Full name of Roma. Meaning of the name Roman. Interpretation of the name. Diminutive pet names

Names: origin and forms

Novel- (from Latin) Roman.

Derivatives: Romanka, Romakha, Romasha, Romanya, Roma, Romasya, Romulya.

Directory of Russian names

Roman(from Latin).

Reliable. Having acquired an ideal, they persistently move towards it, and in this they are ultimatums. Convinced. Amazing. Circumstances have little influence on them, to the point that they feel like they belong among strangers. They love to eat sweets and drink well. For women - in price.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Novel- Roman (Latin).
Previously and now the name is quite popular.
Zodiac name: Aquarius.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: lilac.
Talisman stone: amethyst.
Auspicious plant: poplar, violet.
Patron name: Swallowtail butterfly.
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Main features: will, passion.


Roman Samosatsky, martyr, February 11 (January 29). Roman, Prince of Uglich, builder of churches and almshouses in harsh times Mongol yoke, 16 (3) February.
Roman the passion-bearer, May 15 (2).
Roman Olegovich, Ryazan prince, martyr, August 1 (July 19).
Roman Rimsky, martyr, August 23 (10).
Roman of Antioch (Syrian), hermit, miracle worker, who performed miracles of healing, December 10 (November 27).
Roman of Constantinople, October 14 (1). Sweet singer, creator of canons, deacon, who received as a gift from the Mother of God the ability to compose church hymns and songs.
Roman of Caesarea, Antioch, martyr, deacon, December 1 (November 18).


They pray to Saint Roman for the resolution of infertility and childlessness.
Roman shows us winter: if the day is warm for the martyr Roman, then the winter will be warm.
By Roman Day, fish are buried in wintering pits and pools, preparing for winter sleep.


Since childhood, Roma has been serious and thorough, very inquisitive; a one-word answer to his “why” will not satisfy the child; parents will have to answer in detail. He is proud and stubborn, but one should not break his resistance by force; it is better to act with conviction.

Little Roma is very charming, just cute. Mom and grandma adore him. Therefore, having barely matured, he behaves harshly, especially in front of strangers, and is even rude, afraid of appearing like a mama’s boy. Problems with Roman also arise at school: unlearned lessons, fights, broken glass, and absenteeism occur almost every day. Roman pretends to be a tough guy. He likes hard sports: wrestling, karate, boxing. These hobbies should not be encouraged; he already has a strong will and a penchant for risk and cruelty. Thus, he never forgets the insults inflicted on him, and is internally satisfied when he learns about the misfortunes or troubles of these people.

As a personality, Roman is most clearly revealed by the age of 30. This is a strong-willed and hardworking person, independent, not susceptible to the influence of others. Self-confident. Will agree to work if it pays well. Believes that his knowledge and business qualities should be rewarded. He really is completely dedicated to his work, collected, and patient. He can be politician, a skilled intelligence officer, to work in law enforcement agencies. Roman also has a penchant for art, especially theater. He has wonderful intuition and highly developed intellect. You can’t see all this right away; Roman is very secretive. Outwardly, he is calm and seems indifferent to everything that happens, but deep in his soul is hidden passionate nature. His reaction to an event that directly affected him and interfered with his plans is like a suddenly erupting evil volcano, terrifying those around him. Roman will be able to complete any work he starts. He will be able to convince you in an amazing way. the right person in what he needs.

Roman is a passionate, inventive lover. Sex for him is a magnificent theater, a huge value in life. An emotional connection with one of the partners does not exclude the possibility of engaging with others. Roman strives to be free and has no intention of tying himself down moral standards. Girls go crazy for him because he is fun, kind and generous. Roman cannot find his one and only for a long time, but even if he gets married, he will not be a faithful husband. The wife will have to wait patiently for him to settle down. In the family, Roman is the leader. He helps with household chores, is not stingy, and is a father who loves his children. If the marriage does not break up in the early years, it will grow stronger over time.

Roman will be happily married to Ada, Anna, Valentina, Elena, Claudia, Lyubov, Maya, Maria, Martha, Sophia.

Surname: Romanovich. Romanovna.


Roman Ivanovich Klein (1858-1924) is one of the most original Russian architects of the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. Contemporaries were amazed by the breadth and diversity of his architectural interests; over a quarter of a century, he completed hundreds of projects, erected more than forty fundamental structures, various in purpose and artistic solutions. But the main business of Klein’s life was the Museum fine arts in Moscow, which brought him the title of academician of architecture and wide fame.

Klein's path to the heights of architectural excellence lay through years of hard work. He was born into the family of a Moscow merchant, his mother was an educated and musically gifted person, she often invited artists and conservatory students to the house, many of whom later became famous.

At one of these evenings, ten-year-old Roman met the architect Vivien. The sociable Frenchman took the boy to the construction of buildings, explained the principles of their construction, shared his architectural ideas with him as an adult, and showed him drawings. It was from then that Roman began to have passionate desire become an architect. Contrary to the will of his father, who intended to transfer his business to his son, and the wishes of his mother, who saw him as a violinist, he resolutely declared that he would only be an architect, and did everything to make this dream come true.

