Funny aphorisms about politics and deputies, as well as a selection of quotes from great politicians. Aphorisms about politics and power

In a Japanese restaurant, Russians were served only one-ninth of the sushi. ()

Koschey created a party with Nightingale the Robber
Five hundred criminals signed up as its members ()

Analytics is the eternal struggle of politics. ()

Politics is like a prostitute who exposes her body to profit from the sale of her people. ()

IN revolutionary situation For the explosion of the state structure of any country, both enemies and radical reformers are equally interested: the former with the goal of weakening the enemy, the latter because of the excited idea of ​​​​quickly creating a more progressive society. The enemies immediately reap the benefits, and the reformers get the right to hope for a future harvest. (Valery Krasovsky)

There are no former presidents, so Putin risks nothing. (Valery Krasovsky)

An ellipsis in politics most often turns into a hot spot. (Alexander Mazurov)

Do not believe the political Columbuses who are ready to drift on the waves of demagoguery just to get close to America. (Vladimir Kotikov) ()

Don’t trust the political Columbuses who are ready to drift on the waves of demagoguery just to get close to America (Vladimir Kotikov)

“No matter what the sovereign’s trough is, you can always hear slurping around it” (Ivan Golyuk)

“In politics we are absolutely unpredictable. How he ruled the country, he fell asleep and remembered everything vaguely.”
* “He made history more than once. According to them, it is worthy of being included in the Guinness Book.
In a frenzy, he turned the country around: from “communism” all the way to serfdom.”
(Ivan Golyuk)

“Almost a teetotaler, but a drinker. Almost like an activist, and almost a big one. In politics, as it seemed to me, it was a personality. But in reality, he is a coward, rejected by a destroyed and betrayed country” (Ivan Golyuk)

“He thought he was saying. In fact, he was raping. And what he said hurt our ears.
And his thought did not fit the “axis” in any way. Although he knew how to make a circle with a pipe.”
(Ivan Golyuk)

* “We spend our lives studying the mistakes of others.
We don’t know who to believe, where to go with which foot.
We hope that the “walkers” along the corridors of power,
They will tell us what to do and where we should go.”
(Ivan Golyuk)

The inability of politicians to negotiate leads to wars, wars lead to casualties, and again politicians negotiate...

The misfortune of people is not that they are different, but that the politicians are the same. (Alexander Mazurov)

Hope dies when politicians fail to fulfill their promises. ()

He was listed as a deputy only on the payroll. ()

Beware Elephants - The pugs have started barking into a megaphone. ()

Ear noodles are a signature dish of political cuisine. ()

Nationalism is a thirst for power combined with self-deception. (George Orwell (Eric Blair))

Night blindness is a sophisticated form of political clairvoyance. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

He who hesitates speaks longer. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

Often public discussions turn into nationwide condemnations. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

Politics is the noble art of winning votes from the poor and campaign money from the rich by promising to protect one from the other. ()

They say that best rule politics - don't manage too much. This rule is just as true in education. (Jean Paul Sartre)

The method of rewarding with ranks of nobility and salary is the key to the life or death of a country. Shan Yang

Plurality of power is not good: let there be one ruler. Aristotle

The most important thing is not to have gold, but to have power over those who have it. Curium

A ruler should be surrounded by mystery. Han-fei

The one who, unable to control himself, wants to control others is mad. Pubilius

The one whom many fear must be feared by many. Pubilius

This is the law of the palace where evil rules:

Either you are in the saddle, or you have a saddle on. Firduosi

Truly wonderful things: brainless bodies are lifted up,

Nature endowed them with stupidity, but their clan nobility elevated them. Ibn Sina

Rulers need wise men much more than wise men need rulers. Thomas Aquinas

Whoever wants to rule must first of all take care of two things: first, to be generous, second, to be lenient. D. Pontano

No one should leave in sorrow after a conversation with the king. D. Pontano

Don't listen to cowardly and base advice.

Run, Arrani, from the palace doors:

Kings never loved poets,

Poets have always despised kings. Arrani

There is no business that is more difficult to organize, more dangerous to conduct, and more doubtful of success than replacing old orders with new ones. N. Machiavelli

Although new orders change the consciousness of people, we must try to ensure that in their changing order they retain as much as possible of the old. N. Machiavelli

In our times, it is already obvious that those sovereigns who cared little about piety and knew how to fool people’s brains with cunning, ultimately defeated those who relied on their honesty. N. Machiavelli

It is known already from the experience of centuries that every person who has power is inclined to abuse it, and he goes in this direction until he reaches the limit. S. Montesqui

One foreign ambassador asked Empress Catherine II:<Как Вы, Ваше Величество, добиваетесь того, что Ваши непослушные дворяне Вас всегда слушаются?>. <Я никогда не заставляю их делать то, что им не выгодно>, - answered the empress. Catherine II

