Soldier tales. sniper

Marushkina Tatiana

In this scientific research work analysis of Russian and English fairy tales. How similar are fairy tales? What are the general and distinctive features the peoples of England and Russia have.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 45"

"Comparison of English and Russian fairy tales"

Marushkina Tatiana, 5th grade



English teacher

Gaidukova E. N.


Troitsk, 2013

Chapter I


1.1. Russians folk tales ………………………………………………….4

1.2. English folk tales ……………………………………………..5

Chapter II.

2.1. Comparative analysis of Russian and English fairy tales …………………...7

2.2. Comparison of the Russian fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" and the American fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"


Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………..13

References …………………………………………………………….14


Theme of our research: Comparison of Russian and English fairy tales.

This topic is actual, because on the one hand the students lower grades they show great interest in the English language, and on the other hand, they know almost nothing about Great Britain, its history, people, culture.

Target: Compare the Russian folk tale "Kolobok" and the American fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".


1) Identify the features of English and Russian fairy tales.

2) Study the Russian folk tale "Kolobok" and the American folk tale "Gingerbread Man";

3) analyze the features of fairy tales;

4) find common and distinctive features of these fairy tales.

Object of study:Russian folk and English folk tales.

Subject of study:Russian fairy tale "Kolobok", American fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Hypothesis: Comparing certain Russian and English fairy tales, one can find a lot in common.

Research methods:

  • work with literature;
  • comparison;
  • analysis;
  • work with a computer (search for information in the global computer network Internet).

Chapter 1.

1.1. Russian folk tales

Every nation has its own tales. The Russian people have been telling fairy tales since ancient times, this is an old Russian custom. Fairy tales were loved by the poor, and merchants (merchants), and kings. In the royal chambers, even storytellers lived specifically in order to entertain the king or his guests with a fairy tale at any time. And today in any family there are books of fairy tales that we read with pleasure or our grandmothers tell them to us, as it always was in Rus' 100, and 200, and 300 years ago.

Fairy tales of any nation, including Russian fairy tales, are usually divided into three groups: fairy tales about animals, fairy tales and household tales.

In fairy tales about animals, the main characters are birds, animals, insects. They are very reminiscent of us humans, that is, they behave in different situations like people. Foxes are usually cunning, wolves are evil, bears are clumsy, harsh, but stupid. Most of the animals have their own nicknames: a fox - Patrikeevna, a hare - a runaway, a mouse - a norushka, a frog - a frog, a fly - a goryukha, a bear - Mikhail Potapovich, a mosquito - a peep. We all remember such fairy tales as "Teremok", "Cat and Fox", "Crane and Heron", "Beasts in the Pit", "Wolf and Seven Kids".

Everyday fairy tales describe ordinary situations, but the truth is confused with fiction and there is always humor and wisdom. These are tales about cunning soldiers (“Soldier's Pranks”, “Soldier's Riddle”, “Porridge from an Ax”), about a wise seven-year-old girl (“Seven-year-old Daughter”) and others.

Fairy tales are one of my favorites. In these fairy tales there is no end to miracles. They bring help to the kind, hardworking and punish villains and lazy people. Ordinary Heroes such fairy tales are Koschei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, the Serpent-Gorynych, Marya the Tsarevna, who gets into trouble, and Ivan Tsarevich or Ivan the Fool, rescuing her from trouble. Often these tales end with a wedding.

Miraculous transformations, wonderful creatures, animals, birds, speaking human language, inhabit fairy tales. Miraculous helpers accompany the hero; very often - these are animals, redeemed and saved by him. Because of these magical events, fairy tales are called magical. It " sea ​​king and Vasilisa the Wise”, “Beauty is a long braid”, “The Frog Princess”, “Magic Ring” and others.

Since grandchildren learned fairy tales from grandfathers, and they, in turn, received it from their parents, it is obvious that fairy tales came to us from time immemorial. In fairy tales there are many ancient and ancient things. Fiction does not prevent storytellers from conveying true judgments about the structure of the world, human orders, and everything that a fairy tale concerns. In our world, we often see good side by side with evil. People have dreamed and continue to dream of bringing evil out of the earth. In the meantime, only in fairy tales does this succeed, and good invariably triumphs over evil.

