Why are SLR cameras only Canon or Nikon? Canon or Nikon: which camera is better

Canon and Nikon are two undisputed leaders in the photography market. It is quite difficult for beginners to make a choice in favor of one brand or another. To understand which is better – Canon or Nikon, you should compare the main technical indicators of the cameras.

Flash operation:
  • In Canon cameras, the flash is often unstable. In the “automatic” mode, the flash does not always turn on at the same lighting level. If you are used to working in manual mode, then this parameter will not matter.
  • Nikon devices, starting from the cheapest D50, are equipped with a special button for flash synchronization. It's easy to set up the flash using the remote control. This option is useful for those who plan to shoot in a studio.
Saving settings, viewing and playing back photos:
  • All Canon cameras are equipped with a special “C” mode. You can save settings for a particular type of photography. For example, C1 - landscapes, C2 - portraits, C3 - shooting in bad weather. In addition, all settings are easy to return. In Nikon cameras, you will have to reset all settings and install new ones for a particular subject. The exceptions are the D7000 and D600 models.
  • Canon is quite slow in viewing captured frames: the image freezes, flipping or enlarging photos takes several seconds. Nikon doesn't have this problem; photos load instantly.

  • Nikon cameras have a 7- or 9-blade aperture. This allows you to take shots with the effect of “bokeh” and “rays” when shooting lanterns or candles at night.
  • Canon has 6 or 8 blade apertures. Out-of-focus photos aren't as bright as Nikon's.

Autofocus, auto-ISO:
  • Autofocus on both Canon and Nikon is fast and accurate. At the same time, Nikon focuses better on faces. However, when working with cheap lenses costing up to 15,000 rubles, Canon autofocus works faster. When working with more expensive optics, the performance is the same.
  • Canon lags behind Nikon in this parameter. Nikon cameras have the ability to set the ISO increase automatically and shift it by a fixed amount.
The color rendition of Nikon and Canon is radically different. When setting the same settings, the output is completely different photos. Shades, highlights, shadows and colors will vary. You should be guided solely by your own taste. Experts note that frames taken on Nikon D4 and D800 models are slightly yellow. In addition, sometimes the automatic white balance does not work and the photo appears green. The LCD display of Canon cameras has a number of advantages:
  • The screen is coated with a special material that repels grease and dirt.
  • The displays are equipped with anti-glare coating.
  • The aspect ratio is 3 to 2, the output image fills the entire display. With the same diagonal size of Canon and Nikon cameras, the frame size of the former will be larger.
  • All parts, lenses, professional cameras and even cheap Canon point-and-shoot cameras are made exclusively in Japan. The exception is the cheapest components. They are ordered from Taiwan. This country has very high quality standards.
  • Nikon camera production is concentrated offshore. The exception is expensive professional cameras; they are sold in Japan.

When choosing between a Canon or Nikon camera, rely on the technical characteristics that you will need in your work. The ideal would be to test both cameras and compare their performance.

Nikon and Canon(Nikon and Canon) is not a complete list of players in the modern camera market, but, undoubtedly, these two companies are the most popular among the average person interested in photography. Therefore, when the question arises about purchasing a camera - compact, mirrorless or DSLR - for most it sounds like this: which is better - Canon or Nikon? Next, we will answer this question in detail.

Which camera is better to buy: Canon or Nikon?

Professional photographers and experienced amateur photographers, of course, are able to list many reasons why they chose a particular manufacturer. But what should a person do who is just entering the world of photography and, out of habit, is sincerely frightened by terms like “dynamic range”, “crop factor” and “lens resolution”? The answer is obvious: to choose based on factors that will be clear to him - because there are some.

