The problem of full employment. What is full employment

IN Lately Many people prefer this form of work as part-time work. This allows you not only to get money for living (often no less than if you sit all day in the office), but also to have much more free time.

In this post we will talk about who is suitable for part-time work, what options are available for earning money and who can engage in such activities.

Full and part time

It is unlikely that anyone, honestly working “for their uncle,” earns enough to live on, and then there is a desire to earn extra money somewhere else. In addition, not the entire population has the opportunity to work full time at an enterprise. It's about about young mothers, about pensioners, about students who, spending the first half of the day studying, cannot afford to work in a company on general terms. In this case not a bad option Part-time work will become a way to earn money. This is the same work activity, but it is characterized by part-time work or work remote from the office.

We are accustomed to the established work standard of an eight-hour day, five days a week. Of course, by devoting ourselves to work in this mode, we do not pay enough attention to our loved ones and household affairs. However, the law suggests that people work exactly 40 hours a week. Therefore, part-time work is working less than forty hours a week.

Who has the right, according to the law, to part-time work?

You will be interested to know that, according to the law, part-time work is suitable for:

Pregnant women and mothers who have children under fourteen years of age or a child with a disability who is in their care;

Persons caring for a sick family member (this must be confirmed by a medical examination);

Persons who have retired;

Persons who, due to their health condition, are unable to work

How things really are

As you understand, in reality everything looks different. Imagine a pensioner who “downloads his license” and asks his boss to set him a part-time work week so that it is convenient for him! Most likely, after this he will simply be fired (of course, by agreement of the parties, and nothing else) and replaced by younger and more promising personnel. And there are often situations when a pregnant girl works literally until she gives birth, for fear of losing her job. This is very easy to explain, because the labor market is overcrowded with young professionals who are ready to work more for less money. We are not talking about real professionals in their field, whom the boss listens to, because there are very few such people. Moreover, there are only one or two such positions at the enterprise, and for simple operations you can hire almost anyone.

Consequently, the law is the law, and the work schedule is set by the bosses in a way that is convenient for him. Therefore, a five-day work week of eight hours a day is the ultimate dream for many, because it often consists of six or even seven days with work from dawn to dusk. Is the money worth such sacrifices? Where and on what will you spend your income if your whole life is spent at work? In this case a worthy exit may become part-time.

This is exactly the option when you choose what is convenient for you. In this case, you receive money according to the time worked or according to the norm fulfilled.

What does part-time work mean?

In Moscow, as in any other big city With a population of at least a million people, there are a lot of options for part-time work. What could it be? If you are young and active, you can work as a merchandiser, promoter, store consultant, or courier. For people who consider themselves more serious, there is a job as a real estate agent. In addition, having certain skills, you can respond to advertisements like “Accountant required. Part-time job”, conduct training in the gym, do haircuts or manicures, and repair equipment. In addition, there is work on the Internet, which is not fraud, but also requires certain skills.

Part-time job: merchandising and promotion

The world has long turned into a huge store where everyone is trying to either sell something or buy something. Why are there so many annoying advertisements on TV?

Because there are too many goods, and buyers, that is, you and me, need to be directed in the direction the manufacturer needs. You can take part in this process and earn money in the process. In any newspaper with job advertisements and on Internet portals you can find a column with the inscriptions: “Part-time work for pensioners and mothers”, “Part-time work for students” and the like. Don’t be afraid of jobs like “merchandiser” or “promoter”; they involve working with products on store shelves) or with customers. You can work as much as is convenient for you, while receiving money comparable to the earnings of an accountant or office manager. At the same time, you will not be tied to an office or workplace, but will visit shops and retail outlets along a predetermined route (by agreement with the management, the route can be chosen near your home).

Part-time work for accountants

You can, in your free time from your main job or just as a part-time job, manage accounting. Of course, this is only possible if you are an accountant by training. Part-time employment in this case will become excellent option part time jobs for moms maternity leave. Any enterprise needs an accountant who can process invoices and prepare monthly reports. In fact, this specialist is not the person who needs to be present at the workplace every day. Moreover, if you have the Internet, then you can conduct business without leaving your home. Knowledge of tax legislation will be a very big advantage.

Part-time jobs for people with certain skills

If you are good master manicurist or hairdresser, massage therapist, if you know how to do plumbing, then why not do what you love as a part-time job?

