The most terrible attractions in the world. The most extreme rides in the world

We present to your attention the most terrible attractions in the world. The selection includes the most dangerous "carousels" from all over the planet, so it's time to buckle up and be brave!

Scientific research has shown that adrenaline is an excellent tool in the fight against stress, and since there are plenty of problems in our lives, more and more people feel the desire to face something dangerous, scary, which makes adrenaline run through the veins and make the heart beat everything is faster.

Attractions in this regard today occupy a leading place. Flying at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour, falling into a loop and immediately being thrown up - this will give anyone an adrenaline rush. At the same time, we will not rank the scariest attractions in this article, since everyone has different fears - some are afraid of heights, and others of sudden turns.


We invite you to the observation tower of the Stratosphere Las Vegas hotel-casino. Its height is 350 meters! It is the second tallest observation tower in the Western Hemisphere, surpassed only by the CN Tower in Toronto. But for this reason, the attractions located at the top of the Stratosphere are considered undeniable world leaders in height.

There is plenty to choose from - the Big Shot tower, the Insanity carousel, and the monstrous X Scream trailer. At the same time, all the emotions from these risky attractions can be safely increased several times. After all, they pass at an altitude of 300 meters!

From 1996 to 2005, the observation tower housed a roller coaster that was the tallest in the world. However, due to design limitations, the High Roller trolley could not reach high speed: it was simply impossible to accelerate on the small heel of the roof. Therefore, in 2005, the local roller coaster, which, by the way, is called Russian all over the world, was changed to the creepy Insanity carousel and the scary X Scream car, which we will tell you about below.

Catapult "Big Shot"

The Big Shot catapult was opened in 1996. This attraction is considered the highest on the planet: it is capable of lifting daredevils to a height of 329 meters, and then sending them from this very height into a free fall at a speed of more than 70 kilometers per hour and with an amazing acceleration of 4g. The Big Shot catapult is considered to be the best observation deck in the United States. But not all people have the courage, falling down at such speed, to enjoy the magnificent landscape outside the window.


Carousel Madness opened in 2005. This is the newest attraction of the Stratosphere, it is an ordinary carousel, only (!!!) considered the most high carousel on a planet that takes your breath away. Imagine people spinning there over a three-hundred-meter abyss located 20 meters from the edge of the roof.

At the same time, the carousel rotates quite quickly, and the overload is 3g. Additionally, during the Madness spin, the daredevils are face down. It also remains to add that in such a carousel, passengers are placed not in closed, but in open cabins, so the sensation of spinning at breakneck speed over a bottomless abyss becomes even greater!

Car "X Scream"

The "X Scream" car appeared in 2005. It is considered the highest swing on the planet. Its essence is as follows: a short rail produces a rapid tilt, and the car at high speed rushes over the edge of a 350-meter roof into the abyss. Then the nose of the car brakes sharply, being far beyond the “solid ground.” This is one of the scariest rides in the world, and as you can even see from the photo, the fewest people want to ride it.

Free Fall Zone in Paramount, Ohio

The free fall zone at Paramount is a carousel platform that lifts those interested to a height of 100 meters (this is the height of a 26-story building) and drops them down at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour. True, to begin with, at such a height, daredevils will be allowed to sit for a while and admire the wonderful panorama that opens, and then unexpectedly they will be sent off to a paid free fire! This is where there is a flurry of screams and adrenaline is produced furiously!

Catapult " Flying Dutchman»

The Flying Dutchman catapult helps people experience the beauty of extreme flight. So, at first all the cables are tightly stretched, and the “cocoon” with visitors froze in anticipation, but the operator presses a button and the mechanical locking is turned off, then the power to the magnet is turned off and the daredevils, with their own terrible screams, quickly fly up to a height of 40 meters!

To better imagine this, let's say that we're talking about about the height of a 15-story building. Then the “cocoon” comes back, and then soars up again. And so several times in a row, giving visitors an unforgettable flight experience!

