Rooster pencil drawing in cute style. Draw a beautiful rooster step by step. How to draw a chicken and a rooster. Button applique

Draw a rooster so that your friends gasp in admiration? Easily! Find drawings of a cockerel for every taste, get inspired and decorate your room with the image of a bird. Do not doubt, the vocal warbler will not remain in debt - he will certainly bring good luck next year.

Simple pencil drawing of a rooster

The Rooster is a born leader who requires special attention and respect for his person. Therefore, when placing a winged one in your album, try your best - next year’s owner does not like slobs.

1. Draw a circle at the top of the sheet. This is the head of a rooster.

2. Draw the neck. Pay attention to the proportions.

3. To make the rooster look truly handsome, decorate his head with a comb.

4. The bird's beak consists of two sharp parts. Since the cockerel is turned to the side, draw two small triangles on the right side of the head.

5. It's time to draw the torso.

6. Decorate the tail with a bunch of feathers.

7. Draw the cockerel's eyes and legs.

8. Now draw the wing. Draw a clear line, add strokes.

The drawing is ready!

How to draw a rooster with colored pencils?

What appears to be clicking, crowing and cackling to the human ear is actually chicken speech. Scientists have identified more than 30 meanings in chicken language, ranging from the simple “it’s time for me to lay an egg” or “come here, there are a lot of worms!” before calling a partner during the mating season.

Let's draw another bright representative of the chicken family with colored pencils, because he just asks: “Draw me!”

1. Mark the main parts of the rooster’s body with ovals.

2. Draw the eyes, comb, beak and earrings underneath.

3. Now you can outline the paws.

4. Add feathering to the tail, detail the legs.

5. And now - the most important thing. Color the cockerel with colored pencils.

First, clearly draw the eye, paint over the crest and beak.

6. The neck and paws will be yellow.

8. Draw the feathers clearly.

9. Use a black pencil to add contrast to the drawing.

Congratulations! The proud, handsome rooster is ready.

How to draw a rooster step by step

In the wild, female chickens face many dangers. The most terrible of them are predators. That is why representatives of the fairer sex, who hatch eggs and raise offspring, have plumage that reliably hides them in the forest. The same cannot be said about roosters! This is who can boast of luxurious feathers: red, bright red, blue with green tints... It would be a sin not to depict such a handsome man in your album. Shall we begin?

1. Draw two ovals on a piece of paper: a large one (torso) and a small one (head). Connect with a slightly curved line (cockerel neck). Using light pencil movements, outline the paws.

2. Next up is the beak. Draw it like a small triangle. Then draw a bent arc - the future tail of the rooster. Outline the comb and earrings, add lines on the neck. Mark the paws with cross lines.

3. Inside the large oval, draw a line defining the boundaries of the rooster’s wing. Don’t forget to outline the “pants” on the paws and outline the tip of the tail.

4. Detail the tail and wing by drawing the plumage. Draw the teeth of the comb.

5. Draw the paws with sharp claws well. You can finish the drawing with colored pencils on plain paper or transfer it to tinted paper and paint over it. oil pastels.

6. Use light brown to paint the head, legs, part of the wing and some tail feathers. The comb and earrings will be red. Use purple to paint the lower part of the body and wings, as well as the tail. Outline the outline of the head and comb with cherry color, and the wing, body and tail with black.

How to draw a rooster with oil pastels

Interestingly, roosters have a sufficient level of intelligence and are able to remember those who treat them poorly or well. Therefore, do not be lazy when portraying the next handsome man, otherwise in 2017 he will still remember this for you.

I suggest drawing a rooster with oil pastels. The main thing here is to color the bird correctly. Watch the photo master class and repeat after the author.

1. First draw the rooster (partially use the top diagrams). The crest, eyes and beak were seen in red.

2. Let's move on to coloring the feathers. Start with light colors, gradually adding dark shades and shadows. You should get a bright drawing.

3. For this little masterpiece you will need pencils of all colors of the rainbow. Draw the background with thick strokes.

The drawing is ready. A bright cockerel will decorate any interior and will certainly bring happiness to its talented owner.

Article from the series "Drawings of poultry".

