Walkthrough of God of War III. Complete walkthrough of God of War

Chapter 1. Gaia

After watching the introductory video, we deal with not large group enemies and move on. Having reached the fallen tree, we throw the trunk over the abyss (to do this you will need to press the buttons indicated on the screen in time) and get over to the other side. Having met Neptune, watch the video. During our first encounter with this boss, he will appear in the form of a giant three-headed horse that will periodically spit boiling water into one of three areas: right, middle or left. You can determine where exactly the directed jet will be by the direction in which the central head of the monster is directed. As soon as you notice that it is directed in your direction, run! In addition, the monster will occasionally try to smear you on the ground with its giant hooves - before doing this, it will lean back and raise one of its claws. When you deal enough damage, an interactive scene will trigger, causing Neptune to throw us down.

Having climbed back, simultaneously dealing with groups of enemies, we watch the video. The monster will no longer spit boiling water, however, from now on we need to beware of the blows of its hooves. Noticing that the giant is raising its claw, we dodge the blow and immediately attack the stuck paw with chains. After a couple of successful attacks, Neptune will again throw us out of the arena. Having climbed up the titanium, we open the chest with healing (green spheres - health, red - experience, blue - magical power) spheres and return to the battlefield. From this moment on, Neptune will again attack us with jets of boiling water (how to recognize exactly where the jet will fly is described above), so be careful and don’t yawn. After three successful combinations, press “R2” and rush at the boss until the supply of magical power runs out. When the giant’s health level drops below a critical level, press triangle and prepare for the next interactive cut-scene.


Chapter 2. Mount Olympus

Having crossed to the other side of the wall, we climb up the ledges and open the chest with red spheres. Having distributed the experience gained between skills and weapons, we turn right and run forward until we are attacked by another group of ghouls. Having dealt with them, we jump onto the broken ladder and climb up it. Having finished off the enemies, we jump over the cliff using a double jump, after which we interact with the hook located on the left. Having climbed over the wall, we deal with a bunch of enemies and jump onto the platform using a double jump. We jump from the platform onto the vine and climb up it. Once on solid ground, we quickly run forward until the bridge collapses behind us. Using the “Wings of Icarus” to overcome the abyss, we run under the red arch and enter the building. Having met face to face with the centaur, we kill him (the “square, square, triangle” combo is perfect for this) and examine the pedestal in the right corner of the room. Having finished, we pull the lever and quickly go up to the second floor along the lowered stairs. If you hesitate, the ladder will “hide” and the lever will come to pull again. Having got out onto the roof, we turn right and run forward until we come across a giant gate. After a short interactive cut-scene, we climb up Gaia and again meet the “Stallion” we killed earlier.


The battle tactics have not changed much - this time he will not spit boiling water at you, but he will attack with as many as four types of attacks. In addition, he will carry out a triple combo, covering almost the entire battlefield. It is almost impossible to dodge such an attack (apparently some kind of flaw) - there is only a chance that if you run away into left side arenas, the claws will fly past and do no damage to us. But this happens quite rarely, so we need to finish off the bastard before our health level drops below a critical level. When the “horse” loses consciousness, press triangle and prepare for the next interactive cut-scene. If everything goes well, Kratos will chop off one of the giant's claws, after which the battle will continue. From this moment on, you can relax - all the most dangerous attacks of the boss have become impossible due to the loss of his limb, and in return he has, in general, a harmless wave, which is not difficult to dodge, and it does very little damage. Having beaten the horse properly, we press triangle again and watch how the main character opens the bastard’s shell. Returning to the battlefield, we dodge the hail of attacks and interact with the previously severed claw, after which we throw it into the defenseless heart of the monster.


Chapter 3. Heart of Gaia

Chapter 4. River Styx

After watching the video, we slowly move forward along the river, simultaneously losing all our divine powers. Having met Hades, we quickly press the buttons indicated on the screen and go up the red stairs.


Chapter 5. Realm of Hades

After watching the video, we move forward until the next interactive cut-scene starts. If everything went well and Kratos was not smeared on the floor, turn left and inspect the pedestal. Having finished, we open the doors and move through the gorge by pressing the “R1” button. Below, by the way, there are two chests with experience, so if you don’t mind the time, you can go down for them. One way or another, once we find ourselves on the other side of the gorge, we turn right and find the first “Eye of the Gorgons” in the chest. If you collect five of these eyes, you can increase the maximum amount of magical power. Having overcome several corridors, we climb up the vine and cross the right bridge - here the “Hyperion Gate” is waiting for us. Returning back, we pass along the left bridge and save. When finished, turn left and cling to the ledge, along which you can cross the cliff. Having met a group of enemies, we open the menu for selecting magical abilities (“Select”) and activate the only power available at this time - infinite magic. Having dealt with the ghouls, we go to the other end of the hall and grab the rope, along which we climb up. Here several more enemies will be waiting for us, led by a centaur - we need to deal with him first. Having gotten rid of our enemies, we jump down and examine the sparkling stone at the end of the rope.


Having turned into stone, we quickly rotate the left stick clockwise until the gorgon smashes us with its tail. Having freed ourselves from “captivity,” we deal with the vile creature before it uses its ability again. After making sure that all opponents are dead, we approach the door located on the left and go down the stairs. Having dealt with the squad of ghouls, we open the left door and move forward until we reach the gorge. Having jumped down, we turn around and go back - here you will find as many as three chests with experience at once. Having crossed the river, watch the video. Having gotten rid of the enemies, we jump onto the broken column and move from it to the second floor of the building. From here we jump onto the platform and see what happens. Returning back, we wait for the platform to rise up again and jump onto it, after which we immediately turn to the right and cling to the ledge. Having made our way into a small room, we grab the blue plant lying in the corner and throw it into the abyss, after which we go after it. Having placed the found plant near Cerberus’s cage, we wait until the dog sets it on fire, after which we return to the lowering platform and stand on it until it lowers all the way.


When this happens, we quickly return to the burning plant and, using the “Wings of Icarus,” we fly up. Having made our way into a previously inaccessible passage (we opened it by lowering the platform), we pull the lever and release Cerberus. Returning to the previous location, we attack the monster until we are asked to press triangle. When this happens, we interact with the weakened dog and saddle it, after which we ride it to the prisoner locked in a cage. Having doused the old man with a stream of fire, we pick up the “Bow of Apollo” from the corpse and prepare to meet with a detachment of ghouls. Having dealt with them, we cut Cerberus’s throat and, using the found bow, set fire to a flammable plant hanging over the thickets blocking our path. Having left the dungeon, we cross the river, simultaneously shooting approaching enemies from our new weapons. It’s better not to let them get close, as they can throw us into the water. Having reached the other bank, we turn left and climb up along the ledges. In a fight with harpies, the “Circle + L1” combination will be a great help, as it immobilizes them for a while. As soon as the harpies are finished, we turn right. Using the “Wings of Icarus” to glide to the next platform, we grab the ledge in the wall and crawl to the right all the way. After performing a double jump to get to the vine, we climb up it and watch the video.


Chapter 6. Judges of the Underworld

Using the ledges, we get to the central platform and watch the video. Having found a save point near the drained pool, we go down the stairs and examine the book on the pedestal located to the right of the locked golden gate. In order to open them you will have to complete several tasks against time. First challenge - Finish all enemies before the timer runs out. The second test is to kill the spirits before they reach the ghost gate. The third test is not to die within three minutes. When all three tests are successfully completed, a passage to the next location will open. Having saved, we overcome the corridor and turn right, after which we fly through the gorge with the help of the “Wings of Icarus”.


Going down the stairs, we enter the portal and examine the piece of paper lying on the ground. Pulling the lever, we go back through the portal and quickly run across the fallen bridge. However, we are not destined to reach the other end of the gorge. When the bridge collapses, grab the rope and use it to climb onto the vine. Having rolled down, we use a double jump and climb onto the ledge. Be careful with blue enemies - they explode after death. Having finished with the bastards, we jump up the platforms and pull the next lever, after which we turn 180 degrees and, using a double jump, jump onto the raised wooden platform.


Chapter 7. The Forge

Chapter 8. The City of Olympia

After watching the video, we move forward along the only path until the interactive cut-scene starts. Having fought off the flock of harpies, we turn right and make our way up along the vine entangled in the hand of the statue. Having climbed onto the left palm of the statue, we examine the thumb and, through an interactive scene, throw the giant hand down. Having opened the door, we deal with the squad of ghouls and, with the help of harpies, fly (to do this you need to fix the sight on one of the creatures and press circle) from one platform to another until we reach the passage to the next location. Having climbed up the ledges in the wall, we open the “red chest” and repeat the trick with the harpies in order to get over the abyss. Having jumped down, we save ourselves at the pedestal and move forward until the next video starts. After looking at it, we jump over the crevice and deal with the minotaur. In order to kill this reptile, you must first stun him - this is done using the combination “triangle + circle + L1”. Having finished off the monster, turn left and jump onto the platform with the ballista. Having waited for Helios, we take good aim and shoot so that the projectile hits the chariot. You have three attempts at everything.


If you miss three times, you will have to face a huge enemy squad. However, after defeating them we will be given three more attempts. Having shot Helios, we jump down and, with the help of a harpy, cross the giant abyss, after which we open the golden gate located on the right. After watching the video, we go down the long stairs, simultaneously dealing with hordes of enemies. Having gone down, we cross the bridge and climb up the stairs. Then we follow along the wall until we get to the wounded god. However, we will not be able to kill the bastard, since his bodyguards, led by an ogre, will appear. First of all, it’s better to deal with him - to do this, we attack the giant until we are allowed to saddle him. When this happens, we climb onto the ogre’s back and direct it towards the warriors of light. Having broken Helios's guards, we take on the god himself. During the interactive scene, we use the right stick to shield ourselves from the rays of light emitted by the wounded Helios. Approaching the bastard, press the buttons indicated on the screen and enjoy the bloody spectacle. Congratulations, we have a new weapon - “Helios Head”. It can be used either as a flashlight or as a makeshift flashbang. Having activated the flashlight, we go down into the tunnel and move forward until the next video starts.


Chapter 9. The Path of Eos

Having escaped from the embrace of the harpy, we climb to the left along the wall until we get to the platform with the save point. Having saved, we take out the head of Helios and, activating the flashlight mode, go into the tunnel. Sooner or later you will come out into a room illuminated by blue lanterns - we deal with the harpies here and turn into the left corridor. At the end of the corridor you will see a rope - we climb up it (if you go down using the stairs to the left, you can find a couple of chests with experience) and jump over to the cliff on the opposite side. Having made our way through several dark corridors, illuminating our way with Helios’s head, we get out into a spacious hall and watch the video. Using the harpies to cross the abyss, we run along the flimsy bridge and use a double jump to jump over the pit with spikes.


Having walked a little forward, we jump down and open the chest with red spheres. Having distributed experience points between weapons and skills, we climb up the vine and prepare to fight with ghosts. By themselves, they are very weak, however, they can only be killed with Apollo’s bow. Having finished, we turn to the bridge and run forward, simultaneously dealing with lonely ghouls. When the bridge is behind us, we climb up the moving platforms and quickly jump onto the broken pillar before our platform turns over. After inspecting the chain, press triangle and, using the wings of Icarus, we fly into the resulting passage. All that’s left to do is cut the lock on the doors and successfully perform in the next interactive cut-scene.


Chapter 10. The Chain of Balance

After watching the video, we jump down and cling to any of the harpies. During the flight, be careful - any obstacle encountered on Kratos's path instantly returns him to the last checkpoint. Having successfully landed, we open the chests with health, magic and experience, after which we begin to climb back up. In principle, there is nothing complicated here - we just jump onto the lowering platforms, occasionally moving onto ledges or tree roots. Having reached the surface, we participate in an interactive cut-scene.


Chapter 11. The Caverns

Having gone down into the dungeon, we take out the head of Helios and with its help we find a hidden passage to the left of the stairs. Having shot a charged arrow at a flammable plant, we wait until the fire clears the way and jump onto the lift. Having risen to the maximum height, we cling to the ledge on the right and move to the adjacent platform, which will take us even higher. Once inside the cube, set fire to another fruit and watch the video. The cube has moved. Having hung from the cliff, we jump over to the neighboring cube and prepare for the battle with the Minotaurs. Be careful - if the Minotaur cuts the chain holding the cube, you will have to start the chapter from the very beginning. Having finished off the monsters, we pull the lever and, when the cube stops, we jump over to the adjacent structure. Having met Hermes, we aim at the sparkling hook and press the indicated button, after which we climb up until the video starts.


Chapter 12. The Flame of Olympus

Chapter 13. Poseidon's Chamber

Having finished off all the enemies on the platform, wait for the elevator to go up and interact with the lever on the left side of the room. Taking advantage of the opened passage, save and turn right. Having found the widow of Poseidon, we return to the save point and turn left. Finding ourselves in a room with portals, we go through the one that is located immediately opposite the door. As soon as Kratos is on the other side, we turn 180 degrees and fly towards the cliff using the wings of Icarus. Be careful - if you stumble and fall, you will have to start the chapter from the last save point. Pulling the lever, we jump down (here, behind a hidden passage (you can open it with the help of Helios’s head), there are four chests with red spheres at once - I don’t recommend neglecting them) and throw one of the dogs (under no circumstances kill the animals) into the left portal . Then another one. And further. And further.


When all four dogs are on the platform, we follow them and an interactive cut-scene starts. If everything went well and the passage opened, we jump off the cliff and fly to the only accessible portal. Having found Poseidon's shield, we return to the very first portal and prepare for battle with a new type of enemy - ice scorpions. It is not difficult to defeat them, however, it is better to attack from a decent distance, since otherwise they can turn us into ice and break us. Having dealt with the reptiles, we approach Neptune’s wife and click on the triangle three times. When Kratos has dealt with the girl, we go through the opened gate and go up the spiral staircase, after which we pull the lever. Having risen a little higher, we examine the mutilated bodies and prepare for the next interactive cut-scene.

You only need to go straight, without turning anywhere until you see a passage overgrown with roots on your right. Approach it and cut the growths. After this, go further and see the hand of Gaia. Run up to her and grab her finger to throw her into the abyss. After this, you can move forward again until you find yourself near a huge gate made of gold. It is worth noting that you need to be prepared to repel the attacks of opponents, of which there will be a decent number. After you show them Kuzka’s mother, you can go through the doors that will now open.

As you continue through the game God of War 3, you will see another hint on the monitor. Just follow all the instructions and everything will be ok. When you need to cover a certain distance, you can use the services of harpy paws and change them during the flight. If you need to replenish your supply of souls, then you can find chests with it under these mutants. After you get to the opposite side, immediately find a place where you can save. Then move on.

Now you can replenish your soul reserves. Go to the right side and find several chests there. Only first you will need to repel the attack of a squad of opponents, who can be dealt with by holding down “O + square”, and then using this shield to move through all the enemies. After taking a couple of steps, you will find yourself in front of an abyss. Wait for the harpy to appear and grab onto it, moving the same way as before. Once you are on the opposite side, look to the left and see that a gate will open, from which a centaur appears with other monsters. After you eliminate everyone, you can go out to the path leading up and move along it.

After walking a little, a short video will start, which will show an impressively sized titan and the Greek god of the sun - Helios. Then look carefully around and find a charged ballista. Walk up to it and use it. After this, be careful because a chimera will sneak up behind you. It is worth noting that when going through this fight in God of War 3, you will need to kill this monster in several stages. After you eliminate it, get back to the ballista and wait until Helios races on his chariot in front of the titan. Take a shot and watch the video. Then you can go down and move to the gorge.

Once there, wait a moment until a hint appears on how to attract the harpies' attention to you. Then take out your bow, string it and shoot at the harpy. She will immediately rush towards you, grab onto her and fly over the abyss.

Once you find yourself on the ground, you will be attacked by opponents. Don't waste a minute, kill everyone and move on. Now you will need to get close to the broken chariot of Helios. It is worth noting that when you look for the chariot, do not forget to open the boxes, because you can find magic and souls in them. Don’t worry or be afraid of anything, since the opponents won’t attack yet.

When you get close to Helios, you will see that on his side there are about ten opponents who have mineral shields that will not break through at the current level of health. To successfully complete this encounter in God of War 3, you need to deal damage to the defense, because otherwise the plot will stop. After you make the first blow, an ogre armed with a club will appear to your left. You need to instantly stun him, and then grab him in order to calmly climb onto him. It is with its help that you will break through the defense of Helios. Now the screen will display the buttons that you should press in the order indicated.

After a while, a small cutscene will start. Then you will be blinded by the bright light, hurry to cover yourself with your hand to avoid being blinded. Apply the analog stick and your hand will automatically cover your eyes. Of course, this has its inconveniences, but nothing can be done. Then you need to hold down "O" to make your hero attack Helios. Now you will again witness a small cut-scene in which it will be shown how the sun god is left without a head. It is worth noting that he is one of the most important characters in the game, and if he is killed, then you will not be able to complete most of the tasks. Even some boxes that are well hidden on the map cannot be found without a bright light emitted from the sun god.

Continue through God of War 3 and go to the door, which will eventually be closed. Now take out the head of Helios and shine it on the wall in front of you. I advise you to use the analog stick to move the light over the entire surface of the wall. Sooner or later, a passage will open along which you should move further.

Path "Eos"

Now you will find yourself in pitch darkness, through which you will need to go forward. However, you have the head of the sun god, so use it and light your way. It is worth noting that with this head you will be able to blind your opponents by using the L2+Triangle combination. It is worth noting that if there are fragile objects standing around, they will all break from the emitted light. Continue further until you see another secret door. In order to open it, you just need to point your head at it and the passage will be cleared.

Continuing the passage of God of War 3, move along the corridor until you see a rope along which you can cross to the opposite side. Once there, jump off. Now look carefully around and up to find a cliff in the pitch darkness. Then you can go into the large room to witness a cut-scene.

After walking a little, you will find yourself near a chasm, which can only be crossed with the help of harpies. Once on the opposite side, look around and find the boxes in which souls are imprisoned. Then you can move further, only carefully, since the opponents are not sleeping, but are now attacking. It is worth noting that this time the enemies will hide underground and then attack you from there. Try not to fall under their attacks and use the following combination to destroy them: ""L1 + O". This is the only way your ward will be able to get them out of the ground and beat them. You need to hold down this combination as often as possible in order to destroy everyone in time. After all opponents will be dead, continue through the game God of War 3 and find a point near which you need to save, then go to the large chain and take off.

Chains of Balance

I’ll say right away that you will be flying at high speed. Now you have to dodge boulders falling from above and avoid obstacles that will block your path during the flight. To keep your flight under control, use the analog stick. Just do it as gently and slowly as possible, without creating unnecessary vibrations, because otherwise you may break. As soon as your ward is at the final point of the flight, a hint will immediately appear on the monitor, the instructions of which must be followed. It is worth noting that this kind of flight is dangerous for time only at a difficult level, and will take about 10 minutes of time.


As soon as you watch the video, you will be automatically transferred to huge caves. You will be immediately attacked by enemies, so be careful. The very first attackers will be quite weak, so it will not be difficult to destroy them. And the second to attack will be the minotaurs, who will try to destroy the chains with which you are held. You will have to destroy them before they completely destroy your chain. Just use the following combination when going through this fight in God of War 3: “L1+triple press triangle + any additional attack and opponents will be stunned. But if you don’t have time to hold down all the necessary keys, then just use magic on the minotaurs. Only absolutely everything you need to do it at high speed.If you are attacked by archers, then take out your bow and hit them with set fire arrows.

After defeating the opponents, you can move further and climb onto the box. Now a video will automatically start, the main character of which is Hermes. After it ends, you can go and save, and then use the hook.

I’ll say right away that this is a large and long chain with the help of which balance is maintained. The only good thing is that you won’t have to crawl along it for long. As soon as you get to the opposite side, carefully examine the territory and open all the chests, drawers and find all the secret rooms. Then in the God of War 3 walkthrough, move to the right and save.

Then you need to get the head of Helios and, with its help, illuminate every picture hanging in the hall of Olympus, this is the only way the plot will develop further. One more thing, as soon as you point the light at last picture, Hermes will immediately appear, which you need to chase.