Compact cameras

For a long time, compact cameras were the only option available to a wide circle users, what allowed them to do in their development a long way from a one-button point-and-shoot camera to a complex and functional unit, almost equal in price and image quality to other DSLRs, but much lighter. In addition, the demand for “compacts” has led to the fact that it has become extremely difficult to identify a clear leader in this market. Not only has the “big two” actually grown into the “four” - Canon, Nikon, Sony and Olympus, but in general the competition among manufacturers has become more of a competition between specific models. Therefore, they should be compared, not companies.

At the same time, the opinion is becoming increasingly popular that compact cameras, especially inexpensive ones, are noticeably inferior to modern camera phones, which are capable of providing the same or even better shooting quality with greater versatility and ease of operation. So in this case, the dispute between Canon and Nikon may soon disappear altogether, moving into the mainstream of the no less fierce confrontation between Apple and Android.

Mirrorless cameras

A mirrorless camera is an intermediate option between a compact and full-size camera. From the DSLR, such cameras borrowed a large matrix size and a set of interchangeable lenses, and from the “compact” – the actual compactness.

In this particular niche, Nikon succeeds more than Canon - they took up the development of mirrorless models much later and, logically, lag behind in achievements. However, although Nikon mirrorless cameras are ahead of their competitors in many respects, from the range of available optics to battery capacity, the manufacturer, for unknown reasons, is in no hurry to integrate larger sensors into the Nikon 1 line - while the Canon EOS M series cameras are really not inferior in terms of matrix size amateur DSLRs from the same company.

In general, the situation looks like both manufacturers are trying to catch up with the flagship, which is Sony with the NEX line - and so far neither one nor the other has succeeded. So in the case of mirrorless cameras and the question of which camera is better: Canon or Nikon, the truth is, as in the famous series, “somewhere nearby.”

SLR Cameras

The main competitive battles between Nikon and Canon took place in this field. It should be noted that it is impossible to say unequivocally who is better and who is worse in this case - both manufacturers produce photographic equipment of equally high quality, and the armies of fans of both companies are approximately equally numerous. However, we will name a number of main differences that may influence the choice of which camp to join:

  • The matrix size of Nikon full-frame SLR cameras is closer to the “ideal” 35 mm - it is reduced by 50%, and for Canon - by 60%; But it is known that the physical area of ​​the sensor directly affects image quality.
  • For entry-level Nikon bodies (d40, d3xxx, d5xxx) without a built-in focusing motor - a “screwdriver” - high-quality lenses with high aperture will cost more than for Canon - for autofocus to work, the lens itself must be equipped with it, which inevitably affects its price. Canon has a focusing motor built into all digital SLRs without exception. But for more advanced Nikons equipped with a “screwdriver” (d90, d300, d7xxx and beyond), it will be possible to purchase top-end optics, sometimes half the price of Canon.
  • Video shooting on Canon cameras is better - here Nikon is catching up, partly because the competitor's autofocus is better suited to this specific task, which ensures a minimum of extraneous noise in the recording.
  • Nikon cameras have noticeably more ergonomic camera controls - while Canon's switching some options requires simultaneously pressing three buttons with the risk of dropping the camera.
  • Official Nikon service in Russia is somewhat inferior to Canon.
  • Nikon amateur cameras are made stronger and more accurately than similar Canon products and look more “serious”.

Nikon vs Canon: how to really make a choice?

Every second, several more topics are created on the Internet with the question: “Nikon or Canon”. Some speak on the side of “their” manufacturer more with the aim of provoking the enemy, but there are also those who preach quite seriously, like an inspired missionary trying to enlighten the pagans who persist in their darkness.

However, in fact, there is simply no problem of choice as such. And the vast majority of reasonable people agree that the first camera should be chosen not by brand, but by how magic wand in the world of Harry Potter. That is, pick it up, give the camera a good spin, take a few test shots and realize that this is yours.

Who makes the best DSLR cameras - Canon or Nikon? If there was a clear answer to this question, one of the companies would have dropped out of the market long ago. Indeed, Canon and Nikon produce the best cameras, flashes and lenses, and they have been doing this for decades. Whichever brand you choose, you'll get a broad, well-supported system for every level of development, from beginner to professional. Onliner.by tried to understand the issue by assessing the capabilities of modern SLR cameras of both systems.

