Scorpio is a fixed sign. Cardinal signs of the zodiac

Everyone knows about horoscopes. However, few have heard of the cardinal signs of the zodiac. And the topic is very interesting. Therefore, it is worth talking about it briefly.


Before discussing directly the cardinal signs of the zodiac, I would like to briefly talk about a generalized topic. The fact is that in our daily life we ​​play a lot of different roles. But, nevertheless, each person has a leading type of behavior. There are even certain models of it. There are three in total. And they define behavior types: cardinal, fixed, and variable (or mutable). Accordingly, the signs of the zodiac are divided into the listed groups.

The cardinal signs of the zodiac are Capricorn, Cancer, Aries Libra. The fixed ones are Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo and Taurus. And to mutable, respectively, all the rest. That is, Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius and Gemini. Each type is a "cross" of qualities. That's what they call it in astrology. And in order to determine which of the listed types is leading for a certain person, it is necessary to calculate the number of planets in his horoscope that are in each of the crosses. But this is a very complex topic. For now, we should only talk about the cardinal signs of the zodiac.

personality traits

A person who has a pronounced cardinal type of behavior is usually characterized by increased activity. He constantly wants to act - this is almost his necessity. Such people need movement, an active lifestyle. They are constantly in search of novelty, vivid sensations. Otherwise, they fade as individuals. And creative or working potential quickly burns out. interesting incidents, adventures - this is fuel for them, a kind of fuel. If this is not the case, then people born under the auspices of cardinal signs will be lethargic, apathetic and passive.

Their families need to know this. If they want to see a cheerful and energetic person next to them, then in the right situation they need to cheer them up, as they say - toss firewood into the fire. To do this is not so easy. No need to try to find a problem, eradicate it or talk for hours on this topic. It is necessary to say a few sincere encouraging phrases from the heart and captivate your loved one with something that is of interest to him. This is the best way.

About character

Analyzing the above, you can understand what the cardinal sign of the zodiac means. Now a few words about the character traits of such personalities. First, they are fearless. These people are really not afraid of anything. And the motivating factor for starting the execution of any deeds is ... the action itself. These individuals often become leaders, as they are often ready to take the initiative. But their major drawback is that they can start several things at the same time, and finish only one.

Secondly, these people are good workers. If they do something, then in good faith. However, there is a “but” here too. They need short deadlines. Give such a person two weeks to complete the project - he will do it in the remaining three days. Indeed, a cardinal personality. And all because the short terms of such people motivate. And people born under the auspices of cardinal signs are terribly impatient. More than anything, they hate waiting. And, of course, waste time. They constantly need to do something. And every action they take must bear fruit. Such is the feature.

fixed type

Naturally, it is impossible not to touch upon this model of behavior, since we are talking about the cardinal signs of the zodiac. The fixed ones have been listed above. Now let's talk about what features they have. So these people hate change. They are for stability. It takes a lot of effort to get them out of their comfort zone. The fact is that when they act within their usual framework, they feel good, safe and secure. And it gives them strength and confidence. They are sure that nothing can go wrong. But in order for their stable flame not to die out, you need to cheer them up. By the way, sometimes they decide to change at the suggestion of close people.

Mutable type

Fixed and cardinal signs were considered above. Mutable zodiac signs also need to be discussed. People born under their patronage are very complex personalities. They are almost impossible to control. And they don't know what to expect. These individuals perfectly adapt to any conditions. If the aforementioned "cardinals" try to change circumstances, these simply adapt. By the way, it is not uncommon for mutable-type individuals to adopt habits and demeanor from others. And people of fixed signs in such situations remain themselves. There are clear differences in this.

By the way, mutable personalities are very sensitive. And they do not like those that strain the situation. Therefore, they try in every way to get away from them. Therefore, if there is a need to clarify something with a person of this type, one must act confidently, firmly, but nonetheless politely. So, you will be able to find a contact.


Above it was briefly told about the cardinal, fixed, mutable signs of the zodiac. Finally, it is worth characterizing their mutual compatibility. The most difficult thing to contact will be two people, one of which belongs to the cardinal type, and the other to the fixed type. It's like fire and water. The Cardinal is always looking for thrills, constantly craving an active lifestyle and change. His friend (colleague, spouse, partner), on the contrary, will try his best to maintain stability. And only a compromise will save the situation. True, often such relationships develop successfully!

