Health psychology and healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of stress resistance

Questions for the seminar

1. Self-awareness and body image.

2. Stress, psychological and psychosomatic reactions to it.

3. General adaptation syndrome, psychological methods of protection from stress.

4. Internal conflict and psychological defense.

5. The attitude of a person to illness and health care.

6. Psychological aspects of the formation of motivation to maintain health and the psychological consequences of various diseases.

Self-awareness and body image

Self-awareness is a set of mental processes through which the individual is aware of himself as a subject of activity. The individual's ideas about himself add up to a mental<образ Я>.

Self-consciousness of a person, reflecting the real being of a person, does not do it in a mirror image. A person's idea of ​​himself is far from always adequate. Self-awareness is not a primordial given inherent in man, but a product of development. As a person acquires life experience, not only new aspects of being open up before him, but a more or less deep rethinking of life takes place.

Generalization of a person's practical knowledge of other people is the main source of the formation of attitudes towards oneself as a person.

S. Samuel identifies four "dimensions" of "I-concept": body image, "social I", "cognitive I" (cognitive), and self-esteem.

In most studies, the body image is considered as one of the most important components of self-awareness (Burns R., Mukhina V.S., Piaget J., Rubinstein S.L., Sechenov I.M., Meerovich R.I., Mdivani M.O. ., Sokolova E.T. and others).

In the process of development, the body image is organically included in all links of the structure of self-awareness: the claim to recognition, gender identity, psychological time of the individual, social space of the individual, realized through rights and obligations. A person usually takes his personality for granted. The splitting of the self and the body is usually called the schizoid deviation, which lies at the heart of the problem of identification. In such an experience, there is no feeling of one's own body, and a person feels the unreality of himself as a bodily shell. This phenomenon is known as depersonalization. If such phenomena continue, a person loses not only a sense of identification, but also a conscious understanding of the personality. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the problem of splitting cannot be solved without improving the condition of the body. Metabolism provides the body with energy, which is realized in movement. If there is a lack of oxygen in the blood, then the mobility of all processes in the body will be reduced, and vice versa, any decrease in the mobility of the body affects metabolism, because it is movement that determines the breathing of a person.

Through the concept of “boundaries of the body image”, a stable relationship was shown between the degree of certainty of the image of the bodily “I” and the personal characteristics of the individual. Violation of ideas about the boundaries of the body image indicates a weak autonomy, a high level of personal protection, uncertainty in social contacts. According to S. Fisher, a significant level of correlation was found between a high degree of awareness of the dorsal (posterior) zones of the body and such personal properties as control over impulsive actions and negative attitude to reality.

The image of the bodily "I" can also be viewed from the perspective of perceiving the external forms of the body, represented by three approaches:

1) the body as a carrier of personal and social meanings, in which the emotional attitude of a person to his appearance is studied;

2) the body as an object endowed with a certain shape; the emphasis in the research is placed on the cognitive component of his perception;

3) the body and its functions as carriers of a certain symbolic meaning.

The perception and assessment of bodily forms is emotional and is carried out both at the intersubjective and intrasubjective levels. The first level of assessment is associated with comparing your external data with the external data of other people, the second - with the experience of satisfaction from the perception of the forms and qualities of your bodily self, which reflects the degree of compliance of external data with the requirements of the personality.

Thus, it is possible to single out two types of perception-attitude of the subject to his image of the bodily "I":

1) the image of the bodily "I" in relation to others in comparison with the norms and requirements of the social environment;

2) the image of the bodily "I" in relation to their perception and understanding of the meaning of their existence, regardless of the assessments and judgments of others

Most authors studying psychotic disturbances in the perception of the image of the bodily "I" note the increased attention of the decompensated personality to his body, to the analysis of his physical image, the deficiencies of which can cause a state of frustration, anxiety, social maladjustment (dysmorphophobia syndrome). The experience of physical inadequacy makes communication difficult, hinders the adaptation of the individual in social life.

Within the framework of this model, in the content of the socio-psychological component of the image of the bodily "I", we distinguish four characterological characteristics: sensitivity, sensuality, awareness and aesthetics, the content of which can be defined as follows:

sensitivity - heightened sensitivity to the internal and external environment, manifested within the framework of a particular model of the sensitive culture of the social environment;

sensuality - the ability, through non-verbal action, to convey the nature of an emotional-sensual state;

awareness - the ability to consciously and intuitively control and manage your condition and body functions;

aesthetics - the ability to "spiritualize", that is, to stylize bodily forms, endow them with aesthetic and cultural content.

Deep changes in the state of consciousness can also be caused by a change in the respiratory rate - hyperventilation, and, conversely, by slowing down, as well as a combination of these techniques. We only note that the active body is characterized by spontaneity and full, light, deep breathing. Body-oriented therapy uses various methods of working with the respiratory system of the body, and, bringing it under the control of consciousness, thus helps people to more fully experience the connection between consciousness and the body. It is curious that among the typical situations that can cause the collapse of the schizoid structure, along with such factors as insomnia, drug use, adolescence is often named.

The body image was studied by the self-assessment method (analogous to the Dembo-Rubinstein method) according to the following scales: body performance - "Dexterity", "Strength", "Reaction"; appearance - "Appearance", emotional attitude - "Physical satisfaction".

It can be argued that a person whose body image in self-consciousness is represented by a high assessment of strength, in a difficult situation of interaction, is more likely to strive for a compromise, less inclined to adapt and sacrifice his own interests for the interests of another. Those who assess the physical side of their personality as weak are more likely to adapt and less to compromise. A person whose body image in self-awareness is assessed as highly attractive is more likely to choose a variant of behavior in the form of cooperation. A connection was found between self-assessments of "Appearance" and "Satisfaction with physical data"

Thus, we can conclude that the evaluative component of the body image is associated with the peculiarities of interpersonal relationships and interpersonal interactions among high school students.

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Healthy lifestyle and health psychology


healthy life psychology health


Chapter 1. The concept of a healthy lifestyle

Chapter 2. Characteristics of health psychology

2.2 Age features


List of used literature


Human health is the most important value in life. It can neither be bought nor acquired for any money; it must be protected and protected, developed and improved, improved and strengthened.

Health depends on many factors. Nowadays, the prevailing opinion is that the health of the people is 50% determined by the coolant, 20% - by environmental; by 20% - by biological (hereditary) factors and by 10% - by medicine. Therefore, if a person leads a healthy lifestyle, then all this predetermines a 50% high level of his health. And, conversely, a person who leads an unhealthy lifestyle undermines his health, condemns himself to suffering and torment, premature old age and a joyless life.

The origin of a healthy lifestyle is directly related to those distant times of antiquity, when primitive man began to create tools of labor, when he began to realize that his life successes are largely predetermined by his physical abilities, his ability to quickly overtake prey, overcome all kinds of natural barriers, when he began to use physical exercise in preparation for hunting large and dangerous animals. Life convincingly testifies that a person becomes a person only in the conditions of social life, only in the process of education and training, only in the process of creative labor activity.

In the years of the Middle Ages, in the years of new and modern times, the problems of forming a healthy young generation received their further development. In the statements of D. Locke, J.J. Russo, I.G. Pestalozzi, K. Marx, F. Engels, K. D. Ushinsky, P.F. Lesgaft, A.S. Makarenko and many other thinkers and teachers, these ideas were further developed and substantiated. In the USSR (1978), according to UNESCO, the most perfect education system for the younger generation and the most perfect system for the prevention of diseases among the population of our country were formed.

