Singer Gabriella: “In Brazil, artists earn more than in Russia. Singer Gabriella about moving from Brazil to Russia, motherhood and self-care - I didn’t let you go home

The Brazilian singer Gabriella is a spectacular and bright artist; in addition, not so long ago she was awarded the title of “honorary citizen” of the city of Rio de Janeiro with entry into the city book of honor and has repeatedly confirmed her title “ Best Voice Rio de Janeiro".

For Russia, Gabriella presented her talent at international competition « New wave", where she became a finalist.

On December 30, 2010, Gabriella performed at the gala reception of the President of the Russian Federation at the State Kremlin Palace on the occasion of the New Year 2011. Gabriella's duet with Sergei Mazaev "Samba of Past Love" was appreciated by the Government Russian Federation, and, of course, the President himself.

After the performance, Gabriella was personally introduced to the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev. And for several years now, Gabriella has been a regular guest and participant in New Year’s receptions at the State
Kremlin Palace.

Gabriella's music has an undeniable temperament, with your own heart and soul. Refined and at the same time understandable and close to everyone, Gabriella amazes with her creativity and personal energy, inspiring and delighting already 2 huge continents.

- Gabriella, tell us about yourself, how Brazilian singer stayed to live and work in Russia?

I started my career in my hometown of Rio de Janeiro when I was 7 years old. At 12 she was already performing under the banner of the largest record company PolyGram. In Russia, I performed for the first time at the international competition “New Wave”, where I became a finalist and later continued my career in Russia.

On the one hand, this is very honorable and significant. On the other hand, this is a great responsibility, which does not give any room for error. I started singing on stage at the age of 7. I earned this title at the age of 23. My school was constant concerts. Vocational education I have no. My technique was formed during numerous performances. And, of course, I have hearing. But I know that my potential is much greater, so I will definitely continue to study. Although many people don’t believe that I never studied this professionally.

In my family, my aunt on my mother’s side was a professional singer. And my grandfather was a conductor. So I come from an artistic family.

- Yours the main objective– popularity, love of the public or just singing? Who is your most grateful audience?

My dream is public recognition! And most importantly, perform in front of a large audience. It is very important for me to always sing. If I don't sing for a month, I get depressed. After all, this is the only thing I know how to do and my audience is my oxygen.

Both children and adults - all those who like my work.

- What difficulties did you have to cope with in Russia?

At first it was very difficult for me due to my lack of knowledge of the Russian language. But for last couple Over the years I have become better at speaking Russian. And I can even quite safely participate in various television talk shows. Previously, this was unthinkable for me. Of course, the singer's career is not the most simple profession. But I love my job and have been doing this since childhood. So any difficulties can be overcome.

- Gabriela, what attracts you to Russia?

I really like the culture and architecture of Russia. A very diverse and interesting people. I think Russian girls are the most beautiful!

- Now, looking back, do you regret staying in Russia?

I don't regret it at all. After all, I have a wonderful family and a job I love. What else is needed for happiness?)) Of course, at first it was very difficult for me in Russia, especially in winter. But, over time, I got used to it, I started working, made friends and felt at home! But I still miss my native Rio De Janeiro. Therefore, I try to fly to Brazil 1-2 times a year.

- Tell us how your personal life developed in Moscow? Tell us about your family?

I ended up here precisely because of my personal life. I could never imagine that I would live in Moscow. I met my future husband while on tour in Europe with brazilian show. And after 2 years no simple novel when we flew towards each other, crossing the floor globe, I moved to Moscow.

Today we have two wonderful children. Eldest daughter- Gabriella (5 years old) and son Mikael (2 years old). My mother often flies to Moscow to visit us, and we try to fly to Brazil with the whole family so that the children know about their second homeland.

- Do you have a hobby?

Trips. When I have rare free time, I try to go somewhere new. It helps me to relax and gain strength.

- Who works on your style? What clothes do you prefer on stage and in everyday life?