A cardinal type person shows the second participant in the relationship that change is not so bad. They bring benefits, diversity in life, perspectives and new experiences. His loved one may even be drawn into this lifestyle. Well, a person of a fixed zodiac sign, on the contrary, extinguishes the ardor of the “cardinal” in the right situations, showing what is happening from an adequate, impartial point of view.

The simplest relationships are between a person of a mutable sign and a fixed (or cardinal) sign. The first simply adapts to the second - it is not difficult for him. True, with the “cardinals” it can be more difficult. They are more active. They need vivid emotions, expression in relationships, a spark. Such personalities can even sometimes flare up, which is difficult for sensitive people of the mutable type to understand. They are used to adapting and being "comfortable" for the rest - and here they are required to do something different, unusual for them. In general, relationships based on the types of zodiac signs are quite an interesting topic. But, in principle, in general terms, it can be understood from everything that has been described above.

Many who have just begun to study astrology ignore the very important and interesting section “Crosses and” when working with the natal chart. But this information is one of the first to which a novice astrologer should pay attention.
Crosses most clearly express how people react to influences and critical situations. Will the person take action? Or will he try to close, hide, run? Or will he think through the situation to the smallest detail, and only then react? Crosses give a clear idea of ​​the reaction and behavior of a person, of the speed of his change, especially in unexpected and critical situations.

Cardinal signs


These are the fastest signs in terms of speed of action and reaction. A planet in a cardinal sign quickly changes qualities. Such people tend to act quickly, abruptly, impulsively. It is difficult for them to keep one line of behavior for a long time, to be stable and make efforts for a long time. Many of them say things like: "I need action every day", "I'm happy when I have some kind of problem every day." How exactly they will show their dynamism and cardinality depends on the elements and the sign of the Zodiac.
People with cardinal signs find it easiest to make predictions because of how they react to stressful situations. They love change and are not afraid to see it. Such clients will always give feedback on your forecast, as they are able to track changes in their lives. Cardinal signs love to act, so they are easy-going and respond well to new ideas. They thrive in crisis situations, and they need such situations as incentives for action.

Despite their difference, all four signs of the cardinal cross have common settings:
- desire to take action
- the desire to achieve the goal, to succeed
accept the challenge and win.

Sometimes all these qualities may seem inconsistent with the temperament of some zodiac sign. Therefore, for a better understanding, it is necessary to combine the qualities of the sign of the Zodiac (element) and the qualities of the cross.

Consider examples:

Strength, energy, courage + action
Aries, as the first sign of the Zodiac and the fire element, more clearly manifests its qualities. He loves to compete, win, challenge and achieve his goal in any way. Ambitious and impulsive Aries, always confident in his strength and rightness.

Intelligence, diplomacy, harmony + action
Libra is an airy, harmonious sign striving for perfection. And yet cardinal. They are skilled in social communication, they know how to deftly make a compliment, support any conversation, and speak beautifully. It will not be difficult for them to win or achieve what they want in a dispute, discussion, debate. Remove an opponent in negotiations, interviews, meetings, or just small talk.

Stability, practicality + action
Capricorn, being an earth sign, perhaps more than others enjoys achieving the goal. Hard work, patience and a thorough approach, always allows you to achieve confident success.

Depth, emotions, caution + action
Cancer . Many mistakenly believe that Cancer (as a representative of the water element) does not achieve goals, does not like to act, and even more so to win. But this is not entirely true. Here it is necessary to combine the qualities of the water element (softness, passivity, sensitivity) with the qualities of cardinality (action, initiative). Cancer, unlike Aries, will not “go over the heads”, openly compete and loudly declare itself. But if he wants something, he will firmly go towards his goal, or at least “sit out” his victory. Spending at the same time a huge amount of effort, time and emotional energy.

