Symbols of the Scandinavian gods. Viking symbols and what they mean

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Scandinavian symbols - what do we know about them?

Scandinavian symbols represent an original, largely unexplored layer of the unique Northern European culture. They can rightfully be called “symbols of the Vikings,” but not only because the early medieval inhabitants of Denmark and Sweden were the key bearers of the sought-after tradition. The fact is that the symbols of the Scandinavian gods, like the symbols Scandinavian mythology in general, they became widely known thanks to military companies and trade relations of the Normans, outstanding merchants, and legendary warriors. Thus, in the period from the 8th to the 9th centuries (this time is called the “Viking Age”), Scandinavian signs spread throughout Europe, reaching the limits North Africa in the south, Slavic tribes of the Central Russian Upland in the east, the banks North America in the West.

Thus, Scandinavian symbols and their importance for world culture can hardly be overestimated. This especially applies to the concept of “symbols of the Scandinavian gods.” Valknut, which is recognized as the symbol of Odin, Mjolnir is the distinctive sign of Thor, the golden necklace (most often presented in a characteristic twisted pattern) is the apotheosis of pride, independence (to a certain extent, unprincipledness) of the goddess Freya. The symbols of Scandinavian mythology are diverse, deep, and incredibly interesting, and not only for a sophisticated researcher. Thor's journey to Utgard alone is literally filled with figurative symbols, extraordinary metaphors that only an exceptional mind could come up with! Of course, the concept of “Scandinavian signs” also invariably includes runic symbols, “echoes” of which we find among the Celts, Germans, Slavs and even the Romans.

Norse symbols: Odin's revelation

Scandinavian symbols, in particular Scandinavian amulets, played almost a key role in the life of the peoples of northern Europe. After all we're talking about about the sacred elements of culture, with which the concept of witchcraft and magic is closely connected. At the same time, it is worth distinguishing between everyday Scandinavian symbols, which were used everywhere, and special-purpose signs, for example, galdrastav. The Odal rune can be classified as a household rune, which was applied to boundary stones that defined the boundary between, say, the possessions of two jarls. Scandinavian military signs are more diverse. For example, the same Valknut could be found in the form of a tattoo, or it could be applied to elements of armor. Valknut literally means “knot of the fallen”; it belongs to the category of “Scandinavian amulets”; roughly speaking, it personifies the connection with departed friends and relatives.

Of course, Viking symbols are sometimes very difficult to interpret, because we know practically nothing about many of them. Sagas, legends, tales provide only separate puzzles that do not always fit into a whole picture. For example, there is absolutely no information about many galdrastavs because most of Galdraboks with their descriptions are lost. Nevertheless, Scandinavian symbols and their meaning continue to interest many researchers, runologists, and Scandinavian scholars of our time. Many publications devoted to this issue are published annually. Although really useful can be called in best case scenario 1-2 books out of a couple of dozen, however, this contributes to the accumulation of a certain theoretical basis. As a result, the sacred signs of the Vikings, this ancient northern people, who actually created modern Europe, is quite realistic to study even for an unprepared person who does not have any special knowledge from the field of history or cultural studies. This section is devoted to this issue. information portal"RUNARIUM". Welcome to the world of Scandinavian symbols.

Here is what in our wonderful Internets is called " Celtic tattoo". These designs are beautiful (otherwise this page would not be here) and if modern culture has found a niche for them as patterns for tattoos, then why not?
But let's figure out what these ornaments mean and how Celtic they are.

Raven in Celtic mythology- a symbol of the god Lug (from whose name, by the way, the names of the cities of Lyon and Leiden originate, so although we know about Lug mainly from Irish sources, we can safely call him a common Celtic god). Lug was skilled in all crafts, so the range of symbolism here is pleasantly wide.

