The main idea of ​​war and peace. The idea of ​​a heroic life in the novel "War and Peace". Military theory of Tolstoy

“It is necessary ... that my life was not for me alone ...”

L.N. Tolstoy.

In the novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy appears before us not only as a brilliant writer. An important place in the plot is occupied by his original historical views and ideas. The writer, who in Russia is always more than a writer, creates his own philosophy of history: an integral system of views on the paths, causes and goals community development. Hundreds of pages of the book are devoted to their presentation.

Each of Tolstoy's heroes is looking for his own path in life, each strives for some personal one, but all the heroes are very different people, and therefore each of them has his own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness. For some, this is a profitable marriage, success in secular society, military or court career, as for Boris Drubetskoy or Berg. But for some, the meaning of life is completely different.

From his father, member foreign trips times of the Patriotic War, L. Tolstoy inherited self-esteem, independence of judgment, pride. Entering Kazan University, he showed extraordinary ability in studying foreign languages but quickly became disillusioned with student life. At nineteen, he leaves the university and goes to Yasnaya Polyana determined to devote himself to improving the lives of his peasants.

Tolstoy begins the time of searching for a goal in life. In a painful search, Tolstoy comes to the main business of his life - literary creativity.

The spiritual beauty of Tolstoy's favorite heroes - Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov - is manifested in the tireless search for the meaning of life, in dreams of activities useful to the whole people. Their life path is a path of passionate searches, leading to truth and goodness. Prince Andrei, for example, dreams of glory, similar to the glory of Napoleon himself, dreams of accomplishing a feat.

But these dreams are not like the dreams of the staff careerist Zherkov, because glory for Andrei Bolkonsky is “the same love for others. Wanting to do something for them." For the sake of his dream, he goes to the active Russian army, takes a direct part in the battles. But this path turned out to be false, it leads Prince Andrei to deep disappointment and spiritual crisis. Yes, he accomplishes his feat during the Battle of Austerlitz. Picking up the banner, Andrei Bolkonsky drags the retreating soldiers into the attack. But this attack could not save the already lost battle, the hero doomed the soldiers to a senseless death and he himself was seriously injured.

And there, on the field of Austerlitz, Andrey comes to understand the insignificance of his former dream. He understands that one cannot live only one's dream, one must live in the name of people, relatives and strangers. A turning point occurs in the soul of Prince Andrei, and after returning home, he devotes his whole life to raising his son and caring for the peasants, becomes good father and exemplary landowner. Andrey, as it were, is closed in himself, and only a meeting with Pierre, their conversation on the ferry again awakens him to life. He again returns to society, takes part in the activities of the Speransky commission, again a dream of happiness arises in front of him, this time it is a dream of personal, family happiness with Natasha Rostova.

But these dreams were not destined to come true. Andrei returns to the army, but not in search of glory, but to protect the Fatherland. And there, in the regiment, Andrei finally finds his calling - to serve the Motherland, take care of his soldiers and officers. The path of Prince Andrei ends with what he dreamed of at the beginning of the novel - glory, the glory of a real hero, defender of the Fatherland. This is a fitting end life path, his search for the meaning of life.

The fate of Pierre Bezukhov develops differently. He does not know. Which way should you go. he rushes about, makes mistakes, but his actions are always guided by one desire - "to be quite good." The search for the meaning of life leads Pierre to join Masonic Lodge. He strives to become different and help other people change for the better. This desire for the good of others leads Pierre to the idea of ​​sacrificing himself and killing Napoleon, as the main source of all troubles and suffering.

Two months spent in captivity allowed Pierre to get to know and understand the Russian people, his outlook on life changed. He realized that any charity is not able to feed all the poor. Pierre takes a direct part in the Decembrist uprising and then goes to long years to Siberia, from where he will return in thirty years already an old man, but who has not changed his views and ideals.

