Drawing on the topic: Winter in the middle group of kindergarten. Master class "Penguin Family" step by step with photos. How to draw a penguin: interesting facts, stages Penguin with a pencil

This lesson will show you how to draw a penguin step by step. You only need to walk a few simple steps, completing all tasks step by step. Let's learn how to draw a penguin with a pencil step by step.

Some interesting facts

  • Today there are a total of 18 species of penguins in the world, five of which are critically endangered.
  • Despite their slowness on land, these cute birds are the fastest in the water.
  • main feature penguins are that they can dive very deep, while birds spend 70% of their lives in water.
  • The average lifespan in the wild is 15 to 20 years.
  • Penguins are born very tiny, their weight barely reaches 1 kg. But when these birds grow up, they can weigh up to 40 kg. It all also depends on the type of penguin. There is the emperor penguin - the heaviest, most powerful and largest (reaches 45 kg), and there is the fairy penguin (little penguin), whose weight does not exceed 900 g (in an adult).
  • Birds nest in colonies that sometimes number millions of individuals.
  • Penguins are not covered with fur, but with feathers. Only they are very small and dense, which gives the impression that these seabirds do not have the usual plumage.

Now that you are familiar with the interesting facts, we will tell you how to draw a penguin.

When taking your first steps, do not press too hard on the pencil. Draw light and smooth lines, barely noticeable, so that you can remove flaws with an eraser at any time.

Step 1. Draw the body

So, how to draw a penguin? Draw a small oval on clean slate paper - this will be the body of the bird. It doesn't have to be perfectly smooth. These are just outlines so that later you can depict the black and white belly of the penguin.

Step 2. Head

Draw another oval above and to the right of the first outline - this will be the head. This figure should be smaller and have a horizontal orientation, while the body is extended longitudinally down the piece of paper.

Step 3. Addition to the head

Make two intersecting lines inside the oval of the head. This is necessary so that in the next stages you can depict facial features.

Step 4. Beak

On right side head you need to draw a small triangle. He will be the beak. Remember that putting pressure on the pencil is not recommended.

Step 5. Shape the body and legs

Using two curved lines, you need to connect two ovals (body and head) to make a neck for our penguin. Then inside the body you need to draw a curved line, similar to the letter U - this will be the wing.

Draw two lines resembling the letters L at the bottom of the body. This is how we get paws.

Step 6. Addition

Now you know how to draw a penguin in the initial stages. If you follow the instructions, you should end up with an image of a funny and cute bird that stands sideways and looks into the distance. But now we need to add a few details to make the image more realistic:

  1. Let's go back to the head and cross lines. Make a tiny eye just above the horizontal stripe and then draw a small dot inside and shape the pupils. This involves drawing a few lines around the eye for extra detail.
  2. Penguins' beaks are slightly curved and point slightly downwards. Use the triangle shown earlier. Start drawing the beak from the horizontal line of the head.

Step 7. Tail

Take a thick grease pencil and draw the outline of a penguin. Draw a smooth line in the lower left part of the oval, make a main point, and then extend it to the base of the paws. The tail should resemble a triangle, but with softer outlines.

Don't forget to draw an extra oval on the belly so that when coloring you can separate the dark feathers from the light ones.

An easier way

Let's learn how to draw a penguin for kids or beginner artists. Take a sheet of paper, as well as a pencil and eraser. Draw an oval in the center that is shaped like an egg. Duplicate this shape around the already drawn one. At the top of the egg, draw two eyes and a beak. You can simply draw a small triangle.

Then we move on to the legs, which look like a little wavy pancake. Don't forget about the wings - they can be drawn straight, curved, large and small. Now you can start coloring: the wings and lines between the ovals should be black, and the “egg” area, where the eyes and beak are drawn, remains white. The paws and the beak itself are yellow, the eyes are black.

Now you know how to draw a penguin. Enough before you start step by step instructions, carefully study all the images so that in the future you can visualize and imagine the bird. To make the drawing more interesting, you can add some funny details to the penguin - a hat, a New Year's cap, a ball, tails, anime eyes, a smile or some inscriptions in the “cloud” coming from its beak. It all depends only on your imagination and desire to learn how to portray these cute, but extremely strong, fast and friendly birds.

The Emperor Penguin is an amazingly beautiful bird that lives in Antarctica. Drawing a penguin is quite easy and fun, because the drawing turns out very cute. The design of the Emperor Penguin is especially beautiful, since it has an unusual combination of bright yellow and black plumage, and the penguin in your picture will look very elegant.
You can also learn how to draw cartoon children's drawings of a penguin from the cartoon "Madagascar" using this lesson. You just need to slightly change the penguin’s “face”, make it more emotional and expressive. Although draw a penguin not difficult, it’s better to draw a penguin step by step, first with a simple pencil, and then lightly color with paints or colored pencils.