Pair of ravens has neither the slightest attitude neither to Lug, nor to the Celts in general. This is already Scandinavian mythology, these are Hugin and Munin (“Thinking” and “Remembering”) - Odin’s ravens. Who is Odin - I hope you know, if not - read.
And now the most important thing. At the time when both the Celts and the Scandinavians created these ornaments, they were sworn enemies, the Vikings plundered north-eastern Britain and the Celts felt very, very bad about them. So if you are an adherent of this symbolism, it is recommended to decide whether you are for the Celts or the Scandinavians.

everything is clickable
Purely Scandinavian ornaments.
Sleipnir, Odin's eight-legged horse (image copied from an authentic ruin stone).
Three horns in modern culture are considered a symbol of Odin, the source of these ideas is a violent fantasy (there is nothing like that in the Eddas). The triad became a symbol of Odin in the late 20th century. In short, on the Gotland Stone in the scene of human sacrifice, a sign of three triangles is placed above the victim. Modern writers of runic magic have turned this into the sign of Odin and recommend such tattoos. Well, what can I say... “I don’t recommend it, young man, I don’t recommend it. They’ll eat it” (c)
Wolf... it could be Fenrir, who will kill Odin in Last Battle. Odin himself has two wolves; I have never seen paired images of wolves.

A whole flock :) Whatever symbol the wolf is for you (strength, loneliness, etc.) - this is an image of Scandinavian mythology, it is still to a greater extent an image of modern mythology, but in no way Celtic. The Celts did not worship the wolf.

The sun met me with “Celtic” paraphernalia. I don’t know what’s Celtic about it, pure 21st century, Celtic stylization.
The hammer - yes, an authentic, Scandinavian symbol of the god Thor, the thunderer and protector of people. The drawing is taken from authentic bronze amulets that Scandinavians wore as a talisman against evil spirits.
The triad is again a modern symbol of Odin, very far removed from the originals in design. An example of 21st century mythology, which is no worse than the ancient one, just don’t confuse them :)

Back to the Celts.
So, one Raven - Celtic symbol, Meadow. Two crow is a Scandinavian symbol, Odin. A three...that's not three in O rona, no. It's three thief O us.
It's again Celtic symbol, goddess of war Morrigan. She, along with Badb and Maha, is called the three goddesses of war, but this association is more of modern encyclopedias than from Celtic sources. Well, let's leave these subtleties aside. Morrigan, in addition to her belligerence, is also a seer and inspirer of warriors... a sweet feminine image;)
In the center is the world tree, modern Celtic stylization.
On the right is a more interesting ornament. This triple curl (if you look closely, it’s also in the center of Morrigan’s crows) is from the famous Irish mound of Newgrange, an enduring symbol for Celtic lovers. One little thing: this mound is older than the Celts by a modest two and a half thousand years, so this is a pattern borrowed by Celtic lovers, but not actually Celtic. Don’t ask about its symbolism: we are unlikely to know what they meant 4500 years ago.
But since the Newgrange mound was considered the place where the god of abundance Dagda lives, you can wear it as a symbol of the Dagda :) And this god is also associated with music, wisdom and luck in battle.

What kind of raven is in the center - don't ask; he simply fascinates me with his drawing. On the right and left are examples of how an ornament is made from an animal.

This is what is called on our Internet “ethnic tattoo”, and in non-Russian “tribal tatoo”. As you can easily guess, this does not correspond to any tribe, as well as to any ethnic group; pure 21st century stylizations. But beautiful!
You can consider the wolf Fenrir, he is fierce enough for that.
Come up with the symbolism for the falcon yourself;)

It's no secret that the world around us can be very merciless. People strive to achieve their goals without particularly understanding the means. To achieve success, a position in society, to ensure material and physical comfort - these and similar incentives are fundamental in modern society. However, what is desired does not always correspond to reality. And in order to achieve their goals, people, in addition to traditional methods, often use magical powers, in particular the ancient Scandinavian runes.

What are runes used for?

Runes hold great power

Scandinavian runes are intended for a variety of purposes. In particular:

  • protect the house from ill-wishers;
  • organize and streamline your business;
  • rid your body of diseases and give yourself longevity;
  • protect yourself and your companions from dangers along the way;
  • achieve financial independence.

Despite extreme antiquity Scandinavian rune symbols, the popularity of wearing them as amulets is very high today.

Today there are two ways to apply runic symbols to clothing. This is a runescript (a group of symbols in a certain order) or runic script (the overlay of four symbols so that a certain pattern is obtained). If it was made for yourself, then it should be with you; if for home - in the house; if for a car, then in a car.

