The most beautiful national parks in the world. The most beautiful national parks in the world

Bali Barat is a national park in the north-west of the island of Bali, which received the status of a nature reserve in 1917. In 1941 it became an Indonesian national park.

On an area of ​​760 sq. km spread rainforests, jungles, dry savannas, mangrove swamps, as well as acacia thickets and alpine forests. To the north of the park is the jutting peninsula of Prapat Agung. It is surrounded by protected beaches and Coral reefs, as well as the small offshore island of Menjangan, a popular diving destination. There are several extinct volcanoes in the east. The highest of them are Mount Patas (1,412 meters) and Merbuk (1,388 meters).

One hundred and sixty bird species have been recorded in the park, including the critically endangered Bali starling. First of all, it was for this reason that the park was created. In 2001 There were only six individuals of this bird left in the world, and all of them were in this park.

The fauna is represented by deer, black monkeys, flying foxes, wild boars, macaques, squirrels, snakes, reef herons, black Indian cuckoos, etc.

90 percent of the area is closed to the public, and only a few routes are accessible to tourists accompanied by official guides.

The most popular route through the tropical jungle is climbing Mount Gunung Klatakan. In addition to the stunning scent emanating from the many orchids, the path will be graced by black monkeys, hornbills and even flying foxes.

No less popular are the water routes that run along Gilimanuk Bay through the mangrove forests bordering the coast. Several graceful dusky Pacific Reef Herons can be spotted here.

National parks help preserve the diversity of plant and animal species on our planet. The beauty that is created by human hands cannot be eternal. Only beautiful creatures of nature can die and be reborn again - they are eternal.

National parks of the world

Serengeti, Tanzania park

Some anthropologists claim that the cradle of the world is located in the Olduvai Gorge of Tanzania. During archaeological excavations found here a large number of remains of prehistoric animals and primitive people. It is believed that the age of such finds exceeds two million years. The Serengeti Game Reserve is home to the largest population of large animals in Africa. There are over three million of them here: rhinoceroses, zebras, leopards, elephants, giraffes, crocodiles, buffaloes, and antelopes are found everywhere in these places. The local family of lions, numbering over three thousand individuals, is considered the largest in the world.

Of particular interest to tourists and scientists is the massive annual seasonal migration of animals. It happens twice a year.

During the dry months of the year, October and November, approximately one million antelope and 220,000 zebras move from the northern part of the country to its southern regions in search of pastures. In April, when the rainy season begins in the south, huge herds that can amaze people with their numbers return to the north.

Lensays Maranhenses, Brazil

This unusual park is located in the Brazilian state of Maranhão, near the Bay of São José. Its name from Portuguese is translated not too poetically - “Maranhão underwear”. This is due to the fact that from a great height its territory resembles white canvases stretched across the ground. This place causes controversy among scientists, as it has its own peculiarity. During the dry season, it is an almost lifeless desert, but after the rainy season, lakes form between the dunes. Moreover, for some unknown reason, within a few days these lakes become inhabited, filled with all kinds of living creatures: small fish and crabs. Such a rapid colonization of water bodies by living organisms causes numerous disputes among scientists. There are two opinions on this matter. According to the first version, the eggs are brought here by birds arriving to drink, and according to the other, life is preserved from the previous period, resuming with the appearance of water.

Yellowstone Park, USA

National Park Yellowstone is unique due to its age: it is considered the oldest park on the planet, as it was founded back in 1872 by President Grant. There are plenty of animals here: moose, grizzly bears, pumas and bison feel great in the local forests. But the main feature of the park is not the richness of the animal world. Tourists come here to look at the unusual landscapes of the Valley of Geysers. It all looks amazingly beautiful, it's just the smell rotten eggs, emitted by hydrogen sulfide fumes, somewhat spoils the picture. At the bottom of Yellowstone Lake, several geysers are actively functioning at once, so all the trees near the lake stand dead, covered with a snow-white coating of hydrogen sulfide.