Now I do my own style. Previously, I had a stylist Oleg Tarnopolsky, who taught me a lot. For this I am very grateful to him. I always choose a sexy and comfortable style. I can't wear low-soled shoes. Always high heels only. My stage costumes are very bright and extravagant and very different from casual wear.

- Tell us what is happening in your life now, including your creative life?

Now I'm working on a Russian-language album. In the next month I will present my first work in Russian. This is a very sensual and emotional song called "Stop Me". And a little later I will have a very interesting duet with domestic performer. With whom exactly, I will leave it a secret for now.

From numerous photographs it is noticeable that the artist is happy at the opportunity to spend several days in her hometown with her closest people. She enjoys being by the ocean. Gabriella sunbathes on the beach, soaks up the sun and builds sand castles with her daughter.

Fans could once again admire the singer’s chiseled figure in a swimsuit. Apparently, Gabriella is completely happy with her appearance and curves. However, to achieve a chic body, the artist had to turn to specialists. They helped make the celebrity's figure almost perfect. “Yes, I resorted to the help of plastic surgeons,” a participant in the “Voice” project admitted to StarHit. - My breasts have been done. I think it's cool that it's now possible to correct imperfections through surgery. In Brazil, breast enlargement is generally considered the norm, and no one hides it. In my opinion, if it gives charm to a woman and makes her more attractive, then why not.”

Gabriella also always pays close attention to how she looks. To maintain her beauty, she regularly turns to cosmetologists, but chooses only those masters whom she can trust. She believes that every person is beautiful in their own way, and therefore individuality should be emphasized.

It is very important for an artist to spend as much time as possible surrounded by her husband and daughter. But the artist went home not only to feel herself again in a familiar environment. The sultry Brazilian decided to try herself in business and is going to open her own online store. Since now many are trying to lead healthy image life and sports, she intends to provide her clients with high-quality and beautiful sportswear. Gabriella will please all fashionistas unique design various items clothes made in Brazil from high quality fabric. The singer promises that in her tracksuits the body will breathe, and bright colors will always set good mood to their owners.

September 28, 2015

Perhaps the most exotic and energetic vocalist of the project fell in love with Russia not immediately, but forever

Perhaps the most exotic and energetic vocalist of the project fell in love with Russia not immediately, but forever.

Text: Egor AREFIEV

The fiery performance of Gabriella (real name Ana Lucia Gomez da Silva) from Rio de Janeiro, who sang and danced a lambada on the Voice stage, impressed only Basta - he alone pressed the button and took the girl to his team. The TV program magazine could not ignore the spectacular singer.

— I was horrified by your winter. But Vitaly found the right words, and we got married. Photo: Ruslan Roshchupkin

“After the broadcast I was answering fans until six in the morning”

— Olá? (“Hello?” in Portuguese. - Ed.)

- Gabriella, good afternoon!

- Oh, sorry, I thought it was my husband.

— How did you end up in our autumn Moscow?

“I watched the previous seasons of the project and, to be honest, I wanted to come earlier. But I was cowardly and afraid of being upset if I didn’t pass. My husband constantly said: what are you afraid of, this is your project! (In her homeland, the singer participated in music TV shows, was repeatedly recognized as the best young voice, and once even became an honorary citizen of Rio. - Author). But I decided only this year. Apparently the time has come. Now I'm happy!

— Was everything smooth at the casting?

— I came in a beautiful open dress in the colors of the national Brazilian flag. I'm a singer - I need to show myself! No one could come to the selection. It was necessary to sing in Russian. And even though I’ve been living in Russia for seven years, I don’t speak Russian perfectly. There were very strong guys there who sing great. But they greeted me well - they took me in and wished me good luck. True, I’m still worried (laughs).

- Your Russian is good. Did your husband teach you? How did you meet him?

— I flew to Moscow to dance a show as part of a group of 37 girls. We had a program, and businessman Vitaly came to one of the performances. He started coming to my concerts, and one day when I was getting ready to go to the hotel, he came up and started talking. That’s how we met and started communicating.

