Semitic appearance. Jews: characteristic features

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Features of behavior and character

  • The main character traits of a Jew are feeling self-esteem and any lack of timidity and shyness. To convey these qualities of a Jew, there is even a special term - “chutzpah”, which has no translation into other languages. Khutzpah - special kind pride, prompting action despite the danger of being unprepared, incapable or insufficiently experienced. For a Jew, “chutzpah” means special courage, the desire to fight an unpredictable fate.
  • Researchers of the Israeli ethnic group have identified several characteristic features inherent in all Jews. Among the positive ones the following were named: friendliness and patriotism. In their love for their Fatherland and their history, Jews know no bounds.
  • Among the negative qualities are the following: general optionality, which is expressed in constant tardiness. It is not often that you meet an Israeli who arrives on time for a meeting.
  • Many Israelis do not notice anything that happens around them. Hypocrisy and hypocrisy can also be considered among the negative characteristics of the Jewish people, as well as arrogance.
  • The desire to deceive one's neighbor is a natural and immanent feature of the Israeli mentality, recorded in scientific and fiction literature, pop music, and jokes. In any contact with the Israelis, you must first of all think about how he can deceive me and how I can protect myself from this.
  • The greeting among the Jews is usually of a religious character, at least in its form, and is accompanied by many ceremonies. Sometimes they consist of only one simple exclamation: Lord be with you, or: peace be with you. Time spent on ritual greetings, repeated bows, kissing the beard, etc. sometimes it dragged on for a very long time, and that is probably why precautions were taken to avoid greetings.
  • Spreading the fingers of your left hand like a fan, fanning your face with this “fan”; means: "I'm amazed!"
  • "Khamsa Aleikha" gesture: if your interlocutor wants good things for you, wants to protect you from the evil eye, damage - he brings his palm with spread fingers closer to your face and adds: "Khamsa Aleikha"
  • If you show the waiter that you are scribbling something in the air on an imaginary piece of paper, then you are asking for the bill.
  • the moment when an ever-busy waiter runs past and glances at you and you use your index finger to trace circles on an imaginary plate. This is you asking for a portion of hummus. The cook, as you know, puts hummus on a plate and spreads it with a circular motion of the spoon. I do not recommend neglecting this gesture: hummus is the most important product in Israel.
  • Applying forefinger right hand to the cheekbone just below the eye and pulling down the lower eyelid. Means: “What are you saying? I figured out your trick.” This gesture means the same thing in Greece and Turkey.
  • I don’t know if the Israelis will understand the twirling of a finger at their temple. In this case, they seem to pat themselves on the head with their palm. This goes back to the expression “nafal al ha-rosh” (“fell on my head”).
  • If an Israeli strokes the palm of the other with the fingers of one hand while someone is speaking, this means that what is being said is not true.
  • There is a gesture that is rarely shown, more often they say about it: “Ani makhzik etsbaot” - I’m rooting for you, “I’m keeping my fingers crossed.” The middle finger is placed on the index finger.
  • And the Israelis also have sounds, not gestures: “Phhh” - “What are you saying? I don’t believe it!” “Pshhh” – admiration.

Positive work style

  • Jews are distinguished by a subtle mind and innate ability to do business. At the same time, Jews know how to earn money and modestly do not expose it to public display.

Pay special attention

  • Tips in restaurants are around 10% if they are not included in the bill. Hotel bellhops are given 5-10 shekels, guides 4-5 dollars per person per day, tourist bus drivers, chauffeurs - 2-3 dollars.
  • When visiting holy places, as well as residential areas of Judaism, you must wear a hat and cover your bare legs and shoulders.
    In Muslim areas, it is recommended to observe all the norms of Islam traditional for Islamic countries.
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Special requirements

  • Since November 2007, Israel has had a complete ban on smoking in public places.
  • On August 29, 2010, a law aimed at combating drunkenness came into force in Israel. Within its framework, in particular, it is prohibited to drink in public places at any time of the day.
  • You should refrain from photographing military and strategic facilities, power plants, port facilities, airports - due to tense Arab-Israeli relations, you may be detained as a spy and interrogated.
  • All types are prohibited in Israel gambling
  • Do not give expensive gifts: this will be regarded as a bribe.

How to build relationships with Israelis

  • Try to avoid talking about political topics, especially those related to the relationship between Jews and Palestinians, unless you know your Israeli interlocutor closely. But in general the country is very politicized.
  • If you want to ask something, then contact only representatives of your gender.
  • First, they ask friends about the health of their children, and then about their health.
  • When meeting, even unfamiliar Israelis exchange a few meaningless phrases. However, these phrases are required if you want to maintain contact with this person, and so as not to be considered sullen and impolite: - Shalom, ma nishma? How about the conversation? Ma shlomkha? - Hi, how are you? Everything is fine? How is your health?

There is only one answer to all these questions: “Beseder”, “Beseder gamur” (Arabic version: “Mabsut khalas”).

  • The basis of survival in Israel is the so-called “chutzpah”, that is, the natural impudence with which Israelis behave. A simple example: you come to an office and there is no chair next to the official’s desk. Do not wait until he invites you to sit down, feel free to take a chair that is at another table or go into the next room (but then you need to ask if you can take a chair). It is precisely this behavior that will be perceived in Israel as a sign of an initiative, independent person.
  • The optimal behavior strategy in Israel is calm self-confidence

Myths and stereotypes

  • The first myth about the Jews has already become a proverb. “Are you a Jew or something?” - they often say that those people who answer a question with a question. Is it really the Jews who do this? The answer, as a rule, is the same everywhere: “Have you asked the Jews?” But all this, of course, is part of a joke, but seriously, this myth is not so easy to dispel. According to the results sociological research, 75% of respondents believe that if a Jew cannot answer a question with a question, then he is not a Jew. Well, you can’t argue with public opinion.
  • The second myth that has been circulating about Jews for many years is “two Jews - three opinions.” This expression applies to conflict situations. There are people who stand their ground in an argument until victory. This has nothing to do with Jews, many believe. And we can partly agree with them. Dispute for Jews is like air for living beings, giving strength and preventing death. Argue Jews love, but they periodically take one side or the other in the dispute. This quality is generated internal inconsistency Israeli nature.

Interesting facts

  • In Israel, it is strictly forbidden to throw anything out of a car window. The fine is quite significant. Although you can see pieces of paper and light trash on the streets, since there are few trash cans due to the threat of terrorism.
  • At the airport, before departure, the control is very strict, although courteous. We recommend that you take this as a concern for your safety.
  • On Saturdays and during holidays, work stops in Israel - shops and restaurants close, public transport stops running, and on the most important holidays, radio and television stops broadcasting. Holidays in the State of Israel: Saturday (Shabbat), two days on New Year's Day
  • Israel has a strong religious component. The religious laws of Judaism require a Jew to observe 613 rules every day.

Short description

The main character traits of a Jew are self-esteem and any lack of timidity and shyness. To convey these qualities of a Jew, there is even a special term - “chutzpah”, which has no translation into other languages. Chutzpah is a special kind of pride that motivates one to act despite the danger of being unprepared, incapable, or insufficiently experienced. For a Jew, “chutzpah” means special courage, the desire to fight an unpredictable fate.
Researchers of the Israeli ethnic group have identified several characteristic features inherent in all Jews. Among the positive ones the following were named: friendliness and patriotism. In their love for their Fatherland and their history, Jews know no bounds.
Among the negative qualities are the following: general optionality, which is expressed in constant tardiness. It is not often that you meet an Israeli who arrives on time for a meeting.

The lobe is located in the lower part of the auricle and consists of a leathery membrane filled with fatty tissue; the lobe contains small capillaries and nerve endings. Any functions related to receiving sounds the lobe is not, but its importance in aesthetic terms is difficult to overestimate, since this part of the ear is actively used for wearing jewelry. It’s good when the auricle looks harmonious and the sizes of its individual parts correspond to each other, but this is not always the case: they may have small or attached lobes, and small ones may have very developed and disproportionately large lobes.

There are several shapes of earlobes, and they are attached to the cheek in different ways. It is considered ideal if the lobe makes up a fifth of the auricle, and its lower edge is at the level of the tip of the nose. An ear without a lobe or with an attached lobe is not a pathology, it's more likely individual feature a person, which most often does not spoil his appearance at all.

