Items and junk. Beware of legendary opponents

Behind the monolithic anti-radiation door of shelter No. 111, a marvelous new world, which has changed dramatically both for the game protagonist and for the player himself. Unlike the usual mechanics, the new Fallout 4 presents both newcomers and experienced connoisseurs of the series with many surprises, which during your first steps can surprise and disappoint.

Fortunately for newcomers and unfortunately for fans of the series, Fallout 4 carefully and relentlessly leads us through the first steps along the linear rails of the plot to teach all the intricacies of survival in post-apocalyptic Boston. In addition, in the upper corner of the screen and as levels load, tips are constantly displayed, explaining how to get food and how to deal with small mole rats. But even after such an exhaustive educational program, a number of points remain, the existence of which you will only learn after completing the game. Therefore, in this article we decided to help a beginner in Fallout 4 and provided useful tips, allowing you to use the new features of the game with the greatest efficiency.

1. Your Pip-Boy is too slow and bulky - use the quick menu

The stylish, retro-futuristic Pip-Boy wrist computer is one of the coolest pieces of technology in the wasteland, but the more you use it, the more obvious some of its shortcomings become. For example, when in battle you need to quickly equip some killer weapon, you have to open your inventory, patiently scroll the slider in search of the right thing, lost among dozens of weapons, and only then use it. Therefore, if you don’t like digging through your belongings in the midst of battle, use the quick equipment menu, which allows you to always have all the useful things at hand. The quick equipment menu has 12 slots in which you can equip any weapon, clothing, explosives, medicine, food, etc. - you will need all this during the next battle or quest.

The Pip-Boy wrist computer is a useful technology solution for the wasteland

2. Power armor eats batteries at an incredible rate.

Iconic power armor that appears on the cover of any game Fallout series, in the new edition of the post-apocalyptic universe has changed dramatically. If in previous versions of the game power armor was a high-level clothing that did not particularly effectively protect against all the dangers of the wasteland, now it has turned into an autonomous robotic mechanism, greedy for nuclear batteries. Surprisingly, a beginner gets power armor almost in the first or second hour of the game. However, due to the chronic lack of nuclear charges and the brutal appetite of the combat vehicle itself, a beginner will have to use his favorite armor exclusively during serious quests, when high-quality and quantitative composition the enemy is superior to the character's combat skills. By the way, if your batteries suddenly run out in the post-nuclear wilderness, calmly leave your suit - your Pip-Boy will automatically place a mark on the map where you will find your mini-tank.

The armor has different resistances to physical damage and damage from energy weapons,

3. Pick up any little thing

In Fallout 4, in addition to combat, your character will have to explore the Boston wasteland and at the same time get food, weapons, medicine and much, much more. Therefore, to survive and thrive, your hero needs to collect a lot of things, and also know what to do with them later. So, some things are profitable to sell (pre-war money), others should be saved for a rainy day (ammo, nuclear charges for power armor), the third - to use for crafting (wood, steel, glue, electrical tape, etc.), the fourth - to restore health (food, drinks, stimpaks), and the fifth - to fight (melee and ranged weapons, explosives, throwing weapons) . And if you decide to devote your time in Fallout 4 to crafting and modifications, you should stock up on a fair amount of all kinds of resources. Therefore, pick up all the available trash and put it at the workbenches - you can craft a lot of useful things from this garbage. Never carry all the crafting items you find with you. If these are not weapons, medicines or food, feel free to store them in a secluded place, and later you will figure out what to do with them.

4. The VATS aiming system isn't just for pretty headshots

Unlike previous versions of Fallout, VATS now does not stop time, but only slows it down significantly, which makes your battles more dynamic and gives your enemies a little more chance of success. For example, if some feral dog is already aiming to bite you harder, then even VATS will not stop it.

However, VATS is suitable not only for shooting off unnecessary limbs of adversaries. The world of Fallout 4 is full of dark or very open places where it can be difficult to spot the enemy, especially if he has already started firing at you. VATS is perfect for these purposes - turn towards the intended enemy, activate this mode, and the aiming system will certainly highlight the enemy for you.

5. Craft a couple of deadly weapons

Already on initial stages In the game, the player will find a significant amount of weapons, which are generously scattered throughout the wasteland or are in the inventory of defeated opponents. However, there is no point in carrying ten units of all kinds of firearms and laser guns. Decide which weapon you like best (and which deals the most lethal damage), then head back to the weapon workbench in Sanctuary Hills. Here you can disassemble unnecessary barrels into parts, and then, using them and depending on the available perks, construct a couple of especially deadly weapons. And if you are too lazy to craft, .