DIY rune symbol

Many people are convinced that making an amulet or amulet with their own hands is extremely difficult or even impossible. Moreover, a talisman based on ancient runic symbols. But this is not true at all! For example, ancient amulet for joy (it’s called the “Amulet of Joy”) is available for making to anyone.

To complete it, you will need very simple things: church candle, natural red thread and dried spruce branches. First of all, remove the bark from the branches, then cut them into three parts (you need to cut them across). Two parts should be three centimeters long, and the third – seven centimeters. The chopped parts of the branches are folded in such a way as to form a runic symbol of joy - Wunjo. Secure the joints of the branches with thread and fill them with candle wax. After the wax has hardened, your “Amulet of Joy” is ready.

This Scandinavian amulet is believed to have considerable power. In addition to the fact that it will give you a joyful state of mind, it can also give you self-confidence and protect you from troubles.

It is better to store the amulet where you visit more often and longer. Your own apartment, car, your place in the office - it doesn’t matter where, the main thing is that the amulet is near you as often as possible. Remember that any magical artifacts must be treated with love and respect.

Thor's Hammer - a powerful protective amulet

One of the most powerful symbols in Scandinavia was considered (Mjöllnir - Mjolnir or Mjollnir, that is, the Crusher). This is an indispensable amulet for those people who, due to their occupation, are often in dangerous situations. Having such a thing, the owner will be largely protected from attacks from enemies and situations that threaten his life.

Thor's cross topped with a wolf's head

The Wolf Cross is one of the best amulets for travelers

This amulet, originally WOLF’s cross, is intended for people who are on the road for a long time: sailors, truck drivers, machinists and others. He will protect the traveler and allow him to return home safe and sound.

Wheel of the Sun

The Wheel of the Sun will protect family well-being

For all peoples, since ancient times, the sun has been a symbol of well-being, success and well-being. Among the Scandinavians, the solar cult had the symbolism of a circle. Their symbol of the sun was a wheel, the image of which could be seen on the wall of almost every house.

snake ring

Ouroborus - snake ring

The snake ring or Oroboro (Ouroborus) is a snake curled into a ring and biting its tail. The snake ring means eternity, the unity of the end and the beginning. The Oroboro amulet is intended to help in acceptance reasonable decisions and achieving desired goals.

Scandinavian amulet triskelion

Triskelion - the realm of absolute existence

The Scandinavian triskelion, or Trefot, is similar in appearance to three intertwining spirals. Its symbol is the kingdom of absolute existence. A person who owns a triskelion amulet always achieves his goals.

Double ax

The double ax gives warriors strength and confidence in victory

In almost all nations, the ax symbolized a weapon, and in northern Europe the ax, as a weapon, was the main one. It was a symbol of victors, people of power, leaders. The Double Ax amulet was a symbol of the unity of heaven and earth. The Scandinavian amulet Double Ax gave warriors strength and confidence in victory.


Many amulets contain the swastika symbol.

The image of the swastika can be seen on objects and amulets belonging to various cultures. Origin of this ancient symbol historians find it difficult to determine. In Scandinavia, the amulet of Thor's Hammer and solar sign were used as runic symbols. The swastika, whose rays are directed to the right, symbolizes the right divine hand and is masculine solar symbol. The swastika, whose rays are directed to the left, is a female symbol of the Moon and symbolizes left hand Goddesses. The male symbol is the personification of the sun, spring and growing life. The female symbol is the personification of the moon, autumn and the waning of solar power.


Statue of Freyr - god of fertility and summer

Freyr - god of summer and fertility. He commands the elements of nature, dominates weather phenomena and provides assistance to peasants. Freyr is the personification of masculinity, strength and potency, so in images he can often be seen with a large phallus. Images of Frey were often present on Scandinavian amulets, giving them additional meaning. People believed that he would bring harmony to the family, give many sons and attract good luck.

Military armor - crosses, spears, swords and other objects - often served as amulets and amulets. Typically, such amulets were made of metal, such as silver or bronze. Scandinavian amulets were made to protect warriors from injury and death on the battlefield.