Fused earlobes: causes

  • inherited feature of the structure of the auricle;
  • racial or national feature - it is believed that fusion of the lobe with the cheek is more typical for Asians and Jews;
  • dysplasia (underdevelopment) of connective tissue;
  • abnormalities of the nervous system;
  • ruptures, injuries, burns and other damage to the ear.

There is an opinion that the number of people with an accreted lobe is growing every year and now this feature is characteristic of almost half of the inhabitants of the Earth. At the same time, a few hundred years ago there were practically no people without a lobe, at least there were no images of them left. Interestingly, according to statistics, for every 18,000 newborns, there is one with an attached earlobe.

Diagnosis of fused earlobes

The “correct” lobe (dominant trait) lags somewhat behind the cheek and partially “sags,” forming a “pouch.” In the case of an adherent lobe (a recessive sign), there is no such “bag”, that is, an area devoid of cartilage, and the curl sometimes “rests” directly on the cheek.

Plastic surgery of earlobes

Since fused earlobes do not negatively affect a person’s appearance, they are not often corrected. Modern techniques in some cases make it possible to solve the problem without surgery, for example, to increase the volume of tissue in the lower part of the ear, lipolifting (injection of the patient’s own fat) and filler injections can be used.

The diagram presented below will help you understand how plastic surgery of a fused earlobe is done.

There are two correction options:

  1. The lobe does not require enlargement - the only task is to separate it from the cheek. In this case, an excision (wedge-shaped) of the tissue in the abutment area is made, and then the edges of the wound surface are sutured separately for the cheek and separately for the lobe.
  2. The lobe is almost undeveloped and requires enlargement. With this correction option, the lobe is separated with some reserve of skin: it is grabbed into the fold and pulled back, and then cut along the grip line. The resulting curved flap is sutured from the back, forming a lobe.

Attention! This operation is performed on patients at least seven years old; local anesthesia is sufficient; The stitches are removed on the seventh day.

Video: how otoplasty is done

Prices for correction of ingrown earlobes

  1. A fused lobe is a sign of active, energetic and self-confident people. In addition, owners of fused lobes are decisive and capable of rash actions.
  2. The lobe is actively involved in acupuncture; there are points on the lobe through which you can influence the eyes, inner ear, tonsils and other areas.
  3. Many famous people have fused earlobes, for example: Maxim Galkin, Ekaterina Andreeva and Leonid Yakubovich.
  4. Bulky earrings do not suit those with miniature lobes- you should give preference to elegant, preferably openwork products. But you can choose clips of any size - large ones are even preferable, as they will visually enlarge the lower part of the ear.
  5. With age, women with fused lobes are less likely to experience sagging and deformation., and besides, almost no wrinkles form on a weakly defined lobe.

Physical signs (End).

Appearance - Types of pigmentation of ancient Jews - Ideal Jewish type - Types of pigmentation among modern Jews - Hair color of Jewish children in various parts light - Erythrism - Blonde Jews - Origin of blondes among Jews - Artificial selection - Nose - Error in considering the "eagle" and "hook nose" as typically Jewish - Nose shapes among modern Jews - Jewish breasts - Vitality - Suitability for military service.

Appearance. Judging by biblical data, the hair color of the ancient Jews was black. Black hair is a sign of youth, as opposed to white hair of old people. Josephus says that Herod dyed his gray hair black to make himself appear younger. Black hair was considered beautiful, black was the predominant color, while blond hair was the exception. Esau, as well as King David, according to the Bible, were red-haired. In addition to this, it should also be mentioned that early paintings represented Christ as blond and Mary Magdalene is depicted as blonde, while Judas Iscariot is traditionally known as a red-haired individual, although not a single word New Testament does not mention their appearance. “The earliest description of Christ is by John of Damascus,” says Grant Allen, “who states that his hair color was “wheat.” At the same time, in an apocryphal letter from Lentulus to the Roman Senate, we read that his hair was the color of wine. The Greek description by Epiphanus Monachus says that he was red-haired like his ancestor David.

In one of the stories " Arabian nights“describes the “Weaver who turned into a leech,” the healer was asked how he could unmistakably recognize a Jew and he answered: “You should know that we Persians are good physiognomists; and I saw a red-haired woman, with blue eyes and tall. These qualities are not found in Roman women... and I knew that she was a Jew.” Jacobs mentions that Judah Halevi, a Jewish poet of the twelfth century, speaks of the golden hair of his beloved and also refers to the Spanish Jew Rowen Shlomo, who had brown hair, as well as to the painting of Rembrandt, whose painting of a red-bearded rabbi is displayed in the national gallery. Many other paintings and portraits of middle-aged Jews show us that they usually have brown hair, white or red, especially their beards.

17. Bukharan Jews.

The color of the eyes is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible or the Talmud, although this organ is mentioned more than eight hundred times and described in detail regarding such characteristics as anatomy, expression, etc. In this connection, it is necessary to mention that according to some Jewish scholars, There is no Hebrew equivalent for the word blue in the Bible or Talmud.

18. The Old Jew (artist Rembrandt)

The predominant hair type of today's Jews is dark; Black and brown (chestnut) hair and eyes are found in the majority. But still a large proportion are blond hair and blue eyes. In the most extensive study of this subject, made by Prof. Virchow, of more than 75,000 Jewish schoolchildren in Germany, found that only 66% had dark hair and 52% dark eyes. Up to 32% were found with fair hair and even more with light eyes, 46%. More recently, ethnologists have stated that the Jews in Germany had a large number of blonds among them, but in other countries they were... arr. brunettes. Virchow's research confirms this for Germany; When the hair and eye color of Jews were examined in other countries, it was found that blond Jews were found almost everywhere. Thus, 60,000 Jewish schoolchildren in Austria were studied, of whom, according to Schimmer, 27% were blond and 54% had blue eyes. In Hungary, 24% of Jewish children had blond hair and 42% light eyes, [hereinafter in the text there is the expression “light eyes”, it is obvious that in studies not only blue eyes were recorded in this category, but also gray and green] and even in Bulgaria 22 and 66% were found, respectively. The author studied 600 children in the schools of the Union of Israel in Algiers, Constantine and Tunisia, among them six percent were found to have blond hair and 22% with light eyes.

19. Jewish facial expression (artist Kaufman)

These fair-haired Jews created a problem for anthropologists. The question arose where these “Indo-Germanic” Jews, as Virchow called them, came from, how they ended up among the dark races like the Jews, and whether they were the result of racial mixing between Jews and northern Europeans. Some have disputed this because the observations were made on children and are therefore of dubious value, since the hair of at least 25% of fair children darkens with age. But studies of Jewish adults did not change the results at all. As you can see from the following numbers, there are fair-haired Jews in almost every country:

Light percentage

A country. Hair Eyes

England 25.5 41.2

Galicia 20.03 52.12

Little Russia 17.74 53.68

Romania 14.67 51.33

Lithuania 14.09 37.81

Southern Russia 13.00 33.00

Baden, Germany 12.80 51.20

United States 11.29 44.35

Hungary 17.86 50.71

Poland 7.16 43.89

Caucasus 2.00 15.69

Dagestan, Caucasus 0.05 4.38

In fact, even Spanish and Portuguese Sephardi Jews, who were believed to be darker in appearance than European Ashkenazi Jews, also have a significant number of blondes among them, as can be seen from the following figures:

Light percentage

A country. HairEyes

Bosnia 18.50 30.90

England 11.90 33.20

North Africa 5.19 16.88

Italy 4.80 30.00

Others 2.60 32.00

Türkiye 10.00 18.70

From these figures it is evident that the Jews in every country examined had some proportion of fair-haired and light-eyed individuals, and that their percentage varied over a wide range. The lowest percentage of blond hair and eyes is found among Caucasian and Arabian Jews. Pantyukhov found among Caucasian Jews only two percent with blond hair and 15.69% with light eyes. Among Georgian Jews, Weissenberg found 3.33% fair-haired and 12.33% light-eyed Jews, while Kurdov found less than 1% light-haired and only 5.63% light-eyed Jews among Dagestan Jews. Among 78 Jews from Yemen, Arabia, Weissenberg did not find anyone with blond hair or eyes. On the other hand, among English Jews, one in four had blond hair, while 41% had light eyes. Among Austrian Jews the percentage exceeds fifty. The Sephardim are supposed to have retained the Jewish type to the greatest extent, which is reflected in the lack of blondes among them. Of the Spagnols in Bosnia, 18.5% have blond hair and 31% have light eyes. Even Spanish Jews in Turkey, as well as local Jews in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, have blonde hair.