Chase this scoundrel at maximum speed; when there are vertical surfaces, you simply get out on them, and if you come across opponents, you need to neutralize them and continue the chase.

Now you should find the wounded Hermes, who is on the lower floor. Continuing the passage of the game God of War 3 you need to move to the arched vault, so turn to the right. This way you will find yourself near the gorge. Pull the harpy again to fly to the opposite side. Now you can easily find an enemy who will moan heart-rendingly and light up. Walk up to him and start stabbing him until a cutscene starts. Then Hermes will fight back, and you need to immediately suppress his attack, using all available means.

Then you will see icons on the monitor that you need to click on to cut off your opponent’s legs. After Hermes is eliminated, you will have the “Hermes Boots” at your disposal, wearing which you can reach any target with breakneck speed. To find valuables, simply go to the head of the statue and search behind it. Then go to the structure made of wood and use your boots to move through it. So, press "L1+X" to climb onto the vertical surface. It is worth noting that if there is a horizontal plane in front of you, then you need to clamp the same combination. If you take out the map, you will see places where you need to use boots, they will be indicated by golden footprints. Use these tips.

Then, during the passage of God of War 3, look at the camera all the time to move along the desired path. As soon as you find yourself near the small arena, where there are three ogres and several more enemies, take out your weapon and finish them off. Then go further and don’t miss the chance to look into all the boxes that are located here. Now you can walk along the corridor, eliminating enemies along the way. Sooner or later you will find yourself near a ladder, climb up it. Once at the top, go through the doors and find yourself in a huge hall, on both sides of which there are air cushions. It is with their help that you can get to the top panel.

After you pass the lever, look at the camera to see what's happening below. You should collect the correct image of the blade. I don't think you will have any difficulty with this. After you finish collecting the picture, one device will immediately appear from underground. Now you need to try to get into the rhythm of the melody, just like on Guitar Hero. So get your act together and do it. After completing the task, you will see a lever that you need to pull. Just don't forget to save first.

If you are having problems with Walkthrough of the game God of War 3, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. God of War 3. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough of God of War 3 read on our website.


Hello, dear visitors of the portal

At the very beginning of the game, a beautiful video will be shown. Look, deal with the first easy enemies, run towards the fallen tree. Follow the simple instructions on the screen and watch the following scene.

Water Stallion

This is the first boss in the game, with whom you need to behave as follows: roll, dodge water jets and sharp claws, periodically causing damage. Once Kratos has dealt enough damage, the battlefield will change. Our actions have remained virtually unchanged. We hit, we dodge, we follow the alternating attacks of the boss. Tip: if you don’t have time to dodge the attack, use the “R2” button to call a miniature typhoon. It will allow you to become invulnerable to any influence for a while. If you do everything correctly, you'll be watching the video very soon.

We calmly move along the rock, jump onto the ledge from above. If desired, opens the chest with souls, we jump onto the ledge again. A little further, several weak units will appear - we destroy them and run towards the stairs. Enemies will appear again, we deal with them, after which we make a double jump to the ledge in the distance. Nearby there will be a pedestal with additional information, you don’t have to read it, there’s nothing interesting there. Next comes an easy battle, after which make your way further and further. The actions are not difficult, use the camera prompts.

At the top, a bridge has been destroyed, in the ruins of which you can find a chest with souls. We return to the cliff, use the platform. To overcome the abyss, we fly on the wings of Icarus, if you still haven’t learned how to use them, then the instructions are for you: press “X” once, immediately after that “X” again, but this time we don’t let go, but hold your finger on the button to maintain flight control. We pass under the arch and open the door.

A hostile centaur will appear behind us. We kill him by performing simple combinations, at the end of which you can perform a spectacular execution. Eliminate the remaining enemies, look for a pedestal with instructions, pull the lever. Next, we quickly run to the stairs and climb onto the platform before the mechanism timer expires. We pass the abyss, enter the golden glow - this is the first save point. Open the gate.

To get to Gaia, click on the buttons that appear on the screen. We meet the water boss again. Here, the combat technology has remained virtually unchanged. It all depends on how quickly you react to the blows. There are a little more of these than in the first meeting: three claw strikes, combined attacks. There are no secrets to passing this moment, just try to at least fall under the boss’s tough hand, occasionally leaving him injured.

Once the damage reaches the limit, buttons will appear on the screen. Click and watch Kratos tear off the boss’s claw. We continue the fight, use various combinations, and dodge. The buttons will appear again, perform all the required actions. The boss's torso will open, which we pierce with the previously severed claw that lies behind us. A hole is formed where we need to follow.

We go straight, with difficulty we climb through the gap in the rock. We find a semblance of a vine a little further, climb onto it, and pass the obstacles.

Heart of Gaia

We find a prominent wall, grab it with the “R1” button, then pull it towards us and turn it 180 degrees. We're dragging stone column in the opposite direction and squeeze it into the free space. We climb the newly formed “ladder” and move on.

We destroy the enemies that get in our way and continue our journey. We do similar actions with ledges and vines. The actions are intuitive, tips are scattered everywhere, there will be no difficulties.


The deity will hold Gaia on both sides of the mini-location. We need to cut off the claws. This battle is a bit more challenging, especially on Titan difficulty. I myself went through this moment of the game for about fifteen minutes, honestly. Poseidon periodically attacks with his limbs, which are not difficult to dodge. The difficulty is in the electric attack, from which you need to either run or roll. I don't recommend flying, the attack takes a long time. Having successfully chopped off the claws holding Gaia, press “R1”. We look at the cut-scene.

The location of the fighting characters changes again. We perform all the same actions that we performed before: we hit, we dodge and we hit again. So we bring the boss to a state of complete f.... We brutally deal with the mythological god, watch a beautiful video of Kratos’ ascent to Olympus and his subsequent collapse.

Actually, this is where the main plot of the game begins. I hope the tips are useful to you.

River Styx

We float down the river, losing vital and spiritual energy along the way. Don't be alarmed, it's meant to be that way. Next is a video featuring Kratos and Athena - the beginning of the main storyline, don't miss it.

Having received control, we move towards the highlighted point, press “R1” to quickly overcome the abyss. For the future - pedestals do not give anything, studying them is useless. Only in rare cases are they involved in the plot. We move towards the save point, it is clearly visible from a distance. To move, we use the “R1” button - most often it plays the role of hooks.

Having reached a small arena, we take part in the battle. Here we have the chance to endlessly use magic, so calmly spend the manna to recover. On the right side of the sealed gate there is a chain - we jump, calmly move along it to the next solid surface, beating up enemies along the way. They will crawl from both sides of the chain; we use the “O” button, which will quickly clear the path for us.

We move forward and find ourselves in a small battle arena, where small enemies and a gorgon appear. It is best not to touch weak units, but to focus on the snake-headed reptile. After killing her, all enemies will be petrified, and it will be easy for you to destroy them all at once.

Tip: to avoid petrification of Kratos, press the block button “L1” - the gorgon’s attack will be reflected, but do not relax. After clicking the block, you must immediately press the button that appears on any side of the screen.

Having destroyed the enemies, we go left and open the doors. We walk calmly, on the way there will be a gorge where you can open two chests with souls. We continue on our way and watch the cut-scene. We climb onto the destroyed pillar and jump onto the adjacent, higher pillar.

We jump onto the platform, in the distance we see a Cerberus cage, and an opening mechanism on top. There is another cell to your left, use the wings of Icarus to move to it. From there we push the vat with brushwood and jump after it. We grab the vat and move towards the Cerberus in the cage. We bring the vat closer to the mouth of Cerberus, he sets it on fire. We return to the platform behind us, jump onto it again - the mechanism above the cage opens. We quickly run to the vat with brushwood and use our wings to fly over it. We fly up to the lever and pull it towards ourselves - the cage with Cerberus opens. We jump, beat the three-headed reptile, saddle up and move towards the old man, simultaneously destroying small enemies. After destroying them, we set fire to the old man’s improvised cage using the square or triangle buttons. The old man will die, and you will take his bow, with which you can set fire to brushwood and explode bombs in vats. To do this, you need to hold down the “L1 + square” button. For a normal shot, you do not need to clamp the square.

We cross the river, set fire to the roots on the left side with a charged arrow. Let's move on and save. A little later on the way you will meet annoying harpies, which can be easily passed by using “L1+circle”, just repeat this more often so that the harpies do not have time to rest, alternate attacks. Let's go further, jump onto the platform, onto the ledge. Continue until the very end. We jump to the vine with a double jump, then everything is clear, use the prompts on the screen.

Three judges

We use the hook point to reach the platform. We are looking for a save point, which is located between the water tank and the steel bars. After saving, we run down the screen and examine the pedestal - probably the only one needed in the game. After studying the inscription, you will be asked to complete three tests. To complete each of them, you need to repeatedly approach the pedestal and read the following.

Test one - Defeat all enemies. The very first step is easy, without any problems.

Test two - Kill the lost souls before they touch the shining gate. At higher difficulty levels it will be a bit difficult. Having touched the gate, the souls will take on the appearance of creatures of the abyss - the appearance of your enemies with whom you will have to fight.

Test three - Defeat all enemies in three waves. Extremely difficult at the Titan level, but passable.

If you successfully complete all three tests, the steel gate on the right side will open for you. Along the way you can open a box with souls; I will add the locations of all of them later. It is advisable to save before entering the portal.

Kingdom of Hades

We go to the right, pass the gorge with the help of wings. A little further, two minotaurs will appear, conveniently walking between the vats of brushwood. Shoot the vats with charged arrows so that they explode in close proximity to the minotaurs. If they don’t die, then run up and deliver the finishing blows. There will be another portal nearby; it stores two boxes with souls. The story path runs right through the gorge. We move forward and watch the next cut-scene involving the projection of Pandora. We grab the rope above us and move to the opposite side. We move in tunnel mode, not particularly distracted by scattered pieces of paper. In a large room, a little further along Kratos's progress, a new type of enemy will appear - blue bombers, that's what I call them. When approaching us, they shock us, making life very difficult. We move further, we pass along the narrow bridge, there is an opportunity to open the chests.

The next task that the game asks us to complete is to reach the top of the huge room where the door is located. This is where we need to get. We set fire to the brushwood in a huge stove, use the wings of Icarus to reach the second floor. There we deal with two units of average complexity and pull the lever. We jump onto the wooden elevator and reach the third floor. There will also be enemies there - we destroy without pity, take one vat of brushwood from an incomprehensible bomb conveyor. We drag him to the place where the elevator recently dropped us off. We leave the vat, and we ourselves jump to the floor below, pull the lever towards ourselves and go up the elevator again. There a vat of brushwood is already waiting for us - we pull us onto the elevator and go down to the second floor. “Blue bombers” will appear again, which can inadvertently blow up our vat - we don’t allow this and kill them quickly, without touching the bombs. After the reprisal, we again drag the vat to the place where we climbed to the second floor at the very beginning. We push the vat into the fire, which will flare up with renewed vigor. We jump after him, not forgetting to open our wings. There is a hidden cave where boxes are stored, and from all the cracks of the rocks there are some hands sticking out and trying to grab you. You can cut them down and get an impressive amount of souls. Getting into the cave is very simple - do not fly to the last door at the top, but enter the one closest to you. Returning from there is as easy as getting there - having floated away on the air flow.

We walk calmly, there are no puzzles yet, a little further there is a cut-scene. Having looked at it, we go to save it. There is a lever nearby - pull it, the door opens. Pull the switch nearby to open the gate. We follow the path and use the lever to move the doorway. A path to the right will open, stop rotating and go there. We kick the hellhounds - you can get the “Obedience” grade. We return to where we came from and turn the platform so that the hole faces the brushwood. We burn it and move on.

We watch the video and deal with the enemy. We jump down and move to the other side. We reach a huge gate sealed with roots. We burn the roots in our favorite way - by shooting a burning arrow from a bow. We encounter the Cerberus again, destroy it and open the gate.

Palace of Aida

It’s not difficult to notice the save point - “let’s save” and move on. In front of us is a huge tree, on the right side of it there is a room - we go in and drag a cart with stones from there. We drag it to the back of the hall to the wheel-like mechanism. The cart must be placed so that the wheel does not return to the opposite position, and the door does not slam shut prematurely. Having turned and secured the mechanism, we go to the tree, climb along the crown and find ourselves on the second floor of the hall. Open the box and go into the room on the left. Having entered the room, we interrupt everyone on our way and use the platform.

If you wish, you can explore the hall, on both sides of which there are boxes waiting for you. We return to the branching point and read the inscription on the pedestal. After reading, press “R1” - two stairs will go down on both sides. We climb up the one that is on the left side of the hall. We go to the elevator, pull the lever, and go down to the floor below. We open the gate and take away the cart with stones that we left at the wheel earlier. We drag the cart to the elevator, pull the lever, and rise to the floor above. Now we need to carry out the same procedure with the wheel as below, placing the cart under one of the wooden handrails on the mechanism. But we won’t do that for now, a little later. We jump down, move to the lever, turn. The statue will spread its arms. We go back to the cart with stones and substitute it as I already said. Now we quickly jump down and climb the stairs on the right side of the hall. There is the same wheel-like mechanism, we pull it. The statue's hands will be in shackles, and the chest will be left unprotected. We return to the pedestal, press “R1” that appears on the screen and jump into the black abyss, where it’s as dark as...

When we find ourselves inside, the god of death and the underworld, Hades, will have a long and boring conversation with us. In general, bosses in slasher films, and specifically in this game, are very primitive in terms of attacks. You don't have to do anything fundamentally new. Attacks, dodges, jumps, periodic intervention of buttons on the screen. When the flesh is torn from Hades, quickly attack it to prevent it from returning back to the boss.

Tip: Hades will often use the attack of two ghostly creatures. Their blows are easily reflected by an ordinary block. Put a block and they won't touch you. Also, the boss attacks with swords in two ways: horizontally, vertically. Jump and roll, that's all. When Hades has raked enough people, the “O” button will appear on the screen. We run up and press - Kratos will begin to tear off a piece of flesh from Hades and throw it into the far corner of the cave. Your task after this is to prevent the piece of flesh from returning to its original body. At the end of the battle, we receive the “Claws of Hades” weapon, capable of summoning the souls of defeated enemies. By the way, a very useful weapon. If you use all the souls, you will receive another “achievement”

As soon as the game gives us the opportunity to try out new “claws”, summoning a dozen enemies to destroy us, a save point will appear on the other bank of the Styx - the river of the underworld. We save and dive under the water using the “square” button. We explore the bottom well, there lies the helmet of Hades. We go with the flow, emerge and deal with the enemies that appear. We primarily use the ability to summon souls. We slowly look for the lever, pull it and move towards the opened gate.

Completing a chapter, according to tradition, does not need explanations or prodding - you will understand everything yourself, there will be no difficulties.

We follow the corridor method - we don’t deviate from the path, the camera angle will not let us make a mistake. IN certain moment we will see a passage on the right side, but it is sealed by roots - we chop it. We go further, observe Gaia’s hand, grab her finger and throw her off the cliff. Having walked a little forward, we find a large golden gate, made in the Spartan style. The eyes of the gate guards will light up scarlet, and enemies will pour in from all sides. As soon as we deal with them, we go into the opened doors. A prompt will pop up on the screen - we fulfill all the requirements. To cover a certain distance, you need to cling to the paws of the harpies, changing them in the air. If you need chests with souls, there are some below, under the winged creatures. As soon as we find ourselves on the opposite side, we save. Let's move on.

Here we have the opportunity to raise the level of soul maintenance quite well. On the right side we have several chests, along the corridor there are many enemies who can be easily destroyed as follows: grab one of them with the “O + square” button, and so we lead a human shield through the entire crowd. After a few meters there is a crevice, we overcome it on a harpy in a known way. We find ourselves on solid ground. The gate on the left is unlocked and a centaur emerges, surrounded by assistants. We deal with them and follow the paved path up.

We watch a colorful video featuring a fiery titan of gigantic proportions and Helios, the Greek god of the sun. The camera angle will point us to a charged ballista - we use it. A chimera creeps up from behind. She will have to be killed in several stages, but nothing complicated. As soon as we deal with it, we approach the gun again and wait for the moment when Helios flies on a chariot in front of the titan’s face. We shoot and watch a short video. We go down and approach the cliff. A prompt will pop up about calling the harpies' attention to you. We take out the bow and shoot an ordinary arrow at the nearest flying creature. It flies up, I hope there is no need to explain further, it’s clear.

When we find ourselves on the opposite side, we again come across a pack of opponents. Here, too, there is no need to rant too much - we chop and shred everyone. Now our goal is to get to the broken chariot of Helios. This path is easy unnecessary words no need. Along the way you will come across several boxes with magic and souls. There will be no enemies, no puzzles either.

As soon as we get to Helios, a dozen warriors with mineral shields will stand up to defend it, which cannot be penetrated with our current strength. But we need to hit the defense, otherwise the plot will not develop further. As soon as the blow is struck, an ogre with a club will land on the left side. We deal enough damage to stun, press grab and saddle the monster. A tame ogre appears under our control, with the help of which we destroy Helios’ defense. When there are no defenders left, we head to the wounded Helios. Buttons will appear on the screen - press in the required order. A bloody cut-scene begins. But it's not that simple. We will be blinded by a bright light that needs to be covered with Kratos' hand. This is done with an analog stick. A little inconvenient. Having closed the light source, press “O” - Kratos will begin to beat Helios. The next small scene begins in which the sun god loses his head. This big-eyed object is the most important in the game; without it, many tasks are impossible to complete. By the way, many boxes, well hidden on maps, are found with the help of the bright light of Helios' head. You just need to direct it to the intended place of the “chron”. We have one more defeated god on our account.

There is no open door, even more - it is not there at all. So, we take out a new toy and point it at the wall in front of us. You need to move the light over all surfaces of the wall, controlling the analog stick. A passage will appear - move on.

Path "Eos"

We have to go through the darkness, we take out a “bright” head, and light our way. It is also possible to blind enemies by holding down the L2+Triangle buttons. At the same time, fragile objects located nearby will break due to the force of light. Along the way you will come across another hidden door - point your head and move on.

We walk along the corridor, grab the rope, climb over to the other side, and jump. We look at the cliff in the darkness - it is from above. We calmly move to a large room and watch the cut-scene.

To get past the gorge, we use the services of harpies, performing the usual actions. There should not be any special problems with advancement in this zone.

Look carefully, there are boxes with souls scattered around the location. Their locations, as I wrote earlier, will not be described in this article. There will be a separate article dedicated to this topic. The only serious opponents will be a little further, having the ability to go underground and attack us from there. The attacks are extremely dangerous, but don't worry. Ghosts can be killed using the following combination: "L1 + O" - Kratos will rip them out of the ground, causing significant damage. We repeat such actions as often as possible, with a minimum time interval. Nothing complicated.

We'll soon find a save point. After securing our position in the storyline, we jump up to the huge chain and take off.

Chains of Balance

Our flight speed will be high. At this stage of the game, we are given the task of dodging falling stones and being careful of obstacles along the way. You need to control Kratos with the analog stick, as smoothly and steadily as possible, without unnecessary movements. There is a risk of breaking soft-boiled, let's be careful. As soon as our hero approaches the final point of the flight, a hint will appear on the screen - perform all the required actions. Such flights pose a threat to your time only at an increased difficulty level. There may be tens of minutes of your time taken away.

After watching the next video, we find ourselves in huge caves. As soon as we find ourselves on the box we will be subject to enemy attack. The first wave consists of weak units that will not be difficult to kill. The second opponents will be two minotaurs, trying to break the chains that hold us suspended. We need to kill them before the chain is completely broken. I advise you to use the following combination of buttons to stun: “L1 + triple press with triangle + any additional attack.” If you don’t have time or are not allowed to make a combination, then use magic. All means are good, the main thing is to use them quickly. Archers will also interfere - they are easiest to kill with loaded arrows. If everything goes well, we move further along the storyline, jumping to the next box. Let's watch a short video with the participation of Hermes. At the end of the video, go to save your progress and use the hook.