— Didn’t let you go home?

- No, of course, he couldn’t do that, I had a contract. I returned to Brazil, but flew to Moscow. I have family in Rio. Vitaly himself flew to me four months later and met his relatives. We returned to Russia again. It was very difficult: I was left without a career, work, friends. I didn't speak Russian. I sat at home and went about my daily life, but I felt like I was visiting. Besides, I can't help but sing. Then winter came - it was terrible! I started to feel depressed. I couldn't stand it and went home. First Vitaly flew to me, then I came to him in Moscow. This went on for two years. After some time, Vitaly finally found the right words, persuaded me, and two years later we got married.

The wedding of Gabriella and Vitaly was solemn. The groom spent a long time trying to persuade her to move to Russia. Photo: personal archive

- How did he lure you in?

“He said that he would help me with my career, that I would sing. That he will change as a man, work on himself and our relationship, and everything will be fine with us. He kept his word. In 2010, I sang on the “New Wave”, and after that they began to invite me to perform at events, in restaurants, at corporate parties, act in TV shows and commercials. I think after “The Voice” there will be an even greater surge in attention (laughs). They're already writing to me! On Instagram, VKontakte, Facebook. At first I tried to answer everyone and only went to bed at six in the morning. But after I woke up, I saw that there were even more messages. Then I realized that I simply could not answer everyone, and recorded a general video message. People wrote to me a lot kind words- and grandfathers, and grandmothers, and young people.

— Surely not everything went so smoothly when you first arrived. How did people react to you when they saw you with your husband? Didn't you whisper behind your back?

— We live in the Moscow region, and different things happened. Of course they said something. I felt it. I won’t say that I was very worried. I always try to smile. If people look at me askance, I won’t say anything, I’ll just distance myself. I don’t like arrogant people: “I’m cool, and everyone else is nothing.” I like people with good energy and good mood. Negativity doesn't bother me. They probably reacted to me this way because I was completely black (laughs). Now, having lived in Russia, she has become much lighter, almost white!

Gabriella doesn’t get to go to the sea with her family very often. Photo: personal archive

“I started singing in a restaurant at the age of seven”

— What did you do in Brazil before leaving for Russia?

- Sang. For as long as I can remember, this is all I did. My uncle is a conductor, my aunt is a singer who sings Portuguese songs, bossa nova. So, from the age of seven, I sang in bars and restaurants.

- From the age of seven?!

- Yes! This is normal in our country. I didn’t graduate from any music schools, I grew up on stage. At the age of 12 I started singing in a group. We were very famous, and then our popularity began to decline. It is forbidden for a long time to be at the top at a young age.

— Do you miss those times?

— Yes... Brazil is the sun, the beach and the carnival. I performed at carnivals, when a car slowly drives through the city, and there is a stage on its roof. There we danced and sang. Crowds of people come and watch, dance with us. Crazy energy!

— You are in excellent shape - you probably train from morning to evening? Are you building your buttocks and on a diet?

- Nothing! No diets. Fitness is very rare. I just love to dance. And beauty, probably, comes from nature. I feel like a little girl, maybe that helps. Gabriella! Don't do that! Mom will punish you. Sorry, it's me for the kids. While we are talking, one is sitting on one of my legs, the other on the other.

Gabriella's beauty can only be truly appreciated in Rio. It’s cold here... Photo: personal archive

— What language do you usually speak at home?

— I speak only Portuguese with my husband. He learned it quite well in the eight years we were together. Our language is easy.

- What about children?

— Gabriella, she is 6 years old, speaks three languages: Russian, English and Portuguese. My son Mikael is 2 years old, and he still speaks his special language. Of course, he knows the basic Russian words: “thank you”, “give”, “fell”. So we are half Brazilian, half Russian.

-What are they interested in?

— Gabriella is engaged in dancing and singing. The son sees how she dances, moves, and tries to copy. So, I think that soon we will have a dance group.

— How did you react to the snow when you first saw it?