In answer to the question in the title, we are not comparing camera to camera, but system to system. Unlike other competitors focused on consumer electronics, both Nikon and Canon have billion-dollar projects in semiconductor manufacturing and space programs.

There is an important difference between the companies: Canon has a wide portfolio of office equipment and huge production facilities, while Nikon's entire business is concentrated on the production of cameras, lenses and microscopes. Thus, one company has a strategic focus, while the other has a tactical focus.

The competitors' histories differ in another key respect. Nikon began as a manufacturer of expensive and high-quality cameras for military needs and only with the release of inexpensive DSLRs did it gain consumer interest. Canon began as a manufacturer of cheap analogues of Leica rangefinder cameras and only entered the professional segment in 1970.


Canon and Nikon have the widest ranges of commercially available optics. All modern Canon EF and EF-S lenses have a built-in focus drive and are 100% supported by EOS DSLR cameras. Nikon produces optics without a servo drive; for it you need to choose a camera with a built-in motor, called a “screwdriver”. When it comes to the use of manual Soviet optics and lenses of other systems, adapters for Canon EOS are easier to manufacture and cheaper. Adapters for Nikon require a correction lens in the design - without it it will not be possible to focus “to infinity”.

In general, across the entire range of popular lenses, you will have to pay 15% more for similar models of Nikon optics. Inexpensive Nikon lenses for APS-C SLR cameras are built much better than Canon analogues - they do not creak or play. Expensive wide-angle and standard zoom lenses from Nikon are sharper than their Canon counterparts. The quality of telephoto lenses from both companies is excellent.

The Canon lens line includes such fast portrait models as the EF 50mm F/1.2 and EF 85mm F/1.2. Nikon does not have such high-aperture optics, however, its motivation in this case is worthy: the company does not want to produce optics that will not be ringingly sharp at an open aperture.


Until 2012, Nikon was ahead: the developed 51-point autofocus system performed well in dark and difficult conditions, it easily recognized the right faces and produced 9 out of 10 sharp shots when shooting action. It is for this reason that famous Russian bloggers and photographers Sergey Dolya and Ilya Varlamov decided to change their system from Canon to Nikon.

But in general, Nikon is ahead in the autofocus segment: even the relatively inexpensive D5300 camera has 39-point autofocus. Canon's autofocus often requires some adjustment, even with the EOS 5D Mark III.


Typically, Canon installs 1,040,000 pixel resolution displays on its DSLR cameras. Entry- and mid-price cameras may have a rotating design and touch controls. Also, the screens of all modern Canon DSLRs are made of tempered glass and have anti-reflective and oleophobic coating. The only exception here is the EOS 6D, which received “poor” plastic display protection. The 3:2 aspect ratio allows Canon cameras to fit the frame completely into the screen, and when recording video, have additional fields for settings.

Nikon prefers 4:3 aspect ratio displays. The company's inexpensive cameras receive plastic screen protection.

In terms of image quality at low ISO, color depth and dynamic range, Nikon models successfully occupied the top positions in the rating. The closest competitor, the flagship Canon EOS-1D X, is in 30th place, inferior even to cameras with an APS-C sensor. In practice, image quality at high ISOs is very good from both brands, and it takes some effort to find the difference between similar models.

Video recording

The first DSLR camera with video recording capability was the Nikon D90. The digital film and clip boom really began with the release of the Canon EOS 5D Mark II, the first DSLR to support 1080p video recording. It was used in the filming of House, The Avengers and many other films. Nikon is slowly entering the video industry (for example, the Dexter series was filmed with the D800).

Both cameras are capable of outstanding results in the hands of a professional, but Canon is developing the technology more confidently. The company's new Dual Pixel CMOS sensors finally allow video recording to focus smoothly and hands-free. Only Nikon 1 mirrorless cameras can boast of hybrid focusing.

