Cool gaming SMS correspondence - funny conversations and dialogues about games. The most complete collection of games for VKontakte groups with examples and rules

What can you play in chat?

    In my opinion, these are, first of all, all games with words.

    1. The game of the City rules, I hope you remember. Example: Orel - London - Nagasaki.
    2. Association game. Example: Spring - Kidneys - Organ - Piano.
    3. game battle of the sexes. The rules are simple. All participants of the stronger sex plus 2. All participants of the fair sex minus 2. The game starts from fifty dollars.
    4. counting game. A very primitive game. Players simply add one number at a time.
    5. game with two or three letters. In essence, this is the same game of Cities, but the next player begins his word with several outer letters of the previous word.

    Play and have fun!

    For example, I like games that develop logic. For example, there is a word game on the ending and beginning of a word. In order to complicate the task, you can choose the topic of words, many people choose cities, but you can choose animals or something that you come up with yourself. I would recommend this game to you, it will be very interesting.

    In the chat you can play, for example, this a most interesting game as answers-questions, and the answerer has no opportunity not to answer the question. Or you can play in history - one starts the story, and the other figures out how it will end. Well, of course, you can play both cities and animal names - one names the city (animal), and the second names the city (animal) starting with the last letter of the previous word.

    The most common game in chat and in general on various forums is the game of cities. A person writes the name of one city, and another person remembers and writes the name of the city with the last letter of this city, and so on in order, I hope everyone played this simple game. You can also compose a kind of fairy tale, for this you will need to start the fairy tale and the other participants will complement it one sentence at a time and continue as your imagination goes, the result is a very funny fairy tale.

    Games you can play in chat:

    1. True or false. The essence of the game: one player comes up with two statements, one of which is certainly true, and the other is false; the other players must determine which one is true. The subject of statements can be varied: science, art, sports, etc. You can also make statements about yourself (appearance, hobbies, life stories) so that your interlocutors can learn something interesting about you.
    2. Various kinds puzzles: with a catch, Danetki and others.
    3. Game to cities can be complicated. For example, agree that only those cities that are located in a certain country (Russia, Ukraine, USA) can be offered.
  • One of my favorite chat games is Continue the Story. One person writes I broke my leg, the second continues But the elevator did not work, then a third, fourth, etc. In the end, a full-fledged story emerges.

Today we’ll talk about VKontakte games, but not ordinary ones, that is, not those that are applications, but those that can be played in groups. Yes, yes, there are such games. In essence, these are ordinary forum games that have migrated to contact. Therefore, you can use them both for entertainment in any discussion in a group, and for playing on the forum. So, let's go!

"Desert Island"

Rules of the game:

The first participant writes which three items he would take with him to a desert island, WITHOUT explaining why. And the second one explains why the first one took these items, and also writes 3 of his own items that he would take to a desert island.

For example:

1st: matches, Rubik's cube, wheat seeds

2nd: matches - light a fire,

Rubik's cube - there will be time to finally solve it,

wheat seeds - sow a wheat field.

fishing rod, blanket, knife

“Let’s count to...”

Rules of the game:

The creator of the topic determines the number to count to. One message - one number. Limitation - one person can add a message with the number of times per day. You can add to the game conditions that whoever reaches the given number gets a gift.

For example:

“It was - it wasn’t”

Rules of the game:

The first participant assumes an event that happened to the next participant. The second one answers whether it actually happened or not and sets its own event.

Win the lottery.

"Bad Psychologist"

Rules of the game:

The first participant explains his problem to the “psychologist” in one sentence, and the second (“psychologist”) gives advice that will not solve or will worsen the problem, but the “psychologist” himself is sure that he is giving good advice. Then the second participant tells the next “psychologist” about his problem.

For example:

1st example:

"Doctor, no one is listening to me"

Advice: Stop talking to people and get a hamster.

2nd example: Doctor, I'm afraid of the dark.

Advice: “You should watch movies about vampires and ghosts more often at night, this should help.”

3rd example: Doctor, I have trouble falling asleep.

Advice: Drink more coffee, it will cheer you up.

4th example: Doctor, a young man left me.

Advice: Sit by the phone, look at photos where you are still together, turn on your music with him, the main thing is not to go out anywhere, do not meet anyone, this should help you.

"The best"

Rules of the game:

The first participant asks the next question, which contains the word “most”, i.e. a question about something special, which is “the most” for a person. The second participant answers this question and asks the question to the third.

Examples of questions:

What's your favorite movie?

What is your favorite sport?

