Romanian and Moldovan female names. List of Moldavian and Romanian female and male names and their meaning Moldavian names

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Romanian and Moldovan names– names used in Romania and Moldova can be divided into several groups:

Names of religious origin (biblical names).

Names borrowed from Slavic languages.

Names derived from Romanian words.

Names borrowed from related Romance languages ​​(mainly Italian and Spanish).

Ancient Roman names.

And others.

Romanian and Moldovan female names


Russian variant
















































Alexandrina (Sandica)




Ana (Anika, Anikutsa)

















Christina (Krista)
















Catherine (Katelutsa)

Elena (Nutsa, Elenika)

Eleanor (Norika)




Emilia (Emilika)

Eugenia (Genia)




Flora (Florika)












Ilyana (Ilenutsa)







Julia (Yulika)





Leah (Lea)


Lydia (Lidutsa)











Maria (Maritsa)













Petrana (Petrika)

Petronela (Nela)






Rose (Rosika)


Sabina (Sabinutsa)


Sofia (Sofika)








Victoria (Victoria)






Zoya (Zoitsa)

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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Romanian and Moldovan female names


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Origin Moldovan surnames.

History of Moldovan surnames at first glance it is quite simple and unpretentious. However, Moldovan surnames are distinguished by some features that set them apart from their closest “relatives” – Romanian surnames. Historically, Moldova has had close relations with many peoples and cultures. This could not but affect the formation of family names, which first appeared among the Moldavian princes in the 13th-14th centuries. They were more like nicknames or middle names and often recalled the close connection with the Ukrainian and Russian languages ​​- Andreiko, Ivanok, Fedko. There were very few such family names; the bulk of Moldovans received surnames only in late XVIIIearly XIX century. This was mainly due to military service, and Moldovans served in both the Austrian and Russian troops.

Methods of forming Moldovan surnames.

If you look list of Moldovan surnames in alphabetical order, then many of them end in -yak, -ak, -yuk, -uk, -ey. Basically, they arose on the basis of Russian and Little Russian names and nicknames. Some of these surnames do not have an ending or end in -y - Zaporozhan, Russu, Rusnak, Podolyan, Buts.

Some experts believe that meaning Moldovan surnames with the parts “buts” and “guts” its roots go back to the name of the Hutsuls, and the so-called “rayki” served for the names of the Russians - Railyan, Raiko, Rusnak.

Like other peoples, Moldovans' surnames were formed from the father's personal name, nickname or profession of the first bearer of the surname. For example, Makovey Unguryan (Makovey, come out of Hungary), Ionitse Muntean (Ionitse the highlander, a native of Muntenia). Often interpretation of Moldovan surnames can be difficult, and their belonging to the Moldovan people is not always traceable. This is due to the fact that representatives different nations, which, naturally, left their mark on the formation of surnames. Dictionary of Moldovan surnames includes surnames associated with Russian (Rusnachuk, Railyan, Etsko), Ukrainian (Khokhlov, Kazaku), Bulgarian and Gagauz (Bulgaru, Syrbu) peoples. There are surnames with a clear trace of Polish and Turkish influence - Lyahu, Mazur, Turkulets, Tataru.

Declension everyone Moldovan surnames in the Russian language is subject to the laws of Russian grammar - surnames ending in a consonant change by case only in masculine, and surnames ending in a vowel are neither masculine nor feminine.

Top Moldovan surnames shows which of them are popular and widespread among the largest number of the Moldovan population.

One of the impressive groups of Moldovan names is Slavic. They appeared in the language even before the founding of a separate state by the Moldovans ( we're talking about on the formation of the Principality of Moldova in 1359). The use of common Slavic roots is typical for these names. For example, Drag, which means “dear” (“analogues” are in Polish, Czech, Bulgarian and Serbian), or Bogdan (“God-given”).

Due to the residence of the nation next to the Vlachs in XIX-XX centuries(the principality of the same name became part of the United Principality of Moldavia and Wallachia in 1859), Romanesque names appeared in the list of Moldavian male names.

The Middle Ages became a time of revival of Roman culture; this fashion affected all European countries without exception. Moreover, the “consequences” can be observed not only in architecture, literature and theater, but also in anthroponymy. A huge number of female and male beautiful Moldovan names have Roman ancestors. Take a look: Adrian (derived from the Roman personal or family nickname Hadrianus, that is, “Adriatic, native of the Adriatic” or “inhabitant of Adria”), Camil (derived from the Roman cognomen Camillus, which translates as “a youth of impeccable birth, admitted to the service of the gods”).