Since the year of the rooster is coming very soon, God himself ordered to study the structure and drawing of roosters and hens. Let's look in detail at how to draw a rooster's head.

Handsome, isn't he? So let's draw it.

Let's draw the rooster's head - Figure 1

A pencil sketch will give us a general idea.

The head itself is small (the brain is even smaller), the skull is elongated due to the beak. The beak is strong, curved - a formidable weapon, if anything.

Birds' vision is not like ours - round eyes are located on the sides of the head:

There are many outgrowths and decorations on the head: a beard, earrings, a comb:

Well, the drawing “Head of the Rooster” is ready. Now, logically, one should learn to draw a chicken’s head, but, oddly enough, this is an unpopular request. So I found a picture of a fighting cock's head. Its comb is very moderate, but it is still a rooster.

This picture is also interesting because the head of the rooster is shown not in profile, but in perspective. It's more complicated, but not all the same simple ways search.

The beak looks very serious. Let's put it bluntly - eagle-like. Pay attention to the location and shape of the nostrils. The eye is round, surrounded by eyelids.

The ears of roosters (like those of other birds) are inconspicuous - small holes without an auricle. But nearby there are fleshy outgrowths - earrings. The “silk beard” consists of two blades. The ridge starts almost from the middle of the beak.

So, the first thing I did was line drawing rooster pencil HB:

Then I lightened all the lines with nag and started drawing the rooster with colored pencils. I decided to start with the tail, so as not to accidentally overwrite what had already been drawn with my hand. And first of all, I used a black pencil, then starting from the darkest tone.

As we moved from left to right, the design of the rooster's tail began to take on more realistic shapes. To convey the shine of the feathers, I used several shades of blue and green. I won’t list them, it’s easier to say that the entire drawing of the rooster took more than half a box of pencils.

The general approach to drawing feathers was the same - first the darkest areas were drawn, then a certain color was introduced (or rather several shades at once) and finally polished. I used exactly the same approach in drawing the yellow feathers:

As you can see, there were quite a lot of yellow feathers on the rooster. If you don’t fall into excessive realism or hyperrealism, then it’s enough to understand general principle how the feathers are arranged and what shadows and shades they provide. And then it is no longer possible to thoroughly copy every smallest feather, but to recreate more big picture, where exactly the character of these feathers will be conveyed, i.e. they may even be located in slightly different places or there may be fewer of them than in the original, but this will not make them lose their realism.

In general, there are quite a lot of roosters in the drawing complex elements, especially for beginners. These include numerous feathers, shadows, shimmer, and a rooster’s comb with an interesting pimply texture. Therefore, do not rush to complete the entire drawing at once, in one sitting. When drawing the rooster's comb, I used several shades of red, as well as cool purple colors in shady areas. I went over it with a little white gel pen, imitating the pimpled surface of the comb. I really didn’t want to get too bogged down in copying here, so I allowed myself to heartily poke with my pen in a chaotic manner. It turned out quite plausible in my opinion :)

At the end I also worked on the rooster's legs. Here I had to study a little other photo references to understand how the legs of a rooster are arranged, because... in the main photo the paws were not shown as we would like. Be sure to add a small falling scattered shadow so that the rooster does not hang in the air. And now the drawing of the rooster is ready:

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to fully describe such a process in an article, because the work lasted over 8 hours and used most of the techniques applicable to colored pencils. But I hope that I have given you at least some idea of ​​such drawings. As you can see, even with children's pencils you can achieve good results in realism.

Finally, I suggest you watch the accelerated video of the process of creating a drawing of a rooster with colored pencils:

If you liked the video and article, be sure to share them with your friends, and as usual, write comments) Good luck!

Hello! Today we have prepared for you a new simple drawing lesson that even a beginning artist should be able to handle. The topic of the lesson is how to draw a rooster.

In general, this is not the first bird on our site, because quite recently we drew a chicken (by the way, it was also very simple), but today our guest is a male chicken. Yes, this sounds very funny, but this is exactly the definition of the word “rooster” given in Wikipedia.