1.2. English folk tales

The main idea of ​​English fairy tales is the avoidance of failure. This means that the activities of the heroes of fairy tales are not aimed at achieving any results, but at avoiding loss, failure, as well as at satisfying physiological needs.

English folk tales are very diverse. Here and fairy tales with the participation fictional characters, evil spirits("Tom Tit Tot", "Baby Brownie"), and heroic tales about cannibal giants and the fight against them goodie, usually representative common people the peasant son Jack (“Jack the Giant Slayer”, “Molly Wappy”), and household tales (“Lord of all masters”), and fairy tales about animals (“The Three Little Pigs”, “How Jack Went to Seek Happiness”).

Fairy tales written in English language provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the traditions, culture and oral art peoples of England.

The heroes of some fairy tales are hardworking, honest, noble and courageous; some of them become real folk heroes. So, Jack, the peasant son, the hero of the fairy tale "Jack the Killer of the Giants", entering the fight against the cannibal giants, at first thinks only about the reward, but then becomes a true fighter for the liberation of his people from the villainous giants.

The heroes of other English fairy tales are not always virtuous, they are capable of trickery, deceit, although they are distinguished by enterprise and energy - character traits that were valued in England.

In many fairy tales, humor is characteristic of the English people.

In English fairy tales, there are variants of the same works. So, for example, there are three versions of the tale of the three bears. In one version, a girl with golden curls comes to the house of the three bears, in another, a little mischievous old woman, and in the third, a fox.

Writers from many countries used the events described in English fairy tales in their works. But first of all, these plots were used by English writers themselves.

Knowing that English folk tales were not subjected to literary processing, it becomes even more interesting to read them, since we see them exactly as the people created them.


2.1. Comparative analysis of Russian and English fairy tales.

In order to fulfill comparative analysis, we read a lot of Russian and English fairy tales, in translation and in the original. Russian fairy tales: Gingerbread man, Teremok, Princess - Frog, Wolf and Seven kids, Baba Yaga, Cockerel - golden comb, Vasilisa the Wise and others. English fairy tales: Johnny - donut, Gingerbread man, Jack and the beanstalk, Hen - penny, Three little pigs , Three bears, Master of all masters, Tom Tit Tot, Little Brownie, Jack the giants' slayer, As Jack went looking for happiness.


1. The tale "The Three Little Pigs" turns out to be an English folk tale. Interestingly, the piglets in it, talking to the wolf, say: “I swear by my beard!” (“No, no, by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!”). Only one animal has a beard - the goat. Therefore, we can assume that earlier it was not the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs", but the fairy tale "Three Little Goats", and we, as you know, have the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids".

2. Many animals in Russian folk tales have their own nicknames: a mouse-norushka, a frog-frog, a runaway hare, a goryuha fly, etc. Interestingly, in English fairy tales, animals also have their own nicknames: a penny hen (Henny-penny), a cockerel-curl (Cocky-locky), a baby goose (Goosy-poosy).

3. In Russian fairy tales, Baba Yaga always greets guests with the words: “Fu, fu, fu, it smells like a Russian spirit.” In English fairy tales we meet: "Fi, fi, fo, foot, it smells of the British spirit here." (“Fee, fi, fo, fam, I can smell an Englishman.”).

4. In Russian folk tales, the main character is often called Ivan. In English fairy tales, there is also a common name - Jack.

5. Many Russian and English fairy tales are similar in plot (Kolobok and Gingerbread Man)

As for the differences in the fairy tales of the Russian and English peoples, we have identified the following:

1. If the heroes of everyday fairy tales and fairy tales about animals are almost the same for us, then the heroes fairy tales every nation has its own. In Russian fairy tales we meet such bad guys, like Babu Yaga, the Serpent Gorynych, Koshchei the Immortal. The evil heroes of English fairy tales are often ogre giants who seek to eat the good character.

