The largest cities in the USA

America is a majestic country that attracts millions of tourists every year. Life is not enough to travel around all the most interesting corners of this country and look at all its sights. invites you to get acquainted with the ten most popular tourist cities in America, which are worth visiting at least once in your life.

New York is a city of great opportunities

New York is the unofficial capital of the USA. The city is one of the largest in the world, as well as the economic and cultural center of the United States. The city includes five boroughs: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and Manhattan, where the main attractions are located. About 50 million tourists come to New York every year. Holidays here are expensive, but interesting. The average cost of hotel accommodation per night is about $300, but if you prepare for your trip in advance, you can find inexpensive guesthouses for $150-200 per night. You won't be able to eat tasty and cheap food in New York, but in great demand Travelers use mobile food kiosks. In general, hot dogs, fast foods and Coca-Cola are the main travel companions of the average tourist. The situation is much more interesting with local attractions: Broadway theaters, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the famous Times Square, Central Park (the most visited park in the USA) and, of course, the Statue of Liberty. In addition, New York is a real paradise for fashionistas; here on 5th Avenue there is a huge number of branded boutiques, and about Christmas and summer sales heard all over the world. So everyone should visit this metropolis at least once in their life.

Los Angeles - a city of entertainment

Los Angeles is a major global center for the entertainment industry. The city is relatively young, so there are no world-famous architectural monuments here, but it is business card there is a developed film industry, and you can easily meet celebrities on the beaches. Millions of tourists come to Los Angeles to see with their own eyes “the happiest place on earth” - Disneyland, as well as to soak up the beaches of Malibu and Long Beach under the light ocean breeze and visit the main attraction of the city - Universal Studios. There are always a lot of tourists here, because everyone wants to see with their own eyes how cool Hollywood action films are filmed. A must-see tourist destination is a visit to the famous “Walk of Fame” located on Hollywood Boulevard. Tourists always visit Beverly Hills, where many movie stars live. Be sure to visit the main street of the city - Sunset Boulevard, where the old Warner brothers studio is located and the Sunset Strip, where you can taste the beauty of Los Angeles nightlife.

Beverly Hills is the richest city

The Californian city of Beverly Hills is familiar to many thanks to the legendary youth series "Beverly Hills, 90210". It was there that the golden youth was sung and luxurious life in Beverly. If you walk the streets of Beverly Hills, you will see a lot of interesting things. The houses here are cozy, the people are carefree, the cars are expensive. And although they say that Beverly’s wealth is rather far-fetched and promoted by the media, seeing a Bentley convertible or a Mercedes S-Class driving along the road is not a problem. Surprisingly, the people who live here are good-natured, they don’t hide their houses behind a high fence, and their yards are always green and well-groomed. Those who want to enjoy shopping should definitely visit Rodeo Drive - here you will find boutiques around the world famous brands, and expensive restaurants where you can taste the delights of local cuisine.

Miami - the city of beach pleasures

When we talk about Miami, we mean Miami Beach - one of the most prestigious resorts in the world. Here are the mansions of the richest people on the planet, world stars and financial tycoons. This is a small paradise on earth with snow-white beaches, a total length of 16 kilometers, with huge palm trees lined up right next to the ocean. Holidays in Miami are luxurious, everyone here works for your comfort. Along the beach you can find a hotel for every taste and budget, and when you finally get to the beach, you can fully experience all the splendor of this area. Night life The island is bustling with numerous nightclubs, bars and other entertainment venues. Due to the fact that people come to Miami mainly for new experiences and acquaintances, the beaches are practically free until lunchtime. A bright, friendly atmosphere reigns in the city all year round, so those who are tired of the noise come here. Life in Miami is an endless holiday, which makes the city an excellent alternative to business New York.