As a bonus, the entire flight can be filmed with an “on-board” wireless color video camera. For many people, this subsequently becomes their favorite video - and allows them to experience the same emotions again and cause the envy of others. True, the management of the attraction still recommends filming first extreme conditions Watch the video for yourself: not everyone in such a catapult looks like fearless daredevils.

Well, and besides, look how gorgeous the Flying Dutchman catapult looks! The organizers created real light show, having a height of 35 meters. It remains to add that the dynamic lighting system consists of 2000 lamps, 36 channels and 6 colors.

"Catapult" - amusement park "Divo Island", St. Petersburg

It is very pleasant that the Russian “Catapult” is also included in the list of the most terrible attractions in the world. It is located in St. Petersburg in the Divo Island amusement park. This is an attraction whose height is 54 meters, which is higher than the previous “carousel”. It consists of three huge columns, to which powerful metal cables are attached.

The operators pull the cables, and one of the capsules quickly takes off, then it goes down, and then flies up again, and so on until it comes to a complete stop. In addition, during the flight the capsule also turns around its axis. At the same time, the attraction is also enchantingly illuminated, which adds undeniable sophistication and charm to it.

And now we are talking exclusively about roller coasters, since they are in the following list of the most terrible attractions. Apparently, in fact, there is nothing more terrible and dangerous than them!

Kingda Ka (New Jersey, USA)

The Kinga Ka roller coaster opened in New Jersey in 2005. Their height is 139 meters. They are the tallest metal slide in the world. It is also one of the fastest rides in the world. Using a hydraulic mechanism, the trolley accelerates to a speed of 205 kilometers per hour in 3.5 seconds! In the spring of 2009, Kinga Ka was struck by lightning. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but complex repairs to the slides were then necessary. But today the attraction is again in operational readiness and happily welcoming visitors.

Colossus, England

The Colossus roller coaster is located in England, in the city of Chertsey, and more specifically in Thorpe Park. They rightfully bear the title of the world's tightest steel roller coaster. They are located at an altitude of 30 meters, the length of the track is 850 meters, and the maximum speed is 65 kilometers per hour. The track is designed so that you can end up upside down exactly 10 times and then return to your normal position.

White Cyclone, Japan

The White Cyclone roller coaster in Japan is 42 meters high (the height of a 14-story building). Their length is 1.7 kilometers, and their maximum speed is 100 kilometers per hour. Look at the photo: you will agree that this device amazes not only with its technical characteristics, but also excellent performance.

Son of beast (Cincinnati, USA)

In 2000, the unique Son of beast roller coaster appeared in the USA. The fact is that it is considered the tallest wooden slide in the world: its height is 66 meters! Until 2006, this attraction was generally recognized as the only wooden slide in the world with a loop.

Steel Dragon 2000 (Nagashima, Japan)

It’s not for nothing that the Steel Dragon roller coaster is translated as “Steel Dragon”. Its shape features a dragon's crest and it was erected in 2000, which according to eastern calendar, was considered the year of the Dragon. So, the slide itself is almost 100 meters high, which is comparable to a 30-story building. The length of the structure is 2479 meters, which makes it the longest roller coaster in the world.

Dodonpa (Fujiyoshida, Japan)

Visitors to the Dodonpa roller coaster in Japan claim that riding such an attraction makes you feel like being shot from a cannon, where you were the core. And this comparison is absolutely accurate, because the movement on the slide is 4 times higher than the acceleration of free fall. In this case, the train will accelerate in 2 seconds immediately to a speed of 172 kilometers per hour. The entire journey is only 55 seconds, but it can seem like an eternity on this Japanese roller coaster!

Silver Star (Europa Park,Germany)

Silver Star, located at Europa Park in Germany, is famous for being the largest roller coaster located in Europe. Their length is more than 1.5 kilometers, and their maximum height reaches 73 meters. Communication with such slides allows you to feel like a real fighter pilot. How could it be otherwise - the same turns, and the speed on the track in some places exceeds 100 kilometers per hour!

