Step by step drawing of flowers. How to draw flowers beautifully: tips for beginners

Drawing of a flower bed with pencil and paints.

The city landscape is unthinkable without flower beds. It has been proven that contemplation of plants has the most positive effect on our mental well-being and psyche. That is why many artists depict flower beds on their canvases.

How to draw a flower bed with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

If you want to create a similar drawing, but in fine arts If you are just taking the first steps and don’t know where to start the process, use our advice.

Stage 1:

Prepare the necessary materials:

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • colored pencils

Stage 2:

Determine the shape of the flowerbed you will draw:

  • square
  • in the shape of animals or geometric shapes
  • multi-level

At the same time, keep in mind that in life we ​​look at objects from a certain angle. In order for the image to be believable, it is necessary to stretch the shape of the flowerbed in width, transforming:

  • circle to oval
  • square to rectangle
  • thinner and elongated silhouettes

Stage 3:

Using a simple pencil, draw guide lines that will help create the composition of the drawing:

  • horizontal - the lower part of the flowerbed should be wider than the top, as it will be closer to the viewer
  • vertical - in the middle to determine the center of the future flower bed
  • additional – to designate auxiliary elements

Draw these approximate lines thinly, without pressing hard on the pencil. You will need to erase them with an eraser afterwards.

Stage 4:

Think over and draw the border of the flowerbed in the form of a brick fence:

  • stepping back from the contour of the flowerbed at some distance, circle it
  • draw in the outline the bricks that are on foreground larger, and decrease as they move away
  • in the background, do not draw the details of the fence, as the flowers will cover it

Stage 5:

Use jagged circles to mark the location of the plants:

  • in the center depict tall flowers or herbs (roses, peonies)
  • Place low flowers (daisies, poppies, lilies) on the sides and in the front of the flowerbed.

Stage 6:

Start drawing flowers in the designated areolas. Since there is a flowerbed a large number of plants, depict them in different stages of flowering:

  • opening buds
  • lushly blooming
  • fading
  • with seed pods

We offer several schemes for drawing some flowers.

  • draw small circles with a wavy line
  • divide them inside into four parts

  • in the middle of each circle, draw the middle - a box
  • around it in an oval in two rows, mark the seeds with dots

  • from the flower heads draw tall thin stems
  • add two sharp leaves on the sides


  • draw circles for the heads
  • Inside each one, draw more circles, but of a smaller diameter - these will be the centers
  • draw thin petals, trying not to go beyond the outline of the outer circle

  • complete the stems
  • draw leaves that look like dill
  • show the structure in the middle of the flowers with strokes, and the veins on the leaves

  • draw three stems that converge at the bottom to one point
  • from it, take two elongated oval sheets ending with a sharp tip
  • Place thin branches-hooks on the stems on which the flowers will be held
  • draw flower corollas

  • make a wavy outline at the bottom of each
  • At the top of each stem, draw berries in circles


  • draw several elongated ovals
  • draw long, curved stems from them
  • draw the outer petals using wavy lines on the oval

  • At the top of the oval, draw a small horizontal spiral - these are the inner petals tightly adjacent to each other
  • under the bud, make the stem a little thicker to create a sepal
  • place thorns and leaves on the stem


  • draw large circles
  • take the stems away from them
  • inside the circle draw petals in the form of wavy lines and crescents
  • erase the template contours of the lily with an eraser
  • start the image from the center of the flower

  • from it draw six curved lines
  • around every second line draw elongated petals
  • the remaining lines will also become the center of the petals, but will be slightly covered by the previous ones
  • draw the stamens in the center of the flower
  • add a stem with thin leaves


  • draw a thin graceful stem
  • draw an oval on top - the future bud
  • draw wide curved leaves

  • on the bud, using smooth lines, draw vertical, narrow petals that hide behind each other
  • finish the top of the oval with a wavy outline


  • draw a circle - this is the lower central petal
  • on the sides, draw two more with smooth lines, slightly narrower than the middle one
  • above it draw two wavy elongated petals

  • make the outline of the flower a little torn and uneven
  • draw the straight stem and narrow leaves

Stage 7:

Finish the drawing:

  • draw the details
  • add shadows
  • color with colored pencils
  • erase guides and reference lines

As you can see, drawing a flowerbed with a pencil is not at all difficult. If you draw with children, help them. To make it easier, find photographs of flowers and draw from them. You can also use diagrams that are available on the Internet.