Remember that whatever appearance was not in your amulet or talisman, the main thing is your sincere belief in its magical power.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that comes from with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

The legendary warriors of the north have long gone into the past on their formidable longships, but their memory lives on. As does the fame of their unsurpassed valor. What made them invincible? Why were they ignorant of fear? What kept them from fear and failure? Find out about Viking amulets and talismans in our article!

The Viking Age (approximately 8-11 centuries AD) had a significant impact on the appearance of Europe and, in fact, the whole world. They came as conquerors, but had a significant impact on both the development of trade and the economy of that time. Archaeological finds, associated with the Vikings, come across not only in Europe, but also in Ukraine, Russia, and even further south. In fact, it is believed that the Vikings even reached North Africa. However, the formation of countries of Eastern Europe The Viking Age had a very significant (in some places decisive) influence. Perhaps this is the key to the fact that we understand the Viking amulets, their aesthetics and meaning.

Types of amulets, talismans, amulets of the Vikings and their meanings

Basically, of course, Viking talismans are characterized by the presence of runes on them. Most often, these are the runes of the Elder Futhark - the ancient Germanic runic alphabet. So, below, by “runes” we will mean precisely these symbols.

Any object with the image of runes can be an amulet, but not every one of them, of course, we can call a Viking amulet. However, runes in Scandinavian culture and magic were of paramount importance, so we will consider several options for runic inscriptions found on amulets and talismans.

Single rune. Each rune embodies a certain principle. For example, the Raido rune - the rune of movement, development, progress, movement, can become an amulet for a traveler. Teyvaz is the rune of a warrior, protector, fighter; it can become an amulet for active protection, and so on.

Runogram- the simplest form of runescript, that’s what runograms are usually called. This is an inscription of several runes, a phrase, a runic spell. It is usually read from left to right and written in a line, but there are cases when the runescript is written from right to left or even in a column. One of the most famous runograms is Laukaz, “wild onion”. The Scandinavians greatly respected this plant and believed that it had magical powers and was capable of protecting and protecting; this runescript also has a corresponding effect. It consists of the runes Lagus, Ansuz, Uruz, Kano, Ansuz and Algiz.

Runic script- a runic spell in which the runes are written in conjunction. Otherwise called “bindruna”. The most famous ligature is “Freya’s Seal”, Berkana + Inguz, “love spell”.

Galdrastav- spell symbols depicting several runes, often intertwined and stylized, deliberately in order to complicate the perception of the uninitiated. Sometimes you don’t immediately recognize familiar symbols and signs in them. On this moment This is a little-studied area of ​​​​northern magic. The most famous galdrastav is Aegishjalm, the Helm of Terror, consisting of four, eight or more Algz runes arranged in a “wheel”.

So, let's look at the types and meanings of Viking amulets. Let's take the most famous forms of Scandinavian amulets that have proven their effectiveness and efficiency. We can’t even list the names of all the ancient Viking amulets in this article.

Famous Helm of Terror - Aegisjalm

Protects the owner from troubles and adversities, accumulates vitality.

Mjolnir - Thor's Hammer

Increases inner strength, gives courage and determination. Makes the wearer a warrior of the spirit.

Wolf cross

Shows the way in the most confusing situation, protects and helps you get your way.

According to legend, the wolf cross was used by Scandinavian sailors as a compass and helped to find the Sun in the sky in absolutely any weather.

Skadi Cross

Helps to find love and build a family, establish a home. It also brings good luck to shooters and everyone who often has to make decisions and cannot make mistakes.

Brigid's Cross

Protects and protects from adversity and failure. Brings happiness and prosperity.

Valknut - Fallen Knot

Three intertwined triangles are considered a symbol of Odin. Three triangles symbolize the three worlds, and as an amulet such a symbol exhibits a protective function and grants the power to foresee the consequences of actions.

Kiryanova Olga Viktorovna

Specialist in working with amulets and amulets. Expert of the Ancients Slavic symbols. It has great experience selection of individual amulets. He independently charges amulets and provides free consultations to readers of our resource.