Tower of Terror II (Dreamworld,Queensland, Australia)

It is not for nothing that the name of the roller coaster Tower of Terror II in Australia is literally translated as Tower of Terror. In fact, people in it are under the influence of stunning emotions, and it’s impossible to get out - even if you really want to. So, visitors to the attraction first take off like an arrow to a height of 115 kilometers, and then, after a “steep” deceleration at altitude, they quickly fall down, leaving them in highest point aerobatics all your thoughts.

At the same time, the downward movement is carried out at wild speed in 6.9 seconds, which is close to a state of weightlessness. With such a fall, some people scream with all their might, others begin to pray, and still others are simply speechless. But the extreme does not end there: the trolley quickly rises up again and only then drops visitors off at the launch pad.

Intimidator 305 (a parkKings Dominion,Virginia, USA)

The Intimidator 305 roller coaster lives up to its name, as it is located in Virginia, in the United States of America, and not in Germany or Japan. Intimidator 305 is one of the most modern American attractions: the project is only one year old. The main feature of the slide is that the engineers created a 1.6-kilometer-long track with many sharp turns.

And certain climbs are designed specifically in such a way that visitors to the attraction get the impression that they are about to reach the end of the path!! - the trolley must definitely fall off the rails! As you can imagine, high-pitched screams of horror are commonplace here. And sometimes you can’t do without fainting...

Takabisha(a parkFuji- QHighland, Fujiyoshida, Japan)

The Takabis roller coaster was recently built in the country rising sun. This is a unique attraction that has the largest descent angle in the world. For this he was even included in the Guinness Book of Records. The Takabisha slides can tickle the nerves of even the most “advanced” daredevils. Look, in front of you is a one kilometer long track consisting of seven steep loops.

A special test of the psyche occurs on the descent with a record steep angle of incidence equal to 121 degrees. In addition, halfway through the journey, the trolley literally falls down from a height of 43 meters (which is approximately equal to the height of a 15-story building), and all this happens at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour! Then passengers also experience rapid takeoffs and falls again, almost to a state of weightlessness. Thanks to such turns, many Japanese even temporarily acquire a European appearance, well, judging by their enlarged eyes!!

Thunder Dolphin (Tokio Dome City,Japan)

Known for its unique design, the Thunder Dolphin roller coaster is located in Tokyo, Japan. The ribbon of a dizzying track wraps around a specially erected hollow structure. Seat belts are fastened and visitors are off! And it all starts with a stunning 65-meter drop down a steep 80-degree slope. The trolley is then driven through two openings in buildings, which is also a test of fearlessness. In total, the race takes place at a maximum speed of 130 kilometers per hour and looks like an endless series of ups, downs, and also flying through round holes.

At the same time, the second photograph shown to you allows you to imagine how a person who is about to fly down feels! Agree that just the sight of this dizzying height makes your heart clench with fear. However, we all think at the same time, “Wow! What height!" and with white envy we envy the lucky ones - the visitors of this attraction!

Formula Rossa (Ferrari World,Abu- Dabi, UAE)

Formula Rossa is the fastest roller coaster in the world. The trolleys of this attraction accelerate to 240 kilometers per hour. And this speed is achieved in just about 4.9 seconds. Perhaps it is precisely in this short time that visitors to the carousel manage to flash their whole life before their eyes. At least they leave the trailers with completely different facial expressions than at the beginning!

But it doesn't stop when you reach breakneck speed in the Formula Rossa attraction. On the contrary, this is only the beginning of a balancing act along the way. The track is the legendary Monza race track, which is famous for its huge number of steep climbs and descents. Many racers train on this track, for whom, after such sharp turns, ordinary competition tracks seem like playing with cars on the floor of the house.

The degree of speed on this roller coaster is evidenced by the fact that those wishing to ride here are only allowed to wear special safety glasses, which are issued by the instructors. Otherwise, there is a risk of colliding with dust particles in the air at high speed and may cause eye injury. However, for some reason this requirement is not met in the presented photograph... But it remains to add that the height of the Formula Rossa, located, by the way, in the United Arab Emirates, is 52 meters, and the maximum overload corresponds to 4.8 g.