Health psychology is just beginning to develop.

1. Bekhterev was the first to pay attention to the psychology of health. He said that an important and most important condition for the development of a personality is the nature of the organism, heritage and those anthropological features that form the basis for the development of a personality.

2. The next factor is related to the conditions of conception and development of the human body. An unfavorable factor, the condition for the conception of a person, entails degenerative features of the offspring (poor heredity, mother's illness during pregnancy and during conception). All this affects the fact that the child's body is vulnerable and develops very poorly. If you do not provide enough proper nutrition, then the process of full development is disrupted.

3. Economic conditions influence personality.

4. alcoholism is a real threat to our nation.

5. Hardworking, moderate life. We must lead a healthy lifestyle. Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. / Ed. B.D. Karvasarsky. 2nd supplemented and revised edition. - SPb. - 2002.

Health psychology includes the practice of maintaining a person's health from conception to death. Health psychology V.A. Ananyev 2001

· Definition of basic concepts of health psychology;

· Research and systematization of criteria for psychological and social health;

· Methods of diagnostics and self-assessment of mental and social health;

· Factors of healthy lifestyle (formation, preservation and strengthening of health).

· Psychological methods of motivating to health;

· Psychological mechanisms of healthy behavior;

· Prevention of mental and psychosomatic diseases, etc. Introduction to health psychology GS Nikiforov 2002.

Chapter 1. The concept of a healthy lifestyle

1.1 Human health as a social value

Health is an invaluable asset not only of every person, but of the whole society. When meeting, parting with loved ones and dear people, we wish them good and strong health, since this is the main condition and guarantee of a full and happy life. Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve basic life tasks, overcome difficulties, and if necessary, significant overloads. Good health, reasonably maintained and strengthened by the person himself, ensures him a long and active life.

Health is a prerequisite for happiness. Health science has much broader horizons and significance. Let us note in this regard that in the US National Program "Healthy people" there are three following approaches to improving the status of public health, three organizing principles (in decreasing order of importance): 1) health promotion - health promotion; 2) health protection - health protection; 3) preventive services - preventive and medical services Berezin I.P., Dergachev Yu.V. School of Health. - M, 2004 .-- 125 p. ...

Health cannot be characterized by well-being, since this is not a characteristic of the subject, but the result of his interaction with the environment. Therefore, in the first place in the understanding of health, it is not well-being that is put forward, but the ability to change one's capabilities in accordance with external or internal tasks and (or) adapt the environment so that these tasks become feasible.

The basis of proper human health from these premises is spiritual health. The use of the concept of spiritual health opens up effective opportunities for assessing the ratio of the material results of the industrial development of society with the level of its spirituality. Hence, spiritual health gains important importance as a tool for economic development and social progress. This, in particular, is the reason why the expenditures of the most industrialized countries on health needs are growing so rapidly and significantly. Therefore, the rejection of the old tradition of considering health care as an unproductive sphere, the ability to identify, substantiate and use the socio-economic efficiency of medicine are the most important prerequisites for the development of health science. This situation leads to the fact that for the first time the leading values ​​of the individual and society coincide. It was from these positions that the material offered to you was selected and analyzed. We are pleased to conclude that the new significance of health, as a goal and as a criterion for socio-economic development, is realized, developed and implemented by the medical community of a number of countries, and primarily by the World Health Organization. In our country, unfortunately, the emphasis is on the relationship between clinical and preventive medicine. We have tried to show the necessity and usefulness of a broader view of health.

1.2 Determinants of health

Unfortunately, many people do not follow the simplest, science-based norms of a healthy lifestyle. Some become victims of inactivity (hypodynamia), which causes premature aging, others go overboard in food with the development of obesity, vascular sclerosis, and in some cases, diabetes mellitus, which is almost inevitable in these cases; nervous, suffer from insomnia, which ultimately leads to numerous diseases of the internal organs.

The word "health" originally meant "integrity". Mentally healthy people try to balance and develop different aspects of their self - physical, mental, emotional, and sometimes spiritual. They feel the expediency of their existence, control their lives, feel the support of others and help people themselves. Spiritual and psychological health - components of the individual health of a person V.I. Health components. - M, 2004 .-- 302 p. ...

In the general concept of health, there are two inseparable components: spiritual and mental health. A person's spiritual health depends on the system of his thinking, attitude towards people, events, situations, his position in society. It is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with the people around, the ability to analyze various situations and predict their development, as well as to behave in different conditions, taking into account the need, opportunity and desire. Mental and spiritual health are in harmonious unity and constantly mutually influence each other.

A healthy lifestyle is a way of organizing industrial, household and cultural aspects of life that has developed in a person, which allows him to realize his creative potential to one degree or another. Based on this, we will formulate the main provisions that should be taken as the basis for a healthy lifestyle:

Compliance with the daily regimen - work, rest, sleep - in accordance with the daily biorhythm;

Physical activity, including systematic engagement in accessible sports, health jogging, rhythmic and static gymnastics, dosed walking in the air;

Ability to relieve nervous tension using muscle relaxation (autogenous training);

Reasonable use of methods of hardening, hyperthermal and hydraulic effects;

Balanced diet.

An essential aspect of a healthy lifestyle is the comprehensive use of these methods included in an individual program. And this is to provide physical, social, emotional, spiritual, intellectual health or, as the Americans say: “Living with health”.

1.3 Healthy lifestyle and its components

A healthy lifestyle is a set of norms and rules of life, historically tested and selected by time and practice, aimed at ensuring that a person V.I. Health components. - M, 2004 .-- 302 p. :

He was able to work highly efficiently and economically, rationally spend his strength, knowledge and energy in the process of his professional, socially useful activity;

Possessed the knowledge, skills and abilities of restoring and healing the body after hard work;

Constantly deepening his moral convictions, enriching himself spiritually, developing and improving his physical qualities and abilities;

He independently maintained and strengthened his health.

Voluntary abandonment of bad habits associated with tobacco smoking, drunkenness, drug addiction, substance abuse is an important and absolutely mandatory condition for a student's natural and normal healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle is a distinctive feature of human civilization. HLS helped, helps and will continue to help a person to study and work, create and create, improve and transform the world; rest and recover, strengthen and heal your body; develop and improve their physical qualities and abilities.

1.4 Criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle is a social category. And then, when we talk about a healthy lifestyle, then of course we mean that we are talking about the life of society (class, social group, individual, etc.). And at the same time, we must never forget that humanity (man) is an integral part of the vast terrestrial and biological universe, that the laws of the biosphere apply to its entire inorganic and organic world Kutsenko G.I., Novikov Yu.V. A book about a healthy lifestyle. - S-Pb, 2005 .-- 122 p. ...

All biological systems of a person are inherited by him in the process of genesis. They all function on the basis of biological laws and patterns. But since a person is a social being, and a person's social activity is decisive in his life, all biological systems of a person were reoriented mainly to ensure that a person succeeds in social life (created, created, built, transformed, improved, etc. .) so that he can study and work highly efficiently and economically, build and create, create and ennoble, protect and protect.

Biological energy, passing through a human being, through the central nervous system, through consciousness and man-made activity, is transformed into social creations. The biological is transformed by man into the social. Biological energy is the main source of the creation of all human material and spiritual culture.