- I like it. But after two days I began to think: “God! When will it end?" (laughs). The bathhouse also made an unusual impression on me. They beat me with a broom, and then they called me outside and put me in a huge cauldron, which was heated on a small fire. When I told my mother about this, she started calling Vitaly. I was afraid that they were mocking me. We barely managed to explain that this was just a spa treatment.

At one of the events, the singer met Dmitry Medvedev - at that time he was the president of the country. Photo: personal archive

— Are you trying to help your family? The economic situation in Brazil is difficult.

“We have serious problems in our country.” There is poverty and homelessness. I feel sorry for them, so I try to send money to the family and help loved ones. Before I moved to Russia, I had an apartment and a car. But two days before my wedding, my car was stolen and my house collapsed.

- Like this?

— We bought an apartment on the fifth floor in a new building near the beach. But the designers made a mistake, and a large crack appeared throughout the house. We were told that we needed to leave immediately. We began frantically looking for housing to put our things and furniture. Then we flew away to the wedding, and when we returned, we rented a nice apartment for my mother. And then new house bought. Now my mother lives in Rio with her sister. 

Gabriella Da Silva

From: Brazil

Occupation: singer

“My real name is Ana Lucia. But for show business, Gabriella is more successful: firstly, she sounds, and secondly, in Russia only Anya will be remembered.

My family lives in Rio in a fairly modern and non-poor area near the ocean - Baja da Tijuca. It's quieter there than Copacabana, which, to be honest, I don't really like. I don't go to favelas. After all, what a favela is in essence: it’s when you don’t have documents, but you have drugs. In Moscow, I also live in a modern area: on Kaluzhskaya, next to Vorontsovsky Park.

The strangest Russian experience I had was the bathhouse in Krasnaya Polyana. I was naked there, the men beat me with branches, then invited me outside and put me in a huge boiler*, who was warming himself on a small fire. I told my mother about this, and she then cut off Vitaly’s phone - she decided that he had taken me to the Caucasus and was allowing me to be abused like that. We had a hard time convincing her that this was all within the bounds of decency - just a traditional Russian spa procedure.

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I have been studying music since I was seven, my uncle is a conductor, my aunt is a singer. She sings Portuguese songs, bossa novas, but I prefer American style- Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez. My mother even took me to the doctor when I was a child, she thought I was crazy - she never stopped singing and dancing. I was taken to children's show the queen of our show business - Shushi, then at the age of 12 I was a soloist in a successful teenage group. Those who heard me at that time, but did not see me, said: you sing like another woman, big woman. I mean, an adult.

In general, I had a good career there - I was recognized as the best young voice of Rio and was even given a certificate of honorary citizen of the city for a song about street children, and then I came to Russia as part of the “Terra Brasil” show. We also performed at the Old Havana restaurant, where I met businessman Vitaly, who went there, as he says, not to listen to songs, but to look at Brazilian asses. We started dating, but I was afraid of him and at first I took my gay friend and colleague on all my dates, good singer and a wonderful person.

Since Vitaly wanted to make an impression, the first thing I saw were Moscow clubs, Opera, Diaghilev before the fire, Soho Rooms. The first thing that surprised me was the prices for drinks. It was also strange that go-go girls dance disco with their chests exposed. I asked: did we come to a strip club or something? Our people generally wear a thousand times less clothes, but dancers usually don’t take off their bikinis. Men often came to these clubs with some girls, sat down and started making eyes at completely different girls. Brazilians are probably much more jealous, we can’t behave like that.

At first, Russian food seemed tasteless to me, especially chicken noodle soup. Just boring pasta water. Then I got used to it - and now I really respect the Uzbek manti. Some Moscow restaurants are amazing: they look like grandma's apartments. I was especially struck by “Mari Vanna” and “Taras Bulba”.