6. Scribe Heylin and knight Reese are your very first leveling friends

We suggest that you, as soon as possible after leaving shelter No. 111, take a walk to the Cambridge police station and complete the “To Arms” quest. As a result of this, you will join the ranks of the Boston Brotherhood of Steel, and also quickly complete quests in order to make friends with the scribe Heylin and the knight Reese.

They both ask you to complete simple tasks, often sending you to the same location. Their quests are simple and by completing 3-4 of these tasks you can earn enough experience in an hour to gain several levels of development. You will also gain experience for killing enemies, opening locks and discovering new locations. We advise you to immediately take the second rank of the Burglar perk, which allows you to open Expert level locks, which will allow you to find a bunch of useful things in the safes of police stations.

7. Give Mama Murphy drugs

But seriously, your communication style with some settlers can have a positive or negative effect on your reputation among others. Thus, the supply of drugs to Mama Murphy seriously worries the champion of morality and the head of the local Minutemen, Preston Garvey. Therefore, be careful in your actions, because many of them, except positive points, can have unpleasant consequences.

8. Now the ghouls quickly attack you in a large crowd

Ghouls, who are people mutated by radiation, although they are not armed, in Fallout 4 they have learned to cooperate in their actions and suppress opponents with numbers and pressure. So if you are lucky enough to see them at a significant distance, do everything you can to reduce their numbers before they get to you. It is advisable to shoot at the legs. In addition, even fallen ghouls can feign death and then suddenly rise up with the desire to destroy you. Therefore, do not spare control shots for all defeated ghouls. If a group of ghouls finds you in a narrow space, take out your shotgun and move away.

Ghouls are old acquaintances of the Fallout protagonist. In the fourth part of the game they act in concert.

9. Explore all buildings

Mark each building that is part of the quest and find alternate entrances. As a rule, these are available in any building. What is it for? The front entrance is usually very well guarded and a crowd of heavily armed opponents is always waiting for you there to ensure a warm reception. Also beware of snipers on rooftops and automatic turrets inside buildings, as both of these hostile factors can seriously damage your health. Destroying a turret will require a lot of shots, but once destroyed it allows the player to gain a lot of ammo. You can also reprogram the turret server to set it on the enemy. Luckily, the turrets are stationary, so if you manage to get close and have an EMP grenade, you'll make short work of it.

10. Don't underestimate melee weapons

Of course, melee weapons are not always relevant, and they don’t look glamorous. However, their brutality and power make it possible to deal with mole rats, ghouls, and blowers hard and quickly, without wasting precious ammunition. Particularly good in this matter are the spiked bat and the electric chaser, which can be crafted already at early levels. They also perform well during battles in narrow corridor spaces against human opponents. Don't try to reach them when they are hiding behind an obstacle - quickly attack them and aim for the head!

11. Beware of legendary opponents

If in Fallout New Vegas legendary opponents had a little large sizes and the amount of health, then in Fallout 4 they not only have the same advantages, but when they receive certain damage they become even more aggressive, which makes fighting them a serious test even for a trained fighter. But if you managed to put such a monster to rest, then expect a generous reward. Items marked with an asterisk are found on the corpses of legendary creatures. These may be weapons or pieces of armor with unique characteristics.

That's all. We hope our tips will make Fallout 4 easier and more fun, even without . After all, this is exactly what is required from the game.

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By adding points to attributes, your character's abilities, skills and combat abilities improve. For example, you gain the ability to profitably sell items from your inventory and much more. In addition, attribute points give the hero access to various perks. Perks are unique and very useful talents of a character, with the help of which his gaming potential is revealed. By the way, there are bobbleheads to improve perks, you can read about them in this guideLocation of dolls and their characteristics.

Each of the 7 attributes has 10 basic perks, therefore, there are 70 in total. In turn, each perk has an ability level, so the total number of talents reaches about 300 units.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points distribution and their advantages:

So that you can understand this intricate system of perks and attributes, I have written this guide, which allows you to correctly distribute attribute points depending on the development of the hero.


This attribute in Fallout 4 is responsible for melee weapons and melee combat. Strength increases damage when dealing physical blows, and also helps the character endure large quantity useful items. Therefore, if you do not plan to collect all the trash along the road and engage in close combat, then you don’t have to pump up your strength.

Still, if you decide to master heavy weapons (flamethrower, grenade launcher, minigun and others) and wield them well, then you must have at least average of this attribute.

Interesting perks

As you develop your strength, you will gain access to various interesting perks. For example, with the “Strong Backbone” perk you will receive a significant increase in your carry weight. At high ranks, you will be able to run and use fast movement even when exceeding the maximum weight.