Swaziland Hlane Park

Hlane Park is a habitat for leopards and lions. Only one person has the right to hunt in this reserve - the King of Swaziland. But he is like a person nature lover, comes here only once a year for the purpose of relaxing and admiring the beautiful animal kingdom, and not to exterminate innocent animals.

Kronotsky Nature Reserve, Russia

The oldest reserve in Russia is known throughout the world as the territory where the largest population of brown bears lives. Besides this, this is practically the only place left where beautiful wild reindeer can still be found. But not even these wonderful creatures nature attracts tourists from all over the world, and the amazing Kamchatka landscapes. In a small area of ​​the reserve, on currently, there are more than a hundred geysers and hot springs, as well as eight active volcanoes.

France's Port-Cros Nature Reserve

Port-Cros National Park is located on the island of the same name, not far from the French Cote d'Azur. Tourist visits to the park are strictly limited, no more than 1,500 per day. What's interesting about this place? Picturesque bays with white sandy beaches.

Tongariro, New Zealand

On the territory of Tongariro National Park, nature has created real lunar landscapes, since there are three active volcano(while there are only four of them in the country). In the distant past, this territory was sacred place for the Maori tribe. It is currently known as Mordor from The Lord of the Rings.

Cairngorms National Park in Scotland

The Cairngorms National Park status was only granted in 2003. The reserve's lakes are considered the cleanest bodies of water in Britain. What makes these places especially picturesque is the huge population of swans that flock to the local lakes.

Nordwest Spitsbergen National Park, Norway

Spitsbergen is the kingdom of the animal world and northern expanses. Arctic foxes, walruses, reindeer and polar bears live here. A real Christmas fairy tale. Traces of numerous polar expeditions remain on the territory of the reserve.

Wood Buffalo National Park of Canada

The owners of Wood Buffalo Park are the mighty bison; there are about sixteen thousand of them here. Tourists often come here in the summer not only to admire the mighty animals, but also to engage in active recreation. Hiking, cycling and canoeing excursions are organized here. In winter, the reserve is visited by ski lovers, who are often rewarded by nature with a special prize - the opportunity to observe the northern lights.

TO end of the 19th century centuries, people began to understand that if they do not take care environment, but only to exploit it mercilessly, then in a fairly short time they will manage to destroy many species of animal and plant life. Some of this dirty work has already been done. In addition, our beautiful and diverse planet may forever lose its unique natural formations. For this reason, reserves appeared and National parks peace. Every state that has national parks strives to preserve their natural splendor and diversity. At the same time, in different countries The forms of national parks may vary, but they are all dedicated to the common idea of ​​preserving nature for future generations to be proud of their country. According to International Union nature conservation, there are now 6,555 national parks in the world.

1. Greenland National Park

The world's largest national park (972,000 sq. km) is also the northernmost. Its area exceeds the area of ​​163 countries of the world! It was founded in 1974. Apart from the national park staff, there are no other residents here. About 10 thousand musk oxen also live here, which is 40% of all these animals remaining in the world. Other inhabitants of the park include reindeer, polar bears, walruses, Arctic hares and stoats. Sparse vegetation here is represented by mosses and lichens, and only here and there you can see dwarf willows and birches.

2. Kruger (South Africa)

In the national park. Kruger features typical South African wildlife. This is not only a very popular nature reserve among foreign travelers, but also profitable business bringing in considerable income. This oldest national park in South Africa, listed as a UNESCO heritage site, was founded back in 1898 in the northeast of the country. Its area is 19,000 square meters. km, and from end to end the distance is 340 km. It consists of three parts, located in the valleys of the Olifants and Sabie rivers. This reserve practices a curious form of “unarmed” African safari. In a huge national park, most animals are grouped in its central part. Among them: elephants, hippopotamuses, crocodiles, giraffes, white rhinoceroses, leopards, 17 species of antelope and over 400 species of birds.