Furius Baco (Port Aventura Park, Spain)

The Spanish roller coaster Furius Baco is unique in its own way. The trolleys immediately accelerate to an incredible speed from the start - 135 kilometers per hour! And this happens in just 3.0 seconds. It is important that the acceleration value is 10.7 meters per second, while the free fall acceleration rate is 9.8 meters per second. At such moments, the public's reaction can be described as a transition from a heart-rending scream to deathly silence in anticipation of imminent death.

Thrills also arise from the unusual design of the seats, which are placed on the sides of the rails. This ensures that daredevils literally float in the air and do not feel any support under their feet. Their entire journey lasts a few minutes: they conquer 850 meters of path, and at the end they rush a couple of centimeters above the surface of the water, which is very refreshing in the Spanish summer heat.

An amusement park is now not just attractions, but an entire entertainment complex occupying the territory small town and includes cinemas, aquariums, bars, restaurants and even hotels. In modern amusement parks It will be interesting not only for children, but also for their parents.

Walt Disney World (USA, Florida)

Disneyland in Orlando is the largest and most visited amusement park in the world. Here you can see the same famous castle from the screensavers of Disney cartoons, and watch parades of fairy-tale heroes.

Disney World is represented by four theme parks, including one night park, two water parks and 24 theme hotels. The park hosts various holiday events in the spirit of Halloween or Christmas Party. The parks can be visited at any time of the year.

Single-day tickets start at $83 for children 3-9 years old and $89 for adults.

Disneyland Paris (France, Paris)

Disneyland Paris is a whole complex of Walt Disney amusement parks. Famous park, which not only children but also adults dream about, is located not far from Paris and occupies an area larger than the area of ​​the capital of France.

Disneyland Paris is practically a city, with its own hotels, shopping centers, golf courses, aquarium. In order to visit all the theme parks, one day is clearly not enough, but there are also cinemas, restaurants and bars that will appeal to adults. Approximately 12.5 million tourists visit Disneyland annually. IN summer period Unfortunately, queues cannot be avoided. The park can be visited at any time of the year. It is better to check the opening hours and ticket prices on the park’s website, as various promotions are held, and it is possible to buy a complex ticket for 2-3 days at an attractive price.

Everland Park (South Korea, Yongin)

Everland Park is on this moment one of the largest amusement parks, and the Caribbean Bay water park is considered the largest indoor water amusement park.

Everland will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents. You can have fun in any of the 5 thematic parts, where, in addition to attractions, there is a safari park with bears, tigers and lions, a rose garden, a golf club, a cinema, and many cafes. Daytime and evening carnival parades are also held here. In winter there is a huge snow slide. Ticket prices, schedule - all information can be found on the park website.

Port Aventura (Spain, Barcelona)

The Spanish park Port Aventura is located an hour's drive from Barcelona, ​​on the Costa Dorada. You can plunge into the world of entertainment and childhood in any of the 6 parts - Mediterranean, Polynesia, China, Mexico, Wild West and Sesamo, which in turn combine attractions and performances.

PortAventura also has a water park, golf and hotels. Walking along the paths of the park you can meet the characters of your favorite cartoons. The park's attractions are adapted for disabled people, so even children with disabilities there will be entertainment. The park’s website supports the Russian language, so it’s convenient to view current Special offers according to tickets, opening hours, and you can also book a hotel room and transfer.

Legoland (Denmark, Bylund)

There are several parks in which everything is built from children's favorite items. Lego constructor. In addition to Danish, there is also Legoland in Germany, Great Britain, California, Florida and Malaysia. Danish Legoland occupies a huge territory and is visited by about one and a half million visitors every year. The park is divided into 8 thematic zones, including Miniland - a place where you can see miniature copies of famous buildings, structures, capitals; Polar and Pirate zones; 4D cinema and others.

Kids will simply be delighted with the children's driving school, where they can learn the rules of the road, drive a car and get a children's driver's license. On the park's website, in addition to the schedule and ticket prices, you can book a room at the Legoland Hotel or Legoland Village.