Fans of melee combat and melee weapons will appreciate the perk " Major League" With its help, for each level of ability you will receive +20% attack power. As a result, at level 5 of the perk, the hero will deal double damage with melee weapons.


This attribute in the game is responsible for automatic aiming V. A. T. S , performing an action while stealth and effectively picking locks. Upgrading perception is worth it for players who want to deal good damage from a distance without being noticed.

Interesting perks

“Carbine Expert” is a powerful perk that can be activated as early as level 2. Having fully upgraded this perk, the damage inflicted by any automatic cannon increases, about 30% of the enemy’s armor protection is also ignored and the chance of breaking an enemy’s limb increases.

The Sniper perk will help increase the likelihood of getting a headshot in V. A. T. S.

With the “Massive Fire” perk, when you shoot at the same place on the enemy, a certain percentage is added to the accuracy, and then to the damage.


As with many other games, Fallout 4 the character's health depends on stamina. She is also responsible for sprinting, so with the development of this attribute, the ability to run quickly is restored faster.

Interesting perks

With Fortitude, your character will take 10% less damage at each level. And by fully pumping up “Strength”, you will gain a huge amount of health and reduce its loss during battle when receiving damage. This combination will be extremely useful for players who are developing melee skills.

With the “Cannibal” perk, you can absorb people, ghouls and super mutants. This will make you recover health faster, in the absence of stimulants. However, know that once you start eating human flesh, it will be difficult for you to start a romantic relationship.

Having pumped up your stamina, you will unlock the “Solar Battery” perk, with which you can restore health under sun rays, and also get a small increase in strength.


Charisma is not a combat attribute, but sometimes it is extremely useful. As a rule, high charisma is suitable for players who want to walk with partners and resolve issues peacefully.

Interesting perks

A great perk is Animal Friend. At first, your character will make friends with wild animals, and after that they will even begin to help you.

“Intimidate” and “Wasteland Speaker” will allow you to pacify an enemy creature or person, and by developing these perks, you can even give them orders.

For lovers of active crafting in Fallout 4 is ideal for the “Local Leader” perk, which requires 6 charisma points. With its help, you can create a huge number of buildings, lay supply lines between your bases, and use common resources to build them.


In Fallout 4 intelligence affects the number of skill points with which your character quickly increases the level of development. If you want to develop in the game as quickly as possible, then you should pump up your intelligence as much as possible.

Interesting perks

With the “Weapon Fanatic” perks you will gain access to the most powerful weapon modifications - suitable for fans of distance combat.

With the “Science” perk you can modify plasma and laser guns.

The Hacker perk will be a must-have talent for players who want to start their own community in Boston.

As a rule, intelligence takes second place after pumping up your main attribute.


This attribute is indispensable for fans V. A. T. S ., since it increases the number of points responsible for the number of available actions in this mode. The stealth parameter also depends on agility.

Interesting perks

With the help of the “Infiltrator” perk, you can avoid unwanted opponents, while you can simply sneak past them, or take the most convenient position for attack.

With the “Ninja” perk, you will be able to blend in with your surroundings, and when fully upgraded, the character will be 100% hidden.


This attribute affects the infliction of critical damage, as well as the likelihood of obtaining valuable items for crafting. So, if during the game you want to deliver crushing blows with various types weapons and find a large number of cartridges, caps and other useful items, then luck will be your priority.

Interesting perks

By maximizing the “Critical Damage” perk, you increase the damage from a critical attack by 150%.

Using the perk " Blood bath", you will get a chance to cut out a group of opponents in one moment.

And the “Death on Takeoff” perk will allow you to compensate for some action points in V. A. T. S . with every murder.

I hope that with the help of this guide you were able to highlight some of the main points for yourself and decide on the starting direction for the development of the hero. Further development depends on your playing style. And since in

You launched Fallout 4 for the first time, the introductory music has already started playing, and then you realize: this is your first Fallout, you’ve never even seen the series before. All you know is that the game takes place after nuclear war and that you play as a survivor in Vault 111. However, mechanically, you have no idea what's going there or how. How to fight? What to do with Dogmeat? What are these perks and abilities that everyone is talking about?

If so, then we will be yours guiding star. You have a lot to learn about Fallout 4 - how to level up, where to look for various interesting and useful things and what to do with them. Many things, like building a base and starting a romance, you will master later. Below is what you need to know for at least the first few hours of the game.

How is a character created?