2. In almost all magical Russian fairy tales, the characters love each other, but evil forces intervene and separate them or give them very difficult tasks. Our heroes have to overcome many obstacles, solve many problems in order to be together and get married. In English folk tales, love does not play a big role.

3. In Russian fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil, that is, victory goes to kind, hardworking people. And in English fairy tales, it is important to be cunning, to have ingenuity, then you will win.

2.2 Comparison of the Russian folk tale "Kolobok" and the English tale "Gingerbread Man"

Kolobok - a character of the Russian folk tale of the same name, depicted in the form of a small spherical bread yellow color, who escaped from his grandparents who baked him, various animals, but was eaten by a fox. It has analogues in the tales of many other peoples: the American gingerbread man, the English Johnny donut, there are similar Slavic, Scandinavian and German fairy tales, the plot is also found in Uzbek, Tatar fairy tales and others. The image of the kolobok is close to the English little man (another option: ginger) (from the English GingerbreadMan-gingerbread man)

"Gingerbread Man"(or "The Gingerbread Man"; Eng. The Gingerbread Man) is a fairy tale about a gingerbread that comes to life, common in the United States. According to the plot, it is close to the Russian "Kolobok" and similar works of other peoples. The earliest publication of the text of the tale took place in the American children's magazine "St. Nicholas Magazine" in May 1875 (without specifying the source), but it was known and popular long before that.

The structure of these tales is

Small text size

Simplicity and elementality of the plot

Composition features

Overlapping an episode on an episode

Repeating an episode



Talking about fairy tales different peoples with similar plots, it should be noted:

Fairy tales are formed among some people, and then move to other countries, but they are affected by their own folklore traditions (beginnings, motives), adapt to local customs.

There are similar tales that arise independently of each other in different countries due to the commonality of life, psychology, conditions and laws, socially - historical development peoples.

Fairy tales can also be transmitted through a book.

The Russian fairy tale, despite the external similarity of the plot and characters with the English fairy tale, is more lively, bright, and imaginative. It has more epithets, onomatopoeia, songs. It's connected with ancient tradition storytelling to music and its theatricalization.



Once upon a time there was an Old Man with an Old Woman, and he asked to bake a bun.

Once upon a time a little old woman and a little old man lived in a cottage. One day the little old woman made a gingerbread man.


The gingerbread man sings, and the fox creeps up and asks him to sit on his nose.

The fox helps him cross the river and tells him to move from tail to nose so as not to get wet.


His fox - am! - And ate

When he got to the tip of his nose, the fox tossed him into the air and ate him bit by bit.

(Gingerbread man)

There are many repetitions in Russian and English fairy tales, these are repetitions of events, actions of heroes, and the words that they pronounce.

It consists entirely of repetitions and the English fairy tale "The Gingerbread Man". Here are some of them:

"Run! Run! as fast as you can,

You can "t catch me, I" m the Gingerbread Man!

And they couldn't catch him.

The little Gingerbread Boy laughed and said:

"I have run away from a little old woman,

And a little old man

a cow,

a horse,

A barn full of threshers

And I can run away from you, I can!"


Gingerbread Man

Action Heroes

old man with old woman





A fox

old man with old woman

gingerbread boy




A fox




Problems that heroes solve

Gingerbread man wants to be saved, and animals and people want to eat him

The little man wants to be saved, and hungry people and animals want to eat him

Description of the main characters

The gingerbread man is round, scraped along the barrel, and swept along the barn. From two handfuls of flour, mixed with sour cream, fried in butter.

It is flat with currants instead of eyes, with cherries instead of buttons. Look like little man.

Speech actors

Think and speak

Think and speak

Hero Actions

Only the bun runs

Heroes run after the little man


Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you.

I'm a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man, I'm swept through the barn, I'm scraped by the barn, I'm mixed with sour cream, I'm planted in the oven, I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother: It's not cunning to get away from you, ....

Stop! Stop! I want to eat you.

Run! Run! As fast as you can, don't catch me because I'm a gingerbread man.