What is your favorite game?


Rules of the game:

Write the last SMS that came to your mobile phone.

“In order to... you need to...”

Rules of the game:

The game is based on a logical chain. Each sentence consists of two parts. The first begins with the word TO, the second - with the word MUST. The second part of the sentence is the beginning of a thought for the next player. The point is to continue the thought of the author of the previous message as interestingly as possible.

To go to the beach, you need to buy a swimsuit

To buy a swimsuit, you need to have money
To have money, you need to find a job
To find a job, you need to read the newspaper advertisements
etc., continue...


Rules of the game:

The first participant asks a word to the second, which he must explain in the manner of Masyanya and then ask a new word to the next one.

For example:

1st: Spoon

2nd: Well, this is kind of a thing. They eat it, like, soup.


Rules of the game:

The first participant writes a word or phrase, and the second responds in rhyme and asks the next participant his word or phrase.

"If you was …"

Rules of the game:

The first participant asks the second a situation starting with the words “If you were...”. The second participant answers and asks a question to the third.

Examples of questions:

If you were president, what would you do?

If you were an actor, what movie would you like to play in?

If you were a writer, what would you write a book about?

"Try to explain"

Rules of the game:

The first participant comes up with a new word, and the second must explain what it could be and come up with a new word for the third, etc.

Examples of new words:

Mediation, murnolka, aldogun, smulka, tryguzol


Rules of the game:

For example:

lawyer, salesman, teacher, bodyguard, doctor, etc.

"I never …"

Rules of the game:

The first participant in the game writes what he would like to do, but has never done before. The second one writes whether he has done this and writes what he has not done yet and would like to do.

For example:

1st: I have never jumped with a parachute

2nd: never done

I have never traveled to China

"The tight-fisted banker"

Rules of the game:

You work in a bank, giving out loans. Your task is to refuse to give money to the person who wrote the previous post, finding fault with his avatar or name or something else.

Examples of reasons for refusal:

Cunning look, unreliable nature!

Judging by the photo, I haven't even turned 18 yet.

"Let's write a book together"

Rules of the game:

The first participant writes the beginning of a story consisting of a few words, and the next one develops his idea using the same small number of words.

1st: Olya walked along...

2nd: in the forest and I saw...

3rd: cute little...


Rules of the game:

The first participant writes a word or phrase, and the next one also writes either a word or phrase that he associates with the statement of the previous participant. And so on down the chain.

For example:

1st: Schwarzenegger

2nd: terminator

3rd: robot

4th: Japan

"With meaning"

Rules of the game:

Explain the meaning last word in the previous participant's proposal.

For example:

1st: water is the source of life

2nd: life is what our parents gave us

3rd: parents are

The task of the next participant in the game is to explain the meaning of the word parents.

Rules of the game:

We say a phrase about the person who will be the next participant in the game, and he, in turn, says “yes” or “no.”

For example:

1st: The next participant likes to watch comedies.

The next participant was in France.

"Give positive"

Rules of the game:

The first participant in the game writes wishes, good words the second (next). The second responds: “Thank you and the same to you!” and writes something on his own, etc., the chain continues.

For example:

1st: I wish everything goes well for you!

2nd: Thank you and the same to you!

May your life be long and happy!

"Cinema Mania"

Rules of the game:

The first one asks whether the next participant has watched a movie, and the second one answers and asks the question to the next one.

For example:

1st: Have you watched the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”?

Have you seen the movie "Titanic"?

"Yes, no, of course"

Rules of the game:

Before coming here, you thought of one of the words: Yes, No or Naturally. Now you write this answer in the comments and ask your question.

For example:

1st writes: Do you like to dance?

"Out of one - many"

Rules of the game:

The first participant writes a long word (noun). The second - from the letters of this word makes up the maximum number of words and assigns a long word to the third participant in the game, etc.

For example:

1st: Asphalt

2nd: alto, fas, lat, ac, fat


"Come up with a word"

Rules of the game:

The first participant writes the initial and last letters. The second must choose the appropriate word and write his letters to the next player.

For example:

2nd: ice cream

3rd: scarecrow


Rules of the game:

Each subsequent participant answers the question: “What could the previous participant in the game trade on the market?”

For example:

Sunflower seeds, felt boots, apples, etc.

“Write a status and set a topic”

Rules of the game:

The first one writes a status (phrase, quote, etc.) and sets the topic for the second one, etc. along the chain.

