Funny scenes for Teacher's Day for a corporate party. Fun games and competitions for Teacher's Day Funny skit about kindergarten for schoolchildren

Rada Marinets
Scenario for a corporate party for kindergarten employees for the kindergarten’s birthday

Lyrical music is turned on, video background from YouTube "Town" (all competitions are based on video backgrounds from a large selection from YouTube). the beginning of each competition is 5-10 minutes after the last, including the intro of each program. employees eat, raise toasts, talk.

It was built many years ago kindergarten.

On the cheerful street,

Far from moms and dads

Ours was shining "Fairy tale"

To the delight of the kids.

Days and years have flown by,

They can't be brought back

And our dear "Fairy Tale"

We want to say everything

IN kindergarten today

Celebration and holiday

Day birthday celebrations

Our favorite kindergarten.

We wish that you always

It was full of children.

And it sounded like it was on the stages

Children's laughter and hubbub.

We wish you all happiness

Good walls to these.

Let both affection and love

They give to children.

The floor is given to the director of our wonderful garden to Marina Valerievna.

What happened on the planet

You will get answers.

Keep up to date with world events

Inventions and discoveries,

All kinds of travel

It's easy with TV!

You and I work a lot, create and cooperate in our"Fairy Tale"! and when you come home, you really want to take a break from the hustle and bustle and what do we do? we are watching TV! Today we will spend time playing TV shows. Remembering the old ones and laughing at the new ones! Forward!

1st gear: SMAK What's on your plate? The competition should be held during the feast, when the plates are full. The host asks everyone to fill their plates and begins the competition. He names a letter, and guests must pick up food starting with that letter on a fork and take turns saying its name. Those who do not have such food are eliminated from the game. Next, another letter is called, and so on, until there remains a person who has on his plate "the whole alphabet".

2nd gear: TO THE BARRIER Nonsense. To do this, you need to prepare cards with questions and answers and arrange them in different piles. One participant must take a card with a question and choose who should answer. The one who answers takes the answer from another pile. The question and answer are read out. The results are very funny. We provide sample questions below.

3rd gear: fashion verdict Dress up funnier

Competition for an adult company, without complexes.

Various funny clothes are stuffed into the bag in advance (national hats, clothes, underwear, swimsuits, stockings or tights, scarves, bows, diapers for adults, etc. Balls can be inserted into the bra). A DJ is selected. He turns the music on and off at different intervals. The music starts playing, the participants begin to dance and pass the bag to each other. The music stopped. Whoever has the bag left in his hands pulls out one item and puts it on himself. And so on until the bag is empty. In the end, everyone looks very funny. You can choose a winner; the winner is the one wearing the most funny clothes.

4th gear: live healthy eating apples

A competition that requires accuracy and caution when conducting. Several couples are chosen from among the guests who want to have fun. Guests form a circle, into the center of which the host invites couples. The competitors stand opposite each other. The presenter blindfolds all participants and checks whether the bandages fit tightly. Each player is then given an apple. All fruits should be the same size. At the toastmaster's signal, the boys and girls begin to feed each other. You need to feed the apples at a good speed, since the winner of the competition will be the couple that feeds their apples to each other the fastest. Those participants who try to eat the apples given to them, secretly from the presenter, and forget to feed their partners, will be disqualified. It is important that the participants are not left without fingers when feeding, therefore, despite the excitement, they need to play carefully. The winner of the competition is the couple that manages to eat the apples the fastest without losing any fingers. The winner is awarded a prize of 1 kg. apples

5th gear: BATTLE OF Psychics signs on their backs. Detoxification center bushes maternity hospital baths toilet

How often do you visit this place?

What essentials do you take there?

How much and how much alcohol do you take there?

Who are you inviting there?

Will you come there tomorrow?

6th gear: NEWS OF THE FIRST CHANNEL Create a story. A letter of the alphabet is chosen and everyone sitting in a circle must come up with a story in which all the words begin with the chosen letter. For example, if the selected letter "D" So: "Denis (first participant speaks) for a long time (second) thought (third)

7th gear: jumble. Do not offer sex. Prepare papers in advance with the names of body parts. They can be repeated. Each participant draws out two pieces of paper. When the pieces of paper have been distributed to everyone, the presenter suggests making a chain of people, and they will be connected to each other by the parts indicated on the pieces of paper.

8th gear: let them talk Create a story. A letter of the alphabet is chosen and everyone sitting in a circle must come up with a story in which all the words begin with the chosen letter. For example, if the selected letter "D", then you can make a story So: "Denis (first participant speaks) for a long time (second) thought (third) in the afternoon...”, etc. If the circle is over and the story has not come to an end, start the circle again.

9th gear: house 2 Doll. The players stand in a circle. They are given a doll, which, passing around in a circle, they kiss in some place and comment on where exactly. When the doll makes a circle, the presenter announces that now the players take turns kissing their neighbor in the place where they kissed the doll.

10th gear. Diet for a budget. Who is more accurate? Place banknotes of different denominations in a liter or three-liter jar and close it. Each guest takes a jar and tries to guess how much money is in it. All answers are written down, and at the end the money is counted. Whoever named the amount closest to the real one won.

11th gear: KVN Dramatizations. On pieces of paper we write pairs of interesting, well-known characters. For example: Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, Othello and Desdemona, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, etc. In the middle of the evening, distribute papers to married couples or single people divided into pairs. They prepare for a while and then perform in front of those present, who must guess who the speakers represent.

12th gear: Flotilla is the best. Guests are divided into two teams. Each person is given a pack of tissues. Participants try to make as many boats as possible in 5 minutes. Whichever team has more of them wins.

Publications on the topic:

Artistic and creative project “Preparing a treat for the kindergarten’s birthday” Artistic and creative project “Preparing a treat for the kindergarten’s birthday” Hello, dear colleagues! Slide 1: Introducing.

Songs-remakes “Congratulations to the kindergarten staff on their anniversary”"Kindergarten girls" music. songs of the group Factory "Beautiful Girls" 1. We gathered for the anniversary. And the hero of the day among friends. Congratulations already.

Scenario for the birthday of the kindergarten “Time Machine” Scenario "Time Travel" Cheerful music, children run in, a dance is performed ___ Children say one by one:.

Scenario of the concert for the birthday of the kindergarten, dedicated to the work of K. I. Chukovsky On the table there is a portrait of K.I. Chukovsky and books with his works. The concert opens with group No. 10 “Magic House” (song) (children no.

Scenario for the Teacher's Day holiday for kindergarten employees Scenario for Teacher's Day for kindergarten staff Ved 1: Time passes quickly in worries, The holiday has arrived again today. And they came.