There are also names in Moldavian that come from Romanian lexemes. For example, Viorel (arrangement of the Romanian “viorea”, that is, “violet”).

Another area of ​​borrowing is names noted in the Bible or belonging to canonized saints. There are many of these in the language, they all have Greek, Latin and Hebrew origin. In addition, these names remain the most popular among Moldovan citizens. These are Gheorghe (ancient Greek; translated as “landowner”) and Ion (meaning “Yahweh is merciful”, of Hebrew origin).

A separate group of Moldavian male names are ancient Germanic, for example, Albert - from the name “Adalberht”, i.e. “bright, noble”, Carol – comes from the name Karl (“man, man, husband”). They came into the language in the first centuries AD, when the territory inhabited by the Moldovans was the possession of various tribal unions.


Having examined the main ways of borrowing Moldovan male names, we were convinced that the anthroponymic system is rich in names from Latin, Greek, Old German, Italian and Spanish. This means that the language is sensitive to political, cultural and social changes.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular names for boys and choose the one you like for your child.

It's no secret that Moldovan and Romanian names are quite beautiful and harmonious in sound, which is why they gained their popularity far beyond the borders of these countries. Special mention should be made of Moldovan and Romanian surnames. Their translation can often mean some type of profession, characteristic feature man, his successes. And in combination with the name, it plays a decisive role in determining the fate of a person and his character.

Classification by origin

Romanian and Moldovan names are indigenous to the inhabitants of these countries. Many of them are used quite often in Russia. Conventionally, the following classes of names can be distinguished:

  • borrowed from Slavic languages;
  • originating in the territories of Italy and Spain;
  • taken from the Catholic and Orthodox calendars;
  • appeared in Ancient Rome.

Moldovan names

The following female Moldovan names Among the three most popular: Angela, Tatiana and Elena. Top 3 among men: David, Maxim, Alexandru.

List of most on the territory of Moldova and their etymological significance:

Even rare Moldovan names are often found in Russia, as well as in other countries.

What are children called in Moldova?

List of popular Moldovan names for boys and girls:

Choosing a name for a child is a very responsible matter. It must be selected with love and attention, taking into account its prevalence, euphony, and compatibility with the surname and patronymic.

Romanian variants

Top 3 Romanian female names: Maria, Elena, Anna. Three Romanian male names: Gheorghe, Ioan, Vasile.

The following male and female names are also common in Romania:

Since ancient times it was believed that the name influences future fate and the formation of human character. If, when meeting someone, you pay special attention to the meaning of a person’s name, then thanks to this you can get to know him better.

Moldavian language Many linguists define it as one of the dialects of Romanian. He, in turn, was formed from the so-called “ folk Latin"and was influenced by the Modern Greek and Slavic languages ​​used by its neighbors. The names that children are called in Moldova are conventionally divided into several categories:

  1. names of biblical origin;
  2. names derived from Romanian words;
  3. ancient Roman names;
  4. borrowed from the Slavs;
  5. borrowed from related Romance languages ​​(for example, Italian).

How to choose options for boys?

Moldovan names extremely melodic and beautiful Moreover, there is a rich variety to choose from. Another advantage is the constant positive meaning that almost all names carry.

When choosing, you can rely on the most valuable features of temperament associated with the name, and its deep meaning, laid down from its very origin.

List of options and their meaning

The following is a list of Moldovan male names with brief interpretation. Some of them are considered quite rare or even undeservedly forgotten, while others are often used by modern parents not only in Moldova, but throughout the world. Adam – (“man”). Vulnerable, stubborn and very emotional.