The huge chain of balance is long, but you have to crawl up quite a bit. When we find ourselves at the other end, we open all kinds of chests, look for hidden rooms and boxes. On the right side of the hall, where the open gate overlooks the downpour, there is a noticeable save point - if anyone can’t wait to “save” again.

The plot will not develop until you illuminate each of the paintings in the Olympus hall with the head of Helios. At the screening of the last of them, Hermes will appear in the hall - we run after the nimble scoundrel.

Basically, the chase behind him is very simple and easy to complete even for an inexperienced player. We have completed all the actions that the game requires of you before. There is no need to reinvent the wheel twice. We still run at speed after the target, periodically climbing a vertical surface, sometimes we get into small showdowns with the “local population”. The game does not require anything supernatural from you - just run and run.

After Kratos lands, our goal is to find the wounded Hermes lying on the floor below. We run under the arched vault, turn right, stumble upon a cliff - plan to the opposite side. Hermes is not difficult to see; he groans and is illuminated. We begin to beat him up until a small cut-scene begins. There will be resistance to us, which must be suppressed by beating Hermes by any means known to us. An image of the necessary buttons will pop up on the screen - press and cut off the character’s legs. Killing him will add “Boots of Hermes” to our inventory, giving the owner lightning speed. To obtain the “treasure,” we pay attention to the head of the statue, behind which it is located. There is a wooden structure installed next to us, to overcome which we will use the new thing for the first time. Press “L1+X” and run along the vertical plane. We perform the same action with horizontal surfaces. Places for such dashes are marked with golden footprints from boots. Don't miss this tip.

Next comes a logical movement pattern. The camera will tell us which direction we need to follow. You need to get to a small arena with three ogres and several weak units. Having dealt with all the enemies, we open the nearest visible boxes, return to the central gate, and go inside. We go into the conservation area, if desired, open the boxes that lie nearby. We move along the corridor method, occasionally meeting opponents. We go up the stairs and open the doors. We find ourselves in a huge hall with statues of two nymphs holding the levers of a mechanism. There are air cushions on both sides of the hall; we use them to reach the top panel. As soon as we find ourselves behind the lever, the camera will show what is happening below. You need to draw the correct picture of the blade. We can quickly deal with this, a task for children. Upon completion, another mechanism will appear from underground, made in the style of the original PS3 gamepad. Here we need to get into the rhythm of the melody, like playing a musical instrument in Guitar Hero. It all depends on our reaction, and what is very important is the sense of rhythm. Having successfully fulfilled all the requirements of the game, a lever will appear - pull and save for safety. And as you probably already guessed, according to established tradition, we run through the end of the chapter ourselves, without prompting. These are not required, endings are always easy.

After watching the cut-scene with the participation of Hercules and Zeus’ wife Hera, we gain control of the character and begin to fight. The first thing you need to do is destroy weak enemies to disperse, and only then, periodically chop up the big Hercules. To dodge frontal attacks, use the stick or wings to fly over it. If we do not have time to escape from a direct meeting with him, “O” is displayed on the screen, we press it and free ourselves from capture. As soon as Hercules has suffered significant damage, it will be possible to lead him to the thorny pillars that are located throughout the arena. Having planted it twice on the thorns, we fight using the proven method - we attack and move away to a safe distance. At some point in the battle, Hercules will blind us, and we must perform simple combinations of attacks by pressing the pop-up buttons. So, we have one more corpse on our account. We will get new weapons.

When we find ourselves in the water, we dive and find the “Shoulder of Hercules.” We go out onto land and move according to the game’s prompts. As soon as we get to a small room, we begin to fight, trying out new weapons. Having dealt with everyone, we head to the blue mineral, break it, and pull the lever. Let us remember that it is possible to destroy such barriers. Warriors with mineral shields will block our exit from the room. I think the method of breaking through such a defense cannot be explained. We get to the water, dive into the opened passage and swim to the end.

Hall of Poseidon

We kill all the enemies we come across on the way, we reach the save point. We turn the wheel-like mechanism and go into the open gate. There will be a very small cut-scene with the participation of Poseidon’s “girl”, who does not favor our person. We need to get into a room with four portals. On the left side, perhaps open a couple of chests, jump into the right portal. Once on the platform, we jump onto the side ledge and pull the lever. Dogs will appear that need to be kicked into the portal through which we jumped the first time - into the right one, if no one remembers. You need to kick them using the capture button. The dogs will crowd onto the moving platform, gradually lowering it. As soon as the level reaches the lower portal, we jump through the first one onto the platform. We go into the next one, of course, after dealing with all the dogs.

We watch the video, read the letter that lies on the floor. If desired, open the chest and select the “treasure of the gods” on the pillow. We return to the same portal, deal with the dogs on the other side, protecting the girl. Once the dogs are killed, the level of the platform will begin to rise, and we will find ourselves in the upper portal.

We return along the traversed path back to the wheel-like mechanism. Near the large gate, two guards with maces will block our path. We deal with them and catch up with the girl. There are no more riddles or puzzles. We need to kill everyone on the way, even the girl, by securing her to that round mechanism so that the doors do not slam shut prematurely. This way we will get a new achievement “It wasn’t me who killed, but it’s a pity!”

We get outside, where it is raining. It is possible to study bodies on the ground, but it is not necessary. We use the lever on the mobile platform, fly to the next one, and so on until we get to the broken mechanism. We return to the penultimate one and adjust the platform so that we can plan on the one closest to the new hall. To do this, you need to turn the mechanism twice. We will return this way much later. We go through the doors and save.

Aphrodite's Hall

We go up the steps to the purple-violet hall. This is Aphrodite's bedchamber, where boxes with souls and some items are scattered. We approach the bed, watch a cut-scene, at the end of which there will be two answer options: “Yes” or “No”. We choose the first to receive souls. An erotic game will begin by pressing certain buttons at the right moment. As soon as Aphrodite is satisfied, a new passage will appear - we jump there. A video will be shown with the jealous blacksmith of Olympus - Hephaestus. We jump down and save.

Abyss of Tartarus

We deal with the oncoming rabble and go up the steps. Pull the chain all the way and push the nearest box. Jump onto the second cliff and hover left to find a red chest. We jump down and head to the right chain. We pull it down and push the nearest box to the wall. We return to the left and jump to the second ledge to catch the harpy. We climb a couple of blocks, then to the bright point. We push the block. We use the harpy to move to the opposite side. We find ourselves on the platform on the right. Let's use the object. The task is easy, save and make your way further along the storyline.

Along the way you will meet a couple of weak opponents. To overcome cliffs and gorges we use the wings of Icarus. We reach a light flickering point and watch another cut-scene.

At this stage of the game we have to fight a titan. After watching the video, we use “O” to escape from Kronos’s grip. Immediately after release, we charge Helios’s head and at the moment when the titan brings his head closer to us, we blind him with a flash of light. He will lose orientation in space for some time, and we will have the opportunity to escape. We use the prompts on the screen, so you will climb onto his hand. After turning the location over, we climb up. Mode and cut into the skin abscess above us. As soon as we get back on our feet, we cut down another dozen units. The boss will strike with his hand relatively close to us. We need to hit the fingers, and then tear off the nail on one of them. The buttons will appear on the screen again. Click and watch.

When the giant raises his hand on the ground, you can see a shadow - leave this area so as not to get caught. When the blow is struck, we grab our fingers. Kronos will raise his hand, and we must blind him again. Click on the pop-up buttons again.

Let's get to the small arena on the titan's body, kill the enemies and break the mineral castle on chains. To do this, change the weapon to lion gloves. Further nothing complicated, there will be many hints - follow all the instructions of the game.

Having reached the moment when Kronos begins to throw everything away, you need to run as quickly as possible, without being particularly distracted by oncoming enemies. A little later there will be another skirmish, but this time more serious. A disfigured ogre appears without any skin - what a sight it is. He must be the first to be crippled so that Kratos can take control of him. With its help, you can destroy not only small units, but also a special object in the location from which the ogre himself emerged.

Further more. Kratos will be swallowed by the titan. We must quickly go down the wall of the digestive tract so as not to fall under nasty lumps of unknown content and composition. At some point, it will be possible to use the “sword of Zeus” to cut the titan from the inside. Follow the prompts on the screen. We destroy the unfinished crystal and walk across Kronos’s forehead. Then we look at the tips and if we successfully complete the required actions, we watch an epic video.

We land on the ground, break the crystal, watch the scene. Nothing more complicated. Let's pick up a new weapon, deal with a bunch of enemies and return, after saving progress, to Aphrodite. We get to her portal using the winged boots of Hermes.

Gardens of Olympus

Perhaps this level of the game is the most difficult in terms of puzzles. There will be two of these in the chapter, brace yourself.

We fly over the abyss, pound the mechanism with a new weapon until it turns around. We pass the abyss and move further along the plot. We watch a short video, after which you need to study the table in front of you.

There are books scattered around the hall - you can read them if you wish. Use the lever on the right to set the platform in motion. We load the ballista and break through the gate. We go to the opened gate and go down the rope.

We move according to the prompts on the screen. We watch a sad cut-scene with the participation of a drunken Hera. A real mockery of mythology. As soon as it becomes possible to control Kratos’ actions, we select the Cup of Hera. We find a save point and a couple of chests. Use "R1" to lower the gate. We stand on the stone button. They will show us a statue with an emerald eye. The button activated the gate - we jump through it. We go left along the steps. We jump to the cliff, grab the stone pillar, turning it to the left. The steps must be under the water flow. We go through the open gate and watch the cut-scene.

We return to the stone bowl with water, shoot a charged arrow at the roots on the left side. We move the column to the burnt roots. Press the button again - the camera will turn green. A stream of water will begin to fill the bowl. A new path will open.

We pull the column down. We turn it so that the steps converge with other neighboring ones, which are located at the end of the zone. The screen will turn green again. We take Hera and drag her to the bowl - we put the body there. Now we move the column onto the stone button. A complete road will appear along which you need to quickly walk to the opposite end of the gardens. Let's go watch the video.

We use flying harpies to cross to another location. We maintain the game position in the plot and move on.

There will be no more problems. We walk calmly along the corridor method and come across a flock of scorpions.

We are fighting with a whole pack of ogres, one of them without armor. To pass this moment faster, we hit him - there is an opportunity to take control of the ogre and smash the rest with a club. We deal with them, run to the save point, and open the boxes with souls if desired. There will be no passage, we need to illuminate the wall with the head of Helios.

We go along the corridor, crushing scorpions. We get to the room with water, jump down, pull the lever. The water level will rise, and we swim to the right side of the room, climb the wall and follow the passage.

At the end of the corridor there will be an elevator - pull the lever to rise. Here you need to use light often, so we keep the Helios “stump” at the ready. Along the way, we destroy everyone in our path and jump onto the grid located at the end. We climb up, beat enemies, jump over the abyss. We are looking for a wall with golden footprints - we run up.

We reach a huge cube and watch a short cut-scene. We are attacked by already familiar small scorpions, after killing them, a larger specimen will appear. To release the claws, alternately press “R1+L1”.

Be careful here, especially if you are playing on the Titan level. Literally three hits from the boss are enough to finish the level sadly.

The main task of the battle is to crush the crystalline protection of the limbs. We will smash with the lion's gloves, and when the scorpion raises its sting above us, we quickly fly away, roll away, and use the boots of Hermes. Whatever you want, get away as quickly as possible. After destroying three crystals, the boss will fall. We run up and hit the cabbage soup with any weapon. The “O” button will pop up on the screen. We follow the prompts.

When all the limbs are destroyed, the boss will fall again. We hit the same “cabbage soup” with any type of weapon. Again, follow the prompts that pop up on the screen. When the boss is defeated, we break the frozen corpse to obtain souls, and to obtain a special item we need to break the remaining stingers on the edge of the cube.

We head to the red panel on the floor and press “R1”. We fly on the air flow.

Then everything is outrageously simple. We must switch panels like this to shift the position of the cubes in the cave. We follow the camera's prompts, look for hook points and periodically fight with enemies. Nothing complicated, just a reaction is needed.

We reach a video with the participation of Daedalus, the father of Icarus. We open the nearest chests with souls, jump onto the chain and move towards the weighing platform. From there we carry out a combination with holds. Nothing complicated, just press “R1” for the hook and “X” for the break.


We reach the save point, activate the red panel on the floor. Enemies will immediately crawl out of all the cracks. After defeating everyone, the gate will open. We go into the next room, using the head of Helios we look for chests. On the right side there is another red panel - click.

We wait for the moment when the fire on the left side goes out. We cling to the wall and move up through the ceiling. In general, we must be on top of this mobile colossus. We pull the lever - the doors below will open for us. We go in and, if desired, open the chest with souls.

We jump down, pull the stone block to the red panel, and then activate it. We turn over, dragging this block onto a round button in the wooden floor. Having installed it in place, we use Hermes boots and climb along the golden footprints. We go through the opened door and find ourselves in the arena.

This is where a test of agility begins. Spikes will periodically burst out of the ground, capable of killing you the first time - this also applies to your enemies.

Advice: if you want to quickly pass this moment of the game, then drive the entire crowd of enemies onto the spikes peeking out from under the ground and, a moment before they appear, take off or roll as quickly as possible so as not to get hit yourself.

At some point, one harpy will appear in the middle of the arena, intended to save us. The entire arena will be covered in spikes, so we need to be in the air for a long time until the test chamber turns over. While hanging on a harpy, do not move or try to control it. This way you will stay in the air longer and have time to jump to a safe surface. This test will be repeated again, but our actions will not change.

After completing the tests, go to the save point and “save”.

We pass the abyss and take out the lion gloves for destroying the crystals. We watch the video.

Throughout the game, our task changes radically - we need to protect someone. We accompany and protect Pandora, driving away units from it. After destroying all the enemies, pull the lever on the wall. Go ahead. Activate the red panel on the floor. We quickly rush to save the girl before she gets chopped up.

We interact with Pandora, lifting her to the gate mechanism. We climb up the stairs and enter the next room. We find a movable wall - pull it, activate the red panel. To prevent Pandora from choking, we hurry to pull the lever. Activate the panel on the floor again. We jump down and break the glass. We move further along the plot, save. We watch the cut-scene.

We explore the vastness of the location, open visible and invisible chests. We use the lever to skip Pandora further. We ourselves get to the sparkling point that is located above. The platform will begin to rise. We run after the girl, save, watch the video. We deal with all the evil spirits, activate the button on the ground - chains will appear. We open all kinds of boxes and go into the portal.

We returned to the judges. We go to the back of the statue’s head and break the crystalline growth. We run up to two more judges, break the onyx crystals. After breaking all three crystals, we go down. We need to return to the place where we passed three tests near the chains. We stand on the stone button, the chains will rise, and we will see the minerals - we break them. Let's watch the video.

In the battle with Zeus, only two types of weapons are good: classic fire swords and a completely new weapon - the “Scourge of Nemesis”. It's best to alternate them to deal more damage. As soon as “O” lights up above Zeus’s head, press and attack again. Don't forget to place blocks, otherwise you risk losing quickly. At a certain point in the battle, a hint will pop up again - listen and watch the cut-scene.

We find a save point, “save”, and continue on our way. We fly to Zeus, watch the video again. This time use the hit-and-retreat technique. You can parry his lightning bolts. In principle, the fighting technique has not changed much. We hit in the same way, retreat, hit again. The main thing is to do it quickly, without delay.

We again find ourselves in the body of Gaia. We take out the lion gloves and break the crystal protection of the heart. We burn the roots, we cut the heart. When Zeus appears for the second time, our actions will change. He will sometimes restore his reserves of health and strength, feeding from the heart of Gaia. We must stop this and feed ourselves. Don't forget to deal constant damage to the boss. When Zeus is completely weakened, prompts will appear on the screen that you need to follow. Let's watch the video.

When we again have the opportunity to control Kratos, we go to the sword. We watch the cut-scene. We make our way through the dark mini-level “Horror of Kratos”, following the bloody path. After a while, the first-person game will begin. We kill Zeus by pressing the required set of buttons. Let's watch the final game video. This is where the walkthrough ends.

Dear visitors, if you have any questions about the passage, if you still haven’t figured out the control points or don’t understand this or that point at the level - leave comments, I’ll be glad to help. See you soon on the portal

Walk through epic action, solve puzzles and find collectibles. Kratos and his son embark on an exciting and complex journey, in which many difficulties await them.

Journey: Marked Trees

We watch the introductory cut-scene and follow Atreus. We approach the boat and tie the log. We get into the boat and go down the river. We go out onto land and drag the log behind the boy. We approach the house and watch the cut-scene.

We follow Atreus to hunt in the forest. After the boy finds the traces, we go a little forward and pick up the chopped silver. We go to the right branch and find footprints in the dirt. Under the large stone passage there will be a chest with silver. If we go forward, we will find another toy, which is part of a set, by collecting which you can get experience points (1 of 4).

We pass the bridge and jump over the cliff. We climb over the log and see a beautiful deer. Near the place where he appeared, we select silver, and a little higher on the right we find a chest. Near the cliff, where you can see a hanging chain ahead, we take more silver. To cross the bridge, throw the ax forward and break the barrier.

We watch the cut-scene and follow the boy. On the left we jump over the log and take the silver. Ahead we deal with a group of draugr. Under the dilapidated roof there will be a healing stone that glows green. We go straight and break the entrance to the tomb. First we break three seals - they look like small statues. The first is to the right of the large chest, the second is on the left in the box, and the third is behind, on a raised platform. Now open the chest. There will be legendary item- Idunn apple. By collecting three you can increase your maximum health.

Now go right at the fork where we went forward. There will be a chest here. We climb onto the ledge and berm silver. We climb onto a hill and find the same chain that we saw from afar. We go down and take the item from the set (2 of 4) and the chest. There will be a couple of wolves here. We go back up and make a detour - on the opposite side we take more silver.

We go through the large gate. We go down the stairs and deal with a group of opponents. For now, we don’t go forward, but go into the doors at the back, there will be a chest, silver, an item from the set of lost toys (3 of 4) and a group of opponents. We go back and go into the right branch, there is a chest. To open the gate ahead you need to solve the first puzzle. To do this, pull the chain, open the gate and throw the ax into the mechanism from above to freeze it.

We take the ax when we run into the gate - it will open. We go a little to the left and find silver and a chest. We climb up the chain onto the ledge. There will be a puzzle with a chest on the right. We throw the ax at the targets and go inside. At the top there will be a shrine (1 of 11) and treasures.

We continue the deer hunt and give the boy the bow. We help you take a shot in the heart and watch the cut-scene. Here is the first boss - the huge troll Deidy Capemadre. He throws two punches in a row (from the side and from above), and then it's time to hit him on the legs. Don't forget to throw the ax when you are at a distance. We use Atreus's bow. If necessary, there will be a treatment facility near the cliff. In the second phase of the battle, periodically he will swing the log for a long time, we keep our distance. When he falls to his knees, we approach and finish him off.

We climb onto the ledge and go home. Learning to stun enemies. We examine the doors with a blue diamond and climb onto the ledge on the side, there will be more enemies here. The new enemy does not take damage from the axe; we finish him off manually. Throw the ax into the circle and jump down. Here we are at home, watching the cut-scene. We talk to my son.

Here comes the next serious opponent. We hit him in close combat and dodge his blows on the ground. We avoid his sharp blows from the side. We watch the cut-scene and beat the stranger with our hands. We restore the enemy's health, and Kratos activates Spartan rage. We finish off the stranger and drop a stone on him. We climb up the rock and fight him a third time. We go towards the house.

Journey: The Path to the Mountain

We go to the left branch and on the right side we take the last part of the artifact (4 of 4). Now we go down into the rift. You should have already accumulated enough points so you can learn the skills. We jump along the ledges and go up. We go into the cave and climb onto the ledge. Collect the silver and rotate the large wheel to lower the bridge. We throw the ax into the mechanism.

We help Atreus climb up and climb the chain. We go to the left and jump along the ledges to the chest located on the canopy. We climb up and jump along the ledges. We rise higher and go out to the edge of the wild forest.

There will be many enemies in this location. When the archers appear, we start with them. We knock down the buckets from the trees and take the silver. Read the inscription on the stone to gain experience. We climb onto the ledge near the stone. We go forward, collect silver and open the chest on the right. We get a runic attack. We insert it into the axe.

