Snowman pencil drawings of different poses. Drawing a snowman

But what to do if there is a desire, but there is no opportunity - the cold, frost and a caring mother do not allow it.

Don't despair! The Pustunchik will help you arrange a real winter holiday without even leaving the room. We can’t blind it, then we’ll draw it.

How to draw a snowman?

In order for the drawing to come out correct and beautiful, you need to know what main parts the Snowman consists of.

Usually these are three snow globes: the largest is the Snowman's abdomen, the smaller is his chest, and the smallest is his head. The arms and legs for the Snowman can also be made from small lumps of snow. Often two small branches are attached in place of the hands. The nose is usually made from carrots, and the eyes and mouth are made from coals. And, of course, the constant attribute is a bucket, instead of a hat, and a broom, which he “holds” in his hands.

Now you can start drawing, and to make it easier for you, use the tips in the form of diagrams. There are all kinds of Snowmen on them!

Scheme 1

Scheme 2

Scheme 3

Vera Zhigailova

Abstract GCD according to visual arts - drawing:

Subject « Snowman» .

Target: Develop artistically - Creative skills children.

Educational tasks - to train children in drawing round objects;

Learn to convey in a drawing the structure of an object consisting of several parts;

Strengthen the skill of painting circles with continuous lines from top to bottom or from left to right with the entire pile brushes:

Educational goals are to arouse desire in children draw funny snowmen:

Cultivate empathy and accuracy in working with gouache.

Materials: Tinted paper; gouache paint, jars of water, brushes, napkins. Easel with blank slate paper Finished drawing with the image snowman.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations depicting snowmen;

Modeling, applique snowmen;

Knowledge geometric shapes(circle, size;

Knowledge of the seasons.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle and play game:

Hello Friend! (offer the other hand)

Get in a circle quickly

Hello, bunny! (raise one hand up)

Hello hedgehog! (raise the other hand)

What a good day! (raise both hands)

Hello, squirrel! (raise one hand up)

Wolf, hello! (raise the other hand)

Hello, sounds like an answer (we put our hands in front of ourselves)

Hello Friend! (we give one hand,

Hello Friend! (offer the other hand)

Get in a circle quickly

We will go in circles and find friends for ourselves.

Guys, you and I will walk through the forest and meet another snowman, and you’ll find out what his name is if you guess puzzles:

1. Red nose in the hands of a broom.

Lives next to the Christmas tree.

I've been used to the cold for a long time

Our cheerful... (snowman)

2. Stands in the yard with a broom.

He is friends with our children,

Smiles slyly

Instead of a hat - there is a bucket!


Children answer - snowman.

Educator: Right! These are the guys snowman. (shows picture snowman) What time of year can we sculpt? snowman?

Children: In winter

Educator: You and I were sculpting on a walk snowman. What does it look like snowman?

Children: Yes the snowman looks like a pyramid, tumbler.

Educator: Guys, do you remember how we sculpted snowman?

Children: Show a circle with your hands in a circular motion.

Educator: Guys, how many circles do you need to make it nice and big? snowman?

Children: Three.

Educator: Were the circles the same size or different?

Children: Different. Big, smaller and even smaller.

Educator: Which circle was big or small at the bottom?

Children: At the bottom there is a big one, then a smaller one, and then a small one.

Educator: What color? snowman?

Children: White.

Educator: On a tinted sheet of paper attached to a board, draw a large circle with paint at the bottom of the sheet white. Children, how do we paint? snowman, which lines, show in the air.

Children: In the air, movements are shown from top to bottom or left to right.

Educator: (having drawn asks all three circles) What is ours missing? snowman?

Children: Eye, nose, mouth, hat, broom.

Educator: You and I can do all this finish drawing paints of a different color.

Now you can draw the most beautiful snowman!

But in order to draw a snowman we need to play snowballs:

Physical exercise.

One two three four, (counting fingers)

You and I made a snowball (make a snowball)

Round, strong, even, smooth, (we show a circle with our hands)

But not at all sweet, (we shake our fingers)

Once - we'll throw it up (throw it up)

Two - we'll catch (catch)

Three - we'll jump and break it. (jump up)

Educator: And now we can paint, but to do this, do not forget to wet the brushes, remove excess water on the edge of the jar, remove excess paint on a napkin, and rinse the brushes well when changing the color of the paint.

At the end of the lesson we hold an exhibition of works.

Publications on the topic:

“It’s snowing.” Summary of educational activities for visual activities (drawing) in the first younger group. Motivation: Snowfall outside the window. Tasks:.