Fixed signs

Stability, reliability

People with pronounced fixed signs in the chart strongly resist change and often do not want to notice them. Even when facing a difficult situation, they will resist with all their might and resolutely insist that nothing is happening. Fixed signs are slow to respond to change and always need more time to realize, decide or take action. Many of these people have been dissatisfied with their jobs for years, constantly talking about being fired, low pay, bad conditions, etc., but they will continue to sit in the same place.
Fixed signs strive for stability, reliability and peace. They are not flexible, do not like changes, changes, restrained and slow to rise. They do not want to part with their habits and rules. They need a lot of effort and influence from the outside so that they react and take some kind of action. So, for example, a young man of a fixed sign, may not decide to marry for 10 years of living together with his bride.
People of the fixed cross are adapted to long and constant efforts. Choosing a path, they can do the same things for many years. If such a person decides to become a vegetarian, run in the morning or adhere to certain rules, then he will have enough endurance not to change the established program.

Despite their difference, all four characters of the fixed cross have common settings:
- stability and constancy
- stable position, retention of the result
- reliability and immutability

It would seem that all the qualities of fixed signs are more suitable for Taurus, Scorpio and Leo. However, Aquarius, for all its ease and openness to the new, stubbornly defends its own vision and views. It is difficult for him to perceive someone else's point of view, someone else's opinion, other orders and rules. More often than not, this is the unwillingness to change. Everything should be as it is convenient for him. It is easier for Aquarius to eloquently convince the interlocutor of his incorrectness, or to prove that black is white, rather than listen and agree.
It can be difficult for Leos to let go of their selfish habits and desire to be the best. Sometimes he is ready to do nothing at all if there is no one hundred percent chance of winning.
Taurus more clearly exhibits the qualities of fixity than other signs. He is attached to his physical sensations and strives for material and financial stability. He does not like to take risks, therefore he is reluctant to part with money, he decides to buy or move for a long time. It is difficult to persuade him to start something new or to quickly include him in some process.
Scorpio, being a very sensitive and emotional sign, seeks stability and constancy in relationships, as well as emotional security. Scorpio is very difficult to relax and win over. But getting used to some people, even the thought that they can leave is unbearable to him. He is ready to fight to the last for "his" person, even if the relationship has long outlived its usefulness.

Mutable signs

Variability, flexibility, mobility

People of mutable signs are perhaps the most unpredictable in their behavior. They are flexible, changeable, all-round, intuitive and fickle signs.
The main feature of these signs is the ability to adapt. They do not develop thorough plans, they do not go only on a proven path, their tactics are that they are guided by the situation and feel exactly how to act "here and now." They quickly adapt to everything new, adapt to different people, know how to feel the right moment, understand the needs of society and situations well, easily merge into a new environment.

Gemini's thinking gives them the ability to easily deal with any information. Quickly navigate the map, delve into the instruction or program, find a simple solution to a controversial issue.
Virgo is not afraid of any work, it is easier for others to adapt to any conditions of life and any work. Mark all the subtleties and nuances, will provide a variety of services.
The ideological, complicity and optimism of Sagittarius will help in any situation to involve others and find a way out.
Pisces intuitively rebuild themselves to the circumstances, subtly feeling moods and situations.

They know how to "split in two", to be on both sides of the situation. This makes it possible to go beyond the main goal, to combine and combine different options, to find a different point of view, to navigate the situation well.
The duality of these signs allows them to successfully do many things at the same time, to have several professions and hobbies.

A mutable cross is flexibility, adaptation to any conditions, a thirst for change and the ability to rebuild oneself to the circumstances.

We can say that people of the mutable cross combine the qualities of cardinal and fixed signs. If the situation so requires, they can show unprecedented patience, endurance, pressure, and if necessary, they can completely retreat. But it is difficult for them to stay in one state for a long time (fixation), or constantly strive for something (cardinality), which is why they are credited with such qualities as insecurity and uncertainty. Intense mental work is replaced by periods of laziness and idleness, and passionate involvement in something - apathy. Moreover, these changes may occur irregularly, and their duration may be different.
Often these signs are in a state of anxiety and irritation and at the same time they really suffer. When unpleasant situations happen to them, the most difficult thing is the psychological stress that they experience.
If in such a situation an action helps a cardinal sign, reliance on one's experience helps a fixed sign, then a mutable sign needs changes, transformations, updates.