San Francisco is the freest city

The city is named after the Catholic saint Francis of Assisi. The standard of living in San Francisco is high, and housing is expensive. Even in poor neighborhoods, living standards have improved significantly during the Internet revolution. The basis of San Francisco's economy is tourism: the city ranks fifth in the United States in terms of the number of foreign visitors and is one of the ten best cities in the world, and just a hundred years ago it was almost completely destroyed by a powerful earthquake. San Francisco is very diverse; here on the streets you can meet poor people, hippies and representatives of sexual minorities, who make up about 15% of the city's population. Among the main attractions it is worth noting the famous hills (there are more than 50 of them in San Francisco), Chinatown with its exotic shops and Golden Gate Park, which is larger in size even than Central Park in New York.

Washington is the most dangerous city

Washington is the capital of the United States, it is not part of any state and was named after George Washington, the first American President. All organs are located here federal authorities USA. They say that this city is not at all like American cities. Perhaps this is due to the fact that its construction back in 1790 was carried out by the French architect Pierre Lanfant. The main attraction for every tourist is, of course, the White House. True, it is almost impossible to get there on a tour, unless the president himself invites you. Unlike other American cities, there are practically no high-rise buildings in Washington. But there are many historical, cultural and museum monuments (Capitol, The White house, Aerospace Museum, Lincoln, Jefferson and Roosevelt memorials), located relatively close to each other and absolutely free, which is undoubtedly a plus. Well, and, of course, Washington has its own Chinese town. Compared to similar ones in San Francisco, they say it is very boring and monotonous, but with cheap eateries. If you're planning a trip to Washington, don't forget about the high crime rate. And when going for a walk, leave valuables at the hotel.

Las Vegas is the most gambling city

The city's bright lights and hospitality attract tourists from all over the world. The holiday city with stunning neon fountains will be one of the most unforgettable adventures of your life. It's not for nothing that Hollywood films This is how Las Vegas is often shown with its noisy parties, bachelor parties and endless gambling. The city is home to more than eighty casinos, several thousand gaming pavilions, luxury hotels and other entertainment venues. It's not just about rustling banknotes and hunting for jackpots. Many world celebrities come to Las Vegas for concerts. The lights here shine so brightly that even at night it is always light. It’s scary to even imagine how much electricity is burned in order to attract gambling people. And almost every second person dreams of getting rich in an instant. 25 million tourists come here every year in hopes of catching their luck.

Hawaii - heaven on earth

When traveling around America, you must visit the Hawaiian Islands at least once. This world famous resort is popular among both ordinary people, and among celebrities. It is located in the very center of the Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is famous for its national traditions, the indigenous people are very friendly, and the notorious “aloha” can be heard at every step. This area is especially popular among surfers, and the long sandy beaches and clear ocean water are ideal for diving and windsurfing. Holidays in Hawaii are like a paradise for tourists. Here you will find hotels - from the most exquisite to quite affordable, and tropical blue lagoons, and waterfalls, and even active volcanoes. Here you can disappear into nature and enjoy every moment of a wonderful holiday.

Chicago - the city of skyscrapers

Chicago is the third largest city in terms of population (after New York and Los Angeles), which is called “Greater Chicago”. It is the largest economic and political center in the world. Chicago is located on the shores of Lake Michigan. The city is famous for its huge number of skyscrapers: five of the ten most tall buildings The USA is located right here. And his skyscraper, the Sears Tower, was taller than the famous Twin Towers in New York. On the 103rd floor (there are 110 in total) a glass Observation deck, which offers an amazing view of the city panorama. Tourists come here to admire the legendary Water Tower, built in 1867 and the only one that survived the fire in 1871. It still provides water to almost 400 thousand people in the northern part of the city. The beaches along Lake Michigan attract the attention of tourists, and picturesque parks line the business districts. So, after thoroughly enjoying your walk around Chicago, you can have a picnic on some lawn.

Houston is a city of cowboys

Houston is the largest city in the state of Texas. According to the results of numerous studies, it was included in the ranking of the most convenient cities in the world to live in. Houston is a multicultural city, with many Mexicans (due to its proximity to the south of the Mexican border) and Asians living here. First of all, this city is interesting for tourists for its world-famous Rodeo festival. About two million tourists visit wild bull racing every year. This sport is very dangerous, but the earnings of the most daring and famous cowboys sometimes reach 100 thousand dollars. True, most of this money is often spent on treatment after racing. Houston is famous not only for the Rodeo - every year the city hosts the largest gay night festival, as well as an art car parade. For those who prefer a more relaxing holiday, we recommend visiting shopping mall in Texas, the Houston Zoo or Water Park.