In 1892, Roman Klein participated in a competition announced by the Moscow City Duma for the development of Red Square. His shopping arcade project received second prize. (The first was awarded to the project of Academician A.M. Pomerantsev - now GUM). Private clients approached the young architect. With their funds, he built the so-called Middle Rows on Red Square - a store for wholesale trade. Linked by high roofs, window shapes and platbands with the architecture of St. Basil's Cathedral standing opposite, they fit well into the ensemble of ancient buildings.

In 1896, an unusual building appeared on Myasnitskaya Street - the famous “Chinese house”. The Tea-Coffee shop, popular among Muscovites and guests of the capital, is still located here. At the insistence of the customer, the large tea merchant Perlov, its facades and interiors were stylized by Klein to resemble an ancient Chinese pagoda. And although the architect himself later critically assessed his work, he considered it clumsy and far-fetched, " tea house"played an important role in the formation of the creative principles of the architect. Chinese motifs successfully revealed the purpose of the building. And later Klein tried to express in the decor of the building its function, which in the presentation educated person associated with one or another historical style.

In 1898, Roman Klein won the competition for designs for the Museum of Fine Arts, announced by Moscow University. Classic style. The architectural motifs of the Acropolis in Athens were most consistent with the purpose of the structure, which was planned to house unique collections. Trying to give a historical appearance to the exhibition halls, he designed Greek and Italian courtyards, Egyptian and white main halls. Thus, the facades and interiors of the building themselves turned into exhibits.

A clearly developed plan and high technical advantages distinguished auditorium the largest Moscow cinema - "Colosseum" on Chistye Prudy(now the Sovremennik Theater). The architect created an elegant semi-rotunda that successfully hid the true dimensions of the building and at the same time looked organic in the historical surroundings of the old street.

The most daring and innovative building of Roman Ivanovich Klein - Trading house partnership "Mur and Mary-leese", now known as the TSUM store. The building was erected on an iron frame. The architect was one of the first in Russia to use progressive metal construction invented by American engineers. In the design of the facades of the structure, which was light and unusual by the standards of that time, Klein was able to successfully correlate the large area of ​​glazing with the stone facing of the partitions.

High culture great master, fine taste in architecture did not change Roman Klein throughout his entire creative career.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.


The name Roman is believed to be Latin in origin and most likely first appeared in ancient Roman culture. Could come from the Latin word "romanus", which can mean "Roman", "Roman" or "man from Rome". In modern times it is considered one of the most popular in Russia...

The male name Roman has very strong energy and is capable of endowing the bearer with a whole bunch of important and required characteristics. Plus, it has very good compatibility with most Orthodox female names, both modern and outdated...

Conversational options: Roma, Romasya, Romulya, Romanka

Modern English analogues : Romanus, Romano, Raman

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Roman can promise a lot to the bearer good qualities. Roman is usually a calm and reasonable man with a penchant for adventurism and unpredictability. This is a narcissistic representative of the strong half of humanity, confident in his actions, making decisions on the fly, without subjecting them to criticism, and doing everything with only one goal - to satisfy his own pride.

His character is not simple, but predictable, and it is quite easy to unravel it. Decisive, generous, kind, self-confident, never stops at the sight of obstacles, always achieves his goals, and never gives up. His opinion always carries weight, and his actions are sometimes too illogical. Moreover, he is most often right and rarely wrong.

Advantages and positive features: self-confidence, determination, willingness to go headlong towards a set goal, inability to give up and willingness to overcome any obstacles encountered along the way. Roman never stops there and tries to constantly improve himself.

Roman treats him badly people who do not respect other people's opinions, selfish and deceitful individuals, traitors and women who do not respect themselves. He will never allow anyone close to him who has ever been caught in a lie or betrayal.

It is believed that the name Roman came from a Latin word, but it was never popular in Europe...

Character of the name Roman

The nature of the name Roman is such that it promises the bearer of this name form a simple nature, almost never calling others to discontent. The character of the man so named is so simple that sometimes it is simply amazing; he rarely quarrels. He almost never does bad things, at least intentionally, and is always ready to help. In addition, his character provides for the presence of such a trait as sociability, which contributes to making friends and easy adaptation to any environment. Roman is a person whose character simply does not allow him to have enemies, and such people practically never have ill-wishers. At the same time, the character of the name of the bearer of this name bestows incredible self-confidence and self-sufficiency, which, alas. For modern men often very lacking.

On the other hand, the nature of the name form is a so-called “ghostly” parameter, that is, theoretical, which means that everything in the case of each individual boy with the name Roman may be different. By the way, in most cases, this whole theory comes true, but the intensity of manifestation of many of these qualities depends on upbringing.

Early childhood

IN early childhood the boy for whom his parents decided to choose the name Roman is completely good times. The meaning of this name can bestow in early childhood a boy named Roman with such traits as calmness, harmlessness, goodwill, obedience, activity, energy, determination, hard work, the desire to develop and be the first in everything that his life touches, eloquence and talkativeness .

This kind of person is never bored, he is always busy, never sits still, always looking for something to do, and at the same time practically does not become rowdy - the extreme case is when Roman starts being rowdy and fooling around, and such cases are incredibly few.

And the energy of the name Roman bestows him with sociability, which helps him make friends even where it is almost impossible. But that's not all.