After studying Russian folk and English folk tales and comparing them, we came to the following conclusions:

The tales of these two peoples are very similar, especially everyday tales and tales about animals. We have the same heroes, they get into the same situations, they are resolved in the same way. We even have fairy tales almost identical. ("Gingerbread Man" and "Johnny Donut"). This suggests that there is much in common between our peoples.

Similarities between the fairy tales "Kolobok" and "Gingerbread Man":All fairy tales have the same beginning, small text size, simplicity and elementary plot.

All these tales are chain-like, or cumulative, tales of the plot type, constructed on the injection of repetitive episodes. Both the gingerbread man and the gingerbread man were baked in the oven. The culmination of the tales is the same - the fox asks the hero to approach her by cunning. The denouement is the same - the fox ate them. Speech of actors: they think and speak.


In Europe, you will not find peoples more dissimilar than the British and Russians. This opinion has long existed and continues to exist in the minds of some people. The simple-heartedness and dreaminess of some oppose the pragmatism of others; the recklessness of the Russians and the prudent prudence of the British. Perhaps the reasons for geographical location our countries. Russia and Britain are the two extreme limits of Europe. We look at the European continent from different sides of the world, and therefore we see it different eyes. But the unprecedented also happens, especially in fairy tales.

Based on the identified differences and similar features, one can make conclusion : despite the fact that fairy tales were written in different countries with different cultural heritage, they have much in common, which makes it possible to confirm the hypothesis. Although, there are some differences: the heroes of these fairy tales are original, different human qualities are valued. Therefore, we must not forget that we are different, we look at the world differently, we value different character traits.

Fairy tales help us to better understand the people, their life, character. I think that we will meet with the heroes of English fairy tales and events more than once, not only in English, but also in Russian literature.


  1. English folk tales / Compiled by T.E. Sergeeva. - M.: Young Guard, 1992
  2. English folk tales. Series "Tales from around the world" / Compiled by T. Egorova. - M.: Knowledge, 1992
  3. Afanasiev A.N. Russian folk tales / Nauchn. Ed. Text, afterword and notes. V.P. Anikina. -M .: CJSC " Publishing House ONIX, 1999
  4. Jack the Giant Slayer: English Folk Tales / Per. from English. N.V. Shereshevskaya. - M .: Bustard-plus, 2005
  5. Russian folk tales. / Comp., ed. Article entry and comments. O. B. Alekseeva. – M.: Sovremennik, 1987.
  6. http://nota .



There lived an old man and an old woman. They decided to somehow bake a bun. The old man to the old woman and says:
- Come on, old woman, scrape the box, mark the bottom of the pan, if you can scrape up flour for a bun.
The old woman did just that: she scratched the box, broomed the bin and scraped off two handfuls of flour. She kneaded the dough, rolled up a bun, baked it and put it on the window to cool. It became boring to lie on the window, he took it and rolled - from the window to the bench, from the bench to the grass, from the grass to the path - and further along the path.

A gingerbread man rolls, and a hare meets him:

- Don’t eat me, hare, I’ll sing a song for you: I’m a bun, scraped in a box, swept in the barrel, I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, it’s not cunning to get away from you, a hare!
And the bun rolled on - only the hare saw it!

A gingerbread man rolls, and a wolf meets him:
- Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll Eat You!
- Don’t eat me, wolf, I’ll sing a song for you: I’m a bun, scraped in a box, swept in the barrel, I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I left the hare, and it’s not difficult to get away from you, wolf!
And the bun rolled on!

A bun rolls, and a bear meets it:
- Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll Eat You!
- Don't eat, bear! I am a gingerbread man, I am scraped along the box, I am swept along the bottom of the barrel, I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I left the hare, I left the wolf and I will easily leave you, bear! The bear only saw him.

The gingerbread man rolls on, and a cunning fox meets him:
- Hello, kolobok! What a ruddy, good!
Kolobok was delighted that he was being praised and sang his song. And the fox says:
- What a glorious song, only I have become old, I can’t hear well, sit on my nose and sing one more time.
He jumped on the fox's nose and sang: I am a gingerbread man, scraped along the box, along ...
And his fox - am! And ate!

"Gingerbread Man"

And now you will hear a tale that someone's great-great-great-grandmother told her little granddaughter many, many years ago ...