Thus ends the search for the meaning of life by Pierre Bezukhov. And, perhaps, the plot of the novel is built around the search for the meaning of the life of the characters and the author himself. The object that allows you to find out "Why?" becomes a war. It is in war that life and death are intertwined and the line between them almost disappears, only there a person can feel like a real person.

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The main idea of ​​the novel "War and Peace" can be expressed in the following words of the author himself: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth." This idea was expressed not only in the opposition of Kutuzov and Napoleon, but also in all the smallest details of the struggle between the Russians and the French. Tolstoy in every possible way elevates the Russian people, who waged a defensive war and were strong in their spirit, faith in truth and goodness; the French were defeated because they were not convinced of the rightness of their cause. All scenes privacy, outlined by Tolstoy, have the same goal - to show how it suffers and rejoices, loves and dies, that people leads a family and personal life, whose highest ideal lies in simplicity, goodness and truth. The voice for the simple and the good against the false and the predatory forces Tolstoy to condemn not only the French, blinded by the False idea of ​​greatness, but also the majority of persons from the upper class of the Russian people, who, under the elegant forms of outward propriety, harbored an abyss of deceit, frivolity and ...

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/ Works / Tolstoy L.N. / War and Peace / Composition of the novel "War and Peace"

Composition of the novel "War and Peace"

"War and Peace" is a broad historical epic, the main character of which is the Russian people. The diaries of S. A. Tolstoy contain direct statements about this by L. N. Tolstoy. “I try to write the history of the people,” he said. “For a work to be good, one must love the main, basic idea in it. So... in "War and Peace" I loved the thought of the people..."
The main idea of ​​the work is the invincible power of people's patriotism. The theme and ideological orientation of the work here, as elsewhere, determine its genre, composition, figurative system, language.
“War and Peace” vividly reflects the life of Russia and partly Western Europe first two decades of the 19th century. Great historical events transfer the course of action from Russia to Austria, Prussia, Poland, the Balkans, from Smolensk to Moscow, Petersburg, Russian and German village, from the royal ...

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The main idea of ​​the novel War and Peace

The main idea of ​​the novel is War and Peace.

"Deep knowledge of secret movements psychological life and the immediate purity of the moral feeling, which now gives a special physiognomy to the works of Count Tolstoy, will always remain essential features of his talent "(N.G. Chernyshevsky)
L.N. Tolstoy is known not only as a brilliant writer, whose works have long been included in the fund of Russian classics, but also as a person who tried to understand the problems of being. Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" opened a gallery to the world immortal images, created by the hand of a writer-psychologist. Thanks to his subtle skill, we can penetrate the complex inner world of the characters, learning the dialectics of the human soul.
An epic novel - such a genre is defined by criticism for "War and Peace". Epic - because the pages of this work reveal the complex inner world of a great many heroes. Each of them has a life filled with events that, according to the idea ...

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In Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace", the key word is "peace". It is contained in the very title of the work. In what sense did the author use it in the title? The question arises because in the modern Russian language there are two homonymous words "world". In Tolstoy's time, they differed in writing as well. The main meanings of the word "mip", according to the dictionary of V. Dahl, were: 1) the universe; 2) Earth; 3) all people, the human race. "Peace" was used to denote the absence of war, enmity, quarrel. In the work, episodes of war are replaced by episodes of peace, that is, peacetime. And at first glance it seems that the title contains one antithesis: war - Peaceful time and that the word "peace" should be understood only as an antithesis to the word "war". But with Tolstoy, things are much more complicated. The title of the novel reflects the main meanings of the word "world". In addition, even these meanings given above do not exhaust the use of the word "world" in the novel.

First of all, it was important for Tolstoy to show...

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The idea of ​​a heroic life in the novel "War and Peace". Military theory of Tolstoy

/ Nikolai Nikolaevich Strakhov (1828-1896). War and Peace. Composition of Count L.N. Tolstoy.
Volumes I, II, III and IV. Second edition. Moscow, 1868. Article one /

It is very difficult to state, even in general terms, the idea of ​​deep artwork, it is embodied in it with such completeness and versatility that its abstract exposition will always be something inaccurate, insufficient - it will not, as they say, completely exhaust the subject.