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3. Serengeti (Tanzania)

Serengeti National Park is one of the largest (15,000 sq. km) and most famous on the planet, containing almost a complete ecosystem. This reserve, the oldest in Africa, dates back to 1929. Its territory is home to almost 500 species of birds and 3 million of the largest mammals. Every year there are spectacular migrations of millions of herds of wildebeest, hundreds of thousands of zebras and gazelles, these living rivers cover a distance of more than 3000 km. The migration of zebras and wildebeest is explained by the fact that a drought begins in the north of the park, burning the grass, and in search of food, herbivorous ungulates rush to the cooler and wetter south. On the contrary, when the rainy season begins, the herds return to the north and west.
The Serengeti also boasts the largest population of lions in Africa. Among its inhabitants we should mention elephants, hyenas, gazelles, rhinoceroses and hippopotamuses. In the Maasai language, the park's name means "endless plains" - and in fact, it is mostly an endless savannah.

4. Yellowstone National Park (USA)

Located in the northwestern United States, Yellowstone National Park is very famous in the world, especially in recent years. It includes the territories of several states: Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. The national park was founded here in 1872 due to the huge number of geysers and thermal springs. A large alpine lake, Yellowstone is located in the crater of the largest supervolcano in America. This volcano has already erupted a long time ago, so the surrounding areas are covered with ancient lava.
Yellowstone is home to two-thirds of all the geysers in the world - almost 3000, among them the largest in the world - "Steamboat". The Old Faithful geyser is very famous for its regular eruptions, which throws boiling water to a height of 40 meters at intervals of 45-125 minutes. There are only five geyser fields known in the world, located in Yellowstone, Kamchatka, Chile, Iceland and New Zealand. Yellowstone is densely packed with a variety of thermal springs, of which there are about 10,000 (that is, half of those in the world), there are mud volcanoes and sources of hydrogen sulfide.
The national park is home to hundreds of species of mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and approximately 2,000 species of vegetation.

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5. Snowdonia (UK)

This national park is located in the north of Wales. This is one of the first nature reserves in England and Wales; it was created 60 years ago. It was named after the highest peak in Wales - Mount Snowdon, which has a height of 1085 m. The territory of the Snowdonia National Park lies not only on public but also on private lands. 26,000 people live within its borders, and the number of tourists visiting it per year reaches 6 million. For them, the park has 2,381 km of open hiking trails, there are also 264 km of trails for horseback and hikers, and 74 km of other routes. So, those who wish can climb to the top of Snowdon by cable car or along a picturesque walking trail with a length of 13 km. There are also ancient railway tracks in the park.

6. Plitvice Lakes (Croatia)

The term “Plitvice Lakes” was first mentioned in documents in 1777. The site became a national park in 1949, and 30 years later UNESCO added it to its heritage list. On its territory there are 16 large karst lakes, 20 caves and 140 waterfalls. This place is unique in that new waterfalls appear here every year and in general the landscape is constantly changing. The water in the lakes here has an amazingly beautiful azure color, so photographs here turn out to be unusually spectacular. Along the 18-kilometer-long hiking trails along the shores of the lakes, there are wooden decks from which it is convenient to observe the surrounding beauty and photograph it.
There are several walking routes throughout the park, a journey along which can take either a couple of hours or 8 hours. There is a boat plying the lakes, and you can look at the mountains from an electric train with special cars adapted for better review. But it is forbidden to swim in local lakes, bring dogs here, or have picnics with bonfires. Plitvice Lakes are also famous for their unique coniferous and beech forests, which have been growing here for many centuries and are able to recover.

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7. Fiordland (New Zealand)

This is the name of New Zealand's largest national park, which occupies most of the southwestern mountainous area of ​​the South Island. Here are the country's deepest lakes and quite high and picturesque mountains, reaching 2746 m. ​​And now Fiordland remains a difficult-to-reach area. There is a lot of beauty here: fast-moving rivers with waterfalls, picturesque fjords, rich and unique flora and fauna. The local dense forests are home to beautiful birds such as cockatoos. In local waters Pacific Ocean you can meet penguins or bottlenose dolphins.
The famous British writer Rudyard Kipling glorified the local Milford Sound, calling it “the eighth wonder of the world.” Along its entire 18-kilometer length, the bay is framed by high mountain peaks. This place is one of the wettest on the planet - it rains here every two days out of three.

8. Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Reserve

This reserve is unique in many ways. Spread over a vast area of ​​444,000 sq. km, it covers the territories of five countries at once: Botswana, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Zambia. There are no boundaries on the territory of the reserve itself, so animals can move freely throughout its entire territory. This largest African reserve includes a number of parks of individual states, for example, the Okavango Delta and Chobe.
In addition to the rich wildlife, the territory of this reserve contains world-famous attractions, for example, the magnificent Victoria Falls. The transboundary reserve appeared recently - in 2011. The most important task of the five states that organized it was to provide the opportunity for free migration for animals. But it has also become a very important and profitable tourist attraction, because literally every day a new tourist group appears in one place or another of the endless reserve. First of all, travelers are attracted here by African elephants, of which almost half of all savannah elephants living in Africa live here. Over 600 species of flora, including unique ones, also grow on the lands of the reserve, and 300 species of birds can be seen in the sky above the luxurious landscapes.

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9. Papahānaumokuākea Marine Sanctuary (USA)

This reserve is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in the Hawaiian archipelago, including a group of its small islands and atolls. It has an area of ​​approximately 360,000 sq. km, making it the largest protected marine reserve in the world. The Papahanaumokuakea Nature Reserve was founded recently - in 2006. Its islands contain exotic animals and plants, but not only these land-dwelling living objects are valuable, but also the luxurious coral reefs hidden under the water layer, forming a unique system.
This name of the reserve did not appear immediately, but only a year after its formation - this is how they decided to celebrate the married couple of the patrons of nature - the local gods Uakea and Papahanaumoku. For the native Hawaiians, these places have been sacred since ancient times; according to their beliefs, the souls of their dead relatives went here.
Archaeologists have explored these islands and discovered that some of them were inhabited by humans in prehistoric times. For example, on the islands of Nihoa and Makumanamana there are remains of ancient settlements in which people lived who were engaged in agriculture. Within Papahānaumokuākea is a tenth of the tropical shallow-water coral reefs owned by the United States.

10. Limpopo Transfrontier Park

This park also occupies the territories of several African countries - South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Its area currently is about 37,000 square meters. km, it has 10 different zones. To date, the final border of the reserve has not yet been established, especially since it is expected to expand almost three times. This transboundary park appeared only in 2000, and a year later the first animals appeared in it. Now elephants, giraffes, cheetahs, spotted hyenas and other African wildlife already live there.

The reserve is located in the northeastern part of the Russian Plain. All the rivers of the reserve are left tributaries of the Volga, the largest of which are Kostroma and Unzha. Quite large areas of the reserve are occupied by swamps and wetlands, which is primarily due to the flat, leveled topography. The reserve has small forest rivers and no large lakes and rivers, which leads to a significant density of animals whose life is directly connected with water bodies - these are, first of all, otter, mink, and beaver.

The territory of the Katunsky and Altai nature reserves is included in the list of World Cultural and natural heritage UNESCO entitled “Golden Mountains of Altai” (1998). The absolute heights of the Katunsky Nature Reserve range from 1300 to 3280 m above sea level. The territory contains 135 lakes with an area of ​​151,664 hectares or more. In the highlands there are a large number of glaciers, with a total area of ​​283 square meters. km.

Shulgan-Tash State Nature Reserve in Bashkortostan, which has federal status. Located in the western foothills of the Southern Urals, in the mountain-forest belt, within the Burzyansky district. Total area - 225 sq. km. The rich landscape mosaic also determines the high diversity of flora. The relief is low mountain. Mixed broad-leaved and coniferous-deciduous forests occupy 92 percent of the territory.