Warner Bros (Spain, Madrid)

When visiting Madrid, it is worth stopping by one of the most modern theme parks, Warner Bros. The park is divided into 5 thematic zones: Superhero World, Cartoon Village, Wild West, Hollywood Boulevard and Warner Bros. Studio. In each of the zones you can enjoy attractions corresponding to the theme, shop in numerous shops, and recharge your batteries in restaurants.

Both children and their parents will be interested in watching colorful performances and original light and sound shows, and seeing famous cartoon characters walking around the park. When organizing attractions, film technologies are used, which creates a unique effect.

Europa Park (Germany, Baden-Baden)

The thematic zones of Europa-Park are represented by fourteen countries. You can see the whole of Europe in a couple of days - try it national cuisine, look folk dances and costumes, landmarks, architecture. In addition to real countries, you can visit the “Forest of the Brothers Grimm”, “Children’s World”, and “Adventureland”. The park produces its own attractions - with German quality and a guarantee of safety. This is one of the largest and most interesting parks in Europe, so one day is not enough to visit. The park is open from April to November.

Cedar Point (USA, Ohio)

Cedar Point Park is located in Ohio, on the shores of Lake Erie. This park is one of the oldest in the United States and it contains a record number of rides - 72, of which 15 are roller coasters, and the 16th will open in 2013. The tallest slide was built in 2003 and is taller than the Statue of Liberty.

In addition to the roller coaster, there are such attractions as a huge swing that lifts visitors 35 meters from the ground, freezes, and then drops down at a speed of 100 km/h, a huge tower that will allow you to experience the feeling of free fall, and others.

In addition to attractions, there is a 1.6-kilometer sand beach, outdoor and indoor water parks, two marinas and six hotels. Cedar Point is the most visited amusement park in the United States. Opening hours and ticket prices are on the website.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (USA, Florida)

This park will delight all fans of the Harry Potter films, because in it, like other Universal Studios parks, guests will feel “inside” their favorite film. There are such attractions as “Dragon Race”, “Flight of the Hippogriff”, “Hagrid’s Hut”. You can visit Hogsmeade Village, take a ride on the Hogwarts Express train, and buy souvenirs in the form of magic wands, brooms or scarves.

Using the Owl Postal Service, you can send a letter with a special Hogsmeade village stamp on the envelope. The most impressive building in the park is Hogwarts Castle, reproduced from books and films - in it you can visit places such as Professor Dumbledore's office, the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and the Gryffindor common room. The amusement park has a very beautiful interactive website where you can find all the useful information.

Mirabilandia (Italy, Rimini)

When visiting Italy with children, you should definitely visit Mirabilandia - a huge amusement park located between Rimini and Ravenna. Mirabilandia contains an area of ​​attractions for children, adults, extreme and water.

In the park you can ride on 32 themed and 8 water attractions, go to the circus, cinema, and watch various shows, including the Police Academy stunt show and an evening laser show.

You can have lunch or dinner in one of the many cafes in the park. Mirabilandia is open to visitors from late March to early October. It is better to check ticket prices on the park website.

The most important thing when visiting any of the amusement parks is to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere: for adults, to return to childhood, and for kids, to meet cartoon characters and believe in a fairy tale.

An amusement park is one of the favorite places of entertainment for people, which is why huge amounts of money are invested in this area from year to year. The main thing for the owner of the attraction is to make it even more terrifying and fast, so that adrenaline lovers are satisfied and are willing to spend an even larger amount of money on entertainment.

Long gone is the era in which the scariest attraction was a ferris wheel as tall as a nine-story building. The designs of speed slides and carousels are becoming increasingly complex. Today, the top 10 scariest attractions in the world are as follows.

10th place. Carousel Insanity the Ride

The revolving hotel-casino "Stratosphere" is very popular among vacationers in Las Vegas. However, many tourists go to top floor establishments not to eat delicious food and enjoy a dizzying view of the capital of sin, but to experience the Insanity the Ride attraction, which opened in 2005. The design is quite simple - two “claws” rotate people at a speed of 65 km/h. It would seem that such a carousel can be seen in any amusement park, but it is worth considering that it is located at an altitude of 274 meters and as much as 20 meters to the edge of the roof. If you look from the outside, it seems that the booths with people are simply spinning in the air. Many people ride Insanity the Ride with their eyes closed, since only the bravest person can look at the ground at such an unreal height.