1st presenter.

Good afternoon, dear and respected kindergarten workers! We all know that today is a professional holiday for all preschool workers. Let me, on behalf of everyone present, congratulate you and sincerely wish you success in your hard work, patience, happiness, and health.
2nd presenter.

What kind of trials does a hectic life prepare for a teacher! Lack of money, excess of work, joy from the success of children, tears from undeserved resentment, fatigue from the endless bustle and a “second wind” from a kind word spoken at the right time. And today we want to tell you a lot of kind, sincere words of love, respect, gratitude, because most often we forget to do this every day.
1st presenter.

Not far away and forests
Magicians live now.
They come to kindergarten with us,
Or rather, a little earlier than us.

2nd presenter.
Is there a blizzard, snow, is autumn rustling?
In the trees chilled overnight,
They come and bring
The sun is in our trembling hands.

1st presenter.

Dear Colleagues! Our dear, dear employees! Truly creative people work in our kindergarten - our teachers. We have kind and caring assistant teachers and cooks who cook delicious food. There are nurses working next to us who monitor the health of the children. The castellan and laundress keep the preschool clean. And we also have a supply manager, a janitor, a watchman, and a driver.


And today we have gathered to congratulate you all on the holiday and spend the evening in the form of a skit. 4 teams take part in it. Their performance will be assessed by a jury consisting of:.....

(Command View)


You have had hard work -

He requires a lot of attention

After all, everyone understands for themselves,

What does it mean to raise children?

While the working day dragged on

You replaced the children's mother

And today everyone wants

Thank you for everything.

Competition “News in one line”.

(Every day, television, radio and the press bombard a person with a sea of ​​information. The information can be detailed, it can be not very detailed and it can be very short, consisting of literally one sentence. They say about such information: “News in one line.” Competition is to compose such news from the given words as quickly as possible. Everyone draws a ticket with “their” words.)

2nd presenter.

Children are the joy of the state,
Real wealth.
They must be educated
Like hope for the country.

There is a preschool
Kindergarten is a child's happiness.
There are kids passing by
All the lessons of life.

1st presenter.

How to behave and eat
So as not to disturb your health.
How to look sporty
Overcome all diseases.

Learn to draw
And, of course, dance.
Embroider when you feel like it...
In general, they need care.

Competition "Speed ​​Sewing"

(You need to sew your team to each other as quickly as possible, we use twine as a needle, and you will need to sew through straps, loops on clothes, etc.)

1st presenter.

Oh, what a difficult job we have!
This is such a concern!
We need to wipe the snot,
Songs to sing and dance.

Comb, kiss,
Feed and rock.
He laughs, he cries,
This one chases everyone with a stick.

2nd presenter.
Try and follow
Keep everyone safe.

It’s so difficult with just one,
And you can’t even count them.
How many eyes do you need?
And yes, there are definitely six hands.

We are calm for the children
For your pencils.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
And bow to you to the ground!

Competition "Mineral Klondike"

(We take 3-liter jars, put glasses, fill the jar with mineral water. Each player is given 5 coins. Players take turns throwing coins into the jar, which will serve as a “mineral Klondike”)

2nd presenter.
How many eyes and hands do you need?
To keep track around
For your brats -
Golden ladies.
There he laughs, here he cries,
And the other one is jumping on a stick...

1st presenter.

Not everyone here is up to the task
Get it done quickly and skillfully.
The teacher will have time to do everything:
He will punish, regret,
Kisses and feeds
Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.
The kindergarten needs a teacher,
Without him, he is not as friendly.
We send you a carriage of joy,
From the parents - bow!

And now the teams will show “Homework”

2nd presenter.

Now let's do a funny quiz:

1. For a beautiful smile, we will give you postcard.

2. The matches are out, alas!

But this remains.

Place the seeds in it -

Will come in handy in the summer. (empty matchbox)

3. Hit the ground with your heel, there’s no point in getting angry! Instead of gingerbread cracker, It will come in handy on your hike!

4. You worried in vain, here is your wonderful win. There is a good omen - Smart is the one who sleeps with newspaper

5. For those who want to go back to childhood, this wonderful little thing can come in handy. Ball

6. At the holiday, everything happens, and buttons get lost! Take it button this And joyfully walk around the world!

7. That's what people say

As if vodka is poison.

Here's your reward

Poison bottle (empty vodka bottle)

8. Write about love to your loved ones. Write more often, every hour. And always have with you for this evening pencil.

9. If you are unlucky in love, nothing is sweet in your soul. You will wash away the blues with this magical soap!

10. The moon rose, the lantern went out. And she’s still not there. Let the delicious food comfort you in your finest hour candy

11. Take this piece of paper to your boss. And exactly that much you will get money for it!

12. You are a welcome guest, here you go, my friend, nail !

13. Write, dear girlfriends! Write, dear friends! All your words My notebook will hold up!

14. Button a - a necessary thing It will often come in handy in business.

15. Of course, I wanted to win, Chinese set with silver. But fortune has given you only this writing pen! pen

16. You can write several lines here, and if you have a lot of friends, you can enter their addresses and all phone numbers here. Notebook

17. What fell on your ticket was not candy, not a toy, butsimple rattle!

18. According to your ticket, a pear,

Which you can't eat. (bulb)

19. You wanted to win a flashlight, but you just got it ball !

20. Champagne here! Oh, sorry, on your ticket,no champagne

21. Here is the lucky one among us! This big prize is for you!(Applause)

22. You would like a piano, but you got it calendar !

23. Don’t be angry with us, my friend, you got a bottle. (Empty bottle)

24. We think you're hoping for the best, glue take it if something doesn’t stick.

25. Here is the reel, look

Take it quickly.

Such happiness rarely comes

A spool changes a lot in life. (A spool of thread)

26. Don’t be sad, don’t be sad!

Taste this apple. (Apple)

27.The smell lasts a long time

Candy wrapper.

Hold it and smell it

Save coins. (candy wrapper)

28. There are moments in everyday life,

When do you need electrical tape? (Piece of electrical tape)

30. It’s winter outside, handkerchiefneeded when your nose has a cold!

31. For a wonderful hairstyle, we givegolden comb!

32. For your kind eyes, souvenir “Forest Tales” ( Christmas tree branch)

33. Receive it as a gift as soon as possible

With a jar of candle cinder.

Don't throw it away, save it.

If there is no light, turn it on. (Candle stub)

34. Here's some copper money for you so that you don't be poor!

35. Here silver coins,May everything be good in the new year!

36. You don’t need to spray yourself, here you go chocolate bar !

37. Alas, the game is over! All prizes have been given away

1st presenter.