We lift the boulder and help Atreus, but we fall down from the bridge. We deal with a large group of enemies. Let's not forget about archers. On the mountain you can find Odin's eye and throw an ax at it. We read the inscription on the stone and deal with large opponents. We help our son if he gets caught.

We climb onto the ledge and go in the opposite direction, jump over and find the chest. We go into the cave and find Velva, she’s such a witch, quite nimble. We jump onto the sticks (similar to stairs) on the opposite wall. We go down and pick up treasures. There will be a fat enemy here, the easiest way to kill him is with ax throws.

We climb up and take the chest on the right. We jump to the other side and go left. There will be enemies, a scroll, various treasures and a sanctuary (2 of 11). There is a chest and experience on the ledge.

Now we go to the right to the large chest. To open it we find three blue seals. Behind the chest, on the mountain above the bridge and on the other side of the bridge (it can be seen from the ledge where you need to lower the bridge). We take the second Idunn apple from the chest and go across the bridge, having previously lowered it with ax throws.

On the right there will be enemies, a witch and archers. Having dealt with everyone, we rotate the bridge mechanism so as to throw the ax into the circle and chop off the load.

On the right we take the chest. We go forward, lift the grate and on the other side we come across a group of robbers who will come to life after death. We help Atreus climb onto the ledge and climb up the chain. We crawl along the wall to the other side. We go down the chain and find an item from the new set of artifacts Faces of Magic (1 of 9).

We go across the large bridge and meet the merchant Brock. We throw the ax at the white trees behind the bridge. We improve Brock's ax and unlock new abilities in the skills tab. We create armor for Kratos and Atreus.

From Brock we go to the left and jump down, there will be a chest here. We go down the chain and pick up more treasures. We go back and go down to the right, take the artifact (2 of 9). We open the gate to the left of Brock, freezing the mechanism. We crawl along the tunnel and open the doors, throwing the ax into the shuffled corner. To pick up the chest behind the wall, you need to hit the second door again.

We throw the ax into the mechanism and lift the plate with spikes. While she is slowly lowering, we open the door. Enemies will appear, we deal with them manually. There will be a chest to the left of the spiked slab.

We jump onto the slab from above. The first seal is at the top, the second is in the branch on the left, and the third is right (above the mechanism), to get into it you need to raise the platform. In the chest we take the Horn of Blood Honey, which is needed to increase maximum rage. We follow Atreus and pick up the artifact (3 of 9).

We go out into the street and at the dead end on the left we take the artifact Faces of Magic (4 of 9). We go to the large gate, there will be a puzzle here. We pull the lever on the mountain and start the rotation mechanism. We need to throw the ax and freeze the mechanism so that the word matches. It's easiest to start from the center. We pull out the ax at the moment the two rings coincide. Then repeat with another circle.

We go into the cave and go left, take the face of magic (5 of 9). We follow Atreus and knock down the bucket from the ceiling. And in a large gap we shoot down the Eye of Odin - the green raven. We leave the cave. Here another troll awaits us, only this time it’s a fiery one. More regular opponents will appear later. From the troll we get a strong runic attack - the Ivaldi anvil.

At the far end of the area there will be a chest with three bells. You need to have time to throw the ax at everything one by one while they are ringing. Two bells are near the chest, and the third is far away on the other side. It is best to throw first at this one, and then at the others, near the chest. In the chest we take the Idunn apple (3 of 3). Next to the distant bell, a green raven sits on a protruding rock that looks like a bone.

A lift can be found next to the chest. We break the barrier with an ax and help Atreus climb so that he throws off the chain. There will be a legendary mark for which we will receive experience.

We go back a little and to the left of the entrance to the location we climb onto the ledge, there will be a chest. On the side of the bell, where the waterfall is, there will be another ledge. At the top we take silver. We pass through the cave and descend into the foggy gorge. We help the boy shoot and go down below. There will be a raven on the roof of the first house.

We inspect the dugouts and collect silver. There will be a chest under the ledge from which we descended. Behind the penultimate house we take the face of magic (6 out of 9). On the left we climb onto the ledge and find a chest. From last home the enemy will jump out to the right. We take silver from the house. We pass the fallen column and run after the wounded boar. We run in the fog and call Atreus. We run through the cave, come out into the light and make our way into the gorge. We find Atreus with the forest witch. We follow her instructions to save the boar. We drag the boar to her house. We go out into the garden and take the flower on the left, then we find Atreus on the right and return to the house.

We go down into the underground passage. We attack flying enemies. We begin our inspection of the site on the left. We take the silver and go downstairs. There will be a couple of enemies here. A chest is visible in the water, but to open it you need to drain the water. We push the hefty box into the water, and take the chest behind it.

We jump on the box in the water and take the face of magic (7 of 9). At the top we jump along the platforms and find a chest with a talisman of the center of life.

We get into the boat and sail out of the cave. You won't be able to get anything else here, you'll have to go back. We find ourselves in the Lake of Nine area. This is a huge central location, where new paths will open up as you progress. While sailing on a boat on the water, we ram various barrels and boxes to get resources. We swim to the lantern glowing in the distance and read the runes on the statue. We moor to the huge bridge, go up and find Brock. We receive from him a stone that will help us quickly get to his store.

We leave the store and go down the stairs in the middle. We take the artifact all on board (1 of 9). We pass further along the bridge and deal with the enemies. These enemies can regenerate and explode upon death. We take two chests in front of the entrance and open the gate. There will be enemies inside. On the left we find the sanctuary (3 of 11).

Now we go to the right, throw the ax at the poisonous totem to turn off the effect of the poison. We collect the silver and throw the ax at the next totem. We knock the bucket over the abyss.

We go down and deactivate the totem on the left. We take from the chest a fragment of secret writing: Muspelheim (1 of 4). We won’t be able to read the obelisk yet, so we go upstairs. We follow the sign and go through the gate. We speak with Brock's brother. You can now buy resurrection stones to bring Kratos back to life after failure in battle.

We go into the forest and deal with the enemies. We go to the right and find a chest with locks and a bucket on a tree. One lock is next to the chest, the second is at the entrance, and the third is in a branch to the right. To open the chest, place the same runes on the locks as on the chest. To do this, throw an ax at them. In the chest we take the Horn of Blood Honey (2 of 3).

Now let's go look at the other side, where there is a large mechanism with a wheel. We go further towards the sign, there will be a chest with silver. We climb up the mountain. There will be a totem and a witch. First, we inspect the left passage, turn off the totem and open the chest, take the silver. In the chest we take the magic bracelets (green item).

We follow the witch to the right, at the end of the cave there will be a secret room (2 of 7). In another passage there will be a rise to the top. There will be large area with enemies. To approach the chest on the left, we first clear the passage by throwing an ax into the explosive bottles. Additionally, we break the left totem; there is also a bottle behind it. In the chest we take a weak runic attack - a polar bear throw. Another chest will be right behind the previously exploded stones, there will be a sorcerer's cape (green item).

We remove the boulder, watch the cut-scene and fight with a group of enemies. We use exploding flasks in battle. It is better to deal with ordinary opponents first, and then with the ogre. Having won, we get the frozen flame necessary to improve Leviathan. We go through the gate and find ourselves in the mountain camp location. To the left of the mechanism at the top there will be a green raven.

We go towards the mountain, take the silver on the right and watch the cut-scene. We follow the witch and go down the mountain in the elevator. We go into the cave and cross the elven bridge. We go down the stairs and walk across the new bridge. Raise the axle and rotate the bridge. We follow the witch into the transition room. We move the bridge on the table towards Alfheim. We go along the Tyr Bridge and throw the ax at the growth to open the passage.

We select the silver and read the round inscription on the wall on the right. To the right of the inscription, throw the ax at the growth to unlock the chest. Next we fight the dark elves. To open the passage in the middle of the bridge you need to hit two growths at once with an ax. Take the chest on the right and go left. If necessary, we use the services of a gnome. To get the boat out of the thicket, we stand behind it so that the growths coincide and throw the ax.

We swim around the tree on the left and take the glowing object - the restorative dew of YGGDRASIL. We swim into the location of the lake of light. Immediately ahead we see a small island, but nothing can be done here yet.

We examine the location and swim to the branch on the right. There will be an exit to the shore and the area of ​​​​the sanctuary of the light elves. We go to the right, pull the lever and jump through the gap behind the grate before it closes. We go left, there will be a chest here. To open it you need to find three correct bells. Throw the ax at the bell above the entrance, to the right of the chest and the second one to the left of the center. In the chest we take the Apple of Idunn (1 of 3).

Now we go behind the closed bars. Open the grate and throw the ax at the nearby growth. Then we quickly break the distant growth. We deal with the enemies (quite strong) from the blue gap between the worlds (1 of 18). We take the lost sign of threat and the dust of the worlds, needed to improve the talismans.

We throw the ax into the growths and go through the roots. Now we need to throw the ax so as to hit three growths at the same time. We select the battle trophy on the right - an elven artifact (1 of 6). We go into the opened passage. Rotate the wheel and unscrew it all the way. We quickly retreat to the line of fire and throw the ax at the moment the growths are aligned in one line. You need to throw to the left of the central root. In the chest we take a talisman - the Amulet of Kvasir.

Next we swim to the left of the entrance, here there will be an area of ​​​​the shore of the light elves. On the left before the beach there will be a green raven sitting on a stone block. We go to the right and take the elven artifact (2 of 6). We go into the cave. We throw the ax into the growth above the passage and jump to the other side. Now from there we get to three growths at once. We take the vacated chest. We go further and find a golden chest, in which we take a strong runic attack - the madness of the ice giant. We go down and go straight into the cave, there will be another secret room (3 of 7). In the left passage there is nothing to do yet, just knock down the silver from the ceiling.

Now we sail to the temple following the sign. We deal with the enemies, spin the two wheels and go to that small island at the entrance to the location. We descend into the moat of the sacred circle. We deal with the enemies. The cell opening mechanism in one side pocket is broken - let's go to the other. In the left cell we take silver. On the right, we throw the ax at the distant growth, and return it to the hand in the central room (where the door opening mechanism is). In the chest we take a strong runic attack - Tiazzi's Claw. We knock down the silver above the entrance to the pocket.

Now go to the chest on the left. We deal with the enemies and find the wheel on the right. We rotate the wheel and throw the ax at the first seal.

We lower the mechanism to the end and find another seal at the back. We break it and jump into the opening passage, freezing the mechanism.

We return the ax and go upstairs, there will be a chest with arm armor. The third seal is on the reverse side. In the chest we take the Apple of Idunn (2 of 3).

We spin the wheel, freeze the mechanism and go into the tunnel. We go into the next room and break two growths. We jump onto the ledge and fight the dark elves. We break the wall and push part of the wall towards the enemies. To open an overgrown chest, throw an ax from the lower platform. The chest will contain resources.

We go into the doors in the center, from there into the doors on the right. We go down and throw the ax over the growths. We pass the bridge that appears and climb onto the ledge. There will be dark elves and the Stone Ancient. We throw the ax at his chest when it opens to fire a shot. It is convenient to hide behind a stone in the center and throw from there. Having won, we receive enchantments - Broken heart Alfheim and other resources. In the chest on the left we take a weak runic attack - Njord's Storm.

We cut the large growth and take the elven artifact (3 of 6), passing along the left bridge. Now we go back and take the elevator. We go to the big blue door. First we turn into the left branch. There will be a chest with locks here. First, we throw the ax through the gap in the door to cut the growths. Now we stay at the entrance and throw the ax at the bells. The first will be above the chest, the second behind, and the third on the left if you are facing the chest. In the chest we take the Horn of Blood Honey (3 of 3).

Now we go to the right branch. There will be a gnome Sindri and a sanctuary (4 of 11). Now we go into a small tunnel. We go down and deal with the enemies. On the side of the entrance at the top you can knock down a growth with silver. To unlock the chest you need to cut three growths, throw the ax while standing facing the entrance.

We go further along the corridor, there will be flying enemies and a growth with silver on top. We go forward and jump through the cracks. From this side, throw the ax at the two growths to unlock the chest. We rise higher and jump along the ledges on the wall. We deal with a group of dark elves and a large growth.

The second group of growths is the farthest.

And the third group will open the entrance. We go upstairs and deal with the dark elf in the wall on the left. We fall into the center of the hive (the Light of Alfheim area) and destroy the large growth on the left. We make our way through the horde of enemies to the next large growth. We watch the cut-scene and walk around the gloomy world until Atreus saves us.

We improve the bow and now we can use arrows of light to activate large blue crystals. We shoot at the crystal on the other side and go across the bridge. We go down and drag the crystal into the socket in the center. We shoot, go upstairs and take the enchantment in the chest - Alfheim's Broken Heart.

We drag the crystal into the socket on the side and immediately shoot at the crystal on the right. We cross the bridge and fight off the nightmares. In the corner we find a chest with silver. We go to the opposite edge and make a bridge by shooting at the crystal. We go onto the bridge under the growth and throw the ax to free the crystal.

We break the growth on the wall and climb to the very top. From there we cross the new bridge to the exit.

We take a weak runic attack from the chest - Utgard strike. We shoot at the crystal above the passage and place it in the nest to study the legendary mark. We take the crystal and go up.

We put the crystal in the left slot and go upstairs. There will be a chest with three locks. We stand near the wall with a hole through which you can throw an ax at the two distant bells. We quickly throw it at them, and then at the one behind. In the chest we take the Horn of Blood Honey (1 of 3).

We move the crystal to the right socket, help Atreus climb up through the small hole and wait until he opens the gate. We take the elevator down. In one room we take an elven artifact (4 out of 6). In another room there will be a chest with silver. We go out into the large hall and deal with two witches.

Now we need to examine the side rooms, which can be accessed using Atreus's bow. In the left room we knock down the crystal from the ceiling, fight off the enemies and take the elven artifact (5 of 6). We drag the crystal into the right room.

We insert the crystal into the socket and solve the puzzle. Here you need to quickly place the letters from the door on the rotating reels. You need to do it very quickly, because if the time runs out, everything will be reset. In the chest we take the usual chest armor - Scaled Rune Barmas.

We drag the crystal into the central hall, put it in the nest and move towards the exit. We go into the room on the side, the cameras of which were previously closed. We take silver. When we want to get out, the main dark elf, Svartallofurr, will attack us. It will often strike from afar and darken the room. He can also leave explosive clots on the ground. We attack him when he is on the ground and throw an ax when he is in the air. Let's not forget about Spartan rage. Having won, we receive the first runic call - Wrath of the Wolf. This is a rune for Atreus's bow that can be used for powerful attacks against groups of enemies. We take the elevator up and sail to the pier on the side, where we didn’t have time to collect everything. Here you need to shoot three crystals on the floor and fight off enemies from the gap (2 out of 18). We get Pure essence worlds, dust of worlds and silver.

We swim to the exit and talk to Sindri. We return to the tree and go to Midgard. You can also get it from Brock additional task. Let's deal with them now. We go to the end of the bridge and go down the elevator on the right.

We climb the chain and throw the ax into the exploding bottle. Immediately behind it we knock down the hanging bucket of silver. On the ground we select a treasure map - the Hunter's Kingdom. To open a chest with locks, you need to lower the spikes by throwing the ax into the spinning mechanism. Then quickly hit three bells, all of them are in sight. In the chest we take the Apple of Idunn (3 of 3). Then we shoot down the green raven circling overhead (7 of 51).

We get into the boat and sail past the statue of Thor and the broken ship. Then we head for the pier near another wrecked ship. In the Iron Bay location, we read the inscriptions on the obelisk and receive an additional task. We fight off enemies and talk to the spirit. He will ask you to light other lamps. As a reward we get a regular ax handle.

We sail further in a circle and go up to the pier near the large cranes. This is the Death Island area. We can’t go down into the flooded cave yet - we go up. We light the lamp and fight off the enemies. As a reward from the spirit we receive a Corrupted Trace, which is needed to improve the hilt.

To climb onto the ship, we stand under it and throw the ax into the exploding bottle. Now you can climb the stairs. There is a chest with resources here.

Then we swim to the head of the world serpent. Here we go out to the beach - Forgotten Caves. There will be a green raven on the pillar (8 of 51). Quickly throw the ax at the rotating bells and open the chest with the Apple of Idunn (1 of 3).

We light the lamp on the right and fight the enemies. We speak with the spirit and receive a Corrupted Trace. We climb up the chain and in the chest we take the Muspelheim Secret Writing (3 of 4). Nearby we take the figurehead (2 of 9).

Now we are sailing into Fafnir's Ravine, the entrance will be under the head of the snake, to the left of the previous pier. We swim through the gorge and enter Fafnir's Vault. We knock down the bucket of silver from the tap. On the same tap there will be a green raven (9 out of 51).

We climb onto the ledge and break the wall on the left, there will be a chest here. We go through the tunnel and shoot at the crystal. At the top we knock down the bucket. We find Sindri and the portal. At the top there will be a raven (10 of 51) and a bucket. There will be another bucket in front of the cave entrance. A little further on the branches of the tree there will be another raven (11 of 51).

We jump onto the ledge and clear the area from enemies. There will be a green raven above the locked door (12 of 51).

There will be a chest with seals on the right. Two seals are above it, and the third on the left is above the waterfall. In the chest we take the Horn of Blood Honey (2 of 3). We rise to the ledge opposite the chest. Here we take resources.

We go into the cave under the waterfall, to the left of the closed entrance. There will be a bucket at the top. We go into the area with the pedestal, knock down the raven at the top (13 out of 51) and place the entrance stone. Nearby we take the treasure map - Unblinking Gaze.

We walk along the bridge that appears and deal with the opponents. We go back and fight again. We place the stone and go to the new hall. We throw the ax at the totem from above and deal with the opponents manually. We take the stone and go to the hall with the witches. Another stone and a hall with wolves. Now we go to the last hall and talk to the spirit of the robber. After this you will have to deal with a couple of ogres. Don’t forget to pick up a weak runic attack from the chest on the side - Wrath of the Frosty Ancients. At the entrance from the caves there will be a Forest Ancient, we take away the enchantment from him - the Witch Seal of Fortitude. On the way out we talk to Sindri and receive the talisman of betrayal.

We pass through the portal and go to Brock's shop. We take a boat to the beach to the left of the witch's cave. There lies the corpse of a large creature, and the location is called Raven Rocks. We set fire to the last brazier and fight off the enemies.

We go around the giant's corpse and help Atreus climb into the hole at the top, having previously broken the pieces of wood with an ax. We climb up the chain. In the chest we take the last Fragment of the secret writing: Mupselheim and now we can read the inscriptions in this language. We gain access to the World of Fire. On the right we take the Figurine (3 of 9). On the rock behind the chest we shoot down the green raven (14 out of 51).

Next we sail into another passage in the glaciers - the Velunder Abyss location. We sail through the gorge and land at the Velunder mines. A green raven circles above (15 of 51). We knock down the bucket from the tap on top. We jump onto the ledge and go through a narrow passage.

There will be a chest with resources and an obelisk with inscriptions. Then we go through another hole. We talk to Brock and open the doors. On the right we read the runes. We go into the cave and explode the bottle. There will be a chest in the room. In a large room we meet the Soul Eater, but we will fight him later. On the right we break the pieces of wood and take the silver.

We go down, defeat the enemies and collect silver. We lift the grate and fight the witch. We go down, there will be a chest with resources and a treasure map. We go around the embankment on the other side and throw the ax into the bottle. We go down and take the silver.

To open the gate with runes you need to find three seals. The first one is opposite the door.

The second one to the right of the door.

And the third is behind bars with the Soul Eater. There will also be a chest with resources.

We go through the opened door and fight the Soul Eater. We throw the ax at his chest when he opens to fire a shot. You can throw stones at him, which he scatters. Take the alchemist's ring, enchantment: Fire Seal of Security and resources. In the chest we take a weak runic attack - Rage of the Ice Troll.

We ask Atreus to reset the chain and study the inscription on the wall. We return to the exit on the cable. On the right you can climb along the wall and collect treasures. Next there will be a chest and a descent along the chain. We talk with Brock and get an ax handle - Velunder Handle.

