Easter eggs in a basket pencil drawings. Let's create together: how to draw Easter and what else you can draw for Easter

Options simple drawings for Easter with children.

Simple beautiful drawings with children for Easter: from simple to complex methods, drawings with a simple pencil or paints.

The end of Lent and the anticipation of the brightest and most joyful holiday evoke in the hearts of Orthodox Christians an extraordinary state that cannot be explained.

Enthusiastic feelings and a sublime feeling of grace on bright Easter days emphasize special holiday rituals.

Preparations for Easter begin early. Christians pray and cleanse themselves spiritually and physically. Congratulate on this important event You can send your sincere warm congratulations to your loved ones using your own Easter-themed drawing.

Children also look forward to Easter, during which the days are filled with special fun, games, entertainment and gifts.

Children can make some of these symbolic gifts with their own hands: for example, draw beautiful pictures with Easter cakes, colored eggs and willow branches.

Let's try to draw a picture for Easter. by using step by step photos You will master the basics of drawing by Easter, and will be able to present the result of your creativity to your family and friends.

We will draw Easter cake- traditional Easter pastries, which are a symbol of God's presence in this world and his care for all people.

For the drawing you will need:

  • blank sheet of paper
  • simple pencil
  • colour pencils
  • eraser
  • black gel pen or felt-tip pen

Let's start creating an Easter picture:

  • Let us mark on a piece of paper with straight lines the borders of the Easter cake, which resemble a square in shape. This must be done without pressing the pencil, otherwise the drawing will look sloppy after all unnecessary lines are erased with an eraser.

  • Let's draw the top and bottom parts of the Easter cake: draw rounded lines above and below the square.

  • We draw another arc - under the upper curved line, connecting them into an oval. The top of the future Easter cake is almost ready.

  • Let's draw a candle, defining the center of the oval and add folds of the napkin on which the cake stands - draw several curved lines directly under the base of the cake.

  • Let's draw willow branches: draw several curved lines for the stems, and then draw oval buds. Please note: closer to the top the buds are small, and along the rest of the stem they are large.

  • “Apply” the glaze to the cake: draw smooth, winding lines along the walls of the cake, which turn into drop-shaped outgrowths. We show the volumetric glaze under the candle with a small line.

  • We draw in more detail the holes in the baked goods, draw a round “powder” in the form of tiny circles. We finish drawing the hairs on the willow buds and draw another line on the stems.

  • We bring more dark color outline of the drawing. To do this, you can use a gel pen or felt-tip pen.

  • We remove the auxiliary lines.
  • We color the Easter cake using colored pencils or markers.

What else should you draw with your children for Easter? For example, here are these brightly colored eggs, which are the main Easter attributes:

  • Before you start drawing, you can explain to your child the meaning of Easter eggs: for Christians, this ritual holiday food means the beginning of a new life.
  • The egg is associated with hopes for revival and restoration. One of the festive rituals is to exchange krashankas with friends and acquaintances.
  • A child can paint a painted Easter egg with bright colors, decorate it with ornaments and funny figures. Imagination and perseverance will help him with this.
  • Thanks to our step-by-step master classes The child can easily prepare a beautiful colorful drawing on the theme of Easter. The options offered here will help your child take a worthy place in the competition children's creativity at school or kindergarten.
  • You just need to follow carefully step by step photos and repeat all the lines exactly. And you can decorate the finished sketch as you wish

To work you will need:

  • album sheet
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils or markers
  • eraser

We will try to accurately convey the shape of the egg. To do this, we set ourselves the usual egg. It will serve as a “visual aid” for us.

  • We start with a circle that will need to be “crowned” with a top: draw a figure above the circle that resembles a triangle, but with a strongly rounded middle corner. The sides of the triangle are the contours of the circle.

Draw a circle and the top of the egg

  • Use an eraser to remove the line separating the circle and the triangle. We got an egg of the correct shape.
  • Decorating an Easter egg: drawing wavy lines, geometric figures. You can create wide stripes that extend from the top to the sides, wrapping around the egg and creating a fun “striped” pattern.

  • Using colored pencils or felt-tip pens, apply bright colors to the Easter egg. A unique author's creation is ready!

  • How else to paint an Easter egg? Paint it with one color, and then add dots, circles, and stripes on its surface with contrasting colors.

Video: How to draw an EASTER EGG?

How to draw a picture for Easter step by step and easily with a pencil for beginners and children?

Even an older child can draw such a drawing. preschool age, if the lesson will be supervised by an adult.