As for the relationship with his parents, everything is simple - he will never allow himself to disobey his mother, and even more so his father, he respects their opinion, even in moments when he does not consider it correct, and in general, he tries not to let his parents down or disappoint them , which is pretty good.

But with his peers, everything is much more complicated - on the one hand, he is sociable and able to get along with everyone without exception, and moreover, he can even become a leader, albeit unspoken, but on the other hand, his reluctance to indulge and go against the will of his parents can lead to to misunderstanding on the part of peers.


The teenager runs the risk of remaining the same obedient, talkative, eloquent, calm child. The only thing that additionally rewards the meaning of the name Roman is diligence, commitment, responsibility, and diligence.

He has the greatest chance of successfully graduating from school, he can succeed so much in his studies that teachers simply cannot help but be proud of him, but there is one “but”. The fact is that the teenager Roman is very much subject to outside influence - that is, anyone can influence him, both positively and negatively. Seducing him with pampering and adventures is as easy as shelling pears - he can change radically at any moment under the influence of negative factors and people, and, as they say, go downhill. Parents should pay special attention to this moment and protect it, because otherwise it will not lead to good.

Eloquence, dreaminess, romance, courtesy, attentiveness, caring - these are the qualities that set a boy named Roman apart from other children, and with their help, by the way, he will build a very active personal life.

Grown man

An adult man named Roman, the meaning of this name additionally endows him with such characteristics as hard work, curiosity, desire to develop, and the ability to win over people. Such a person has someone to talk to, he is a welcome guest in companies, a humorist, the kind to look for, a joker and a leader, but at the same time he is not a brawler, but simply a merry fellow who makes everyone around him move. Thanks to this, he can make an excellent manager, boss, leader.

Another important property is that he does not like injustice, plus he is ready to help a person in need. He will never leave anyone in trouble, even a stranger will be happy to help in the most difficult situation. This boy, or rather man, has the soul of an angel, he is by nature kind and cheerful, positive, optimistic, and will never ignore anyone’s grief. A good person in all respects.

And he also has no enemies - Roman is a good person, always following his principles and never offending people; he is endowed with a character with which it is simply impossible to have enemies.

Interaction of the character of the novel with the seasons

Summer - a bearer of the name Roman born in summer, a boy subject to the meaning of Summer, will grow up to be a merry fellow and a jokester, positive and light-hearted. This one will be prone to financial success, but will rarely pay attention to this, because he does not like money as such - he easily partes with everything that can make him stand out from the crowd, he is extremely positive, proud and persistent.

Winter - here a guy from adolescence will demonstrate hot temper, impulsiveness and extreme emotionality. He does not forget the insults brought to him, has a vindictive nature and a complex character - he will take absolute revenge on the offender, he is cruel and despotic. Not very lucky in his personal life!

Spring - and here he will become a soft, plastic man by origin of soul and nature - will easily adapt to any circumstances. He is emotional and narcissistic, but this will be demonstrated extremely rarely - he is closed and mysterious, rarely will he reveal his true face to anyone, which will interfere with his communication with people.

Autumn - under its auspices, the prudent and mercantile will grow. Will look at the future with a realistic look, smart and decisive, balanced and clear in mind. You can’t deceive someone like that, you can’t betray him without his knowledge, but you shouldn’t expect something like that from him either. Successful in the love sense.

The fate of the name Roman

The fate of the name Roman in love, in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, and in marriage - this parameter is one of the most mysterious, but also one of the most interesting. True, unfortunately, be that as it may, fate is unpredictable, and it is quite difficult to predict it.

However, judging by history, the fate of this little name suggests the emergence of a huge number of problems in the personal life of a guy with the nominal variation Roman, and in particular, through the fault of Roma himself. This is a calm, albeit optimistic, and cheerful guy, and during his teenage years he will be lonely for the most part. the main problem, which fate promises, lies in his personal inability to attract the attention of girls. But in adulthood, fate may reward you with a different schedule for your personal life...

So, having reached maturity, Roman can become an excellent father, a caring and attentive husband, a true master of the house, a family leader on whom everything will rest, and family well-being, and the happiness of all family members, and the home microclimate. Although, again, all this is just a theory, and, unfortunately, no one knows how it will actually happen.

Love and marriage

Romance with youth basks in the attention of women, but ladies should not count on a strong, serious relationship with such a man. He has an overly amorous nature, so the number of his novels is growing by leaps and bounds. He can choose a woman who was able to give him all of herself to the last drop, and also devote every minute of her life to him. She will have to forget about personal independence and freedom. However, even such a sacrifice does not guarantee that Roman will still decide to give up his freedom too.

Roma is driven by his thirst for new sensations, feelings, and the desire for variety, so even after the wedding, Roma can continue his numerous affairs on the side. Early marriages most often fail very quickly, while later ones can last longer. It all depends on his wife and the degree of her patience.

In family relationships, Roman immediately takes the position of an unquestioning leader, whose decisions are not subject to doubt. It is quite difficult for even the closest people to establish friendly contact with him, to achieve his trust and affection. In addition, Roma can be a cheerful and hospitable host, putting all his energy into arranging the family nest.