Types of pigmentation. Typical representatives of the race show a constant relationship between hair and eye color. Blondes of the northern races are usually blue-eyed, while among the southern races dark hair is usually found in those with dark eyes. The former are considered pure types of blondes, and the latter - brunettes. Individuals who do not show this relationship, i.e., have dark hair with light eyes or light hair with dark eyes, are called “mixed type.” Interestingly, only half of modern Jews have retained the pure brunette type; in other cases - light or mixed type. Among the 4,235 Jews studied by the author in New York, the following proportions were found:

Jews Jewish women

Brunette type 52.62% 56.94%

Blonde type 10.42 10.27

Mixed type 36.96 32.79

The brunette type, which is considered characteristic of Jews from time immemorial, has thus decreased to 52%, among European representatives, while among Jewish women it is not much more than 57%. The pure blonde type was found in ten percent, while over 30% had a mixed type. Observations made in various countries gave similar results. Of the 75,377 Jewish schoolchildren in Germany reported by Virchow, only 46.83 were of the brunette type, 11.17% were of the blond type, and 42% were of the mixed type. In Austria, Schimmer found from 32 to 47% of brunette Jews among schoolchildren and 8-14% of blond ones. Watef's research in Bulgaria, where the general population is brunette, found that Jews have only 49.57% pure brunettes, 8.71% blondes and 41.72% mixed. IN North Africa, where blondes are known to have been a significant element among the Berbers and Kabyles, the Jews were 4.62% blonde and 76.40% brunette. The only country where all the Jews studied were dark-haired is Yemen, Arabia, where Weissenberg did not find a single Jew with blond hair or eyes. A possible reason for this is that the Bedouins of this region also do not have blonde hair, and mixed marriages did not contribute to the appearance of fair-type Jews. In general, the proportion of pure blond Jews ranges between five and sixteen percent, depending on the country of residence. From twenty-five to fifty percent are of a mixed type, and what is very important, this may be, as some believe, one of the signs of racial mixing.

20. Jewish, Tangier, Morocco

Erythrism, or red hair. The red hair doesn't seem to be of recent origin. This phenomenon was known even among the ancient Jews, Esau was reported to be red all over his body and like a hairy robe. King David was “ruddy-faced,” which some explain because he had red hair. In addition to Judas Iscariot, who is considered to be red-haired without the slightest reason, it is also necessary to mention ancient Egyptian monuments in which the Canaanites are depicted with red hair and beards. The Edomites, if we rely on the etymology of the word "edom", were also red-haired.

Among modern Jews, approximately 4% of men and women are red-haired and almost 10% of men have red beards; in fact, Jewish beards are quite often red and very often have at least a red tint. I find that red beards are more common among Galician Jews than among those from other countries. Typically, red-haired individuals almost always have freckled skin and curly beards. Many anthropologists, like Topinard, Deniker, Copernicus, etc., believe that red hair is a racial trait of the Jews. The level of our present knowledge does not allow us to determine the origin of red hair in humans, and we are not yet able to find the reason for the prevalence of red hair among the Jews. Some believe that red hair is a special shade of blond hair, while at the same time it is known to be combined with dark hair. However, it is often found that red hair appears when it occurs in to a large extent mixing between dark and light races. [Current science, in general, confirms this assumption] Whether this is true for the reason mentioned is difficult to say.

The origin of blond Jews. One of the most difficult problems in the anthropology of Jews has been the identification of the origins of Jews with light eyes and hair, and the question is discussed by everyone who has written on the subject. Two theories have been put forward. One, presented by Broca, Lagny and others, explains that the blond Jews trace their origins to admixture with the northern European races. Others claim that the fairness of the Jews cannot be proven by mixing with the Teutonic (proto-Germanic) race. As already mentioned, blonds have existed since biblical times, and modern blond Jews are seen as descendants of those biblical blonds. Professor Luschan sees in modern blondes the descendants of the Amorites, who are said to have been blondes, and with whom the Jews very often married.

21, 22. Lithuanian Jews

The suggestion made by some that modern blond Jews are the result of climatic conditions may be dismissed as meaningless. Firstly, there are blond Jews in every part of the world, in southern and eastern, as well as northern countries, even in India and North Africa. And we need to remember about countries where the majority of the population is blond, like Germany, and that in the northern countries there is the highest percentage of blond Jews. In general, it can be stated that the majority of blond Jews are found in countries where the general population has a significant proportion of blonds. This is illustrated by the large number of Jewish blonds in England, twenty-five percent, and Germany, where over thirty percent of Jews have blond hair. On the other hand, in Italy, where the Christian population is brunette, less than five percent of the Jews are blonde, while in Algeria, Bukhara, and the Caucasus the percentage is even smaller. All this is not so simple when you approach the issue more carefully. We must remember that the ancestral home of blondes in Europe is the North, and as we move to the East and South, the proportion of fair people decreases, and brunettes become predominant. A striking fact is that this tendency does not occur among the Jews of Germany and Austria. As Virchow and Schimmer found in their studies of the hair and eye color of schoolchildren in Germany and Austria, among Jewish children there were more brunettes in the northern regions than in the southern ones. Among Germans, the largest proportion of blondes is found in the regions of Prussia, Pomerania, Schleswig-Holstein, Hanover, Westphalia, etc., while further east in Posen, Bohemia, Moravia, Upper and Lower Austria and finally in Galicia and Bukovina is seeing a decrease in blondes. This is observed in the Southern and Eastern regions of Germany and Austria, where the majority of Jewish blonds live, while the largest proportion of brunettes is in the Northern regions. This fact contradicts the statement that blond Jews live only in northern countries, in contrast to the Jews of southern countries, who are dark in appearance, and that the origin of such blonds is to be sought in the northern climate, which is a kind of transformism, as Darwin would call this phenomenon. All the facts point to heredity as the main cause, and consequently to mixing with the blond races. Whether this mixture took place exclusively in biblical times with the Amorites, and whether it was transmitted by heredity to modern Jews, as Luschan suggested, is highly doubtful. We believe that if the only reason for the appearance of modern Jewish blonds was intermarriage with the native fair races of Palestine in ancient times, then the proportions of fair Jews would be the same in every country. However, in some regions, like the Caucasus, Africa, Arabia, Italy, etc., we find that less than one to six percent of the Jews have blond hair; while other countries, such as Germany, Galicia, England, etc., have more than thirty percent. This indicates that, in those areas where the non-Jewish population is predominantly dark-haired, Jews, as a result of mixed marriages, have again acquired dark features, as is the case in the Caucasus, North Africa, etc., while in European countries, in which the number of blonds among the Christian population is large, they, through mixed marriages, obtain a large proportion of blonds. There is no reason to reject this conclusion when all the evidence points in that direction.

23. Algerian Jew

It is curious that the so-called "Aryan" or northern European type, that is, one with blond hair, blue eyes, tall stature and a long skull, does not seem to be common among European Jews. As you know, many anthropologists talk about the ideal “European” type. The Germans were so delighted with this type that they called it "Indo-Germanic", despite the fact that less than half the population of their country consists of tall blonds and dolichocephals, and in some of them southern regions less than fifteen percent of the population has this type. Some anthropologists have spoken of blond Jews as the "Indo-Germanic" or "Aryan" elements in Jewry. Mayer and Kopernsky, examining the bodily features of the Galician population, found that brunette Jews are usually brachycephalic, while blonde Jews are predominantly dolichocephalic, therefore they and many others consider it a good proof that among modern Jews there are “Indo-Germanic” elements. But this conclusion was based on very meager observations. Among the Jewish immigrants to New York I have found that the skull shape of tall Jews is almost the same as that of shorter Jews. I also found that the average cephalic index of 86 blond Jews was 81.35, almost identical to that of dark-haired Jews, which was 81.97. In fact, dark-haired individuals had an even slightly higher percentage of dolichocephals. Likewise, light-eyed Jews had the same skull shape as dark-haired Jews, while the percentage of brachycephalic Jews was higher among blonds than among brunettes.