Once upon a time there lived a little old man and a little old woman in a small house on the edge of the forest. Everything in their lives was arguing, only one thing was missing - the old man and the old woman did not have children. And then one day, when the old woman was rolling out a gingerbread cookie on the table, she took it and made it in the shape of a little man! With arms, legs, with a head - and put it in the oven.

After a while, the old woman came up to see if the gingerbread was baked. And as soon as she flung open the oven door... a little gingerbread man jumped out of it and rushed out of the house as fast as he could.

The old woman called her husband, and both of them rushed after him. But it's not so easy to catch a gingerbread man! Now he ran to the threshing floor, where the peasants were threshing grain. And, running past, he sang:

And from a little old man!

All the peasants rushed after him. But no matter how fast they ran, they couldn't catch up...

A little man ran to the field where the mowers were mowing the grass. He ran and sang:

I ran away from the little old lady

And from a little old man

And from peasants with threshers,

And I'll run away from you, that's for sure!

The mowers could not stand such ridicule - everyone rushed after the gingerbread man. They run as fast as they can, but they can't catch up!

And towards the little man - a cow is walking, he sang to her:

I ran away from the little old lady

And from a little old man

And from peasants with threshers,

And from braids with braids,

Angry cow - gore! And she also rushed after the gingerbread man. Just can't catch up. And towards him - a pig. The man sang:

I ran away from the little old lady

And from a little old man

And from peasants with threshers,

And from braids with braids,

And from a horned cow,

And I'll run away from you, that's for sure!

The pig screeched and rushed after it... Only it can't catch up! The gingerbread man runs fast. Runs, runs, and a fox meets him. The man started his song:

I ran away from the little old lady

And from a little old man

And from peasants with threshers,

And from braids with braids,

And from a horned cow,

And from a pot-bellied pig,

And I'll run away from you, that's for sure!

And the fox ran after him. And foxes run fast - so the fox quickly caught up with the gingerbread man and began to eat him.

Oh oh! shouted the gingerbread man. "They took a quarter off me!"

And then:

- Oh, oh, half of me was bitten off!

And finally:

- Ai, ai, three-quarters bitten off! Well, I've disappeared...

And the gingerbread man said nothing more.

Option 2

There lived an old man and an old woman in a small old house. Once an old woman kneaded the dough and fashioned a Gingerbread Man out of it. She made him eyes out of currants, a mouth out of orange peel, and buttons out of raisins.
As soon as the old woman took the baking sheet out of the oven, the Gingerbread Man jumped up and ran out of the house into the street. The old man and the old woman rushed after him, but instead of the gingerbread, they got only the mischievous song: “I'm not afraid of either the old man, or the old woman.
I'm the elusive prankster Gingerbread Man! The cow that was grazing in the meadow saw the Gingerbread Man: “Moo! Well, wait, wait! Now I miss you!” But the quick Little Man easily dodged the clumsy cow:
“Yes, what is a cow to me, Forest or river, For me, a daring Gingerbread Man ?!” And the cow couldn't catch him.
The Gingerbread Man was running, running, suddenly he sees a horse working in the field. “And-and-you! Where are you running to? Now I'll eat you!" called the horse to the Gingerbread Man.
But the little prankster only laughed loudly at the horse in response and ran on, singing a song: “Neither the old man, nor the old woman, nor the cow, nor the horse caught up! I am a Gingerbread Man, And there is a fire in my soul!
The Little Man ran past the barn where the threshers worked. As soon as they smelled how delicious the gingerbread smells, they immediately rushed after the Little Man to catch him and eat him.
However, our fugitive was much more agile than clumsy hard workers. All they got was his cheerful song: “The old man, yes, the old woman, Not a cow, not even a horse, did not catch up. I'll run away from you, clumsy ones, I'm the fastest Fire Guy!
And again left with nothing all his pursuers.
The Gingerbread Man thought he was the smartest gingerbread man in the world, and began to dance on the path, singing: “Ai-ai-ai! Someone try to catch me!"
When the cunning fox, smelling the alluring smell, ran up to the Gingerbread Man, he only laughed smugly and again dragged on: “Grandma and grandfather did not catch up, Neither the horse nor the cow. And you, fox, will not catch such a daring one!

