Scenario of health day event. Holiday scenario for Health Day "Health Marathon" Event scenario for Health Day

MBOU "OOSH of the village of Kuchumbetovo, Perelyubsky municipal district
Saratov region"
Make a healthy choice!

The goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle; education of personal
responsibility for maintaining their health.
Tasks - to expand and update the knowledge of schoolchildren about the harmful effects of
bad habits on personal health; give students the opportunity to show
their creative abilities.
Posters made by students can be used in the design,
or ready-made medical and preventive publications (leaflets, memos, etc.).

Homework for Health Day participants:
1. Draw a poster on the topic: "Health starts with you" and
prepare his defense;
2. Prepare a song, an ode to healthy lifestyles, health with elements of dramatization;
Find proverbs about health and read them.
Three teams compete in the competition program.
Intelligent entertainment progress
1. Greeting participants
Under fervent, peppy music, the teams take their places in the gym and
appear. Moderator: “Today, three teams are participating in our game.
Let's greet the participants of the game and wish them a lot of energy and excitement.
Ingenuity and prudence!
2. Introduction
Host: “Life expectancy is measured in years, and its quality is
health. Being healthy is a natural human desire, and sooner or later
thinking about your health late. A wise man once said: “The health of a person
largely depends on the way of life, behavior and the ability to help yourself and others in
difficult situations" A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a way
life, aimed at maintaining and improving health, it is
basis for disease prevention. Let's decide together with you
constituent elements of a healthy lifestyle"

Teams receive a "chamomile" in the middle of which is the abbreviation HLS.
“On the petals of a chamomile, write the components, in your opinion, parts
the concept of "healthy lifestyle", on each petal one element
HLS. Two minutes are given to think and complete the task. Favorites
team captains will demonstrate the completed task. Bye teams
perform the task, the presenter introduces the members of the jury.
The host sums up: “So, a healthy lifestyle consists of:
 rejection of harmful addictions (gives a decoding of this concept according to
age of participants)
 optimal motor mode;
- hardening;
- rational nutrition;
- personal hygiene;
 positive emotions, etc.
Our game is aimed at the rejection of bad habits, the creation of positive
emotions contributing to raising the spirit, uniting teams.
3. The main part of the game
Contest No. 1. “Health is in order thanks to exercise”
“Sport is friendly with health, Stadium, swimming pools, court, Hall, skating rink everywhere you
glad. For diligence as a reward There will be cups and records, Your muscles will become
hard! Just remember: athletes Every day is their own without fail
Start with exercise! I suggest the teams to carry out exercises "Carousel
Team members stand in a circle, put their hands on each other's shoulders and squat
at the same time in this position. Straightening up at the same time, playing
jump and make a flight in the air one step clockwise.
Thus, the children must complete ten jumps. The task is not
break the circle and synchronously perform squats, jumps and flights.

Competition No. 2. Intellectual warm-up "Alternative"
Moderator: This is a word game. Teams are asked to solve two
anagrams (a word formed by rearranging letters). First hidden word
means "type of mass competitions, competitions".
Anagrams to team No. 1 Tar piaksada (spartakiad). Bylesob (baseball).
Anagrams to team No. 2 Dali pomia (Olympiad). Afziyaadzrk (physical exercise).
Anagrams for Team 3 Gne fisr (surfing). Esekt lon (skeleton).
Contest No. 3. “A good proverb will raise any fellow”
Host: “This is a competition of proverbs about health. “And what is grief to us when proverbs
Now for three minutes I will begin a proverb, and you must
finish (proverbs do not repeat those named).
Move more you will live longer (longer);
Prevention of aging in infinity (movement);
Purely live healthy (be);
Who is neat is the people (pleasant);
Excessive food is a disease and (trouble);
Eat and not be fat (healthier);
Greens on the table health for (one hundred years);
Who gets up early, to that (God gives);
Do not blame your neighbor when you sleep (before dinner);
The body weakens without (work);
Without work, only the sky (to smoke) lives;

He puts bread on his feet, and wine (knocks down);
He who smokes tobacco is his own (enemy);
Tobacco destroys health and mind (does not add);
Smoker to himself (gravedigger);
If you want to live long (quit smoking);
Whoever goes in for sports, that strength (is gaining);
Sports elixir (of life);
You will ruin a new health (you can’t buy it);
Take care of the dress again, and health (from a young age).
Competition No. 4. Quiz "Brainstorm"
Moderator: "Teams will be asked a series of quiz questions on topics
relating to all components of the concept of "healthy lifestyle". One correct answer
What is the most precious thing in the world? (health);
Boxing area (ring);
Juicy edible fruit of garden trees (fruit);
How many rings are in the symbol of the Olympic Games? (five);
A sports event called the "queen of sports" (athletics);
Which berry is black, red, white? (currant);
Temperature measuring device (thermometer);
Fruit boiled in water (compote);
How many teeth does a healthy person have? (32);
Weight lifting specialist (weightlifter).
Dried grapes (raisins);