We return through the portal to the bridge and set off on the main task. In the hall, you can light the three crystals at the top and fight opponents from the rift. These two witches are very strong.

Let's go further to the mountain. In the nook of the pit we take the crystal and place it in the nest. We read the inscription on the obelisk. We go outside and talk to Sindri. We fight off the wolves and take the elevator up the mountain. We pass through the black breath and climb up the rock. We go into a large hall with a statue of a deer.

We go left and knock down the crystal, which is located right at the entrance. There will also be a couple of buckets on top. We install the crystal in the socket and push the lever in the center of the hall. We go into the dark corridor and shoot at the crystal with a bow to turn on the light. We go through the corridor and go left, there will be a chest with blue armor for the hands. We pass under the stone and fight with the witch. At the top you can knock down several buckets; they are located near the lantern crystal. In the crack on the bridge you can find the Eye of Odin (16 out of 51).

We climb onto the ledge, there will be enemies here. We break the boards on the rock with an ax and shoot at the crystal. We pass along the elven bridge and find a chest. If you stand on the bridge and look around, you can easily find all three seals. The difficulty is that the runes are painted on the wall above the chest and you have to run around to place them. The correct rune on the seal glows brighter. In the chest we take the Horn of Blood Honey (3 of 3).

In the small room behind the boards we take an item from the “Upside Down” artifact set (1 of 6). We go through the tunnel with bones. We read the inscription on the statue and open the chest in front of it. There will be a library behind the statue, take the scroll. We go through the doors and fight off the enemies. We climb into the small tunnel and take the chest.

We go up and read the inscription on the rock. We go to the branch and reset the chain. Let's go forward, there will be another chain. We go down and open the chest. We go to the heart of the mountain location.

We go straight and behind the pieces of wood we find a chest with silver. There will be a secret room on the right (4 of 7). We read the inscription on the back of the large trolley. On the right side you can find a narrow passage in which a chest with resources is hidden. We rotate the wheel at the entrance to the area. We go into the opened tunnel and deal with the enemies.

One of the gnomes will be here. Opposite him, a green raven flies over the cliff (17 of 51). We climb onto the ledge nearby and break the wooden boxes. We go into the passage hidden behind them and take resources and silver from the chests.

Next we find a trap with spikes. The boy will crawl through from the side, and we rotate the mechanism and quickly run through. We open the door and find ourselves in a large hall with enemies. On the right you can find a small creature, defeating which we get resources.

We move the trolley almost to the end (so that we can climb up it), having previously cut the chain. In the opened passage (where the trolley stood) we take the bowl from the set upside down (2 of 6). We climb up the trolley and lower the bridge. We pass along the bridge and jump into the room with the light, there will be a chest with resources. We cross another bridge and fight the draugs. On the other side there will be a green raven (18 of 51). We reset the chain and lower another bridge. We climb up the ledges and take armor for the thighs in the chest. We go into the tunnel on the left, lift the stone and open a quick passage to the previous room.

We pull the chain and open the huge gate. We go down the chain on the side and roll the trolley into this room. We jump from the trolley onto the ledge on the side of this large gate. Open the chest with the runic summon - Diving Falcons. We go further and drop the chain on the right. We continue the path and push the boulder to free the rope. We go down and deal with the troll. We select frozen flame, a strong runic attack - River of Knives and other resources.

We push the trolley to the end and rotate the wheel. We freeze the mechanism and climb onto the trolley. We climb up on it. We exit the elevator and watch the cut-scene. There will be a lot of traps ahead.

We run through the first fire, and then a group of three. We pass the trap with the chest on top between the fires. We hide behind the columns and throw an ax at the enemy. In front of the second enemy there will be a trap disabling wheel. The chest will contain a blue chest armor.

We push the large boulders off the elevator and go up. A couple of times you will have to fight off enemies and push the elevator away from the wall. After which a huge dragon will appear - Hreslir. We hit him on the paws and dodge head blows.

We go through the cave and throw the red crystal into the resin of the World Tree to open the passage. We run out into the street and see Sindri, driven into a corner. We run around from the side and jump on the dragon. We hit him on the tongue with an ax. We find red crystals and throw them into the dragon’s mouth when it is open. We dodge lightning. When the dragon's head falls, we hit the large wound on the nose. At the next stage, we hit the dragon on its paws to provoke lightning strikes. Again we throw red crystals at the face. We block the shock wave with a shield. We repeat these steps and at the right moment we drop the crane on the dragon’s head.

We speak with Sindri and receive arrows with mistletoe, as well as shock arrows that can explode red crystals. We open the passage and go into the cave. In the branch on the right, shoot at the red crystal and open the chest. We take a weak runic attack - Tyr's Retribution. We climb up and fight the enemies. We shoot at the crystal, then lift the bucket using the wheel and shoot again. Below under this bucket we take the Bowl from the Upside Down set (3 of 6). We go upstairs, enemies are already waiting here.

We pass further and on the left we find a chest with seals, and on the right (behind the red passage) a sanctuary (5 of 11). To the right of the shrine will be the first seal from the chest. We lower the bridge by throwing the crystal and blowing it up. We repeat on the other side. We cross the bridge, there will be an obelisk with inscriptions and a second seal.

We raise the bridge and freeze the mechanism. There will be a chest with resources on the left, and a third seal on the right. In the chest we take the Apple of Idunn (2 of 3). We go into the passage to the left of the obelisk with inscriptions and go up. We go to the top of the mountain. We go around to the left and take the “Upside Down” bowl (4 of 6). Now we go to the very top and listen to the conversation. We look around and go down. There will be a chest with a symbol of insolence. We go down below, there will be another chest with silver. And on the right is a portal, through it we go to Brock’s shop.

After talking with him, we sail to the witch’s cave by boat. We break the red passage and take the elevator up. To the right of the elevator there will be a red passage, behind which there will be enemies and a chest with a symbol of courage. Here in the well there will be the first seal from the chest, which is located below. Near the chest we make a couple of elven bridges. Throw the red crystal into the passage above and explode it. We go up and find a secret room (5 of 7). To the left of it will be the second seal from the chest, and to the right is a treasure map.

We lift the gate from the side and lift Atreus up to the bowl of sand. For him to get to her, we move the block with the boy on top. We break the pieces of wood blocking his path. On the opposite side we break the boards covering the runes.

We jump on the lowered platform and in the chest we take a runic call - a flock of crows. We return to the chest with seals. Opposite him will be a chest covered with red roots. And to the right of it is the third seal. In the chest we take the Horn of Blood Honey (1 of 3).

We go to the well and go up, reading the inscription. Behind the well we take the blue crystal and read the legend on the obelisk. On the way down, we take the artifact from “Faces of Magic” (8 of 9). We fight off the enemies and read the inscription on the wall under that obelisk. Almost under the turtle's muzzle is its treasure.

Opposite there will be another inscription on the wall. We climb the chain near it and find the answer to the riddle.

There will be a green raven sitting on the descent (19 out of 51). There will also be a chest with seals here, which will not open yet. We enter the answer in the sand and open the chest with a runic call - Storm of Deer. We go to the witch and revive Mimir's head.

After the cut-scene we take the elevator down. From here you can teleport to Brock's shop. We go to the horn, which is located in the center of the bridge and talk to the snake. The water level dropped again. We go down and get into the boat. We follow Mimir's sign for the chisel.

We need to swim between the statues, but first we go to the gate on the right. We go up the elevator and light the brazier on the tower. Then we close the gap (3 of 18) and get Dust of Worlds. Near the knight we take the figurehead (4 out of 9).

We descend and sail past the glowing, strengthening dew of Yggdrasil. We swim between the rowing statues. We swim straight and go out onto the beach. We speak with the spirit and receive the task Anatomy of Hope. Spin the wheel to open the gate. We sail there, don’t forget to ram the barrels to get silver.

We deal with werewolves and look around. There will be a secret room on the left (6 of 7). We shoot at the crystal, then turn it to the right, shoot again. We take resources from the chest. Now we turn it to the left to open the passage.

We go down and go left, then go up. In the right branch there will be a chest with blue chest armor. We climb the chain to the giant's head. This is a large location where a lot of things are hidden. But first you need to deal with the enemies. The armor chest in the center is hard to miss. To open the passage with seals you need to unlock one of them. Throw the red crystal and shoot. Another seal appears when we rotate the mechanism by throwing an ax at it. This needs to be done quickly. One throw into the mechanism - one into the seal. The last seal is opened with a throw from the front and left. In the cave we take silver and charms.

We find red resin with a blue crystal and throw the red crystal there, read the inscription next to it. We drag the blue crystal into the nest. In the gap (4 out of 18) we take resources, there will be no enemies.

In the center of the location we attack the blue block - this is the Ice Ancient. We get a bunch of resources. We go to the head of the giant Tamur. The cutter is located below the ice. There will be a large group of enemies here. We go up the chain and talk to the gnome. You can get an additional task - a family matter.

We shoot at the left red crystal on the decoration on the giant's beard. We rotate the middle crystal and shoot so that it explodes on the other side. We jump along the ledges and go through the large doors.

We move a large stone into the center of the room. We unfold the hanging sword and jump onto it from the stone. From there, on the ledge and in the chest we take a strong runic attack - Blessings of Winter. Now we move the stone to the very end and jump from it for the chest with silver. We jump onto the building with ledges and first climb to the left, there will be a chest there.

Now we climb to the right and go up. We push the crystal and shoot at it to explode the ice behind it. We repeat. When the crystal hangs below, we shoot at it again to gain access to the chest behind the ice wall.

We jump onto the belt and go up. We climb through the holes where necessary and shoot at the red crystals on the hammer handle. We bend the mount and jump down. We go through the doors and on the left open a chest with blue armor. On the right we break the pieces of wood so that Atreus gets to the bowl of sand. We set the seasons as in the picture: autumn, summer, spring and winter.

We go up the elevator and fight off enemies. At the very top, we shoot at the two red crystals on the sides and jump onto the ledge. We push the hammer down. We jump onto the ledge on the right and climb to the left. You won't be able to go down to the chest right away. We move left to the corner, then we go down to the chest. Then we go further and move to the other side, go through the doors. This is a large dining room, here you need to punch three holes in the ice on the opposite wall. When the red crystal falls from the candelabra, throw the crystals and explode. After which you will have to deal with the enemies. We throw another crystal into the chest from above.

We go up to the ledge, there will be a gnome. We examine the chests, walk along the bridge and jump along the ledges. We find a magic cutter and then a couple of serious opponents appear. We fight Magni and Modi. We take down a third of their health and another phase of the battle begins. You need to look around and block blows. Let's follow the sign around Kratos. Then we continue the battle until the same phase with blocking is repeated. This time they will deliver feint blows. You need to react quickly to block a real attack, which will come immediately after a deceptive one. We finish off one of the brothers, after which Atreus becomes ill. We collect resources and break off a piece of the chisel.

On the right, use the cutter to open the door. You need to hit the cutter at the moment when it begins to glow and sparkle. There will be a door ahead, locked with three seals. The first is located high above the entrance to the area. We go up the ledges to the second floor, there will be a chain for descending to the gnome. We shoot at the red crystal. We go down and shoot him again to open the chest. We break the second seal from the second floor balcony, it is hidden in a large decoration. The third rune is to the left and above the second. At the top of the glacier. In the cave we take the glacial catalyst and silver.

We go down to the throne room, there is a door that can be opened with a chisel. We pass the corridor and almost at the end we find red crystals. We need to throw them into the chest and the blue crystal at the top to blow them up. We take resources from the chest and place the blue crystal in the socket. In the gap (5 out of 18) there will be resources, without enemies.

We go out to the pier. On the right we put Atreus up. We go left and break the chain that holds the elevator. We turn the wheel and move the elevator with Atreus up. Freeze the wheel above the elevator. We go up the chain, go into the elevator and go down on it, returning the ax. On one side there will be a chest with silver, and on the other there will be a chain to go back. We go out the door, opening the lock with a chisel. We pass through the hall and climb the chain. We are sailing on a boat to Lake Nine.

On the left after the rowers we go out onto the beach. We shoot at the red crystals and go upstairs. Here you can find Gullveig bones (1 of 3) for an additional task, close the gap (6 of 18) and kill the green raven (20 of 51) on the rower statue. We rise a little higher and explode the crystals blocking the passage down. There will be a chest with a Fragment of the Niflheim Secret Writing (1 of 4). We rise higher and go through the door.

Here the dragon Fafnir is waiting for us, who needs to be freed. To do this you need to break three altars. We jump down and go left, there will be the first altar, enemies, a legend and a chest. We open the door and find ourselves at the beginning of the level. Now we go forward, a little to the left of the dragon, here we break the second sanctuary. Now we go left and climb onto the ledge. We break down the third sanctuary and deal with the enemies. We open the door and go out to the entrance to the location. We go to the anchor and free the dragon (1 of 3), having previously dealt with the enemies from the fissures. As a reward we receive enchantments.

We open the map and sail to complete the additional task with the bones of Gullveig.

We sail to the area of ​​​​the ruins of the ancients and deal with the golem there. In the chest we take a Fragment of the Niflheim Secret Writing (2 of 4). At the entrance we take the treasure map. We go around the pillar and on the shore we take Gullveig bones (2 of 3). Let's go to the third part. Let's swim in big cave and disembark on the left; there is no need to swim into the right passage. We go up the ledge and on the left we find a green raven (21 out of 51). At the top there will be a chest and a rift (7 of 18). Now we swim to another beach, going around the gate where we were. At the entrance we talk to the spirit and receive the task - Dead Freight. We go into the cave, deal with the wolves and take the treasure map - payment to the finder. We go up the ledges and take the last Gullveig bones (3 of 3).

The next optional task is to find the wandering sailors. We swim to the tower and go up. We deal with opponents. Take the figurehead (5 out of 9). We immediately close the gap between the worlds (8 out of 18). Throw the ax at the raven (22 of 51) on the ship on the right.

We sail to an island with broken ships nearby. On the left we take the silver and explode the bottle between the stones covering the chest (throw the ax away from the boat). Opposite him, between the rocks, we kill the green raven (23 out of 51). We go forward and deal with a group of pirate opponents (2 out of 3). We open the chest by throwing the ax into the bottle above the totem. We climb higher onto the ship, there is a scroll with a legend. We jump over the cliff on the side and explode the bottle behind the chest. We take resources from the chest. We rise even higher and slide down the cable to the golden chest. Take the blue ax handle. We climb up again and go to the mechanisms.

To move between them, one (from which we are descending) must be higher than the other (from which we are descending). We lower the nearest one to the very bottom (throw the ax 2 times) and slide down there along the cable. From here we explode one bottle after another. There we take the figurehead (6 out of 9). To close the gap with resources (9 out of 18), we move to the second elevator and place the first one in the middle. Now we lower the third and raise the second. From the third elevator we go to the tower, there will be a knight - a traveler, most likely at this stage he will be stronger than you. We get resources from it and take the elevator down. We are sailing after the last group of pirates. We go out to the beach and immediately deal with them (3 out of 3). There will be a golem near the walled chest. To the right of the chest we take the treasure map - the Island of Creation. To open the blocked passage, we go to the island with the ships and go down the cable. We blow up the bottles, open the chests and collect silver. At the very top there will be a door with seals.

One seal will be on the lower right when viewed from the right side of the ship. The second one will be near the left side of the ship. Throw the ax into the bottles to clean them. There is only one blade left on it, so you need to rotate from the right side of the ship. Clear the area around the door. We go to the edge opposite the door. The seal will be below, under the ship. In the chest behind the door we take a strong runic attack - Mists of Helheim. Now we sail to the captain and hand over quest Dead freight. Now we swim and give the bones to Gullveig and fight the monster. We complete the task Anatomy of Hope.

We go to the Northry Gorge on the instructions of the gnome. We insert the stone to open the gate. We land on the pier with Sindri. Directly opposite him will be a green raven (24 out of 51). We swim further into the right branch. We go out to the pier and deal with the enemies. We go around the wheel and freeze the totem. We take silver from the chest. We break the chain that holds the wheel. We go to the pier and climb from the side to the top of the gate. There will be a treasure here, a reward to the finder.

We swim through the opened gate and go ashore. We climb up the stairs on the side, at the top there will be an obelisk with a legend and a chest. You can knock down several buckets on the ceiling. We knock down the suspended block and climb onto it. We go up the stairs and go to the right, shoot at the red crystal. We go down below and shoot at another one. There will be a chest here. We go back and now go left, go down to the ship. We throw the ax into the mechanism to lower the bridge.

We take the whetstone and fight off the enemies. Here you can find an epic talisman - the Broken Glove of Ages, which will be very useful to Kratos.

To open the grate next to the ship, shoot at the red crystal. Atreus will crawl through and open it from the inside. There will be a green raven sitting on the large grate in front of the ship (25 of 51). Go ahead. We get down and go inside the ship. Then into the hole on the right, from here we will get to the chest behind the bars from the first hall. We return to the bridge, there will be a couple of passages closed with red crystals. You can swim through one. We go to the second one, here we open a couple of passages and take the scroll with the legend. We swim to the exit and moor to open the gate. We jump along the bridges to the chest, then return to the boat. We sail to Sindri and hand in the task.

We teleport to Brock's shop and get to the spirit to tell about the murdered son. Along the way, to the left of the entrance to the central hall, we take the Historian treasure. As a reward from the spirit we receive an epic enchantment: a fragment of Tyr, which increases all characteristics. We return to Brock’s shop and take from him the task God of Malachite. Let's return to the main task.

We go downstairs and open the locked door to the storage room using a cutter. We watch the cut-scene and quickly carry Atreus to Freya. We swim into the cave and take the elevator up. Let's go to the door. We sail to our home on Freya's boat. We deal with the enemies and go into the house. We take the blades of chaos and deal with the enemies near the house. We teleport to Brock's shop and go to Helheim.

We go along the bridge and deal with the enemies. In the chest on the left we take a weak runic attack for blades - Spartan Onslaught. We cut the overgrown passage with blades. There will be a chest in the thickets on the right. In front of the large gate on the left, you can climb onto the ledge and take the silver from the chest.

To the left of the locked gate there will be an overgrown slope. We pass the gorge. There will be a chest on the right, and pillars on the left that we need to climb. We go down the back wall of the second pillar. We burn the growths between the pillars (on all sides) and on the wall. Thus, we open the chest between the pillars.

After the floor goes down, we fight off the enemies. We climb onto the ledge and kill the green raven (26 out of 51). From the ledge we burn the bush on the side. Now let's go up fallen stone. Under the bridge you can knock down the first artifact (1 of 5) from the “Family Heirlooms” set. We go upstairs and find ourselves in the arena with the keeper.

The boss can teleport. After several strikes forward, he strikes one from above. After such a series, we attack him. From time to time he will shoot at Kratos, but it is not difficult to dodge. We try to approach from behind to strike. We dodge the shock waves created by his weapon. After the first third of the battle, regular enemies will appear, it is better to deal with them first.

We get the flame of chaos needed to improve blades. At the end of the arena we open the chest. We approach the large stone and talk to Brock. We open the gate with the help of the winds of Hel. Now this light can be transferred to the next door. We reach a large gate with two winds. We take the second one from behind and open the gate. Now one of the winds can open the large cabinet on the left. Then drag it to the very beginning of the location. We jump over the stone. Here the light will be behind the statue on the right, then from inside on a large round building. There will also be a green raven (27 out of 51). Then we drag around, to the left of the snowdrift and go down. There will be another closet here. In the chest we take a weak runic attack - Chaos Tornado. We return to Midgard. We teleport using the improved stone to Freya. We watch the cut-scene.

We leave Freya and drag the winds of Hel from the room to the left of the elevator down under the bridge. from there to the other side, having previously destroyed the bushes on the way up. Move the box to the middle. Now we drag the winds to the closet, jumping on the box. In the chest we take a weak runic attack - Fury of the Furies.

We immediately enter the first secret room - the hidden chamber of Odin. We go down the elevator and examine the hall from above and below. In the main hall there will be the first Valkyrie - Kara. Now we know what is hidden in the secret rooms. At the top under the arch there will be a green raven (28 of 51).