And the redhead cunning answered him: “Yes, and I didn’t think to run after you. Evil hunters are after me. They will eat you if they catch you. Let's hide on the other side of the river!" The Gingerbread Man agreed, and the couple rushed to the river. On
On the shore, the fox suggested to the Little Man: “Cling to the tail, I will ferry you across the river!” He sat on the tail of the cheat, and they swam. The fox looked back and said: How heavy you are! Even my tail is tired. Get on my back!" And naive
The little man climbed onto the cheat's back. "Oh, you're about to fall into the water! Get on my shoulders as soon as possible so as not to get your feet wet, ”the fox suggested. And the careless Gingerbread Man obediently climbed onto her shoulders.
In the middle of the river, the fox suddenly cried out: “Oh, I seem to be drowning! Jump on my nose!” And the fool jumped on her nose. As soon as they clambered ashore, the fox raised its head and tossed the Gingerbread Man high into the air.
The cheat opened its mouth wide and ... the Little Man landed there. "Klats!" the fox's toothy jaws snapped shut. "Yum!" she licked her wet pink tongue. "Oh, what's wrong with me? I became a quarter smaller! cried the Gingerbread Man in horror.
And the fox's teeth clicked again. "Oh oh! Where did half of me go? yelled the Little Man. And the fox continued: “Klats!” yes "Yum!" "Oh oh oh! I'm already tiny!" shouted the Gingerbread Man. And the cheat again: “Yum!” But the Little Man could no longer answer this.

Soldier's tales are an invariable attribute of Russian folklore. It just so happened that our army fought, as a rule, not "thanks", but "despite". Some front-line stories make us open our mouths, others scream "come on!?", but all of them, without exception, make us proud of our soldiers. miraculous rescues, ingenuity and just luck - in our list.

With an ax to the tank

If the expression "field kitchen" only increases your appetite, then you are not familiar with the history of the Red Army soldier Ivan Sereda.

In August 1941, his unit was stationed near Daugavpils, and Ivan himself was preparing dinner for the soldiers. Hearing the characteristic clang of metal, he looked into the nearest grove and saw a German tank riding towards him. At that moment, he had only an unloaded rifle and an ax with him, but Russian soldiers are also strong in their ingenuity. Hiding behind a tree, Sereda waited for the tank with the Germans to notice the kitchen and stop, and so it happened.

Wehrmacht soldiers climbed out of the formidable car, and at that moment the Soviet cook jumped out of his hiding place, brandishing an ax and a rifle. The frightened Germans jumped back into the tank, expecting at least an attack by an entire company, and Ivan did not dissuade them from this. He jumped on the car and began to beat on its roof with the butt of an ax, when the taken aback Germans came to their senses and began to shoot at him from a machine gun, he simply bent his muzzle with several blows of the same ax. Feeling that the psychological advantage was on his side, Sereda began to shout orders to the non-existent reinforcements of the Red Army. This was the last straw: a minute later, the enemies surrendered and, under the gunpoint of a carbine, went towards the Soviet soldiers.

We woke up a Russian bear

Tanks KV-1 - pride Soviet army the first stages of the war - had the unpleasant property of stalling on arable land and other soft soils. One such KV was not lucky enough to get stuck during the retreat of 1941, and the crew, faithful to their work, did not dare to leave the car.

An hour passed, German tanks approached. Their guns could only scratch the armor of the "asleep" giant, and having unsuccessfully shot all the ammunition into it, the Germans decided to tow the "Klim Voroshilov" to their unit. We fixed the cables, and two Pz III with with great difficulty moved the HF.

The Soviet crew was not going to give up, when suddenly the tank engine, groaning in displeasure, started up. Without thinking twice, the towed one himself became a tractor and easily pulled two German tanks towards the positions of the Red Army. The puzzled Panzerwaffe crew was forced to flee, but the vehicles themselves were successfully delivered by the KV-1 to the very front line.