The idea of ​​"War and Peace" can be formulated in various ways.

It can be said, for example, that the guiding thought of the work is the idea of ​​a heroic life. The author himself hints at this.

The artist ... directly declares to us that he wants to depict for us such a life, which we usually call heroic, but - to depict it in its real sense, and not in those wrong images that antiquity bequeathed to us; he wants us to wean ourselves from these false notions, and for...

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The main theme of the novel "War and Peace" is the image of the

ha of Russian people in Patriotic war 1812. The author speaks in

his novel and about the faithful sons of the fatherland, and about false patriots who think

only for their own selfish purposes.

Tolstoy uses the antithesis technique to depict events as

as well as the characters in the novel. Let's follow the events of the novel. In the first

volume, he talks about the war with Napoleon 1805-1807, where Russia

(ally of Austria and Prussia) was defeated.

There's a war going on. In Austria, General Mark is defeated near Ulm. Avs-

the Trinian army surrendered. The threat of defeat hung over the Russian army. AND

it was then that Kutuzov decided to send Bagration with four thousand

my soldiers through the rugged Bohemian mountains towards the French.

Bagration had to quickly make a difficult transition and delay the

rokatysyachnuyu French army before the arrival of Kutuzov. His team needs

was to accomplish a great feat in order to save the Russian army. Yes, the author

brings the reader to the image of the first great battle. In this

zhenii, as always, bold and fearless Dolokhov. Courage Dolokhov

manifests itself in battle, where "he killed one Frenchman at close range, the first took

collar of a surrendered officer. "But after that he goes to the regimental commander

mandir and reports on his "trophies": "Please remember, your pre-

caked blood: "Wound with a bayonet, I remained at the front. Remember, your

Excellency". Everywhere, always, he remembers first of all about himself,

only about himself, everything he does, he does for himself. We are not surprised and

management of Zherkov. When, at the height of the battle, Bagration sent him with an important

Kazom to the general of the left flank, he did not go forward, where he heard

shooting, but began to look for the general away from the battle. Because of the undelivered

By order of the French, the Russian hussars were cut off, many died and were wounded.

There are many such officers. They are not cowards, but they do not know how to forget for the common

affairs of oneself, career and personal interests.

But the Russian army consisted not only of such officers. In the chapter

wah, depicting the Battle of Shengraben, we meet true heroes. Here

he is sitting, the hero of this battle, the hero of this "case", small, thin and

dirty, sitting barefoot, taking off his boots. This is artillery officer Tushin.

With big, intelligent and kind eyes he looks at the chiefs who have entered

and tries to joke: "The soldiers say that taking off their shoes is more dexterous - and embarrassed -

etsya, feeling that the joke failed. " Tolstoy does everything to capitalize

tan Tushin appeared before us in the most unheroic form, even

nom. But this one funny man was the hero of the day. Prince Andrei

will politely say of him: "We owe the success of the day most of all to the action

this battery and the heroic steadfastness of Captain Tushin and his company."

The second hero of the Shengraben battle is Timokhin. He appears

at the very moment when the soldiers succumbed to panic and ran. All ca-

got lost. But at that moment the French, who were advancing on ours, suddenly

ran back ... and Russian arrows appeared in the forest. It was a company

Timokhin. And only thanks to Timokhin, the Russians had the opportunity to resurrect

fight and raise battalions. Courage is varied. There are many people

unrestrainedly brave in battle, but lost in everyday life. images

Tushin and Timokhin Tolstoy teaches the reader to see the truly brave

people, their discreet heroism, their enormous will, which helps to overcome

overcome fear and win battles.

In the war of 1812, when every soldier fought for his home, for

relatives and friends, for the Motherland, the consciousness of the danger "multiplied tenfold" strength.