In the very first minutes of Fallout 4 you are given the opportunity to customize your character. You can choose gender, body type, skin color and other details, and also create a completely unique face for your character. Also, after a few minutes, you will have to distribute skill points in the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system. It is worth noting that in certain moment After some kind of training, you can set it all up again - it’s better to save before this moment, so that later, if anything happens, you don’t need to go through the training again.

What is S.P.E.C.I.A.L.? How to use it?

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system determines the attributes of your hero. By participating in battles, crafting items, building a base, and performing other activities in the Wasteland, you will receive experience points. These points will be used to unlock perks - special skills that fall under seven different categories(strength, perception, endurance, charm, intelligence, agility and luck).

What are perks?

Perks are bonuses and abilities related to your characteristics. There are a lot of perks in Fallout 4, and you will receive them in two stages. First you need to unlock the perk by investing a certain number of points in the appropriate S.P.E.C.I.A.L category. For example, investing six points into the second perk in the stamina section will make you 20% more resistant to damage. After this, the perk can be activated by investing a point in it. If the picture of a perk becomes bright and colorful, it means it has already been activated. Perks can be unlocked in any order - as long as you're leveled high enough for the specific perk.

What are action points?

OD - action points. The bar at the bottom right shows you these points. AP is taken away by running fast, holding your breath while aiming, and, of course, using V.A.T.S. Normal movements like slow running and shooting do not take away AP. The OD streak can be restored through walking, resting, and using certain medications.

How to navigate in space?

You move on your feet. You can run (fast or not very fast), there is a green bar at the bottom of the screen - this is your compass. It shows which direction you are moving and what interesting objects are nearby. You can set a landmark in the Pip-Boy that will be displayed in the compass. Having visited a place once, you can always make a quick trip to it through the Pip-Boy menu.

How to equip items and use them?

To equip an item, open your inventory through your Pip-Boy. If you choose an item like a pistol or Molotov cocktail, you will immediately equip it. You can also assign them to your hotbar to get quick access to multiple weapons.

Items directly from the inventory are also used to restore health or action points. However, the same stimpaks, if you have a lot of them, can also be assigned to the quick access panel.

How to get armor and make it better?

In Fallout 4, armor and other clothing can be found in various boxes, containers, taken from killed enemies, and also purchased from sellers. You can equip armor through your inventory. All this adds weight to you, and also improves resistance to radiation, increases damage, and so on. There are also costumes in the game that cover the entire body of the character at once. Other items must be worn separately. But this allows you to adjust appearance character for yourself - raider armor, for example, is better to wear with pants, otherwise you will run around the Wasteland in leather armor and shorts.

You can make better armor at a special table. You can attach various junk to the armor, thereby improving it, or combine it with other armor. If you don't have the required material for crafting, you can use a special button that will highlight in the Wasteland those items that you need.

What do battles look like?Fallout 4?

You can engage in a traditional battle, or you can use the V.A.T.S. system. In traditional combat, you can aim more accurately and thereby deal more damage. The second option, V.A.T.S., is more suitable for heroes with a high perception rating. This system uses action points. When the system is activated, time slows down and you can see which parts of the enemy's body are most vulnerable. Moreover, you can see how much damage you will cause to the enemy when attacking a particular part. When using the system, the chance of inflicting critical damage is higher than in traditional combat.

How to get treatment here?

Health is restored by using stimpaks, resting in bed, or eating food. Although some food will also infect you with radiation. And Nuka-Cola, for example, will restore AP.

How did I become infected with radiation? How to recover from it?

If you are infected, your health is below normal. You can become infected by eating junk food, being attacked by radioactive enemies, or running through contaminated areas. Used for radiation treatment medical supplies- or you can be cured by a doctor for 40 caps. The drug "Rad-X", by the way, can be used to protect yourself from radiation.

How do medications work inFallout 4?

Stimpaks restore your health, Rad-X protects you from radiation, Jet slows down time by 10 seconds, Psycho increases damage and damage resistance, Buffout increases strength and stamina, Med-X makes you stronger resistant to damage.

There are many different drugs, but if you use them too often, the hero may become addicted. However, there is also a drug that will cure you of addiction to other drugs. A doctor can do this too.

What to do with garbage?

Garbage everywhere. Look for duct tape, metal, plastic and the like throughout the Wasteland. All this is used to create weapons, armor and various items for your base. However, do not overdo it at the beginning of the game, otherwise you will have an advantage and will not be able to move normally. Therefore, always leave accumulated waste in the workshop.

Garbage can be sold to sellers. Some things can be given to a companion. Just don’t forget to empty your companion’s inventory either.

How to use crafting tables?