How many people are on the football team? (out of 11);
Feeling of great spiritual satisfaction, a sense of fun (joy);
Physical or moral stamina, endurance (hardening);
On the squares of the board, the kings brought the shelves of the game (chess);
Europe blue Olympic ring, Asia yellow, Africa black,
Australia green, America (red);
Carpet for judo wrestling (tatami);
Chewing gum saves teeth (no).
Competition number 5. "Match relay race"
With the help of matches, representatives of each team must lay out which
or a word related to healthy lifestyle. The jury member must immediately understand what kind of
Competition No. 6. "Pyramid"
Representatives of the team build a pyramid, setting pins in turn.
Who uses skittles more and the pyramid will not fall apart. Base 3 pins.
Competition No. 7. "Health starts with you!"
Presenter: “This is a poster protection contest on the theme “Health begins with
Representatives of each team come out and tell what they wanted
prove with your poster.
Competition No. 8. "The invigorating spirit heals the chant"
Moderator: Let's move on to the next competition. This is an art competition.
amateur performances, for which the teams prepared in advance. Certainly,
team performances should reflect the theme “Health, healthy
(Teams present songs about health with dramatization elements)

Competition number 9. "Make a word"
You got 7 letters, now on a signal, who will add the word faster.
Competition No. 10. "Relay races"
1. Armwrestling (from each team, two participants, a girl and a boy) - for
1 point for every win, 0 points for a loss.
2. Who will hold the balloon in the air longer without the help of hands, blowing on
him (participate one person from the team) - 5 points.
3. Which pair from each team will sit down, standing with their backs to each other and
clinging hands behind the back, more times (2 participants from
teams) - 5 points.
While the jury sums up the results of the intellectual game "Make a healthy choice!",
the guys do exercises to the song "Do exercises."
The jury sums up the results of team competitions, creative amateur performances
students, names the authors of the best posters.
Rewarding teams: the captain of the winning team is awarded a certificate and
a basket with vitamins (fresh vegetables and fruits); the losing team too
basket with fruits and vegetables, but smaller. And to each player "Ge
matogen" with a wish of health.
Host: “We hope you make the right, healthy choice!
Remember: your health is in your hands!”

Podgornaya Ludmila Nikolaevna physical education teacher, MBOU gymnasium No. 18, Krasnodar


school sports festival

"Health and Sports Day"

Target: educating a generation striving for a healthy lifestyle by involving children in such forms of organization of recreational work as sports relay races, competitions in various sports, propaganda presentations on the topic of health.


    to promote the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in students;

    to promote the development and improvement of such qualities as endurance, agility, strength, thinking, the ability to coordinate one's movements;

    contribute to the definition of the value of their health and measures to preserve it;

    attract the attention of children to a variety of sports.

Holiday participants: students of grades 1-11, teachers, parents.

Design of the sports hall (sports ground): posters "A healthy mind in a healthy body", "Health is a pearl of a person".

Recreation design: tree trunk of Life, poster "Health and work go together!" exhibition-poster "Course on a healthy lifestyle!"

Relevance: According to a medical examination conducted in an educational institution in grade 1, 20% of children who have chronic diseases, in grade 5 - 30%, in grade 9 - 44%. In general, only 12% of schoolchildren have a satisfactory functional state of the body. From grades 1 to 9, the frequency of decreased visual acuity increases by 1.5 times; the frequency of non-observance of posture - 1.5 times; the prevalence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs - 1.4 times; the prevalence of diseases of the endocrine system - 2.6 times. According to the head of the department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Alina Levitskaya, the reason for this situation is not only the impact of environmental factors and genetic heredity, today physical inactivity is progressing - a sedentary lifestyle during school hours and at home.
Today's students are the future of the country tomorrow. According to Art. No. 12,13,20,32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", which clearly indicates the responsibility of an educational institution for the life and safety of children, strengthening the health of children and caring for them is one of the main tasks of the school.

Organizational stage:

    Drawing up a school-wide regulation on the Day of Health and Sports and an action plan.

    Drawing competition on the topic: "If you want to be healthy, go in for sports!"

    Issue of the informational wall newspaper "It's great to be healthy!"

    Preparation and production of a leaflet, an information booklet, revealing the topic: "I choose sports as an alternative to bad habits."

    Preparation and publication of an information booklet on the topic "Prevention of bad habits".

Grand opening

School-wide Health and Sports Day

Sounds the introduction of the song "Physical education-hooray!" Leaders appear on the stage.Presenter 1: It's good to be human! This is power for life! Host 2: This is knowledge and wisdom, This is dexterity, speed! Presenter 1: To be fashionable for a day, for a month, And healthy - forever! Host 2: I, you, he, she - We are a beautiful country! We are a healthy country! We have all the power, I know! Presenter 1: The sun is shining over Russia, The path of life is bright. You be happy in the world, be healthy, be! Host 2: So let's say firmly - No to all misfortunes! We will then be healthy Many, many years! Presenter 1: Being healthy is fashionable!
Host 2: Being healthy is great!
Presenter 1: Being healthy is not dangerous!
Host 2: And a healthy generation is a strong province, a strong country! It is under this motto that events dedicated to the Day of Health and Sports will be held today!
Presenter 1: And the pioneers of the school-wide Day of Health and Sports will be members of the Our Youth propaganda team.
Host 2: How many problems do today's youth have! I don’t want to learn lessons, but I want to play on the computer, walk the streets with a company. And then we say, where do sick people come from?
Presenter 1: This is what the guys will tell us now.