Only women participate in the game. You need to place stools (or chairs without upholstery) in a row according to the number of expected participants (preferably 3-4). A certain number of round stools are placed on each stool..

2nd presenter.

We present to your attention the poem “Dreams of a Teacher”

We come to you all with greetings,
Tell me that the sun has set,
Our children are at home somewhere,
Feel free to drink today!

Tell me that there is now a kindergarten

At our disposal only
And that every toy
You can touch without hesitation!

Tell me what you can passionately
Let us dance a boogie-woogie,
After all, today is not in vain
We will celebrate the holiday.

As long as Misha and Dimka are there
Straighten the beds at home,
You can pull their cars,
Shoot pistols!

Bye Masha and Natasha
They will eat dinner
Can I have a Dasha doll in the group?
Take it apart piece by piece!

Can be done on the way
There are a whole row of airplanes,
From a bunch of teachers
The kindergarten will go crazy!

Rattle the firecracker loudly
Explode bombs everywhere
Just need it at Artemka
Pick them up early!

It's cool to have fun,
There will be noise and crackling.
And the next morning it will be again
The eye has a serious, strict shine.

And the next morning everything is fine,
The kindergarten is clean and tidy!
Something in an old notebook
The teacher writes in a row!

But today - we say hello,
Tell me that the sun has set,
Our children are at home somewhere,
Feel free to drink today!

Tell us that it’s easy for us
Drink, laugh until you drop,
We can walk on our ears
All over the kindergarten!

1st presenter.

Today, each team prepared its own congratulations to preschool workers. Let's listen.

Congratulations to the teams.

2nd presenter.


Teams compete on a relay basis. Participants run from one side of the room to the other, where there is a sheet of paper and a thick marker. The person who has reached him writes down the name of any member of his team (except himself and those already written down) and, taking the marker, runs back, ...

2nd presenter.

While the jury is summing up the results of our competitions, we will play the game “Bus”

The facilitator lines up the participants one after another and sets boundaries to the left and right of the participants, beyond which they cannot step. Then he explains to them the rules of the game: “Imagine that you are now on a crowded bus. And those who stand at the end get to the right stop faster and they must make their way to the exit, but everyone will have their own role that they must fulfill.” Then the presenter gives each participant a role: a drunk man with an aquarium, Santa Claus with a bag of gifts, a lady with a dog, a guy with skis, a brawler - a communist, etc., and they must take turns “getting off” the bus from the end. Everyone plays the roles at the same time. This helps to throw out emotions and have a lot of yelling and laughing.

1st presenter.
Our meeting is coming to an end. We once again sincerely congratulate all employees and pensioners on the holiday.
2nd presenter.
No matter how life flies,
Don't regret your days.
Do a good deed
For the sake of the children's happiness.
1st presenter.
No matter how difficult it is,
Stand, keeping the faith,
In the tenderness of the new morning,
Into the valor of a new day,
2nd presenter.
To make the heart burn,
And it didn’t smolder in the darkness,
Do a good deed -
This is how you live on earth.

Year after year, day after day, they have to work with children. With children who have just started walking, and with children who no longer just walk, but run and jump. They raise children, lay in them the very foundation that will later become the main one in the life of every child. And these are all teachers! And only once a year, on their professional holiday, they can sit down and relax. Forget about work, about the bustle, about children's screams. The corporate party scenario for School Worker's Day will help all teachers and all preschool workers have a bright, fun and interesting time on this holiday. The scenario is designed in such a way that games alternate with competitions, and it turns out to be an interesting way to spend time.

It will be great if your corporate event takes place in the kindergarten itself. After all, you have a lot of children's toys at hand that will be useful to you in competitions.
But first you need to warm up a little and get used to the situation. Therefore, we suggest playing a game called question-answer. First, a card with a question is taken out, and then a card with an answer. And it turns out to be a rather funny situation, because sometimes a quite serious question gets a comic answer.

1. After working with children, do you visit a psychiatrist?
2. If it were up to you, would you put all the children to bed for the whole day?
3. Do you sometimes want to beat a child’s ass?
4. Is working with children your calling?
5. Do you work in a kindergarten so as not to arouse suspicion from the police?
6. Do you often have to complain to parents about their children?
7. When you come to work, you start looking at your watch every minute and thinking - God, when will this day end?
8. Do you take a sedative in the morning to make your work easier?
9. They say you are a big drinker?
10. Do you like your profession?

1. I’d rather have a drink!
2. If I had the green light, then everything would be great!
3. It happens that sometimes your hands even itch as bad as you want!
4. What can I tell you? After all, this is my professional responsibility!
5. You have such questions that sometimes you think, are you even from this universe?
6. Actually, no, but this has happened.
7. Oh, yours, the truth!
8. I knew that each of us was being watched.
9. I have already told you a lot, and this is not news to me.
10. It’s hard to say, because I do it from the heart!

After such a warm-up, you can begin competitions.
Kindergarten is usually full of blocks. And you can arrange a competition for the largest tower of cubes. That is, it takes time to build a high tower so that it does not fall.

Attentiveness competition.
Several people stand in a row and are given cubes of different colors or toys. And one person is taken to another room. At this time, one person changes his toy for another or changes the cube to a cube of a different color. And the task of the person who came out is to understand what has changed.

Next is a competition for speed and also for memory and attentiveness. Participants sit next to each other, and the leader asks them a question. Whoever knows the answer blows the whistle and answers. If correct, then a point; if not, then minus a point.
Question options:
How many doors are there on the first floor of the kindergarten:
What is after the second door on the left on the second floor?
How many steps are there on the porch near the kindergarten?
What color are the outdoor gazebos?
Middle name of the kindergarten manager?
How many nannies work in the kindergarten?
What day does the week start?
And so on questions in this soul.

Game understand me.
We need to split into pairs. One person from the pair has to show something, and the other has to guess what it is about. You cannot speak words, only gestures, facial expressions and sounds.
And you can show, for example: a janitor removes leaves from the ground with a rake, a parent scolds his child, the child does not want to eat semolina porridge. And so on. Any situations from kindergarten.

Teachers are the first adults from the outside world who greet children at the threshold of preschool institutions. Their work is service. Serving the little man, serving the future. The Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers is celebrated on September 27. I really want them to be able to rest, relax and have fun on this day. And we hope that the option we offer Scenario of a corporate holiday for Teacher’s Day “Life is a Game” will help them with this. The name of the scenario is no coincidence, because the work of educators is constant games with children, different in form and content, and on their holiday they are invited to play with each other in a festive way. The script combined a classic presentation with poems and congratulations for the heroes of the occasion and an interesting entertainment program that does not require special preparation or rehearsals. You can easily organize such a holiday, on your own and within the walls of your favorite institution, adding congratulations, toasts and active entertainment if desired.