Russian army, the more weakened the French army, turning into

a bunch of thieves and marauders. Only the will of the people, only the people's patriot

tizm, "the spirit of the army" makes the army invincible. This conclusion is made by Tolstoy

in his immortal epic novel War and Peace.

In extreme situations, in moments of great upheavals and global changes, a person will definitely prove himself, show his inner essence, certain qualities of his nature. In Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" someone utters big words, engages in noisy activities or useless fuss, someone experiences a simple and natural feeling of "the need for sacrifice and suffering in the consciousness of a common misfortune." The first only think of themselves as patriots and loudly shout about love for the Fatherland, the second - patriots in fact - give their lives in the name of a common victory.

The author speaks in his novel about the faithful sons of the Fatherland, and about false patriots who think only about their own self-interest. Tolstoy uses the antithesis technique to portray both the events and the characters of the novel. In the first volume, he tells about the war with Napoleon in 1805-1807, where Russia (an ally of Austria and Prussia) was defeated. There is a war going on. In Austria, General Mack is defeated near Ulm. The Austrian army surrendered. The threat of defeat hung over the Russian army. And then Kutuzov decided to send Bagration with four thousand soldiers through the difficult-to-pass Bohemian mountains towards the French. Bagration had to quickly make a difficult transition and delay the 40,000-strong French army until Kutuzov arrived. His detachment needed to make a great one in order to save the Russian army. Thus, the author brings the reader to the image of the first great battle. In this battle, as always, Dolokhov is bold and fearless. Dolokhov's courage is manifested in battle, where "he killed one Frenchman point-blank, the first took a surrendered officer by the collar." But after that, he goes to the regimental commander and reports on his "trophies": "Please remember, Your Excellency!" Then he untied the handkerchief, pulled it and showed the gore: “The wound with a bayonet, I stayed at the front. Remember, Your Excellency." Everywhere, always, he remembers first of all about himself, only about himself, everything he does, he does for himself. We are not surprised by Zherkov's behavior either. When, at the height of the battle, Bagration sent him with an important order to the general of the left flank, he did not go forward, where the shooting was heard, but began to look for the general away from the battle. Due to an untransmitted order, the French cut off the Russian hussars, many died and were wounded. There are many such officers. They are not cowards, but they cannot forget themselves, their careers and personal interests for the sake of a common cause. But the Russian army consisted not only of such officers. In the chapters depicting the Battle of Shengraben, we meet true heroes. These are simple Russian men, dressed in soldier's greatcoats, for whom the feeling of the Motherland is sacred and inalienable. True patriots in Tushin's battery fight even without cover. Yes, and Tushin himself "did not experience the slightest unpleasant feeling of fear, and the thought that he might be killed or hurt painfully did not cross his mind." The living, vital feeling of the Motherland makes the soldiers resist the enemy with unthinkable stamina.

“With big, intelligent and kind eyes, he looks at the commanders who have entered and tries to joke: “The soldiers say that having taken off their shoes is more dexterous, and he is embarrassed, feeling that the joke has failed.” Tolstoy is doing everything so that Captain Tushin appears before us in the most unheroic, even ridiculous form. But this funny man was the hero of the day. Prince Andrey will rightly say about him: "We owe the success of the day most of all to the action of this battery and the heroic stamina of Captain Tushin with the company." The second hero of the Shengraben battle is Timokhin. He appears at the very moment when the soldiers succumbed to panic and ran. Everything seemed to be lost. But at that moment the French, advancing on ours, suddenly ran back, and Russian arrows appeared in the forest. It was Timokhin's company. Only thanks to Timokhin did the Russians have the opportunity to return and gather battalions. Courage is varied. There are many people who are unrestrainedly brave in battle, but get lost in everyday life. With the images of Tushin and Timokhin, Tolstoy teaches the reader to see truly brave people, their low-key heroism, their great will, which helps to overcome fear and win battles.