The rooster is a fairly popular bird - for example, this feathered creature is the symbol of France (football fans will probably recognize the logo with a Gallic rooster in the center). In Russian folklore, the rooster represents light - remember, it was his cry that drove away all evil spirits, and even made you feel uneasy. Probably in modern conditions, the crow of a rooster could even drive away. Let's start getting acquainted with the lesson and find out how to draw a Rooster!

Step 1

Let's start drawing with such a photo of a rounded figure. It is difficult to compare it with anything in order to give guidelines for drawing. The only thing this figure resembles is an inverted chicken leg. Probably, the author of these lines has described too many bird drawing lessons lately.

Step 2

Let's draw a scallop at the very top of the resulting figure. A little lower, inside the figure, draw a large eye and an open beak - it looks a little like the Nike logo. Pay attention to the lower half of the beak - the inner part is visible there.

Step 3

Now let's draw a small figure in the form of a semicircle just below and to the left of the eye. Let's delimit the narrow part of the body from the wide part with a jagged pattern, as in our sample.

Step 4

Let's draw a folded wing. It should diverge into four large tips on one side and smoothly round off on the other. The wing is located directly under the jagged pattern, its position is slightly inclined.

Step 5

In this step we will work on main pride rooster - lush tail feathers. By the way, we have another drawing lesson dedicated to birds, in which we talk about...

Step 6

Actually, in the penultimate stage we will draw the paws - at first they taper very smoothly, and then sharply turn into ordinary thin straight lines.

Step 7

Erase the extra guide lines, paint over the eye with a soft with a simple pencil.

Drawing lesson the artists of the site drawingforall have prepared for you, all the best and don’t forget to visit our VK page - we find small interesting news and repost them directly there. See you again!

Home " Bike selection » Draw a beautiful rooster step by step. How to draw a chicken and a rooster

Agree, the rooster is very beautiful bird? Roosters with colorful long tail feathers are in no way inferior in beauty even to the peacock. And what an important and proud look the rooster has... True, draw a rooster live if you live in the city is quite problematic. But on the Internet you can find many pictures depicting this bird. And if you need a drawing of a rooster, you can simply copy it from a photograph.
As always, we will draw a rooster step by step with a pencil. At the last step, you can color the drawing with colored pencils or paints.

1. Draw simple outlines of the rooster

First, it is important to select three areas in which you need to draw the neck, torso and tail. The contour lines can be of any shape, the main thing is to try to accurately draw their dimensions, since the proportions of the future drawing of the rooster will depend on this.

2. How to draw a rooster, second stage

The cockerel has a comb on its head and “earrings” below its beak. I don’t know why he needs them, but he needs to draw them. Draw an oval for the head, and just below the outline for the “earrings”. After this, I think it won’t be difficult for you to draw two contours for the paws.

3. General outline of the shape of the body and tail

Take a closer look at my drawing and try to circle it exactly the same way. general outline rooster Immediately after this, you can remove the extra lines from the drawing. In addition, at this step, you also need to start drawing two bird legs.

4. Drawing of a rooster in detail

This step is simple, but the most time-consuming. Start drawing what you find easier. It seems to me that the paws draw a rooster easiest way. Then you can separate the tail from the body of the rooster with a zigzag and draw the outline of the longest and outermost feather. The next element of the drawing is the wing; you can draw it freely. And now you can start drawing the head of the rooster. Draw the beak and correct the outline of the “earrings”. Select the area in which you will later draw the eye. And finally draw initial outline rooster comb.

5. How to draw plumage

At this stage, the drawing of the rooster will be completely completed. Outline the tail feathers with curved lines, add another zigzag line on the neck and draw an eye. See what other details I left out and add them as you see fit. For example, I forgot to draw spurs on the paws. But every rooster is sure to have them. If you paint a drawing of a rooster, make barely noticeable outlines for the different colors.

6. How to draw a rooster. Final step

Black and white drawing of a rooster It doesn't "look" at all. It is advisable, of course, to color it. Just keep in mind that if you don’t know how to use paints, it’s easy to ruin the picture. It’s better to take colored pencils or felt-tip pens and color the picture with them. If you need to draw with a simple pencil, then make shadows based on my drawing. As always, I recommend drawing at least a simple landscape in the background, such as a wooden village fence.