To work you will need:

  • blank sheet of paper
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils, paints or markers

  • We draw the initial lines on the sheet: this will be the top of the cake covered with glaze.

  • Draw without pressing the pencil. Add depressions and pits of frozen glaze.

  • Now let’s finish drawing the cake itself under the “cap” of glaze.

  • In the left corner we draw Easter eggs. To give the picture a festive look, we “tie” one egg with a ribbon.

  • We draw with smooth lines the plate on which the cake stands.
  • We clarify the contours of the drawing and paint them with a darker color. Add shadows under the glaze.

  • Draw the contours of the Easter eggs and shade some areas on the bow.

  • We outline the outline of the plate with a dark color. We decorate the drawing with bright colors.

Video: How to draw Easter cake for Easter - drawing lesson for children from 4 years old, gouache, drawing at home step by step?

We continue to draw on the Easter theme. Fortunately, the scope for imagination and creativity here is truly limitless.

A child can draw a basket of Easter eggs and decorate his work with bright, cheerful colors. Get it beautiful gift for Easter, thanks to which the house will be filled with an atmosphere of celebration.

  • Let's start drawing a basket by drawing a circle in the middle of the sheet.
  • Let's outline the rim at the top, adding curved lines on one side - basket weaving.
  • Let's draw grass.
  • Let's draw three Easter eggs in the basket.
  • The two curved lines are the handles of the basket.
  • We decorate the drawing with bright colors.

After watching the video, you will learn how to draw an Easter basket. The drawing is not complicated, so it can be used in classes in kindergarten or elementary school.

Video: Easter Basket

DIY drawings for Easter with children for school and kindergarten

If on the threshold of Light Christ's Sunday Since a kindergarten or school is holding an exhibition of Easter-themed drawings, preparing a picture or postcard for the holiday together with your parents will not be difficult.

Your child can present his vision of this bright holiday or make a drawing using the step-by-step description below.

Drawing Easter bunnies with children:

  • Let's draw four circles on a piece of paper, arranged in pairs one on top of the other.

  • The circles drawn on top are the heads of the rabbits, which should be larger than the circle for the body. On the head we draw two intersecting lines.

  • Let's draw in more detail the contours of the rabbits' heads. Let's add ears, perky bangs and muzzle details.

  • Let's finish drawing the pupils, inner lines of the ears, antennae, eyebrows.
    We draw the front paws and the contours of the tummies.
  • Now we add the hind legs. The rabbit on the right is holding a basket in his paws. Let's draw it, starting with a circle and refining its shape.

  • Add the missing details: eggs in the basket, heels of the rabbit, which lies on the left.

  • The finished sketch can be easily “turned” into a hand-made postcard if you decorate it beautifully and sign it.

How to decorate Easter bunnies

Drawings for Easter with paints for the competition

You can convey the atmosphere of the holiday of resurrected life with the help of an Easter still life painted with paints.
We will draw Easter cake, colorful eggs and willow branches.

To work you will need:

  • sheet of watercolor paper
  • simple pencil (B or B2)
  • eraser
  • gouache or watercolor
  • tassels
  • palette or any other flat white surface (saucer or regular sheet of paper)
  • masking tape

Secure the sheet of paper vertically with masking tape. We roughly outline with a simple pencil (without pressure) the location of the Easter cake, a vase for willow and colored eggs.

  • Divide the sheet into upper and lower parts and draw a horizontal line just below the midline of the sheet. This will be the edge of the table. Let's draw a rectangle on the table, placing it not in the center, but moving it slightly to the left.

  • Draw another rectangle on the right half of the sheet and a little higher: narrow and small. We finish drawing the edge of the plate with Easter cake. We remove unnecessary pencil lines (table line and lines inside objects) so that they do not interfere with us when drawing.

Draw the table line and the edge of the plate

  • Use an eraser to remove the upper corners of the rectangles and refine the contours of the Easter cake and the vase.

  • We take round objects of a suitable size and begin to draw eggs located around the Easter cake. We depict the nearby Easter eggs larger in size than the distant ones.
  • Draw the contours of the eggs, edges on the vase and add icing to the cake.

  • Now you need to draw a candle. In order not to complicate the task, simply apply a simple pencil to the top of the Easter cake and trace it, adding a small light on top.

  • Draw a plate under the Easter cake. Fill in empty space the bottom right part of the sheet with a large Easter egg.

  • We finish drawing the willow branches, correcting or shortening the top of the candle if necessary.

  • Add buds on willow branches.
  • We write on the nearest egg two letters “ХВ”, meaning Christ is Risen.

  • Draw a pattern on Easter eggs.