Place an advertisement, advertise yourself in in social networks, tell your friends what you can do beautiful hairstyle much cheaper than in a beauty salon. If you feel the urge to do this, but are not a specialist, then professional courses will help you master the business quickly enough at a low cost.

Internet - part-time

Part-time work online has already become the main source of income for many. We are not talking about dubious advertisements like “earn from $1000 a day with us”, but about quite regular work, which you can do. There are millions of sites on the Internet that need content and graphic design. If you know how to write articles or do web design, then finding a job will not be difficult. What kind of money can you earn this way? Of course, the more you know and can do, the greater your income can be - someone receives 100-200 thousand rubles a month. For others, part-time work on the Internet is a pleasant addition to a salary of 5-10 thousand rubles without much effort.

We cannot recommend a part-time job in the form of playing Forex or trading on the stock exchange, since this type of earnings has more disadvantages than advantages. Nevertheless, in fact, there are people with a keen economic sense who make real money from currency fluctuations or the rise and fall of consumer interest. Be interested, search, try and find something of your own.

And finally

Part-time work is something that will help you live a full life, paying due attention to your family and friends. If you have certain skills or abilities, then finding a part-time job to your liking will not be difficult. But even if, as it seems to you, you don’t know how to do anything, don’t be upset. Modern world offers a lot of opportunities for those who need money. Search and you will definitely find something just for you!

Employment rate is the percentage of employed persons to the adult population not on social security, in shelters, nursing homes, etc.

Full employment does not mean the absolute absence of unemployment. Economists consider frictional and structural unemployment to be completely inevitable: hence, "full employment" is defined as employment that accounts for less than 100% of the labor force. More precisely, the full employment unemployment rate is equal to the sum of the frictional and structural unemployment rates. In other words, the full employment unemployment rate occurs when cyclical unemployment is zero. The full employment unemployment rate is also called the natural unemployment rate.

The natural rate of unemployment is a combination of frictional and structural unemployment or the level of unemployment associated with a stable economy, when the real national product is at a natural loss, and there is no slowing or accelerating inflation, or when the expected level of inflation is equal to the actual level of inflation.

Freely chosen employment presupposes the right to control one’s own ability to work ( labor force) belongs exclusively to its owner, i.e. the employee himself. This principle guarantees the right of every worker to choose between employment and non-employment.

On the quantitative side, employment reflects the concept of full employment, and on the qualitative side, effective employment. The new concept of employment modifies and expands the content of the “full employment” target, linking it with effective employment. This connection is based on a focus on human needs and interests, a departure from the production approach to labor resources.

Full employment in a market economy means the creation of such material and technical means and socio-economic relations that produce and reproduce an economic mechanism that generates the possibility of employment of the working population, but only to the extent that it corresponds or approaches the natural norm.

The point is that full employment does not mean that the entire working population of working age must necessarily be employed in the national economy. In every this moment a certain number of able-bodied persons, due to a number of circumstances, may not participate in the labor process, but be employed in another field public life, such as women providing child care, people changing jobs, etc.

Full employment is a goal to strive for. It is achieved when there is an appropriate level of development of productive forces and the demand for labor coincides with its supply.

Employment of the population can be considered effective if it provides a decent income, health, personal development, and an increase in the educational and professional level for each member of society based on the growth of social labor productivity. Thus, effective employment can be characterized from two points of view:
a) economically - as the most rational use human resource;

b) socially - as the most complete correspondence to the interests of the working person.

This is a state of society when everyone who wants to have a paid job has one, there is no cyclical unemployment, but at the same time its natural level, determined by frictional and structural unemployment, is preserved.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


FULL EMPLOYMENT of the population, under socialism the totality of socio-economic. relations characterizing the relationship between the reproduction process as a whole and the use of labor potential as the leading factor in production; reflects the level of quantities. and qualities. correspondence between the need of us. in workplaces and existing system work places; is one of the main econ. characteristics of the socialist way of life.

For the science of peoples. category ´P. z.´has great importance, because cause and effect. connection between P. z. of all able-bodied us. and the growth of societies. wealth in socialist society is expressed in economics. the law of the people. Possibility and necessity of P. z. conditioned by society. ownership of the means of production. Planned development of socialist economy involves managing employment processes primarily through the implementation of capital investment policies, while taking into account the interdependence of employment and demographics. development.