1. Drawing of a penguin. General outline

What's the easiest way draw a penguin? Of course, using simple initial contours, then only adding more and more details to them. To make the drawing symmetrical, draw the first step as accurately as possible, namely an oval for the body and a circle for the head. The oval of the penguin's body should be approximately four times the diameter of the head circumference.

2. Contours of beak, paws and wings

First draw the outline of the penguin's beak. This is the most difficult step, try to make it proportional to the body so that the beak does not turn out to be huge or very small in the future. At the bottom of the body, mark where the paws will be located. Again, make sure that they are not offset from the center. Wings are also quite easy to draw, only left wing the penguin should be stretched slightly forward.

3. General outline of the shape of the torso and head

Continue drawing the outline of the beak, outlining the oval and you will get the body of the penguin. After this, draw the preliminary shape of the wings. Please note that the right wing is positioned edgewise in relation to the viewer. Remove the extra contour lines and you will see how penguin drawing began to “emerge.”

4. How to draw penguin paws

Drawing a penguin's eye is very simple. This is where you begin this stage. After this, you need to draw the paws in more detail. The lower feet (flippers) are more like the webbed feet of a goose, but of course much larger.

5. Finish drawing the penguin

At this stage, the drawing of the penguin only needs to be slightly corrected, and if everything turns out smoothly and accurately, then you know how to draw well. But in any case, at this step you can still correct the drawing. At the next step we will color the picture, and then it will be difficult to correct.

6. Plumage coloring

It is not necessary to color the penguin drawing with paints. Shade the plumage with a simple pencil, and only some areas of the Emperor Penguin can be colored with yellow colored pencil. This effect will further decorate the picture and make it more realistic. Moreover, if you add surrounding landscape or draw his baby next to him, then your drawing will be a real picture.

In this lesson you will be able to draw a beautiful Macaw parrot step by step.

The toucan is similar to the Emperor penguin in that it has bright yellow plumage. They are also united by the fact that the penguin and toucan are birds.

Duck drawing made on graphics tablet, but it can be used for drawing with a simple pencil.

Story drawing “Penguin Family” for children 4-5 years old. Master class with step by step photos.

Kiryushina Polina 5 l, senior group, MBDOU No. 202 General developmental kindergarten “Fairy Tale”.
Supervisor: Kokorina Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher of the 1st qualification category, MBDOU No. 202 General developmental kindergarten “Fairy Tale”.
Description: This master class will be of interest to teachers of middle and senior groups, housewives, and those who like to draw independently and with children.
Purpose: The drawing can be framed and hung for interior decoration.
Required tools and materials:
- watercolor,
- gouache;
- brushes No. 2, No. 5;
- album sheet.

Target: learning to draw penguins.
- learn to use a brush and paints correctly: pick up paint on the bristles, rinse the brush before picking up a new color, paint with watercolors easily and transparently, and apply thick, opaque strokes with gouache;
- learn to draw a penguin consistently;
- learn to draw plot pictures;
- promote development fine motor skills hands;
- cultivate interest in the diversity of the animal world on Earth, the desire to depict it on paper.
Preliminary work: acquaintance with South Pole, animals living on it, detailed consideration and studying the life of penguins, looking at illustrations, reading stories, holding conversations.
What is the South Pole known for?
Because the South Pole is blizzardy!
Ice floes covered the ground there,
And penguins live on them.
These birds don't fly
But they want to fly
And for a long time at dawn
They look at the blue sky.
Here are some interesting facts about penguins:
1. Penguins are a type of seabirds - loons, albatrosses, petrels.
2. Penguins are flightless birds, just like the ostrich, emu, kiwi, and cassowary.
3. Penguin - cannot fly, but can swim, and also walks while standing.
4. To walk through loose snow, penguins lie on their stomachs, push off with their wings and paws, and glide at speeds of up to 25 km/h.
5. The largest representatives of penguins are emperor penguins: their height is 110-120 cm, weight up to 46 kg..
6. Penguins can stay underwater for up to 30 minutes
7. Among the 17 species of penguins, 13 are endangered or seriously threatened with extinction.
8. Emperor penguins can withstand temperatures down to – 60 degrees C.
Let's draw a family of penguins.
1.Take a brush number 5 and paint the top half album sheet blue or purple paint.

2. Paint the lower half with white gouache and draw the mountains, adding a little blue paint.

3. Using pure white paint we draw ovals - the big daddy, smaller ones - the mommy and the little one - the little penguin.

4.Take brush No. 2 and add black gouache. We outline the oval from left to right, like a horseshoe, leaving the tummy white.