  • We take paints and begin to decorate our Easter picture.
  • Paint the Easter cake light beige with the addition of a sandy yellow tint.
  • Add a little of blue color to the shade of Easter cake.

Color the icing and add a yellow candle light

  • We prepare a suitable shade for painting the candle and partially the eggs. It could be ocher paint.

  • Add a little pink and blue to the icing. Yellow paint over the candle flame. We draw light in a circular motion.

  • We paint the background with soft blue and turquoise flowers.

  • Let's use the same color along the contour of the willow branches.

  • Add yellow to the candle light.
  • We alternately take pink paint diluted with water, orange paint and fill the background on the left.
  • Paint the surface of the table, allowing the colors to mix.
  • Decorating Easter eggs. To make the picture picturesque, we use red, red-orange and red-brown tones for some eggs.
  • Draw a pattern on Easter eggs, add shadows

    • We draw purple shadows on the table, under the egg and under the willow.
    • We begin to paint the vase with a neutral blue color. Add a little yellow.

    • We decorate the willow, showing ruffled little fluffy inflorescences.

    Video: Video lesson Drawing Gouache Easter Bunny

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Photo gallery: Let's create together: how to draw Easter and what else you can draw for Easter

On the eve of the bright holiday of Easter, I would like to congratulate my family and friends in such a way that, along with warm wishes, I also convey to them a piece of my soul. Handmade Easter cards cope best with this task. Such a homemade postcard can be designed in different techniques: decoupage, patchwork, applique. But we recommend paying special attention to Easter-themed drawings, which can be used to beautifully decorate any greeting. For example, you can draw Easter or paint - this is always relevant and very simple. How to draw Easter and other holiday drawings will be discussed further.

How to draw Easter: Easter cake in watercolor - step-by-step instructions with photos

This Easter drawing can be used both to decorate a postcard and as an independent gift - a watercolor painting. If you are not good at working with watercolors, then you can color the drawing using colored pencils or acrylic paints.

Necessary materials for drawing Easter

  • watercolor (colors: carmine, ultramarine, dark green, golden ocher, burnt umber, blue, orange)
  • round brush with fine tip
  • watercolor paper
  • simple pencil
  • palette (sheet of paper)
  • cloth

How to draw Easter with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions

What to draw for Easter: Easter basket with paints - step-by-step instructions with photos

A basket of eggs is another win-win picture that you can draw for Easter. Like Easter cake, drawing such a festive basket is not at all difficult. It is enough to have basic artistic skills and follow our step-by-step instructions. So, find out what else you can draw for Easter...

Necessary materials for Easter pictures

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • black felt-tip pen
  • colour pencils
  • eraser

Drawing for Easter: Step-by-step instructions

We hope that the master classes we prepared will teach you how to draw Easter and other traditional attributes of this holiday easily and simply. In any case, you can always make your own adjustments to the work, using our instructions with photos as a basis for creativity. The main thing is that the end result is beautiful and interesting drawings, which are so nice to give to family and close friends for Easter.

Easter is one of the most important holidays for Christian believers. To learn how to draw a cake with eggs with a pencil step by step, you will need half an hour of free time. In 2014, Easter will come on April 20th.

On our website you can also learn to draw temple- drawing of medium complexity and Easter drawing- a fairly simple drawing, as well as a rabbit with an egg.

As usual, Easter cake and variously colored different colors eggs will definitely be present on the table of every family, because they are symbols of Easter. We want to help you learn how to draw them. To begin with, let’s decide exactly how we will draw them. We decided that in our drawing there would be an Easter cake with a candle on the right, and a basket with variously colored eggs on the left. We draw all the auxiliary lines as in the figure below.

Now we draw the top part of our Easter cake.

Draw the Easter cake to the end and move on to drawing a beautiful wicker basket. We drew it exactly like this, but if you don’t succeed, don’t worry, it’s enough just to draw a rectangular basket with a checkered pattern, for example.

Well, now we move on to drawing Easter eggs. As usual, they should come with a wide variety of designs, and you can draw the designs you want! We just showed you an example. You don’t have to draw patterns at all, but simply paint the eggs in different colors at the end. At the same step we draw a decoration on the top of the cake.

We draw the rim and handles of the basket with eggs, as well as a candle on our Easter cake.

Let's add a few more lines on the basket to make the drawing more natural. And in the background we have spectacular rays.

This is the kind of drawing you should get!

Well, now you can show your imagination and paint the picture in a variety of colors.