Demographic processes determine quantities. characteristics of the reproduction of the total labor force of society and affect employment through the need for certain. the work of categories of us, differing in gender, age, marital status, health, etc. Increasing as a result of the expanded reproduction of us. labor resources are provided with new jobs through demographic investments. One of the aspects of employment management is the creation of working conditions that take into account the characteristics of such large socio-demographic groups. groups such as women, youth, older people, pensioners.

The universality of labor and the need for the participation of every able-bodied member of the socialist. societies in socially useful labor are realized in the following way. forms; employment in people farming (workers, employees, collective farmers, people employed in personal subsidiary farming, non-cooperative artisans); study away from work; employment in home care. P. z. can be achieved with different shares of labor resources employed in societies. production, which in turn is associated with the characteristics of socio-demographic. development of the country. Thus, in the USSR, according to census data, in 1959 those employed in the social sphere. labor together with students, apart from production, made up 83% of all of us. of working age, in 1970 - 88%, in 1979 - approx. 90%. Given the high level of employment we... the best combination of socio-demographic. processes and production. functions various groups of us. promotes the spread of such specific types such as part-time or weekly work, home work, part-time work, temporary employment of students and students in their free time. Homework and part-time work, work sliding schedule ensure inclusion in society. labor of mothers with young children; further development of these forms is in the interests large families and families with children preschool age.

The law of the people. under socialism requires a constant increase in the efficiency of using the labor potential of the socialist. society while simultaneously forming comprehensively developed individuals. At the stage of developed socialism, this implies increasingly greater consideration of demographics. factors influencing the employment of people, including the age structure of the working population, regional differences in the cut in the USSR cause fluctuations in the level of economics. activity of us. (see Economically active population) between diff. terr. countries. The age and gender structure of the labor force in a particular region is important for balancing the existing job system with our needs. in work, through which P. z. is achieved. us. To the needs of the feminine us. in certain types of work and jobs are affected by fertility, the number of children in the family, age, Family status etc.

Unity P. z. us. and rational use of all able-bodied people, which involves a constant process of redistribution of labor resources between enterprises, industries and territories, is reflected in socialist. the law of the people. Managing the processes of distribution and redistribution of employed people. provides for the compilation of labor resource balances taking into account the age and sex characteristics of the working population.

In conditions of developed socialist society, the effective use of labor potential involves greater socialization of production. activities, the increasing role of moral-psychological, demographic. and environmentally friendly factors, which increases the interdependence of employment policy and demographics. politicians.

Demographic politics in socialist countries includes such measures in the field of women's employment as the provision of paid parental leave until the child reaches the age of 1-2 years; Expensive interruptions from work to care for a sick child; additional monthly days off for women with children; lowering the retirement age for women who have raised two or more children.

The Constitution of the USSR guarantees every citizen the exercise of his right to work, including the right to choose a profession, occupation and work in accordance with the abilities, training of the worker and his vocation. Rational use of all of us able to work. promotes the activities of such societies. institutions, like the system of prof. orientation, vocational-technical education, special education, advanced training of workers, employment system for us, advanced training and retraining of women who have a break in work due to the birth and raising of a child, etc.

Scientific and technical progress at the stage of developed socialism changes the nature of labor, the importance of ideological, moral and aesthetic values ​​increases. motives of work, a new type of worker is being formed, harmoniously combining physical. and intelligence. work that constantly accumulates and updates knowledge and skills labor activity directly involved in improving equipment and technology. Providing P. z. and rational use of labor resources play beings. role in the development of the people. in general and in improving the abilities of each person.

Bzhilyansky Yu. A., Problems of population under socialism, M., 1974, Urlanis B. Ts, Population. Research, journalism, M., 1976, p. 270-96; Maslova I. S., Economic issues redistribution of labor under socialism, M., 1976; Fundamentals of population theory, 2nd ed., M., 1977, ch. 12; Sonin M. Ya., Population development. Economic aspect, M., 1980, Sukhov A. A., Labor mobility under socialism, M., 1981; Steshenko V.S., Study of population reproduction. ( Theoretical problems), K., 1981, ch. 2, 5. See also lit. at Art. Busy.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

The answer to the question: “Is it possible to defeat unemployment completely?” - depends on what is meant by such a victory, or rather, what meaning is put into the word “completely”.