Country of Origin

Nikon only produces flagship products in Japan, such as the D4S reportage camera. Other cameras are produced in Thailand and China. Canon prefers to produce equipment in its homeland: even the inexpensive EOS 650D is made in Japan. Canon's outsourced manufacturing base is Taiwan, a country with highly skilled labor force and strict quality control. In our experience, the time from the announcement of the Nikon camera to its appearance in retail sales in Belarus it takes longer, from two to four months. Canon products appear in two months at worst.

Stains on reputation

Both companies have them. The Nikon D600, introduced two years ago, had a problematic shutter mechanism that threw droplets of oil and microscopic pieces of abrading paint directly onto the sensor, which negatively affected the quality of images. The company kept a good face on the bad game until the very end. The turning point was the defeat of the D600 on Chinese television. The government of the country of victorious communism decided to ban sales of the camera, to which Nikon responded with lightning speed with an action - all D600 owners received the right to a free shutter replacement. For some time, the D800 had low-quality displays that gave a greenish tint.

Canon has been criticized for allergen-fading rubber in the EOS 650D and for design issues with the EOS 5D Mark III. When the display backlight was turned on, the camera changed its exposure settings, indicating that light was leaking inside. The problem was solved in a trivial way - they covered the screen with black tape.

Mirrorless cameras

Canon was the last company to present its mirrorless camera. The EOS M camera has an 18 megapixel APS-C sensor, a line of silent lenses and a compact body. The mirrorless camera immediately got into trouble for its weak battery and slow autofocus. The new firmware completely solved the problem of slowness, but the EOS M never saw any love from buyers.

Nikon has perhaps the most authentic take on mirrorless cameras. The Nikon 1 mirrorless cameras include three models - aimed at the amateur, professional and adventure photographer. The latest, Nikon 1 AW1, can shoot underwater and is shockproof.

All cameras feature record shooting rates of up to 20 frames per second with focus tracking and a 1 GB memory buffer. There are 10 lenses available for Nikon mirrorless cameras. It would seem that everything is fine, but the entire line is built on a tiny 1″ CMOS sensor, which is significantly inferior in image quality to APS-C. As we can see, both companies did not succeed in this segment. Sony NEX mirrorless cameras, Olympus and Panasonic solutions look much more interesting.

Entry-level DSLR cameras

The cheapest DSLR brands are built on an APS-C sensor, with a crop factor of 1.5x for Nikon and 1.6x for Canon. To attract buyers, Canon has three baits at once: the world's lightest and most compact DSLR EOS 100D, the inexpensive EOS 1200D and the self-sufficient 18-megapixel EOS 700D with a rotating touch screen and hybrid focusing for video recording.

Nikon in this segment is represented only by the D3300 model, which quickly gained popularity. This camera has 24 megapixels on board, 11-point autofocus and continuous shooting at a frequency of 5 frames per second.

The camera does not have a low-pass filter, which makes it extremely attractive for those who like to photograph nature and cities rich in details.

Mid-range DSLR cameras

These cameras are also represented by models with an APS-C sensor, but they have better and more comfortable bodies with developed ergonomics. Canon has one of its oldest cameras here, the EOS 7D, and the relatively new EOS 70D. The first one has impressive characteristics for shooting action - a 19-point autofocus system and a shooting rate of 8 frames per second. The durable magnesium alloy body makes the model the most affordable reportage camera. The EOS 70D camera is equipped with a 20-megapixel sensor with phase focusing, a convenient rotating screen and Wi-Fi.

Nikon introduces the D7100, the 24-megapixel flagship of its DX camera line (line with an APS-C sensor). This model doesn't have the rotating display and Wi-Fi that we saw on the EOS 70D, but it does boast a sensor without a low-pass filter and a 51-point autofocus system.