Lectures and seminars, practical and laboratory classes, educational and field practices, test and examination sessions - the main time for the formation of the personality of a future specialist of the highest qualification. All types of educational work are calculated from a 54-hour weekly study load, which includes classroom and extracurricular activities, independent work, control activities, etc. All this requires from students not only solid erudition and preparedness, but also great concentration, high performance, good, strong and stable health, extraordinary focus and direct use of all their reserves and developments, skills and abilities in the field of healthy lifestyle for solving all the main tasks and problems associated with the formation of a highly qualified specialist.

Be fully rested for training sessions. Daily morning physical exercises will help you come to school in good physical shape;

Be active in training sessions. Passive stay (presence in the name of "tick") is the enemy of your success;

Skillfully and actively use the breaks between classes. Remember: movement is the best source of recovery and relaxation. Smoking and drugs, vodka and beer, idleness and foul language are the secret and obvious enemies of your professional growth.

The main focus of a healthy lifestyle in busy (non-free) time is aimed at the recovery and health improvement of the student after studies. Sleep, food, personal hygiene, maintaining (or participating in) household and personal subsidiary farming, raising children (younger brothers and sisters), caring for the elderly, time and energy spent on the trip to and from the university, all kinds of temporary work in order to replenish the budget, etc. - these are the main components of extracurricular (busy) time.

In the extracurricular time, the student's life is extremely diverse. At this time, the manifestation of both restorative and health improving, and creatively transforming and developing and supporting structural groups of healthy lifestyles is clearly visible.

The time taken by students should not be infinitely long. On the contrary, the task is to ensure that all vital and urgent tasks and problems are carried out in a reasonably short time, so that the student can carve out a few hours of free time for himself.

Self-education, cultural consumption, active physical culture and sports recharging of one's body, friendly meetings and communication, active recreation, etc.

Free time is the time of self-creation, self-creation, self-improvement. It is by the way a person uses his free time that one can judge his healthy lifestyle Korobkov A. V., Golovin V. A., Maslyakov V. A. Physical education. - M .: Higher. school, 2005 .-- 212 p. ...

In recent years, the nature of labor has changed dramatically. The share of physical labor is decreasing, and the share of mental labor is increasing. Knowledge workers (this also applies to students) during their work, as a rule, do not receive the necessary motor and physical activity. But without proper physical activity, a person will necessarily face the problems of hypokinesia, physical inactivity, adynamia, etc. All this means that objective (mainly production) circumstances will continue to force a modern person (including students) to turn more, more often and more thoroughly to physical culture and sports, to master the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Chapter 2. Characteristics of health psychology

2.1 The concept of health psychology

Health psychology as a concept has a double meaning:

· Psychology of health as a problem, an aspect of the scientific and practical activities of clinical psychologists, aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of the population. A variety of tasks: preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitation, advisory.

· Psychology of health as a psychological culture of a person, psychology of a healthy lifestyle. The role of society and the quality of life. Individual responsibility of a person for their health.

Health psychology is a complex of specific educational, scientific and professional contributions of psychology as a scientific discipline for promoting and maintaining health, preventing and treating diseases, identifying etiological and diagnostic correlates of health, disease and related dysfunctions, as well as analyzing and improving health systems and formation of a health strategy (policy).

Health psychology includes the practice of maintaining a person's health from conception to death. Health psychology V.A. Ananyev 2001

The main tasks that fall within the scope of interests of health psychology.

Basic concepts of health psychology;

Research and systematization of criteria for psychological and social health;

Methods of diagnostics and self-assessment of mental and social health;

Healthy lifestyle factors (formation, preservation and strengthening of health).

Psychological methods of motivating to health;

Psychological mechanisms of healthy behavior;

Prevention of mental and psychosomatic diseases, etc. Health psychology G. S. Nikiforov 2002

2.2 Age features

The age-related feature in health psychology is the specific properties of the personality of an individual, his psyche, which naturally change in the course of changing age stages of development (age). Their characteristic is based on identifying the psychological content of the development of cognitive abilities and personality formation at successive age stages of ontogenesis. Age features form a certain complex of diverse properties, including cognitive, motivational, emotional, perceptual and other characteristics of an individual.

Unlike widely varying individual characteristics, age-related changes reflect such transformations that occur in the psyche of most representatives of a given culture or subculture under relatively similar socio-economic conditions. Age features do not appear in their pure form and do not have an absolute and unchanging character; they are influenced by cultural, historical, ethnic and socio-economic factors. Yu. Golovin. Dictionary of the Practical Psychologist. 2003

An example of the influence of a specific historical situation on age characteristics is the difference in psychological and personal qualities in people of different, even close generations (cohort analysis). Individual psychological properties, including the rate of personality development, can also have a significant impact on age-related characteristics.

Of particular importance is taking into account the characteristics of age in teaching and upbringing. The developmental effect of learning directly depends on the degree of its correspondence with the psychological characteristics of students. On the other hand, the very age-related opportunities for the assimilation of knowledge are significantly expanded when optimizing the content and methods of the educational process.

The remainder of the daytime - from daytime impressions, which became the reason for the formation of a dream.

Active touch is a way of forming an image of a tactile object by deliberately feeling it. In this case, kinesthetic sensations play a leading role.

Instrumental touch is the process of forming an image of a tactile object with the help of auxiliary tools "when tactile signals are transmitted to the hand from the object being touched through this tool.

Passive touch is the process of forming an image of a tactile object as a result of its movement relative to a motionless hand or fingers. Here, tactile sensations play a leading role.

Selection is the selection of something, someone from a certain environment, a total number, from a certain set on the basis of certain criteria, attributes.

Natural selection is the concept of Charles Darwin, according to which individuals, least adapted for survival in given conditions, die out or are exterminated and thereby are eliminated, giving way to more adapted ones, transmitting their characteristics to their offspring.

Professional selection is a kind of psychological selection - making personnel decisions based on the study and predictive assessment of people's suitability for mastering a profession, for performing professional duties and achieving the required level of skill. Yu. Golovin. Dictionary of the Practical Psychologist. 2003 It is a system of means that provide a predictive assessment of the mutual correspondence of a person and a profession in those activities that are carried out in normatively specified hazardous conditions (hygienic, microclimatic, technical, socio-psychological), requiring increased responsibility, health, efficiency and accuracy of task performance, emotional stability - volitional regulation.

Professional selection is made with the complex use of a number of criteria: medical, physiological, pedagogical and psychological. Its basis is the specific normative characteristics of the profession, which allow doctors, psychologists, physiologists to select, develop and adapt selection methods and procedures and carry out diagnostics for compliance with a specific professional activity:

1) social - functions, tasks, goals;

2) operational - precision of execution and temporal, spatial, logical characteristics;

3) organizational - hygienic, socio-psychological, psychophysiological working conditions.

When using psychological criteria, the following activities are carried out:

1) psychodiagnostics;

2) building a forecast of the success of activities in a given professional area;

3) verification of the forecast for the real effectiveness of the performance of professional activities. When using diagnostic methods, it is necessary to obtain information about the orientations of the personal values, the motivational component of professional choice, and personality traits. Ed. Nikiforova "Diagnostics of health". 2005 year

The process of selecting a professional can be carried out by a set of hardware tests, blank and questionnaires, as well as by means of a simulation experiment, reproducing fragments, situations and stages of real professional activity, with strict registration of visually observed and recorded indicators of a person's functional state, motivational and emotional manifestations, productivity indicators, etc. the success of his work.