For a festive evening, it is recommended to use a screen for screensavers and entertainment with pictures (but, in extreme cases, you can use pre-printed pictures). In the process of preparing for the holiday, it is worth preparing comic medals or diplomas. You will find the names of the nominations in the text of the script, at the end of each game, or in a separate file “Medals or Diplomas.” Also included are musical options and sets of pictures for the games.

Scenario of a corporate holiday for Teacher's Day


On the monitor there is a photo of a kindergarten, autumn

1st Presenter: The heat has passed, summer is just around the corner.

Virgos will follow Leos.

And the winds with clouds bring

Rain melancholy tunes.

2nd Presenter: But the colors of summer have become brighter,

The earth has washed, freshened,

And yet autumn is on the doorstep,

And she dressed us warmer.

1st Presenter: We won't be sad about summer,

There is little point in regretting the past.

We count years not by birthdays,

And not for the decorated New Year trees.

2nd Presenter: September opens the year for us,

It's like a new page

Our holiday confirms this.

Let it be autumn, let's have fun!

1st Presenter: For you, talented and generous,

I want to raise a glass, friends!

Let the fire not go out in your heart,

And don’t let your hands give up.

2nd Presenter: I want life to smile at you,

So that all your wishes come true,

Money rustled in my pocket,

And so that everyone gets recognition!

Track 1 is playing. Vakhtang Kikabidze. Wish

Banquet break

1st Presenter: Today we have gathered here, friends, to celebrate ours in a warm, informal atmosphere.

2nd Presenter: It just so happens that work becomes a second home for many Russians. And this applies not only to us, educators. We spend most of our lives at work and leave our time, energy, and nerves here.

1st Presenter: But here, within these walls, we not only lose, but also find: the friendship of colleagues, the love of our students, recognition and the opportunity for creativity.

2nd Presenter: And also, and this is the advantage of our profession, eternal youth. After all, with each new generation of our young students, we ourselves become younger.

1st Presenter: And we can say with confidence that our work is not just a second home. This house is my favorite! So?

(Guests answer)

2nd Presenter: In our own home, we are familiar with every sound and every crack on the tile. Do we know our second home so well?

Track 2 plays. What is our life? A game!

Warm-up game "Who? How? Where?"

On the monitor there is a slide show with photographs of offices, groups, employees

Sample list of questions:

1. Who comes to our kindergarten first?

2. How to remove the alarm? (Or: Who removes the alarm?)

3. Where should you go to get your salary?

4. How many steps do you have to climb to get to the medical office?

5. What color are the curtains in the accounting department?

6. Which group (cabinet) has the most indoor flowers?

7. How many sandboxes are there in playgrounds?

8. Which place in the kindergarten is the loudest?

9. Who is the most experienced “tear wiper” in our team?

10. How to open the front door from the street: from right to left, or from left to right?

11. Where does the third door on the second floor lead?

12. How many light bulbs are there in the music room?

(Hint to the organizers: The suggested questions are approximate. You can create your own questionnaire, most importantly, do not forget to clarify the correct answers).

The game is being played. “The most attentive” wins

1st Presenter: Well, we know our second home very well. But a house is not only doors and steps. A home is also the atmosphere created by the people, or rather the FAMILY, living in this house. And it seems to me it would be fair to remember those who work

2nd Presenter: And he lives!

2nd Presenter:...and lives in our common house.

2nd Presenter: We answer without thinking, who works in our kindergarten (with the exception of teachers)?

(Guests answer)

when listing professions, you can “raise” the named representatives and greet them with applause).

1st Presenter: Our second home has become our home.

It's warm, bright, cozy here.

Doesn't interfere at all.

2nd Presenter: A big family lives here

Friendly, joyful, happy.

It can't be otherwise

Such a team!

Track 3 is playing. Time Machine. Native home.

A short banquet break


1st Presenter: At this point we will consider the solemn official part closed.

2nd Presenter: It is a holiday today!

1st Presenter: Let's have fun then?

2nd Presenter: Yes! And let's play!

1st Presenter: Shakespeare once said: “Our whole life is a game.” There is nothing to add, we are all actors in this life. At different times and in different circumstances, we play multifaceted roles. Sometimes we act out small episodes, or even just act as extras.

2nd Presenter: But in our profession, this phrase has another meaning, where the word “game” is perceived not as a theatrical performance, but as ... “a type of meaningful unproductive activity, where the motive lies not in its result, but in the process itself.”

1st Presenter (with surprise): Wow!

2nd Presenter (proudly): Yes! I got smarter with Wikipedia.

1st Presenter (interested): And what are we going to do about it?

2nd Presenter: Well, I said everything: we will engage in meaningful non-productive activities, where, without being attached to the result, we will enjoy...

Leading the chorus: the process itself!

1st Presenter: Let's get started, I guess. Now we answer questions very, very quickly. The questions are simple, but you need to answer quickly, without thinking.

Game "Listen carefully, answer quickly!"

Approximate questions for the game:

1. How old are you?

2. What time of year is it outside?

3. What time do you shave? (this is a question for a woman)

4. What is two and two?

5. What day follows Wednesday?

6. How many grandchildren do you have? (for singles)

7. How many days are there in September?

8. Where do starlings live?

9. What brand of lipstick do you use? (for men, if any), etc.

(Hint for organizers: It is desirable that there are enough questions for all participants of the holiday).

The game is being played. “The wittiest one” wins.

1st Presenter: We are all familiar with all kinds of manuals, directives and instructions that dictate not only development, but also games for teaching children.

2nd Presenter: And, sad as it may be, plans have become an integral part of our lives. And sometimes you just want to spit on all the orders and indulge in all the “heavy” things, oh, better yet, all the “easy” ones!

1st Presenter (wary): What are you talking about, colleague?

2nd Presenter: Let's say, just relax. For example, sit in front of the TV and click the remote control, switching from channel to channel, and watch and play along with the characters of the programs!

1st Presenter(interested): Not a bad idea, by the way. But how to combine the game with the TV?

2nd Presenter: We take the program and play the games according to the schedule!

1st Presenter (flips through the TV program): It's written here (looks at his watch) at 19:20 (time must be real). So game is game, and lunch is on schedule!

2nd Presenter: But we won’t cook. Why are we all so smart here? Let's leave the aprons and sizzling frying pans to Yulia Vysotskaya and that same Georgian who doesn't know how to cook. And our table is rich, there is something to eat and something to talk about.

1st Presenter Fill your plates, let's start our first game “Eating at Home”.