We take the elevator down to the boat. We sail to Tyr's treasury. We read the inscription on the wall to enter the answer.

Having gone down the elevator, we go into Tyr's storage room. We grab the winds of Hel and drag him into the side room. Spin the wheel and open two passages. We go to the back, here we need to align the wheels so that we can freely walk past them. There will be a chest here.

Let's go to the second passage. We go through the first 2 saws. Then we pass the second pair when there is a passage in the middle. In the third pair, we freeze the mechanism so that there is a passage on the side.

From the hall with the trap we open the passage to the central hall. enemies will appear. We catch the wind on the rotating ring and drag it into the newly opened hall. Here we also open two rooms. Let's go to the back room. When the first mechanism is extended, stand on the left and freeze the second.

There will be a chest with seals here. The first is on the first retractable mechanism when viewed from the chest. The second one is on a mechanism that rises up from another room.

The third seal will be in the hall with the wheel (between the other two seals), hidden behind all sorts of rubbish. In the chest we take Yabolko Idunn (3 of 3).

To pass the traps from the front hall you need to freeze the first block at the top, and when the second block rises, quickly run into the pocket on the right. The third block is handled in the same way. We open the passage to the central hall and read the inscription on the wall. To reach the top stone of the winds you need to climb to the second level. We transfer the winds from the central stone to the outer one. We drag the winds to the last hall. here Kratos falls into a trap and needs to react quickly. You need to rearrange the symbols on the wall so that it turns out: Moon, Midgard, Sun. Pull right, left, middle, left, right, middle, right, middle, right.

We go out into the main hall. after the cutscene with the rune, a couple of giants will come to life. Having dealt with them, we are rewarded with a strong runic attack for blades - Tartarus's Fury. One more chest will open with a blue handle for blades. We leave the storage room.

Let's go to the gate. Along the way we can set fire to the brazier (2 of 8). If it didn’t work out before, now is the time to deal with a couple of witches from the gap (10 out of 18). We pass the cave and go to Sindri. Here you will have to deal with a group of enemies. We go to the leftmost branch and open the chests using blades and a bow.

We go up to the ledge and in the center, near the closed chest, we take the winds. We move them to the closet on the right. In the chest we take a weak runic attack - Hephaestus Explosion. We climb the mountain without an elevator or teleports. Along the way, don’t forget to open chests with blades. Near the statue of a deer we meet an old friend, but we don’t have to fight with him.

We go left and explode the red crystal. Drag the blue crystal from one of the obelisks near the deer to the legend to read it. We go up to a large hall with an elevator. We deal with the enemies and go to the far right corner. We clear the elevator and go upstairs. In the room on the left there is a scroll with a treasure map - They won’t look here. We go to the right and lift Atreus up. There will be a group of enemies behind the large door. Now we drag the ball for the winds from the room below to the chain. We carry the winds to the closet in the room with monsters. In the chest we take a strong runic attack for blades - Hyperion Strike. We go further into the passage on the left.

Let's deal with the golem. We throw the red crystal into the resin and roll out the cart. We climb up along it and in the chest we take the legendary armor for the thighs. Throw the red crystal into the chest on the right. We rise higher and find a scroll with a legend. And next to it is a bowl from the Upside Down set (5 of 6). We pass along the rock and open the chest on the right. Take the legendary chest armor.

We go to the top of the mountain. Here you can close the gap (11 of 18) and open the chest. It will contain the Niflheim Secret Writing (3 of 4). On the left we go up. Before going up to the portal, open the chest on the left. We cut out the rune on the portal. Kratos jumps after Atreus onto the dragon's back. We run to the dragon's head. We periodically attack Balder and block his attacks.

After the cutscene we find ourselves in Helheim. We help Atreus get out from under the rubble. We climb up. Behind the growth on the right we take the chest and open the gate. We cross the bridge and go down. We clear the stone of winds and open half of the door. We freeze the mechanism with an ax and open the second half. Let's deal with the knight. Behind the gate we go to the right and jump to the chest, moving the large stone block.

We go further and find Balder. We climb around it on the rock. After going around the ledge we go down. On the left you can clear the passage and open the chest. We go down below, there will be enemies here. On the left we push the stone down to get to the chest. To the right of the chest, we burn the roots and roll out the stone to the rise next to the chest. Take the chest at the top. From here we throw the ax into the first seal on the right.

The second seal will be in the passage on the right.

The third seal is in the stone itself, to break it we move the stone towards the passage. We climb over it and throw the ax. In the chest we take the Horn of Blood Honey (2 of 3).

We climb aboard the ship and set fire to the thickets. We turn the wheel to raise the sails. We crash into the iceberg and cut the fasteners of the sail. Rotate the wheel again. Now we go to the platform on the right. There will be a chest in the far left corner. Let's go to the elevator. We stand facing the mechanism and raise the platform. We go left and open the chest. We take a weak runic attack - Icarus Storm. We turn the wheel to raise the lower platform. Now we take the elevator up. We lower the elevator and open the chest with silver. We go to the ship and push off from the platform.

While the ship is flying we will have to fight off enemies. We protect fires so they don’t put them out. We remove harpoons as they appear. We break off part of the ship and watch the cut-scene. We find ourselves in the secret chamber of Odin. We examine the open door (there will be a scroll with a legend and a chest), then open the second one with the help of a chisel. We find a fragment of the history of Tyr. We take the elevator down and go to Midgard. We talk to Brock and get the key.

We go into Tyr's hiding place. We shoot at the crystal and cross the bridge. We walk in a circle and look up. We go out into a small passage. We go downstairs and find ourselves in Tyr's hall. We examine the large rune in the center. We take the elevator down. We study the sanctuary (6 of 11).

We go into the door on the left and freeze the first wheel, pull out the ax when it is equal to the second. Thus, we need to put all the wheels in one row. In the next room we drag the winds to the right wall. When the second wheel is on top, drag the wind to the right wheel. We quickly jump into the next room. Here we tear off the chains, open the chest (take a fragment of the Niflheim secret writing (4 of 4)) and read the inscription on the wall. We deal with the enemies and return to the hall with the elevator. Along the way, we open the cabinet with the chest (take a strong runic attack - Hyperion's Capture), using two winds.

Now let's go the other way. Here we need to synchronize the blocks so that they go down and up at the same time. We quickly run through and open the chest with armor in the hall. Take the red crystal and throw it under the first block. We ride it up and quickly run forward at the right moment. There will be a chest and an inscription on the wall. We tear off the chains and go back to the elevator. Along the way, fighting off enemies. Let's go upstairs.

We turn the hall over and climb the wall on the left. We take the stone and return to the hall to the gnomes. We go to the teleport and select “World between worlds”. We go to the right and jump down. We go to the Jotunheim tower. Inside we use the stone and fight off the enemies. After the last battle we get a weak runic attack - the wrath of Artemis. We go out the main gate. The tower is back in place. We set fire to the brazier (3 of 8) and go to the tree. But you won’t be able to go to Jotunheim yet. We speak with the gnomes, and then with the serpent. We go to his mouth.

We swim forward and come out onto a piece of land. There will be a chest with silver. We swim further to the hammer. We rotate the mechanism with the platform towards us and freeze it. We rise to the ledge, jump onto the platform and unfreeze the mechanism. We go upstairs and take the Eye of Mimir in the chest. On the other side there will be another chest. We go down on the cable and swim to the exit. We watch the cut-scene.

We fight Baldur and after the cut-scene we find ourselves in another location. We dodge the waves created by the fist blow and attack Baldur. We jump away from his blows on the ground and block normal attacks with a shield. Again we move to a new part of the location and fight off ordinary enemies. Baldur can now make fire attacks. When he jumps, we leave the place where he landed. We go upstairs and press the necessary buttons in the cut-scene. We finish off Baldur to save his mother.

We go to the transition room and go to the world of giants. We climb to the top of the mountain and study the surroundings. The main plot of the game ends here, but you can continue to explore the world.

Behind the house we climb onto the ledge, destroying the growths. We deal with the enemies and go down, here we previously found the first secret room. We take the elevator down and open the chest from above. There will be a couple more chests below. And in the main hall there will be a gap (12 out of 18) and a scroll with a legend.

Now we are going to do the additional task of the gnomes “God of Malachite”. We swim into the cave following the sign. We jump along the ledges and opposite the portal we find the eye of Odin (29 out of 51). We speak with Brock. We open the gate and go for the hammer.

We deal with the enemies and lower the block by turning the lever. We shoot at the red crystal on the second block and knock it down. We go down into the hole and open the chest by moving to the side. We go down to the very bottom. Behind the descent we break the growths and open the chest. We go further, there will be a chest to the right of the rise, and an elevator to the left. We take the elevator up to the chest from the first hall. Near the chest we take the treasure map - Bow before Thor! We go down the elevator and go up to the ledge. We clear the passage from growths. There will be a knight and a golem - Soul Eater.

We pass the wreckage of the bridge and go down to the other side of the stream. We pass under the bridge to the chest. We go the other way and find ourselves in the third hall. immediately at the entrance on the upper right there will be a green raven (30 of 51). We climb up the bridges and turn the lever. We go back and climb up the wall. After fighting the elves we get an epic talisman. We help Atreus climb up and open the gate. There will be a scroll with a legend and the hammer we need. We push the cart down the mountain to clear a passage. We speak with Brock and receive a reward. We return to the shop and talk to the gnomes. We receive the task - Glory to the King.

We follow the sign and open the gate. We go down the chain and climb onto the ledge. We read the legend on the obelisk. We go further and talk to Sindri. We go left, pass the poisonous totem and find a chest. Directly behind him will be a green raven (31 of 51). We cross the bridge and go right. We find the teleport and go down below. We freeze the totem and go to the entrance to the castle.

Along the castle we go to the left, we pass the totem. We pass through the caves and deal with the golem in the circle of stones. We go further to the very end and find a blue crystal hanging over the river. We knock him down and pick him up on the shore. We install it in the nest and make a bridge. Now we carry the winds across the bridge to the passage. We walk along it and select the first stone for the gate.

Now we go to the right from the castle (if you are facing it). We pass several enemies and climb onto the ledge. We jump along the pillars towards the dragon. Open the chest and reset the chain. But we don’t go down it, but go further to the dragon. We run along the dragon to a room covered with runes. Along the way we break the dragon sanctuary (1 of 3). On the left you can open the grate to create a shortcut. The second shrine will be opposite this door with runes (2 of 3). We return to the door with runes - bells. One of them is hidden behind bars. We throw the red crystal there and explode it with the help of Atreus. The second and third bell will not cause problems.

We open the gate and lower the bridge with an ax throw. To the right of the bridge there will be a green raven (32 of 51). We read the legend on the altar and jump over the cliff. At the top there will be enemies and the last key to the castle gate. Nearby will be the last dragon shrine (3 of 3). We free the dragon (2 of 3) and go to the castle. Along the way, we break the wall of the “pool” to open the chest.

We insert stones into the altar and fight off enemies. Inside the castle we go to the right and find the sanctuary (7 of 11). There will be a chest to the left of the shrine. Above him will be a green raven (34 of 51). We return to the entrance and go left. We open the doors and fight with the knight. We move the throne and find the resources we need. We go up the tunnel behind the throne. At the edge we open the chest and take a strong runic attack - Prometheus Fire. We go to the second floor of the castle. There will be a balcony with a chest.

We transfer the winds to the right bell to turn it around. Then to the left so that it rotates constantly. Now we need to throw the ax at the right bell and twice at the left one to hit both runes. In the chest we take the last Horn of Blood Honey (3 of 3). We go further and close the gap on the right (13 out of 18). We go down the chain to the portal and go to the gnomes. We receive a strong runic attack - Fire of Ares and complete the last task of the dwarves.

Let's take a look at the observation tower location. Here we missed an item from the Figurines artifact set (7 out of 9). Using the mechanism that removes the spikes, we go up. We go down the cable towards the tower. There will be a sanctuary with a legend (9 of 11). We rise higher to the red tower. There will be a chest and a knight. Light the brazier (5 out of 8).

We swim towards the fallen dragon Baldur. Along the way we light another brazier (6 out of 8). Unlit braziers are clearly visible from the water. There are two more towers left to the right of the dragon.

We go out to the beach in front of the dragon and go into the cave, go up. We've been here before. But now you can take the treasure under the dragon's head.

We swim to the neighboring tower and swim around it from behind. We pass through the cave and go up. We deal with the knight and light the brazier (7 out of 8).

On the way to the last tower we swim to the island between them. We land on the beach from the back side. This is a light elf outpost. Use the chisel to open the door with the chest. We break the pieces of wood behind which the blue crystal is hidden and make a bridge. We find a chest with seals. We go further and reset the chain, go down. Closing the gap (14 out of 18). Open the gate on the side. We reach the end, open the chest and activate the crystal hidden behind the pieces of wood. At the top there will be a passage to the chest. We drag the blue crystal from below along the created bridge. The nest will be in the right branch. Behind the pieces of wood we drop the chain. The first seal is behind the chest on the right. Now we go higher and find a rise up and a chain down next to it. The second seal will be on the pillar ahead. We go down the chain and open the gate. We rise to the very top and open the gate. There will be a chest with a runic summon - Harmful Squirrel. Next to the chest we take the crystal and place it in the nest. Closing the gap (15 out of 18). We return to the chest, the last seal is on one of the pillars on the side. In the chest we take the symbol of concentration.

We sail to the last tower. We land on the shore to the right of the tower. There will be a large enemy here. From it we get a weak runic attack - Nemean rout. Opposite the portal we select a treasure map - Island of Light. We go upstairs, Sindri will be here. Now even higher. Here behind the large gate is the council of the Valkyries. All helmets received after their victory will need to be brought here. We go back and climb the last tower. We select the figurehead (8 out of 9). We light the brazier (8 out of 8) and get an enchantment that reduces damage from Valkyrie attacks.

We examine the map and swim to the right. In front of the large gate there will be an island - Storm Storage. We go through the gate and find an overgrown chest with a weak runic attack - Fury of the Titans. Now we need to release the mechanism that controls the huge wheel. We rotate the wheel so that we can swim to the beach from behind. Now we close the gate and swim to the front beach. On the left, a green raven flies around the rock (35 of 51). To open the rune door, throw the ax at the bells. In the chest we take a strong runic attack - Blade Storm.

Now we land on the beach to the left of the large gate. We start the wheels and open the chests by shooting at the red crystals. At the very top we receive a task from the spirit - Fall of the Hammer. Near the two chests there will be the last item from the All Aboard artifact series. And opposite the portal is a treasure map - the Captain's Key. Here we go down and start the second wheel. Having collected all the chests, we open the large gate, the wheel is near the spirit.

We sail to Veiturgard. We pass a piece of sushi and find Brock. Opposite him we read the legend. We go further and to the left of the gate we find a chest hidden behind the door. There's another one nearby behind some wood. We deal with the wolves and read the legend and the writing on the wall. We go out to the water and shoot down the boat.

There will be a statue of Thor on the left, and a third dragon on the right. For now, let's go to the dragon. There will be a chest on the left, and an obelisk with a legend on the right. There will be an iron door next to the boat. And on the side there is a mechanism for opening it. We pull the chain and freeze the mechanism. We go up and close the gap (16 out of 18). We go forward and on the descent we take the horns (1 of 6) from the “Horns of Veithurgard” set.

We climb the stairs to the dragon, dodging his attacks. From the dragon we go to the left, there will be a chest here. The first seal is behind the chest. If you go from the chest towards the shore, you can find the first dragon sanctuary. Directly behind it is the second seal from the chest. We run to the dragon and go right in front of it. There is a second sanctuary here. Directly below the dragon there will be wooden windows. In one of them sits a green raven (36 out of 51). Now we go to the left of the dragon, behind the boxes there will be a corpse of a knight, near which we take the horn (2 of 6). Next we go towards the statues. On the broken bridge we take the horn (3 of 6). You can get across the bridge by going around on the left. We go to the large stone where the enemies pray. Here you can reset the chain to the exit. We go into the cave, there will be a chest behind the pieces of wood. Next, open the gate leading to the chest. To the right of this gate (inside) will be the third seal from the chest. We get to the other side of the bridge and explode the bottle. To the left of the gate there will be a legend, a treasure (Hunter's Kingdom) and a green raven (37 of 51). On the left side of the mechanisms we place runes similar to those on the door. On the right behind the boxes there will be an inverted bottom rune. The top rune lies opposite the door, in front of the bridge.

There will be a shrine inside (10 of 11). There will be a horn on the left (4 of 6). We go around and in the rubble we find a lever that gives access to the chest behind the bars. Let's go to the next room. We go out of it through the cave. There will be a third dragon shrine here. We go to the previous hall and pull the lever. We go down into the drained pool and take the horn (5 out of 6). We read the legend and deal with the enemies in front of the large door. In the next room, pull the lever and fight a large enemy. As a reward we receive the Horn of Heimdall - a rare talisman. We open the passage and go out to the chest. We take a weak runic attack - Trace of Leviathan. We go down the chain and free the last dragon. We go to the pier and find the last horn (6 of 6) on the bridge, jumping over the gap.

We swim to the statue of Thor. In front of the statue we take the handle - the reward. To break the statue, throw the ax at the part of the statue where there are chains. We shoot down the green raven above the statue (38 out of 51). In the cave under the statue we take the chest. We swim to the spirit and hand in the task


To get the achievement you need to go through five locations, two tests in each. Then fight the Valkyrie. After this, complete any three of the five previous ones, only this time not two, but one arena test each. Then go upstairs where the Valkyrie was and fight the final monsters.


We leave the main building and run to Sindri. He will explain what can be done here. First you need to collect some Echo of Mists to open the passage to the treasury. Then you need to collect a lot of Echoes of Mists to open all the chests and close three gaps. Locations are always randomly generated, but they always represent a circle with a branch to the Valkyrie. To avoid getting lost, we run in circles and return to the beginning. New armor will help you in your passage, increasing the time you spend in the poisonous fog. If you are not going to pump them up to the end, then you can safely sell all the resources that fall out here. This will save a lot of time. By opening all the chests in the treasury and closing the gaps, we will receive a trophy.


After completing the game, everything will be marked on the map. Two more are located in Muspelheim and Niflheim. We display all their helmets in a special location and fight the last Valkyrie Sigrun - the strongest.

Platinum Trophy

To get platinum, you just have to collect all the artifacts, the Sanctuaries of Jotnur, find all the treasures and destroy all the Eyes of Odin. This is the longest. You also need to craft sets of armor for the Traveler (from knights) and the Ancients (from golems). Upgrade all weapons. Fully explore the banks of the Nine and Veithurgard.

After the scene completes, kill all the enemies and move forward. As soon as you are given control of the hero again, finish off all the enemies and go to the fallen tree. Pick it up using the buttons shown on the screen and continue forward until you come across a surprise.

Water Steed

During this fight, the horse will sometimes spit water into one of three zones: left, middle or right. You can easily spot the enemy changing direction and identify the area he is targeting. As soon as he leans back, quickly move out of the line of fire. Sometimes he will do a claw strike. Before doing this, he will lean back and raise his paw. If you see this, quickly move away from the affected area.

Once you deal enough damage, the battle zone will change. Climb up to the enemy and start attacking him with your swords. Use "X" to avoid his attacks (you will see him raise his paw with which he intends to strike). After several successful attacks, the battlefield will change again. Climb to the very top and attack him with your deadly swords. When he gets ready to strike with his claws, use "X" to move to the side. This time he will continue to do water breathing attacks. Watch the direction of his head as he leans back and quickly move to a safe area.

Once you've dealt enough damage to it, you'll be back on solid ground. Keep watching for his water attacks as you continue to hit him. He will also use his claws a lot, so be careful. Watch his attacks and when he starts to swing, press "R2" to use magic. This will not only make you invulnerable for a while, but also cause serious damage to the enemy. Once you've dealt enough damage, press the buttons that appear on the screen to finish off the boss.

Mount Olympus

Cross to the other side of the wall and climb up onto the ledge. Before continuing the path, take the red chest. Follow the wall to the other side of the ledge and kill the enemies there. Jump to the ledge above and climb the ladder onto the wall.