In this lesson you will be able to draw a beautiful Macaw parrot step by step.

It may seem that drawing a sparrow is not difficult, because we see this bird all the time in the yard. In fact, drawing a sparrow is difficult; it is much easier to draw a large bird, such as a rooster.

If the rooster is a very beautiful bird with bright and colorful plumage, then the swan is perhaps the most elegant bird. That is why you need to draw a swan very carefully so that it does not turn into a goose.

The stork and the rooster have become unique and rare birds for city residents. But if a rooster can sometimes be found in the city, then a stork can only live outside the city, away from the city noise.

The eagle is such a powerful and predatory bird that it poses a threat even to an adult hen and rooster, not to mention chickens. However, proud and beautiful view This bird makes us forget that it is the largest and most dangerous flying predator.

If you were able to draw a rooster correctly, then drawing a crow will not be difficult for you. a lot of work, especially since a crow can be drawn from life, just look out the window.

    I suggest drawing a real rooster. Like this one.

    And he is easy to draw. We take ovals as a basis. There are three of them - head, body, tail.

    Let's give our cockerel a shape.

    We draw the tail and head in detail.

    This is how you get a cockerel.

    Typically, the step-by-step drawing of all animals begins with drawing two ovals. Step by step drawing rooster is indicated in the following diagram:

    The scheme is very simple. After drawing the rooster, you can paint it in bright colors.

    There is also an option drawing a rooster. We start drawing with a circle, this will be our body, draw a beak and an eye, a comb and a head. Now, draw the feathers and wing, all steps need to be repeated carefully according to the photo in the picture

    All you have to do is draw a fluffy tail and you’re done, beautifully paint it with bright colors, like a handsome rooster

    And you can draw such a rooster using a child’s hand, complete the rooster’s legs and beak, comb

    This is what the beautiful rooster looks like, the hero of many of our favorite fairy tales from childhood.

    Drawing a rooster is quite easy. Try to complete your drawing following the given diagram, like this:

    Or like this:

    Could be so:

    And like this:

    I can say for sure that the classically colored cockerel that is painted in all folk tales is common now, but you can still see cockerels of different breeds with absolutely different in color feather colors.

    I will give an example of the simplest scheme for drawing a cockerel, but you can decide for yourself how to color it in a more interesting way.

    Rooster- this is a male chicken; he differs from his female by a large comb, as well as a lush multi-colored tail. The rooster is also a symbol of France, and in Russian folklore this bird is the owner of a heroic character that comes to the aid of the weak.

    Also in Slavic mythology When building a house, a black rooster was sacrificed.

    Now let's look at an example drawing cartoon cockerel, for this we will use step-by-step scheme drawing, which greatly simplifies the whole process:

    We color the finished drawing; you can pair the rooster with a hen and chicks, or simply draw it on a green meadow under a clear blue sky:

    In order to draw a Rooster using pencils step by step, then for this you need. Pencils, White paper, skillful hands, and, most importantly, a photo or video - a diagram.

    First we draw the head and body of the rooster. Then you need to start drawing the wings and beak, tail and legs. look at how it is drawn in the picture, and you will be able to draw a rooster very easily.

    The rooster is quite cute poultry thanks to the bright red comb and colorful chic tail.

    You can draw any animal in different styles. I offer two options, how to draw a rooster with a pencil step by step.

    The first option looks more like a real bird and is drawn as follows:

    The second option is quite simple - for the lazy or for the youngest artists.

    To draw a rooster with a pencil step by step, you will need a simple pencil, an eraser and watercolor paints or colored pencils.

    The first step is to draw the outline of the head. Next, add a comb on top, consisting of 5 pointed parts, and below, draw something that vaguely resembles a triangle, which will serve as the contour of the lower border of the plumage of the head. Then we draw a beak on the head, and under it a beard, consisting of two parts.

    Moves on to drawing the body and wings. Using several lines we draw the outline of the tail (the lines go down). Then we draw the paws and move on to decorating with paints or colored pencils.

    In order to draw a rooster, we will need several geometric shapes: circle, oval, semicircle, triangle, line.

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