Track 4 plays. We eat at home. Screensaver

Game "Eating at home"

2nd Presenter: Take a close look at the contents of your plates. Now I will name the letters, and you must find and name the foods starting with this letter that are on your plates.

The game “Eating at Home” is played, “The most resourceful” wins.

1st Presenter: A teacher has to play a lot: at home with his children and grandchildren and at work every day. But mostly we play children's games, but there are other, adult games.

2nd Presenter: No subtext! Games in which adults do not sink to the children's level, but rather develop THEIR abilities.

1st Presenter: By the way, these can be the same children's games, only, in the language of gamers, at the next level. Shall we check?

2nd Presenter Let's check! We have all read a lot of fairy tales, and more than once. Now we will check how well we have mastered fairy-tale literature.

Track 5 is playing. Visiting a fairy tale. Screensaver

Fairytale quiz "Visiting a fairy tale"

Sample list of questions:

1. Is this a fabulous communal apartment?

(Answer: Teremok)

2. Elevator for the Wolf?

(Answer: Trumpet. Fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”)

3. Medicine for Carlson?

(Answer: Jam)

4. Woven air transport?

(Answer: Magic carpet)

5. Edible home?

(Answer: Gingerbread house)

6. In which detective fairy tale did the attacker escape punishment?

(Answer: "Three Bears")

7. Cave code?

(Answer: “Sim-sim, open up!”)

8. Prosperous fly?

(Answer: Tsokotukha Fly)

9. Fairytale navigator?

(Answer: Tangle)

10. Breed of gold-bearing chickens?

(Answer: Chicken Ryaba)

11. Tailed wish granter?

(Answer: Goldfish, Pike)

12. Fabulous surveillance system?

(Answer: Saucer, “The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Pourable Apple”)

13. Where does the month bandit come from?

(Answer: The month has emerged from the fog...)

14. Security alarm in the kingdom of the elderly king?

(Answer: Cockerel)

15. Artiodactyl werewolf?

(Answer: Ivanushka from the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”)

16. Vegetable for the princess?

(Answer: Pumpkin, pea)

17. Length measure for an elf princess?

(Answer: Inch, fairy tale “Thumbelina”)

18. A narrow-minded hero of Russian fairy tales?

(Answer: Ivan the Fool)

19. Lie detector of the hero of an Italian fairy tale?

(Answer: nose, the fairy tale “Pinocchio”)

20. Winged servants of Baba Yaga?

(Answer: Geese-swans)

21. The heartless hero of a fairy tale? (Answer: Tin Woodman)

The game is being played. The fastest one wins. Nomination “Connoisseur of Fairy Tales”.

1st Presenter (flips through the TV program): And now “In the world of animals”!

Dance competition "In the world of animals"

Track 6 is playing. In the animal world. Screensaver

2nd Presenter (impersonating an announcer): Hello, dear friends! Today in our program is a most interesting film about “family relationships” in the animal world and a selection of videos about animals filmed by our viewers. At the end of the program, you will see a story about a new farm in the village of Rozhki-da-nozki.

Track 7 is playing. Igor Kornelyuk. About family

Game "Animal Families"

The screensaver “Animal Families” is on the monitor.

Before the start of the competition, the Hosts distribute cards with the names of the animals to the guests, and “family connections” must be taken into account. Let's say, grandfather is a horse, grandmother is a horse, mother is a horse, son is a foal; dad is a bull, mom is a cow, daughter is a heifer, etc. Depending on the number of people present, the size of the animal family is determined so that several families are formed.

1st Presenter: Have you figured out who is who? Now, on my command, you will have to find your animal “relatives” using sounds or movements characteristic of this or that animal. Human speech cannot be used. When the family is reunited, they need to line up by seniority and declare their victory

The game is being played. The friendliest and fastest are awarded medals (diplomas) “Friendly Family”

The screensaver “Animal Reporter” is on the monitor.

2nd Presenter: The previous competition unexpectedly divided our team into teams, which will now present the announced “video stories”. And the essence of the next dance competition is as follows: teams will have to take turns dancing to the proposed music. As part of our television program, music, or rather songs, are dedicated to the world of Fauna. Additional points will be earned by teams that will not only dance harmoniously and beautifully, but will also be able to convey the movement of the characters in the musical fragments.

Dance competition "Animal Reporter"

Possible musical fragments in folder "Animal Reporter"

The game is being played. The “Most Graceful” Dancer and the “Best Danced Team” wins.

Game "Round Dance "Family Farm"

1st Presenter: And now we invite everyone to the family farm!

On the monitor is the screensaver “Family Farm “Horns and Legs”

The leaders “start” the round dance. With each verse, new participants are added to the circle, singing along during the chorus.

Track 8 is playing. Let's go, daughter, start a house

Lyrics attached as a separate file below:

(Hint to the organizers: If there are good voices in the company and you can organize an accompaniment, you can perform the song live, and you can replace the words “Let’s go, daughter, start a house!” to “Let’s go, girlfriend, start a house!”, which is more logical in this company).

2nd Presenter: Well done everyone! Applause!

1st Presenter: Isn’t it time for us to return to the table?


1st Presenter: Our friendly team is talented!

We'll sing and dance if necessary.

When the time comes,

Everyone will have enough responsibility!

2nd Presenter: Any complex tasks

We decide with full dedication,

And we never back down.

For us! And again…

In chorus: Congratulations!


1st Presenter: We continue to switch channels, and most importantly, we continue to play! And now, to cool down, it’s worth watching something educational and calm.

2nd Presenter (watches TV program): “Apparently incredible” would be ok?

Track 9 is playing. The obvious is the incredible. Screensaver

"The obvious is incredible." Game 1 "What do we see?"

The monitor displays pictures in which you can simultaneously find 2 or more scenes. The players' task is to find possible options. The last option named last (for each picture) earns the player 1 point.

Pictures in the folder “What we see” (from No. 1 to No. 10) are attached below:

Possible picture scenes for the game:

1. Columns and people looking at each other

2. Tree and girl opposite the boy

3. The back of the girl’s head and the dozing old man

4. Butterfly and apple

5. Man with binoculars, car, letter “A”

6. Face, apples, reading person

7. Dog, face, cliff

8. Swan, girl and boy on the river bank, face

9. Chair, girl, face

10. A glass, an old man and an old woman, two Mexicans, a girl in the doorway

The game is being played. “The one with the most eyes” wins.

"The obvious is incredible." Game 2 "Shifters"

Players are asked to determine what image will appear if the picture is turned over. First, one picture is shown on the screen, after the answers, the picture is inverted. For each correct answer - 1 point

Pictures in the folder “Changes” (from No. 11 and 11a to No. 21 and 21a) are attached below:

1st Presenter: Yes Yes Yes! No matter how hard we try, it is impossible to escape the children's theme. On the other hand, there is more than enough adulthood in our lives. So why not try to relive your childhood?