Napoleon always wanted to be alone, and this is a reliable remedy for longevity. C. Talleyrand

In Russia everything is a secret and nothing is a secret. A. Steel

When they say about a monarch that he is kind, it means that he is no good for hell. Napoleon I

Bismarck created incidents in order to have the pleasure of settling them. B. Disraeli

If you hold an elephant by its hind leg and it breaks free, the best thing to do is to let it go. A. Lincoln

The power of one person over another destroys, first of all, the ruler. L.N. Tolstoy

Give me $10 million and I will defeat any constitutional amendment. F. Roosevelt

It is easier for a sane person to obey crazy people than to control them. F. La Rochefoucauld

When the Athenians, having insulted Themistocles, again wanted to entrust power to him, he said: “I do not approve of people who use the same vessel as a chamber pot and as a wine ladle.” Elian

Best ruler one about which the people know only that it exists. Somewhat worse are those rulers whom the people love and exalt. Even worse are those rulers whom the people fear, and worst of all are those rulers whom the people despise. Lao Tzu

Pharaoh also knew the secret of obedience: to keep the people in fear, punish the innocent, punish the innocent. Unknown

Every dictator starts by simplifying. EM. Remarque

Great goal requires great energy, the great energy of a backward people is obtained only through great cruelty. All great rulers were cruel. A. Rybakov

Power shows a person. Pittacus

The upper classes rely on the lower circles for everything that concerns knowledge of particulars; the lower circles trust the upper circles in everything that concerns the understanding of the universal, and thus they mutually mislead each other. K. Marx

In politics, the worst decision is to make no decision. Zechariah

You can lean on the bayonets, but you cannot sit on them. Spanish proverb

Power is a cloak that we find too broad on other people's shoulders and too tight on ours. P. Decourcel

Seeking power for peace and security means climbing a volcano in order to shelter from a storm. F. Petrarch

The power of one person over another destroys, first of all, the ruler. L. N. Tolstoy

After those persons who occupy the highest positions, I do not know more unhappy people than those who envy them. Mrs Maintenon

Has there ever been a dominion that did not seem natural to those who possess it? D. S. Mill

The highest positions are like steep cliffs: only eagles and reptiles climb them. A. Steel

A liberal can become a minister, but it does not follow from this that he will be a liberal minister. V. Humboldt

It is bad if ministers change frequently; but it is even worse if bad ministers remain in place. Pele de la Lozère

The party is the madness of many for the benefit of a few. D. Swift

You may not be involved in politics, but politics is still involved with you. C. Montalembert

The greatest virtue of a politician is not to lose the sense of the whole. E. Mounier

Half of the logical arguments of bad government lie in the following sophistical dilemma: if the people are restless, then they are not ripe for freedom, but if they are calm, then they do not want freedom. T. Macaulay

A leader must take into account the possibility of both success and failure. Pu6lily Sir

A person, by ruling over others, loses his own freedom. F. Bacon

If you want to lead people to death, tell them that you are leading them to glory. C. Talleyrand

Power over people is acquired only through serving them - this is a rule that has no exceptions. V. Cousin

The whole art of management consists in the art of being honest. T. Jefferson

Give me good politics and I will give you good finance. A. Turgot

The one who holds the chain is almost no freer than the one who wears it. P. Buast

Which government is better? The one that teaches us to manage ourselves. I. Goethe

There is no such thing in politics as in love. peace treaties, there are only truces. G. Lewis

Every people has the kind of government it deserves. J. Maistre

Anarchy always leads to absolutism. Napoleon I

If the people have such leaders who replace them in matters of government, then no matter what these leaders are called, they will always constitute an aristocracy. J.-J. Rousseau

Often people fall from great heights because of the shortcomings that helped them reach it. J. Labruyère

Too much power suddenly acquired by one of the citizens in a republic turns the latter into a monarchy or something even worse. The people are always succeeded by a despot.A. Rivarol

Definition of despotism: that order of things in which highest low, and the inferior is humiliated. N. Chamfort

The laws made by people are like a web: the weak and poor will get entangled in it, but the strong and rich will escape from it ( A n a h a r s i s )

If the state consisted only of good people, everyone would probably challenge each other for the opportunity to get rid of control, just as they are now challenging the opportunity to get to power ( Platon )

Either we will be slaves of the law, or [ Just] slaves ( C icero )

Without justice, the government is a gang of robbers ( A V GUSTIN Blessed )

There is no power not from God ( From the message of Apostle Paul )

A flock of rams led by a lion is stronger than a flock of lions led by a ram

Justice is in strength, strength is in justice ( T a m e r l a n )

A smart enemy is preferable to a stupid supporter

I do not agree with your views, but I am ready to give my life so that you have the opportunity to express them ( Voltaire )

H does this mean impeccable morality and good education for our voters and politicians?