For example:

1st: “If you were born without wings, do not stop them from growing.” Coco Chanel

2nd: New friend no worse than the old two


Rules of the game:

The first one writes a song, and the second one says whether he has it in his player or not and sets the next track.

For example:

1st: Fisherman "Fairytale"

Ani Lorak - “Sun”

"Guess a riddle"

Rules of the game:

The first participant writes a riddle (invents it) - gives a description of something. The second one answers that it could be and asks a riddle to the next one.

For example:

1st: white, fluffy, lives in the north.

2nd: polar bear

found in every home, runs on electricity, changes often

3rd: light bulb

green, prickly, lives in the house from January to May.

"Destroy the fifteenth"

Rules of the game:

Participants in this topic count to 15, and whoever writes the fifteenth message, all participants unanimously decorate the wall with any drawings and start counting again.

If the wall of the fifteenth player is closed or the opportunity to leave graffiti on it is not available, the players skip the round and start the game again.

Participation in this game must be carried out strictly in turns, i.e. the same participant should not write several messages in a row.

"Turn on - turn off the light"

Rules of the game:

Each subsequent participant either “turns on” or “turns off” the light and indicates the reason.

For example:

1st: Turn on the light to find the slippers

2nd: I turn off the light - it’s time to sleep

"What happens if you cross..."

Rules of the game:

"Crazy scientists" crossbreed all the animals in a row. The first participant writes the name of two animals. The second person comes up with a name for the resulting animal after crossing and names two animals for the next participant.

For example:

1st: Crocodile and panda

2nd: Cropan

hare and elephant

3rd: Slojac

giraffe and crocodile

"Three words"

Rules of the game:

The first participant names three unrelated words. The second must make a sentence out of them and ask his 3 words to the third participant, and so on.

For example:

1st: chamomile, table, dictionary.

2nd: There was a chamomile on the table near the dictionary.

robot, theater, diploma

“Added, now get it”

Rules of the game:

You need to make up a whole word from two parts: the first participant specifies the first part of the word, and the next one adds the second part and writes the first part of the word for the third participant.

2nd: gift

3rd: rtira

“I like/I don’t like”

Rules of the game:

The first participant writes some verb or noun. The second one writes whether he likes it or not, and always explains the reason. Then he writes his version of the action or object.

But he himself cannot choose what to answer, because... The answers “I love” and “I don’t like” must alternate! Those. If the answer before you was “I love” and the person named a new word “ice cream”, which you simply adore, you are still obliged to say “I don’t like” and somehow justify it.

1st: Go to the gym

2nd: I love it - it’s not only pleasant, but also useful!
3rd: I don’t like it - because I have to get up early

"A tempting offer"

Rules of the game:

The first participant writes 3 words/phrase (a noun with an adjective is possible), the second chooses which of these 3 points he would choose for himself and does tempting offer to the next player.

An example of a tempting offer:

iPad, dinner with a star or a trip to Paris?


Rules of the game:

One person writes some action, and the other comes up with a “bummer” and assigns his action (sets the next move).

1st: I’m going to Africa on a scooter!

2nd (answers): Bummer - the scooter has square wheels and no steering wheel.

I'm going to the cinema

3rd: Session canceled

"Three letters"

Rules of the game:

The first writes any three letters, the second deciphers them and writes his own letters.

Ship of Little Bugs

Happy New Year


Rules of the game:

One writes something bad, and the second looks for the positive in it and writes his own version of the bad for the third participant, etc. along the chain.

1st: I bought wormy apples
2nd: so you are lucky - with meat, meat is more expensive than apples.

"If... then..."

Rules of the game:

One person writes an action, starting with the word “if”, the next person continues the thought, remaking it for himself and starting with the words “then”. And so on.

1st: If you go to the cinema, then with company.

2nd: If with company, then it’s fun.

3rd: If it’s fun, then you watched a comedy

"And why?"

Rules of the game:

The first participant asks a question beginning with the phrase “Why?..”, and next person tries to answer it, then asks his own question.

1st: Why don’t people fly?

2nd: Because they don’t want to.

The 2nd asks a question to the 3rd: Why is the ice cream cold?

“Describe the previous participant in one word”

Rules of the game:

You see a photo (avatar) of the previous participant and describe him in one word. It can be a noun or an adjective.

Beautiful, fashionable, original, mysterious, blonde, girl, etc.

"Ctrl + V"

Rules of the game:

Every time you go to the topic of this game, place the cursor in the message field and press the Ctrl + V keys simultaneously and send what you get (the contents of your computer’s clipboard).