24. Algerian Jew

It has also been argued that tall Jews are usually blond, while short Jews are dark-haired. Pantyukhov, studying the Jews of Odessa, the South of Russia and the Caucasus, discovered that light-eyed people are usually tall, and dark-eyed people are short. But these observations have not been confirmed by other scientists. The author's research among New York immigrants showed similar proportions of tall Jews among both blond and brunette Jews. Otto Ammon reports the same thing about the Jews of Baden, Germany, and Elkind finds that dark-haired Jews in Poland are even taller than blond ones.

Thus, it has been noted that the combination of the ideal “Aryan” with tall stature, blond hair and dolichocephaly is not observed among European Jews. Indeed, all the facts point to very significant contradictions. This is manifested in the fact that tall Jews are more often brunettes than blondes, and also that they often have long heads. This trend of Jewish blonds arose solely due to northern European influence, especially noteworthy for those who believe that the combination of traits in question can invariably be found among people of "Aryan" origin, which, however, is not a fact, as can notice when studying European anthropology. In any case, it must be recalled that this does not exclude Slavic admixtures. After all, it has already been noted that among various Slavic peoples, high growth often accompanies dark hair and short stature with blond hair in one individual. This is the case, according to Weisbach, with the Serbo-Croats. Among Poles and Belarusians it was also found that brunettes are taller than blondes. Vorobyov, who studied this issue, came to the conclusion that many Slavic peoples have characteristics that are the exact opposite of the usual "Aryan" type: a large percentage of brunettes with dark eyes and hair, a large proportion of them tall and long-headed individuals, on the other hand Eastern European blondes are often of average height and have brachycephaly. Deniker describes this class of blonds as the "Eastern race" [nowadays the race is most often called the "East Baltic"] and states that it is found mainly in Belarus and among the Great Russians in the Northern regions of Russia. All this evidence is enough to agree that the Slavic type does not fit in at all with the so-called. "Northern European" or "Aryan" type, which has a combination of tall stature with dolichocephaly. Tall height is often combined with a round head and dark hair. Thus, it turns out that the Jews are blond, perhaps the result of mixing with the Slavic races. All available data on the relationship between height, hair color and head shape point to similarities between the Jews of Eastern Europe and the original populations among whom they lived for many centuries.

25. Jewish rabbi from Constantine, Algeria

When discussing the origins of Jewish blonds, Ripley suggested that they may have resulted from social or artificial selection. Averbakh developed this theory and says that sexual choice greatly influenced the Jews in every country where they lived. The racial characteristics of the population among which they lived became their ideal. In countries where the non-Jewish population is blond, people with blond hair become the ideal type of Jews, and subconsciously, for marriage, preference is given to blond individuals. He speaks of the physical, not cultural, assimilation of the Jews. In this vein, the light elements among the Jews were increased, giving blondes a greater chance of leaving behind offspring. I do not believe that this theory is consistent with the facts of ghetto life. Ideal type Ghetto Jew is a Jewish type. Since I have been present at the conversations of typical Jews, I can say that when choosing a mate, they prefer people with Jewish physiognomies. It is true that among Western European and American Jews today, blondes are idealized, as can be seen by the large number of Jewish women who bleach their hair. But this is a phenomenon of recent origin, [This is not so. Only those who wanted to become outwardly similar to the surrounding, fair-haired goyish population could be interested in lightening their hair. The need for camouflage, in particular in the form of lightening hair, arose precisely in the Jewish environment, who had a deep knowledge of chemistry since ancient times (see the book “Secrets of the Ancient Jews and Modern Science” by Leonid Eilman: SekretyIudeev.htm)] which appeared when the Jews left the ghetto and are no longer isolated from the rest of the population. Currently, the ideals of the people among whom they live are their ideals. [In fact, it's exactly the opposite. “Their” ideals became goyish ideals.] In former times, the ideals of their non-Jewish neighbors were not ideals for them, but more often than not they were very unpleasant. Anyone who resembled a goy had not a greater, but rather a lesser chance of being preferred in marriage. Since the Jews of today are a product of the ghetto, one must be perplexed to find in artificial selection a reliable explanation for the origin of blond Jews.

The conclusion we have thus reached is that while some modern blonde Jews may be direct descendants of ancient blonde Jews resulting from the mixing of ancient Jews with Amorites, this still cannot explain the origin of all light Jews. If they were all descendants of ancient blond Jews, then we might expect that the proportion of blond Jews would be about the same in all countries. But we see, however, that in some areas, such as Germany, Austria, etc., they are approximately thirty percent, while in other regions, such as North Africa, approximately six percent, in Italy five percent, In the Caucasus there is less than one percent, and in Yemen, Arabia, light Jews are not found at all. From this we can come to the conclusion that blondes trace their origins to the countries in which they live today. When, in addition to this, we also mention that the Light Jews also have the physical characteristics of their non-Jewish neighbors among whom they live, we will inevitably come to the conclusion that this happened as a result of mixed marriages with non-Jews.

26, 27. Galician Jews

Nose. How unreliable common stereotypes are when trying to determine racial type is best illustrated by the example of the Jewish nose, which most people consider characteristic feature. In addition to caricaturists who always use this part of the Jewish anatomy, and who will never draw a Jewish face without a nose resembling a parrot's beak, most fiction writers, when describing the appearance of a Jew, very rarely do not mention the large prominent nose of the Jew. Even anthropologists were carried away by this widespread opinion of Topinard, who, in his classification of the shapes of the human nose, speaks of a “Semitic” or “Jewish” nose. He lists several types of elongated noses, better known as aquiline: simply aquiline, arched, which resemble the beak of a parrot or an eagle according to the direction extreme point nose Because of all this, one would assume that Jews without a “Jewish” nose must have been extremely rare. But surprisingly, observations have shown that there is no good reason to consider an arched or hooked nose to be typically Jewish. In reality the situation is different. If the most common type of organ can be considered as typical of a race, then for Jews it would be a straight nose or so-called. Greek.

The author investigated this issue among Jews in New York, as well as in various countries of the Eastern and Western Europe, in North Africa and among Jewish immigrants from various Asian countries. The results of these studies do not support the popular belief that a hooked nose should be considered a “Jewish” nose, because only a small proportion of Jews have this type. Among 2,836 adult Jewish men in New York City, the percentage of noses was as follows:

Direct or Greek 57.26%

Snub-nosed 22.07

Eagle or hook-shaped 14.25

Flat and wide 6.42

Among 1,284 Jewish women, the percentage of straight noses was even greater, and less aquiline, than among men:

Direct or Greek 59.42%

Snub-nosed 13.86

Eagle or hook-shaped 12.70

Flat and wide 14.02

This shows that the predominant type of nose among Jews is straight. Fifty-seven percent of Jews and fifty-nine percent of Jewish women have this nose shape. This type is known as the Greek nose because Greek sculptors usually made their creations with such straight noses. However, it must be mentioned that people with noses like those on Greek sculptures are very rare among other races. This applies especially to the part where the base of the nose connects to the forehead, which was made by sculptors at one angle, without transitions. The straight noses observed today among the populations of Europe and America have a more or less deep transition at the root, while the dorsum of the nose is straight, without any significant bend. Almost three-fifths of all Jews have this nose shape, which cannot be called the classic Greek nose for the reasons just mentioned. Many of these noses are slightly convex and can be classified with the shape known as the Roman nose, a type very common among modern Europeans.