Another camera, Nikon D5300, is closer in price to the Canon EOS 700D from a cheaper segment, but at the same time has a developed 39-point autofocus, a special effects mode and a rotating display. The camera also has Wi-Fi for connecting with a smartphone and GPS for marking pictures on a world map.

High-end DSLR cameras

Both Canon and Nikon are represented in this undoubtedly hot segment only with full-frame models. Let's look at " primary class"in the face

As is usually the case, there were no two identical opinions - some foamed at the mouth to prove the merits of Nikon, others shouted - “Canon is the best!”

Let's try to find a third way - without giving the palm to any of the named companies, produce a list of general criteria and characteristics digital cameras, which you should pay special attention to when purchasing. What complicates matters is that in different categories leaders can change.

For example, in the initial category of “digital point-and-shoot cameras” a camera from one company may give the best results, in the “digital for professional” category cameras from another manufacturer prevail, and in the “middle class” category both show approximately the same results.

Purpose of this article- help a potential buyer choose a digital camera using the criteria given below, which we ask you to consider as recommended, but not imposed.

The main criterion for choosing a camera, oddly enough, is not the technical characteristics, but the purpose for which you are going to purchase this or that model.

Basic advice- decide why you are going to buy a digital camera, and whether you are going to improve in the art of digital photography.

If you want to take pictures of your acquaintances, friends, yourself at parties, on vacation, at work, then most likely you do not need expensive SLR cameras - universal ones that cost crazy money. An entry-level camera will be sufficient (the term “entry-level” in no way equates to the term “poor quality”).

You won't buy a super-powerful computer to run office applications, right? The situation is the same with cameras - you shouldn’t buy an ultra-expensive station wagon to photograph your favorite hamster as a souvenir (the site administration has nothing against your hamster, and considers it the best animal in the world).

But, if you are going to learn digital art, then it is best to take the camera “for growth” - you will be able to use more and more new functions of the equipment as you improve your skills.

Now let's talk about technical specifications, which you should pay attention to first when choosing.

Matrix and resolution.

The matrix is ​​perhaps the first among the main factors that are the key to obtaining excellent quality photographs. The matrix, in principle, affects almost all parameters of the image - depth of field, color rendition, dynamic range, as well as noise, the suppression of which requires close attention.

The camera may have a large number of megapixels, but if the matrix is ​​of poor quality, then the photo will have colored streaks, colored dots, and similar interference, which are called noise. In the middle and top categories of cameras, noise reduction is one of the main criteria when choosing “your” camera.

Regarding permission - this characteristic shows how capable the camera is of capturing fine detail in an image. By the way, a large number of pixels does not mean good quality photos. If you are going to print photos in conventional formats (9*13 or 10*15), then in principle, a photo taken with a three-megapixel camera is practically no different from a photo taken with an eight-megapixel camera (of course, not in all cases, we mean “ideal” conditions for photographing).

The printer simply will not be able to display all the details that the eight-megapixel lens “captured” due to restrictions on the size of an individual drop of ink from the printer itself (the inkjet). Therefore, if you are not going to print large format photos or use photographs in printing, you should not spend money on an expensive camera that will not show its advantages in this case.


This characteristic is very important. Good optics is one of cornerstones good digital (as well as film) photography. But keep in mind that the quality of the resulting photo is also greatly influenced by the quality of the matrix, as well as the camera software.

The camera may have “Zeiss” optics, the advantages of which are completely destroyed by a low-quality matrix or unsuccessful camera software. Or maybe it’s the other way around - mediocre optics, but a very good matrix and system software. The quality of the photos in the second case will be better.

Also pay attention to the presence of zoom (both optical and digital). First of all, you should pay attention to the optical zoom, since any more or less decent graphics editor on a PC has the ability to digitally zoom, and enlarge digitally You can take photos at any time on your own computer, but not every digital camera can boast of high-quality optical zoom.


Since a digital camera is a complex electronic device, the quality of the image is greatly influenced by balanced electronics, which prevent the appearance of noise.