"Young people choose health!",

Agitation performance dedicated to the Day of Health

Against the background of the musical intro, the words sound:
Where do sick people come from? Maybe they are not bad at all? Maybe sick people come from somewhere? But healthy people don’t know this? Where does Seryozha’s illness come from? this story now we know?

A boy comes out, pulling a briefcase by the strap. His head is lowered, his gaze is downcast.

The words are in the background:

A little man is walking home from school, He carries a heavy briefcase with him. His back squinted, aching legs, Now he will fall, if he says ... Boy: ... Ah! I'm losing so much health, friends, I smoked - I immediately quit - I'm not lying at all! Friends called me to the skating rink in winter, And I answered them: "Reluctance, no lope!" In the spring they called me to chase the ball - I don’t want to run I, and it's a scrap for me! I'd better put on thieves pants, Mike, baseball, sun glasses I'll eat candy. Perhaps, once there will be nothing?! No, I'd better sleep - Maybe someone will wake me up!

(The boy sits down in the shade and falls asleep.)

A musical beat on the theme "Youth" sounds. Leave the representatives of the youth propaganda team.

1st: Let's go, guys, to the school stadium, it's Health Day there! 2nd: Being healthy is great! (make clapping) 3rd: And who is sitting here? Yes, this is Anton from the next class! 4th: Anton, come with us!
Boy: I'm not going anywhere - I don't want to see you.
1st: How is it, what's wrong with you? 2nd: What happened to you? 3rd: Maybe temperature? 4th: (notices a Pepsi can next to the boy) A very strange mixture! 1st: What have you done to yourself? Boy: What kind of pressure and show-off? I said I'm resting! Well, I don't know you! 1st: We are guys, just class! 2nd: Strength, grace are with us! 3rd: We are friends with sports all - To be completely healthy! 4th: Being healthy is our full house ... Together: Make the right move with us! 1st: The first step is day mode: Know how to eat when your dream is! 2nd: Step two - morning exercises! 3rd: The third step - be calm, Be smart at the lesson, Forget your anger at home! 4th: Step four is the ball. Don't hide it too far! Come out to play with your friends. 1st: Well, five - you are with us Walk along the path to health, And sing a song together!

Members of the propaganda team sing the song "Be healthy!"

to the tune of "Chunga-chang"

There is a miracle remedy for health,

Everything can be counted on the fingers:

Hygiene - it will be time

Mood - as we have now!


This is two, and three is charging.

To make it all right

We need to play sports, temper ourselves.

And four - vitamins,

There is no reason for sickness

You just have to try very, very hard.

Can we save up health

To make our life happier,

So that we can take care of you

Give the planet blue.


So that the rivers do not shallow,

Springs to sing loudly

So that we warm all the animals with love.

For children to be healthy

On a happy planet

We wish everyone and everyone good health!

All health!

We are young, beautiful, energetic! We have strength, mind and excellent biceps! We have dexterity, speed in our body, We can’t live without sports, friends! 1st: Being healthy is great! 2nd: Friends, it's fun to be healthy! 3rd: Being healthy doesn't hurt at all! 4th: Illness is evil, and our deceit. Together: Health is our wealth!

fun starts

"Sports Kaleidoscope" for students in grades 1-5


    Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children.

    Development of interest in sports.

Location: gym.
Inventory: balls, hoops, jump ropes, clubs, tennis rackets, ski equipment.
Evaluation conditions: correct execution - 10 points, winning + 1 point, penalty - 1 point. Course of the competition: The host introduces the guests, the jury (the strongest athletes of the school).
Teams greet each other, name, motto.

Teams are presented. We wish you all success in the upcoming competitions. Teams, march to the starting positions!

At each relay race we will collect the keys to health. At the end of the game, we will find out which team has more keys.

Relay 1

"Go Through the Swamp"

Imagine that there is a swamp around us. We need to get to the pins, take the key from the hoop and bring it to the team. You can go through the swamp by jumping from "bump" to "bump". Task: shifting the mats, reach the skittles, take the key and jump back over the jump rope. The second participant jumps over the jump rope - back on the mats.

Relay 2.

Run to the pins, jumping over jump ropes, back - the ball is sandwiched between the legs.

Relay 3

"Overcome Obstacles"

Children run to the mat, crawl under the arc, walk along the gymnastic bench, take one key from the hoop. Run back.

Competition "Creative Fantasy"

On a landscape sheet of paper, draw a team drawing on the topic “Bad habits are death!”

Relay race

"Who is first?"

The benches are installed parallel (you need to crawl along the bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your hands), then jump the distance to the ball on two legs, take the ball and hit the big ball. Hit - back to the team. In the event that the participant does not hit the target, he does 5 squats.

Relay race.

Carry a tennis ball on a racket, overcoming obstacles (pins) to the line, put the racket down, do five squats and carry the ball back on the racket. The baton is passed to the next participant.