Tell me what their interests are and I will tell you what they will stand for(R i k a r d o )

In politics, for the sake of a certain goal, you can enter into an alliance even with the devil himself - you just need to be sure that you will outwit the devil, and not the devil you ( K. MARKS )

With bad laws and good officials it is quite possible to rule the country. But if officials are bad, even the best laws will not help

They never lie so much as during the war, after the hunt and before the elections

The great questions of the time are not decided by speeches and [ voting], and with iron and blood!

Woe to him statesman who will not bother to find a basis for war that will still retain its significance after the war

Even the most successful outcome of the war will never lead to the collapse of Russia, which rests on millions of Orthodox Russian believers. These latter, even if they are separated as a result of international treaties, will reconnect with each other as quickly as separated droplets of mercury find their way to each other. This indestructible State of the Russian nation is strong for its climate, its spaces and its unpretentiousness, as well as its awareness of the need to constantly protect its borders. This State, even after complete defeat, will always remain our adversary, seeking revenge ( B I S M A R K )

The history of freedom is the history of resistance ( V. VILSON )

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight with you, and finally you win ( Mahatma Gandhi )

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people ( E. Roosevelt )

Without a certain amount of adventurism, it is impossible to achieve success in politics. It’s just that we usually call an adventurer who has achieved success an outstanding politician ( V. Kobrin )


Subject of political science. Politics and political science

POLITICS (in Greek. control(from the word πόλη - city, i.e. control policy - city -state V ancient Greece) – struggle for power (influence) in society, as well as activities for organization of company management

IN ancient Greece politics for the first time becomes permanent professional public ( open ) activity, the participants of which most often do not hide their goals - to achieve power, using a variety of means, methods, methods And techniques: from oath promises and persistent convictions that one is right to deception, threats and violence towards rivals and opponents.

struggle POLITICS organization

for the power to govern society



FACILITIES, WAYS, ideas, programs, slogans





SUBJECTS p o l i t a r i i(those in power) and politically active citizens;

OBJECT- ordinary people are apolitical (indifferent to politics) individuals;

YOU marginalized – people ready to support (and betray) anyone

POLITICIANS for certain personal benefits

Key Policy Factors:

1. organizerPOLITICAL will; 2.motivatinginterests(PERSONAL, Qty.

LECTURAL, GROUP) 3.unifyingideas(goals)

Politics is not only and not so much a profession (or socially useful work), but struggle, rivalry, conflict(personal ambitions and group outings interests), with unpredictable results and unforeseen costs. Unlike any production, service or creative activities, the policy is not regulated job descriptions, and participation in it cannot be explained solely by considerations of personal gain, career or calling.

Politicians - unlike workers, employees, officials, businessmen or artists - take solve exclusively social problems, thereby preparing to take responsibility for the lives and destinies of people completely unknown to them(not only their fellow citizens), forced to trust and obey these politicians.

In past(up to modern era) management of society was privilege of the elite, paying for her high status And special rights readiness for voluntary self-sacrifice (such rights and freedom of self-sacrifice were deprived rest of the population, subordinate elite not voluntarily, but out of obligation). In the newest same time politician - This not status, but quicker function, requiring not so much personal merit as business qualities and the necessary connections. Today politics is not the lot selected, A willing And able




Ideas slogans symbols

views (beliefs) calls, demands signs or images

set out (expressed) publicly and uniting political comrades


AMBITIOUS (Availability ambitions– i.e. ambition, desire to stand out in something),

COMMUNICATION (sociability, ability to find an approach to people),

COMPETENCE (ability to understand in all problems to be solved)


The policy is characterized by the following peculiarities And contradictions:

peculiarities -

versatility(one way or another, covers all aspects and spheres of society);

publicity(inconceivable without broad public support and openness)

contradictions –

unites(organizing) and at the same time divides society;

combines selfish personal interests and motives with public tasks


i d e POLITICS in power


Political science as a doctrine of society and power arose in ancient times ( Confucius, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Polybius, Cicero and many others), subsequently giving rise to many social sciences and humanities - from economics to sociology. However, political science itself - as the science of power and management, methods and goals of the struggle for power, as well as means of maintaining and effectively using power - appeared at the dawn of the European Enlightenment, in the 16th century. Its founder is the Italian writer and diplomat N. Machiavelli (POLITICAL THINKERS - SEE. APPLICATIONS)

Modern political science appeared in the USA in the mid-19th century, setting its task not to study global fundamental processes, phenomena and patterns social development(unlike, for example, philosophy, political economy, sociology, history), and the analysis and, if possible, forecasting of specific political events and situations (including various political forces and movements, popular ideas, etc.). Political science– unlike academic or applied sciencesis based more often not on objective accurate and tested (theoretically or experimentally) data, and on subjective biased opinions and controversial comments exclusively on topical issues and problems. Home work political scientists - form public opinion , speaking interestingly and convincingly on a wide variety of (including topical) topics...