2nd Presenter: Yes, and our unofficial navigator - the television program reports that it’s time for the wonderful game “Through the Mouth of a Baby.”

1st Presenter: And if you plunge into childhood, then with complete immersion. The once popular game “Through the Mouth of a Baby” is familiar to everyone. And its rules are known: children define a word, and adults must guess it in three attempts. Now you will have a great opportunity to perform in two guises: adults and children. First, one team will present their “children's explanations”, and the second will try to find the hidden word, then the teams will change roles. If the word is guessed on the first try, the team receives 3 points, on the second attempt - 2 points, on the third - 1 point.

2nd Presenter: Can I also add one condition? After the answer is found, the guessing team offers its own, but this time an “adult” explanation for the hidden word. I am sure that without appropriate home preparation, an adult explanation can be no less funny than a child’s one.

Track 11 sounds. Through the mouth of a baby. Screensaver

"Through the mouth of a baby." Game 1 "Explainers"

The presenters give the teams words for “explanations”.

Possible words for “explainers”:









The game is being played. The “Most Intelligent Team” wins (from the word “explain”)

1st Presenter: Children grow up, new words appear in their vocabulary, and more and more unfamiliar words appear in books. Of course, you can simply tell your child what an unfamiliar word means. Or you can teach him to think, reason, so that next time he can find the answer himself. The next “Rationales” competition will show our capabilities in such an educational task.

2nd Presenter: Our age is the age of information, the age of discoveries. But here’s what’s interesting: we learn and accept new words very quickly, while old ones disappear from our vocabulary. Already about fifteen years ago we began to explain many words from fairy tales to our foolish children. What will happen next? Do you remember from “General Toptygin”: “along the highway, a young guy is driving, a reverse coachman”? Do you know how the all-knowing Google translated this? “There is a pole on the road, a young guy is driving, the driver is in the back.” So it’s too early to teach children computers.

1st Presenter: Now you will be offered old words for which you will need to find an explanation. For reasoning, and this is the main thing in this competition, teams are given half a minute (one minute).

"Through the mouth of a baby." Game 2 "Rationales"

Reasoning time is measured using an hourglass or a timer. For the correct answer - 3 points, for interesting reasoning or a witty answer - 1 point.

Track 12 plays. Timer 1 minute.

Track 12a plays. Timer with gong for 30 seconds.

Words for “Rationales”:

1. “Quietly” - quietly, quietly

2. “Timely” - inevitable, predetermined

3. “Bobyl” - a poor, landless peasant, a lonely person

4. “Chalka” - rope, mooring rope, chain

5. “Drag” - curtain

6. “Dolgushka” - a hat with long ears

7. “Plump” - corpulent, thick, fat

8. “Susek” - bins

8. “Rosstani” - a crossroads

9. “Gashnik” - belt to support pants

10. “Kerzhak” - Old Believer

The game is being played. The most reasonable team wins.

"Through the mouth of a baby." Game 3 "Overtaking, or changelings"

1st Presenter: If there are earthworms, then there are solar crosses. Now we will play the game "Changes". And the conditions are as follows: we voice an inverted phrase or word, and you name the original source. The first person to answer the question gets 1 point. I note that not all words in a phrase are always replaced.


1. Hairy Plain - Bald Mountain

2. Rope of the Minotaur - Ariadne's Thread

3. Dressed Jester - Naked King

4. Rusty lock - Golden key

5. Underground locomotive - Submarine

6. Baba Zhara - Santa Claus

7. Oykaif - Aibolit

8. Fish World - St. John's wort

9. Solobintik - Croatian

10. Bridges - Caprice

The game is being played. "Fastest" wins

1st Presenter: It’s time to listen to the children themselves. Our next game is called "Guessing Game". You will be offered children's monologues and dialogues, but without the last words. Your task is to finish the phrase.

"Through the mouth of a baby." Game 4 "Guessing"

(Hint to the organizers : the following overheard conversations are from the author’s own collection “About Mashenka and Vovochka”, you can offer your guests children’s pearls from your storerooms).


Mashenka, 4 years old, put panties on her head and said:

I have… (brain concussion)

Little Vovochka saw a thermometer in the crib of very tiny Mashenka:

Aunt Lena, why is this lying here... (angina?)

Little Mashenka in the village:

Grandma Katyulya, let's play. I will be mom, you will be dad. I'll cook dinner, and you...

(sleep all the time).

Grandma, I had a dream today. Did you see my dream?

No, Vovochka, I didn’t see your dream.

Why?... (You and I slept in the same room!)

Vovochka broke his leg. Little Mashenka saw crutches in the pharmacy.

Mom, Vovka with the cast is stomping like an elephant, let’s buy him these... (stilts)

Mashenka finds out who is who among her grandmothers.

Grandma Lida is my father's mother. I am your mother's mother. And when you have children, your mother will be their grandmother.

No! I don't want that!

She has... (the beard will grow!)

Pancakes with meat 5 rubles. Oh, how cheap! Pancakes with cottage cheese 5 rubles. Oh, how cheap!

Reaches the top line and reads:

Menu… (I haven't eaten this yet!)

Very little Mashenka “reads” from memory the Tale of the Goldfish:

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. One day the old man said to the old woman: “Go ahead, old woman, and... (catch the goldfish)"

Little Vovochka plays policemen and bandits with his grandmother. Grandmother, by virtue of her authority, takes the side of the law and asks the little bandit:

Who do you work for?

On the… (dad)

MashenkaI arrivedA from travelor else I have a coldOuch, not thathoarse:

Vovochka returned from summer camp:

Who did you live with, Vovochka?

In our cottage there was Mishka, Sashka, Crutch... and some other idiot... (Oh, so it's me!)

The game is being played. For witty answers, 1 point is awarded, and for an “exact hit” (guessing the original phrase) 2 points are added. “The most accurate team” wins

2nd Presenter: Our evening is coming to an end. You, dear colleagues, have demonstrated your amazing abilities and wonderful talents today. You sang and danced.

1st Presenter: You have shown yourself to be excellent psychologists, philologists, as well as excellent experts on animals and fairy tales. All of you, regardless of your specialty, are worthy of the high title of EDUCATOR.

2nd Presenter: The only genre that we did not pay attention to was the theater, with which, albeit indirectly, we started our evening. All life is a game, i.e. theater! Shouldn't we know this? After all, every year we, together with our children, transform into different heroes.