Relay race


Running in pairs: one participant stands on his hands, the second holds his legs, overcoming obstacles (skittles) together, reach the line and change places.

Relay race

The first participant sits on a skateboard, the second carries him to the line, the first one hits the big ball with the ball. The second sits down, and the first delivers to the place.

Summarizing. Team awards.

"Your health is in your hands!"

(Meeting with FAP health worker)

Form of event: TV program "Health"


Guys, imagine that we are not in the school hall, but in the Health program. All of you, probably, were spectators of the Health program hosted by Elena Malysheva. Today we have our own program on air at school, and it is also about health. We welcome the host.


Hello! The program "Health" is on the air and I am its host - Ganina Tatyana. Today, on the School Day of Health and Sports, we will talk about health. Hello! I do not just greet you, I wish you good health, be healthy.

Today we have a medical worker of the feldsher-obstetric center Olga Vladimirovna Kondratyeva, a physical education teacher Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Agapov, a biology teacher Tatyana Vasilievna Gorelova.

Today we will talk about health, what factors affect it and how to maintain our wealth-health!

Health is wealth for all time. And it starts in childhood. Your health is like a treasure that is deep in the ground, and to find the treasure, you need to make great efforts.

Olga Vladimirovna, tell us what human health is.

Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, you work in the system of health preservation and disease prevention. What is the importance of physical activity for health?

Tatyana Vasilievna, what conditions at school and at home should surround a person so that he remains healthy?

Today, our health is being attacked by bad habits that hunt us everywhere: at home, at school, and on the street.

Now I invite everyone together to answer the questions “Helpful - harmful”

Look at a bright light ... (harmful)

Rinse eyes in the morning ... (useful)

Watch TV up close ... (harmful)

Eat carrots, parsley ... (useful)

Rubbing your eyes with dirty fists ... (harmful)

Engage in physical education ... (useful)

We ask our guests to comment on the children's answers.

These bad habits disrupt the normal state of our health. And there are habits that deal a devastating blow to our health.

Attention to the screen.

Once upon a time in our forest there were many different animals: bears, wolves, and foxes...

And where do they go now? Imagine, dear viewers, they were destroyed by bad habits.

Music sounds. A disheveled, cheerful Fox runs in with a bag on which "Heroin" is written. A bear with a bouquet trudges towards.
Bear. Will you marry me, Liska? Fox. Misha! My friend! Is it you? We haven't seen each other all summer. You are sick? Bear I don't know what's wrong with me? paws tremble. Fox. Why won't you go to the woodpecker? You need to turn to the woodpecker, He is such a bird with us - He will immediately tell you what's what. Don't hesitate, go to him. Bear. I'll wait a little, It will get worse, so I'll go. Music is playing. The fox preens, looks in the mirror. A wolf in an old fur coat walks staggering, carrying empty bottles.Fox. Listen, Little Wolf, what's the matter with you? The pigs are even cleaner. Ah, your eyes are dull, The brakes failed? Wolf. I can’t, the longing has stuck, Fox, the longing has eaten me up. Fox. You will be lost, If you don’t go to the Owl. You need to turn to the Owl, She is such a bird with us - He will figure it out, give advice: Yes, yes, but no, no! Wolf. Tomorrow I'll rush to Owl. Well, answer my feelings! Fox (sings). I’m walking beautifully Along the forest path, Well, I’m 16 years old. Tails flashed again at my hole, I’ll tell you two again no. Heroin takes me to the sky again, I shout “hello”, “hello” to you all. Fox. Misha, Vovik, I love you so much! But I won't get married. I'd better use a dose. Owl comes out:Wolf. Owl, dove, our friend. Bear. You come closer. Owl: Ba! Wolf, Toptygin, hello to you! You are healthy? Wolf and Bear. Apparently not. Bear. The cough hurts. Wolf. Side hurts. Owl: Misha, smoke! And you, my friend, drink. Bear. Yes, I smoke, how do you know? Wolf. And I drink. Owl: You stink of smoke. (Listens.) Do not breathe or sniffle. You are sick, even though you are a bear. Bear. Not deadly? Not dangerous? Owl: Soot has accumulated in the lungs, All the trouble is from smoking. Do you, Toptygin, want to stomp? Quit smoking forever! And now you, my friend. (Listens to Volk.) Rapid pulse, hypertension. Diseased liver, arrhythmia. If you stop drinking, you will survive, And if you drink, you will die. Follow my advice, Otherwise, along the way, you will both stretch your legs. you cigarettes out.
Leading: So, dear guests, I ask everyone to comment on the plot shown by fairy-tale characters.


Wolf: I know the remedy for these diseases, Then this dirt will disappear from here. Bring the scales of justice here, We will prove that we do not need black girlfriends! Bear: Help, friends, to find justice, Put your arguments on the scales. Friends, don't let me down, Come to the scales one at a time.

Leading: And to confirm our actions, let's remember once and for all: "A healthy mind in a healthy body!" Thank you all for your attention!

Arguments are checkers of white and black color. Checkers put all bad habits on one scale. On the other side, everyone else.