It is generally accepted in the world that politics is a dirty business, and everyone politicians and the deputies are deceitful and vile people, thirsting only for money. Well, everyone has the right to have own opinion. I, in turn, will note that I have a neutral attitude towards this topic, and I try more to find humorous material on a political topic. Respectively, aphorisms about politics and deputies also apply to this material.

If you read aphorisms about politics and deputies, you may get the wrong opinion that this type of publication cannot cause laughter. Not at all. For me personally aphorisms about politics evoke only positive emotions. Reading aphorisms about politics, I involuntarily imagine the situations described, sometimes I agree with them, and a smile appears on its own. Arbitrarily. It's like jokes about money. You just have to laugh at them, because most of them are, well, very cool. You shouldn’t think about it, just like, in principle, you shouldn’t think about aphorisms about politics, but it’s not bad to laugh like that – that’s it.

“In election races, the one who drives the most wins.” These aphorisms about politicians always make me laugh. Indeed, in races, whoever drives faster always wins. Faster and more, in this situation, are associated with the same concept, so the meaning of the phrase does not change.

In general, similar politics aphorisms quotes sometimes it still brings up sad thoughts. Especially after reading the phrase that the most dangerous criminals do not wear tattoos, but suits and ties. However, aphorisms about politicians should be taken only with optimism. And life will be more fun.

What is the main advantage of aphorisms? In their clarity and subtlety. If we do, they will talk in a cheerful manner about the problems that arise in the house or apartment. Respectively, aphorisms about politics and power must talk about problems in politics and government. This is, in principle, what happens. And if the author comes across with a sparkling sense of humor, when the essence of the joke does not immediately reach you, but makes you think, this only adds to the pluses. “Tanks don’t need visas.”

Some funny aphorisms of great politicians appear in this way. A few words were said at the conference - and now they have already spread throughout the world.

It has long been known that politics is filled to the brim with humor. But finding it can sometimes be difficult. Reading funny aphorisms about power and politics, sometimes you are surprised at the possibility of the author’s imagination, which is capable of producing such quotes. And when we already come across funny aphorisms of great politicians, this is just another reason to laugh and cheer ourselves up.

If you visit our website, you will also find several funny references to the political topic.

Statements about politics

Every politician is an up-and-coming politician. Gilbert Chesterton

Politics is not an exact science. Otto von Schönhausen Bismarck

Honesty in politics is the result of strength, hypocrisy is the result of weakness. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Good politics is no different from sound morality. Gabriel-Bonneau de Mably

Politics should be treated like fire: do not come too close so as not to get burned, and do not move too far away so as not to freeze. Antisthenes

In the field of politics, to threaten without attacking is to reveal your powerlessness. Alphonse Lamartine

In politics you have to do a lot of things that you shouldn't do. Theodore Roosevelt

In mechanics one often has to deal with the force of friction, which changes or overturns the conclusions of an incorrect theory; A similar frictional force operates in politics. Charles Louis Montesquieu

Politicians reproach poetry for being far from life; but poets might remark to politicians that their politics are often even further from life. Karol Izhikowski

Politicians have neither love nor hate. They are guided not by feelings, but by interest. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Politics is public morals, morality is a private policy. Gabriel-Bonneau de Mably

What is good in politics cannot be bad in morality. Jeremy Bentham

The greatest virtue of a politician is not to lose the sense of the whole. Emmanuel Mounier

Big politics is just common sense applied to big things. Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

In art, as in politics, grandfathers are always wrong. Oscar Wilde

Real politicians understand people better than those who work in the field of philosophy; in other words, it is politicians who are the real philosophers. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

In politics, as in matters of faith, we have less compassion for those who half share our beliefs than for those who completely reject them. Charles Caleb Colton

The first rule of politics should be to govern the people - with the help of reason and the enemies of the people - with the help of terror. Maximilien Robespierre

Realpolitik is to ignore the facts. Henry Brooks Adams

Society must be studied by people and people by society: whoever wants to study politics and morality separately will understand nothing of either one or the other. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Politics has no heart, only a head. Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

As almost always in politics, the result is the opposite of what was predicted. Francois-René de Chateaubriand

The main principle of my foreign policy- good government within the country. William Ewart Gladstone

In politics, what begins with fear usually ends in madness. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Politics is the art of the possible. Otto von Schönhausen Bismarck

In the past, “compromise” meant that half a loaf of bread was better than nothing. For today's politicians, "compromise" means that half a loaf is better than a whole loaf. Gilbert Chesterton

Politics depends on politicians almost as much as the weather depends on astronomers. Remy de Gourmont

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