1st Presenter: Whom we haven’t played! And Sorceresses, and Queens, and Witches. Even Santa Claus happens on some records. So how can we do without theatrical performance on our good and cheerful holiday?

2nd Presenter: And today we will all play together the good old fairy tale “Teremok”.

An impromptu fairy tale about the kindergarten "Teremok in a new way"


Little mouse



Hedgehog - no head, no legs

Runner Bunny

Golden comb cockerel

Magpie white-sided

Foxy sister

Top-gray barrel


Each character that comes: «»

AND all residents of Teremok after they introduce themselves: “Who are you?” What can you do?”, and then, after meeting: “Come live with us!”


(which are not in the fairy tale, are given to the characters before the start of the performance)

Little mouse: “I, little mouse! I’m stocking up on provisions.”

Frog frog:

At the first meeting: “And I, the frog-frog. I can monitor the water supply.”


At the first meeting: “And I, Raccoon Raccoon. I wash and rinse the clothes.”

Hedgehog - no head, no legs:

At the first meeting: “I’m fixing my clothes, patching everything up!”

Runner Bunny:

At the first meeting: “And I, a runaway bunny. I'm still a little boy. I don’t bother anyone, but I help everyone.”

Golden comb cockerel: “I, Golden Comb Cockerel. When I scream, I’ll wake everyone up!”

White-sided magpie:

At the first meeting: “I fly far, I know all the news.”

Foxy sister:

At the first meeting: “And I, little fox-sister. Red, fluffy, your house will be clean.”

Top-gray barrel:

At the first meeting: “And I, Volchok, am a gray barrel.” I can guard the house and not let strangers on the threshold.”

Bear: “And I, a clumsy bear. I will be your “roof”, you will live without bothering. And for this you will feed and water me.”


Mouse: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Frog: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: Me, little mouse! I'm stocking up on provisions. And who are you? What can you do?

Frog: And I'm a frog. I can monitor the water supply.

Mouse: Come live with me!

Raccoon: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: Me, little mouse! I'm stocking up on provisions.

Frog: I, frog frog! I am responsible for the water.

Mouse and Frog: And who are you? What can you do?

Raccoon: And I'm a raccoon. I wash and rinse clothes.

Mouse and Frog: Come live with us!

Hedgehog: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?




Mouse, Frog and Raccoon: And who are you? What can you do?

Hedgehog: And I, a hedgehog, have no head or legs. I fix my clothes, patch everything up!

Mouse, Frog and Raccoon: Come in, let's live together!

Bunny: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: I, little mouse. I'm stocking up on provisions.

Frog: I, frog frog. I am responsible for the water supply.

Raccoon: I, a striped raccoon. I'll wash everyone!


Mouse, Frog, Raccoon and Hedgehog: And who are you? What can you do?

Bunny: And I'm a runaway bunny. I'm still a little boy. I don't bother anyone, but I help everyone.

Mouse, Frog, Raccoon and Hedgehog: Jump to us, we will live together.

Cockerel: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: I, little mouse. I'm stocking up on provisions.

Frog: I, frog frog. I am responsible for the water supply.

Raccoon: I, a striped raccoon. I'll wash everyone!

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog - no head, no legs. I'll patch everything up!


And who are you? What can you do?

Cockerel: I, Golden Comb Cockerel. When I scream, I'll wake everyone up!

Mouse, Frog, Raccoon, Hedgehog and Bunny: Come live with us!

Magpie: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: I, little mouse. I'm stocking up on provisions.

Frog: I, frog frog. I am responsible for the water supply.

Raccoon: I, a striped raccoon. I'll wash everyone!

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog - no head, no legs. I'll patch everything up!

Bunny: I'm a runaway bunny. I help everyone.


And who are you? What can you do?

Magpie: And I, White-sided Magpie. I fly far, I know all the news.

Mouse, Frog, Raccoon, Hedgehog. Bunny and Cockerel: Come live with us!

Chanterelle: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: I, little mouse. I'm stocking up on provisions.

Frog: I, frog frog. I am responsible for the water supply.

Raccoon: I, a striped raccoon. I'll wash everyone!

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog - no head, no legs. I'll patch everything up!

Bunny: I'm a runaway bunny. I help everyone.

Cockerel: I am the Golden Comb Cockerel. When I scream, I'll wake everyone up!


And who are you? What can you do?

Chanterelle: And I am a fox-sister. Red, fluffy, your house will be clean.

Mouse, Frog, Raccoon, Hedgehog. Bunny, Cockerel and Magpie: Come live with us!

Wolf: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: I, little mouse. I'm stocking up on provisions.

Frog: I, frog frog. I am responsible for the water supply.

Raccoon: I, a striped raccoon. I'll wash everyone!

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog - no head, no legs. I'll patch everything up!

Bunny: I'm a runaway bunny. I help everyone.

Cockerel: I am the Golden Comb Cockerel. When I scream, I'll wake everyone up!

Magpie: And I, White-sided Magpie. I'll tell you all the news.


And who are you? What can you do?

Wolf: And I, Volchok, am a gray barrel. I can guard the house and not let strangers on the threshold.

Mouse, Frog, Raccoon, Hedgehog. Bunny, Cockerel, Magpie and Chanterelle: Come live with us!

Author: The wolf climbed into the mansion. There are already nine of them. The box is full, but life is not complicated. In the little house the animals live together, chew bread and salt, and sing funny songs. Suddenly a CLAW-TOED BEAR walks. The bear saw the tower, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:

Bear: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: I, little mouse. I'm stocking up on provisions.

Frog: I, frog frog. I am responsible for the water supply.

Raccoon: I, a striped raccoon. I'll wash everyone!

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog - no head, no legs. I'll patch everything up!

Bunny: I'm a runaway bunny. I help everyone.

Cockerel: I am the Golden Comb Cockerel. When I scream, I'll wake everyone up!

Magpie: And I, White-sided Magpie. I'll tell you all the news.

Chanterelle: Me, little fox-sister. I keep order.

Wolf: I, Volchok - a gray barrel. I guard the house and don’t let strangers in.

All residents of Teremok: And who are you? What can you do?

Bear: And I'm a clumsy bear. I will be your “roof”, you will live without bothering. And for this you will feed and water me!

Author: The animals did not begin to say: “Come live with us!”, They got excited, made noise, shouted: But we don’t bother anyway, we don’t need such a big mouth! Leave in good health. Look, I've found a good-for-nothing! The Bear got angry, threw off his mask and found himself under the mask of the head of the kindergarten.

Manager: Enough of telling fairy tales, it’s time to wrap things up.

There is nothing to be surprised about, let's wrap it up already.

The manager walks along the actors and collects masks.