    Newspaper "Leisure at school" No. 1/2008

Project Protection

Each class team is invited to create a leaflet newspaper on the topic: "Be healthy!". The content of the newspaper should fully correspond to its title and reflect the basics of a healthy lifestyle. The form of presentation of the material is arbitrary: poems, drawings, slogans, diagrams, articles, etc. The form of execution is arbitrary: handwritten text, the use of computer design elements. The format and volume of the newspaper are unlimited.

Newspapers must be handed over to the organizing committee in advance. The defense of creative works will take place during the theatrical program “We are for life without bad habits!” In the presentation of the work, you need to indicate: the topic, explaining its relevance, summary (titles of the main articles; their brief content);

Share "Tree of Life"

The Tree of Life is chosen as the symbol of life. The guys, proving their desire for a healthy lifestyle, attach each of their leaves to a tree.

Campaign "Bright sun - healthy children!".

The guys, expressing their desire for a healthy lifestyle, choose a certain color of the beam, thereby demonstrating their state of health and mood. Green - I'm healthy; yellow - something does not suit me; red - I'm sick.

Expected result:

By participating in the event, students develop a complete, clear understanding of the principles and rules of a healthy lifestyle, the harmful effects of bad habits on the body of a teenager, develop aspirations to engage in physical education in order to maintain physical fitness.

Target : increased interest in physical culture and a healthy lifestyle.


Preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children;

Formation and consolidation of motor skills;

Getting pleasure and creating a good mood;

Development of mindfulness, ingenuity, memory, observation, dexterity, speed of reaction

Location:outdoor sports ground and the territory of the preschool educational institution, divided into zones (streets).

Equipment: street signs; sports cards; basket with toy linen and clothespins, rope; two wooden spoons and two tennis balls, cones; cube, several hoops, arcs; ball; tape recorder, music; magic vitamins by the number of groups.

Roles: Runny nose and Cough, Dr. Ai-hurts, Cold, Olympic Bear, Aunt Fyodor, Angina, Veselinka, Dunno.

Holiday progress:

Children of the entire preschool institution enter the sports ground to the music and line up along the perimeter with the letter P.

Runny nose and Cough appear on the playground to the music.

Runny nose: And here we are! I am a respected Runny nose (sneezes).

Cough: (coughs) Ah, I'm no less respected Cough.

Runny nose: Wow, how many children and girls and boys are here!

Cough: Oh, now we'll infect them all! Do you love to get sick?

Runny nose: No, but we know that there are such people among you. It’s great to be sick, you don’t have to go to kindergarten, you sit at home and get sick.

Cough: And also your head is splitting, your arms and legs are aching, you are coughing, snot is flowing. Beauty!

Runny nose: Well, Cough, let's get down to our dirty business ...

Dr. Ai-bolit appears on the site.

Dr. Aibolit : What is this? Well, let's go away. Help me, guys, let's drive away both Runny nose and Cough, we don't need diseases. And for this, we must say one very important and most useful magic word "HELLO"! Let's all say hello together. And now let's say hello to the neighbor on the right, on the left. Here are some good fellows, we wished each other good health for the whole day.

Cough and cold: Oh, oh, oh, think about it! We're going to infect other guys!

They run away.

Dr. Aibolit: Guys, I'm very glad to meet you. Let's spend a day today with health benefits and go on an exciting journey to a city where cleanliness, hygiene, tidiness, vitamins and good habits live. And this city is called "HEALTH". On the streets of the city "HEALTH" you have to perform various tasks of the inhabitants of this city and, if you succeed, they will give you magical vitamins.

The guides are distributed to the teachers. Children disperse in a given direction along the streets of the city "HEALTH" (the streets are marked with signs):

  1. street "Hygienic"

A resident - Cold gets acquainted with the children, introduces himself and conducts the game "Blind Man's Buff".

Game progress: The driver (Cold) is blindfolded. Children should run away from the Cold, try not to fall into the hands. You can clap your hands.

  1. sportivnaya Street"

Resident - Olympic Bear meets children, introduces himself and conducts the game "Guess and show sports"

Game progress: Children are shown cards with sports, they must name and show movements.

  1. Chistyulkino street

A resident - Aunt Fedora meets the children, introduces herself and conducts the game "Help Aunt Fedora"

Game progress: Children stand in a column one at a time, next to them in a basket are toy underwear and clothespins, a rope is stretched in front of them. On command, the player runs to the rope, hangs up the laundry and comes back.

  1. street "Vitamin"

A resident - Angina meets the children, introduces herself and conducts the relay race "Transfer vitamins"

Relay progress: Children stand in two columns. At the signal of the driver, the players one by one, holding a tennis ball (vitamin) in a spoon, run around the pyramid and return to the column, pass the spoon to the person in front. It is important not to drop the ball and not hold it with the other hand.

  1. street "Don't worry"

A resident - Ai-bolit conducts an obstacle course: step over a cube, jump from hoop to hoop, run around the cones with a snake, crawl under the arc.

  1. Rest Street

A resident - Veselinka meets children on his street and holds a musical and dance game "Boogie-woogie"

Game progress: Children, accompanied by musical accompaniment with words, show dance movements.