Psychological selection - making a decision on the suitability of candidates for educational or professional activities, taking into account the results of psychological and psychophysiological tests. It is used in management, industry, aviation, army, sports, when completing certain educational institutions. It is preceded by the definition of requirements for candidates on the basis of a psychological analysis of the upcoming activity, and then - the selection of appropriate diagnostic techniques. The validity of these techniques is checked on a representative sample. L.V. Kulikov Psychohygiene of the individual: Basic concepts and problems. (Tutorial). SPb, 2000.

At the same time, two types of educational and professional activities are distinguished:

1) the first type - determines the requirements of individual psychological characteristics that are almost not amenable to development (for example, the requirements for maintaining a stable and long-term performance required for the activities of a dispatcher, surgeon, etc.); the psychophysiological correlate of this feature is the presence of certain properties of the nervous system; here the selection is certainly psychological or professional;

2) the second type - determines the requirements with which every mentally normal person can satisfy, therefore the need for psychological selection arises when the period of the forthcoming activity is relatively short - about 2-10 years (military service, sports, etc.); in most cases, this period is not enough for the development of the necessary qualities, therefore, preference is given to candidates with a level of development of the required individual characteristics that is suitable for the time of testing.

No matter how carefully the psychological selection is prepared, the success of candidates in their activities depends on their positive motivation, to identify which questionnaires and other similar methods are usually used. With any change in the content of the activity, the selection program is revised. Along with psychological selections, as a rule, selection is carried out according to medical and physiological indicators, educational qualifications, work experience, etc. The decision on suitability is made based on the totality of all data.

Responsibility is the control over the activities of the subject, realized in various forms, from the point of view of compliance with the accepted norms and rules. There are external forms of control that ensure the assignment of responsibility for the results of his activities (accountability, punishability, etc.), and internal forms of self-regulation of his activities (sense of responsibility, sense of duty).

The responsibility of the individual to society is characterized by a conscious observance of moral principles and legal norms. Responsibility as a personality trait is formed in the course of joint activities as a result of the interiorization of social values, norms and rules.

In the works of domestic psychologists, it is emphasized that the level of development of the group and its cohesion (-> group development: level; group cohesion), proximity of value orientations, emotional identification have a significant impact on the acceptance of responsibility for success or failure in joint activities; the fundamental possibility of purposeful influence on the formation of a self-critical and adequate assessment of the degree of personal responsibility for a common cause among team members is proved.

Refusal is a fact (indicator) indicating that some attraction cannot be satisfied (=> prohibition; deprivation).

Forced refusal is an act and experience of refusal to satisfy drives, generated by unfavorable intrapsychic or external circumstances, or their combination.

Refusal forced real - a collective concept meaning a variety of negative conditions and factors contributing to the appearance of the disease. These may include: lack of love in life, material disadvantage, family strife, unhappy marriage, unfavorable social conditions, the severity of moral requirements for the individual.

Attitude is the subjective side of the reflection of reality, the result of human interaction with the environment. In psychology - in the most general form - the mutual arrangement of objects and their properties. The relationship can be present both between changing objects, phenomena and properties (for example, any law as an essential relationship between phenomena), and in the case of a singled out unchanging object in its connections with other objects, phenomena and properties (for example, the relation of the subject.

2.3 Factors influencing psychological health

In the psychological literature, the factors that influence the psychological health of the child are highlighted and sufficiently deeply analyzed. Most of these factors are of a socio-psychological, socio-cultural and socio-economic nature. Obukhova L.F. Developmental psychology: Textbook. - M .: Russian pedagogical agency. 1996, - p. 124.

The socio-cultural nature of the factors that have an adverse effect on psychological health is due to the acceleration of the pace of modern life, lack of time, insufficient conditions for relieving emotional stress and for relaxation. The consequence of this is the excessive workload of people, their neurotization, the emergence of many personal problems, combined with insufficient awareness of the ways of solving intrapersonal conflicts and of the possibilities of psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance. Such personal disharmony of adults is reflected in the development of children and has a negative impact on their psyche.

The emotional atmosphere in the family and the psychological state of its members are also influenced by socio-economic factors, among which A.I. Zakharov singles out such as unsatisfactory living conditions, employment of parents, early departure of the mother to work and the placement of the child in a nursery.

Experts are unanimous in the opinion that the subjective state of a person has a direct connection with his environment (V.I. Garbuzov, V.A.Gurieva, A.I. Zakharov, A.S. Spivakovskaya, etc.). Based on their findings on the analysis of studies conducted in different countries of the world, experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that mental health disorders are much more often observed in people living in a situation of disharmonious relationships. The same studies found that the predominant part of mental health disorders has two characteristic features: firstly, they represent only quantitative deviations from the normal process of mental development, and secondly, many of their manifestations can be considered as a reaction to traumatic situations. Voinov V.B., Sysoeva A.F., Varvuleva I.Yu. Psychoneurological assessment of the state of children in the dynamics of grades 1-3 // Physiology of human development. Materials of the international conference. - M., 2000 .-- p. 95.

The socio-mental factors affecting psychological health include, first of all, such as disharmony in family relations and disharmony in family education or violations in the field of parent-child or service relations.

The problem of matrimonial and child-parental relations is given close attention both in domestic and foreign literature. The reasons and nature of intra-family conflicts are highlighted, ways of their correction are considered.

Firstly, very often quarrels between parents are perceived as an alarming event, a situation of danger, and secondly, a person is inclined to feel guilty about a conflict that has occurred, a misfortune, because he cannot understand the true reasons for what is happening and explains everything by the fact that he is bad, not justifies the hope of others and is not worthy of their love. Thus, frequent conflicts, loud quarrels cause a constant feeling of anxiety, self-doubt, emotional stress and can become a source of psychological ill health. Prikhozhan A.M. Causes, prevention and overcoming of anxiety. // Psychological Science and Education, 1998, No. 2. - p. 69.


The psychology of health in its formation continues the fundamentally different path of development of psychological science outlined by humanistic psychology - the path to the creation of a new science of "psychology with a human and human face". It is humanistic psychology that develops a holistic approach to health, in which physical and mental health is associated with the highest values, goals and needs of a person. The vitality of health psychology is perhaps determined not so much by an analysis of the depths of human behavior as by the study of the heights that each individual is capable of reaching.

To build an individual strategy for achieving health, it is necessary to develop psychological competence in relation to health and, possibly, radically change the quality of one's own life - an integral indicator of psychological, physical and emotional well-being in subjective perception. An important indicator of the quality of life is a person's individual feelings about the social situation around him, therefore, the quality of life is a kind of global system that includes the quality of culture, the quality of ecology, the quality of education, the quality of the social, economic and political organization of society, and the quality of a person. The study of the quality of life as an integrative characteristic of objective and subjective indicators of human living conditions reveals the special significance of saving for health, namely, a subjective assessment of the quality of life.

Attitude to health is a system of individual, selective relationships of a person with various phenomena of the surrounding reality, contributing to or, conversely, threatening human health, as well as a certain assessment by an individual of his physical and mental state.