They are a living organism where everything works like a clock. In the USA there are both large metropolitan areas, which are mostly located on rivers and lakes, and small cities. America is also known for the so-called ghost towns that film directors love to make films about.

Brief History of the USA

In the 16th century, the territory of America was inhabited by Indians. A century later, the first Europeans appeared here, who colonized the North American continent in the 18th century. At the end of these events, 3 zones of influence were formed: in Louisiana, Texas and Florida. 07/04/1776, after military operations in the struggle of the English colonies for independence, a new sovereign state was formed - the United States of America. A year later, a constitution was adopted. In the 19th century, new cities expanded into the country. America conquered the colonies of other countries, among which was California. In April 1917, the United States entered the First World War, which ended in 1929 and caused an economic crisis in the country. 12/07/1941 America was involved in World War II. Japan became its enemy. Later, the United States launched hostilities with Italy and Germany. Throughout its history, this state has participated in almost all international conflicts, which, one way or another, contributed to the expansion of its power and global influence.

Largest cities

America ranks 3rd in terms of population on the planet. The first and second places belong to China and India. The American population is growing every year due to high levels of immigration. People from different countries are moving to the country permanent place residence. The most are located nearby water sources, and therefore so attractive to tourists. Among them:

  • NY.
  • Los Angeles.
  • Chicago.
  • Houston.
  • Phoenix.

America's big cities have excellent infrastructure, high population densities, and abundant natural energy resources. For example, the Houston metropolis is considered the world's petrochemical capital, and all thanks to oil and gas production and the presence of oil refineries and petrochemical plants. Phoenix is ​​a rapidly growing city that is a major supplier of winter vegetables and grains.

Walking around New York, Los Angeles and Chicago

These are the most populous cities. America can be proud of the number of foreigners living in it. There are more than 8 million people in New York. The city is divided into administrative centers, each of which has its own president. The UN headquarters is located in New York. This is a noisy and vibrant metropolis that never sleeps. New York is considered the financial capital of the world. About 4 million people live in Los Angeles. The film industry and international trade are very well developed here. Los Angeles is called the creative capital of the world. More than 90% of American film production is produced in the metropolis. Chicago is a major international transport hub. The metropolis is famous for its large number of museums, art galleries and restaurants. Almost all American cities are one-story agglomerations that are maximally unified, which makes life comfortable for the country's population.

TOP 5 smallest cities in America

  • In the southwestern region of New York state there is a cozy city Chautauqua. This is a tiny town with picturesque alleys, cute restaurants and beautiful architecture. The main attraction of Chautauqua is the Sunday school of the same name, which was open to persons who did not have sufficient funds to obtain an education.
  • Second place on the list of "America's Smallest Cities" belongs to Healdsburg. This is a cute little town famous for its excellent wine.
  • Williamsburg(Virginia) - a small college town with rich history and exquisite architecture.
  • The city ranks fourth Lanesborough in Minnesota. Visiting guests here can enjoy their stay in comfortable hotels and go to a performance in one of the best local theaters.
  • Marietta(Ohio) is a small city with a rich history that dates back to the 18th century. There is a beautiful castle here, which is almost a pearl of American Gothic architecture.

North America

The continent is located in the Northern Hemisphere. It is washed by three oceans at once: the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific. The mainland covers an area of ​​20.36 million km2. North America is inhabited by about 400 million people, most of whom come from Europe. are Indians, Eskimos and Aleuts. North American cities are diverse: they differ from each other in population density, architecture and natural resources. St. John's is considered the oldest. It is the capital of the Canadian province of Newfoundend. The city received this name in honor of John the Baptist. For the first time an English ship landed on its shores in 1497. Now over 100 thousand people live here. The city is home to the picturesque St. John's Harbor, the Railway Museum, an Art Gallery, and a geological center. Its center is decorated with the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. The largest cities in North America are:

  • Mexico City.
  • NY.
  • Los Angeles.
  • Chicago.
  • Toronto.
  • Havana.
  • Houston.
  • Santo Domingo.
  • Ecatepec de Morelos.
  • Montreal.