Topic: Drawing soap suds. "Color the planet." Goal: To introduce children to the new technology of visual creativity.

Goal: To introduce children to amazing world arts Objectives: Continue to teach children to use different visual arts For.

Abstract of OOD on visual activities in the senior group “Drawing a self-portrait” Program objectives: -Introduce children to unconventional technology– “drawing with cosmetics”; -Teach children to draw a self-portrait using this technique;

Summary of a lesson in fine arts (drawing on fabric) “Spring” Program content: Continue to teach children to draw specific images, compose compositions, carefully use a brush and paints, use.

Winter is on the street! It's construction time and the guys and I decided to draw snowmen. Walking outside, my children and I played with the snow and looked at it.

Summary of a finger painting lesson in the junior group “Leaves are Falling” Goal: learn to paint with your fingers (dip your finger in paint and make a print); continue to introduce children to the phenomenon of nature - leaf fall;

Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the first junior group. Drawing with paints “Legs walked” Goal: Rhythmically apply strokes horizontally on the sheet. Notice their position on the strip. Use the brush correctly. Preliminary work:.

Winter children's fun cannot be imagined without a snowman. The fairy-tale character is simple, but the carnival cannot take place without him. New Year theme and winter fun. You can make a unique sketch of a fairy-tale snowman not only from real snow, but also draw it on paper. We draw a snowman step by step - with this phrase the fascinating personification of a fantastic snow hero begins. You can use different methods to create an image.

How to draw a snowman step by step

Beginners don’t know exactly how to draw a snowman, so it’s worth following the recommendations:

  • on a blank piece of paper a center is drawn from which a circle is created (in its place there will be a head);

  • the next ball is drawn a little larger than the first and placed under the head; drawing

  • as a result, the body gets two circles located along the same line;
  • the base of the character ends with a large third circle; drawing

  • We insulate the snowman with a scarf, which is considered as an element of style (the ends are hidden so as not to dangle to the sides); drawing

  • the rough pencil lines are erased;
  • the drawing is outlined; drawing

  • curved lines are added, which are transformed into a hat;

  • the shape of the headdress is completely designed;

  • arms are branches that are attached to the body at the appropriate level

  • the nose is a bright carrot (it is placed in the center of the upper circle);

  • a mouth is formed from pebbles or buttons;
  • the smile is depicted as an arc;

  • the eyes are drawn large with black dots inside to enliven the look;

  • clothes are displayed with buttons in a row (even small circles);

  • wavy lines are scattered against the main background, which will positively play into naturalness and earthiness;
  • chaotic snowballs are added on the snowdrifts;
  • The final adjustment of the contours takes place after the background has been processed.

How to draw a snowman using paints.

After familiarizing yourself with how to draw a snowman with a pencil, you can move on to another stage of drawing using paints. It will be more difficult to draw a snow hero,

Therefore, you first need to prepare and take:

  • sheet of convenient format;
  • pencils B or B2;
  • eraser;
  • paints of different colors;
  • brushes;
  • container with water;
  • clean sponge

When starting the first stage of drawing, place the worksheet vertically and sketch on it several lines located in different places (in their place there will be snowdrifts). Leaving space from the edges of the sheet,

  • using a simple pencil, three lumps of snow are depicted (first the larger one, and then the smaller one);

  • contours can be applied using lids;
  • You can add a Christmas tree to the background, which will add contrast to the picture;
  • everything that's behind central character should be less;
  • you can add the moon or a small circle of the sun to the sky;

  • the snowdrifts are neatly painted;
  • the transition from one color of paint to another is smooth (the lower and upper parts of the sheet merge using a palette of blue, blue, violet);
  • the drawing is periodically dried so that the background does not spread;
  • we decorate the night sky by mixing bright yellow with white for the main luminary;

  • we decorate the Christmas tree with sweeping strokes, using turquoise, cherry and blue colors;
  • We leave the main drawing for the final stage, for which a thick mixture of paints is used;
  • the snowman is completely shaded in one go, choosing a certain shade as a basis, gradually saturating it with paint;
  • volume is created by applying a thicker mixture to the left side;
  • the tree is slightly wrapped in snow using white strokes;
  • a thin brush will help to draw hands, a mouth and funny eyes;
  • you can tint dry white paint with blue strokes;
  • Pale blue paint (applied with sliding movements) will give looseness and volume to the design.