Petya Rostov rushes to the front, because "the Fatherland is in danger." True patriots were also those who left Moscow, not wanting to submit to Napoleon. They were convinced: "It was impossible to be under the control of the French." They "simply and truly" did "that great work that saved Russia."

A false patriotic atmosphere reigns in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, Helen Bezukhova and in other St. Petersburg salons: “...calm, luxurious, preoccupied only with ghosts, reflections of life, St. Petersburg life went on in the old way; and because of the course of this life it was necessary to do great effort to realize the danger and the difficult situation in which the Russian people found themselves. There were the same exits, balls, the same french theater, the same interests of the courts, the same interests of service and intrigue. This circle of people was far from understanding the all-Russian problems, from understanding the great misfortune and the need of the people in this war. The world continued to live by its own interests, and even in the moment of a nationwide disaster, greed, nomination, and service reign here.

False patriotism is also shown by Count Rostopchin, who puts up stupid "posters" around Moscow, urges the inhabitants of the city not to leave the capital, and then, fleeing the people's wrath, deliberately sends the innocent son of the merchant Vereshchagin to death.

The false patriot is represented in the novel by Berg, who, in a moment of general confusion, is looking for an opportunity to profit and is preoccupied with buying a wardrobe and a toilet "with an English secret." It doesn’t even occur to him that now it’s a shame to think about chiffon-nier girls. Such is Drubetskoy, who, like other staff officers, thinks about awards and promotions, wants to "arrange for himself best position, especially the position of adjutant with an important person, which seemed to him especially tempting in the army.

True patriots in Tolstoy's novel do not think about themselves, they feel the need for their own contribution and even sacrifice, but they do not expect rewards for this, because they carry in their souls a genuine holy feeling of the Motherland.

In , when each soldier fought for his home, for relatives and friends, for his homeland, the consciousness of danger "multiplyed" his strength. The further Napoleon advanced into the depths of Russia, the more the strength of the Russian army grew, the more the French army weakened, turning into a bunch of thieves and marauders. Only the will of the people, only people's patriotism, "the spirit of the army" makes the army invincible. This conclusion is made by Tolstoy in his immortal epic novel War and Peace.

And the world" the key word is "peace". It is contained in the very title of the work. In what sense did he use it in the title? The question arises because in the modern Russian language there are two concepts of "world". In the work, the episodes are replaced by the world, that is, peacetime. And at first glance it seems that the word "peace" should be understood as the antonym of the word war. But with Tolstoy, things are much more complicated.

The title of the novel reflects the main meanings of the word "world". In addition, even these meanings given above do not exhaust the use of the word "world" in the novel. First of all, it was important for Tolstoy to show that he was not only a representative of this or that national-historical, social, professional world. Man, according to Tolstoy, is the world itself. The brightness and plasticity of the image of a person in "War and Peace" are based on the principle "a person is a special world." Most of all in Tolstoy's novel, the inner world of Natasha Rostova, Prince Andrei, Pierre, Princess Mary and other heroes close to the author are interested. Describing their internal, he uses his favorite technique, called Chernyshevsky "dialectics of the soul."

Each Tolstoy has his own world, and even the closest relationship between two people cannot unite individual worlds. The relationship between Nikolai Rostov and Princess Marya is shown as ideally close in the novel, and yet each of them had something of his own in life, inaccessible to the other. Princess Mary could not understand Nikolai's relationship with the peasants and his love for the household.

"She felt that he had a special world, passionately loved by him, with some laws that she did not understand." But Nikolai, in turn, experienced a sense of surprise before her spiritual purity, before “an almost inaccessible to him sublime moral peace where his wife always lived. Image inner world a person in Tolstoy is combined with the image of another, big world, of which its characters are a part.