Until now, we have been talking about the elements - that is, as it were, varieties of matter from which each sign of the Zodiac (as well as each element of our world) is created. But the elements alone are not enough for a more or less meaningful description of anything.

Take, for example, Fire. It can be represented by an instantaneous release of energy, an explosion, and at the same time a fireball of the Sun, continuously radiating energy for an unimaginably long time. Or Water: one thing is a mountain river, and quite another is a swamp. We can say that different representatives of the same element have different dynamism.

It is this idea that is reflected in the concept of Qualities. The cross determines the original life strategy embedded in a person, the form of life development, the dynamic process of orientation. In this sense, the crosses are opposite to the elements. Elements show static features, stable qualities, temperament.

Crosses - the dynamics of psychology, the elements of the signs of the zodiac - statics.
Crosses are a form of behavior laid down from the very beginning. Each cross unites all four elements.

cardinal cross

Cardinal dynamics is characterized by an impulse, a rush, a sharp surge, followed by a decline.
Cardinal signs of the zodiac- Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

First cross cardinal(circle of will, targets). Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. It symbolizes the active principle of Yang, the feeling of a goal, a program. Aries - moving forward. Cancer - moving in depth. Libra - backward movement. Capricorn - upward movement. These signs of aimless development are not tolerated. They always have something ahead of them. The movement to the target is carried out in a straight line and in a strictly specified direction. They are characterized by impulsiveness, initiative, ability and desire to take the first step in a particular matter. They start, move things off the ground, and what happens next is not very interesting to them.

A pronounced representative of cardinal signs is an initiator, a generator of ideas, it is thanks to him that something new begins in life. But such a person is usually unable to continue what he has begun, to bring the idea to life.

Cardinal signs act under the influence of an idea, thought, inner impulse, which is why they are sometimes also called mental.

Cardinal people are very independent, they are not needed, but it happens, and it is impossible to push them, to goad them. When the time comes for a geyser to act, no one will stop it, and it is hardly possible to force it to act. The weakness of such people is that their actions are poorly connected with reality, with the surrounding reality, they are the result of an internal creative process.

If the cardinal quality is weakly expressed, the person is not proactive, prefers that someone else take the first step in a new direction.

Fixed cross

Fixed dynamics are characterized by constancy, stability, and stability.
Fixed signs of the zodiac- Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Second cross fixed, motionless (circle of feeling). Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. It symbolizes the passive principle, Yin, waiting. People of the 2nd cross appear unexpectedly, they must accumulate a critical mass of energy Leo - he can wait a long time, prepare himself for exploits, will not exchange himself for trifles.

The accumulated energy then abruptly passes into a manifested state - a qualitative leap. Scorpio - torments himself and those around him for a long time, and when chaos is pumped to the limit, he sets in motion and accomplishes a lot in a minimum amount of time. Aquarius - a very long buildup, but a coup, a transformation is being prepared. Taurus - you need to spend a lot of energy to move.

For a pronounced representative of Fixed signs, stability, perseverance, stability (often manifested as stubbornness) are characteristic. Such a person "harnesses" himself into the matter and drags it along, constantly and steadily. It is thanks to the fixed signs that serious, large-scale plans are carried out that require a long application of forces. For such affairs, a high level of vital energy is needed, therefore fixed signs are also called vital.

For Fixed people, it is important to change their state as little as possible. If they work, they will work and work, and do not interfere with them. And if they rest, then the end-edge of their rest is not visible, and woe to those who try to interrupt it.

The strength of the Fixed people is that they are certainly capable, thanks to their stability, to bring to life the ideas and initiatives of the Cardinal people. And the weak side is a misunderstanding of external conditions. They mind their own business and that's it. They are only interested in the environment insofar as it should be comfortable, and that no one interferes.

But in order for the result of their work to find its place in the world, you need to look around, evaluate different opinions, find out what competitors have already done, compare ... As we will see, Mutable people do it best.

Well, and the lack of a fixed quality, it is not difficult to guess, manifests itself in insufficient stability, lack of stability, inability to do one thing for a long time and invest significant effort in it.