Video for beginners and children on how to draw a snowman

Simple drawing of a snow hero by cells

It will be faster to draw a snowman using a sheet outlined in a checkered pattern. Schematic drawing It turns out beautiful if every cell is transferred from the sample. Initially, you need to count the distances to each cell and transfer it to the sheet where you plan to create a new drawing. It’s better to be creative on printed paper, copying strokes and then adding new ones. General form changes, experimenting with colors.

Video how in a simple way draw a snowman

How to create a snowman from Frozen

Children can enjoy drawing a playful snowman on paper. It is not difficult to depict it, following the points: Figure 7.23

  • There are two ovals nearby (eye contour);
  • a thick carrot nose is added;
  • mouth wide open; Figure 7.24
  • the snowman has an irregular ovoid head, on which three hairs are visible sticking out;
  • a tooth peeks out funny from his mouth;
  • the body and arms are outlined last, adding a few buttons for beauty (Figure 7.16),
  • add a flower. Figure 7.25

Drawing will be useful if there is a special lesson for it, during which the child can draw New Year's character following your imagination. Starting with a few circles, you can then follow your intuitive hand movements, creating an original image of a snowman.

Snowman pictures drawn are an idea for a competition or for evening entertainment. Once a year snowy fairy tale character special attention is paid - it is drawn on different paper, using simple pencils or paint.

How to draw a snowman step by step with a pencil will be more accurately suggested by your imagination, which will create step by step new image character

You can decorate it with a hat or a bucket on your head, a scarf or a jacket, but the carrot nose, button eyes and a mouth made of pebbles remain unchanged. You need to start drawing when good mood, leaving unnecessary thoughts in the background.

On the eve of the New Year, the “snow” theme becomes very popular.

Having asked the question “How to draw a snowman”, having patience and a step-by-step learning method, you can depict this fairy-tale character on paper.

1. First of all, using a pencil, outline the general outline of the future hero.

2. How to draw a snowman. At the top of the drawing, outline the head with an oval.

3. Then you need to show it using ovals bigger size the middle and lower parts of the snowman's body. How to draw a Christmas tree.

4. Having mastered the outlines general outline torso, you can move on to the arms.

5. Using dots, mark the eyes and mouth of the snowman, and draw the nose in the shape of a carrot. Gradually, the task of how to draw a snowman becomes real and quite doable.

6. The next step is to draw a hat for the snowman (with a lapel and a bob). How to draw a cat.

7. Using two parallel lines, mark the broom shaft in your left hand.

8. Don’t forget to show the broom itself made of twigs at the level of the snowman’s feet.

9. To keep our hero warm in cold weather, draw him a scarf and tie it with an elegant knot around his neck.

10. We move on to completing the image of the snowman, removing all the extra lines.

11. Bold and thick lines must be used to draw the outline of the entire design, to indicate the buttons on the clothes.

12. When easy help shading and shading of lines to give volume to the snowman’s body.

13. More dark color draw a scarf and a hat.

14. Don't forget about small details: eyebrows, lines on a carrot, highlights in the eyes.

15. The final stage of the entire composition will be decorating the scarf and hat with bright snowflakes. By following the steps from simple to complex, imagining and experimenting, you can prepare for New Year's holidays cards and congratulations of your own making, and the question of how to draw a snowman will not be as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Both children and adults love to make snowmen. And today we will try to depict it step by step with colored pencils. Let's see what happens in the end!

Necessary materials:

  • pencils in blue, red, green, yellow and brown tones;
  • a simple pencil;
  • marker;
  • eraser.

Drawing steps:

1. Draw the head in the shape of a small circle.

2. Now let’s add an oval made from snow. This will be the body of the snowman. So let's place it under the circle.

3. Draw a large bucket on the snowman’s head at a slight angle.

4. Draw arms in the form of curved sticks on the sides of the body. Let's draw a long stick in our left hand.

5. Now you can draw a scarf under his head so that our snowman does not freeze in bad weather or severe frost.

7. Draw a lot of lines at the top of the stick and it will turn into a broom. Add buttons to the body, and draw a handle on the bucket.

8. Prepare the drawing for completion. Use an eraser to remove auxiliary lines and shapes. We outline all the details of the snowman.

9. Decorate brown pencil hands with a broom.

10. Using a light blue pencil, lightly color the head and torso of our winter hero.

11. The bucket on the snowman’s head will be green.

12. But we draw a scarf in bright red color.

On this last stage we can say that our simple drawing is finished. It can be cut out and glued to the front of a New Year's card.

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