These tables can be found in some buildings - including your first base. This is where you can dump all your trash, food and other unused items. Later, you can unlock a perk that will allow you to access all tables and the items on them from any table in the Wasteland. There are also special tables for improving and creating armor, weapons and drugs.

What's with the currency?

The currency in Fallout 4 is caps, which can be found everywhere. For caps you can buy items from other residents of the Wasteland. However, pre-war money can also be useful: at certain sellers it can be exchanged for caps. Some merchants will give in exchange for your trash various items. You can also sell unwanted items to merchants to earn caps.

How do I know that I have progressed in the story?

In Fallout 4 there is no clear division between the main storyline and side quests. The names of the quests and goals can be found in the Pip-Boy menu, but you will create the plot for yourself.

Bursting with opportunities for countless hours in Boston. And survival after Great War has become much more complex than before. As the site learned, gamers have compiled an impressive list of various tips and tricks that will allow them to cope with this or that task much more effectively.

  • Be careful when interacting with non-player characters. If you anger or kill someone, you won't get a second chance to communicate with them.
  • The VATS system is capable of detecting mines. And if there are mines nearby, you can easily deactivate them using the system provided by the Fallout 4 developers.
  • Stimpaks restore 30% health. You can also replenish your life over a certain period of time by eating.
  • To pass the time, you can set the desired waiting period. To do this, you need to find comfortable furniture that does not belong to the player.
  • Various pieces of equipment can provide a bonus to the character's basic S.P.E.C.I.A.L. skills. A good idea in Fallout 4 is to have several sets of equipment in stock in order to get the maximum skill value at the right time
  • Some items can increase S.P.E.C.I.A.L. above 10.
  • The color of the Pip-Boy interface can be changed. The same is true for the color of the flashlight.

Fallout 4 Tricks: Crafting

  • Glue can be made from vegetable starch. Starch can be obtained from 3 ears of corn, 3 potatoes, 3 fruits and 1 bottle of purified water. As a result, you can prepare a vegetable paste that can be disassembled into 5 units of glue. In Fallout 4, all vegetables can be grown, and the task of purifying the water can be transferred to Mr. Helper.
  • You can store excess water and food in your workbench.
  • Handle items such as Deathclaw hands and pre-war money with care - they will splinter into materials if placed on a workbench.
  • You can arm your companions or settlement residents with any weapon. To do this, it is enough to transfer it in exchange mode. At the same time, the residents of the settlement will not be able to shoot without ammunition, but one unit of charges will be more than enough for them to fire an infinite number of shots.
  • Fast running, enhanced melee attacks and VATS use up the energy of power armor especially quickly.
  • Bonuses from standard equipment are completely ignored when using power armor, so you shouldn't rely solely on them
  • Remove batteries from armor you are not using. Otherwise someone might steal it.
  • Batteries for armor with a minimum energy reserve can be sold. The price will be slightly higher than in the case of completely empty batteries
  • Batteries for armor can be stolen from enemies, the site reports. If successful, they will automatically leave it.
  • You can move around the Fallout 4 map using fast travel. In this case, battery energy will not be consumed. Moreover, you can also move around with zero battery power.

Fallout 4 tricks. Useful bugs

  • Cryolator at the beginning of the game

Dogmeat can bring you a Cryolator. Shortly before leaving Vault 111, there is a Cryolator in a closed container in the Overseer's office. As the site found out, it will not be possible to hack the container at the very beginning of the game, but Dogmeat will remove one of the most powerful guns from the box with dexterity and without any extra effort. Simply ordering is enough.

  • Endless S.P.E.C.I.A.L. skills

In the room of Sean, the son of the main character, you can find a book called “You are SPECIAL”, which increases the character’s basic skills. If, before reading, you throw this book under Dog’s nose and order him to take it, but manage to snatch it in front of the dog’s nose, there will be two books. This way you can get an infinite number of bonus points. Works with any objects.

  • Large settlements

In Fallout 4, you can bypass the settlement size limit, the site reports. To do this, you need to throw away your weapon at the green borders of the settlement and then pick it up using the build mode. The game will think that the player is reducing the size of his base.

  • Penetration into enclosed spaces

If you can’t get into the building, but really want to, you need to look through the windows. If there are pieces of furniture nearby, you need to sit or lie on them. Sitting on the sofa, for example, the character will find himself in the house.

  • Endless money

Buy all the cartridges of the same type from the seller. Then sell only one unit of that type of ammo back. Then sell him all the remaining ammo again. The number of cartridges in your inventory will not change, unlike the amount of caps in your account. Now you can buy and sell anything within one trading session.

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