  1. Znaykino street

Resident - Dunno welcomes the children and conducts the game "Useful-Not Useful".

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. The driver says the word he has conceived and throws the ball to the player. If the word means food (fruits, vegetables, sweets, dairy, meat and other products), then the child to whom the ball was thrown must catch it (“eat”). When the word denotes inedible objects, the ball is not caught. The child who did not cope with the task leaves the circle.

Having passed all the streets of the city, the children with the teacher return to the sports ground. They give the "vitamins" to Dr. Ai-bolit.

Dr. Aibolit: So you have visited a wonderful city. Can anyone remember what it's called? You met with different residents. Well done boys! We got a lot of magic vitamins, and now I will turn them into real, useful ones.

Ai-bolit puts vitamins in a saucepan, “conjures” to the music and distributes real vitamins for children to teachers.

Dr. Aibolit: Take these vitamins one by one every day and you will not get sick. And I propose to end our journey through the city of "Health" in a very unusual way. Long, long ago they said: whoever sneezes during the festive fun is a happy person. So I suggest everyone together to sneeze, but in an unusual way. Children on the right will shout the word "Box", on the left - "Matches", and directly - "Cartilage" (try with each group). On my signal, let's shout together!

And in return I wish you: BE HEALTHY!

Under musical accompaniment, children and teachers leave the sports ground.

"A healthy mind in a healthy body" script

Doctor. Hello guys! Today I want to wish everyone good health. This is the most valuable thing that people have, which means that it must be protected. Today you will show how well you know your body and how you can take care of your health.

Athletes run out. Boys and girls do various sports exercises to the music: they do exercises with weights, hoops, jump rope, dance, show defense techniques, etc.

After the performance, two students dressed in vitamin A and B costumes enter.

Doctor. Who complained to us?

Vitamin A. You see, Vitamin B, what beautiful, fit, athletic guys here. How much they can do!

Vitamin B. Yes, Vitamin A, well done guys! And you and I can't do anything.

Vitamin A. And why is that?! We just haven't tried it yet! Let's try.

They take hoops, but do not hold them at the waist.

Vitamin B. This is probably difficult. Let's get the jump ropes. It will be easier.

Vitamin B is jumping rope. Vitamin A hardly jumped once.

Vitamin A. I probably ate little porridge today.

Vitamin B. You didn't eat it at all. I drank only lemonade and ate chocolate.

Vitamin A. So what! But it's so delicious.

Doctor. Vitamin A, you know, from chocolate you will not be full for a long time, and drinking lemonade in the morning is generally harmful.

Vitamin A. Yes? I didn't know. But what to do? The porridge is so tasteless.

Doctor. It can be made delicious by adding berries, butter, fruits.

Vitamin B. Oh, bad! I'm dying! (grabs his stomach) All the same, porridge is harmful.

Doctor. What happened to you?

Vitamin B. What's happened? The porridge turned out to be tasty, but harmful.

Doctor. And why is that?

Vitamin B. How do I know? First I ate a bowl of rice porridge with raisins. The second plate - buckwheat with milk, the third - oatmeal with a banana. It was so delicious!

Doctor. What are you! Is it possible? You overeat! You need to eat in moderation, then the stomach will not hurt.

Vitamin A. It is clear why the guys were so dexterous and athletic. Not enough sports to do, you need to eat right.

Doctor. Yes, you are right, athletes have a special diet. They spend a lot of energy, and proper nutrition helps to restore it. Moreover, food should be varied.

Vitamin B. Let's hold a competition and check if our guys eat right?

The number of guys can be any. Each of them draws up the correct menu for the day, and then reads it out. At the end of the competition, it is determined which menu was the most correct.

Vitamin A. What wonderful guys. Let's give a gift to all the winners. And which one, let them guess (a riddle for the winners of the competition).

Delicious juicy fruit

The letter I is his name. (Apple)

Vitamins distribute apples.

vitamins together. We realized that the measure is needed in food.

Vitamin B. You need to eat a little a day, but several times and always at the same time.

Vitamin A. If you follow this rule, then food will only benefit.

Vitamins together A. Remember, guys, a simple law: health is one, there is no second!

Game "Fun exercise"

Doctor. And I propose a sports competition, otherwise everyone has already sat too long. It's time for everyone to warm up and show their dexterity, strength and speed.

Competition "Proper nutrition"

Everyone who wants to play comes on stage. The doctor speaks and shows movements, and the guys repeat:

➢ Bunny - hands on the belt, crouched and jumped.

➢ Cat - arched back and stretched.

➢ Owl - we stand straight, hands are pressed to the sides, turning the head to the right and left.

➢ Bear - hands on the belt, legs apart, stomping their feet.

➢ Horse - arms forward, springy leg movements.

Doctor. Remember the moves? Now I will name the animals, and you will show how they move. Vitamins will be my helpers. They will keep a close eye on you. Whoever makes a mistake stops charging.

The doctor calls the animals in different sequences, gradually picking up the pace.

Vitamin A. The guys performed well. Probably hungry? Well, can you guess the riddle?