How to draw a flower bed with colors step by step?

Drawing a flower bed with paints is a little more difficult than with pencils. However, it will be easier to cope with this task if the process is divided into stages.

Step 1:

  • Using a simple pencil, draw the outlines of the future flower bed and flowers, as described above. Make the outlines very thin so that they do not show through the paint later.
  • There is no need to draw details of flowers and leaves. In addition, when painting with paints, it is better to avoid depicting too small colors and their wide variety.
  • Choose no more than four types of plants, preferably contrasting in color and size. Then the colors in the drawing will not merge, and the picture itself will turn out more picturesque

Step 2:

  • Start with the lightest and brightest plants
  • Place them in the center, making them the focus of the picture.
  • It will be better if these flowers have tall stems (roses, loosestrife, peonies)

Step 3:

  • Add more dark shades, gradually leading them to the background

Step 4:

  • Draw the background of the picture lightly and airily. To do this, dilute the paint very strongly with water.

Step 5:

  • Draw dark between the colors - green grass. It is more convenient to do this with the edge of a brush

Step 6:

  • Draw the details of the composition and the contours of the plants with colors of a more saturated shade.

Step 7:

  • Carefully work out the buds of all plants located in the center and foreground. To do this, use a thin brush to outline the outline with paint that is a couple of shades darker than the main color.
  • Draw the petals. Make a smooth transition from dark to light shades. At the base of the bud, near the stem, add just a little green color

Step 8:

  • Make the plants in the background more blurry. To do this, use a semi-dry brush to very carefully lightly brush the contours of the plants.

Step 9:

Bring your painting to life by adding shadows and highlights. When working with paints for the first time, consider the following:

  • Make sure that the brush is not too dry (so the paint will not adhere well) and too wet (excess water will form spots and streaks in the drawing)
  • mix paints on a palette (or white construction paper)
  • apply strokes not with the tip of the brush, but with its flat surface, placing the side in accordance with the location of the buds and inflorescences
  • Paint the background of the picture with wider strokes. To do this, it is better to use a different brush.
  • draw details with the tip of a brush
  • start tinting the picture with a transparent layer, gradually darkening it in the necessary places by passing the color multiple times, as if layering one layer on top of another. This will avoid unnecessary darkening
  • so that the bottom layer of paint does not wash out and the shades do not mix, before applying another color to the drawing, let the previous layer dry
  • periodically move away from the picture to look at it from some distance. This way it will be better to see the shortcomings of the work that you can correct.

Flower bed - pencil drawings for children to sketch: photo

Drawing is extremely useful for children at any age, as it develops:

  • fine motor skills
  • fantasy
  • Creative skills
  • attention to detail
  • perception of objects in all their brightness and completeness

In addition, the process of depicting the world around us is a fascinating and interesting activity. But some children refuse to draw difficult things for fear of failure. Arouse your child’s interest in drawing and self-confidence using our tips:

  • ask your child what flowers he wants to display in his flowerbed
  • teach him to draw a flower from the middle, and then draw a stem with leaves
  • explain that when coloring a drawing, the paint or pencil strokes should not extend beyond the outline
  • stop working when you see that the child has lost interest in the activity. Don't force him to draw if he doesn't want to.
  • praise his work and hang the drawing in a visible place so that the child knows that you like the result of his creativity

And so that to the young artist It was easier to draw a flower bed, we offer several options for drawing.

Video: Drawing flowers with pencil

Usually children draw only simple flowers like daisies; other types of flowers seem complex to them. And parents can’t always shine either artistic abilities. Thanks to these simple step by step diagrams you can explain to your child how to draw flowers - daffodils, tulips, roses, snowdrops and others. Step by step drawing is much more effective method than trying to redraw an object from a photograph.

Draw flowers with your child step by step

The first spring flowers are, of course, snowdrops, so the ability to draw them will be useful for anyone.

From simple shapes that a 4-6 year old can draw, a beautiful picture emerges tulip. The child will be very proud that he was able to draw one!

Here's another simple option:

Daffodils- yellow favorites of June. To make them look neat and uniform, explain to your child that it is better to first outline a circle in which the petals will need to be written. Then erase the outline of the circle.


Lilies of the valley:

Bells: This option is for older children, as there are a lot of small details.