This is also one of the most important factors influencing the production of high-quality images. It is also worth paying attention to the available formats of the resulting images. Most digital cameras produce images in JPEG format, which is sufficient for most purposes.

But let’s not forget that JPEG is a compressed digital image format, which brings its own fly in the ointment to the quality of the resulting image. The presence of the TIFF format may indicate that this camera was created for use by professionals, since TIFF is an uncompressed graphics file format.

Exposure Modes

Most modern digital cameras have an automatic exposure detection function. But you can also choose a camera with the ability to manually select exposure.

This function is used mainly by professionals; for entry-level and intermediate-level digital users, manual control is not particularly necessary.

The automatic exposure detection function is implemented in digital cameras using software, so to choose quality camera pay attention to the list of exposition “built-in” programs, the more, the better :).


Almost every digital camera has a built-in flash, which is suitable for most. Sometimes a more powerful flash is required, so pay attention to the presence of the so-called “hot shoe”, this is a connector for connecting an additional flash.

External flashes generally achieve better shooting results than built-in flashes. Also, high-quality cameras contain additional functions that eliminate the “red-eye effect” when working with the flash and other minor troubles.

Ability to change settings manually

Professionals value cameras that allow you to change the “default” settings, for example, such as adjusting the aperture, adjusting the shutter speed, setting white balance, changing the sensitivity of the matrix.

Ergonomics and ease of use

In this paragraph we will include almost everything that was not included in the previous paragraphs:
. Compactness of the camera
. Convenience of the case
. No play in individual parts, no squeaks when using moving parts
. Battery life
. LCD screen size
. Availability of optical or mirror viewfinder
. The presence of an image stabilizer is a very useful thing for those whose hands shake :). Ease of use of the camera menu
. Types of storage media with which the camera works, availability of built-in memory

So, sir, according to the criteria for choosing cameras, everything seems to be all right, let’s now proceed to a brief consideration of why some people like Canon, while others like Nikon products. By the way, a reasonable debate about the advantages of this or that model occurs only in the camp of semi-professional amateurs and professionals.

Naturally, pros compare mid- and top-level cameras, where there is something to compare. This debate is long-standing, and practically makes no sense if we simply keep in mind Nikon or simply Canon, without comparing individual camera models from these two manufacturers.

We will show the test results famous models Canon EOS 400D and Nikon D80:

Canon EOS 400D

Low level noise;
. high-quality picture;
. built-in sensor cleaning;
. lightweight and compact, easy to use;
. the price is lower than the model from Nikon;

Nikon D80

Large bright viewfinder;
. excellent quality of built-in flash;
. the ability to manually adjust the degree of noise reduction;
. larger battery capacity than the Canon model
. ergonomic, easy to use

As you can see, based on these indicators it is difficult to determine which camera is better, however, many give preference Nikon D80 like more professional camera, although having a higher price than Canon EOS 400D.

In fact, the fans' dispute Canon and Nikon almost as old as the fan dispute Windows and Linux. A good portion of amateur photographers stand for Nikon, the rest of the “digital artists” advise everyone to purchase exactly Canon.

The conclusion of our article will be the opinion of one of the digital gurus:
“There's really no difference. At home I shoot Canon, at work Nikon, and both have a good set of professional optics. Differences in end result do not notice. In some details, Canon is more convenient, in others, Nikon is more pleasant to control; one’s flash works better in some scenes, another’s in others. But all this is at the level of subjective perceptions.”

Indeed, the choice of a specific model depends not so much on the model, but on subjective opinion the person who chooses this very model, especially for professionals who can take a unique photo with a regular point-and-shoot camera, while others simply will not feel the difference between specific models.

Which brand of digital digitizer do you prefer?

*The article was written specifically for the site
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Almost everyone is interested in photography these days. This activity has become accessible to representatives of any age, education and gender. This was facilitated by the advent of digital cameras. It is worth noting that high-quality images can be obtained even using a camera mobile phone. If only there was good lighting.