A meaningful analysis of the problem revealed the fragmented nature of the concepts, therefore, further development of theoretical concepts, empirical research will contribute to the construction of a comprehensive psychological model of human health saving. In general, the psychological indicator of health, savings and quality of life of a person are the degree of satisfaction with different spheres of life and positive agreement with the mental adequacy of the individual. Fromm E. Healthy society. M., 2005

Physical culture and sports have always been considered and appreciated in our society quite highly. At the present time, when our country is experiencing a serious socio-demographic crisis, when the Russian people are degenerating, when the death rate exceeds the birth rate, the problems of forming a healthy lifestyle among Russians are becoming over-relevant.

We need to use all that huge potential of physical culture and sports “to the full for the benefit of the prosperity of Russia. These are the least costly and most effective means of the forced moral and physical recovery of the nation. "

List of used literature

1. Bagaeva N.V. On the fight against bad habits at school // prevention of bad habits in schoolchildren. - M .: 2000.

2. Valentyk Yu.V., Zykov OV, Tsetlin M.G. Theory and practice of medical and social work. - M., 2003.

3. Introduction to health psychology GS Nikiforov - M., 2002.

4. Gurvich I.N. Social psychology of health. - SPb., 2002.

5. Diagnostics of health psychology. Kholodkov E.I. - M., 2006.

6. Kulikov L.V. Awareness of health as a value // Health Psychology / Ed. G.S. Nikiforov. SPb., Publishing house of SPbSU, 2000.

7. Kulikov L.V. Psychohygiene of the individual: Basic concepts and problems. (Tutorial). - SPb, 2000.

8. "Psychology of Health", Ed. Nikiforova Textbook for universities. - M., 2005.

9. Psychology of Health Ed. V.A. Ananyeva - M., 2001.

10. Psychology of Health Ed. G.S. Nikiforova - M., 2002.

11. Psychology of health: Textbook / Ed. G.S. Nikiforov. - SPb., 2003.

12. Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. / Ed. B.D. Karvasarsky. 2nd supplemented and revised edition. - SPb. - 2002.

14. Fromm E. Healthy society. - M., 2005.

15. Yu. Golovin. Dictionary of the Practical Psychologist. - M., 2003.

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In recent years, one can observe an increase in interest in a healthy lifestyle - amateur sports, dancing, and nutrition. Employers, as a competitive advantage for potential employees, are offering subscriptions to fitness clubs, the number of which is growing rapidly. More and more programs with tips on nutrition, weight loss, etc. appear on TV screens and on the pages of popular publications, communities dedicated to these issues are multiplying on social networks. Even at the level of federal politics, programs are being implemented aimed at instilling habits to a healthy lifestyle (for example, the presidential program "Healthy Russia", the project of Rosmolodezh "Run after me").

A healthy lifestyle today is not so much a tribute to fashion as a natural result of the development of our society. This is largely due to high stress loads on the psyche and body, especially in big cities. The peak of the popularity of caring for their physical well-being is now in the community of progressive and successful young people who can afford it. Many of them are entrepreneurs and executives, people who are used to going against the environment in order to get what they need. They adhere to deliberate strategies in their careers and financial development, in their civic and social orientations.

A healthy lifestyle is truly a movement against the environment. If you look at the trends in the food industry, ecology and lifestyle, you can state that, in parallel with the development of medicine, we are moving against the maintenance of natural health. For example, there was a rather drastic change in the social environment, from the point of view of evolutionary processes, to which biological needs had not yet had time to "adapt". Over the past 100 years alone, the problem of food shortages has practically disappeared in European society. At the same time, human eating behavior continues to "work" according to the old programs and leads to excessive consumption and storage of food resources. A healthy lifestyle is designed to overcome this, to return to a person what he loses in connection with progress. Of course, this requires resilience, self-confidence and material resources.

In the United States and European countries, scientists are investigating the impact of architectural urban environments on the quantity and quality of physical activity in people. For example, the location of major highways close to home severely restricts children in outdoor games and independent walks. Even if the house has a beautiful courtyard, but it is surrounded by a non-pedestrian zone, parents cannot be calm about a child who, for example, wants to ride a bike. The lack of green spaces in a metropolis can be an important factor in limiting movement for adults: even if someone wants and can run or just walk every day, the benefits of such physical activity near busy roads with air saturated with exhaust gases are very doubtful. How much time is spent every day walking to a store, clinic, or transport is a matter of not only the convenience of organizing the urban environment, but ultimately the state of health.

Scientists at Yale University note that not only because of the change in the macroenvironment, it used to be much easier to maintain physical activity. Nowadays, energy-saving devices are ubiquitous, and we are talking about energy saving in such amounts that, at first glance, seem insignificant or not noticed at all. So, about 50 years ago, all texts were typed on a typewriter, now they are typed on a computer keyboard, moreover, manufacturers compete in the development of as "soft" keyboards as possible, with a light press of buttons. It would seem that the energy consumption of calories is minimal, which are expended when pressing the buttons on the keyboard. But let's add here automatic opening of garage doors, electric toothbrushes, automatic opening of windows in the car, remote controls for any home appliances, smart home systems that automatically control all household processes, ordering goods over the Internet, etc. - and we get in the sum a huge deficit of burned calories in comparison with the norm for a healthy person. Nobody is going to cancel or condemn technical progress, just take into account that the environment has changed a lot, and after that, not only physical activity should change, but also a person's consciousness, his way of thinking and habits.

What do we mean by healthy lifestyle skills? This is the ability to go beyond the conditions in which life puts a person, in order to choose the best for his body. It is the ability to find healthy, quality foods for yourself and your family, find ways to cook and eat them at the right time, and drink enough water. This is a conscious desire to get your own rate of sleep and rest, physical activity. This is the expansion of their energetic capabilities with training and mental practices (meditation, psychotherapy). You don't need to have any supernatural powers to do this. For example, everyone can quit their bad habits, give up sugar and food waste, and go out into nature more often. However, to consolidate skills for life and transfer them to different conditions, including extreme ones, you need to change your consciousness.

People need to learn special ways of behavior and thinking aimed at compensating and counteracting negative conditions.

Basically, there are two big tasks:

  1. the formation of a modern person's understanding that a specially organized movement and food is now not a whim and not a luxury, but a necessary condition for maintaining health;
  2. the development of such tools that would make it possible to bring this new knowledge to the level of practical implementation in life as painlessly and efficiently as possible.

And if the first task - educational - is more or less successfully solved by medical and sports organizations, acting, including through the media, then they cannot cope with the second without special psychological technologies.

Currently, services aimed at achieving an optimal physical condition by a person are popular in Russia. However, specialists who work quite competently in their field (fitness trainers, nutritionists, psychologists, cosmetologists, doctors, etc.) often experience difficulties in the process of leading clients due to ignorance in related areas of knowledge about a person. For example, nutritionists lack psychological knowledge to overcome human barriers, as well as to understand the possibilities of exercise to build a healthy body, and fitness trainers and nutritionists do not have the skills to motivate clients and fine-tune nutrition and movement systems for a specific client. , and psychologists often lack knowledge about biological factors associated with psychological changes, etc.

Here are some classic examples from our practice that illustrate this. We are approached by people who have tried to lose weight countless times - on their own or under medical supervision. Some of these attempts are temporarily successful, followed by a breakdown, weight gain, and so on in a circle. Such clients usually have no problems with knowledge of the principles of rational nutrition, however, they have great difficulties with self-regulation, the ability to cope with negative experiences, for which they are used to using food. Some are kept overweight by secondary benefits, which, of course, nutritionists do not work with.