9th place. X-Scream trailer

This one of the most terrible attractions in the world is also located on the roof of the famous “Stratosphere” in Las Vegas. Many people call it “hellish”? and there is an explanation for this. First, those who want to experience adrenaline are seated in an open trailer. Within a moment, he literally flies forward at crazy speed, then seems to fall off the rails, finding himself at their end, and rushes into the opening abyss. Afterwards the trailer stops and sags over the abyss. It’s scary to even imagine, let alone experience. And there are people who are delighted with this attraction. If you are a thrill-seeker, then you should definitely visit the trailer on the roof of the Stratosphere.

8th place. Roller coaster Kingda Ka

This is a type of roller coaster that differs among others in its height and speed. The attraction was launched in 2005, and it is located in New Jersey. The train has 18 seats - the first four trolleys have 4 seats each and the last one has 2 seats. The train, quickly picking up speed, rolls along the rails at a speed of 206 km/h, rising to an incredible height of 139 meters, then slides down, then climbs up, and so on along the entire route, covering a distance of 950 m. It’s not for nothing that this roller coaster is considered the highest, and in terms of speed they rank second in the world. The seats in the carts are installed in such a way that those who wish can fully enjoy the view of the abyss opening before them.

7th place. Roller coaster Colossus

Not far from London, in the small town of Chertsey, Thorpe is located, one of the scariest amusement parks. It is incredibly popular among roller coaster lovers, as it is here that the most complex roller coaster in its design is located, the height of which in some areas reaches 30 meters. The length of the track is 850 meters; participants of the attraction go through 10 turns of slides. The most extreme part of the route is the double helix. Daredevils also get the opportunity to enjoy the free fall zone. Since during the ride passengers find themselves upside down 10 times and traveling at a speed of 65-78 km/h, many, after leaving the trailer, at first cannot figure out where is up and where is down. The main emphasis of the creators of the attraction was to ensure that people, even at low altitudes, could fully enjoy the ride on the roller coaster.

6th place. Roller coaster Steel Dragon

One of the scariest attractions in the world is located in the Japanese town of Nagashima. It was opened in 2000. The highest height of the Iron Dragon roller coaster is 100 meters. The length of the distance covered is 2479 meters, that is, today it is the longest roller coaster in the world. Tens of millions of dollars have been invested to ensure everyone necessary measures safety on the attraction. A train with trailers reaches speeds of up to 150 km/h. At this speed, people overcome dozens of ups and just as many downs. The most extreme point is considered to be 93 meters, from which the trailers begin to slide down at a huge height. Adrenaline and thrill seekers will definitely not be disappointed.

5th place. Roller coaster Tower of Terror

In fifth place in our top list of the scariest attractions in the world is the Tower of Terror. It is located in the Dreamworld amusement park in the town of Gold Coast, which is located in Australia. The Tower of Terror attraction was first opened in 1997, and then in 2010 it was made even more scary. The passenger route is as follows. First, people leave the tunnel, reaching the top of the tower in 7 seconds - 115 meters. The speed of the train is unrealistic - 160 km/h. At a height of 35 meters, the participants of the attraction hang in the air for some time, and then an incredible fall down again awaits them.

4th place. Roller coaster Formula Rossa

To Abu Dhabi, United United Arab Emirates, the Ferrari World theme park is home to the world's fastest roller coaster, Formula Rossa. The opening of the park is dedicated to the memory of Enzo Ferrari. It looks very bright and spectacular, being very similar to the famous Monza racing circuit. The roller coaster cars reach an incredible speed of 240 km/h in less than 5 seconds. Although the time on the Formula Rossa roller coaster lasts only a minute and 33 seconds, this is enough to make your heart jump out of your chest from the adrenaline you experience. All participants must wear glasses before the trolley departs to prevent insects from getting into their eyes.