Mutable Cross

Mutable dynamics is characterized by variability, orientation to external conditions, maneuvering, maneuvering and choosing the optimal path or method of action.

Mutable characters include: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.
Pronounced representatives of mutable signs are characterized by openness to the outside world, the ability to navigate the environment, notice and evaluate details and nuances, and use them when choosing a direction.

They are well aware of the opinions of others, what they expect, and therefore they can tell Fixed people what exactly the result of their hard work should be. Many athletes in team sports - that is, where you need to track the constantly changing environment and respond to it - have accented mutable signs. No wonder these signs are also called motor signs.

The Strength of Mutable People- in a remarkable ability to evaluate and take into account the surrounding reality. And the weak side is the tendency to get carried away by the endless enumeration of existing possibilities, lose the goal and, as a result, never achieve anything concrete.

They can be so changeable that others are lost in conjecture: what to expect from a Mutable person in the next second. And he himself does not know, it all depends on the surrounding conditions.

It is easy to guess that insufficiently expressed mutability in the horoscope manifests itself as insufficient flexibility, inability to focus on the surrounding conditions and take into account their changes.

In astrology, the signs of the zodiac are grouped into three crosses: cardinal, fixed, mutable. The cardinal signs of the zodiac are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. On the first day of each season, the Sun is in one of the cardinal signs: in spring in Aries, in summer in Cancer, in autumn in Libra, in winter in Capricorn.

These are the founders of the zodiac, it is the cardinal signs of the zodiac that are considered the initiators of laws and progressive changes in society. But they are too or, on the contrary, cold and insensitive to realize their own ideas.

This, by right of succession, is done by fixed or permanent signs: Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius. They are smart, reasonable, have the energy and patience to start and finish things.

Cardinal signs of the zodiac - one of the three crosses of the signs of the zodiac

Representatives of the cardinal signs of the zodiac are very active, active, energetic and intolerant. The signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn highly value personal freedom, resolutely rejecting any attempts, getting rid of any encroachment on their independence from anyone.

As a rule, those born in the cardinal signs of the zodiac do everything in their own way. This can lead to misunderstanding, trouble and even serious problems with others. True, it does not scare them.

The cardinal signs of the zodiac, as already mentioned, tend to discover new facets of life. The bad thing is that they show intolerance towards others.

Properties and characteristics of cardinal signs

As a rule, people of cardinal signs are ambitious, ambitious, careerists, do not hesitate to commit unseemly acts in order to achieve personal goals. The last trait is most pronounced in the zodiac signs Aries and Capricorn.

Often these people are indifferent to the opinions and desires of others, they can behave unceremoniously, allowing themselves rude, offensive antics. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn like cardinal signs of the zodiac trying to keep everything under control. This desire guides their actions, although it can be disguised and imperceptible at first glance.

Each of the four cardinal signs of the zodiac, and all the features of the cardinal nature, are manifested in strict accordance with the elements. So, Aries, the cardinal sign of Fire, by force of will and energy generates ideological outbursts, fundamentally new concepts, pushing society as a whole forward along the path of progress, while Cancer, the cardinal sign of Water, is connected with the world on an emotional level.

For Libra, the cardinal sign of the Air zodiac, moving forward means creating a harmonious relationship. Capricorn, the cardinal sign of the Earth, is driven by its desire to achieve material well-being and high social status.

The Dark Side of the Cardinal Zodiac Signs

Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are distinguished by their ability to discover hitherto unknown facets of the world, to show. Those who have a cluster of planets in the cardinal signs of the zodiac in their natal chart are energetic, active, businesslike and practical, but they lack the perseverance and self-confidence to go to their goals to the end.

While the elements of the signs of the zodiac represent certain unchanging qualities and characteristics of the signs, the crosses tell about the strategy of action of various representatives of the zodiac.

The belonging of the sign of the zodiac to the cross shows how a person will act, how he reveals his potential. We can say that each cross is distinguished by a certain way of action and behavior of its representatives, their reactions to life situations.

Cardinal cross of the zodiac signs

The following signs belong to the cardinal cross:

  • Aries,
  • scales,
  • Capricorn.