Another category of clients are people who have difficulty transitioning to a healthy lifestyle due to their pliability to the environment. They need advice on how to organize their way of life, to find individually suitable methods for increasing their independence from the environment. Without the ability to understand the peculiarities of a person's motivation and behavior, a specialist, be it a doctor or a trainer, stumbles upon a lot of “I can’t,” “difficult,” sticks the label of a lazy person to the client, and he leaves.

There is also a downside - clients who are desperate to adjust their nutrition with the help of doctors turn to a psychologist, deciding that "it's all in the head." Psychological work to clarify goals, increase motivation bears fruit, a person begins to eat "right", and suddenly complains of a drop in tone. The psychologist habitually builds hypotheses within the framework of his competence and professional training and works, for example, with the client's stress tolerance. At the same time, he does not know that a change in the protein-carbohydrate-fat composition of the diet causes fluctuations in tone and emotional stability. In this case, it would be enough to balance the diet, and the problem would be solved at a lower cost (both time and money).

These problems, alas, are not being addressed en masse as they create the necessary cash flow for the fitness and wellness industry. Now we are introducing two new directions to the educational services market - "Healthy Lifestyle Specialist" and "Fitness Psychologist". These professionals can advise clients on a full range of health-related issues, from nutrition and exercise to psychological issues that make it difficult for them to look and feel good. Since they do not directly sell any goods and services, their main goal is to find the best ways to achieve harmony in the life of each individual person, based on his living conditions. Only such systematic work is truly capable of changing a person's life, bringing it to a qualitatively new level.

In order to multidisciplinary training of specialists who, having a practical psychological education, would also possess knowledge in the field of physiology of nutrition and movement, fitness and dietetics, steps have been taken. Employees of the Laboratory of Scientific Foundations of Psychological Counseling of the Federal State Scientific Institution PI RAO in cooperation with nutrition specialists of the I.M. THEM. Sechenov and professional fitness trainers, an educational program was developed for the faculty of advanced training of PI RAO. In the preparation of educational materials, the results of modern scientific and applied research by Russian and foreign authors were used, as well as educational courses on public health and psychology, biology and nutritional economics from Harvard, Yale and Stanford Universities (USA) adapted to Russian conditions.

The program was tested in 2013 not only within the framework of advanced training courses of the FGNU PI RAO, but also in the Federal project of Rosmolodezh "Run after me" (fitness shift "Seliger-2013"), the educational process of training specialists in a healthy lifestyle on the basis of the First Moscow Medical University. THEM. Sechenov, at the International Congress "Brain Ecology" of the Association for Interdisciplinary Medicine.

The course materials are widely popularized on the St. Petersburg portal, the blog of the Smart Body program, on social networks, in educational TV programs (First TV channels, Ren-TV), and popular science magazines.

general psychology and psychology of personality

some problems of health psychology and healthy lifestyle

G.V. Zalevsky, Yu.V. Kuzmina (Tomsk)

Annotation. Some topical problems of human health psychology and healthy lifestyle are discussed. The emphasis is placed on the socio-cultural aspects of ideas about health in different periods of human development.

keywords: health psychology; Lifestyle; socio-cultural standard of health; healthy personality; civilization.

In almost all world cultures, it is customary to greet each other at meetings and goodbyes with wishes of health. In fair opinion

A. Schopenhauer, health so far outweighs all other blessings of life that a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king. Exhaustively, in our opinion, the Russian doctor and writer assessed the role of health in human life

B. Veresaev, considering that nothing is terrible with health, no trials; to lose it means to lose everything; without him there is no freedom, no independence, a person becomes a slave of the people around him and the environment; it is the highest and necessary good, and yet it is so difficult to keep it. G. Heine, following Plato, considered health "the only beauty". Much earlier Herodotus said about this: “When there is no health, wisdom is silent, art cannot flourish, forces do not play, wealth is useless and reason is powerless” (quoted by).

It would seem that this “beauty” and one of the most invaluable human values ​​(“you can't buy health for any price!”) People should cherish, cherish and strengthen like no other. But alas! Statistics inexorably demonstrates a tendency of deterioration in the health of mankind, and this with an increase in average life expectancy! The paradox is that the second half of life (which, by the way, lengthens more and more to the detriment of the first half), a person, as a rule, is already being treated, i.e. increases the duration of its life only due to the achievements of medicine.

Civilization gallops, and not always for the benefit of man, for the benefit of culture, including for the benefit of the culture of health. The largest ethologist of the twentieth century. K. Lorenz spoke about the eight deadly sins of civilized mankind that threaten modern civilization with self-destruction, and mankind as a species - with destruction: overpopulation of the Earth; devastation of natural living space; the ever-accelerating development of technology, which makes people blind to all

Hello! I wish you good health!

Healthy bules!

Be healthy!

People's greetings

Relentless statistics, contradictory in numbers, but unanimous in assessing trends, also indicate that most diseases known to man are getting younger, and some of them are generally diseases of young people (AIDS, alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse and many so-called non-chemical addictions) ... All these problems of human health were classed as "diseases of civilization" by K. Jaspers. The number of so-called frequently ill children is also growing. However, today we are talking not only about the deterioration of the physical health of people, but also about its other aspects, so to speak, along the entire structural-level vertical of a person's individuality: about mental, psychological, social and spiritual health. Thus, terrorism is a bloody evidence of the ever-increasing spiritual ill health of individuals and social communities, the devaluation of human life. “All healthy people love life,” said G. Heine. Today it seems that more and more people are appearing who do not like life, which means that the question of their spiritual health can be raised.

Currently, in many countries, including Russia, health concerns are

the village is also noted at the government level, complex programs "Health of the Nation" are being created, scientific forums are being held, and so on. Problems of the state of human health are also a challenge to science, including psychological, since there are still a lot of unresolved problems of a theoretical and practical plan for the preservation and strengthening of all aspects of health. This is due to many factors, including the fact that in the public consciousness for many years the disease was cultivated as a value - financial and scientific efforts were mainly directed at it; health was taken for granted. Spirituality and spiritual health generally turned out to be outside the subject of psychology. True, our foreign colleagues paid attention to the problems of health psychology a little earlier. In 1978, the Department of Health Psychology was opened at the American Psychological Association; since 1982, the journal "Health Psychology" began to be published.

Today there is no agreement among scientists about what health is in general, mental, psychological and spiritual health in particular. Questions remain open about explanatory models of health, standards of health and a healthy person (personality), a healthy lifestyle, about the place of health in the hierarchy of value orientations, etc. Clarification of these and other questions about the health of a modern person has become especially relevant today, since in the era of socio-economic crises and innovation processes we are experiencing, the question is raised about the price - health that people must pay to overcome these crises by carrying out innovative activities.

In an effort to strengthen their health and trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, each person, often without realizing it, is guided by certain patterns or standards of health. Many authors agree on the identification of three socio-cultural standards of health - antique, adaptive and anthropocentric. In addition to being exhaustive today, attempts are being made to present an integrative standard of health.