Correct bees

The fighting near Smolensk at the beginning of the war claimed thousands of lives. But more amazing story one of the soldiers about "buzzing defenders".

Constant air raids on the city forced the Red Army to change their positions and retreat several times a day. One exhausted platoon was not far from the village. There, the battered soldiers were greeted with honey, since the apiaries had not yet been destroyed by air strikes.

Several hours passed, and enemy infantry entered the village. The enemy forces outnumbered the Red Army several times and the latter retreated towards the forest. But they could no longer escape, they had no strength, and harsh German speech was heard very close by. Then one of the soldiers began to turn over the hives. Soon a whole buzzing ball of angry bees was circling over the field, and as soon as the Germans approached them a little closer, a giant swarm found its prey. The enemy infantry screamed and rolled across the meadow, but could not do anything. So the bees reliably covered the retreat of the Russian platoon.

From that world

At the beginning of the war, fighter and bomber regiments were separated and often the latter flew out on missions without air protection. So it was on the Leningrad front, where the legendary man Vladimir Murzaev served. During one of these deadly missions, a dozen Messerschmites landed on the tail of a group of Soviet IL-2s. It was a bad thing: the wonderful IL was good for everyone, but did not differ in speed, therefore, having lost a couple of planes, the flight commander ordered to leave the cars.

Murzaev was one of the last to jump, already in the air he felt a blow to his head and lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he mistook the surrounding snowy landscape for paradise gardens. But he had to lose faith very quickly: in paradise, for sure, there are no burning fragments of fuselages. It turned out that he lies just a kilometer from his airfield. Having hobbled to the officer's dugout, Vladimir reported on his return and threw a parachute on the bench. Pale and frightened fellow soldiers looked at him: the parachute was sealed! It turns out that Murzaev was hit on the head by a part of the plane's skin, but did not open his parachute. The fall from 3500 meters was softened by snowdrifts and true soldier's luck.

Imperial cannons

In the winter of 1941, all forces were sent to defend Moscow from the enemy. There were no extra reserves at all. And they were required. For example, the sixteenth army, which was bled dry by losses in the Solnechnogorsk region.

This army was not yet led by a marshal, but already by a desperate commander, Konstantin Rokossovsky. Feeling that without a dozen more guns, the defense of Solnechnogorsk would fall, he turned to Zhukov with a request for help. Zhukov refused - all forces were involved. Then the tireless Lieutenant General Rokossovsky sent a request to Stalin himself. Expected, but no less woeful, the answer came immediately - there is no reserve. True, Iosif Vissarionovich mentioned that there may be several dozen mothballed guns that took part in Russian-Turkish war. These guns were museum pieces assigned to the Dzerzhinsky Military Artillery Academy.

After several days of searching, an employee of this academy was found. The old professor, practically the same age as these guns, spoke about the place where the howitzers were stored in the Moscow region. So, the front received several dozen old cannons, which did not play last role in the defense of the capital.

Only this gray haze broke through the bottom of the trunks, the company commander jumped up, as if he had not slept. He looked around himself, and so on his invisible cap he slapped himself. His whole team is not like lions, as if wet cats stand in one line in all their naturalness ... It’s even sickening to look at. The rope between them sagged, they themselves lowered their eyes to the ground, and Kablukov was the sourest of all, just like a knocked-out horse thief.

The disembodied company commander pulled the rope - poof! ... - he separated from the team, but how it thunders ... Although you can’t see it, you can hear it: the paw in front of him just stirred. From five minutes I watered, all the infantry-army words that were suitable, I blew out of myself. And how a little easier hoarse voice asks:

- But how did it happen, Kablukov ?! So your composition only works from dawn to dusk. So your old lady...

And he went again to bless the old woman. You can’t resist, the case is painfully serious.

He threw up his eyes, repents, pleads:

- Your highness! Guilty without guilt! If you want to wind the soul out of me on barbed wire, I myself will be executed more than that. Yesterday, when I was buying sausage, I stole cognac at the same time. The dying old woman, shaking her mouth, clearly said: only vodka polishes this incorporeal and is reduced. And not a word about cognac. We drank at night without fail on a jar. An, behold, what a sin came out ...