During the learning process, pay your child's attention to details. different colors: degree of curvature of the stem, shape of leaves and petals, different types inflorescences. You can also accompany the drawing with short stories or simply information about this or that flower - where it grows, what time it blooms, what its smell is like. - this will help the child quickly remember the names of different colors and learn to distinguish between them.

Learning to draw flowers and teaching this to your child is not difficult at all! Try it and next time your child, instead of the usual colored dots that he used to indicate flowers, will draw a whole flowering meadow!

Every person has the talent to draw, but you need to start developing this ability from childhood. Parents, by teaching and helping their child to form images into images, do him a great service. Step-by-step pencil drawing is interesting and very useful not only for young children, but also for adults.

Beautiful flowers in pencil: what to choose for drawing?

There are a huge number of flowers on our planet. But each of them has its own special structure. Some buds are more round with wide leaves, others, on the contrary, are thin and pointed. Also, each plant has its own unique color. All this must be taken into account when choosing a model for a drawing.

To begin with, give preference to more simple colors and gradually move on to complex ones.

The easiest drawing technique is chamomile. It will consist of several petals, a stem with leaves. But painted flowers do not always look real.

A common mistake is that you start drawing a chamomile from the petals, and to make them even and symmetrical, you need to have a good eye.

Start drawing from the stem, the outline of the inflorescence. Draw in stages, first use a simple pencil, and then color with colored pencils or paints. This way you will get a beautiful bouquet of chamomile flowers.

Draw a small circle for the chamomile bud, draw in advance with a simple pencil stem line. Now you will be able to maintain the required proportions in the drawing, and the petals on it will be located exactly in a circle.

Draw the outer border of the daisy petals.

Draw another circle around the 1st contour, but with a larger diameter. This way you will get a line beyond which the petals will not extend. They will all be the same length, which will make drawing more attractive.

Chamomile petals are the only element of the design that will require attention and effort.

Having an external, internal border of their location, you can easily draw them even and neat. But there is one rule - they must be the same width.

Next, you need to draw in detail the stem of the plant with all the details. Add spicy leaves to it different sizes. Make a few veins on the leaves, then you can start coloring the picture with colored pencils or paints. You will only need 2 colors - yellow and green.

Drawings of flowers in pencil: rose

A rose is a flower with petals, stems and needles. The most common are red roses. But there are also other colors: white, yellow, pink.

  • Start drawing with a simple pencil. The first thing you need to learn is to draw the outline of leaves and buds.
  • Draw the stems in the form of 2 wavy diagonal lines that intersect each other. Draw circles at the top of each stem; these will be the flowers.
  • Using jagged lines draw the leaves on the stems.
  • Inside the circles, sketch out the petals. Petals need to be drawn in wavy arcs. At the same time, remember that another comes out of one arc, this will ensure the effect of overlapping petals.
  • Draw 1 more line for the plant stems.
  • Shape the leaves, draw outlines with jagged lines. Divide the leaves in half with the main vein.
  • Add 2 lines for each stem on which the leaves will be located.
  • Draw a few more prickly thorns on the flower stems.
  • Draw the edges of the petals more uneven (natural).
  • Add small veins, drawing them from the thick central one to the edges of the leaves.
  • Now carefully erase all unnecessary auxiliary elements of the picture.
  • Trace the drawing again, giving it a finished look.

How to draw flowers in a bouquet with a pencil?

Take White list, draw ovals and circles of the same size, they will be the shape for the flower buds. Place them in small groups with space between them. Try to make your first lines not very clear; you don’t need to press on the pencil. These are only approximate shapes of the future drawing of a bouquet of flowers.

Then draw the core and pistils of the flower buds.

To do this, simply add one smaller circle to the circle of the bud.

  • Give a clearer shape to the drawn outlines of the plant buds. Round the contours if there were corners and divide each contour of the inflorescence into small segments - petals.
  • For more color, add tulip flowers to the bouquet, with 3 pointed petals, slightly raise them above the bouquet.
  • Decorate the bouquet with a ribbon, this will make it festive.
  • To do this, simply draw 2 parallel, rounded lines several times around the stems above the leaves.
  • Draw the leaves of the flowers with a simple pencil.
  • Draw the leaves and stems thoroughly with a simple pencil.
  • You can add a few leaves of decorative fern. Such leaves are easy to draw - you need to divide the entire leaf into many sharp segments. Dr. make the leaves more rounded. In the lower part drawing draw a bunch of stems.
  • At the end, paint the bouquet with paints.
  • Almost all flowers have green leaves, so choose the color of the ribbon so that the bouquet looks harmonious with it.
    To hone your drawing skills, you need to draw flowers with a pencil several times.