"New First Name and Last Name"

Rules of the game:

Now you have a new first and last name. Instead of a name, we take the name of your pet, and instead of a surname, the street where you live.

1st: Musya Kosygina

2nd: Kesha Obukhovskaya

3rd: Tishka Nevsky

"A question to a question"

Rules of the game:

We answer all questions with a question.

1st: Why do elves have pointed ears?
2nd: Do they have really pointy ears?
3rd: What, no?
4th: Maybe it’s not the elves?
5th: And from whom?
6th: Well, maybe with the gnomes?

“When was the last time you...?”

Rules of the game:

The first one asks a question that begins with the words “When do you last time...“ The next participant answers and writes his question.

For example:

1st: When was the last time you played snowballs?

2nd: A week ago.

When was the last time you rode a bicycle?


Rules of the game:

The person who creates the theme of this game sets the situation for everyone else, and they respond as if they reacted to it. The situation is written directly in the topic so that it can be seen by everyone who comes to the game, even if there are already many answers there.

1st: Surprise: Sleep at night. Suddenly the previous participant crawls out from under the bed. What will you do?

2nd: I’ll ask: “What are you doing here?”

3rd: I’ll scream in surprise.

I hope this collection of games for VKontakte groups will help revive and initiate communication in the group.

There are a lot of topics in the relationship between a guy and a girl. There are interesting, funny and everyday topics, there are secret and intimate ones. Choose what you need for correspondence today.

Tune in to positive communication. Sincerely believe that your conversation will be very interesting and exciting.

Think carefully about the topics, but don't memorize them to make the conversation more natural.

Choose a correspondence method: emails, social media, chats, SMS messages, real letters, special programs.

Offer to play games that will help you find out better friend friend. There are a huge number of such games! Find them online and read the rules in detail.

Talk to your boyfriend every day. If possible, spend at least three hours on this. The more you practice, the faster you will learn to confidently correspond.

What is difficult for you to say in words, express with photographs and pictures. You can easily find them on the Internet.

Ask best friend show any history of your correspondence with someone or take a screenshot of it. She will never refuse such a request. Perhaps she will personally supervise your written communication. Trust her to get the results you want.

What to write to a pen pal?

Have you decided to take the initiative? Correct solution! Not everyone is able to take the first step and send the cherished message.

Kindly say hello to the guy by adding a smiley face instead of a dot. Wait for him to answer you in kind.

Read what he writes carefully. His phrases are an excellent “hook” for moving from one topic to another.

Tell me young man everything you want, excluding what concerns your own problems, troubles and failures. There is no need to “download” him, to evoke sympathy.

The heart asks for revelations about love - confess it, don’t be shy! Don't think in advance about how the guy will react to this. The main thing is that you will be able to open your soul to him and feel incredible relief.

Answer if he asks what you did during the week or a few days ago. Omit details that you consider too personal to disclose.

Write that you are very bored at home and want to unwind somewhere. It is likely that the interlocutor will invite you to the park or to a cafe so that you can change the environment. Don't refuse! Accept the invitation willingly and run to your closet to choose the right outfit for your upcoming date.

Replies to guy's messages

Imagine he wrote a message. Try to answer right away. What might be the answer to his “hello”:

  1. Hello! How are you doing?
  2. Hello! What new has happened to you lately?
  3. Hi! How is the mood today?
  4. Good afternoon! How do you plan to spend the day?
  5. Hi! What news is heard on the horizons of life?
  6. (Name), hello to you! Would you like to talk to me about pleasant things?
  7. Greetings! What do you expect from today?
  8. Hello! What are you doing at home in such great weather?
  9. I'm glad I'm writing to you now! Do you believe in fairy tales and miracles?
  10. How are you doing, my dear friend?
  11. Intuition told me that you would write to me. Thank you for finding time for me.
  12. Have a good day! Have you already made plans for today?
  13. What are you thinking about right now?
  14. Hello. What would you like to talk about at this moment?
  15. And I just wanted to send you a message! Well hello!

What questions should you ask a guy when texting?