If we believe that defeating unemployment completely means ensuring that at any given time all able-bodied citizens of the country are working somewhere, then such a task can only be solved at a very high cost.

This is exactly the sad experience our country has. Until recently, in Russia, as in everything former USSR, labor Relations were built according to special rules:
1) everyone has the right to work;
2) everyone is obliged to work;
3) anyone who does not work without a good reason is subject to criminal punishment (it was under this article of the Criminal Code, for example, that the young poet Joseph Brodsky, the future laureate, was sent into exile Nobel Prize on literature. He could not convince the judges that the work of a poet is also work, although he employment history and does not lie in the personnel department of one of the factories);
4) a person who often changes his place of work and specialty deserves only contempt, and only one who has worked in one place all his life is worthy of respect;
5) the scarcest goods (housing, cars, garden plots) can only be received by those who have worked in one place for 10, 15 or more years.

What can an economist say about such regulation of the labor market?

The right to work without any discrimination is one of the main individual rights, recognized in all civilized countries. But the rest of the listed rules of the “Soviet labor code” are anti-democratic and economically harmful. This is exactly the organization of the market
labor led to the fact that the USSR “slept through” twice scientific and technological revolutions XX century and approached the 21st century. with an outdated production structure. The consequences of this are now being reaped by both Russia and other former republics of the USSR.

Studying the problems of unemployment, economic science came to the conclusion: frictional and structural unemployment is a normal phenomenon and does not pose a threat to the development of the country. Moreover, without these types of unemployment, development is simply impossible. After all, if all the workers are busy, then how to create new companies or expand the production of goods that are in high demand on the market?

In addition, the presence of unemployment makes people fear losing their jobs and encourages them to work more productively and efficiently. From these positions, unemployment can well be called an incentive to better work(V Ancient Rome, where the word “stimulus” was born, it meant a sharpened stick with which pack donkeys were stabbed in the back to make them go faster). That is why full employment in most developed countries of the world is understood as the absence of cyclical unemployment in the presence of frictional and structural unemployment. In other words, this is a situation where unemployment in a country corresponds to its natural norm.

Accordingly, the full employment level is determined by the equation:
Full Employment = Labor Force * 1 - Natural Rate of Unemployment

For each country, the natural rate of unemployment is different, and there is no single value for it. For example, in the mid-70s, American economists believed that for their country this norm was about 4%. In the mid-1980s, these estimates increased to 6.5-7.0%.

What is the natural rate of unemployment for Russia?

Today, some of our domestic experts, by analogy with other countries, estimate this level at approximately 3-3.5% of the total working-age population. Meanwhile, in 2000, 11.7% of the economically active population in Russia were unemployed (assessed according to the rules accepted throughout the world). This is a slightly higher level than, say, existed in Canada in 1990, but lower than what existed in France during the same period.

The majority of the current Russian unemployed are men (55%). Average age The unemployed in our country are now approximately 34 years old, but the proportion of those aged 22 to 39 is growing. In the group under 20 years old, every fifth person is now unemployed.

Most high level unemployment now in the Ivanovo region. Here, due to the severe crisis of the region's main industry - light industry - every third person was left without work. And in regions such as North Ossetia, Vladimir region, Astrakhan and Bryansk regions, the unemployment rate reached 10-14% of the working population.

All this suggests that the economic diseases inherited by Russia from the command economy of the USSR are extremely serious and it will be very difficult to cure them. The state has to pay increasing attention to the problem of reducing unemployment and develop various methods solutions to this problem.

Explicit unemployment is still new for Russia, and therefore it will not be long before we will be able to experimentally find out the value of its natural norm objectively inherent in our country. This can only be done when our economy emerges from the crisis and begins to grow steadily with annual inflation of less than 10-20%. The first signs of the emergence of such a macroeconomic situation were recorded in Russia in 2001-2003.

The situation on the labor market directly depends on demographic processes, i.e. on how the population size and its age structure change. In Russia, these processes are very alarming, since the total population is declining and it is aging. For 1993-2000 Russia's population has decreased by 3.5 million people, and this process will continue in the future due to low fertility and high mortality (especially among men). Demographers' forecasts indicate that by 2050, the population of Russia (under the existing immigration policy) will decrease to approximately 115 million people in the optimistic scenario, and to 90 million people in the pessimistic version, compared to 145 million at the present time. beginning of XXI V.