The natural architectural and archaeological museum-reserve Divnogorye is located on the territory of Russia, in the Liskinsky district of the Voronezh region. The area of ​​the museum-reserve is more than 11 km². From a geological point of view, the reserve consists of chalk deposits on the surface of the earth. The maximum height of the plateau above sea level reaches 181 meters, relative - 103 meters (the mouth of the Tikhaya Sosna River at the confluence with the Don, which flows at the foot of the plateau, is located at an altitude of 78 m above sea level). Due to the rather significant difference in altitude between the plateau and the floodplain of the Don and Tikhaya Sosna rivers, its microclimate differs significantly from the surrounding floodplain lowland.

The Kuznetsky Alatau State Nature Reserve is located in the south of Central Siberia, at its highest point - on the western descent of the ridge, at the intersection of Mezhdurechensky, Tisulsky and Novokuznetsky regions Kemerovo region. The Kuznetsky Alatau ridge itself extends over almost a third of the Kemerovo region. This ridge is a relief consisting of medium and high mountain ranges dissected by rivers.

The Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve is located in the Khasansky district of Primorsky Krai, between the western coast of the Amur Bay and the border with China, on the spurs of the East Manchurian mountain ranges, the Sukhorechensky and Gakkelevsky ridges, separating the Kedrovaya River basin from the basins of the Barabashevka and Narva rivers, flowing near the boundaries of the reserve.

The Lazovsky Nature Reserve is located on the southern spurs of the Sikhote-Alin, in the interfluve of the Kievka and Chernaya rivers. In terms of size and moisture regime, the mainland part of the territory of the Lazovsky Reserve, located north-west of the Zapovedny ridge. Almost the entire territory of the reserve is divided between two independent drainage basins of the Kievka and Chernaya rivers, flowing into the Sea of ​​Japan. The remaining numerous rivers and streams of different sizes, directions and character are either tributaries of these rivers, or independently collect water from a narrow coastal strip, average width which is about 10 km long and flows directly into the Sea of ​​Japan.

What to photograph: rivers, mountains, grove of relict yew. Some lakes have unique vegetation and other natural features.

The main part of the reserve's territory is represented by taiga forests various types. On the coast of Lake Baikal, fragments of ancient relict steppes have been preserved; 50 species of mammals and about 240 species of birds live. The reserve is also famous for its high number of bears. In addition, here you can find such rare and interesting birds, such as the white-tailed eagle, black stork, humpbacked scoter, ogre, gray crane.

What to photograph: source of the Lena River, Cape Ryty, sacred to local residents a section of coast with a grandiose gorge, the remains of the oldest volcanoes on Earth - the mountain peaks of the Baikal ridge in the area of ​​the Sredny and Verkhniy Kedrovy capes. 50 species of mammals, about 240 species of birds. Known for its high population of otters and brown bears.

The national park is located on the territory of Greater Sochi: from the borders with the Tuapse region, between the mouths of the Shepsi and Magri rivers in the northwest to the borders with Abkhazia in the southeast and from the Black Sea coast to the watershed line of the Main Caucasus Range. Most of the park's territory is occupied by mountains, dissected by river valleys. The foothill zone occupies a narrow strip along the Black Sea. About 40 rivers and streams of the Black Sea basin flow through the park.

What to photograph: varied landscape, unforgettable views and many exotic animals. A special feature is the abundance of rivers and streams, which create a huge number of canyons and waterfalls.

The Altai Nature Reserve is located in the mountains of Southern Siberia. This is the land of mountains and swift mountain rivers, the kingdom of giant trees and the country of ancient wild animals. A walk through the mountain taiga landscapes of the reserve is fascinating in its unpredictability. Vertical belts, steppe, forest, subalpine and alpine, replacing each other as you climb the mountains, hide their secrets. Even the forests within the reserve are different. In the north there are practically only firs, to the south - cedars, in the south - deciduous trees.

What to photograph: peaks of the Altai mountains, Lake Teletskoye, alpine meadows. The territory is also home to lynxes, bears, rosemaries and 323 species of birds.