28, 29. Polish Jew (Belarusian type), (snub-nosed)

Retrousse or concave nose or as it is commonly called snub nose was found among the Jews much more often than one might expect. Twenty-two percent of Jews and thirteen percent of Jewish women have this nose shape. Its main characteristics are that it is usually short and relatively wide. When seen in profile, the back appears short and slightly raised, while the nostrils point upward on both sides. The base of the nose is wide, low and concave. This concavity has varying degrees, some being slightly concave and barely distinguishable from a straight nose, while others have a more concave curve, making them very ugly and likened to animals. [Such a super-concave nose, with a barely noticeable bridge of the nose, is usually called a “nose”] As a rule, this type of nose, if it is not a consequence of a pathological disease [apparently we mean the consequences of advanced syphilis, in which the bridge of the nose “falls in” "], considered by some to be a rather beautiful form and is called "snub-nosed". [Literally translated “bold” or “pretty”] This type is very often found among the Slavs, especially in the Ukraine among the Little Russians, in Galicia among the Ruthenians [Rusyns], among the Bohemians [Czechs], etc. It is a fact worthy of note that these noses also most often found among Jews arriving from these places.

Flat and wide noses are usually short, wide at the base, with fairly large nostrils. The back is flat and low set, not protruding too much from the face. This type of nose can be called “Negroid” due to its similarity to the nose of blacks. The latter nose shape is often noticeable among Jews who have other Negroid features such as prognathism, large thick lips, curly hair, etc. Since this type of nose is found among Jews in North Africa, Egypt, Yemen, etc., this can be explained the same origin as their non-Jewish neighbors in these countries, namely, mixing with blacks, which is very common among Arabs, Kabyles, Berbers, etc. It should also be noted that, although not often, these signs are also found among Jews who have not had contact with blacks for centuries, for example among the Jews of Eastern Europe and even more often among the Jews of Italy and Southern France. It has been suggested that these are cases of atavism that have their roots in the ancient Jews intermarrying with the Cushites. Most likely, this is all a far-fetched theory, which is as difficult to prove as it is to refute.

30, 31. Polish Jew (Great Russian type)

The proportion of aquiline, hooked, arched or so-called “Jewish” and “Semitic” noses is quite small among modern Jews. The author, as has already been said, found such noses only among fourteen percent of Jews and twelve percent of Jewish women. Researchers in Russia, Austria, Hungary, etc. have also found a small proportion of this nose shape among the Jews of these countries. Some reported two percent, others ten, while Mayer and Kopernsky found thirty percent among the Jews of Galicia. This is categorically contrary to the popular belief that every Jew has a hook-shaped nose. Additionally, this nose shape is not uncommon among non-Jewish peoples in various parts of the world. Among the Slavic peoples, among whom they live most of modern Jews, a very significant proportion were found with aquiline noses. Among the Little Russians, Talko-Grintsevich found more than ten percent of men and women with aquiline noses; among the Poles and Ruthenians of Galicia, Mayer and Copernicus found more than 6 percent and among the Germans of Bavaria thirty-one percent of aquiline noses. It is quite remarkable that Bavarian Jews also have higher proportions of individuals with aquiline noses than their co-religionists from other countries. In fact, the best examples of the beak-shaped nose so beloved of caricaturists, projecting, with fleshy wings, with a very arched back, which is turned down, are found mainly among the Bavarian Jews and are extremely rare among the Jews of other countries. This nose shape is also very common among various non-Jewish tribes of the Caucasus, as well as in Asia Minor. Among the indigenous population: Armenians, Georgians, Ossetians, Lezgins, Aisors and Syrians, the presence of aquiline noses is the rule. People living in Mediterranean countries such as the Greeks, Italians, French, Spanish and Portuguese have aquiline noses more often than the Jews of Eastern Europe. North American Indians they also very often have “Jewish” noses. [Fishberg completely ignores the fact that, in addition to forms the nose is important and its size.]

Bearing in mind that on the one hand only one in six Jews has an aquiline nose, and on the other that many races in different parts of the world have much more people With this type of nose, one can hardly say that it is “Jewish” or “Semitic.” Lushan pointed out that modern non-Jewish races who speak Semitic languages, especially those preserved in their original state, such as the Arab Bedouins, do not have this characteristic at all. The predominant type of nose among them is short, straight and very often snub or concave. Lushan believes that the aquiline nose is by no means characteristic of the Semites and argues that the small proportion of arched noses that have been found among modern Jews was due to ancient mixing with the Hittites, who dominated Asia Minor in biblical times. One of them physical characteristics was an aquiline nose. This author shows that other peoples who have a significant portion of Hittite blood in their veins, such as the Armenians, also have aquiline noses. Lushan believes that the aquiline nose should be called “Armenoid” and not “Jewish” or “Semitic.”

There are various explanations why artists, cartoonists, actors and even ethnologists consider the arched nose to be typically Jewish. Beddoe believes that this opinion arose due to the characteristic turning up of the wings of the nose, which is noticed in Chap. arr. among the Jews. He believes that the type of nose usually called aquiline is not sufficiently described, although the term itself is etymologically quite accurate. Jacobs concluded that the nose contributes huge contribution, producing a typically Jewish facial expression. He claims that when the nose is not visible in photographs of Jewish faces, the Jewish expression disappears completely and that this is due to the special connection of the Jewish nostrils. "A curious experiment illustrates this importance of the nostrils in creating Jewish facial expression," says Dr. Jacobs, "artists tell us that The best way to depict a Jewish nose is to draw the number 6 with a long tail (Fig. 1), if you then remove the rotation of the curvature as in Fig. 2 then most of the Jewishness will decrease and completely disappear when we draw the continuation horizontally as in Fig. 3. “From this we can conclude that when describing the Jewish nose b O The Jewish nostrils play a greater role than the nose itself, which form the characteristic expression of the Jewish face.” Ripley agrees with Jacobs on this point and concludes that, along with dark hair, eyes and dark skin, nostrils are the most typical feature of Jews. But if this were the main criterion of the Jewish appearance, then very few Jews would resemble this type, because nostrils of this type, found among Jews and Christians with arched noses, are found in less than fifteen percent of the total number of Jews. Among Jews who have a straight or concave nose, you can hardly find this type of nostril. But among the inhabitants of Asia Minor and the Caucasus, this type of nostril is common.

32. (Fig. 1, 2, 3)

Chest circumference. In addition to the “Jewish face,” “Jewish nose,” etc., “Jewish breasts” are also described by various authors. The main characteristics attributed to this breast are its narrowness and flatness, as well as lack of volume. As those who have seen many Jews from Eastern Europe know, there are not many among them who can boast of full development and large chest volume; most of them have emaciated, flat and narrow breasts. One of the main criteria regarding breast volume is its circumference, which in a healthy, well-developed individual should be more than half his height. Indeed, most Europeans have an average chest circumference of approximately 55-58% of average height, while among those who are fond of sports, this figure can reach sixty percent or even more. This is one of the most important measurements, made by officials from conscripts of the continental armies, carried out to determine the suitability of recruits for military service. Such measurements made in Eastern Europe, have shown that the Slavic races have a circumference that exceeds half their height from two to eight percent. Among the Jewish conscripts of Russia, Poland and Austria, they were found to be deficient in this regard. Among 4,470 Jewish recruits in Poland, Snigirev found an average circumference of 49.68% of their height. Among 2,122 Lithuanian-Jewish recruits he found 49.55% relative growth, and among Galician Jews the same was observed by Mayer and Copernsky. Based on these facts, military medical journals have repeatedly discussed whether Jews have a “vitality” defect and, with their “energy index,” whether they are even fit for service. As a result, it was agreed from the practical experience of using Jewish soldiers that this defect, if this feature can be called a defect at all, in no way reduces the effectiveness of military service. In fact, the Russian and Austrian armies have decided to ignore chest circumference as the primary test for recruits and allow Jews to serve even when they are deficient in this respect but otherwise healthy. Chest circumference, given official recognition, is thus a racial trait of the Jews.