Little red matryoshka,

White heart.

red mortar,

White pusher. (Raspberries)

Vitamin B gives raspberries to the winners.

Relay "Charger"

Doctor. Now let's do a little exercise relay.

For the relay, two teams of 4 people are recruited. Both teams complete the tasks below. The team that completed the tasks the fastest wins.

➢ Charging for the lungs. Who will inflate balloons faster.

➢ Turtle race. Who will cover the distance faster at a snail's pace.

➢ Bird food. Teams collect grains scattered on the floor without bending their knees.

Vitamin A. Let's start with the awarding of the winners.

The pot is small

Sweetie couple,

Do not break the pot

And don't get a couple. (Nuts)

Vitamin B distributes nuts to the winners.

Butterfly Morning Game

Doctor. Now I suggest that butterflies come out, that is, all those who would like to know how butterflies wake up. (Participants of the game leave.) I will say what the butterfly is doing, and you will perform these actions.

Every morning the butterfly wakes up, smiles and stretches. Then she washes herself with dew, spins gracefully, and then crouches and flies.

The doctor reads, gradually picking up the pace. Vitamins monitor the performance of exercises. Children who make the wrong move or do not have time are out of the game.

Vitamin A.

It's time to treat these winners.

A whole bush of black berries,

They taste good. (Black currant)

Vitamin B gives blackcurrants to the winners.

Black box game

Doctor. We now know a lot about butterflies. And you, besides charging, what else should you do in the morning?

Children answer: wash, brush teeth, comb.

Doctor. In order to do all this, you need some things. Here is a black box, I will make a riddle, and you must determine what is in this box.

The children solve the riddle. The doctor then shows the answer.

little buzzard

Walked around the city

Killed all the guys. (Banya broom)

I'll get up early

I'll go to Roman

To the long nose

To an empty head (Water dispenser)

Hanging on a hook, dangling,

They constantly grab him in the morning. (Towel)

Lots of teeth

But he doesn't eat anything. (Comb)

Vitamin A. It's time to reward these guys with useful gifts.

What is it:

Grown into the ground

Thick on top


Are you red? (Carrot)

Vitamin B distributes carrots to the winners.

Doctor. Now let's listen to Leonid Yakhin's poem "A Very True Story"

Two students come out and read a poem.

Doctor. I hope guys that this poem is not about you. And you will eat right, do exercises in the morning, wash your face and brush your teeth.

municipal state educational institution

secondary school No. 15 h. Garden

Mineralovodsky district

Purpose of the Health Day:

    the formation and development of students of high moral and psychological qualities, love for their homeland, readiness to defend it;

    formation of a negative attitude towards bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs), educating students in responsibility for their health;

    to cultivate self-respect, to be able to make an informed choice regarding one’s health, that a healthy lifestyle makes a person free and independent, gives him the strength to make an informed choice in everything;

    formation and development in students of a high sense of duty and responsibility for the task assigned, courage, courage, endurance and self-control, initiative and resourcefulness, mutual assistance, physical endurance, constant readiness to perform rescue work.

Developed a program

teacher-organizer of life safety

Natarova E.V.

year 2013.

Preparing for the Health Day.

    preparation for the “Health Day” begins with the order of the school principal and the drawing up of a plan;

    in the course of preparation, class hours are held on a healthy lifestyle of students during the "Children's Day";

    school students take part in organizing exhibitions of drawings “Our health is in our hands”, posters “Sport is a healthy lifestyle”;

    meetings are held with the students of the school with the paramedic of the medical center x. Sadovy, narcologists;

    classes and training sessions are held to work out the stages of the sports relay race.

Event program:

    class hours in grades 1-11 on topics:

    "We grow up athletic - we grow up healthy";

    "Habits and health";

    "Sport for all!";

    "Healthy lifestyle is my choice."

    watching videos on topics:

    "Wrong diet";

    "Bad habits and their prevention";

    "The right to live";

    “I pass the TRP standards”;

    conducting a healthy lifestyle quiz:

    1-4 grades,

    5-7 grades,

    8-11 grades.

HOLIDAY PROGRESS. There are songs about sports. Then the music fades a bit. The general formation of athletes is announced.

Teams of classes go to the sports ground. Each of them has its own emblem. Teams are built in a column of two.

Hello, adults and children, we are very glad to see you at the holiday of sports and health. How cheerful, dexterous, strong and cheerful you are! What is needed for this? We will find the answer to this question by walking along the sports path. At each stop you will collect the correct answers and score points.

In our difficult age, in our stormy age
No one can live forever without sports,
The champion is hidden in every person.
The person needs to believe in it.

The moderator introduces the members of the jury.

Each class came up with the name of their team, emblem, motto. Teams take turns saying the name and motto. Route sheets are handed over to captains.

Stage 1.
Competition "Charging".

The whole team is involved. Performing morning exercises by teams. The synchronism of execution and correctness are evaluated (the result is entered into the route sheet, the number of errors made is counted).