Kill the enemies above and double jump to the ledge in the distance. Before using the hook on the left, examine the pedestal for information. Once you get to the other side, kill all the enemies and use the double jump to jump onto the wall on the left. Jump to the ledge on the left and move along it. At the very end, press "X" to pull yourself up. Then jump and grab the vine from above.

Once you get to the top, go forward until the bridge collapses. Drop down to find a red chest, then climb back up using the platform in the lower left corner of the screen. Use Icarus Wings to cross the gap, then go under the arch and open the door.

The centaur will follow right behind you. Get rid of him quickly using a combo (square, square, triangle) to immobilize him, which works on almost all enemies. Once all enemies are killed, find and examine the pedestal in the center of the room. After that, use the lever on the left side of the room. Quickly run to the right and climb up the stairs to reach the newly moved platform. Have time to climb onto it before it returns to its original position. Jump over the gap and find a red chest. The first save point is also located there. Go left and open the gate.

Water Steed

Press the buttons that appear to get to the Gaia field. Get closer to the stallion to start the attack. This time he will use two types of claw attacks. If you're close enough, he'll throw three punches on either side - just roll back to avoid them. He will also do a triple combo of attacks that cover almost the entire battlefield. The first two hits in his combo are fairly easy to dodge, but the third one is a little more difficult. You can move to the right and hope that he simply won’t hit you, or you can use a magical attack and become invulnerable for a while. Sometimes he will move back a little and make long strikes with all his claws. As soon as you see him preparing to perform this attack, run to the very bottom of the screen and wait until he finishes his rampage.

After dealing enough damage to him, press the buttons that appear on the screen, and our hero will tear off the tip of one of his claws. After this, the battle will continue and water breathing will be added to the enemy’s attacks. Continue the battle and, as soon as you have done enough damage, press the buttons that appear on the screen. After this, he will open the torso. Run back and to the left to pick up the previously torn off piece of the claw. Throw it at the boss.

Climb up the wall and jump into Gaia. Go forward and make your way through the tight passage. Walk into the back of the area and climb up the vine. Follow the path and jump over the gap at the other end.

Heart of Gaia

Climb the wall on the right to find Zeus" Eagle. Jump down and grab the wall on the right using "R1" (look for the shining dot). Move the block to the left and rotate it 180 degrees using the right stick. Then move it into the hole on the left part of the room.Now climb up the vine on the left and keep going up.

Kill all the enemies from above and continue along the path. At the end of the road, grab the vine and jump over the gorge to the other side. Use the R1 button to jump up to the next vine path and kill all the enemies before continuing up. When you can't keep going up, jump up and use "R1" again. Get to the very top to start the fight.

Poseidon (Poseidon)

Your goal is to attack the claws holding Gaia on the left and right sides. When Poseidon moves to the left or right side of the screen, he prepares to strike with his claw on the opposite side of the area. You will also see small blue flashes on the ground. They inform you of an impending electrical attack. Move away from the flashes on the ground to avoid taking damage. Once both claws are gone, Gaia will grab Poseidon and tell you to take her hand. Use "R1" to fulfill her request and get a little closer to God.

Once you gain control of the hero again, ignore the vine on the right and run to attack Poseidon. Sometimes he will punch, block it. When he swings his trident, move back, away from Poseidon, to avoid the blow. Do not approach the trident while it is stuck in Gaia, as electrical impulses emanate from it.

As soon as Poseidon loses his breath and the corresponding prompt appears on the screen, run to the right and climb the vine. Press the buttons that appear and you will open his weak point.

This stage of the battle will be similar to the very first, except that the electric attacks will take place in three waves, and not in one, as before. Click the buttons that appear and watch the scene. After this, press the buttons that appear on the screen again and watch another scene.

When you gain control of the hero, go left to the save point. Next, follow the hand of Gaia.

River Styx

Move down the river, slowly losing your Divine powers.

Realm of Hades

Follow the path until a small scene begins. Once you gain control, turn left and examine the pedestal. Go forward and use "R1" to cross the gorge. Make a small jump and fall onto the ledge below to find two red chests. Follow the ledge to the right and you will find the first Gorgon's Eye. Go to the middle and climb up the vine.

Cross the bridge on the right to find the Hyperion Gate. Go back and cross the other bridge to reach a save point. To the left of it, find a point you can grab onto and use it to get to the other side. Kill the enemies and open the four red chests. Go back and follow the path to the right.

When you get to the battle, you can use your new ability as much as you want (temporarily you will have an unlimited supply of magic). If you want, you can examine the blackberries on the doors. After that, jump and grab the rope at the top right of the screen. To kill the enemies you encounter, three heavy blows will be enough. Once you're on the other side, jump down and examine the shiny dot near the end of the rope. Go forward and jump down.

Find two red chests in the distance and head back to examine the shining dot. Once inside, follow the prompts to free yourself. Then quickly run to the center and use Phalanx to get rid of the smaller enemies. If you follow the clues to kill the gorgon, you will receive its head and some new information.

Once you've taken care of all the enemies, open the door on the left and follow the path. When you reach a small gorge, jump down and go back. There you will find two red chests. Continue on your way. After you jump over the river, there will be a small scene.

Use the broken pillar nearby to reach a higher place. Jump onto the platform and watch what happens. Go back and wait for the platform to rise again. Now jump on it, quickly run to the right and jump onto the ledge on the right. Go into the small room and grab the blackberry in the corner. Move it to a small open area and push it down.

Jump after her and move to the other side of the zone. Place it near Cerberus' cage to set it on fire. Return to the lowering platform and stand on it until it goes all the way down. Quickly run towards the burning blackberry and use Icarus Wings above the smoke to fly up to the small area that opened up after lowering the platform. Pull the lever to free Cerberus.

Attack the monster until prompts appear on the screen. Follow the clues and find yourself riding the monster. Ride him towards the man's body. Use the fire to scorch the blackberries. Examine the body and find the Bow of Apollo. You can use his charged attacks to set blackberries on fire. Go to the right side of the area and target the blackberry above. Shoot it with a charged charge and a new path will open. Move the smoking blackberry you used earlier to the left and use Icarus Wings to reach the new passage. There you will find a red chest and a Phoenix Feather.

Head back across the river and destroy the brambles to find a save point. Follow the path and watch the right side. Destroy the brambles between the chests to reveal a Minotaur Horn. Jump to the ledge on the left and follow the path. The L1+circle attack is very good for destroying Harpies. Once they are all killed, go right.

Use Icarus Wings to glide to the next platform, grab the wall and make your way to the right. At the end, climb up the wall, then jump to the ledge on the left. Then move up and to the left. Jump over the waterfall and pick up Gorgon's Eye at the end of the path. Go back to the right and follow the ledge to the very end.

Double jump to reach the vine and reach the other side. Jump down, double jump to reach the vine on the pillar and climb up.

Judges of the Underworld

Use the handhold points to reach the main platform. Find a save point near the pool of water. Go to the bottom left side of the screen to find a flickering dot. Study it to get additional information. Go to the pedestal shown and examine it. Study the book after each challenge to begin the next one.

Challenge 1 - Kill all enemies, will take a little time.

Challenge 2 - Kill the souls before they reach the sparkling gate.

Challenge 3 - Destroy everything.

After this, the gate will open. Before moving on, explore the area to the left and jump over the gap to the ledge. Go left to get two red chests and a Gorgon Eye. Go back and examine the sparkling dot (the one you examined earlier) for a scene to begin. Save if you want and go through the gate into the portal.

Examine the pedestal to the right of the portal. Go a little further to the right and glide through the gorge. Continue along the path and use charged shots to blow up the barrels as the minotaur comes towards you. As soon as you exit the tunnel, turn right and enter the portal. Check the piece of paper on the ground, open the chest for a Minotaur Horn and pull the lever. Return through the portal. Go forward and glide across the gorge to the red chest. Jump left across the gap and follow the path until a short cutscene begins.

Grab the rope and climb to the other side. Slide down the vine to the right and continue following the path. Examine the leaf near the water and continue on your way. Squeeze through the opening to the right and follow the path on the other side. The blue glowing enemies will explode after you kill them, so be careful. Before crossing the narrow bridge, take the red chest on the left.

Follow the path and kill the enemies on the next bridge. When the path is open, look a little to the right at the ground. There you will see a note. Shoot the blackberries to make them burn. Use your wings above her to fly higher. On the next platform, kill two enemies. Pull the lever and run left very quickly and jump onto the wooden platform using the double jump.

Grab the blackberry and drag it to the wooden platform you arrived on (or rather to the place where it was). Jump down to the right and ride the platform up again. When you are at the top, pull the blackberry onto the platform and ride down with it. Kill the enemies and drag the blackberry to the place where you took off on the updraft. Push the blackberries down to increase the power of the updraft.

Jump down and float upward until you grab the platform. Stay on it until it slides down. When the platform stops, climb onto it and open the door on the wall. You will find a red chest, Phoenix Feather and get the achievement. Get out and use your wings to rise to the very top. There you go through the door.

Follow the path and turn right at the fork to find a red chest. Return to the fork and go left, there you will find a pedestal. Follow the path and kill all the enemies. Jump and glide onto the ledge below. Jump down from the ledge.

The Forge

Go up the steps and watch the scene. Once you gain control, go right to the save point. Pull the switch nearby to open the gate. Go back and go through the newly opened gate. Follow the path and use the lever to move the doorway. When the path to the right opens, stop spinning and go there. Kill the hellhounds and grab the two red chests - the left one can be easily missed. Go back and turn the doorway so that it is in front and you can see the blackberry in the distance. Destroy the blackberries and follow the path.

After the scene, kill all the enemies. Jump down and get over to the other side. Follow the path to the right and destroy the blackberries on the door. Open the door after you deal with Cerberus. Kill all enemies. After the fight, find the note on the left and go through the door.

Palace of Hades

To the left is a save point. A little further to the left, just behind it, you will find a red chest and a flickering dot. Head to the right side of the room to find a small passage with a moveable object at the end. Grab it and drag it back all the way to the wheel on the left side of the central room. Use the wheel and place an object so that the gate cannot close. Climb up to the second level and grab the two white chests before continuing through the newly opened gate.

Kill all the enemies in this area, then go up the platform to the right. Follow the path to the next room. Go right and back to find a white and red chest. Go back and take the left path. At the end of the room you will find a ladder. Climb it and look to the right. There you will find Phoenix Feather. Go back and grab the two red chests before jumping down. Go back to the fork and turn the lever.

Press "R1" after reading the information on the pedestal to lower two ladders. Deal with the enemies that appear. Climb the ladder that appears on the left side of the area and, once at the top, go right to find a lever. Pull it. Go right and open the gate there.

Go out and grab the rocks you used earlier to stop the wheel. Move them to the lift you just went down on. Use the lever to go back up. Slide the stones to the wheel, then jump down into the hole with the ladder. Return to the lever and turn it to reveal the statue's arms. Quickly go back up the left stairs and use the wheel. Place rocks under the wheel to secure it. Go back down and turn the lever again to open the arms. This time, run to the right stairs and use the wheel to lock the statue's arms. Return to the pedestal and press "R1".

After the conversation, be ready to press the right buttons. The hit-and-run tactic is best suited for this boss. After he climbs up, Hades will jump off and create a shockwave. Just jump over it. He will also make wide strokes with swords in a horizontal plane. You also just need to jump over them. When prompts appear on the screen, press the necessary buttons.

When the flesh is torn from Hades, quickly attack it to prevent it from returning back to the boss. After his flesh is killed, Hades uses a special attack. Damage will only occur in darkened areas, but there will always be a small spot of light. Stay on it and the enemy's attack will not hit you. Continue attacking him and, after repeated requests to press certain buttons, kill his moving flesh. This time he will have another attack. He will stack his swords and start shooting them out of the ground. Just run around the arena and the attack will not hit you. He will also summon ghostly Cerberus that disappear after one attack on you. After the next clicks of the buttons that appear on the screen, you will receive Claws of Hades.

Kill the enemies that appear. When the big enemy appears, defeat him too. After this, a save point will appear behind the river. Jump into the river and use the "square" to dive. Below you will find Hade's Helm. Go with the flow. Swim to the surface and fight the enemies. Then jump into the water on the other side of the platform. Head through the tunnel to the other side and float to the surface. Pull the lever and return to the water again. Swim through gate, at the end of the tunnel a scene awaits you.

The Forge

Follow the path to the right and kill the enemies when you reach the circular room. Turn the door so that it opens into the distance and go through it. As you follow the path, you will notice an active Hyperion Gate. Go through this gate.

The City of Olimpia

Note: When you fight at the large golden gate, you can use Claws of Hades and L1+Circle. This way you will get a lot of souls and increase the level of your combo. If you can do this long enough without killing the enemy that summons the dogs, you can get the "Hit Man" trophy. This may require a bit of training and a fairly high difficulty level so that enemies don't die as quickly (Titan or higher will do).

Follow the path and watch the scene. Head right and fight your way through the vine that binds her forearm and arm. Continue further and study your thumb to throw your hand over the edge. Examine the door and kill all the enemies that appear. After that, go through the door.

Do as the game asks and use the harpy to travel to the next area. After the turn, when you see more harpies, jump down and grab the red chest on the left. Climb back up and use the harpies to get to the other side. Once you're there, wait for the harpies to appear again. Use the harpies to reach the ledge on the right and take the red chest, Gorgon Eye and Minotaur Horn. Jump back and follow the path to the save point.

Continue walking until a small scene occurs. Jump over the crevice and take out all the enemies. Head left and a centaur will appear. Go left along the platform and use the ballista. After dealing with the Chimera, use the ballista and time it so that the projectile hits Helios as he flies by in his chariot.

Go back down the platform and cross the large gap using the harpies. After killing all the enemies, open the gate on the right and look to the left to find a red chest. Kill the enemies as you go, and at the fork, turn left to pick up another red chest. Cross the bridge ahead and climb onto the ladder. Follow the wall until you reach Helios.

Once the phalanx is formed, wait for the ogre to appear. Attack him and use the button provided to saddle him. Use his powerful attacks to break up the phalanx. Once all enemies are defeated, head towards Helios. The buttons you need to press will appear and a scene will begin. Using the right stick, you can control Kratos' right hand. Your task is to block the light source in order to move forward. Hit him on the head a couple of times and the next scene will begin. Follow the commands on the screen to obtain Head of Helios. Use your new "buddy" to search the area to the right for a Helios Shield, then turn around and explore the corner to find a chest containing a Minotaur Horn. Go back and use the head on the wall in the distance. Once enough of the wall is open, it will turn into a door and you can walk through. Head down the dark path.

The Path of Eos

Follow the wall on the left and you will find a Gorgon Eye. Follow the path to the save point and pedestal, then continue on your way. Walk through the darkness until a blue field appears. Kill all the harpies, then go left and use Helios' head to find another path. Keep going forward.

At the end of the corridor, do not climb on the rope. Jump off the cliff to find a red chest and a Phoenix Feather. Go back up and grab the rope. Head to the other side and jump off the rope. Then climb onto the cliff from above. Follow the path. When you reach the spacious area, a scene will begin.

Use the harpy to fly across the gorge. Cross the bridge and double jump across the gap on the right to find two red chests. Go back and continue to the ravine ahead, but don't jump over it. Jump down to find a red chest. Climb the vine nearby and fight a couple of Ghosts. If you have trouble with them, you can jump to the previous platform and kill them with charged shots from the Bow of Apollo. Continue on your way. When you reach two chests, use the Head of Helios to remove the wall on the right to reveal a Gorgon Eye.

Go left and kill the enemies on the bridge. At the end of the bridge, turn left and pick up the Phoenix Feather (you won't see the chest, but the screen will prompt you to press the "R1" button). Walk up the platform and go back and left of the chain. Use Helios' head to find the red chest. Go all the way to the right and you will find another red chest. Use the save point then jump up and use your wings while above the updraft.

The Chain of Balance

Dodge flying objects while flying. Just move up the platforms. When you reach the platform just beyond the falling rock wall, use Helios' Head to find a chest containing a Phoenix Feather. Continue on and follow the commands on the screen to get out of this location.

The Caverns

Head to the lower right corner and use the Head of Helios to find a chest containing a Minotaur Horn. Destroy the blackberries with a bow shot. After the scene, use the new handhold location to reach the raised platform. Once you are on top of the new box, you can destroy the blackberries again. Kill the enemies while the box is moving. When the Minotaur appears, you must prevent them from hitting the chain.

Jump to the next box to meet Hermes. Use the nearby hook point to reach the chain. Climb up to the very end.

The Flame of Olympus

Find the save point on the right. Examine the flames in the center of the area. Use Helios's head on each of the pedestals to reveal some drawing and information. Head to the chain that is opposite the one you came along and examine the wall using the head of Helios. So you will find secret room with three red chests and a Gorgon Eye. Head to the save point and follow Hermes.

Go up the stairs after Hermes jumps. There you will find two red chests and a pedestal. After studying it, go back and soar on the wings to Hermes. Grab onto the wall and climb down.

The Olympian Citadel

There are many places in this zone where you can die instantly. Just keep going. Once you land, exit through the doorway at the top left of the area and soar through the next gap. Jump onto the cliff from above and find yourself in the place where you were earlier. Attack Hermes with light combo attacks until a cut scene begins. Follow the commands on the screen and get Boots of Hermes. Go to the far end of the room and explore the area behind the statue's head. There you will find Hermes Coin.

Head up the wooden structure to the save point. Cross the walls to reach the red and white chests. When you're outside, look for the red chest at the bottom of the screen. Cross the bridge and grab another chest. Run up the wooden structure, then through the wall. Use the Helios Head in the lower corner to find a Phoenix Feather. Climb up the wall near the statue in the next room.

Go outside and climb onto the wall. Jump and glide towards the chest at the top right of the screen. Follow the path and kill all the enemies. Once everyone is killed, head left to find a red chest and a Minotaur Horn. Go back and go through the door that the game shows you.

The Flames of Olympus

Find the save point on the left. Head right and find two red chests. Continue right and enter the corridor. Kill everyone and continue on. Grab the red chest before going up the stairs. Open the gate ahead.

Go left to find a red chest. Use the air stream a little further to the left to find another red chest and a Phoenix Feather on either side of the stream. After you take everything, head to the right side of the room. Use the updraft there too to reach the red chest. Jump to the other side of the stream, and then to the next platform. Use the levers to turn the blocks from below. It is necessary to ensure that the sword is folded correctly, its handle is directed to the left, and the tip of the blade is directed to the right. Once you're done with this little puzzle, jump down.

Examine the pedestal for information, then get ready to press the buttons that appear on the screen. If you do everything correctly, a scene will begin. Pull the lever. Save if you want and go up the new steps.

Grab the lever and pull it all the way. Go through the open door and continue on your way, killing enemies along the way. Go down the steps and use the Helios Head on the base to find a chest containing a Gorgon Eye. Save before continuing down the corridor.

The Forum

Kill the enemies that appear until Hercules appears.

Hercules (Hercules)

Once Hercules appears, continue killing weak enemies, but be wary of where he stands. When he attacks you, quickly press circle to regain control of Kratos. Then push him onto one of the spiky statues. Do this twice. Then just use hit-and-run tactics until he blinds you. Run up and follow the commands that appear on the screen.

Once you're in the water, dive in to find the Hercules Shoulder Guard. Get out of the water and follow the path. Kill all the enemies, then use Cestus to break the onyx. Pull the lever. Use Cestus again, but this time to break up the phalanx. After that, make your way back to the water and exit through the underwater tunnel. Once you're out of the water, head down the screen to find a red chest and a Minotaur Horn.

Poseidon's Chamber

Kill all the enemies and use the wheel on the top left side of the screen. Go through the gate on the right and you will find a save point. Turn right and talk to Poseidon's Lady. Follow the path into a room filled with portals. You cannot jump into the water here. Fly into the portal on the right and, as soon as you come out on the other side, head left and jump towards the cliff. Pull the lever.

Jump down and open the two red chests. Don't kill dogs. Grab them using the circle and throw them into the portal on the right to lower the platform in front of you. Once the four dogs are thrown onto the platform, go through it yourself and head into the portal in the distance.