Roman as Father

Roman's frivolous attitude towards life collapses with the advent of children, and although he does not become an exemplary family man, but he will certainly become more serious and attentive to family responsibilities. He will approach fatherhood with all responsibility and will try to ensure that his children do not need anything. He will not be lazy to earn an extra penny, and will do everything possible to ensure that everyone in his family gets what they crave.

Roma will become a support for his children, an older friend. He will never begin to ignore children and their problems, will never refuse help, and will always help his children solve all their problems. And in general, it can turn out good father. And let him not sacrifice his freedom for the sake of his children, but let him do everything in his power for the sake of their happiness.

According to Roman, a woman should be involved in the care, upbringing and education of children. And the father must be the breadwinner, the breadwinner. Children should perceive the time spent next to him as a holiday.

Compatible with female names

The most best compatibility the name Roman with such female names as Antonina, Anastasia, Ada, Dora, Elena, Lina, Marianna and Frida.

With Lydia, Tamila, Elvira, Isolde, Vasilisa, Albina, Lolita and Nadezhda, he can build a strong and truly happy marriage.

Victoria, Vladislava, Regina, Flora, Ninel, and Seraphim - Roman has no compatibility with such names at all.

The name Roman is strong and independent. These are the qualities its owner can boast of. In addition, such men are distinguished by the spirit of a player, determination and a love of adventure.

Many of us know that the origin, the history of any word is the key to understanding its meaning. Likewise, it is important to study the origin of the name carefully and in detail in order to understand what secret is hidden behind it.

Almost all historians agree on one thing: the name Roman has Roman origin, since the inhabitants of the great Rome were called Romanes. Accordingly, with Latin language this name translates as “he who lives in Rome.” Some believe that the name of one of the founders of Rome, Romulus, is the original form of the name Roman.

But as Wikipedia says, the story doesn't end there! There are some researchers who have studied the issue in more detail and claim that this name Greek origin. And it is translated from the language of the ancient Greeks as “strong, brave.”

After the adoption of Christianity on the territory of the Great Roman Empire, the name Roman was included in the calendar. According to church calendar, Roman Angel Day should be celebrated on January 18, March 12, May 15, August 1, November 13 and December 10.

It must be said that Roman’s name day according to the Catholic calendar may be different. Therefore, if you have plans to give this name at baptism to your son or baptize him in catholic church, then the dates when it will be possible to celebrate Roman’s name day are worth looking at in the Catholic calendar.

When was he born?

The characteristics of the name Roman will largely depend on the time of year in which the person was born, since the state of nature and general mood environment influences character.

  • Roma, born in winter, is distinguished by a strong character, high emotionality and impulsiveness. He is unstoppable in achieving his goals.
  • If this man was born in the spring, then he will be distinguished by softness, sensitivity and tenderness. He will show sensitivity towards people around him, especially his family.
  • In summer, a joyful, cheerful and active novel. He is the life of the party and a real “ringleader”; there is never a dull moment around him. He is also generous and ready to part with money easily.
  • In autumn, Roma comes into the world, who knows a lot about details. He is attentive, observant and scrupulous. He is characterized by a wonderful, clear mind and the ability to perfectly plan all his activities.

Character and age

It is important to understand that depending on age, a person’s character manifests itself differently. Therefore, if you have chosen this name for your baby, then you should know the meaning of the name Roman for a child.

He's been waiting for him since childhood interesting fate, he will try to be obedient and attentive, but his irrepressible energy will splash out every now and then. Therefore, it is not easy for him to keep all his feelings and emotions under control.

Also, when exploring the meaning of the name Roman for a boy, it is important to remember that this child needs a special approach. Knowing that a volcano of energy is raging inside him, there is no need to try to cultivate perseverance in him. It’s better to think about how and where you can direct his strength to make the child feel more comfortable.

Despite his hyperactivity, the boy copes well with school. He is an inquisitive, interested and greedy child. New things have a special meaning in his life, so Roma loves to learn.

Roma is a visionary and a dreamer. He likes to come up with different stories and surprise others with them. But it is important for parents to channel this gift in a creative direction so that the boy does not develop a craving for excessive exaggeration or even deception.

In adolescence, Roman begins to be attracted by adventures, something unknown and exciting, something where he can express and throw out all his emotions. It is in adolescence that such a trait of his character as recklessness is laid down.

He has pronounced leadership qualities, and he manifests himself not as an active leader who calls everyone to follow him, but as someone who knows how to establish personal contacts. He has an excellent gift of persuasion, people listen to him, agree with him, and therefore they follow him.

Growing up, Roman understands what a secret is, he becomes cautious and restrained, which means that not a trace remains of his youthful impulsiveness. He becomes stable, calm and balanced, his fate is now in his hands.

This man is ambitious and powerful, he has serious plans for his life.. He strives to achieve heights in his business and show what matters to him, so Roma strives for success. He likes to compete and compete, this spurs him to new achievements.

He knows how to contact people, knows how to win them over. Often people trust him with their secrets, which means that he has quite serious information about those around him.

But not only by studying the character, you can understand what the interpretation of this name is - it is important to study how he lives, what he breathes and what his destiny is.