Latin America

This region is associated with the history of the mysterious civilizations of the Mayans, Incas, noble caballeros and beautiful girls. Latin America is located in the south of the North American continent. This is the main tobacco and coffee region of our planet. Latin America is a land with legendary architectural monuments, beautiful parks, picturesque beaches. The most popular destinations are Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, and Mexico. Big cities Latin America- these are subjects with a multinational population. The largest city in the region is Mexico City, home to more than 2.5 million people. Large settlements also include:

  • Sao Paulo.
  • Lima.
  • Rio de Janeiro.
  • Santiago.
  • Buenos Aires.
  • Bogota.

Ghost towns

Today there are about 200 “dead” cities in the United States of America. The eerie appearance of these places attracts journalists, film directors and mystics from all over the world. America's ghost towns are more often seen in the central part of the continent.

  • Mokelumne Hill(California State). Once upon a time life here was in full swing, but later criminal activity began to flourish. Civilians were killed to enrich themselves. Soon the gold reserves dried up, and the people left this territory. Now only a few people live here, who warmly welcome visiting tourists.
  • Centralia. Not so long ago this city flourished and developed. But in the 60s of the last century, the government decided to get rid of the garbage dumped in old mines. They set it on fire. The garbage smoldered for a long time, causing the coal to catch fire. Firefighters failed to cope with the disaster; local residents began to die from an excess of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. And now in Centralia, ash is falling from the sky and the air is poisoned.
  • Claremont(Texas). It was built in 1892. After 50 years, the city fell into decay and lost its status as a regional center. People began to leave Claremont. By the 90s of the last century, only 12 people remained there.

Haunted Detroit

This “dead” metropolis ranks first on the list of “Ghost Towns of America.” Not long ago, Detroit was the automotive capital of the United States. But the crime rate in the city increased sharply... Therefore, people tried to move to neighboring areas. In addition, an unfavorable environmental situation has developed in the settlement; Detroit began to occupy a leading position in terms of unemployment. Now this metropolis is recognized as the most disadvantaged American city. Experts note that by 2045 the population here will completely disappear.

The best cities in America

The most expensive city in the USA is considered NY. It leads in the number of millionaires living in it - about 670 thousand people. The most dangerous city is considered Detroit, but safe and friendly - Amerst. There are also disadvantaged people here settlements. America is known for its high crime and criminology rates. IN Cleveland The most unfavorable living conditions developed. The climate there is terrible, and the economic situation leaves much to be desired: high level unemployment, crime, corruption. In addition, taxes in the city are too high. Named America's Cleanest City Miami. And the most vicious - Las Vegas.

10 largest cities in the USAby population (2016 update)

Presented 10 largest cities in the USAby population. Short description cities (based on the corresponding Wikipedia pages) + 1 photo. City population data source: . Table of the 30 largest cities on this.

Population estimated 2014.

1. NY

Population: 8,491,079 people The largest city in the United States and one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. The population in the suburbs is about 20 million. Located on the Atlantic Ocean in southeastern New York State. New York was founded in the early 17th century by Dutch colonists.
New York is the most important economic center of the United States and the whole world. New York, along with London and Tokyo , called one of the three main centers of the world economy. Financial organizations, located in the city, controlled up to 40% of world finance at the end of 2008.

Includes 5 districts: Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and Staten Island . The main attractions are located in Manhattan. Among them: historical skyscrapers, Rockefeller Center, Woolworth Building , artisticMetropolitan Museum of Art, Metropolitan Opera, Museum contemporary art Solomon Guggenheim(painting), American Museum natural history (dinosaur skeletons and planetarium), legendary hotel " Chelsea", UN headquarters, Harlem.

2. Los Angeles

Population: 3,928,864 people Located in the south of California, on the Pacific Ocean. It is the largest by population in the state and the second largest in the country. The population of the Greater Los Angeles agglomeration is over 17 million people. Los Angeles is one of the world's largest cultural, scientific, economic, educational centers. The city is also one of the world's largest centers of the entertainment industry in the fields of cinema, music, television, and computer games.