The ancient model of health as an internal consistency has its roots in the 5th century. BC. to the definition of Alcmeon (health is the harmony of oppositely directed forces). The clearest reflection of this model is found in the works of Plato, who embraced in it polar and one-sided definitions of health: the physiology of Hippocrates (health "as a correct mixing of juices, or humors, of the human body") and the psychologism of Cicero (health "as the correct ratio of various mental states") in the concept of "kalokagatiya". Health is generally defined as the proportionality of the soul, the proportionality of the body and the proportionality of their connection, in other words - "the sphere where the elements of the soul and body merge and are identified." Stoics (from Zeno to Marcus Aurelius, Epicte-

that, Juvenal, Seneca, etc.) health is interpreted not only as a constant attunement of the soul and body, but also as life in harmony with Nature (“the ultimate goal of man,” according to Zeno). A healthy person is a person who is characterized by sanity, or intelligence, and spiritual independence. A healthy spirit is free, firm, unshakable and not subject to foreign external influences, dominating the passions of the soul and bodily desires, manifesting itself in free goal-setting and expression of will ("a slave is one who cannot control himself").

0.C. Vasiliev and F.R. Filatov, after conducting the appropriate analysis, reduce the ancient concept of health to several basic provisions:

1. Health in the ancient understanding is associated primarily with the internal structure of a person and to a much lesser extent affects the system of his relations with the world around him.

2. Health is interpreted as harmony and proportionality, and the healthy state of a person is based on the optimal ratio of bodily and mental components of human nature and presupposes a balance of opposing forces that determine the life and activity of the subject.

3. To be healthy means to unswervingly follow one's own nature and the general nature of things.

4. A healthy life is based on the guidance of reason. Internal consistency is achieved when a person, guided by reason, lives in complete harmony with his own nature, without distorting it (for example, excessive passions) and not opposing it (due to unreason).

5. The basic mental qualities of a healthy person are sanity and self-control. Thanks to them, a person rules over his own passions, not allowing them to plunge himself into confusion, endures hardships and disasters, does not depend on external influences and benefits.

6. Turning to oneself is a necessary condition for a healthy and full-fledged existence. Striving for health and balance, the "fulcrum" should be sought (contrary to the Archimedean principle) not outside, but in oneself, for external benefits are transitory, do not belong to you and can only bring temporary satisfaction or pleasure, but do not ensure a permanent stable position in the world ...

7. The internal structure of a healthy person is similar to the construction of a perfect structure of the universe and is the embodiment of the Universal Higher Order.

However, antiquity left us not only the most general conceptual scheme and standard of health, but also the fundamental principles and specific "technologies" of healing.

The two guiding principles on which ancient healing practices relied are healthy moderation (ataraxia) and self-care (culture

myself"). This is reflected in Juvenal's advice: “Live modestly, take care of your garden, desire as much as hunger and thirst, heat and cold dictate to you; learn compassion, be kind to children, may there be a healthy mind in your healthy body (mens sana in corpore sano) ”(quoted by).

Deeply rooted in ancient consciousness, these two principles are found in other cultures and in other historical eras, which allows us to speak of their stability and universality.

Adaptive health model. The analysis of adaptation theories and concepts allowed us to conditionally single out three main aspects of the adaptive health problem.

1. Environmental aspect: health as a harmonious coexistence with the natural environment, in accordance with the biological nature of man; the conformity of nature to human existence, the violation of which leads to diseases and environmental disasters.

2. Normative aspect: health as the conformity of the state and behavior of an individual to social and cultural norms adopted in a given community; the ability to adequately assimilate these norms.

3. Communicative-interactive aspect: health as a full-fledged communication and adequate interaction with the human environment; the adequacy and productivity of social relations of the individual.

Further, there are four main characteristics of the health of this socio-cultural standard. Two of them are the most general (typical), while the other two characterize a specific personality in the originality of its adaptive capabilities:

1. Adaptation to the natural environment - the ability not only to survive in the biological environment, but also to actively transform it (the characteristic is more general species and population than individual).

2. Normality - compliance with certain norms established within a particular culture (also a supra-individual, sociocultural characteristic of health, common to all representatives of a given cultural community); normality also determines the success of a particular individual in the assimilation and reproduction of social experience.

3. The ability to maintain the functioning of the body and psyche at an optimal level, while maintaining the constancy of the internal environment, is an individual biological characteristic that determines the stress resistance and stability of an individual in the process of active interaction with the environment.

4. Harmonious inclusion in the community of people - the adaptation of the individual to his social environment, the direct result of the socialization of the individual (an individual socio-psychological characteristic of health, which determines the success of a particular individual in establishing productive social relations and resolving actual conflicts, in

acceptance of adequate social roles and in the implementation of socio-psychological abilities).

If the ancient health-improving system was built around a single value - a reasonable orderliness of life, aspiring to the highest Good, then the adaptation model generates a value dualism - Nature and Society. Choosing one of these values ​​as a priority leads to the fact that the other acts as a negative impact on health. In one case, the main causes of ill health will be recognized as urbanization, the accelerated rate of technical and social progress, etc., and in the other, the accusation of nature that it created a person weak, poorly adapted to natural conditions, and only successful social adaptation will give him chance of survival.

According to the well-established Western view, Nature and Civilization have different goals; biological and social lines of development intersect in a person, dooming him to constant internal conflict.

It is fair to say that suppression of human nature to satisfy the demands of society, like flight from social life, impedes the achievement of true integrity; a higher level of personal integration is achievable only if the biological and social components of adaptation are synthesized, on which the integral human being in the world is based.

In our opinion, a synthesis of goals is necessary, but the priority in this case should be left to Nature - to recognize its laws and take into account, but not strive to remake them. A person must humble his pride in relation to Nature, if he changes anything, then only what is subject to him, but not the laws of nature.

Anthropocentric standard. In the light of this standard, health is viewed as a comprehensive self-realization, or the disclosure of the creative and spiritual potential of a person, highlights various facets of understanding the universal characteristics and dimensions of health.

So, E. Erickson's theory assumes the presence of an internal connection between personal growth and health, E. Fromm's theory - between self-determination, freedom of choice and health, G. Allport's theory - between health and personality maturity, which is acquired in the process of personal growth and assumes: formation propriotic functions (integrative aspects of the Self); freedom, expressed in responsibility, self-determination; proactivity, or purposefulness; an integral philosophy of life, or a worldview based on a certain system of values ​​(quoted by).

K. Rogers also considered health in the aspect of natural development, becoming an open (congruent) personality to new experience. For Rogers, a healthy person is a fully functioning person, a person who leads a "good life" who

characterized by an ever-increasing openness to experience; the desire to live in the present; trust in your body; the process of more complete functioning; a new perspective on the relationship of freedom and necessity; creativity as an element of a good life; fundamental trust in human nature; a more fulfilling life.

The most complete and structured humanistic concept of health is A. Maslow's concept of a “mentally healthy individual”. People who have reached the heights of self-actualization can be regarded as living standards of mental health.

According to the humanistic model, the following can be attributed to the stable characteristics of a healthy person: self-actualization as the orientation of a person towards the disclosure of his creative and spiritual potential; full development, dynamism and personal growth, i.e. readiness for life changes and internal transformation, the ability to actively overcome difficulties and obstacles on the path to integrity, ascending to higher levels of awareness and integration - qualities that are directly opposite to the mental rigidity of the individual; openness to experience and initial trust in the processes of life - the ability to accept any experience, maintaining trust in the world in any adversity and trial; the ability for genuine dialogue: to overcome defenses, to accept the Other as an unconditional value and unique integrity, to deep understanding, empathy and cooperation; freedom in experience, self-expression and self-determination, without which neither true creativity nor personal position is possible, and therefore responsibility, sincerity, congruence and self-acceptance; meaningfulness of existence, integrity as the highest goal of personal development and a tendency towards integration (a healthy person is always potentially integral, i.e. aimed in his formation at gaining wholeness and unity).