2. Stage.
Bowling Contest.

The whole team is involved. Skittles are set up on the site. One member leaves the team. On a signal, he knocks down the pins with the ball. Each participant is given three attempts. The total number of pins knocked down is counted. (The result is entered in the route sheet)

3. Stage.
Competition "Olympic rings".
The whole team is involved. Team members throw rings on the pin. Five rings are given (one attempt). The total number of cast rings is counted. (The result is entered in the route sheet)

4. Stage.
Competition "Bags".
The whole team is involved. They must cover the distance as quickly as possible, holding a bag of sand on their heads. The winner is the one who does not drop the load and reaches the finish line faster. (The result (time) of the team is recorded in the route sheet).

5. Stage.
Competition "Running teams".

The whole team is involved. Participants line up at the start line, being inside the hoop and holding it to the level of the belt. The hoops are interconnected. At the signal of the team, I run along the distance (150 m.). The task is to run the distance as quickly as possible and not lose a single participant. (The result (time) of the team is recorded in the route sheet).

6. Stage.
Relay race.
The team performs a combined relay race, consisting of 10 types.
1) Running through the rope to the rack and back.
2) Spin the hoop and move forward to the rack and back.
3) Hold a small bag of sand on your head while moving forward to the rack and back.
4) Jumping forward, legs together to the rack, back running.
5) Jumping forward from the crouching stop with moving forward to the rack, back running.
6) Jumping forward holding the ball with your feet up to the rack, running back.
7) Jumps on the right leg to the rack, back on the left leg.
8) Dribbling the ball to the rack and back.
9) Running with a tennis racket in hand, on which lies a tennis ball.
10) Running with two balls in hand to the rack and back.
(The result (time) of the team is recorded in the route sheet).

Building teams.
The judges sum up.

Guys! While the judges sum up the results, we will play a game. I will name any quality or habit, and you try to decide whether this quality is useful or not. If useful, then you all raise your hands up and say - Yes, and if not, then say - NO:

- do physical education;
- do exercises;
- watch TV late;
- brush your teeth 2 times a day;
- wash once a month;
- laugh a lot;
- smoking;
- litter in the room;
- relax on the sea;
- go to school.

The chief referee announces the results of the competition. Certificates are awarded to the best teams. Schoolchildren leave the competition site in formation. Primary school students hold a competition for the best collective drawing on the theme "For the sake of life on earth" .

Drawings on asphalt "For the sake of life on Earth"

for children of primary school age (grades 1-4)

    Which vegetables and fruits are healthier - raw or cooked? Why?

    The hostess cut cabbage for borscht, and ate the stalk. Did she do the right thing?

    To reduce the harm from any soda, including Pepsi, you need to follow simple rules.. What?

    Why are chips and crackers harmful?

    Why can't you bite your nails?

    Can I lend my hairbrush to other people?

    What plant juice is used instead of iodine?

    “A glutton digs his own grave with his teeth,” says a popular proverb. Is it true?

    A hare brought up in a cage dies on its first quick run. Can this happen to a person? What is hypodynamia, and why is it dangerous?

    Why Canned Food Can Be Dangerous?

Quiz "Healthy lifestyle"

for children of middle school age (grades 5-7)

    It has been established that food additives that improve the taste of food are harmful to health. What and how?

    When garbage is burned in the city, the air is polluted with toxic substances. Name the most dangerous substances.

    Name some methods for removing nitrates from vegetables..

    Why is it said about a smoker that he is on starvation oxygen rations?

    Of everyday foods, which are the most dangerous to health?

    On Central Television, a program with aerobics classes made its debut back in the days of the USSR, in…G.

    In one family, a non-smoking woman died of lung cancer. What are your assumptions about this.

    Toxic acid in tobacco smoke.

    How does smoking affect the health and appearance of a girl?

    Why has alcohol been called the thief of the mind since ancient times?

Quiz "Healthy lifestyle"

for children of senior school age (grades 8-11)

    "A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king."Whose words are these?

    These products first appeared in Japan in the 1980s. They are enriched with substances that stimulate beneficial microflora. Such food improves health and prevents the occurrence of diseases. What are these products called?

    What signs can be used to diagnose an HIV-infected patient?

    The name of this man, who developed a system of physical exercises, remained forever in Russian poetry thanks to V. Mayakovsky's poem "I Love" ...

    "Tobacco ... inevitably weakens the energy." Who is the author of these words?

    Charcot shower is a good method of weight loss, cellulite treatment, it improves the general condition and tone of the skin and is indicated for certain diseases. Who is the author of this method?

    He was the first to come up with the idea of ​​using the concept of the glycemic index to get rid of excess weight, he wrote the books "Dine and lose weight" and "Eat and get younger!". His name…

    How often does the famous TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya advise weighing herself?

    “For large bellies, I use a healer's remedy, brilliant in results, but not always accessible to the forces of those being treated. This remedy consists in the so-called “milk diet”, in which the sufferer does not eat anything for 2 weeks, and satisfies the feeling of hunger with half a glass of milk, ”the doctor and writer reported ...

    One smoked cigarette neutralizes 25 mg in the body. vitamin C, so much of it is contained in one orange. And recently, scientists have come to the conclusion that taking vitamin C and smoking are incompatible. Why?

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