3. Chicago

Population: 2,722,389 people The second most important financial center in the country and the largest transport hub in North America. Located on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan, in Illinois. The Chicago metropolitan area (with various suburbs) is called “Greater Chicago” or “Chicago Country” and is home to about 10 million people. The Chicago metropolitan area ranks 26th in the world in terms of population. Chicago is rightfully considered the economic, industrial, transportation and cultural capital of the Midwest.

4. Houston

Population: 2,239,558 people Largest city in Texas. The population of the Greater Houston metropolitan area is about 6.1 million people. The city is located 50 kilometers from the Gulf of Mexico on the coastal plain, its area is 965 km². The city's economy is represented by enterprises in the fields of energy, aeronautics, transport, and healthcare. The city is a leading center for the production of oil production equipment.

5. Philadelphia

Population: 1,560,297 people One of the oldest cities in the USA, the most populous city in Pennsylvania. Together with the suburbs there are about 5.7 million inhabitants.
Philadelphia is rich in history and culture. FPhiladelphia is one of the largest industrial, financial and cultural centers in the United States. Throughout its history, it has been considered one of the most multi-ethnic cities in America: Italian and Irish, Eastern European and Asian communities lived side by side with the city's large black population, many of whom are descendants of those who fled here during thecivil war between North and South.

6. Phoenix

Population: 1,537,058 people The capital and largest city of the American state of Arizona. Phoenix is ​​also the largest state capital of all American capitals, including the federal capital of Washington. Phoenix's climate is arid and classified as subtropical desert. Phoenix is ​​the hottest and one of the driest cities in the United States. It is also one of the hottest cities in the world.

7. San Antonio

Population: 1,436,697 people located in southern Texas. The city's economy is based on four aspects - financial transactions, government, healthcare and tourism. The city is also one of the largest base centers US troops . There is a fortress in San Antonio Alamo - symbol of independence Texas . Popular place recreation among tourists, three million of whom arrive in the city annually -San Antonio waterfront, located on the river of the same name.

8. San Diego

Population: 1,381,069 people A city in the state of California in the southwestern United States on the Pacific coast near the border with Mexico. Population with suburbs of about 2.9 million. In terms of population, San Diego is second in state after Los Angeles. The main US Navy base on Pacific Ocean. WITHto the south it is adjacent to a Mexican city Tijuana , west coast Pacific Ocean , to the east are the spurs of the San Isidro Mountains.

American cities seem huge and concrete. With skyscrapers, multi-story interchanges and millions of cars. But there are completely different American cities - lost in the middle of nowhere, tiny towns where the charm of the past is still preserved, where life flows differently. Each of them contains nostalgia, loneliness and comfort. You want to return to each of them to be in silence. Their names are unknown to most, but today we propose to wander through 4 completely different lost towns of the West Coast of America. Let's start with this strange gas station, located at the entrance to the town of Page, Arizona, which is home to about 7,000 people.

2. The surroundings look something like this: red silence and endless space. The nearest metropolis (Phoenix) is about 430 km.

3. Around the gas station, ancient hard workers - tractors from the mid-20th century - froze forever.

4. It looks like a kind of strange museum of mechanical machines and it all looks quite unusual.

5. Some samples are especially colorful.

6. Considering that most gas stations in America are completely modern, this can be called luck for a photographer.

7. By the way, many films were filmed in these alien environs, for example: “Superman”, “Planet of the Apes”, “Hulk”, “Maverick”, “Broken Arrow”, “In wild conditions" and others. The world famous "Antelope Canyon" is located very close by.

8. Well, we are transported to a town with a completely different atmosphere. Jamestown, California - founded by the Gold Rush in the mid-19th century, was home to many gold miners and swindlers. In total, gold worth about one and a half billion dollars in modern prices was found in local mines.

9. About 3,000 people live in the city. There are only a few streets here. Most institutions, including cafes, bars and even hotels, have been operating since then. The interiors are also original. So this is an excellent opportunity to travel back in time, to the era of the “Wild West”. By the way, the movie "Wild Wild West" with Will Smith was filmed here.