Selecting a camera

What equipment should you buy to get the best quality pictures? Of course, a camera! It will fit perfectly in the hand and provide its owner with a lot of different possibilities. Which company should you choose when buying a camera for filming?

When starting to choose a camera, each of us will definitely remember the two most popular brands. These are Nikon and Canon. Cameras from these companies are most often featured in television commercials. They attract buyers from numerous billboards. The debate about which is better, Nikon or Canon, has been going on for many years. However, a common opinion has not yet emerged.

Preferences of amateur photographers

When choosing a camera brand, each person will certainly be attracted to the one that suits him more according to certain parameters. So, if one amateur photographer pays special attention to the dimensions, then another will primarily look at the quality of the pictures. How, then, can you answer the question of which is better - Nikon or Canon? To do this, you will need to compare the main characteristics of these brands. However, it is worth keeping in mind that manufacturers do not stand still. New, more improved models are being released that make the old line irrelevant.

Significant difference between brands

It is quite difficult to answer the question of which is better - Nikon or Canon. The fact is that both brands are based in Japan. Cameras are usually assembled in the Country rising sun. At the same time, manufacturers use the same technologies. In addition, the external similarity of these DSLRs is also noted. Nikon models only have a distinctive red stripe.

Both companies make excellent cameras that provide excellent image quality. This is why many people do not know, when comparing Canon vs Nikon, what the significant difference between these cameras is. Of course, in in capable hands any model will show excellent results. However, there are still important differences between brands. They can play a significant role in the choice.

Advantages of Nikon cameras

Cameras from this brand provide high quality images even in low light conditions. This Nikon feature is significantly higher than comparable Canon models.

The brand also wins in terms of the number of light focus points. For those who are seriously interested in photography, this is especially important. It happens that Canon cameras, which have fewer such points, do not allow for the intended focusing. In this case, you have to change the place from which the shooting is taken, or the entire composition.

For a long time, Nikon was a leader in flash control. However, Canon is currently catching up with it in this parameter.

Nikon cameras are often preferred due to bigger size sensor This important detail allows you to get the clearest picture possible even with small pixel values.

In addition, Nikon camera manufacturers pay attention to even the most small details. This appliance is equipped with numerous additional amenities that users really like.

Advantages of Canon cameras

Let's start with video filming. According to this characteristic, which is better - Nikon or Canon? To answer the question, you will need to compare the video footage already taken. The result is obvious. In this parameter, Nikon still lags behind Canon, whose models assume the use of high-frequency frames.

Which camera is better in terms of cost - Nikon or Canon? It is worth saying that models of the first brand have a higher price. And this despite the comparability of the cameras. Typically, Nikon is eight to ten percent more expensive than Canon. And this often plays a role when choosing a camera.

Canon is slightly ahead in terms of the number of megapixels. Many amateur photographers pay special attention to this indicator, as it ensures ease of use.

New Canon brand models are offered to customers a short period of time after their release. For Nikon, this process can take 4-6 months. Canon also wins in terms of the motor built into the lens.

Entry-level DSLRs

Which is better - Canon or Nikon - for those taking their first steps in photography? Entry-level DSLRs from both brands have significant differences. Cheap Canon cameras are equipped with a minimum of functions. In rare models you can find HDR shooting and other modern features. Nikon is more advanced in this regard. It has a variety of functions and more convenient operation.

Which is better for entry-level DSLRs - Nikon or Canon? We compare the characteristics and see that the matrices of both brands are approximately the same. However, in Nikon cameras the sensor, as mentioned earlier, is larger. This has a positive effect on filming in difficult conditions.

When purchasing, you should focus on the shooting style. Some amateur photographers prefer to shoot landscapes, and for them there is no need to buy high-speed equipment. Others, on the contrary, desperately need a serial mode. They prefer to photograph children. Entry-level DSLRs from the Canon brand allow for continuous shooting. Typically this is up to four frames per second. Nikon does not lag behind in this indicator, and sometimes it even ends up ahead.