UK National Parks

Brecon Beacons National Park

The Brecon Beacons are located on a mountain range in South Wales and occupy a national park of approximately 1345 sq. km., in the park there is the most high mountain in southern Britain. The Brecon Beacons translates to "Brecon Beacons", a name that comes from ancient times when people used fires lit on mountain tops to signal each other that enemies were approaching.

What to photograph: The park's mountains and moorlands look very breathtaking. In the mountains you will find many waterfalls. The park also contains many ancient monuments and castles.

Norfolk Broads

Broads National Park covers Norfolk and Suffolk. This is a large, protected wetland area of ​​Great Britain that is home to some of the UK's rarest plants and animals. This is the third largest park in the UK, which occupies vast expanses of water. The park includes seven major rivers and 63 remains of medieval peat excavations.

What to photograph: The flat terrain makes the Norfolk Broads a very windy place, and countryside dotted windmills, which are picturesquely located on the edge of the water. The park operates small yachts and boats that, for a small fee, will take you around the most beautiful areas, where you will undoubtedly be inspired by the richness of the wetlands and the diversity of birds.

The beautiful expanse of the Dartmoor moors in Devon covers a huge area of ​​the UK. Dartmoor contains the greatest concentration of artefacts Bronze Age Great Britain, there are many ancient stones and other monuments.

What to photograph: beautiful landscapes, cliffs, granite stones, all this makes the National Park an incredibly picturesque place. Dartmoor Park's iconic rock formation attracts the attention of photographers from all over the world.

The largest British national park, with an area of ​​4528 km2. The area is home to a high and massive mountain range, with four of Scotland's five highest mountains located within the park, and there are 55 peaks over 900m high. Overall, the Cairngorms occupy about six percent of Scotland.

What to photograph: massive mountain landscape traversed clean rivers with sparkling water. There is a Nestle lake in the park. Vast forests occupy the lower slopes, and the peaks are covered with ice most of the time. The park is home to many rare animals, with around 25 per cent of threatened species living in the Cairngorms. Here you can see red squirrel, deer, osprey, snowy owls, red partridge and eagles.

Lake District, often compared to the sea, the park is located in the mountainous region of Cumbria, in north-west England. The entire territory of England with an altitude of more than three thousand meters above sea level is within the territory of the National Park, including Scafell, the highest mountain in England. The deepest and longest lakes of England are also located here.

What to photograph: You can shoot landscapes and lakes, they are very breathtaking, especially in autumn.

This park in western Scotland is located in the district of Loch Lomond, which represents the largest reserve fresh water in mainland UK. The park contains 21 peaks with a height of more than 1000 meters and 19 peaks with a height of more than 2500 m, as well as two forest parks - Queen Elizabeth and Argyll.

What to photograph: numerous small lakes, mountains, beautiful wooded areas, small clearings, wildlife. Ben Lomond is one of the most photogenic mountain peaks. In the national park you may encounter deer, squirrel, otter and osprey.

Britain's oldest national park. It attracts around 10 million visitors a year, largely due to its proximity to a number of major cities in northern England, making it one of the UK's busiest national parks. The Peak District is conventionally divided into the northern Dark Peak, where most of the territory is occupied by swamps, and the South Peak, where most of The territory is occupied by limestone rocks.

What to photograph: The park's hills and cliffs attract the attention of visitors and photographers, and there are many valleys, streams, lakes and waterfalls. The Peak District has many interesting features dating back to the Industrial Revolution, with man-made fencing, roads and the remains of mills making for even more photographic appeal.

US National Parks

Grand Canyon, Arizona

The Grand Canyon is one of the iconic places in the United States of America. The Grand Canyon stretches almost 450 km in length. It was formed by the influence of the Colorado River over thousands of years. The National Park is famous for its picturesque desert landscapes.

Yellowstone, Wyoming

The first national park in the world, famous for its geysers, hot springs burst out from underground, making a unique impression on viewers. The park is home to many wildlife, including grizzly bears and moose.

Rocky Mountain, Montana

On the Canadian border, Rocky Mountain Park is home to about 130 lakes and is home to thousands of plant species and hundreds of animal species.