5.Now we draw the wings. They can be positioned in different ways: raised up, lowered down, apart, folded on the stomach.

6.Draw black dots-eyes. For this you can use cotton swabs. Using a thin brush and some red paint, paint the beak from top to bottom with a sharp movement so that it becomes sharp at the bottom.

7.Brush No. 2, red paint, using the “dipping” method, draw the legs. The penguin family is ready.

Now let's draw the northern lights. Most common form Northern Lights– stripes.
8. We take white paint onto a thin brush and apply several lines.

9.Now let’s apply yellow and green spots.

10.And we’ll finish everything off with red spots. The drawing “Penguin Family” is ready.

You can draw penguins differently, for example by making a white fingerprint or thumb and then adding all the necessary details and then the drawing will look like this.

I hope our idea will be of interest to you and will be useful in your work or just in free drawing. Thank you everyone for your feedback, votes and attention.

Master class on drawing “Little Penguin”

Sarsembina Laura Kairbulatovna, student of GUSOSH No. 1, Pavlodar region, Pavlodar
The master class is intended for children up to school age and elementary school students.

Goals: Instill love for fine arts, develop Creative skills, imagination, imagination, observation, improve drawing skills with colored pencils.
Required materials and tools:
- A sheet or album for drawing.
- A simple pencil,
- Colour pencils,
- Eraser, pencil sharpener and eraser.

I'm an Antarctic child
I'm a fluffy little penguin
I happened to be born
A flightless bird
Not across the sky, but like an arrow
We fly underwater!
Don't look how awkward it is
We are hobbling on dry land.
But then, we playfully down the hill
We can go icy.
Frost and blizzard are not scary,
We keep each other warm.
Let's stand in a tight crowd
We will protect the children from the snowstorm.
The most important among the ice floes
Emperor penguin.

Step-by-step work process

1. Prepare required material, for our creativity.

2. Draw the offices of our little penguin (it looks like a figure eight, you can draw a small circle and a large one under it and simply erase the line of their connection).

3. Draw two apron legs (resemble elongated straight leaves), and hind legs (resemble an oval).

4. We draw arcs from the hind legs, this will be the tummy of our little penguin.
5. Draw the eyes, beak and eyebrows (this is up to everyone’s imagination). It turned out so funny and funny for me.

6. Let's get started interesting points, take colored pencils and color our work (as you like)

7. Done! Here we have such a funny little piggy.

Thank you for your attention,!
Good luck to everyone in your endeavors. Creation- an integral part of our life with you.

Who hasn't seen the cartoon "Madagascar"? There are probably no such children, and no adults either. Funny little animals who, by the will of fate, found their way from a zoo to the island of Madagascar and experienced many adventures are the main characters of this cartoon. One of the funniest and most beloved characters is the four cheerful penguins: Skipper, Prapor, Kowalski and Rico. They lived at the New York City Zoo. But we always dreamed of returning home, to our cold continent of Antarctica. And then one fine day the penguins decided to escape. Other animals joined them along the way. You already know what came of it. And if not, then watch this cool and funny cartoon. Do you want to learn how to draw a cheerful penguin from “Madagascar” with a pencil step by step? Then get down to business and go ahead!

Stage 1. Draw the base of the penguin’s body. Draw a large curved line from one edge to the other (as if it would be half an oval). This will be the bird's face. In it we draw a curved line at the top. Then two curved curves on the sides of the semi-oval. Here later there will be two penguin legs.

Stage 2. Now we finish drawing the entire body of the bird below. We extend the lines of the semi-oval to the bottom and connect them together. The result is such a funny figure that reminds us of a matryoshka doll or a tumbler doll. We see that our penguin is quite plump in its lower part.

Stage 3. We begin to detail the contours of the character’s body. First, let's draw his wings (legs, forelimbs). On the sides we draw smooth lines of the wings, which go from the side lines of the body and go to the front of the body along curved curved lines. The penguin holds its paws, placing them one behind the other.

Stage 5. Let's show two round eyes located at a fairly close distance from each other. The eyes are small, they have dark pupils. And even lower we will draw the opening of the beak from one edge of the mouth to the other.

Stage 6. Now at the bottom of the body we will draw two lower limbs (paws) with which the penguin walks on the ground. Penguins, although birds, cannot fly. They only move on the ground or ice in rather funny small steps, waddling from one side to the other. The penguin's paws are small below and placed in different directions, which makes it even more funny.

Stage 7. As a result of completing all these stages, you should get this funny penguin from “Madagascar”.

Step 8: Color it black and white colors. Let it be our penguin - the commander of the cheerful and slightly stupid bird quartet - Skipper. Then, based on our lesson, you can try to draw the rest of the penguins yourself.

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