The cardinal cross is conditionally associated with the male active principle. This is due to the fact that representatives of this cross usually strive to take cardinal leadership positions in life, they try to control the actions of others.

This cross of the zodiac signs distinguishes people who clearly set goals and are in constant motion in the indicated direction.

Aries is moving forward. The most direct sign of the zodiac. If necessary, he can smash obstacles in his path with his forehead. Achieves the desired through incredible strong-willed efforts, usually acts in jerks. Gets tired quickly, putting a lot of effort into one jerk.

Cancer moves back and down. People of this sign are very attached to their roots, origins, traditions. They draw their strength from simple universal values. Cancer always takes care of its rear. He tries to protect his weak spots.

Scales move, tacking from side to side. Always strive to find a balance among extremes and opposites. Often they derive their own benefit from the opposition of different points of view existing in society.

Representatives of this sign easily adapt to any new fashion trends and ideas.

Capricorn is moving up. This sign is slowly, but stubbornly and steadily moving towards its goal. He knows that he can fall down, so his steps are well measured and careful. Capricorns set high goals for themselves, they are able to act in one direction for a very long time.

Unlike the ram, they never give everything to the end, they always save their strength for the last decisive breakthrough.

Fixed cross of zodiac signs

The fixed cross includes signs:

  • Taurus,
  • Scorpion,
  • Aquarius.

The fixed cross of the signs of the zodiac is conditionally associated with the feminine passive principle. In order to start acting, these signs need some incentive, a push. Representatives of these signs gain energy gradually, like a locomotive. If they set themselves tasks, they can move towards the intended goal all their lives, while gaining such energy that they cannot stop, even when it is required for security reasons. These are the most inertial, but also the most energetic and adamant in their actions people.

Taurus can be in a calm state for a long time, but if they start to drive him into a corner, he shows unprecedented strength and resourcefulness. In a short period of time, doing a great job and crushing competitors.

Leo also does not like to exchange for trifles. Can sit for a long time, waiting for the right moment. Then quickly in a short time does a huge amount of work, for a while, stopping there.

Scorpio retreats into himself, accumulates emotional energy, passions run high inside him, experiences grow. Finally, his patience comes to a limit and all passions in a deliberate and digested form break out. At the same time, the accumulated issues and problems are resolved emotionally, but quickly and effectively.

Aquarius can sit for a long time without doing anything, but inside him, in the subconscious, a coup, a transformation is ripening.

It happens that people have not met a familiar Aquarius for a long time, when they meet they notice that they have a completely different person in front of them. He has other views on life, other priorities, reasoning, although outwardly he remained the same.

Transforming, Aquarius produces a revolution around itself, doing many things at once in a short period of time.

Mutable cross of zodiac signs

The following signs belong to the mutable cross:

  • Twins,
  • Virgo,
  • Sagittarius,
  • fishes.

These signs are neither masculine nor feminine. They are conductors between male and female energy. Representatives of these signs are distinguished by the ability to adapt to the changing realities of life. Their life strategy is often replaced by tactics.

They always follow the latest social trends and set their goals based on their need at a given time. Unlike people who belong signs of the zodiac cross fixed, they can quickly review their life goals and methods for achieving them.

Gemini is perhaps the most mobile sign of the zodiac. They quickly grasp the spirit of the times, easily get used to any society, effortlessly absorbing its laws and traditions. They are always aware of the events taking place in the world around them.

Virgo is distinguished by great survival and adaptability. Representatives of this sign are always aware of where and what you can get. These are intellectuals with a pronounced creative orientation. Virgo practitioners who can adapt to any laws and social systems.

Among them there is the highest percentage of the richest people in the world.

Sagittarians are people inextricably linked with society and social activities. Who, if not them, should follow the trends in the development of social life. Sagittarius always strive to show their best side. He knows how to intuitively capture the mood and trends of society, and then present himself in the best possible way.

Pisces are always very sensitive to the mood of the society in which they are. The representative of this sign feeds on the energy of society and very quickly absorbs all the habits of its members. Pisces are always up to date with the latest fashion and style trends.

Table of division of the signs of the zodiac by crosses and elements.

The signs are located at the intersection of the elements and the cross to which they belong.

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