Everglades, Florida

The Everglades is a network of wetlands and forests and is home to 36 protected species, including panthers and American crocodiles.

Bryce Canyon, Utah

Bryce Canyon National Park is famous for its unique geological structures that cut the sky with narrow peaks. The structures were formed by weathering and erosion by sediment flow.

Death Valley, California-Nevada border

Death Valley is the hottest and driest place in North America. Here you will discover a harsh desert landscape that, despite everything, attracts many species of animals.

Denali, Alaska

Denali is located around the tallest mountain in North America. Denali's landscapes are a mixture of forest, tundra, glaciers and rocks.

This dramatic landscape includes two active volcanoes: Kilauea, one of the most active in the world, and Mauna Loa.

Yosemite, California

Yosemite is famous for its attractive El Capitan and Half Dome cliffs. There are beautiful steep waterfalls and ancient redwood trees here.

Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico

The underground park is a huge cave with an area of ​​1220 m, 191 m wide and 78 m high. Photographers here will be amazed by the beautiful limestone cave landscapes.

National parks in Europe

Saxon Switzerland, Germany

The park is distinguished by extremely beautiful rocky landscapes and canyons. Ancient coniferous trees grow in Saxon Switzerland.

The Swiss National Park is the oldest park in the Alps and provides protection to many rare animals. Mountain goats, marmots and countless varieties of birds live here.

Teide, Tenerife island, Spain

The volcanic peak of Teide is the most visited national park in Spain. It is known for its surreal landscapes and amazing views of the surrounding Canary Islands.

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

A series of 16 lakes of different colors amaze the imagination of visitors coming to the Croatian National Park. The shades of water in the lakes vary from crystalline green to dark blue.

Vatnajokull, Iceland

The largest glacier in Europe is located in Vatnajökull National Park. The glacier occupies about 8% of the entire territory of the country.

Cevennes, France

Cevennes is located in the mountainous region of France. Here you will see picturesque mountain landscapes and gorges. There is a chain of cave systems within the park.

Olympus, Greece

Here is the famous Mount Olympus, the highest mountain and the legendary home of the Greek gods. The park has rich history, culture and ecological diversity.

Abruzzo, Italy

The Abruzzo Park is home to huge granite peaks and beech forests. This mountain wilderness is home to brown bear, wild lynx, wolves and royal eagles.

Tatra Mountains, Slovakia

The oldest national park in Slovakia covers 741 square kilometers of area. Pines and other coniferous trees grow here. There are many lakes in the park, and a wide variety of wild animals live here.

Burren, Ireland

The Burren is the smallest of Ireland's six national parks. The area of ​​the park is only 15 square kilometers, but despite this there is something to see.

National parks of the world

Fiordland, New Zealand

The snow-capped mountain peaks of the national park will inspire any photographer. Most of the plots of the film The Lord of the Rings were filmed here. The park is home to dolphins, fur seals and penguins.

Kruger National Park, South Africa

This park is one of best places, which are worth visiting to see all the flavor of the African continent. Lions, African elephants, buffalos, leopards and rhinoceroses live here.

Banff, Canada

It is Canada's oldest National Park and features rich mountain ranges, densely forested regions, glaciers and ice fields. Banff is home to grizzly bears, elk and bighorn sheep.

Goreme, Türkiye

Turkey's national park inspires photographers around the world with its surreal landscapes, caves and bizarre hills.

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

The island's wildlife has developed in isolation over millions of years, resulting in unique animals and rare plant species growing in the park.

Most of the park is occupied by mountains, one of which highest point our planet - the peak of Everest. The territory of the park amazes with rivers, glaciers and beautiful mountain landscapes.

Torres del Paine, Chile

Torres del Paine National Park is home to the impressive Andean peaks. Lakes, glaciers and mountain glades are presented to the attention of photographers. Here you can find guanacos, pumas and rare birds.

Kakadu, Australia

Kakadu National Park is subject to World Heritage UNESCO. The park is home to impressive waterfalls, rivers and swamps, and is home to many wild animals, including saltwater crocodiles.