It would seem that a decrease in population should improve the situation on the labor market. And for the people job seekers, the way it is. But from the point of view of the country as a whole, the picture is not at all happy. Reduction in numbers Russian population is accompanied by its aging: by 2005, the share of the population under working age will decrease to 15.4% against 23.7% in 1993. And this will lead to an increase in the average age of workers and a decrease in their mobility, which is very undesirable. Meanwhile, already in a number of regions of the central and western part of the country, the share of older people among the working population exceeds 30-40% and will only grow in the future.

As a result, not only will it be more difficult to find workers for newly created enterprises, but also it will be necessary to deduct all most earnings of people of working age to replenish pension funds, and the possibility of increasing wages will decrease.

Employment rate– percentage of employed people to the adult population not on social security, in shelters, nursing homes, etc.

Full employment does not mean the absolute absence of unemployment. Economists consider frictional and structural unemployment to be completely inevitable: hence, "full employment" is defined as employment that accounts for less than 100% of the labor force. Precisely speaking, full employment unemployment rate equal to the sum of the levels of frictional and structural unemployment. In other words, the full employment unemployment rate occurs when cyclical unemployment is zero. The full employment unemployment rate is also called natural rate of unemployment. The real volume of national product, which is associated with the natural rate of unemployment, is called the productive potential of the economy. This is the actual amount of output that the economy is able to produce when resources are “fully utilized.”

The full, or natural, rate of unemployment occurs when labor markets are balanced, that is, when the number of job seekers equals the number of available jobs. The natural rate of unemployment is to some extent a positive phenomenon. After all, the “frictional” unemployed need time to find suitable vacancies. Structural unemployed people also need time to gain qualifications or move to another location when necessary to get a job. If the number of job seekers exceeds the available vacancies, then labor markets are not balanced; At the same time, there is a deficit in aggregate demand and cyclical unemployment. On the other hand, with excess aggregate demand, there is a “shortage” of labor, that is, the number of available jobs exceeds the number of workers looking for work. In such a situation, the actual unemployment rate is below the natural rate. The unusually “tense” situation in labor markets is also associated with inflation.

The concept of “natural rate of unemployment” requires clarification in two aspects.

First, this term does not mean that the economy always operates at the natural rate of unemployment and thereby realizes its productive potential. Unemployment rates often exceed the natural rate. On the other hand, in rare cases, an economy may experience a level of unemployment that is below the natural rate. On the other hand, in rare cases, an economy may experience a level of unemployment that is below the natural rate. For example, during the Second World War, when the natural rate was on the order of 3-4%, the demands of war production led to an almost unlimited demand for labor. Overtime and part-time work have become commonplace. Moreover, the government did not allow workers in “essential” industries to quit, artificially reducing frictional unemployment. The actual unemployment rate for the entire period from 1943 to 1945 was less than 2%, and in 1944 it fell to 1.2%. The economy was exceeding its production capacity but was putting significant inflationary pressure on output.

Secondly, the natural rate of unemployment in itself is not necessarily constant; it is subject to revision due to institutional changes (changes in the laws and customs of society). For example, in the 1960s, many believed that this inevitable minimum of frictional and structural unemployment was 4% of the labor force. In other words, it was recognized that full employment had been achieved when 96% of the labor force was employed. And currently, economists believe that the natural rate of unemployment is approximately 5-6%.

Why is the natural rate of unemployment higher today than in the 60s? First, the demographic composition of the workforce has changed. In particular, women and young workers, who traditionally have had a relatively high proportion of unemployed, have become relatively more an important component work force. Secondly, institutional changes have occurred. For example, the unemployment compensation program was expanded both in the number of workers it covered and in the amount of benefits. This is important because unemployment compensation, by weakening its impact on the economy, allows the unemployed to more easily look for work and thereby increases frictional unemployment and the overall unemployment rate.

Natural rate of unemployment- the combination of frictional and structural unemployment or the unemployment rate associated with a stable economy, when the real national product is at a natural loss, and there is no slowing or accelerating inflation, or when the expected level of inflation is equal to the actual level of inflation.

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