  • Adrian– (“originally from the shores of the Adriatic Sea”). Altruism and philanthropy are extremely developed in him.
  • Albert– (“noble, brilliant”). He carefully hides his emotions, but at the same time has powerful self-confidence.
  • Alexandru– (“protector”). Confident, sociable, cheerful, but often frivolous.
  • Anatol– (“eastern”) Tenacious, persistent, balanced and strives hard to succeed.
  • Andries- (“courageous, brave”). The soul of the company, easily finds mutual language with unfamiliar people.
  • Angel- (“angel, messenger”). Knows how to show empathy and strives to help others.
  • Antonash- (“entering into battle”). Very charming, but reserved and doesn't talk much about himself.
  • Antonin– (“belonging to the family of Anthony”). Quickly absorbs knowledge and has a desire to lead.
  • Arthur– (“man-bear”). He has a very sensitive soul and an enthusiastic nature.
  • Afanas– (“immortal”). Devoted to his family, but dreams of travel and great achievements.
  • Augustin– (“full of dignity”). Impulsive and curious, values ​​freedom above all else.
  • Avram– (“father of nations”). Always strives to act according to conscience and protect those who are weaker.
  • Benjamin- (“beloved son”). Thirsts to dominate, to lead, is not afraid of those who are endowed with greater power.
  • Bogdan – (« given by God"). Closed, dreamy, but prone to narcissism and risky decisions.
  • Valeriu- (“vigorous, strong”). He has an agile mind, believes in the highest justice and is sensitive to barbs addressed to him.
  • Vasile– (“royal”) Patient, possesses developed intellect, very sensitive to the opinions of others.
  • Victor– (“winner”). Characterized by a highly developed sense of duty, an unforgiving and reliable assistant.
  • Virgin– (“immaculate”). Not subject to suggestion, has strong principles, decisive.
  • Vivian– (“living”). The personification of reliability and loyalty, he is self-sufficient and enjoys authority among others.
  • Gavril- (“God’s warrior”). He has tact and great patience, and is an excellent speaker.
  • Gratian– (“grateful”) Full of internal contradictions, does not like routine, has an analytical mind.
  • Damian- (“submissive”) Conscientious, wants to please and does not shy away from responsibility.
  • Dan- ("judge"). Bright, seeks ways to express himself and has a strong creativity.
  • Daniel- ("fair"). Pleasant to others, often displays tolerance and the qualities of an idealist.
  • George- (“cultivator of the land”). Neat, diligent, has a sense of humor, but does not know how to keep secrets.
  • Dimitrie- (“farmer”). He has a very strong will to live, is faithful to friendship, and is sometimes unable to contain negative emotions.
  • Dionysius– (“belongs to Dionysus”). Agile, diligent, has a quick mind.
  • Dominic- (“belongs to the Lord”). Harmony and beauty are important to him, and he loves to give advice.
  • Dorian- (“from the family of Doris”). Most of all, he dreams of benefiting people and has been striving for this since childhood.
  • Dragos- ("Expensive"). Not sociable, strives to achieve mastery and constantly gain knowledge.
  • Zechariah- (“remembering the Lord”). Good-natured, compliant and caring towards loved ones.
  • Zamfir– (“sapphire”). Bright personality, is looking for an opportunity to expand his abilities, throughout his life he is in search of himself.
  • Ignat- ("fire"). Resourceful and proactive, endowed with abilities in a variety of areas.
  • Hilarion- (“joyful”) Shy and indecisive, but hardworking and diligent.
  • Jordan– (“descended”). He is intellectually developed, tries to look at the world realistically, but cannot do without the support of loved ones.
  • Joseph- (“May God reward”). Firm, but emotional and sometimes irritable.
  • Jon- (“God is merciful”). Strives for altruism and selflessness, knows how to maintain family and friendly ties.
  • Kamil– (“dedicated to serving the Gods”). Stubborn, kind and flexible, pays a lot of attention to his appearance.
  • Carol- ("Human"). Attachment, amorous and demanding of others.
  • Christian– (“Christian”). Has a good memory developed intuition and the gift of a peacemaker.
  • Claudiu– (“belongs to the Claudian family”). Phlegmatic, hardworking and balanced.
  • Clement– (“merciful”) Curious, calm and easy to control.
  • Corneliu- ("rude"). Solid, reliable, but has painful pride.
  • Lavrentie– (“crowned with laurels”). Characterized by suspiciousness and the ability to always defend one’s beliefs.
  • Leo- ("a lion"). A talented person with a vivid imagination, masters words, and has a strong need for love.
  • Lucretiu– (“profit, benefit”). He is very demanding of himself, extremely hardworking and determined.
  • Manuel- (“messenger of God”). Thirsts for continuous movement, does not value stability, and is very honest.
  • Marcel– (“militant”) Choleric, extrovert, has the gift of understanding people.
  • Mark- ("hammer"). Self-centered, he does not open his whole soul even to his loved ones, he can be explosive and behave unceremoniously.
  • Marian- (“sea”) He easily adapts to any situation, has a strong will and, wanting to help, often interferes in other people's affairs.
  • Martin– (“dedicated to Mars”). He can be indecisive and withdrawn into himself, but he always completes the things he starts.