Everyone gets up early in the morning,

And accept children.

Tomorrow there will be games and fairy tales,

This is where these masks come in handy.

It was a wonderful evening

I don't want to say goodbye

But the holiday is not the last,

We'll have time to chat again!

Track 13 plays. The teacher's song.

Svetlana Makarova
Scenario for a corporate party for Teacher's Day "Club "Merry Girls"

Script for a corporate event for Teacher's Day« Club« Cheerful girls» .

There are already song lyrics and medal ribbons on the tables. "Member club» ; There are instructions on the bar counter "BOTH ON", tricks on parody, there is a box with jokes separately.

IN: It’s not easy to be a teacher,

Teach kids.

What is needed here is not so much strict,

How sensitive to be.

gently, kindly guide,

smile, cheer,

help fix something

or explain again.

Repeat more than once, not twice,

Fasten again five times...

In short, not everyone

You can become a teacher!

And today, in honor of the day of preschool workers, in honor of educators, opens in your honor club« Cheerful girls» !

The word of congratulations is conveyed to the head of the kindergarten "Sun", head of the newly appointed club« Cheerful girls» , OH!


IN: Dear teachers! Before starting the main program, I want to start a background game for the evening "BOTH ON". Now I will explain the conditions games:

Each member club« Cheerful Girls» A card with a code is given. The card CANNOT BE SHOWED TO ANYONE! The code on the card indicates your victim. The code looks like this (show demo card) (without month).

How to do it (i.e. find out who it is).

(for example, my month is December).

(if she knows her)

We distribute cards with codes.

IN: because our evening is not easy, but still a meeting club« Cheerful girls» , then each toast will begin with an anecdote. Throughout the evening, each speaker will take an anecdote from « Merry box» . Today at club There will be several competitions. The winners of the competitions will receive branded medals that they can attach to their ribbon. At the end of the evening, the one with the most medals will receive a prize from the Manager.

Let's start the evening with a warm-up competition "Guess the melody". I give you a token for guessing the song correctly. The owner of the largest number of tokens will receive a medal.

Our competition will begin with a joke.

Guessing the melodies

Counting results (who has more chips, (we return the chips).

"the smartest listener".

IN: The floor is given.

We read a joke.

IN: Somehow our company stayed too long. and we move on to the next competition "Rhinos".

5-6 interested persons are invited. We tie a balloon to the butt. We glue the button to the forehead with an adhesive plaster. Next, all players fold their arms on their chests or behind their backs and try to pierce their opponents’ balls with the buttons on their foreheads. The winner is the one whose ball is intact.

We award the winner with a medal "the fastest rhinoceros".

IN: The floor is given.

We read a joke.

IN: Today, dear teachers, the real stars will congratulate you! Let's move on to the parody competition. The most accurate parody will be determined by your applause!

The real name of this singer is Gorelik Lolita Markovna, however, we know and love her as LOLITA MILYAVSKAYA! Meet LOLITA!

Lolita's song

When this singer sings, women's hearts jump out of their chests. A charismatic man, a penetrating timbre, and a glass of vodka on the table! Did you guess it?

Meet Grigory Leps!

Song of Leps

The next celebrity guest is too outrageous not to guess... and he's all dressed in Dolce Gabbana!

Meet Verka Serduchka!

Serduchka's song "Everything will be fine"

It’s simply impossible to fly higher than this young singer... let’s meet Nyusha!

Nyusha's performance "Higher"

In introducing this artist, I will do without further ado. DIVINE OF THE RUSSIAN VARIETY, Alla Pugacheva!

Pugacheva's song

So, dear friends, the time has come to determine the most artistic artist, the most skillful parodist. And we will determine this by applause!

The winner was determined and Miss Reincarnation and Master of Reincarnation medals were awarded.

And now a joke and a dance break.

IN: Meeting club« Cheerful girls» continues!


IN: And the evening continues! One person is invited for the WHAT'S NEXT competition. Spectators must remain silent during this competition. The participant is blindfolded, the participant puts both arms out to the sides, a glass is given to him in each hand, and liquid is poured into the glass. The host raises the sign over the player's head with inscription: AND NOW WE WILL FIND OUT WHAT THIS MAN SAID DURING THE FIRST WEDDING NIGHT (OR AND NOW WE WILL FIND OUT WHAT THIS MAN SAID AT THE FIRST MEETING WITH HIS MOTHER-IN-LAW).

IN: The next competition is for people who won’t put their words into their pockets. The person who can successfully complete the task will receive a medal! I invite the first person to come.

I put the DEER tantamareska on the participant and read out exercise:

You cheated on your husband, but you must convince your husband of your innocence.

You have to explain to him where you were last night, ___

why was your phone switched off ___

and why did a man in a black BMW bring you in a tipsy state this morning?___

I call the next participant.

I put a traffic cop tantamareska on the participant and read out exercise:

You've met a distant relative, but he doesn't know about it yet. You need to appeal to his family feelings and convince him of what an advantageous relative you are.

I award a medal to the most advantageous relative

I call the next participant.

I put the MONKEY tantamareska on the participant and read out exercise:

You work in a bank. Your manager has moved up the ranks. Your task is to convince him to give you the position of manager. You must prove that you will work even better in this position than he himself!

I award the medal to the most convincing wife

Toast, joke and dance break.

IN: Dear friends! It's time to take stock of the background game. Please tell me which of you has 10 cards with codes? 9?8? etc.

Whoever has the most cards receives a BOTH-ON medal, the fastest!

Toast, joke and dance break.

IN: So, the competitions have been completed, the words have been spoken, the medals have been received. Now the person with the most medals is being identified. He will be awarded by the head of the DS Sunshine, Oksana Egorovna!

Counting results, word OE.


Each member club« Cheerful Girls» A card with a code is given. The card CANNOT BE SHOWED TO ANYONE! The code on the card indicates your victim. The code looks like this way: the first three letters are the initials (Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Makarova, two numbers are the birth number (without month).

Everyone’s task is to take as many cards as possible from other participants.

How to do it: 1. You need to figure out your victim (i.e. find out who it is).

2. you need to find out the victim’s month of birth (for example my month is December).

3. you need to quietly approach the victim and start saying code words BOTH-ON and then an individual code (in my case it’s the eleventh of December). But the victim can be saved, she can tell your date of birth faster than you (if she knows her). The one who first correctly told the victim the date of birth takes all her cards and calculates the next victims. Etc. At the end of the evening we will summarize. The winner will be the owner of the largest number of cards with codes.

Let me remind you that you don’t have to immediately rush at your victim. You will have time to figure her out, find out her individual code, and take her by surprise!

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