  • Morality is not Roman’s strong point. He does not treat this concept with reverence. Rather, he has a personal idea of ​​​​what morality and morality are, and in life he follows them.
  • Roma is not just smart, he is also cunning. He knows how to feel people and calculate their actions one step ahead. Also, every year he gains wisdom, which helps him make the right decisions.
  • It is best for this man to work in sales. It is these men who are able to “deliciously” sell almost any item. Such employees are worth their weight in gold to any company.

Women and men

It is important to pay attention to compatibility. After all, this is exactly what allows you to understand which partner is suitable for this man and which is not.

- this is a girl with whom compatibility will be above average. Tatyana is a loving, sensitive and gentle woman; she knows how to be weak and defenseless. It is Tatiana who is able to turn Roman into a real man.

Marina is not the most ideal companion for Roma; compatibility with her will not be high enough. Marina is an independent girl and loves to take care of herself. As a result, Roman and Marina may simply not find a common language.

- an ideal partner for this man, maximum compatibility with her. Daria knows how to be sensitive, on the one hand, and has self-control, on the other. Therefore, Daria is capable of becoming an excellent support for the emotional Roma.

Anastasia is a wonderful girl, but for Roma she is not the best partner. Anastasia loves to be the center of attention, to attract other people's glances, but this man does not like this behavior. Therefore, Anastasia most likely will not be able to for a long time be close to him.

- the chosen one, next to whom Roma can feel like a prince. The compatibility of this couple is excellent, because Anna is polite and at the same time noble. This couple is simply doomed to success.

And Roman are people who can become wonderful friends to each other. But their relationship may not work out. Nevertheless, Natalya will be a good adviser and assistant to this man.

Victoria and Roma have good compatibility. But things may not come to marriage, since Victoria is a girl who loves variety.

And Roma - perfect couple. Their hearts beat in unison, they are alike in many ways. Both Olga and Roma will feel a subtle connection with each other throughout their lives.

– not the best partner for this man. Yulia is closed to herself, which means that she will not pay the necessary attention to Roma.

Ekaterina and Roma are a couple about whom we can say that fate itself brought them together. They know how to be attentive to each other, sensitive and touching. Ekaterina is ready to become not just a wife for Roma, but also a friend.

- this is a good partner. It is Irina who can become the best business partner for Roma, but, unfortunately, not his wife.

Svetlana and Roma are a good couple with good compatibility. They are able to build a happy and successful marriage, where Svetlana can reveal herself as a wonderful wife and housewife.

The meaning of a name like Roman is not a secret: it lies in the history of the word itself, and in the character of a person, and in his behavior. The description of a person is largely encrypted in his name, which means that by exploring our name, we are exploring ourselves.

A person’s name, given at birth or at baptism, carries a certain energy. Therefore, when choosing what to name a child, many parents scrupulously study psychological, astrological and other existing characteristics name. In this article we have collected the most full information about what the name Roman means.

Originally from Rome

The name Roman owes its origin to the Latin word “romanus” - Roman, and dates back to the birth of Rome.

According to legend, the future founders of Rome, the children of the god Mars, Romulus and Remus, were ordered to be killed by their greedy grandfather Amulius, fearing newborn pretenders to the throne. The twins were saved from death in the river and raised by a she-wolf. The brothers survived and overthrew Amulius, but in the struggle for power, Romulus killed Remus and became ruler.

Romulus and Remus were courageous, daring, hot-tempered and stubborn. Hot temper and ambition became the cause of Rem’s death

The Greek interpretation of the name Roman is invincible, persistent, brave and strong in spirit. This is exactly how the Greeks saw all the inhabitants of the Roman Empire.

Analogues of the name in Russia and abroad

Diminutive names: Roma, Romulya, Romakh, Romasya, Romashka.

Analogues of the name Roman in other languages ​​of the world: Romanos (Spanish), Luomanos (Chinese), Romen (Gypsy), Romeo (Italian).

Character and destiny

As the child, who received the name Roman, grows up, his character changes: from impulsiveness to secrecy, from love of love to selfishness. And only one trait of his character remains unchanged - vanity and painful perception of criticism.

Roman should not be rubbed against the grain; in response to criticism or irony addressed to him, you may get an outburst of rage.


Since childhood, Roman has exhibited such traits as curiosity and meticulousness. Every now and then he bombards his parents with various “Why?” "How?" and “Why?”, and it is simply impossible to get rid of the boy with a monosyllabic answer.

“Are the bulls roaring or not? Why are oranges round? Do you have beds in your cave? Amos Murray is six-fingered. The parrot can speak, but the monkey and the fish cannot. A dozen – how much will it be?

O. Henry "Leader of the Redskins"

Irrepressible energy and the desire to know everything in the world push the child in search of adventure. Roman is unable to concentrate on any one activity and grabs onto everything that attracts his attention. He tries very hard to be obedient, but patience and perseverance are not his strong point.

Roman grows up to be such a charming child that his mothers and grandmothers dote on him. Having matured a little, he begins to behave deliberately rudely with them, especially in front of strangers, so as not to be branded as a mama's boy.

Since childhood, Roman has strived for independence

As a child, he continually tests the patience of his parents and teachers, and this does not happen on purpose. The boy tries to be diligent, but forgets to do his homework, getting carried away by something interesting, or skips classes because he found a more attractive activity on the way to school. However, he is unlikely to remain ignorant, thanks to his excellent memory and lively mind.