  • Matei- (“gift of God”). Lively, sociable and optimistic, reserved in his goals.
  • Maximilian– (“greatest”). Emotional and rebellious, patient and does not change his beliefs.
  • Mihai– (“like God”). Sensitive to art, strives to achieve excellence in business.
  • Miron– (“fragrant”). He is characterized by honesty, faithfulness to his word and punctuality, and never makes ill-conceived promises.
  • Nestor- ("wanderer"). Main feature– love for people, needs emotional support, is a supporter of freedom and independence.
  • Nikifor– (“victorious”) Balanced and independent, has a conservative attitude to life.
  • Nicholas- (“conqueror of nations”). Strives to move forward, but does not crave approval, and is also very secretive.
  • Octavian– (“eighth”). Characterized by calmness and common sense, values ​​honesty and good name above benefits.
  • Oliviu- ("olive Tree"). Reliable and careful, you can rely on him in extreme situations.
  • Ovidiu– (“savior”). He is silent and sensitive, but approaches life with philosophical calm.
  • Pantelimon– (“all-merciful”). Tactful, knows how to organize work well and defends his business with all his might.
  • Paul– (“small, modest, junior”). He is leisurely, outwardly calm, but his emotional balance is highly dependent on the approval of loved ones.
  • Petru– (“firm, unshakable”). Very courageous, but at the same time temperamental and generous.
  • Radu- (“joyful”) In his nature, he strives for freedom and lack of boundaries, loves to learn new and unknown things.
  • Rafael- (“God healed”). He lacks stability, but he is very erudite and reaches out to new knowledge.
  • Remus- ("fast"). He has extraordinary thinking, has a negative attitude towards lies and constantly strives for leadership.
  • Novel– (“Roman”) He is a little frivolous and quickly gives up on things that don’t work out, but at the same time he is witty and lively.
  • Romeo– (“going to Rome”). Thirsts for a dynamic and vibrant life, rarely gets tired and is drawn to talented people.
  • Samson– (“sunny”). Strong, peaceful and focused on fulfilling his dreams.
  • Sebastian- (“sacred”) In business he has firmness and impulsiveness, a lively and extremely selfish character.
  • Seraphim– (“flaming”) Calm, rarely displays dissatisfaction, and is committed to fruitful cooperation.
  • Sergiu– (“tall, noble”). Communicative, open to the world, capable of the deepest feelings, but often experiences disappointments.
  • Silviu– (“from the forest”). He knows how to understand people, so he often becomes good leader, is always fair and patient with others.
  • Simon– (“heard by God”). He has gentleness and mercy, is thorough in business and knows how to plan.
  • Spiridon– (“wicker basket”). The character is wayward, but tries to avoid conflicts, self-sufficient, but the love of loved ones is important to him.
  • Theodore– (“given by God”). Philanthropy is his main feature; his soul is subtle and sensual, but he does not get along well with others and does not know how to reconsider his opinion.
  • Tiberiu- (“from the Tiber”). Mental restlessness often pushes him towards adventure, but his productive energy makes him a very productive worker.
  • Timothy- (“who worships God”). Charming, smart and responsible, but not prone to monotony, so he spends a lot of time searching for his place in life.
  • Fabian– (“coming from the family of Fabius”). The personality is strong, but subject to constant doubts.
  • Felix– (“bringing happiness, life-giving”). Intelligent and reasonable, in companies he behaves reservedly and separately.
  • Philemon- ("Darling"). He is very impressionable and remembers failures for a long time, but is also kind and sincerely grateful to those who helped him.
  • Philip – (« loving life"). His actions are subordinated to emotions, and he is also very ambitious and feels satisfaction from being the center of attention.
  • Flavian– (“golden-haired”). Characterized by lack of self-confidence and constant anxiety, but at the same time he feels great working in a team.
  • Florentine– (“prosperous”). Bright, courageous and often very demanding, he is a good speaker and knows how to maintain discipline.
  • Christopher(“honoring Christ”) – sensitive, fair and unyielding in his opinions.
  • Stefan– (“wreath, crown”). Confident in his abilities, unforgiving, possesses extraordinary mind and a sense of humor.
  • Edward– (“sacred guard”) He is persistent and pragmatic, and therefore often lacks sensitivity.
  • Emilian– (“rival”). Charming and resourceful, but a little slow and not very diligent.
  • Eugen– (“noble”). He knows how to be smart and find compromises, a great dreamer.
  • Eustatio– (“fertile”). He believes in human kindness and is very open to people, with a strong sense of duty and responsibility.
  • Julian- (“from the Yuliev family”). He carefully selects his social circle, is always ready to defend the weak, and has a rich imagination.
  • Justin- ("fair"). He has mobility and uncertainty, it is difficult for him to make serious decisions, but at the same time he is very responsive and sensitive to other people's troubles.

It is important to remember that the child begins to associate himself with his name already from early childhood. Very soon it will become part of his personal history, and not just a word.

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