While acknowledging the significant advances in humanistic psychology, one should bear in mind the limitations and disadvantages of this approach. As J. Potter aptly put it, humanistic psychology has created a “romantic image of the I” (quoted from). So far there is no convincing answer to a number of questions, including the question: if every person has an active desire for health, a craving for self-actualization, then why so few people achieve it, and self-actualization sometimes leads to tragedies on a global scale?

Within the framework of the transpersonal modification of the anthropocentric standard, it makes sense to speak of health as a concomitant factor at the stage of transition to a new, higher spiritual state. In this case, health acts only as a necessary condition for the transition - a strong and reliable bridge leading to the Self, spiritual freedom, or (as in alchemical practices) to immortality. It can also be defined as the glue that ensures the optimal connection of the individual and transpersonal components of the experience.

A generalized picture of the comparison of the three sociocultural standards of health discussed above is presented in the table.

How do the identified socio-cultural standards manifest themselves in the health of an individual and in the psychological space of her relationship with the world? The answer to this question presupposes conducting fundamental psychological research on the problems of health psychology and healthy lifestyles. We have to state that this kind of research is still at the beginning of its path in Russian psychology, although they are more intensively dealt with in foreign psychology.

In conclusion, we note that we and our colleagues have been conducting this kind of research for a number of years in the framework of the main direction of scientific research.

Characteristics of sociocultural standards of health [О.S. Vasiliev, F.R. Filatov, 2001. S. 234-235]

Types of standards

Structural elements of standards Antique standard Adaptation standard Anthropocentric standard

Definition of health 1. Internal consistency. 2. The optimal ratio of human nature Adaptation of the individual to the environment Comprehensive self-realization, disclosure of creative and spiritual potential

Characteristics of a healthy personality 1. Balance. 2. Self-control. 3. The domination of reason over passions 1. Adaptation to the natural environment. 2. Compliance with social norms (normality). 3. Ability to maintain an optimal level of functioning (stress resistance). 4. Harmonious inclusion in the community of people 1. Striving for self-actualization. 2. Congruence. 3. Spiritual autonomy. 4. Integrity

End of the table

Basic conditions and principles of health improvement 1. Moderation. 2. Taking care of yourself (moderate hedonism). 3. Living in accordance with nature 1. Conformity to nature. 2. Socialization of the individual. 3. Convergence of biological and social in man 1. Openness to experience. 2. Development, formation, personal growth. 3. Integration

Ways of healing 1. Cleansing ritual (catharsis). 2. Atarctic (healthy moderation). 3. Gymnastics and music. 4. Philosophy and work on oneself 1. Rationing (coordination of personal characteristics with social norms). 2. Unity with nature. (life in harmony with one's own biological nature and in harmony with the natural environment). 3. Humanization of interpersonal relations. 4. Health improvement of society 1. Creative self-disclosure. 2. Self-knowledge. 3. Spiritual practices of self-improvement (meditation, austerity, etc.). 4. The mystical path of liberation

studies of the Department of Genetic and Clinical Psycho-way of Life of Students - Intellectual Logic of the Faculty of Psychology of Tomsk State University on the potential of the nation. With this message, the prospect until 2015: “Psychology of health and the healthy, we are starting a series of publications on this topic.


1. Vasilyeva O.S., Filatov F.R. Human health psychology. M .: Academy, 2001.

2. Voronina A.V. Assessment of the psychological well-being of schoolchildren in the system of preventive and corrective psychological work

service: Dis. ... Cand. psychol. sciences. Tomsk, 2002.

3. Duskazieva Zh.G., Kovalevsky V.A. Features of the emotional perception of one's own and the opposite sex role are often sick

children 5-7 years old // Sib. psychol. zhurn. 2009. No. 32. S. 65-68.

4. Dobryanskaya R.G. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in first-graders: Dis. ... Cand. psychol.

sciences. Tomsk, 1999.

5. Durant V. Caesar and Christ. M., 1995.

6. Zalevsky V.G. Mental rigidity-flexibility in the structure of the personality of people with a subject-subject professional orientation

ciy: Dis. ... Cand. psychol. sciences. Barnaul, 1999.

7. Zalevsky G.V. Fundamentals of modern behavioral-cognitive therapy and counseling. Tomsk, 2006.

8. Zalevsky G.V. Introduction to Clinical Psychology. Tomsk: IDO TSU, 2006.

9. Zalevsky G.V. Personality and fixed forms of behavior. Moscow: IPRAN, 2007.

10. Zalevsky G.V. Fanaticism as the basis and characteristics of the destruction of the system of values ​​and spiritual ill health of the individual and social communities // Value foundations of psychological science and psychology of values ​​/ Ed. V.V. Znakova, G.V. Zalevsky. M .: IPRAN, 2008.S. 314-342.

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Summаry. In the article some actual problems of Health Psychology and health style of life are dicussed. The accent id done on sociocultural aspects of ideas about healtht in different periods of humanity development.

Key words: health Psychology; style of life; sociokultural standard; health personality; civilization.

Everyone knows that healthy people do not smoke, do not drink a lot of alcohol, do not take drugs and play sports, but not all people are like that. The health of any person depends not only on his physical activity, but also on his mental state. Negative thoughts harm a person's mental state, hence health problems can arise. Exercise can help you distract yourself from such thoughts. Physical activity helps you relax. Reading helps to distract from many problems. Spending time with loved ones also has a good effect on our emotional state.

Modern life with its fast pace and great demand requires maximum effort and health from a person. Psychologists believe that various health problems in a person arise not because of his physical abilities, but because of his emotional state. In general, there are three types of health: physical, mental, social. Physical health refers to the condition of the body. To the mental - the state of the brain.

Social health refers to the moral principles of a person. It also depends on the person's environment. Social health is also divided into subtypes. 1) socially healthy - creative people. 2) common people - people who are tolerant of everything that does not concern personal. 3) social neurotics - people who live for their own career. 4) social psychopaths - norms that go beyond are completely normal for them. 5) social idiots - their only goal is to save money.

Social adaptability of a person depends on real connections, place and his role in solving any social problems.

There are also separate rules for a healthy lifestyle created by psychologists.
1) The world is as I see it. It all depends on the person. If he wants to see the truth, he sees the truth, and if he wants to see a lie, then he sees a lie.
2) My decision depends on my choice. The person himself is responsible for his actions, whatever they may be.
3) I have the right to make mistakes. A person realizes that everyone has the right to make mistakes, like himself.
4) I am me, and you are you. Man allows himself to be himself.
5) My future depends on my present. If a person is happy today, then tomorrow he will be happy, and if a person is in a bad mood today, then tomorrow it will not be better either.
6) I receive from life only what I let into it and no more. If a person cannot even think that he can be successful and rich, then he does not even have the right to complain about his life.
7) Everything I do, I do sincerely and with love. A person will take on any business, even the one that he does not want to do, but he will do it the way he likes.

Based on psychologists, we can say that a person will lead a healthy lifestyle if he observes the seven above rules, but at the same time there are also five types of people with different moral principles that may contradict the rules of psychologists. From this we can conclude that either 5 types of people or 7 rules are a myth.

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