A true artist can create entire worlds with just a pencil that are easily mistaken for reality. Try drawing the same picture several times and compare the results. You will be pleasantly surprised at the level of progress you make. Be patient with yourself and your creative success. Remember, good drawing skills need to be developed through observation and practice.

In this tutorial we will look at an example of how how to draw a flower with a pencil. After searching the Internet for pictures of flowers drawn in pencil, we decided to take a lily as an example. The gardens grow about 30 different types and many varieties of these. We will draw from this picture: Let's start by drawing a circle in which it will be placed. There will be a stem underneath it. The main stem is leafy, simple or slightly branched at the top. In our example there are only two leaves. I don’t think there should be any difficulties with this, so let’s move on.

How to draw a flower with a pencil step by step

Next, start drawing each petal. Pay attention to their shape, and that these flowers usually have 6 petals. Proceed to drawing the stamens. This is how it should turn out for you:
Next we move on to the image of Lily in more detail. Let's add spots on the petals.
Next stage. Erase the auxiliary lines that we made in initial stage and outline the contours of Lily.
And finally:
Try to take this lesson yourself, you can even take a different flower (for example). Do you still have questions? how to draw a flower beautifully? Leave your comments on this and show your work. We have another similar lesson about . I also recommend the beautiful one! I also recommend trying your hand at drawing.

Draw a flower with a simple pencil - what could be easier? But it is quite difficult to convey the beauty and tenderness of nature and its components. Not everyone knows how to draw flowers beautifully. But the art of depicting delicate inflorescences can be learned by studying master classes step by step drawing and advice from graphic masters. After reading this article, you will learn how to beautifully draw flowers: regal roses and snow-white lilies of the valley, proud tulips and arrogant daffodils.

Drawing a rose

The Queen of Flowers provides real scope for creative ideas. You can draw a half-blown rose or a fully opened flower; bouquet or one branch; fragrant bush or plant in a pot. There are several options for depicting a rose. The simplest way is given step by step.

We draw a ball, a double wavy line - a stem, and add sepals and leaves to it.
We erase the circle, following its traces we create the first 2 petals.
The middle of the flower looks like a spiral, add a few more petals and color it. The rose is drawn schematically, but is quite recognizable in the drawing.

The second method is a little more complicated than the previous one. We draw 2 circles, and from them we draw lines down - stems.

Along the edges we draw branches with future leaves.

Then, in place of the pink buds, we draw petals that are smaller in size closer to the top of the inflorescences.

We outline the leaves, adding teeth and veins on them. We decorate the stems with thorns.

We finalize the resulting drawing: we remove unnecessary lines and partially shade it to give it a natural look.

How to beautifully draw lily of the valley flowers?

You need to start the drawing with the image of large wide leaves and stems, slightly curved under the load of flowers.

At the tips of the stems, on the cuttings we draw small cups of inflorescences, at the next stage we give them the shape of a bell.

Lily of the valley leaves have one main prominent vein and other longitudinal veins that are less noticeable.

We show curves and shadows with thin strokes.

Tulip leaves are shaped like lily of the valley leaves, only slightly narrower.

We depict 2 thick stems and sketch the cups.

Then we divide the inflorescences into 6 petals each, with 3 petals on the inside and three on the outside.

We shade the necessary places.

Drawing a narcissus inflorescence

We outline an oval part, the lower part of which contains 3 Then we draw small teeth along the edge of the middle, covered with dots. We draw petals in the shape of hearts, marking the middle of the petal. The embossed flower is ready.

To execute complex drawing, listen to tips on how to draw flowers beautifully with a pencil.

One of the subtleties is the approximate calculation of proportions. Flowers drawn according to this rule look most natural.

When coloring a drawing, deeper or more distant details are painted over more in a dark tone. For a pencil image, the role of darkening is performed by shading, which can be single or double.

Another way to add volume to an image is to shade the desired area. cotton swab or highlight with an eraser. This is an effective technique for those who know how to draw flowers beautifully.

Skillfully combining listed methods, you will be able to accurately convey the beauty and tenderness of a flower bouquet.

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