At first I did almost nothing here, just watched TV. I really liked the show “Battle of Psychics” and I wanted to make friends with one winner - Liliya Khegai. In general, I was bored and wanted to return to my mother, but Vitaly promised that if I stayed here, he would help me with my singing career. This is what we are doing now. You can see me in Soho and in Paradise, I have already performed at the New Wave festival, I’m filming different shows for television. At one of the parties my dream came true - I met Lilia. She predicted success for me and saw me surrounded by important politicians and presidents. And indeed, after some time I was invited to perform at the President’s New Year’s reception in the Kremlin - I sang a duet with Sergei Mazaev, and in addition, I performed for the governor of Penza and met the president of my country in Moscow.

Each city has its own rhythm. In Rio it's samba and bossa nova, while the streets, coffee shops and shops of Moscow are filled with house music. I hear almost nothing else here. Of the Russian artists, my favorite is Grigory Leps. He is a singer, as they say, from God. My Russian is not yet good enough to understand all the metaphors in his song “A glass of vodka on the table.” This is probably the blues about vodka. In Brazil, songs about beer are popular, and there is also one hit about caviar - it’s about the fact that almost no one has eaten this very caviar, but everyone wants it. In general, concerts in Russia differ from those in Brazil in that here they often sing to a soundtrack. We have spectators in some restaurant or concert hall they would simply throw bottles at the artist.

In the midst of Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the site invited a native Brazilian singer, participant of the New Wave festival and television show“The Voice”, winner of the titles “Honorary Citizen of Rio de Janeiro” and “Best Voice of Brazil” Garbiella da Silva. In a conversation with our correspondent, she told how her hometown over the past few years, and also gave her recommendations on where to go and what food to try in the Brazilian metropolis.


In the midst of the Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the site invited a native Brazilian singer, participant in the New Wave festival and the television show The Voice, holder of the titles “Honorary Citizen of Rio de Janeiro” and “Best Voice of Brazil” to visit. Garbiella da Silva. In a conversation with our correspondent, she told how her hometown has changed over the past few years, and also gave her recommendations on where to go and what food to try in the Brazilian metropolis.

- Gariella, 10 years ago you moved from Brazil to Moscow. What connects you with Rio today?

Oh, Rio is my favorite city on earth. My parents, childhood friends, live here. This is a crazy metropolis with a huge number of people. It is gigantic and stretches along the coast for almost 300 kilometers. There are a lot of gorgeous beaches there. I recommend everyone to visit Rio at least once in their life. This is a magical place... You will never regret it!

- But you, nevertheless, decided to exchange this “magical place” for Russian capital. Why?

It was a very difficult decision for me to move to Moscow after the wedding. There, in Brazil, I had a family, friends, a career. I became an honorary citizen of Rio, and my voice was recognized as one of the best in the country. In Russia we had to start all over again. My husband is a Muscovite, we met in the Old Havana restaurant. The final concert of my European tour took place there. It was impossible to maintain a long-distance relationship. I left and then returned to Moscow again. And only after the wedding we had in Rio, I was able to move completely. And you know, now I don’t regret anything.

Gabriella with her husband and daughter

The sea, or rather the ocean. In Rio, you can come to the coast at any time, swim or take a walk, think, breathe and relax. This is what I really miss. And, of course, the sun. For me there is very little of it in Moscow, because in Brazil there are more than 300 sunny days per year. It's worst in winter. You know, I still remember my first winter in Russia. Almost immediately after I moved in, frost hit. Back then I couldn’t stand sub-zero temperatures at all and was constantly freezing. I didn’t know the language, I couldn’t even go to the store. No friends, no work. It was six months of severe trials for me. But with the arrival of spring, everything began to change. I learned Russian, met new people and started singing again. Now I consider Moscow my home. Here is my family, my children are sunshine, my beloved husband. Although I still miss Rio, and I fly there as soon as possible.

- When was the last time you were there?