But this official recognition in no way convinces that narrow chests are a racial trait transmitted hereditarily and that this situation cannot be corrected by proper sanitary and hygienic measures. A careful study has shown that it depends mainly on the socio-economic conditions in which the Jews find themselves, and also partly on the late development of their physique. The early maturation of Jewish children is well known. This, however, concerns only their mental and intellectual development. The success they achieve in public schools and colleges is direct evidence of this. But this success usually comes at a high price, due to physical development, which is very slow among Jewish youth, as can be seen among Jewish high school students in the United States. In Russia and Austria, conditions in this regard are much worse. Very early age the Jewish child is sent to study in the so-called cheder (Jewish religious school), which is almost always in poor sanitary condition and in which he remains from morning until late evening occupied with the study of Hebrew, the Bible and the Talmud. Outdoor play is foreign to the Jewish child in Eastern Europe. This situation does not change significantly in youth. Indoor activities, sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise are notorious among them. All this does not bring anything good for the development of healthy muscles, and the chest remains flat and small. It is also necessary to remember that the circumference does not depend entirely on the size of the breast, but largely depends on the development of the muscles. Well-developed muscles increase the circumference of most of the chest, as well as they help to keep the ribs at an obtuse angle relative to the spine, while weak and flabby muscles do not raise the ribs to a significant extent, but allow them to hang down under acute angle relative to the spine, producing the “paralytic chest” known in medical circles, which has a small volume and is narrow. Individuals with strong, well-developed muscles therefore have a larger chest circumference. The lack of agronomists among Jews is also an important factor. The rural population is known to have a larger chest volume than the urban population, and the factory worker is worse off than outdoor workers in this respect. It has also been observed that the intellectual class is often deficient in chest size unless they are engaged in outdoor sports and games, as is the case with American college boys. Otto Amon, speaking about the imperfection of the Jewish breast among the Jews of Baden, noted that a very large number of them are engaged in sedentary work, as well as the fact that they are often engaged in commerce. He attributes the defect in the physical organization of the Jews to their defective muscular development.

Later development, which has already been mentioned, is also an important factor. This was evident when measuring adults over twenty-five years of age, where Jews were found to have a chest circumference greater than half their height. Recruits, who usually range from nineteen to twenty-two years of age, have an imperfect chest circumference. Measurements made by the author among 983 Jewish immigrants in New York showed that their chest circumference was 52.2% of body height. While this may be partly attributed to the fact that immigrants are usually a physically selected class, it must also be taken into account that they were over twenty years of age, which is also important. All measurements of Jewish adults taken in Russia also show that their chest circumference is between 52 and 54% of height. But even measurements of local American Jews in New York have not proven that these rates increase significantly after one generation due to a favorable sanitary and hygienic environment during their youth. This confirms the opinion of Ripley, who admitted that the narrow chest of Jews is an acquired characteristic, as a result of long-term living in unfavorable sanitary and social environment, but this, nevertheless, did not become a hereditary trait.

Several curious statements have been made regarding the Jewish breast. Pantyukhov observed in Odessa, in southern Russia, that tall Jews had larger breasts than short Jews. He considers this evidence of the great vitality of the "Aryan" element among the Jews, especially since the taller Jews also had lighter hair than the shorter Jews. This has not been confirmed by studies done by others who have conducted more dimensions Jews The author found the opposite to be true for New York City immigrants. Short Jews have a larger chest circumference than tall Jews.

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Each nationality has distinctive features of appearance, character, and lifestyle. They tell them who a person is: Russian, Negro, Chinese, Jew. Representatives of the latter nation have a rich history and cultural heritage and live in many countries around the world. To identify a Jew, a description of what he looks like, knowledge of the peculiarities of his mentality and way of life will be useful.

How to distinguish a Jew: characteristic features

There are known ways to determine and recognize a person’s belonging to the nation in question. Easy - ask about it. Jews are often proud of their nationality and do not hide their origin. A person’s last name and even his character can tell about this. Another method for determining Jewish affiliation is recognizing a nation based on its appearance.

Head shape

To establish a person’s nationality, it is advisable to pay attention to the skull and face type.

The main sign of a Jew is the asymmetry of the head, in contrast to the Slavic-Russian, who has a clearly defined oval shape. For the latter, this creates a feeling of a secure, strong fit.

Jews often have an elongated head, the oval of the face is elongated, as in the photo of actor Nicolas Cage.

Asymmetry determines the types of skulls that Jews have, in addition to elongated: pear-shaped, round, compressed. The sloping back of the head is characteristic, which can be seen in the photo of the cellist, pianist and conductor Mstislav Rostropovich.

In this case, the person's profile clearly shows a flat area slightly sloping backwards.

It is not uncommon for a Jew to have a round head, but it is pressed into the shoulders due to the short neck. The photo shows comedian Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

This feature is often combined with short stature and excess weight of a person.

Another characteristic of the shape of a Jew’s head is the sloping forehead, visually tilted back. Yuri Nikulin's photograph shows this anthropological feature.


The way to determine nationality by appearance is to pay attention to a person’s nose. There are varieties of typical Jewish noses: wide, drop-shaped, elongated.

The famous “shnobel” is curved at the base, reminiscent of a hook, while the wings are raised. This shape forms the number 6, which is why in anthropology the nose is called the “Jewish six.”

The sign can be seen in the photo of actor Adrien Brody.

Among the Nazis in Germany, this characteristic of the nose was considered the main way to recognize Semitic appearance. In German schools, special classes were held where children were told the signs of the Jewish nation.

However, this type of nose is also found among Russians (in Gogol, Nekrasov), so one can judge nationality only by one external features do not do it.

Jews are characterized by an elongated thin nose, the tip of which extends far down beyond the line of the wings, which differs from the classical shape of the Slavs. The sign is clearly visible in the photo of musician Leonid Agutin.

The Jew Zinovy ​​Gerdt has a drop nose. This shape is characterized by a wide tip and elongation downwards.

The Jewish nose, turned up above the edge of the nostrils, is shown in the photo of actor Alexei Batalov.


You can tell that a person belongs to Jewish nationality by looking at his eyes. Characteristic feature their bulge stands out, as in the photo of businessman Roman Abramovich.

When closing the eyes, the heavy eyelids are represented as part of a ball - this is the way the Germans identified Jews. They were also distinguished by the piercing gaze of a “lying man.” The signs were briefly and clearly listed in the German-sounding manual for children “Der Giftpilz”, created by Julius Streicher.

It is believed that Jews have poor eyesight: they are more likely than other peoples to suffer from color blindness and wear glasses.

Characterized by close proximity of the eyes, congenital strabismus is possible.

The color is predominantly dark, but there are also other shades, such as blue. There are blue-eyed brunettes among Jews.


A clear sign of Jewish nationality is a weakly defined, fused earlobe.

The shape of the shell is different, the contours of the lower half are often asymmetrical to the upper.

The Slavic ear is pressed to the side of the head with the middle. The Jewish one is fused with the lower and upper regions, as can be seen in the photograph of Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Sometimes it seems that the shells on the bottom extend almost from the neck; they are called “saiga ears.”

Hair and beard

Among the representatives of the nation there is a variety of hair shades: from light to black. Characterized by curly, wavy strands. Jewish nationality is characterized by dark hair color: from chestnut to black.

However, blondes are not uncommon. There are more fair-haired people among Ashkenazim (German-speaking European Jews) than among other types.

Redheads are also possible, mainly Polish Jews and representatives of the nation in Russia.

An element of the hairstyle is sidelocks - grown strands at the temples. They are optional, but along with a beard and sideburns, they are considered a custom and tradition of Jewish culture.

If a person is bald, false strands attached to the headdress are used as sidelocks.


A peculiarity of the structure of the mouth of Jews is the excessive exposure of the gums when smiling, like Andrei Makarevich.

Mobility of the lips and their asymmetry during conversation are noted.

Representatives of the nation are characterized by uneven dentition. In comparison with the Slavs, who have dense teeth, Jews have asymmetry of teeth, they are somewhat rare, as in the photo of Evgeny Evstigneev.

Last name and first name

The way to find out if there are Jewish roots is to analyze the person's last name and first name. However, you should not use the method as a fundamental one.

Characteristic endings of Jewish surnames:

  • on “-man” (Liberman, Guzman);
  • on “-er” (Stiller, Posner);
  • on “-ts” (Katz, Schatz);
  • with “-on” (Gordon, Kobzon);
  • on “-ik” (Yarmolnik, Oleinik);
  • with “-iy” (Vishnevsky, Razumovsky).

But their carriers are people of different origins. Endings similar to Slavic ones are possible (Soloviev). The origin of the Jewish surname is known from male and female names (Abramovich, Yakubovich, Rubinchik).

Leaving Poland, many Jews changed their surname, depending on where they were from - Vysotsky (Vysotsk village), Dneprovsky, Nevsky and so on.