Articles written

To talk about how Viking amulets appeared, it is necessary to understand the life, religion and meaning of life of the ancient Scandinavians. Almost every schoolchild knows that there were great warriors who believed in Odin, had blond hair, like giants and knew no fear. Having received a compass, they traveled across the sea in different countries and were the discoverers of many lands. But why were they like that, how did they become famous and why did they disappear? It is possible that the reason for this is a change in belief in the ancient gods, thanks to which Scandinavian amulets appeared.

The photo below shows some of these amulets.

According to Wikipedia, the most popular, both in ancient and modern times, are the Norman gods from the family of Aesir. They lived in Asgard together with warlike maidens - Valkyries. But besides this habitat of the gods, there were Parallel Worlds. One of these is Vanaheim. The Vans lived here and were responsible for nature, fertility, and life. With their help the sun shone brightly, spring arrived on time, and the trees bore fruit, the sea became quieter or a storm arose.

That is why the symbols on runic writings and amulets wore different shades. Before choosing a design and type of amulet for yourself, it is worth understanding whether it is suitable for a person.


Any Scandinavian amulet is endowed with magical powers. Help is provided higher power, which granted the Scandinavians:

  • letter;
  • skill in warfare;
  • fearlessness;
  • power;
  • seafaring skills.

Their importance cannot be underestimated, since most are created from runic signs, unlike our letters. It could be applied to metal objects, stones, as well as clothing or walls of a home. Each rune has a purpose.

To everything that has already been said, it should be added that the image helps protect family and home, gives strength and skills, and makes a warrior or hunter out of a person.

Meaning of symbols

Scandinavian writings, namely runes, were created 20 thousand years ago by peoples Northern Europe. According to experts of northern traditions, they really have magical abilities and enable their owner to gain spiritual strength.

Each sign, symbol or letter on the patterns is responsible for certain feelings. To find true love the use of love amulets followed, but for the manifestation of fearlessness and courage in battle they were completely different. Most often, talismans were applied in the form of tattoos on the bodies of warriors. The female gender wore them in the form of rings and pendants. Charms and amulets in everyday life could be found in every home.

It was believed that a young couple would not be able to live in peace and harmony without the patronage of goddesses and gods. Only they are able to give mutual understanding between a man and a woman. Since a family is not complete without children, with the help of magical influence it was possible to become pregnant and give life to a new warrior or hunter. Depending on which god they asked for help.

But any Nordic amulet or pattern for the presence of magical abilities should be made on certain days of the week, then supplemented with signs and drawings.

Scandinavian amulets and their powers

Among the ancient northern people protective functions possessed all the runes without exception. There are those that help in battle, and there is one that will help achieve perfection in magic or be used for any other purpose. For example, to get rid of a disease or to save life. Protection is needed on the road on land or at sea; knowledge of symbols and signs will also come in handy here.


The Trefot amulet is a totem of the trinity of elements: earth, air and water. It has a second name - Triskelion. It is one of the most famous amulets. The Trefot ring or Scandinavian Triskelion is suitable for modern world. Why? People move at a frantic pace, are obliged to achieve certain goals, to fulfill the tasks they have set for themselves. But often something gets in the way and doesn’t allow it to come true. cherished dream, although it was already a stone's throw away.

Prevent troubles, improve physically and spiritually – the main objective symbolism. Will provide career growth, will give you the opportunity to rise and survive the most difficult moments in life. The choice will be up to the owner of the amulet.

Best made from silver. As a last resort, from a tree of special species. Thus, alder gives protection to the family and home, but aspen does not evil spirits take over a person's body and protect them from snake attacks. As for silver, from time immemorial this metal has had healing properties. Helper for healers, banishing souls of the dead from living bodies.

But it is worth remembering that silver is a feminine metal and protects the weaker sex. The property of silver products is to turn black. The process talks about negative impact and the desire to harm the owner of the jewelry. Therefore, regular cleaning is mandatory.


The Loki amulet was created by the god of air and the son of the giant Farbaut - Loki. The Scandinavian amulet promotes prosperity and resourcefulness. Since deity meant not only the black sides of human essence, but also the white ones, help was provided only in the very the right thing, according to the air god: cunning and resourcefulness, the ability to joke and amuse, to cheer up.