Modern amateur photographers, as a rule, do not particularly like viewfinders. Framing is easier using the LCD display. Which is better - Canon or Nikon - for this function? It is worth saying that whichever model you buy from both brands (except the cheapest one), it will have a three-inch LCD display. However, resolution may vary. It is higher for a Canon camera. However, it is worth remembering that such a camera will consume large quantity energy.

Entry-level DSLRs produced by Canon are inferior to their main competitor in terms of battery capacity. Charging such cameras is only enough for 400-500 frames. As for Nikon cameras, they can work a little longer. They will create 600-800 frames. This ability will be especially useful on a long trip, where it will be difficult to constantly recharge the battery.

As for the other characteristics, entry-level cameras from Nikon and Canon are practically no different.

Professional cameras

Having studied the information about Nikon vs Canon models (or how to choose a good digital camera), each of us will clearly understand the difference in the technical characteristics of these cameras. Professional cameras have a high price category. It is on them that firms make maximum profits. Selling just one device can generate an income of several thousand dollars.

When it comes to professional cameras, it is very difficult to determine whether one brand has any superiority over another. You can note the more compact sizes of Nikon cameras. Although these cameras are kilogram devices built into a magnesium alloy body. It is very difficult to decide on the choice of brand based on all other parameters. You will have to focus mainly on the cost of the camera.

If your budget is limited, pay attention to the Canon EOS 6D. Its cost is approximately 68 thousand rubles. This camera has a matrix with twenty megapixel resolution. A serious drawback of this model is the small number of controls located on the body. In order to use some functions, the photographer has to spend time entering the menu. But it’s nice that this device has Wi-Fi and GPS. Such modules are not available in all higher-priced models.

Which professional camera should a beginning photographer focus on? The answer is clear. You need to focus only on your financial capabilities, because the characteristics of professional DSLRs from both companies are almost the same.

What cameras do modern manufacturers offer?

Most beginner photography enthusiasts tend to buy Nikon or Canon equipment. However, there are many other options. Retail chains offer their customers cameras from a variety of brands. These include Kodak and Olympus, Fuji and Panasonic, LG and Samsung, Kyosera and Rekam, Casio and Skina.

Japanese competitor

I would like to mention Sony products. Sony, or Nikon, or Canon camera - which one is better? Sony cameras, unlike competing devices, have unusual mirrors. They are almost completely transparent, which allows you to equip the camera with an electronic visor function. Some consumers consider this characteristic a significant advantage, while others consider it a disadvantage. But, nevertheless, the camera does not need to raise the mirror. All the light already falls on the matrix. As a result, the device has the ability to create a greater number of frames per second.

If you choose a camera, Sony, or Nikon, or Canon - which one is better to buy? As for Sony cameras, they are equipped with a huge variety of secondary functions. There are models that can take panoramic shots, take photos in the dark, and also create HDR images. However, Sony technology does not have a GPS sensor. This device could turn a camera into perfect option for many categories of amateur photographers.

Consumer choice

Canon, Nikon, Sony cameras - which is better to buy? The disadvantage of Sony DSLRs is their high price. Big money There are also lenses for such cameras. You will have to pay a considerable amount for the remaining accessories. It is for this reason that a Sony camera is unlikely to be the best option for a beginning photography enthusiast.

Basic camera parameters

When choosing a camera, pay attention to the following indicators:

Resolution, indicated in megapixels;


The difference is focal length(zoom);

Lens aperture;

Memory card capacity;

Power supply.

You should check the operation of the camera upon purchase. To do this, take several shots in different modes. If you are satisfied with the result, feel free to purchase the model you like. But it would not be entirely correct to hope that decent photographs will be provided only by the very fact of having quality camera. The key to successful work is, first of all, experience.

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