The painted egg is considered a symbol of the Easter holiday and the Holy Sepulcher, in which is hidden immortal life. In the old days, it was customary to paint Easter eggs red - like the blood of Jesus Christ, shed by Him on the Cross in the name of the salvation of mankind. Today, thanks to such a universal tool as bright food dyes, the color of Easter eggs can be very different. In addition to preparing holiday dishes, before Easter each house is cleaned and the premises are decorated. themed crafts– decorative Easter baskets and trees, figurines of rabbits and chickens from scrap materials. Many children and adults create beautiful Easter-themed drawings, depicting on paper traditional eggs with Easter cakes framed by fluffy willow branches. According to tradition, these are the attributes of Easter that are most often painted by beginning and experienced painters. How to draw an egg? We have prepared several simple step-by-step master classes with photos and videos on drawing an Easter egg and Easter cake with a pencil and paints. With the help of our lessons, everyone will be able to draw a Faberge egg - a unique work of art and a famous jewelry brand. Carefully follow the instructions of the master class and you will get a wonderful drawing as a gift for a loved one for Easter or just for interior decoration.

How to draw an egg and Easter cake for Easter – a step-by-step master class with photos

Every year, with the onset of spring, adults and children look forward to Easter - the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ. To that important day It is customary to give symbolic gifts, along with congratulations and warmest wishes. How to draw an egg and Easter cake? If you decide to please loved one for Easter with a beautiful drawing of the main Easter attributes, we suggest taking a step-by-step master class with photos. Making something so wonderful Easter drawing It won’t take much time, and the result of your creative efforts will definitely be appreciated by your family and friends.

Materials for drawing an Easter egg and Easter cake:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • colored pencils - for coloring

Step-by-step description of the master class with photos on drawing eggs and Easter cakes for Easter:

How to draw an egg with a pencil step by step for beginners - master class with photos

Easter eggs are a favorite theme in many children's drawings, which always surprise with their touching purity and brightness of colors. Indeed, drawing all kinds of patterns and ornaments allows to the young artist realize the most unusual creative fantasies. How to draw an egg with a pencil step by step? For beginners, we have prepared a simple master class with photos on how to draw bright eggs for Easter.

Necessary materials for the master class on creating a hand-drawn Easter egg:

  • A4 paper - sheet
  • simple pencil
  • set of colored pencils
  • ruler
  • eraser

Drawing an Easter egg step by step using a pencil, photo:

How to draw a Faberge Easter egg step by step - master class with photos

Faberge eggs are a famous jewelry collection created between 1885 and 1917 for the Russian imperial court. The author of these unique products is Carl Faberge, considered one of the most talented jewelers in the world. Tsarist Russia. Thus, Faberge's first work was made in the form of an egg from precious metals– with a golden yolk and a miniature ruby ​​crown inside. The customer of such a unique work of art was the emperor Alexander III, who decided to please his wife Maria Feodorovna with a surprise gift on the eve of Easter. Today “Faberge eggs” is a common name that is considered synonymous with luxury, brilliance and wealth. How to draw a Faberge egg step by step? This drawing will be an excellent gift for the upcoming Easter - with the help of our master class with step-by-step instructions and photos, we will try to depict a Faberge egg on paper and then paint it with colored paints.

List of materials for drawing a Faberge egg:

  • A4 paper – 2 sheets
  • simple pencil
  • paint brush
  • colored watercolor paints
  • scissors

Step-by-step instructions for the master class on creating a drawing of a Faberge Easter egg:

  1. On a sheet of paper, using a pencil, we outline the contours of the future Faberge egg. Now dip the brush in paint one by one different colors and apply strokes in the form of “spots” to the outlined space of the egg.
  2. When the egg is completely covered with such colored “specks”, you need to cut it out along the contour and place it on a second sheet of paper - the painted side down. The sheets folded together should be lightly pressed with your hands to better “interrupt” the colors. We outline the contours of the cut out egg with a pencil, and then the workpiece can be removed.
  3. We draw a brush with paint over the pencil line, and draw petals in the upper and lower parts of the egg.
  4. We draw vertical, slightly curved lines, connecting with them the tips of the petals of different “poles” of the egg. We add small strokes to each line - in the form of a “herringbone”.
  5. We “encircle” the central part of the egg with large arcs, creating a beautiful decorative ornament.
  6. The resulting pattern can be shaded using lines of a lighter color, and individual “empty” areas can be filled with colored “specks”.
  7. All that remains is to apply the finishing touch by drawing small white dots on the ornament line. The result was a beautiful Faberge Easter egg, which even a novice artist could easily draw. Experienced craftsmen can take a photo of one of the famous jeweler’s creations as a sample and draw an egg using their skill and talent.