For the May holidays. We went there with the whole family. The city has changed, it has become cleaner, there are no longer heaps of garbage lying on the streets as before. Many new roads have appeared, and now getting from one area to another has become much easier. My parents live in the Barra da Tijuca neighbourhood. I spent my entire childhood there. This is a new area with glass skyscrapers, shopping centers and offices and, most importantly, the excellent Barra beach, which is even larger than Capocabana. I must say that these places have not changed much. Barra da Tijuca has always been one of the most prosperous. And, thank God, everything remained that way.

Brazil. May 2016

Compose a kind of rating for our readers, where should you go to feel the spirit of Rio? And where exactly should you not go?

Christ statue - business card Rio. It's like Red Square in Moscow. Must see No. 1. There are several ways to get to the statue: by train or by minibus. You will be dropped off at the foot of the mountain, and then you can go up either on foot or by escalator. Walk for about 10 minutes, no more. But along the way you will have stunning views of the mountains and the Atlantic. What else? Mount Pan di Azucar, or Sugarloaf. From there a dizzying panorama of the city opens. You can get to the top by cable car. The lower station is located on Avenue Pasteur. From the top it’s great to watch the sunset and watch dusk fall on Rio. The city lights up and becomes simply fabulous.

Cable car to Sugarloaf Mountain

Another iconic place- Selaron staircase. It is best to explore it during the day; in the evening it is simply crowded. In addition, all these 215 steps, decorated with tiles, are interesting to look at. Each is different from the other. And of course, the very heart of the city is Copacabana Beach. It's good there at any time of the day, although it is more crowded during the day and evening. Many tourists, I know, tend to choose a hotel near the beach. But I recommend staying in the areas of Barra da Tijuca or Recreio. It's the safest there. And, of course, I do not advise anyone to visit favelas. Even out of pure curiosity. They don't like strangers there, especially those who come alone, unaccompanied. These are the most crime-ridden areas of Rio.

Selaron Staircase

- What dishes and drinks should you definitely try in Rio?

In Rio de Janeiro, be sure to visit meat restaurants - churrascarias. In Brazil, all types of meat are excellently prepared, but our chefs are best at beef. The most delicious steak is, of course, picanha. To prepare it, take the meat from the sacral part, rub it with salt and simply fry it over coals. It's soft, textured and delicious, especially with the chemichuri sauce.

As for drinks, you will definitely like the Caipirinha cocktail. It is made from Brazilian cachaça vodka with the addition of fruit. Caipirinha comes in lemon, raspberry, pineapple - in general, you should try them all, and then decide for yourself which one tastes better.

This is how they cook meat in Brazil

Having lived in two large cities, what myths could you dispel among Muscovites about Rio, and among Brazilians about Moscow?

These are safety myths. For some reason it is believed that in Russia and Brazil there are very high level crime, so many foreigners are simply afraid to visit our countries. But in vain. Personally, I feel absolutely protected in Moscow and Rio. Certainly, law enforcement agencies there is still something to fight with, but the scale of the “disaster” in the imagination of tourists is greatly exaggerated.

- What could Brazilians and Russians learn from each other?

My compatriots are very open, they know how to enjoy life and be happy, regardless of circumstances, social status, income level. The Russians, it seems to me, lack this. They are serious, but at the same time very hardworking and responsible. But these are qualities that Brazilians should adopt.

Garbiella on stage

- Did you manage to travel around Russia? Which city did you like the most?

Yes, I traveled a lot around Russia with concerts. Visited Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Penza and many others. But I liked Sochi the most. This is an amazing city with modern infrastructure and stunning nature. And I was amazed by the opportunity to relax at the resort all year round - skiing in the mountains in winter, and sunbathing and swimming in summer.

- The holiday season is almost over. Where did you go on vacation?

This summer I have a lot of work: filming, recording, rehearsals. But I hope to take a week at the end of August and go to the Maldives. I need to gain strength, because in the fall I will release my first Russian-language album, “My Hero.” This is a big event for me. New presentations, concerts, tours are coming. And our daughter will go to first grade on September 1st. That's why we all need a little vacation. We will sunbathe, swim, recharge ourselves with energy for big things and grandiose events.

Prepared by Svetlana Tuchkova

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