There is great diversity in names. True Jewish ones (Daniil, Lev, Ilya, Yakov, Dina, Sofia) are often worn by representatives of Russian nationality.

What does a Jewish woman look like?

Jewish girls are confused with representatives of other nations, Caucasian or Mediterranean.

The distinctive features are similar to those of men, but are milder.

A purebred Jewish woman of middle and old age is usually presented as a woman with outstanding forms, a loud voice and the name Rozochka, Sarochka, and so on.

The representative of the nation is considered a caring wife and a reverent mother, overly protective of her children. However, they note the negligence of women in everyday life, clothing and appearance, specific body odor. The rude manners of young and old Jewish women, who are characterized by loudness, are distinguished. Due to carelessness, they often smell of tobacco and sweat.


The portrait of a Jewish woman, like a man, has characteristic national traits. The hair is mostly dark. The nose is large, elongated or with a hump, plump lips.

Worthy of attention beautiful eyes: slightly convex, bright and expressive.

They display eternal sadness, anxiety and worry.

Cheeks are sometimes chubby, which has been noted since childhood and persists in young girls and boys. Some sources cite excessive overfeeding of children and overprotection as the cause.

Jewish traditions include covering one's hair in public or in the presence of a male stranger.

However, today the custom is rarely observed, only in strictly orthodox circles.


A genetic feature of the body structure is considered to be wide hips, narrow shoulders, and full legs.

Jewish women predominantly have curvaceous and sensual figures, but there are also opposite types of figures.

Such women are characterized by narrow bones, dark complexion, and subtle oriental beauty.

With age, the figure often deteriorates; overly fat Jewish women are a common phenomenon. Among the reasons are childbirth, since it is considered normal for a family to have 4-5 children, which is reflected in the appearance of the body.


A specific way to check Jewishness is to establish the integrity of the foreskin of the male genital organ.

In fact, circumcision is not only a Jewish rite, but also a Muslim one. The difference is that in the latter case the foreskin is absent. Among the Jews, it was recommended to do the procedure partially, the area was cut off only from above.

It is believed that the manipulations among the Jews caused the gradual formation of an upward bend in the genital organ and its acquisition of a hook-shaped appearance.

Features and rules of life

The complex history of the Jews explains why they did not have their own state for so long, which left an imprint on their development and way of life. In ancient times, they were under the yoke of the Egyptians, located on land under their control. After the capture of Judea by Rome, the Jews were finally expelled by the Latin pagans and forced to spread throughout the world, beginning a two-thousand-year wandering.

The nation, which existed for more than 2 thousand years without its own state, is now spread almost everywhere. The place where most of its representatives live is Israel (43%), 39% is in the United States of America, the remaining share is in other states. Currently, the number of Jews living on earth is 16.5 million.

The question of what race the Jews belong to is difficult, since they combine the features various peoples, which came into contact with them, which also affected external signs nation. According to their anthropological type, they are classified as Caucasians of the Indo-Mediterranean race.

The nation includes half-breeds (mixing with Russians, Poles and Poles, and so on), while the true representative is considered to be a person with Jewish roots on his mother’s side. To find out if they exist, you can contact a special service that will search the archives and determine the relationship. To receive an inheritance, move to Israel, join the community, and so on, they must prove the presence of Jews in the family up to the third generation (maximum grandparents).

The peculiar behavior of representatives of a nation is a sign of belonging to it. They highlight such qualities of Jews as self-confidence, self-esteem, and pride. Psychology unites them into the concept of “chutzpah.” Jews are bad and dangerous according to the public, who consider them greedy, stingy, selfish, and rude.

An interesting fact is how Jews recognize each other. They call the sign “sorrow in the eyes.” A happy look is not typical for them.

Jews are the only people who managed to maintain their isolation, culture, religion, despite scary story. Perhaps they achieved this by considering themselves better than others, living by established rules, which is why they do not attract others into their community.

However, by going through the rite of conversion, you can become a Jew even if you are not a Jew. This requires the consent of 3 rabbis, memorizing 613 commandments, learning the religious canon, taking an oath, circumcision is indicated for men.

The rules that real Jews observe are described in the book of the Torah: what they eat and drink (kosher food and drinks), use separate utensils when they are not working (on Shabbat), and so on.

Jewish blood is revealed by the characteristics of the voice timbre: high in men and low in middle-aged and older women. At the end of sentences there is a characteristic increase in tone. Signs include a senile, rattling voice that persists from childhood to the end of life. However, this feature does not prevent Jews from singing and amaze others with their talent. An example of this is Tamara Gverdtsiteli.

An important feature is the fact that Jews live long. The average life expectancy is 82 years. The reasons are developed medicine and favorable social conditions. However, the representatives of the nation themselves condition longevity on warm friendly relations, love and harmony in the family.

Jews are considered a cunning and quick-witted people. Stories and anecdotes about their intelligence and ingenuity are written and told everywhere. This also explains why the 3rd floor is called Jewish. It is convenient in terms of life: it does not rise high, it is located away from the roof. The term appeared in the USSR and is relevant for five-story buildings. To some extent, it reveals the essence of Jewishness.

Representatives of a nation are different extraordinary mind and creative abilities, among them there are politicians, musicians, actors and so on.

This determines the public opinion that a terry Jew cannot be deceived and cannot be defeated. The photo shows a young but already famous journalist and political scientist Fridrikhson Nadana Aleksandrovna.

Relations between Russians and Jews were characterized by mutual dislike; the former contemptuously called the latter Jews. However, now there is no tension between representatives of the nation, and there is a trend for the better.

Common Misconceptions

There are rumors, conjectures, and assumptions about the Jewish nation. However, not all of them are true.

  • Only someone born Jewish can become a Jew.. The statement is erroneous, since a non-Jew, having undergone the rite of conversion, is recognized as a member of the community.
  • Representatives of the nation have a huge nose, plump lips and black eyes. In fact, there are fair-haired or red-haired Jews with thin noses.
  • An indirect sign of Jews is that they burr. This is due to the guttural pronunciation of the letter “r”, which is why it is perceived as a speech defect. However, most of them speak correctly and clearly, and burring is characteristic of people of other nationalities.
  • The Jews crucified Jesus Christ. The Romans did this. The Jews denounced the son of God, and also did not prevent the execution.
  • Jewish women have the largest breasts. The statement is due to the characteristics of women’s figures, but according to research, the primacy belongs to residents of Great Britain.
  • Jews have the longest nose. However, more outstanding dimensions of the olfactory organ were recorded among the Turks.
  • Jewish language Yiddish. Their languages ​​are Hebrew and Aramaic. Yiddish is a form of dialect language characteristic of Ashkenazim.

This refers to the situation when a person’s nationality is unknown, but one would like to know it.

Well, first of all, you can ask a person about it. Most Jews are proud of their origin and do not intend to hide it. For most half-breeds I have met, there is no question of which half is considered more valuable. Of course, Jewish, and not Russian or, say, Ukrainian. Even those who have only a quarter of Jewish blood are proud of it and even insist that they are real Jews. I think this is a normal reaction mentally normal people. Jews are an ancient people, why not be proud of your descent from them? Ask and they will answer you themselves.

But it also happens that people who have Jewish roots try to hide them. And this is not normal. I remember a woman named Chernushkina. They asked her if she was Jewish, referring to her appearance and specific behavior, but she answered: no, by no means. Meanwhile, there was no need to ask. The surname Chernushkin is typically Jewish. TV presenter Lyubimov was once asked directly about this during the years of perestroika, and he swore in front of the whole country that he did not have a drop of this blood. But both his last name and his appearance say otherwise. Lyubimov is the former Lieberman.

A. Lyubimov

So, you can ask directly, but you may not get a truthful answer. This means that we are dealing with a dishonest person: for some reason he is hiding the true origin of his respected ancestors. But the opposite can also happen: it is the questioner who behaves dishonestly, suspecting a person of something he does not have. Quite often such suspicion reaches the point of downright disgusting. It was this situation that the Strugatsky brothers described with gloating in their novel “The Beetle in the Anthill”...