Growing up, Roman learns to skillfully deceive his parents and teachers, writing stories to avoid classes and household chores.

This boy could well be called Roma.

Pressure on a stubborn person leads to nothing, since he grows up very self-willed and impudent. Fights, broken glass, calling parents to school is becoming commonplace.

He really wants to be a “cool” guy, so he is interested in martial arts. In adolescence, Roman's character traits such as resentment, resentment and vindictiveness begin to appear. He develops a penchant for risk and cruelty.

young man

Roman is very sociable and intelligent, but he prefers not to be frank with even his loved ones. If his peace of mind is disturbed by someone, complacency instantly gives way to rage. The irrepressibility of his nature only grows - he can easily leave somewhere without warning or give up his education.

At the same time, the young man is vain and not without ambitions; he is literally seething with ideas, infecting his friends with them. Guess on whose initiative a group of young people, including Roman, will go swimming in the city fountain?

A novel can captivate friends


An adult Roman begins to value stability in life: he becomes self-possessed, balanced, calm, and sometimes even too calm. In a difficult situation, he prefers not to rush from one extreme to another, but waits and evaluates. He is not afraid of difficulties, but also does not want to carry the entire weight of the world on his shoulders - any attempt to impose any obligations on Roman is doomed to failure. This person is a skilled manipulator of people who considers his opinion to be the only and correct one.

Love, family, sex

Roman does not lack female attention

Roman is very amorous and fickle - there are plenty of novels in his life. He is constantly surrounded by fans who are attracted to his intelligence, kindness, generosity and fun. At a young age, the sexual component of relationships comes to the fore for him. In bed, he does not cheat on himself and is constantly looking for something new, showing himself to be a passionate and inventive lover

“Love sometimes leads to madness. Sometimes? Perhaps always? For the sake of love we will commit heroism, and for the sake of love we will commit a crime, for the sake of one minute of love we will create life and trample on life. This is love."

Roman Viktyuk, theater director

Roman takes a very long time to choose a life partner, but in marriage he is not distinguished by fidelity. The ideal wife for him is a woman who is able to completely dissolve in him and forget about her ambitions. If the marriage does not break up in the first year, over time family relationships will strengthen. From the point of view of name compatibility, his marriage with Anna, Lyubov, Elena, Maria, Sophia will be successful.

Roman considers himself the head of the family, whose opinion is not subject to discussion, spends money wisely, but continues to shirk household affairs, as in distant childhood. However, everything can change with the advent of their own children.

The appearance of a child can strengthen Roman's marriage


Roman is very selfish: he will only work where he is paid well, but he will also give his all. During work, he is collected and focused, so he is appreciated by both colleagues and superiors. At the same time, Roman does not strive for leadership, because he does not want to complicate his life with unnecessary responsibility.

He can find his calling in professions related to communicating with people: manager, realtor, bank employee. He is also attracted to professions associated with risk and novelty: firefighter, rescuer, policeman.

Roman's leadership abilities are perfectly manifested in own business. He will become a prosperous businessman, because money is the best incentive for him.

Prosperous businessman Roman Abramovich

Psychology of the name

Roman is a sociable and objective person. He is very vulnerable, so he prefers not to trust others. He is touchy and hot-tempered, very self-confident and ambitious . He is very upset by troubles and obstacles. Roman is very independent and does not like to sacrifice his freedom. This is a passionate nature that does not always finish what it starts.

The name Roman in Russian history and modernity

The name Roman was borne by the descendants of Russian princes, scientists, cultural and artistic figures. Today, many famous and popular people bear this name.

  1. Boris Rostovsky was baptized with the name Roman. Together with his brother Gleb of Murom, he became one of the first saints canonized in Rus';

  1. Roman Klein, architect. Built the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow;
  2. Roman Yakobson, linguist;
  3. Roman Viktyuk, theater director;
  4. Roman Kartsev, pop artist;
  5. Roman Abramovich, businessman and oligarch;
  6. Roman Pavlyuchenko, Football player
  7. Roman Kostomarov, figure skater and Olympic champion.

Astrological characteristics and name talismans

Astrological characteristics of the name Roman and talismans

  1. Zodiac – Aquarius, Taurus;
  2. Planet – Mercury, Saturn;
  3. Element – ​​Fire;
  4. Metal – gold;
  5. Stone – amethyst, rhodonite, morion;
  6. Color – yellow, red, purple, brown, black;
  7. Number – one;
  8. Animal – doe;
  9. Insect – swallowtail butterfly;
  10. Plant – poplar, cypress, violet.
  11. Season – winter;
  12. Favorable day is Saturday.

Name days in the Orthodox calendar

  • October 14 - Roman of Constantinople, deacon, creator of canons.
  • December 1 - Roman of Caesarea, deacon, martyr.
  • December 10 - Roman the Syrian, hermit.

Characteristics of a name by time of birth

In many ways, character traits inherent in the novel determined by the time of his birth. “Winter” Roman is impulsive and hot-tempered, he does not forget insults and often has a despotic character. Those born in spring, on the contrary, prefer to adapt to circumstances, but are also narcissistic and selfish.