When you regain control, look into the distance and find a letter and a red chest there. Head to the right side of the portal to find Poseidon's Conch Shell and Gorgon Eye. Head back through the portal. Now kill the dogs. When the lady falls, fish and pick her up. Kill the newly appeared dogs and press the button that appears on the screen.

Return through the portal and kill new enemies. On harder difficulty levels they can cause you a lot of problems. Most easy way to take them out - head back through the portal and jump onto the ledge on the left, on which the lever is located. From there they can be easily shot with a bow. In any case, once you've dealt with them, head through the door and take out the soldiers with shields. Use the button on the clue next to the lady three times, then open the gate on the left path. Kill all the enemies there and use the wheel. Walk past the save point into the newly opened door and a scene will begin.

Explore the area right in front of the statue and you will find a note. Look on the left side of the room, using Helios's head to find a chest containing a Phoenix Feather. Follow the path to the left and go outside. Check the dead bodies and head to the lever at the back.

The Upper Gardens

Pull the lever while the platform is moving, then jump to the next one. Do the same on it and jump to the next platform. Turn the lever twice and jump over to a new area. Open the door, there you will find a save point.

Aphrodite's Chamber

Go up the steps and turn right to find a Minotaur Horn in a secluded corner. Go left to find two red chests. Go up to the bed in the center of the room. Select “yes” and a mini-game will begin in which you have to press buttons that appear on the screen. After this, Aphrodite will open back to Haphaestus. Head to either side of the bed and jump into the small gap to find a secret cliff. There you will find Aphrodite's Garter. Go back upstairs and go through the portal.

Drop down and save your game before going through the newly opened passage to the left of Haphaestus. Move along the left wall to find a Gorgon Eye, then continue up.


Examine the pedestal directly in front of you, then take the path to the right. Pick up the Phoenix Feater on the right side of the path before continuing on. Kill the enemies that appear and pick up the red chest on the left. Use the stones to climb onto the cliff above - there you will find a white chest. Go up the steps.

Gates of Tisiphone

Kill the chimera that appears. On the right side of the room, find a white chest. Go to the left corner and pull the chain until it stops. Walk a little and push the nearest box. Jump onto the second cliff and hover left to find a red chest. Jump down and head towards the right chain. Pull it down and push the nearest box towards the wall. Now go back left and jump to the second ledge to see a harpy. Use it to get to the right blocks. Climb up a couple of blocks, then to the flickering point on the left. Push the block in.

Use double jump to reach the cliff on the left. There you will find another red chest, then go back and use the harpy to cross to the other side and get to the platform on the right. Push this block, then jump to the right to find a ledge with a crane chest and a Gorgon Eye. Jump back and head to the top of the wall of blocks. Use an object. To the left of the save point ahead you will find a Phoenix Feather.

The Pit of Tartarus

Go forward and deal with the enemies that appear. Before taking the path to the left, examine the pedestal. Follow the path and use your wings to cross the gorge. As soon as you land, turn right and you will find a Minotaur Horn. Follow the path and use the "R1" button on the flickering dot, a scene will begin.


Use circle to escape his grip and charge Head of Helios. When Kronos tilts his head towards you, release the flash and blind him. Follow the on-screen prompts to climb onto his arm. Enemies will appear - kill them. Then the camera moves away. Crawl up through the open space.

Attack and smash the giant "pimple" above you. You'll find yourself back on the ground, and you'll have to deal with another bunch of enemies. When Kronos grabs the edge, hit his fingers. When you destroy his nail, the game will ask you to press certain buttons.

When Kronos raises his hand, you will be able to see a shadow on the ground. Don't stand on the shadow, or risk being smashed to the ground by the giant's blow. While his hand is still on the ground, jump onto his finger and grapple. Kill the enemies above and charge Head of Helios to blind him again. Follow the prompts on the screen.

Climb the wall and use the handhold point to reach the ledge. Kill all the enemies there, then open the door. Use Cestus to break the blue crystal. Before you can do anything else, you will be grabbed by Kronos. Kill all the enemies and wait until he tries to crush you. Follow the prompts to free yourself. Go forward and kill the enemies that appear. Follow the prompts that appear.

You will have to quickly run along the path, or you will die when Kronos grabs you. Once you get to the top, kill the enemies and a disgusting monster will appear in front of you. Whenever possible, follow the prompts to ride the giant and use its attacks. This way you can tear the flesh from which it came out.

Follow the prompts again. As soon as you are eaten, you need to quickly go down the wall. Follow the clues again to get out and get the Omphalos Stone.

Go to the place where you tried to destroy the crystal. Finish what you start and follow the on-screen prompts. Break off a piece of the crystal and go to Kronos's forehead. After some chatting, press the buttons that appear on the screen.

When you land, break the crystal ahead and a scene will begin. Go up and pick up new weapons, then follow the prompts. Attack the sparkling object until the camera changes angle. Kill the enemies that appear, then head left towards Tartarus and find the Hephaestus Ring. Head right and save your game, then wall run and go through the Hyperion Gate to return to Aphrodite.

When you're ready, go down the steps and out the door. Kill the enemies.

The Upper Gardens

Jump over the gap and hit the pillar until it turns around. Jump over and do the same to gain further access. Jump over the gap and enter the door. Follow the passage. A small scene will occur. Once you gain control, examine the flickering dot on the table for some information.

Go left and examine the open book on the wall. Head back into the room and you will find two more books. Check the back right corner to find another book. Pull the lever on the right side of the room to raise the platform that holds the ballista. Use it to break through the gate. From the raised platform, jump into the portal on the right wall and take the red chest in the place where you appear.

Go back and turn the ballista so that it shoots to the left. Shoot it and climb the rope to find the Gorgon Eye. Jump down and use the ballista to reel in the rope. Turn the ballista to its original position, then climb the wall on the right in order to get into the orange portal. Pull the lever, quickly go back and fire the ballista. This will release two chests containing a Daedalus Schematics and a Phoenix Feather.

Fire the ballista again and go through the blue portal on the right wall. Jump off the edge and float towards the rope. Crawl down relative to the screen and you will find four red chests. Jump down and pull the lever at the bottom right of the area to lower the ballista. Turn it so it shoots to the left and shoot. Jump into the blue portal on the right side of the room, then jump off the cliff and float to grab the rope. Climb to the other side to grab the red chest and Minotaur Horn. Jump down, go forward and climb down the rope.

Drop down and look at the bottom of the screen for another chest and a Minotaur Horn. Walk up the platform and out. There will be a small scene. Follow the path and you will find Hera. After the scene, go left. There will be a save point there. Continue left and you will find Hera's Chalise. Return to the bridge and enter the maze. Look straight ahead and you will see a red chest. Take the left path and use Helios' head to find a chest with a Phoenix Feather. Follow the path to the right and you will find two more red chest. Go back to the save point and follow the path. Kill the enemies that appear and go around the corner. There will be a red chest right in front of you, then go back a little and follow the path to the right. Follow the path to a small tunnel and take care of the two enemies before than to get out of it.

Turn left as soon as you can make the U-turn to find a red chest. Now go back to where you were just now and go left from the green chest. There you will find two red chests. Use Helios's head and you will find another chest with red orbs. Return to the green chest. Follow the path to the right of it.

Head straight to the gate on the other side of the area. Use "R1" to lower them. Go back and stand on the flickering button until a message appears. As soon as control returns to you, go and jump over the gate that just opened. Go left and up the steps. Go right and open the gate. Go down the stairs and find a red chest at the bottom of the screen. Move on.

When you reach the gorge, jump and hover to the left - you will find a chest with a Minotaur Horn. Get out and jump to the cliff ahead. Grab the pillars and move it to the left. Turn it so that the steps go to the left and move under the waterfall on the right. Go through the newly opened gate and there will be a scene.

Go back to the goblet you filled with water and shoot the blackberry to the left of it. Move the column to where the blackberries were. Now step on the button so everything turns green. The water will flow and fill the cup, and a new path will open. Pull the column down the platform. Turn it so that the steps go to the right and move it all the way to the lower right part of the area. Everything will turn green again. Take Hera and place her in the goblet nearby.

Drag the column again and place it on the button that turns everything green. Go further and you will see a scene. Go further and use the harpies to overcome the gorge. Turn the handle on the other side and find a red chest below the save point.

Kill the scorpions as you move further. Turn left when the area gets a little more spacious and you will find a chest with red orbs. Continue along the path and use the giant wheel. Continue along the path until you find a green chest on the right. Examine the ground on the left and you will find a note. Jump over the gorge.

The Caverns

After the battle, go down to the left to find two chests containing a Minotaur Horn and red orbs. Go right and jump onto the left cliff. Explore the left side of the area and find a note, then use the save point on the right. Use Helios's head on the wall to open the passage.

Follow the path. Turn left immediately after the view changes and you will find a red chest. Find a note on the floor there. Go right and you will find another red chest. Jump to the right and hover to reach a chest with red orbs. Go left all the way and pull the lever to raise the water level. As soon as the water stops rising, jump onto the platform and take the red chest.

Walk back and to the right to find a wall you can climb onto. Go up and follow the path. Pull the lever at the end of the path to go up. Follow the route to the end. There you will find a magic chest and a note on the ground. Go right and jump onto the net on the wall. Climb up and kill all the enemies. Head right and jump over the gorge. Continue to the right and you will find two red chests and a chest with red orbs. Go back and run onto the wall with footprints. Open the door to enter the caves.

Continue forward and kill the scorpions. Jump over the gorge and open the next door. Head inside and stay right to find a red chest. Go left and examine the pedestal. Continue left and jump to the next platform. Hover towards the giant box nearby.

After getting rid of the kids, you are attacked by a giant scorpion. Follow the onscreen prompts to free yourself and use Cestus to break the onyx on his body. Use Hermes Boots to close the distance enough so that you can hit the onyx. Once you crush enough legs, the giant will fall and a bunch of little ones will appear. Take the opportunity to punch the giant in the face. After a while a hint will appear - follow the instructions. The giant will run away and call a bunch more kids. Then he will return and attack from the ledge, then go up. Use this time to break his legs. Do this before he goes off the screen.

Once you finish all of his legs, the giant will fall again. Beat him until a prompt appears. After following the commands that appear and watching the cutscene, use Cestus to break the crystallized body. Go to the top right side of the screen and smash the tail to find a Boreas Icestorm. Go to the red thing in the center and press "R1" to use Boreas Icestorm. Use the updraft to go up.

Go forward and use "R1" on the red thing. After the scene, jump across the gap below and use Helios's head to find a chest containing red orbs. Go back and follow to the end of the path. Use the handhold points to get to the other side. Press "R1" while on the red thing at the top left of the area to raise the box.

After defeating all the enemies, use the handhold points to get to the next platform. Jump to the left ledge and use the save point before going inside. Go to the back left side of the room and press "R1" on the red thing to lower the gate. Use Hermes Boots to climb onto the wall.

Follow the path and grab the note on the right side. Go to the end and there will be a small scene. Go right once you gain control of Kratos. There you will find two red chests and a chest with red orbs. Go back and jump onto the rope. Get onto the platform. Use the handhold points to cross the next gap and use the red thing on top. After the scene, go through the open door.

The Labyrinth

Immediately turn left and use Helios' head to find a red chest. On the right you will find a save point. Next, go to the back left of the room and use the red thing on the ground. Once you are at the bottom, defeat all enemies. The gate will open. Go to the next room. Use the head of Helios on the left wall to find a chest with red orbs. Go right and use the red thing.

Go to the lower right side of the room to find a red chest and a chest with red orbs. Be careful - the fire will kill you in one hit. When the fire disappears on the left side, grab the grate and climb up. At the top, pull the lever. Jump down and go through the opened door.

Go right, you will find a red chest. Then jump down and move the object down relative to the screen before using the red thing on the floor. Then move the object into the distance and press the red thing. Move the object onto the round button and the gate will open. Run up the wall and exit the room.

Jump forward. Use the big red thing in front. Avoid the spikes as they will kill you in one hit. After the fourth set of spikes pops out, quickly grab the harpy, as further spikes will pop out throughout the area. Wait on the harpy until the room turns, then quickly run through the opened door. There you will find a save point.

Jump across the gap and use Cestus to break the onyx blocking the gate. Watch the scene. Use the Head of Helios after raising the next gate to find a chest containing red orbs. Move on with Pandora. After you kill all the enemies, grab the lever on the wall and pull it back so that Pandora will use the button and you can move on. Use the red thing. Quickly get to the other side before Pandora is cut into pieces.

Use the Helios head at the very left end to find its one red chest. Pick up Pandora and use it to open the gate to the stairs in the distance. Climb the ladder and run into the next room. Use the Head of Helios on the far right side of the room to find a chest containing red orbs. Go left and pull out the wall to climb it. Keep moving up and to the right and use the red thing.

Quickly crawl towards you and around the edge of the platform. Continue moving up and to the right. Pull the lever on top of Pandora's Box to open the red thing. Use it. Jump down and break the glass to get Pandora. Follow her and use the save point. Watch the scene.

After the battle, read the note on the ground in the middle. Use the Helios Head on the left side of the area to reveal a red chest. Check the right side as well to find a chest with red orbs. Use the lever so Pandora can climb into the cage, then jump onto the ledge above and stand on the flickering point. The platform will rise. Follow Pandora and you will find a save point, then continue on your way and a scene will begin.

Kill all the enemies, then stand on the button to raise the chains. Look at the alcove on the right and use Helios' head a little to the left of it to find a chest. Head into the portal. Examine the pedestal on the right. Head left and smash the onyx on the back of the statue's head. Go right and, just before the abyss, use the head of Helios to find another chest with red spheres. Jump across the gap and smash the onyx on the back of another statue, then continue right. Go through the tunnel, turn right as soon as you exit, you will find a portal. Enter it and pull the lever to open the gate. Grab the paper on the ground, then go back through the portal.

Look to the left of the tunnel and use Helios's head to find another chest containing a red orb. Head across the bridge and climb the vine to the right. Go down and destroy the onyx. Go back and soar through the gorge. Go back and go through the portal in front of the tunnel. Break the chains and watch the scene.

Go to the other side to the second chain and enter the room that we previously discovered using Helios's head. Use Cestus to get two more red chests. Go up the stairs and use the lever to raise the Labyrinth. Watch the scene.

Zues (Zeus)

When you're on the cliff, fight Zeus until you see a prompt to press circle. Keep attacking until the next prompt appears. Press the desired button and the scene will begin.

After that, follow the path to the save point and go through the door. Hover towards Zeus and watch the scene. This time use the hit-and-retreat technique. You can parry his lightning bolts. When he jumps into the air, quickly back away. After you deal enough damage to him, a scene will begin.

When you find yourself in Gaia, follow the path exactly like at the beginning of the game. Use Cestus to break the onyx around Gaia's heart. Use your bow to burn the blackberry, then attack the heart itself. After a while Zeus will attack. Conduct the battle the same way as before Gaia's intervention. To obtain life spheres during battle, you can attack Gaia's heart. When you deal enough damage, prompts will appear on the screen. Follow the directions and watch the video.

Once you gain control, follow the path and pick up the sword. Watch the scene. Enter the darkness. Follow the blood trail when you get to it. Continue on your way and watch the scenes. Once you get outside, there will be a short first-person game. Watch the scenes.

Congratulations, you have completed God of War III!

Items of the Gods

The game has several bonus items scattered throughout all locations. After finding them, you can use them during bonus playthroughs (after you complete the game the first time). By the way, turning on any of the bonus items will turn off all cheat codes.

Item: Hades" Helm

What it gives: Maximum scale of health, magic and items

Where to find: After killing Hades, jump into the River Styx, swim down and to the right (against the current). This helmet can be found at the bottom of the river.

Item: Helios" Shield

What it gives: Combos build three times faster

Where to find: Located to the right of where you killed Helios.

Item: Hera's Chalice

What it does: Slowly drains your health.

Where to find: Located to the left of where Hera falls in the garden

Item: Hermes" Coin

What it gives: 10x red orbs

Where to find: Found behind a cobblestone during the Hermes chase

Item: Poseidon's Conch Shell

What it gives: Unlimited magic

Where to find: Found in the room where you free the Poseidon Princess

Item: Zeus" Eagle

What it gives: Unlimited supply of Wrath of Sparta

Where to find: Climb the wall to the right of the Heart of Gaia. The object is on the ground, hard to miss.


Challenges can be started from the main menu by selecting the "Features" section after completing the game.

-- Challenge 01 - Population Control --
Time: 00:01:40
Task: Do not allow more than 50 enemies in the arena. Kill before there are too many.
In this challenge you will only be able to use Nemean Cestus weapons. Look for groups of enemies and use the R1+Square attack. This attack is beneficial for two reasons: it only takes two of these hits to kill enemies and you can simply push enemies off the edge. In addition, this blow hits not just one enemy, but all those who are near you at once. Just run around the area and hit larger groups until time runs out.

-- Challenge 02 - Bare Hands -
Time: 00:01:15
Objective: Kill all enemies within the allotted time without using weapons.
This time you will not be allowed to use weapons and magic. Grab smaller enemies and run with them across the field, using them as a shield. Try to aim at larger enemies and knock them out of the arena (you can throw them off while they are stunned from the previous collision). Be careful when near the edge, as enemies can throw you off too. DO NOT use special attacks to kill large enemies as they take too long.

--Challenge 03 - Get Stoned -
Time: n/a
Quest: Let the Gorgons turn you to stone 10 times without dying.
Note: You can force gorgons to use their stone breath if you try to grab them. It is also possible to press buttons incorrectly during a kill, reflecting the beam. This way you can control the place where the hero will be turned to stone.
In this task you need to be turned to stone 10 times and still survive. If you need to replenish your health, simply grab a zombie using the circle and beat it to death. Try to get turned to stone in an area with the fewest enemies and be ready to twist the joysticks right away. While you wait for the gorgon's beam to fire, you can start destroying the smaller enemies. Once you've been turned to stone twice, harpies (the most annoying enemies) will appear. Since you will be using Blades of Athena, you won't be able to kill them from afar. You will have Boots of Hermes, so try to quickly get away from them. Try to jump less. To kill harpies, use the L1+circle attack. After you've been turned to stone four times, Satyrs and another Gorgon will appear, making the task even more difficult. At this time, it is better to run away from enemies and wait for the beam attack in an area safe from them. When the enemies begin to press hard, use Golden Fleece to parry the beam attack and turn all enemies to stone. Quickly kill the most annoying ones and continue the test. After the seventh petrification, two ogres will appear. Try to use petrification tips at the right time for you. Watch your health level very closely, as the enemies' attacks are very strong. The key to this challenge is to learn how to force the gorgons to turn you into stone at the right moment and quickly break out of this state.

-- Challenge 04 - El Matador - Ole -
Time: n/a
Quest: Don't let the minotaurs gore you. Will not allow enemies to overwhelm you.
In this challenge, you can easily get rid of the minotaurs if you stay very close to the arena paradise and use double jump when he runs at you. You also have access to Rage of Sparta in this challenge, so it would be wise to use it in waves four and five.

-- Challenge 05 - Knockout -
Time: 00:01:00
Objective: Earn 1000 points by throwing enemies out of the arena. Sentinel = 15 points, Minotaur = 30 points, Ghost = 60 points.
This time you will only have swords at your disposal. Attack and control the ogre to knock down enemies (use the square button).

--Challenge 06 - Hades" Kids -
Time: 00:01:30
Assignment: They don't die, they multiply. Get five Cyclops to appear.
Approach the Cyclops and constantly use Tartarus Rage to knock him down. Once he dies, two more will appear. Use "square, square, triangle" to quickly stun them and kill them. As soon as you kill one, two more appear. The goal is to have five Cyclops in the arena at the same time.

-- Challenge 07 - Simply Smashing -
Time: 00:00:20
Objective: Destroy all urns before time runs out.
For this challenge, you will have Blades of Athena and Boots of Hermes at your disposal. Using light single attacks rather than combos to destroy urns is critical to success.

Completing all challenges will give you access to the Combat Arena, where you can customize the battle yourself and have fun.

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