A certain planet on which mysterious wanderers left their terrible mark - a villainous alien civilization very similar to the Jews. The wanderers are still there secretly, introducing their biorobots into people. People live in constant fear: What if my interlocutor is not a real person, but an agent of wanderers! It comes to murder: people kill each other in a fit of suspicion and fear... The Strugatsky brothers wrote their fantastically evil and misanthropic novel in order to laugh at us and intimidate us. But this idea of ​​theirs is very good and very useful. We must understand it in our own way and take it into account: it is stupid to shoot at each other in a fit of suspicion for the amusement of enemies! And we can identify the wanderers ourselves if we know some methods and rules.

But I will return to the interrupted thought.

Last name, first name and patronymic - this is what will be “secondly”. Here you need to remember a few simple rules.

Jews can have German surnames. But Germans also sometimes have German surnames! And the Latvians too. You can mistake a German or a Latvian for a Jew. Or anyone else. For example, the Soviet commander Blucher was purely Russian, and German surname received by his ancestor, a participant in the war with Napoleon. It was a reward for courage - it was named so in honor of the famous German commander.
Geographical surnames. Many Jews, when moving from Poland to Russia, changed their surnames, but did it in such a way that a certain sign remained, incomprehensible to the uninitiated. This is a kind of geographical stamp - an indication of the place where a given Jew came from. VYSOTSKY - the town of Vysotsk in Belarus, BEREZOVSKY - Berezovka, ZHITOMYRSKY, SLUTSKY, MOSCOW, KIEVSKY, NEVSKY, DONSOY, DNEPROVSKY, MOGILEVSKY, OMSKY, TOMSKY...
Surnames formed from a woman's given name or derisive nickname. Jews trace their genealogies to female line, not masculine. ZOYKIN - Zoyka, ANKIN - Anka, MASHKIN - Mashka, GALKIN - Galka (although this may be a purely Russian surname, derived from the jackdaw bird by analogy Vorobyov, Voronin, Orlov, Solovyov, Sorokin), ABALKIN - Khabalka, Abalka; TOLSTIKHIN - Tolstikha, CHERNUSHKIN - Chernushka.


However, surnames can be all sorts of different. DYKHOVICHNY, SLOBODSKOY, PIE, BORSCH, TEACHER, SCHOOLBOY, EMPIRE - it’s pure Jewish surnames. But why people with the surnames Sinitsyn or Zubkov so often turn out to be Jews is no longer clear. Both Ivanov and Petrov can be Jewish - so that the surname may not always be a reliable indicator.
Choice of names. They can have any names, Dykhovichny - for example, Ivan. But very often their names are taken only from a small list: MARK, ANTON (actually NATHAN), LEV (actually LEVI), BORIS (actually BORUKH), MICHAEL, SEMYON, ILYA. But it should be remembered that before the revolution, Russian people could have had all these names. For example, the prototype of Grigory Melekhov’s real name was Abram Ermakov. But this was a Don Cossack, and not a native of a settlement!

Anthropological signs follow.
Very often they look at the nose, its length and its shape. This is a terrible misconception! Look at Joseph Kobzon or Raikin Jr.

I. Kobzon

K. Raikin

They have fleshy negroid noses. The noses of Jews may not be humpbacked at all due to the strong negroid admixture that is characteristic of them; their noses may be wide and even snub-nosed. On the other hand, the most nosed people on Earth are the people of the Dinaric race, and they are often completely undeservedly mistaken for Jews. But the Dinars are long-legged, thin and with triangular faces. They are very strong Creative skills, and they are people of a heroic nature. The Dinarians were great German writer Hoffmann and the Italian Paganini. Look at their noses. But they are not Jews!

Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann

Niccolo Paganini

If we quickly look at the portraits of all significant Russian writers, we will find out that almost all of them had big noses: Gogol, Turgenev, Karamzin, Nekrasov... Only Fonvizin and Stanyukovich had unusually short noses. In general, it has long been noted: great people rarely have snub noses. Nose is a sign without which it is very difficult to enter the pantheon of greats, although such cases occur occasionally.

For example, the South Pole was stormed simultaneously by two Nordic men - both worthy and courageous - the Englishman Scott and the Norwegian Amundsen. Amundsen won this race, and Scott died. Amundsen was much better prepared, he was more insightful and prudent than Scott. Finally, he was both cunning and secretive. Now let’s compare their noses: the Nordic Norwegian’s nose was obscenely huge, while Scott’s was ordinary!

R. Amundsen

Why do you think the Armenians cried so bitterly when their Mkrtchyan died? After all, this most talented person died! And at the same time very nosey.

F. Mkrtchyan

However, many such examples can be given. What is the snub-nosed Pavel the First, who was killed, worth? Nicholas II was not too big-nosed and also ended badly. All successful Russian tsars had big noses!

But I will continue.

Black curly hair and black eyes are strong signs that can often be used to distinguish a Jew from a non-Jew. But these are just Negroid characteristics. Not only Jews, but also people of completely different origins have Negroid admixture. For example, a mixture of a Mongoloid with a Negro can lead to the same consequences. Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Arabs, Armenians, Georgians, etc. have Negroid admixture. On the other hand: David, described in the Bible, was blond. It was this Nordic admixture that was the reason why he so fearlessly went into battle with Goliath. Let's look at the singer Agutin. The expression and all facial features are typically Jewish. But he is by no means black-haired!

L. Agutin

Thick lips - still the same. This is a Negroid trait. It does not follow from anything, however, that this is a purely Jewish trait.
A speech defect called burr. Yes, this is characteristic of Jews, but not all, but only a minority. Most pronounce er so well that they will also teach this pronunciation to others. Some have been studying with speech therapists since childhood (like one current Russian singer), but most were simply born with excellent pronunciation. Meanwhile, in different versions, the burry er is found in the languages ​​of the Armenians and Portuguese, the French, the Germans, and some Swedes. Finally, any Russian child can have such a pronunciation from birth. This is simply a speech impediment, and focusing on it when trying to recognize whether someone in front of you is a Jew or not is simply unreasonable.
And yet: are there such solid stone, reinforced concrete, steel signs by which one can distinguish a Jew from a non-Jew?


But I will only talk about Russian Jews. And not about Moroccan, Ethiopian or Chinese.

Our Jews are a mixture of the Central Asian and Mediterranean races.
Western Asians are all Caucasians, but they never have Mediterranean admixture! A Caucasian may be big-nosed, black-haired, curly-haired, and thick-lipped, but he will still differ from a Jew in the absence of a characteristic Mediterranean admixture. Because it is extremely rare among Caucasians (sometimes it happens among Armenians).

Mediterranean admixture is the number one sign.

If you have doubts about whether the person in front of you is a Jew or not, then look first at this racial trait. It is very characteristic and persists even with a large number of impurities. If you doubt whether this person is Jewish or not, but notice a Mediterranean admixture in him, then, most likely, this is a Jew.

But what are Mediterranean racial characteristics? What are they like in their pure form?

On the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States, Central Asia, Kazakhstan and the Caucasus - it is NEVER found among local peoples! Please note: from all regions of the former Soviet Union I did not name only one Moldova. So that’s where it’s found on “ legally", sometimes in Western Ukraine as a sign of consanguinity with the Moldovans or Romanians, for whom this race is so characteristic. And it's all! If a person with Mediterranean racial characteristics lives in Russia, then some explanation needs to be found for this. It just DOES NOT HAPPEN!
This racial type is found among Italians (not so often), among the Spaniards and Portuguese, among some French - that is, among peoples of Romanesque origin. All Anglo-Saxons have a strong Mediterranean admixture.
Mediterranean traits are very noticeable in many Bulgarians, and can sometimes be seen in the peoples of the former Yugoslavia and the Greeks.
We can observe these same features in all North African Arabs.

So what is this sign?

This is a very narrow face that does not widen upward. The back of the head of such people (especially if it is cropped, like that of American soldiers) is also narrow and elongated. And in profile - the head is narrow!

Let's look at the portraits of Sofia Rotaru or Louis de Funes, and we will immediately see this feature.

S. Rotaru

Louis de Funes

But Jews are not pure Mediterraneans, but a mixture of this race and the Western Asian one.

Let's see what Boris Pasternak looked like - a perfect mixture of both.

B. Pasternak

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