“Summer” Romans are proud and persistent, they work hard, but at the same time they demand a lot from life. Those born in autumn are, first of all, calculating and scrupulous. Thanks to their clear mind, they achieve everything themselves.

However, regardless of the time of birth, Roman always remains himself. He is quite honest with others and seems to say by his own name: I am who I am. He does not call anyone to admire his virtues or blame his shortcomings. This person is very self-sufficient and independent of other people’s opinions, although he often perceives them very painfully, which he also does not hide.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

There are many women in Roman’s life, but, as a rule, he does not leave them unhappy, with broken hearted. The novel is characterized by a love for complete personal freedom, autonomy and independence, an unwillingness to subordinate one’s sexual behavior to generally accepted norms and patterns. He does nothing under compulsion, his goal is to learn, to give pleasure and happiness. For Roman, a lot depends on his mood, and that’s it. in turn, is determined by the state of his affairs. In the whirlpool of business life, in the turmoil of urgent business meetings and contacts, settling financial issues, he is able to completely forget about women. But when things go badly for Roman, he seeks oblivion in sex and becomes uncontrollable in this sense.

In relationships with women he often acts impulsively, the “winter” Roman has a stormy temperament with a strong sexual constitution. His attitude towards sex is often prosaic, especially if Roman is not connected with his partner by deep feelings (in this case, for him, intimacy with her is simply “not a reason for getting to know each other”). He easily subjugates a woman to himself, demanding that she completely dissolve in his sexual desires.

Sometimes it is difficult for Roman to understand what his partner wants from him - he is vain and believes that he does everything as required. Roman is a gifted person, witty, able to belong in any company, women often fall in love with him at first sight. His many hobbies do not pursue the goal of collecting victories, he is looking for true love, and not erotic pleasures.

Happens in repeated marriages, is often disappointed, but, having gone through a series of divorce proceedings, remains a romantic. Physical intimacy is important for him in marriage, but if the attraction to his wife fades, Roman looks for a new partner, a new object of his passion. He is a devoted and ardent lover, but he is not used to advertising his connections.

Closest to everyone sexually he should have “summer” women: Natalya, Alisa, Galina, Mirra, Olesya, Valentina, Claudia, Nadezhda, Lyubov.

1. Personality: those who hold the waters of the earth

2.Color: red

3. Main traits: will - hard work - intelligence - sexuality

4. Totem plant: cypress

5. Totem animal: doe

6. Sign: Taurus

7. Type. These mysterious people have the talent to convince others. They are so reasonable that at times they seem boring; very organized and patient.

8. Psyche. They never forget the insults inflicted on them; not susceptible to influence, objective, completely dedicated to the task, however, if there is such a need. Self-confident.

9. Will. Outwardly they are calm, but underneath this calmness there is a volcano...

10. Excitability. Somewhat sadistic, especially when they learn about the misfortunes or troubles of others!

11. Reaction speed. Worrying! I would not like to demonize these men with their enormous intellectual potential and efficiency, but their reactions are so violent and filled with such subtext that they confuse everyone.

12. Field of activity. They find satisfaction in their work, but for an appropriate fee! Would like to explore unknown areas. They can become unsurpassed intelligence officers, missionaries, police officers, and politicians.

13. Intuition. They have excellent intuition.

14. Intelligence. They are more intelligent than they might seem. They act secretly, pulling strings from behind the scenes.

15. Receptivity. They have deep, even passionate impulses, which, however, rarely manifest themselves outwardly.

16. Morality. They always strive to be free. In no case do they want to bind themselves to moral standards. They have a sharply negative attitude towards anything that could interfere with their business.

17. Health. Good, although they suffer from diathesis. Must monitor the digestive organs. They like combat sports: wrestling, karate, rugby.

18. Sexuality. More than average. With regard to sex, they have many problems, since these men do not know how and do not want to wait, their desires are more likely based on instinct than caused by love.

19. Activity. These people are able to implement long-term projects and manage to bring them to completion.

20. Sociability. Not very sociable.

21. Conclusion. Such people must be resisted - only under this condition will you enjoy their respect.

According to Mendelev

The name is masculine, big and rough.

They are choleric by temperament, but they know how to hide their feelings behind a mask of equanimity. Their will is strong, and their character approaches authoritarian. Even if life has decreed that Roman does not lead anyone at work, at home he is a king and a god, his word is a law that is not disputed by anyone. Every event, especially an unpleasant one, is remembered for a long time; the insult inflicted on Roman will sooner or later be avenged. His reaction is excellent, his mind is analytical, and he does not allow himself to act rashly. There is little hope for intuition, because it is not developed enough; its place is taken by analysis of events and accurate calculations possible options their development.

Roman is a born entrepreneur, businessman, politician, leader. He tends to view people as chess pieces and manipulate them, using them for his own purposes. Pragmatism is the main factor determining his behavior. Women and sex interest him secondarily, and his main concern is not to become dependent on the fair sex; family for him is often only a source of convenience, a comfortable life and a place where, in case of failure, he can crawl and lick his wounds.

In youth, these traits are already quite clearly expressed. With age, they do not weaken, but simply smooth out somewhat, without ceasing their impact on Roman’s character and behavior.