  1. What cities, villages and countries have you visited?
  2. Have a best friend and best girlfriend?
  3. What's your favorite movie?
  4. Do you smoke cigarettes or have you quit a long time ago?
  5. What qualities are missing in your character, and which ones would you be happy to get rid of?
  6. Where and what people do you usually hang out with?
  7. What types of art are you most drawn to?
  8. Any plans for this evening? Is it possible to take part in them?
  9. What doesn't suit you in life?
  10. Do you work by profession?
  11. What is your attitude towards pets?
  12. How do you lift your mood if it drops to zero?
  13. Do you like to gamble?
  14. Do you believe in friendship between a woman and a man?
  15. How do you feel about initiative people?
  16. Do you like to take risks?
  17. What type of temperament do you consider yourself to be?
  18. What sports do you prefer?
  19. Do you believe in various mystical things?
  20. What do you collect?
  21. How do you feel about small children?
  22. What do your acquaintances and friends used to call you?
  23. Do you lose your temper easily?
  24. Are you looking at your horoscope?
  25. Do you have a favorite dish, a favorite drink?
  26. Do you often meet unusual people?
  27. What do you truly value in life?
  28. Are you good at cars (motorcycles)?
  29. Do you have an internet or gaming addiction?
  30. Do you like shopping?

  1. Avoid long pauses. Try to “fill” the silence with anecdotes, gags, aphorisms or witty phrases.
  2. Don't be intrusive. Don’t forget for a moment that there is also real (real) life.
  3. Try not to make mistakes in words, as literacy fascinates many representatives of the stronger sex.
  4. Stop thinking that you will write something wrong. You can and do communicate well! All that remains is to sincerely believe in it.
  5. Answer all questions in detail, and not with short and dry words - “yes”, “I don’t know”, “probably”, “maybe”, “no”, “hardly”, “I don’t know” “well”, “yes no”, “yeah”, “uh-huh”, “yes-yes”, “exactly”, “true”, “of course”, “I doubt”, “I don’t think”, “I think otherwise”.
  6. Don’t show off your intelligence, don’t try to seem smarter than your interlocutor. Behave as tactfully as possible.
  7. If you disappear somewhere for a while, apologize and explain the situation. By doing this, you will gain respect for yourself.
  8. Be yourself. You should not play the role of a serious lady or a “star of the first magnitude”.
  9. Don't repeat the same words. Try to use synonyms, recalling your full vocabulary.
  10. Call your interlocutor by name. This will show you your good attitude to him. Be careful with nicknames at first, as he may react to them negatively or with undisguised dissatisfaction.

Switch it up. . .

How to cheer up a girl in correspondence?

It happens quite often for girls Bad mood and they don’t really want to communicate with you, but they really want the man to show attention to her and come up with something interesting for her. From personal experience I’ll tell you something that can cheer up a girl in correspondence:

1. Music. Nothing changes a girl's mood like good music. Guess the girl's mood, find out her problem and find exactly the melody that will reflect the girl's mood in this moment. You can send the melody through social networks. When a girl listens to this melody, she will more vividly experience all the emotions that happen to her. This will help her calm down. A little later, send the girl a melody similar to the one sent earlier, but with a slightly higher mood and always with a beautiful happy ending. The girl will appreciate it and be grateful to you.

2. Get into position. The girl is not very interested in what you ate today, what game you played today and what weights you lifted. Ask. Ask the girl about what she did today and what her mood is. The conversation may not go well at first. She will say that she is doing fine and that she didn’t do anything interesting today. Be more specific in the questions you ask. For example, ask: “How are things at school?”, “How did your mother react to your action?”, “What movie did you watch today?” etc. The main thing is to get the girl to talk, and then you yourself will not be able to stop her. It is much more pleasant and interesting for girls to talk about themselves than to listen to our “lies.”

3. Prepare for correspondence. If you know what interests a girl, then be able to find information for her that she will be interested in listening to. If she is a fan of "House 2", then watch this project and then discuss it in correspondence. If the girl is a fan figure skating, then find one for her Interesting Facts about the life of figure skating stars. If you want to cheer up a girl, get ready for correspondence.

4. Write without mistakes. There are girls who pathologically cannot stand illiterate people. They may be annoyed when people write "zhi-shi" with s. Commas and periods also need to be put in their place. This way your idea will be more understandable and the girl will simply be pleased to read the text written by you. There have been cases when a guy writes one thing, but a girl understands something completely different. After this, misunderstanding arises between the couple, and then disappointment.

5. Don't use templates. A joke that sounds twice is considered stupid. If you litter with phrases that the Internet is full of, the girl will consider you a “cliché guy” and she will not be interested in you.

If you want to develop, then stop chatting with a girl on the Internet and start live communication. It's much more difficult, but much more enjoyable.