How to draw an egg for Easter – video master class

Easter of Christ is a long-awaited holiday, always bringing with it joy, goodness and grace. On such a wonderful day, believers exchange warm words of congratulations and touching symbolic gifts. Children enjoy drawing amazingly beautiful pictures of eggs and Easter cakes, which they present to their beloved parents, school teachers, and educators at Easter. How to draw an Easter egg? On the video you will find detailed master class for drawing eggs for Easter with a simple pencil - the finished drawing can be decorated in different colors, giving the composition a “festive” bright look.

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Photo gallery: Beautiful drawing for Easter for children - master classes step by step

A cool and beautiful drawing for Easter can be used as a gift for your beloved mother or grandmother. Or you can bring such an image to school or kindergarten to participate in a drawing competition dedicated to the theme of Easter. As the main element of the image, you can choose any objects that remind you of Easter. For example, it could be a colorful egg, a rabbit, or a basket of gifts. Among the proposed photos and video master classes, it is written step by step how to draw all these objects with paints or pencils. If desired, children can use colorful crayons or other materials in their work. All instructions contain step-by-step descriptions, which will help both schoolchildren and kindergarten children to easily create their own simple and original Easter drawings.

Beautiful drawing for children for Easter - step-by-step master class with photo instructions

All children, without exception, love fluffy and beautiful animals. Therefore, pick up original drawing for Easter for children you can use a cute Easter bunny. This character is perfect for depicting using pencils, paints and crayons. It’s not difficult to create similar children’s drawings for Easter with animals: even kids from kindergarten can do the task. And ready-made beautiful drawings for Easter with the image of a rabbit can be used both for decorating offices and for holding a competition.

Materials for creating a beautiful Easter drawing for children

  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • a simple pencil and eraser;
  • a set of colored pencils or crayons.

Step-by-step master class on beautiful drawings for Easter for children

Cool drawing "Basket" for school in pencil for Easter - step by step with photos and descriptions

A small basket of Easter eggs can be a wonderful gift for mom or grandma. A colorful and bright drawing can also be taken to school for Easter to participate in a competition between classmates or other students. Children from primary school will be able to draw an unusual picture. high school. And if they wish, they can supplement the proposed Easter drawings with their own hands with different elements: flowers, butterflies, ribbons. Drawing a pencil drawing for Easter according to the proposed master class will not be difficult, but you need to apply shadows correctly and take into account the correct transition between shades.

Materials for a cool drawing "Basket" for Easter for school

  • a sheet of plain A4 paper;
  • a set of colored pencils;
  • a simple pencil;
  • black gel pen;
  • eraser.

Step-by-step master class on pencil drawing “Basket” for Easter for schoolchildren

A simple drawing for kindergarten for Easter "Easter egg" with photo master class

Every child can draw a regular egg for Easter and color it colorfully. But by making a similar drawing on the Easter theme with your own hands, with non-standard elements, you can easily surprise both parents and teachers with children's creativity. For example, you can “hang” Easter eggs on a tree. How to draw a picture for Easter with original and simple components is described in the next master class.

List of materials for creating a drawing "Easter egg" for Easter in kindergarten

  • A4 paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • a set of colored crayons;
  • markers;
  • eraser.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing an "Easter egg" for Easter for children in kindergarten

Original drawing "Kulich" on the theme of Easter with your own hands - video master class on working with paints

All children, without exception, love the sweet Easter cake that their mothers and grandmothers prepare for holiday. Therefore, when choosing an original drawing on the theme of Easter, you can try to depict delicious pastries using paints. Using a simple set of gouache or watercolor, you can make unusual color transitions and give the image maximum volume. It is recommended to depict a drawing on the theme of Easter on special embossed watercolor paper. It is great for creating bright and clear pictures. You can learn how to draw a picture for Easter step by step in the attached master class.

Step-by-step master class on drawing "Kulich" with paints for Easter

You can easily and simply draw a picture on the theme of Easter, depicting a holiday cake, using the following step-by-step instructions. It will be clear to students as well. primary school, and will appeal to middle and high school students.

Based on the proposed photos and video master classes with step by step instructions You can make an original drawing on the theme of Easter. After studying the proposed descriptions, schoolchildren and kindergarten children will be able to easily draw a Easter cake, an egg or an Easter bunny. And you can color the drawing for Easter with pencils, paints, crayons or felt-tip pens. Children will be able to create such images during lessons at school, kindergarten, and at home with their parents. All that remains is to choose the most nice example and start creating a simple image.

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