Iguazu, Argentina / Iguazu, Brazil

We are talking about two Iguazu parks at once, one of which is located in Brazil, and the second in Argentina. Business card parks is a chain of the most beautiful waterfalls surrounded by jungle. Visitors are impressed by the huge variety of birds living around Iguazu Falls.

Serengeti, Tanzania

Serengeti National Park is famous for the annual migration of wildebeest, zebra and gazelle that passes through the park.

Fuji Hakone Izu, Japan

Japan's most popular national park includes views of the dormant Mount Fuji located in the center of the park. Fuji Hakone Izu is shrouded in clouds in spring and summer.

Zhangjiajie, China

Unique and inimitable mountain landscapes await visitors to Zhangjiajie Park in China. The park is home to tall sandstone pillars, the result of years of erosion caused by ice expansion.

The national park is named after a hunter who gave up his job and began to protect nature in order to save the Bengal tiger. It is the oldest national park in India and is home to Himalayan bears, leopards and elephants.

Canaima, Venezuela

As you can guess from the title, National Park Snowdonia is located in the Snowdon mountains. The elevation of 3,560 feet offers scenic views of the park. Lakes and rivers are set against a backdrop of trees and rocks, making the park an ideal place for relaxation and photo opportunities. Within the boundaries of Snowdonia Park, visitors can also admire ancient castles. History is the realm of legends and tales, which makes the park an even more fascinating place to visit. Sleep music is easy and relaxing to listen to

Grand Canyon, USA

Over hundreds of years, the Colorado River created this amazingly complex Grand Canyon. Every year, tourists flock to this place to admire its beauty, travel to the bottom of the canyon and set up camp. The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world and has also been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Grand Canyon extends over 1,200,000 acres.

Kruger National Park, South Africa

One of the biggest national parks in the world, the Kruger Park covers millions of acres of land. It is home to a huge number of African animal species, including elephants, giraffes and many more. You can observe these animals from observation towers scattered throughout the park. The Kruger National Park also offers 9 different routes, including at night.

Deosai, Pakistan

Every spring, thousands of flowers and butterflies begin to bloom in Deosai National Park, forming a living carpet, and this riot of colors makes this place fabulously beautiful. Of course, it is advisable to visit the park in the spring, although it is beautiful all year round.

Kakadu National Park, Australia

The Australian government and Aboriginal people work together to care for such a beautiful national park Cockatoo. The park is a World Heritage Site and its stunning views attract tourists all year round. One of the most interesting attractions in the park is cave drawings Aboriginals that can be found in the area. It is also home to a range of animals, including the saltwater crocodile.

Hortobagy, Hungary

Hortobagy became the first national park in Hungary. It was declared as a national park in 1973. In 1999, the park was included in the list of World Heritage Sites. Home to wild horses and a range of endangered birds, Hortobagy Park is home to over 342 bird species and is a true birdwatcher's paradise.

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

This area of ​​Croatia is ideal for holidays and hiking, with stunning mountainous terrain dotted with lakes and streams. The uniqueness of the reservoirs of this park is that the water contains travertine. This gives the water perfect clarity as well as a very vibrant blue-green hue.

Madain Saley National Historical Park, Saudi Arabia

While many parks have dense vegetation, Madain Salei consists almost entirely of desert and rocks. The amazing oases and attractions of the park will blow your mind. The ancient burial ground in the park is also beautiful. More than 125 graves and facades were carved into the rock sometime between 500 BC. and 100 AD. They are still in excellent condition and are certainly worth a visit if you are in the area.

Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal

Here you can admire Everest, as well as its adjacent mountains, monasteries and villages. National Park serves as a home for mountain goats, which balance perfectly while climbing dangerous sheer cliffs.

Iguazu National Park, Argentina and Brazil

National Park Iguazu is located in Argentina and Brazil. Iguazu Falls is actually made up of hundreds of waterfalls in a circle of curved rock. The park is home to wide range wild animals including howler monkeys, jaguars, tapirs and caimans.

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