10. Jamestown Sheriff's Office.

11. The wooden hotel where we lived - Royal Carriage Inn - is a fairly new building by local standards. Built in 1922.

12. And this is what the backyard in our hotel looked like. Melancholy lives here.

13. The whole city is very well-groomed and beautiful. Of course, as in any small town USA, there is a small park with a gazebo.

14. One of the main attractions of Jamestown is the ancient railway station from the late 19th century ( Railtown 1897 State Historic Park). The station is a link to the famous Sierra railroad. There is a small railway museum here.

15. The station line is still in operation. From here you can ride on a real 19th century steam locomotive or an old diesel locomotive through the surrounding mountains and forests of fantastic beauty.

16. By the way, this Railway also related to cinema. That's what they call it: "The movie railroad." This is where they filmed famous movie"Back to the Future 3".

17. The nearest major city (Sacramento) is 2 hours away from here.

18. Well, we are transported to Elko, a city that calls itself the heart of Nevada. About 18,000 people live here permanently. There are a lot of cowboys and everything connected with them, including a chic micro-museum of the Wild West (The Western Folklife Center). If you find yourself in Elko, we highly recommend visiting it.

19. One reason makes you stop in this city: if you are traveling from Sacramento or Reno (California) to Salt Lake City (Utah), then Elko will be exactly in the middle of the 900-kilometer journey. Convenient place to spend the night. It must be said that this is the largest city for several hundred kilometers in any direction. Around it there is “nothing” - a desert with cacti and endless dry lakes covered with a white salt crust. So there is no choice.

21. We trudged under the scorching sun through the deserted city. It is unclear where these 18,000 people live. Over the course of a few hours, we only met a few people.

22. They probably come here only during the population census.

23. However, the city has a large casino, many rather nice old cafes and bars, and also this diesel locomotive installed in the central square.

24. The symbolism of this structure, unfortunately, remained undeciphered by us.

25. The last lost town we'll visit today is Lone Pine, California. In that amazing place, four hours north of Los Angeles, is home to just two thousand people.

26. The first building in Lone Pine was built in 1861. Despite the distance from major cities, there are excellent roads here, to which the place owes its existence. The town is located at an important crossroads, which perhaps gives it strength to live. To the East lies the famous Death Valley, national park with a unique landscape and the hottest place on earth. A few kilometers to the west is Mount Whitney, the highest peak in the continental states and a very popular climb. The northern road leads to Yosemite National Park and then to Lake Tahoe. Well, the road to the south leads to the “City of Angels” - Los Angeles.

27. So you can easily have the best vacation of your life in hidden Lone Pine. And we celebrated New Year 2015 here, staying at the legendary Dow Villa Motel, opened back in the 1920s and run by the same family since 1957.

28. The motel is located at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains.

29. What's nice about small towns like this are the hotels and motels. Here, as a rule, for little money you will get a very clean and well-maintained room. Not luxury, but everything you need to spend the night is there. Moreover, with history.

30. The view from the hotel of the snow-capped Sierra Nevada mountains inspires an unforgettable day.

31. The hotel has many memorable or even strange places. For example, this lobby fits perfectly into the overall retro-Christmas style of the town.

32. Almost all the big movie stars of the Western era, like John Wayne, lived in motel rooms. It's all about the unique rocky landscape in the surrounding area. Hundreds of cowboy films were filmed here, and most of the town's residents were employed in the film industry, providing services ranging from horse training to makeup.

33. In the evenings, it seems that the spirits of old Hollywood still roam the corridors.

34. The motel patio also has an unusual atmosphere. You can feel the style and proximity to Hollywood.

35. The influence of the film industry on the city was so great that they even opened a rather interesting film museum here, which we highly recommend visiting. Here you can find various photos and props from a number of films, including Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained, and the cult 80s horror film Tremors. And the cinema in the museum is completely free.

Which cities do you prefer? Big cities or small little-known towns?

Photo 1-10; 12-25; 27-35: CALIFORNISTA(reprinting only with the approval of the authors)
Photo 11:

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