The color of the name Roman is brick red.

According to Higir

It originates from the Latin “romanus”: Roman, Roman.

In childhood, he is susceptible to frequent respiratory diseases, which should be treated with great attention, since they can result in unwanted complications, including asthma. However, you have to monitor little Roman’s studies no less closely: unlearned lessons and even absenteeism is a common thing for him.

A person with this name does not tolerate monotony in life. He may well leave the institute six months before graduation and go to work, or neglect the diploma he received, for example, for the sake of a career as a non-professional actor. When he gets carried away by something, he lights up and is able to captivate other people.

Roman is amorous. Without any particular remorse, he is able to change his chosen ones until he finds one who is ready to completely devote her life to him, to dissolve in him. However, there is a firm guarantee that, having met such a woman, Roman will become ideal husband, No. His passion, inventive mind, love of diversity at first can greatly complicate family life.

With the birth of children, Roman usually settles down and becomes a wonderful father. In general, living with Roman is fun. He is the leader in the family, but without excessive dictatorship and stubbornness, he does not need to be persuaded for a long time to help with the housework, he is not stingy.

Roman will be happily married to Agnia, Ada, Anna, Valentina, Elena, Claudia, Lyubov, Maya, Maria, Martha, Sophia. The union with Aurora, Venus, Dina, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Lilia, Oksana, Rimma, Tamara cannot be called successful.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Roman", (lat.)

Energy of the name and character: The energy of the name Roman is quite peculiar, which usually manifests itself in some recklessness. For example, when faced with any difficult situation, Roma will be upset, but, most likely, will quickly give up on it, letting events take their course. Moreover, over the years, he may even develop a whole philosophy about this, in which there will be quite a lot of humor and optimism.

IN childhood, When the main task child is to test the patience of parents and teachers, Roma may sincerely want to be diligent student, but usually everything turns out a little differently. Patience, as a rule, is not one of Roman’s virtues, it’s just that the mobile energy of his name inclines towards the mobility of the mind, and therefore he constantly risks being distracted, switching his attention from one thing to another. No, of course, if he is regularly flogged, due to the hopelessness of the situation, he may, due to the hopelessness of the situation, spend all his time studying textbooks and gradually turn into a kind of learned idiot, but, thank God, this is not often seen, besides, an optimistic character can easily teach Roman the basics lie to avoid punitive parenting methods. In a word, you can achieve a lot with violence, but not what you expect. On the other hand, left to his own devices, Roma is unlikely to remain a complete ignoramus, since his quick mind allows him to learn a lot on the fly. If at the same time he develops any interests, then problems with studying will disappear altogether.

No matter how Roman’s fate turns out, the qualities that will best help him are balanced pride and a penchant for wit, so it’s very good if they develop during his upbringing. It is unlikely that Roma will pretend to be a leader or take on the solution of any complex super-tasks, but he can successfully apply his energy in a wide variety of professions, especially if they are related to communicating with people. In a team he rarely experiences any difficulties, but in family life, where not only cheerfulness is valued, but also constancy, he may experience some complications in the form of divorces and other troubles. If Roman wants to avoid such a fate, he most likely cannot do without using his willpower, which allows him to resist emerging interests “on the side.”

Secrets of communication: Roma usually loves to talk, which often consumes a good half of his energy. At the same time, Roman, optimistic and little inclined to caution, is capable of accidentally spilling someone else’s secret or simply gossiping without malice. It’s worse when you have a “complexed” Roman in front of you, then only God knows what his agile mind and damaged pride can push him to do. However, much more often Roma is very sociable and easy to talk to, which often allows many people to become his real friends ahead of time.

The name's trace in history:

Roman Viktyuk

Few people have not heard about the scandalous director Roman Viktyuk (born 1936) and his theater of the same name. And indeed, this man managed to get people talking about him in the post-perestroika era of general theatrical decline - from time to time Roman Viktyuk appears on radio or television, giving interviews, explaining the essence of his creative approach.

What is the secret of Roman Viktyuk’s success? How is it that even those who have never been privileged to visit the theater know the name of this director? This is how he explains his main idea: The time has passed when the viewer willingly went to see the classics, understanding the slightest subtleties of the director’s production. Now, in the era big money and television, the viewer can be attracted to the theater in only one way: scandal. Colorful extravaganza, masks, pantomime, outright eroticism - these are the ways in which the Roman Viktyuk Theater became almost the most fashionable place in Moscow in the 90s of the last century.

However, what prevents the director from changing the form? theatrical production, leave its contents unchanged? The most important thing is that the theater is full, and in the meantime, you see, the audience’s subconscious, even against their will, will absorb the eternal values ​​of harmony, goodness and beauty, says Viktyuk. It’s not for nothing that remaking classic stories in a modern way has become fashionable in America: for example, The story of Romeo and Juliet, transferred to the 20th century, provided the film's authors with prizes at many festivals in 1997.

“Evening Light”, “The Wall”, “Phaedra”, “The Maids”, “Madama Butterfly” - these are just a small part of the performances staged by Roman Viktyuk; performances, each of which automatically became an event in theatrical life capital, shocking and turning on even the spoiled public who are accustomed to everything.

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