What should a company commander do? Not a beast after all, a man who understands. He lightly poked Kablukov in the bridge of his nose.

- Oh, you dumpling with a washcloth ... What am I to report to the regimental commander now? You stabbed me!…

“Don’t you dare, your highness, to be upset. The Germans, let's say, carried out a gas attack, and our train dispersed. So report...

“Look, you Dutch diplomat! All right! Just look, guys, not a word to anyone. Well, give me cognac, I need to wash off the incorporeal mica from myself.

Kablukov was embarrassed, handed a damask, and there, at the bottom, drop after drop was chasing. He overturned the company commander, sucked, but the portion was not enough. He turned blue all over, as if melted ice, but did not enter the real body.

- Oh, Herods! ... Fly, Kablukov, to the dressing room, get me at least a cup of alcohol. And then in this form, how can one toss and turn: the boss is not the boss, the jelly is not jelly ...

He blessed Kablukov halfway through his heart, buried himself in the heather under a pine tree, and began to wait.

Lived near the main road pop.
At noon, passing soldiers came by for lunch. For dinner, the soldiers gave the priest five rubles in gold, and they themselves went along high road farther. When the pop began to buy goods in the store, he looks into his wallet and does not believe his eyes: there were only slices of carrots in the wallet.
The priest chased after the soldiers. He caught up with them and said:
- Why did you deceive me, you gave me only slices of carrots!
- Not carrots, look, - gold coins, - the soldiers tell him.
Looked pop in the wallet - and indeed gold. Pop went shopping again. He takes the goods, looked into the wallet - and there again only slices of carrots. Again the priest chased after the soldiers, now in the troika.
He caught up with the soldiers and again says:
- Why did you deceive me? You gave me only slices of carrots!
- No, - the soldiers tell him, - look carefully, not carrots, but gold!
The priest looked into his wallet, he couldn’t believe his eyes, it was really gold. The priest turned around and drove back home. He starts buying goods, looks into his wallet, there is not money, but carrots again.
So the pop was deceived three times. Now the priest is writing a complaint to the tsar.
The day of judgment has come. A priest and one soldier were invited to the trial. They compare the money, the stigma, and those given away by the soldiers with the stigma, everything converges.
The judge ruled:
- The soldiers did the right thing, they are not to blame. And you, pop, are completely stupid. Your hair is long and your mind is short. So the court decides to cut your long hair.
So the pop was left without hair.
After the trial, the king asks the soldier:
- Is it true that you showed your ass trick?
- Yes, - says the soldier. - I did not give him gold, but slices of carrots.
- If so, then you show me your trick, - says the king.
“If you don’t kill me, I’ll show you,” the soldier says.
- No, I will not order to kill, - the king says to the soldier.
The soldier left the palace. At the same time, water rushed in through the door. The king was very surprised, his eyes climbed onto his forehead.
- Let's go up to the second floor, - says the soldier.
“Wait, I’ll rise too, otherwise I might drown,” the king shouted.
As soon as the king got up, there was water on the second floor. We went up to the third floor. Look, there's water here. Where next? Now they are on the roof.
Frightened by the water, the king hugged the pipe and sat astride it.
They see a boat sailing. They got into the boat and let's sail towards the dry land. They swim to the ground, where they saw a large village.
The king was very hungry. What is there?
- Let's hire ourselves as shepherds, otherwise we have nothing to eat. I will be a contractor, and you will be a shepherd, - the soldier told him.
They pastured the flock all summer and were full. Pasli until autumn. They collected money from the people for grazing behind the herd. They began to live like the rest of the people. The soldier was appointed as a foreman, and the king as a foreman. And the next year, the soldier was appointed volost, the king - rural. But at this time the king made a big waste. The policeman arrived and the king was condemned, they decided to send him to Siberia. Before the trial, the policeman hit the king in the face.
Then the king woke up. He is king again.
This whole story took place while the samovar was boiling. And before the second samovar boiled, the tsar was gone: he was overthrown.
Fairy tale - away, the king - under my heel.

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