.

Outlast 2 controls not working

Keyboard or joystick problem

If in Outlast 2 controls not working, there are many reasons. For example, if the control buttons do not respond at all, there may be a problem with the controller or keyboard. Check the connection and, if necessary, restart the device. Sometimes, a game restart is required to complete this procedure.

Sticky keys in game

Often, problems with controlling Outlast 2 can occur due to sticky keys. When several buttons are pressed simultaneously, the system reacts to this in a unique way. What conclusion can be drawn from this? Use joysticks to play.

Incorrect control settings

At the same time, the problem with the controls may lie in the control settings of Outlast 2. Carefully check the control keys and, if necessary, replace them with the ones you need.

Incorrect keyboard layout

Alternatively, you can change keyboard layout. You can do this with a keyboard shortcut Shift + Alt. The fact is that For some reason, controls in some games only work on the English keyboard or vice versa. Experiment.

Outlast 2 no sound

Adjusting Volume Settings

There is one interesting point: if at all, it is understandable, but there are situations when the sound on the computer works, but, for example, in some application, for example in a browser or game, there is no sound. The fact is that the appropriate parameters are not set in the sound card settings. Simply put, if in Outlast 2 no sound, necessary Open Volume Options and check all available settings, paying special attention to our game.

Setting up sound in Outlast 2

If there is no such application in the volume settings, but there is still no sound in Outlast 2, go to the settings of the game itself. Most likely, the main one is disabled or changed somewhere sound device. And further. Very often, and occurs in almost everyone - The game's sound settings have gone wrong or playback devices not defined. In order to solve the problem, restart the game, and if there is a desire and a little time, for greater confidence, restart the system. In many cases this method helps.

This is a little of what you can do and what to look for if you have problems with Outlast 2. There may be something left unsaid, something said incorrectly. If you have any questions about the game, please ask them in the comments. Or, if you have already encountered various kinds of problems and were able to solve them, please share. Perhaps someone is having a similar problem right now, and your solution will help fix the situation. Good luck and have a good game!

The original Outlast was well received by gamers - the game was scary and gave fans of the survival horror genre a good portion of hours of intense gameplay. Since the project went well with the audience, the appearance of a sequel was a matter of time. And now, finally, Outlast 2 has reached release, which means that some users of personal computers have encountered bugs traditional for this platform.

Since Outlast 2 is not a primitive port, you should not expect any particularly serious errors in the game. At the same time, in addition to the relatively short storyline some players complain about a number technical problems, which this material will help you solve.

Obviously, in the near future Red Barrels, based on fan feedback, will release updates and patches that will eliminate most of the bugs, but for now they are relevant, welcome below.

Outlast 2 slows down your computer

Some users have reported that, miraculously, a game that was honestly purchased (not downloaded from torrents) simply freezes either in the settings menu or during playthrough. The only option to solve this problem is to restart your computer.

If you also encounter such a bug, then you should try to disable the maximum number of programs running in the background. Disabling antivirus software may also help.

Kaspersky complains about Outlast 2

Yes, and there are such statements - Kaspersky anti-virus detected virus files in the game folder. If you encounter this problem, then it is most likely a false alarm. As a precaution, it is better to disable Kaspersky Anti-Virus before installation or simply add the Outlast 2 files to the program exception.

Low FPS in Outlast 2

If frame rate in Outlast 2 is becoming a headache for you, make sure your graphics card drivers are updated to the latest version. It didn’t help - you can try changing the monitor’s refresh rate: use 120 Hz, try playing at 60 Hz, the problem may go away on its own. Remember that Outlast 2 is not at all demanding on computer resources.

Outlast 2 crashes on launch

The first thing you need to do is try to do everything that we wrote above, including disabling the antivirus before installing the game. If the problem is not resolved, you will have to check the game files via Steam.

Error when starting Outlast 2

If, when you start the game, an error appears about the loss of a file, then, most likely, the antivirus was corrupted and deleted some files of the game, either when you installed it or when you launched it. In this case, you should pause the antivirus and add files to the exception. It didn’t help - reinstall the game with the antivirus disabled.

Released today Outlast 2 on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. And after the release, many players encountered a number of problems. If you have Outlast 2 low FPS? Doesn't start? Black screen? Does it slow down? No sound? Saves not working? Gives an error message? Crashes to desktop? Read the solution to all these problems in our article.

And it’s clear that first you need to make sure that your iron horse is not outdated and meets the minimum or recommended requirements Outlast 2 on PC. Acquainted with system requirements maybe a little lower:

Minimum System Requirements
Processor: Intel Core i5-2400S 2.5 GHz or AMD FX-4320 4 GHz
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX660 or AMD R9 270X 2GB
Hard disk: 50 GB

Recommended system requirements
OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i7- 3770@ 3.5 GHz or AMD FX-8350 @ 4 GHz
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX970/GTX 1060 or AMD R9 390/RX480 4 GB
Hard disk: 50 GB

We looked, if everything is fine, but it still slows down, then below you can read the most important problems Outlast 2 and their decisions.

Outlast 2 is slow. Low FPS. Frisit. Lags

If Outlast 2 slows down or shows low level FPS, then first of all we advise you to reinstall the video card drivers, this can significantly increase FPS in Outlast 2. Also, if necessary, install latest version Microsoft Visual C++ 2010, DirectX and Microsoft Net framework.

If all of the above did not help in any way, and you still experience low FPS and slowdown in the game, then change the graphics settings when you first start it. First of all, disable anti-aliasing, and lower the detail and draw distance settings in Outlast 2. You can also disable post-processing settings, most often they require a lot of PC resources, and disabling them will significantly increase the game performance and will not greatly affect the quality of the picture.

It is also worth downloading the first day patch after installing the game and updating the game before launching. Perhaps this will help you avoid most of the problems.

Outlast 2 won't launch. Takes off

Most often, problems with launching the game arise due to incorrect or incorrect installation. Make sure there are no errors during installation. If errors occur during the installation of Outlast 2, cancel it and start the installation again, first disabling the antivirus. You also need to remember that you should not have Cyrillic characters in the path to the game installation folder. Use only letters and numbers.

After installation, run the game as Administrator.

Black screen in Outlast 2

If you see a black screen after launching Outlast 2, try switching the game to windowed mode by pressing the key combination Alt+Enter. Then go back to full screen mode by pressing these key combinations again.

Black screens in games are most often caused by GPU issues. Make sure that your video card meets the minimum requirements for the game that we described above, and also update your video card driver.

There is no Russian language in Outlast 2

Officially, Outlast 2 has been completely translated into Russian. So it is not recommended to download a third-party cracker. If you don't have Russian in the game, try changing the language in the game settings menu. If there is no option to select the Russian language, then reinstall the game with the antivirus disabled.

Outlast 2 crashes to desktop

Outlast 2 saves not working

If your game saves do not work, or the game does not save, make sure that you have enough disk space where the game save folder is located, most often this is drive “C” - the drive with the installed OC. Also make sure that the path to the save folder has only Latin letters.

Outlast 2 no sound

Before launch Outlast 2 Make sure the other program has sound. After that, look to see if the sound is turned off in the game settings and whether the correct device for sound playback is selected there. Next, you should open the mixer while the game is running and check if the sound there is turned off.

If you have an external sound card, update the drivers for it, and then install the game.

This is our selection of solutions for problems with performance and launch of Outlast 2 has come to an end, we will definitely update the article new information. Stay with us in the coming days, we have prepared a lot of interesting things about this game for you.

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