3rd place. Sling Shot

And we continue to consider the top 10 scariest attractions in the world. We have three leaders. 3rd place rightfully belongs to Sling Shot. This attraction resembles a giant slingshot, the height of which reaches 35 meters. Sling Shot is located in the Ayia Napa amusement park in Cyprus. Visitors to the attraction will experience a truly terrifying turn - first they rise at lightning speed to the height of a 15-story building (75 meters), and then fall down at the same speed. If you wish, you can record a video of your participation in the attraction. Then it will be interesting to look at yourself from the outside.

2nd place. Insano

Insano takes second place in our top 10 scariest attractions in the world. Its name translates as "madness", and it the real truth. This is a water slide located in Brazil. It is considered the highest in the world and is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records because of this. It is simply impossible not to experience crazy adrenaline on it, since within 5 seconds at a speed of 105 km/h you will have to descend a 41-meter slide. The attraction is located in the Beach Park water park in the city of Fortaleza. It was opened in 1989. The slide itself rises among the trees and most of the buildings that are nearby. On its elevation you can sit for a while and enjoy the view of the city and the surrounding area.

1 place. Free fall zone

The first place in our top of the scariest attractions in the world is rightfully occupied by the free fall zone, which is located in Paramount, Ohio, USA. In appearance it is an ordinary tower with a platform. But not everyone can decide to take part in such an attraction. The platform with visitors sitting on it first rises at low speed to a height of one hundred meters. It lingers for a few seconds so that people can take a short breath and enjoy the view, and then rushes down with great speed (100 km/h). The feeling of adrenaline in this case is simply unreal, the descent itself takes a few seconds, but during this time your whole life literally flashes before you.

The list of the scariest attractions also includes the Flying Dutchman catapult, Son of beast in Cincinnati, German Silver Star, Dodonpa in Fujiyoshida. Russia also has a catapult, the most scary attraction in the country, which is located in St. Petersburg, in the Divo-Ostrov park. It is considered one of the largest in the world.

1 place

"Free Fall", Ohio, USA

Those who love unique sensations should come here. This the scariest attraction in the world, from which the soul will literally go to its heels. It doesn’t look like anything special: there is no pile of metal, no cliffs or twisted loops. You will see a multi-colored vertical structure one hundred meters high. Passengers sit in an open carriage and smoothly rise upward, examining the surrounding landscapes. At the finish line, the movement slows down a little, and then at a speed of 100 km/h you fly down. That's all, all that remains is to change clothes.

2nd place

Attractions at the casino observation tower in Las Vegas, USA

In this city, three places at once can make your veins tremble. All of them are in a unique entertainment center, which is built on the tower roof of a casino hotel. The fun is scary not only because of its concept, but also because of its location – more than 300 meters above the ground.

The first attraction, “Catapult,” is similar to the leader of our rating, but you will have to fall from 70 meters. “Carousel” is distinguished by open cabins that “float” at a height of three hundred meters. The extreme "Car X" has curved rails, and the finish line is far beyond the edge.

3rd place

Kingdaka, New Jersey, USA

This slide can cause awe with its very appearance, because it is the highest attraction in the world. Its height reaches 140 m. Thanks to this, the highest speed of movement of the car can be achieved - 200 km/h. It takes about three seconds to accelerate.

4th place

"Slingshot", Ayia Napa, Cyprus

If you're bored in Cyprus, head to the local Luna Park. Its main attraction is the height of a fifteen-story building. These are two giant brackets, between which a cable with a two-seater cabin is stretched. The principle of fear is already familiar: the cabin rises up and then drops sharply down. Only they will do this to you not once, but several times.

5th place

Dodonpa, Fujiyoshida, Japan

The scariest roller coaster is in Japan. It takes a couple of seconds for the car to accelerate, and now you are already rushing at a speed of 170 km/h. The speed of one's own fall is increased fourfold here.

6th place

"Madness", Fortaleza, Brazil

It is considered the highest water attraction on the planet. In addition, it is quite terrifying and is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. The height of the slide is slightly more than 40 m. And you will have to fall from it at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. Indescribable sensations are guaranteed!