In the novel, we see a whole palette of compositions from the Allsoch 2005 worlds: the world of the Rostovs, the Bald Mountain world, the world high society, the world of headquarters life, the world of the front-line army, the world of the people. This understanding of the world is associated in the novel with the image of the ball. In Tolstoy's work, the characters are influenced different worlds with your requirements. One world is often hostile to another. In one case, a person, merging with the world, remains free and happy, in the other, the world, alien to the human nature of the hero, suppresses him, deprives him of his freedom and makes him unhappy.

An example of this is the episode with Natasha in the opera. Arriving at the opera, Natasha found herself in a world of light alien to her. At first, everything that happened around her and on the stage seemed to her "so pretentiously false and unnatural." She was not interested in opera, not interested in the people around her, everything seemed to her unnatural and feigned. But then Anatole Kuragin appeared, he drew attention to her.

And then the world alien to Natasha began to put pressure on her, to subordinate her will. After the third act, “Natasha no longer found this strange. She smiled with pleasure, joyfully, looked around her.

Natasha was introduced to Anatole, she felt that he really liked him, and she began to like him. Here the world of light has already completely captured her feelings and desires. “Natasha returned to her father in the box, completely already subordinated to that) 'of the world in which she was.” After that, all the sorrows and sufferings in Natasha's life began.

Natasha's submission to the world of light did not happen by itself, everything happened not without the participation of Helen Bezukhova and, of course, Anatole Kuragin, the main and at the same time typical representatives of this world. In general, all the heroes of the novel are divided into people of peace and people of war. The people of the world are Prince Andrei, Princess Marya, Pierre Bezukhov, the Rostovs, others are drawn to them, and they are able to unite people around them.

The soldiers loved Prince Andrei very much in the regiment and called him “our prince”. During the Battle of Borodino on the Raevsky battery, the soldiers became attached to Pierre, accepted him into their friendly family and called him "our master." Together, the people of the world constitute the force of unification, which is opposed by the force of separation. It consists of Anatole Kuragin, Vasily, Helen, Drubetsky. These characters cannot create their own worlds.

Each of them is for himself. And in peacetime these people are at war. They are constantly fighting for their interests. Often people of war destroy other people's round worlds. Intrigues, adventures, the struggle for profit, the desire for destruction on a global scale, they lead to the war of peoples.

The Napoleonic wars of 1805 and 1812 were caused by the forces of separation, led by Napoleon, an evil genius, for personal gain, fame, his pride, he sacrifices millions human lives. The main meaning of the word "peace" in Tolstoy is the idea of ​​universal unity. , according to Tolstoy, can only be found in harmony with the whole world: with other people, with nature, with the universe.

A person who feels connected to the universe can be truly happy. Suffice it to recall Pierre, his feelings are held captive by the French. The most, in my opinion, the most important human need, according to the views of the author of the novel, is to overcome his limitations and merge his "I" with the whole infinite world. This need is manifested in the persistent search life meaning Prince Andrei, Pierre. It is important to emphasize that the unity of the heroes of the novel with the world, their search for the meaning of life, not only does not destroy a separate human "I", but, on the contrary, expands and affirms the true meaning of being.

The wider the world, the happier the existence of the hero. A person feels like a person only because he comes into contact with other personalities. “If a person were alone, he would not be a person,” writes Tolstoy. But how can this unity be achieved?

First of all, it is necessary to learn to understand each other, other people, as Prince Andrei understood and felt them, as Natasha Rostova understood and shared suffering with all people. The idea of ​​the world in Tolstoy's novel is multifaceted and multifaceted. With his work, the author proves that, on the one hand, each person is a unique and individual world, but on the other, a particle of the universal world, the Earth, the Universe.

But both the individual world and the general world can exist only when people unite with each other and with nature. Separation, war destroy these worlds, and this, in my opinion, is the most terrible evil on Earth. Tolstoy in his diaries defined evil as "the separation of people". with his novel, he warns us all against this evil, shows the way to happiness through the unification of the people of the whole Earth.

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