When compared, the Scandinavian amulets and patterns in the photo are very similar, but this amulet cannot be confused. It is worth adding that the amusing man was very handsome, and wanting to become the first handsome man in the village, the young man made and wore the amulet for a couple of months. And then I filmed for a break and safety. As a last resort, I just didn’t wear it every day.

Wolf cross

The Vikings carried amulets secret meaning and were endowed with the strength of one of the animals, for example a wolf. So the wolf was revered as one of the mighty warriors. Only the wolf is able to defeat and unite everyone together. Today, drawings with animals carry mystical knowledge and fortitude. But it is not suitable for everyone. Be careful if you decide to purchase a Wolf Cross or apply the image to your body. If a person is weak in spirit, then the expected secret knowledge, power with the help of runic power Scandinavian symbols, will not. They will enslave and take their lives.

If we talk about the image of a wolf’s head, then the competence of the symbol includes the protection of travelers. Today Thor's hammer wolf scross will help you return to native home unharmed from the most dangerous journeys: sailors, truck drivers, warriors, machinists. Very strong sign and symbol.

Double ax

The Scandinavians used runes to increase the power of their weapons. So, the Scandinavian runes on the ax had different meanings. For example, a double ax and the signs on it are a symbol of the strength and power of a leader or ruler. Endowed the owner with power and divinity. Meaning: the union of two supreme gods: female (earth) and male (sky). Do you want to gain confidence, faith and victory in your endeavors? Then the double ax is a great solution.

Runic designs can be seen on all objects ancient world. For the Scandinavian peoples, it meant success and prosperity. Thus, since ancient times, the sun has been a symbol of power and royal blood. Intended for males only. For women, the moon became the patroness.

Any Celtic amulet has a special pattern - a knot. On some it is bizarre and confusing, on others it looks like a labyrinth or a strange flower. Such intricate patterns connect several elements, the main one being the Celtic knot. For an adult Celt, a special print was selected that could tell about the strengths and weaknesses of a person, and it was depicted in the form of a knot.

Often, special knot amulets were made to attract good luck or love. So, for example, one needed well-being in financially, while others had a desire to become physically strong and defeat enemies with one blow. The goal was achieved thanks to a special pattern in the form of knots.

Black Sun

Do you have a desire to become a great magician and reach the pinnacle of alchemy and magic? Then the “black sun” is an excellent symbol and assistant in learning the unknown and new. Gains power both on clothing or an amulet, and on the body. It was a symbol of mysticism not only among the Celts, but also among Slavic peoples. Only priests could allow it to be worn. It was carefully hidden from ordinary people, to avoid problems.

Ordinary people should not know the secrets of existence. Otherwise, the world will be in complete chaos. This was confirmed by the use of many signs of the Celtic era by Hitler.

Activation of Scandinavian amulets

Any of the amulets, runestones or amulets required. The process is not entirely simple, but not complicated either. The main condition is to create the necessary attribute yourself. The first thing you need to do is decide on the symbolism. To do this, carefully study each amulet, the history of creation and the god to whom it belongs.

The second condition is complete failure from faith and wearing other signs. There must be either one Viking amulet or belong to one deity. For example, the man chose Thor. There are several signs and amulets here.

Now conduct a meditation, and the chosen god or spirit will tell you how to wear the amulet at the subconscious level. When creating amulets, especially specific ones such as Trefot, for example, always make a wish. Thoughts should only be about the creation of a helper, about his ability to protect and protect his master. But you can ask more specifically only after the amulet gets used to the person. To do this, a stone or metal with a sign is worn daily and hourly. Don't be separated even for the night. At the same time, talk, ask for advice from a new adviser and assistant.

Make it yourself

It will take a lot of time for a Scandinavian amulet to work and perform its functions. First, prepare the material the desired shape. Secondly, sort out plaques or material daily. Carry it with you for 7-10 days. The entire manufacturing process is carried out in one day. Thirdly, if not one, but two or three copies are performed, do them one by one. One of the activation conditions is the addition of personal blood.

As soon as the amulet dries and gets used to the performer, charge it in the sun in a well-ventilated area. Then sprinkle with spring water and fumigate with herbs.

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