7th place

Attraction in a Welsh quarry, UK

Those who dream of feeling like a bird will enjoy this entertainment. You will have to fly over the quarry at a speed of one and a half hundred kilometers per hour. The “flight” is carried out thanks to a cable whose length is more than a kilometer.

8th place

Takabisha, Fujiyoshida, Japan

This game has become famous for its coolness. The maximum angle of inclination here is 120 meters. Due to this, a feeling of weightlessness is provided to all participants.

9th place

Formula Rossa, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Lovers of unbridled speed will like it, because this is the fastest roller coaster on the planet. You will have to fly at 240 km/h along a track that imitates the famous racing circuit.

10th place

"Giant Canyon", Colorado, USA

Frightening entertainment over a rocky cliff. To access it, you need to sign an agreement stating that you personally take responsibility for your safety. The fun resembles a huge swing that can only fit four people. They fly over the abyss at a speed of 80 km/h.

At the moment, more than a hundred interesting and exciting attractions have been built in Russia. But there are also those that are the most extreme. They are built according to last word equipment, all lovers of extreme sensations want to ride them. People with heart problems are not allowed on these attractions.

Eh, I'll take a ride!

A brief overview for thrill-seekers will give you an idea of ​​where in Russia today you can experience an incredible adrenaline rush. Next, the most extreme attractions will be described in order.


This attraction was built in Sochi Park, located in the Olympic Village. It is a round tower sixty-five meters high. A platform with a lifting mechanism is installed around the tower, and seats with seat belts are installed on the platform. The operating principle of this attraction is such that people sit in seats and the platform, using a mechanism, lifts them to the very top of the round tower at high speed.

Having risen to the very top, the platform falls down. It turns out that the platform falls down to a certain mark, and after the mark, with the help of a special mechanism, it slows down and, in the end, stops at the very bottom. The feeling after riding such an attraction is simply stunning. While riding, it seems that no one will stop the platform, and the structure will hit the ground with all its might. The Firebird is considered one of the most extreme attractions in Russia.


This attraction is located in St. Petersburg. The “Catapult” attraction is a catapult that shoots upward a plastic ball in which two people sit. The ball flies up to a height of fifty-four meters. The ball with people first rushes upward at high speed, and upon reaching the extreme point, falls in free fall down. With the help of special ropes the ball stops at the very bottom. The sensations of riding this attraction can be described as such that the body flies in a ball, but the soul remains below. The session ends when the ball stops completely on its own.

Quantum leap

It is a hill, the highest point of which reaches fifty-eight meters. Quantum Leap is located in Sochi. It is the fastest slide in Russia; when riding, it reaches speeds of up to one hundred and eight kilometers per hour. The section of the road is especially fascinating when the train reaches the highest point and then goes down at high speed.

Flight of the Dragon

This is another of the many types of attractions. The design is a cabin with people, which rises upward at a speed of fifty kilometers per hour. When lifting, the cabin swings in different directions. Having reached the maximum, the cabin with people, swinging in different directions, falls down.

Sochi Swing

This is the highest and most extreme swing in Russia, it is located in Sochi. The structure has the following configuration: on a suspension bridge over the gorge there is a swing that looks straight into the abyss. When riding them, you fly over an abyss. This swing is considered the scariest attraction. People with cardiovascular diseases should not ride them. The height from which the swing falls reaches almost 210 meters.


This attraction is located in St. Petersburg. The rocket consists of a cabin in the form of a rocket and a large iron support with a mechanism. People sit in the rocket cabin, then the rocket rises along the support to a height of fifty meters. Having risen to the top, it begins to spin around its axis at a speed of sixty kilometers per hour. This attraction was borrowed from the astronauts who trained on it before flying into space.


This attraction is located in Sochi. It is a boom with three cabins in which people sit. After landing, the cabins begin to rotate at high speed. The speed reaches one hundred kilometers per hour.

Everyone chooses to ride extreme rides or stand on the sidelines, but those who take risks get the boost of vivacity and energy from riding for a long time.

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