Wed 10 Jun 2015

In order to save a GIF image from the Odnoklassnian website you will need simple easy program - with its help you can write videos, as well as record all animation from any site, including from classmates - GIF animation using GifCam. Suitable for everyone - both experienced users and beginners. Just two buttons - nothing complicated. So, let's get started. First you need to download the program itself. You can download the program here:

For convenience, pin it to the taskbar so you don’t have to look for it later when you need it

1.Opens in " full height"the GIF image you need

2. Click on the program icon on the taskbar - a frame with the program will appear. The program will automatically be on top of all windows with its own frame. We select the area for recording by simply changing the size of the frame - drag the cursor over the corners of the frame to fit the size of the animation.

3. All you have to do is wait for the animation to start and press the REC button - the program starts recording. Play once twice and that’s enough - otherwise the picture will weigh a lot and will not be uploaded to the site later. Next STOP. After recording, click - SAVE. Give a name to the picture and be sure to remember it path - where it is saved!!!

4.Wait until the process is completed - the green path will reach the end and leave. Close the program - that’s all. Nothing complicated. Good luck! Imagine that the program is a camera. Everything inside the frame will be your GIF. Manage it, change its size. You can record anything by opening it on your computer. Games, movies, websites, yourself via webcam or sites like YouTube. To create a GIF animation from a video, start some video and select the desired area. Editing is possible. We go to Edit and see the frames in horizontal scrolling. By right-clicking you can call up the context menu. It allows you to delete: one frame, a selected frame to the beginning or end, or delete all frames. Add or remove delays. “Delete even frames” is needed to delete half the frames and save the animation (to reduce the size). There is a checkbox to show green screen or not. Savings are possible in 5 formats of different quality: 256 colors, 12, gray, and so on.

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Sat May 23, 2015

Yesterday a personal meeting was held between the OK management and representatives of the initiative group from the administrators. A number of proposals were submitted for consideration to improve the work and cooperation of the site and groups.

Based on the results of the meeting with the OK administration, the following information/results are available.

1. Classmates went to a meeting about the issue feedback. Our representative will be added to the Skype chat for close communication with the OK administration. There is a preliminary agreement for regular live meetings, tentatively once a quarter.

2. On the issue of monetization of communities, real work is now underway on the part of the OK to change the situation with the issuance of promos. Search results will improve, but you definitely shouldn’t expect a return to previous positions. It’s trite - it will be better than it is, but worse than it was. It is a fact. Over time, a target will appear that has already been tested. With the introduction of the target, the promo will most likely change or go away completely. This issue is being discussed, please suggest your ideas. It is impossible to cover everything in one meeting and one contact.

3. Pre-moderation of posts is now possible via email: (mail address will be available in the next couple of days). It will take a couple of days to get the process going. The essence of this action is a prompt response to your promotional post. Suitable or not. How Alternative option You can consider offers in sj, they are approved. And as an example, their posts.

4. According to our suggestions in OK:

Every day people join and leave groups. Give them a laconic window asking them to subscribe to others official groups- accepted as good idea.

Testing, trying out the idea of ​​reposting groups is accepted as a good idea, moreover, work has already been done and it will happen soon.

Blocking profiles - we need a clear statistical report on this issue, then we can decide. For example, profile N posted N posts in N groups and received a block. If you repeat, there is a high probability that the block will occur again.

Group blocking will cease to be instantaneous and forever. Our proposal for some kind of stable system of several warnings has been accepted and, moreover, has already been worked on before.

Commenting is possible only for group members - supported/approved

Function all user messages - supported/approved

Removing unnecessary tags along with the post being deleted, searching by tags - supported/approved

Add roles editor, moderator, admin, with different rights - supported/approved

Leave regular posts when deleting a moderator's profile - supported/approved

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In recent years, the bodies and troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs have been performing service and combat missions in a difficult operational environment. Wherein...

Members of the St. Petersburg Ornithological Society adopted a resolution on the inadmissibility of removal from the Southern Coast...

Russian State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein published photographs of the new “chief cook of the State Duma” on his Twitter. According to the deputy, in...

Home Welcome to the site, which aims to make you as healthy and beautiful as possible! Healthy lifestyle in...
The son of moral fighter Elena Mizulina lives and works in a country with gay marriages. Bloggers and activists called on Nikolai Mizulin...
Purpose of the study: With the help of literary and Internet sources, find out what crystals are, what science studies - crystallography. To know...
WHERE DOES PEOPLE'S LOVE FOR SALTY COME FROM? The widespread use of salt has its reasons. Firstly, the more salt you consume, the more you want...
The Ministry of Finance intends to submit a proposal to the government to expand the experiment on taxation of the self-employed to include regions with high...
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