Modern methods of recruitment: standard and non-standard methods. Modern basic methods of personnel selection and assessment in an organization

Staffing shortages are forcing HR managers to be creative in finding employees. Traditional methods of finding employees are no longer enough, because there is a real “war” for personnel. Let's consider modern channels searching for personnel with whom you can expand your arsenal.

Announcements, leaflets, billboards.

Posting advertisements with a list of open vacancies for an organization is an effective and low-budget means. The maximum return can be obtained by constantly posting advertisements and periodically updating the list of vacancies. To avoid trouble, use specially designated areas for this. IN Lately Many companies have appeared that provide services for posting information on glass stands located next to residential buildings, in entrances and in elevators.

The distribution of leaflet advertisements on the streets and through mailboxes of residential buildings now more often leads to a negative effect. City residents are already tired of paper waste on the street and in their hallways. And the effectiveness of reaching the target audience is extremely low.

For mass recruitment of employees, it is possible to place advertisements on back side rent receipts. To do this, you should contact the city’s housing and communal services.

Advertising billboards installed on important transport arteries of the city, road intersections, roadsides, sidewalks, and public transport stops are good because they provide a constant return at a one-time cost. If you have a constant need for certain categories of employees, it is advisable to make an appropriate billboard and place it on the side of the road near the enterprise.

Advantages: effective for closing mass positions in the shortest possible time (searching for sellers in connection with the opening of a new store or general workers in connection with the expansion of production).
Flaws: narrow territorial coverage, suitable mainly for searching for lower-level personnel. Careful selection of candidates is required to eliminate the risk of hiring applicants with “problems.”

Print media and newspapers free advertisements of regional significance.

Placing advertisements about vacancies in news newspapers or in specialized print publications for job searches (newspapers “Work for You”, “Vacancies”, magazine “Work and Salary”, etc., which are distributed in your region).

As a rule, placement in newspapers from organizations is paid, discuss the most convenient conditions for you ( tariff plan). If you do not have the financial means to pay for advertising services, then use newspapers for free advertisements.

Advertisements in print media are more suitable for selecting low-skilled personnel and candidates in the older age category because they do not have access to the Internet.

Advantages: effective for closing mass positions in the shortest possible time from groups without access to the Internet, as well as almost the only way select specialists from the older age group.
Flaws: Many in this category still do not know how to write a resume and are afraid to undergo interviews. Here the emphasis is on telephone interviewing, and then an invitation to a face-to-face meeting.

Advertising on television and radio.

Placing advertisements on radio and television in big cities is a rather expensive way to find personnel, but in the provinces placing such information on local radio and television broadcasting studios does not cost that much, where this method has already established itself as one of the fastest and most effective.

Advantages: effective for closing massive positions in the shortest possible time.
Flaws: high cost of advertising on television, low efficiency of the ticker.

Internet resources for personnel selection.

The most common method is to publish vacancies in specialized job search portals (for example,, hh. ru, superjob. ru, rabota. ru, etc.).

You register on the portal on behalf of the organization following the proposed instructions. After confirming your registration, you begin posting vacancies. It is recommended to first compile the entire list of vacancies in a separate document. Indicate the name of the position, responsibilities, requirements for work experience and education of the applicant, write down the conditions under which you are offering the job (salary, schedule, place of work, etc.), as well as telephone numbers or addresses Email. And then copy it into the form on the website.

The second way is to analyze applicants’ resumes on employment sites. When using this method, the selection scheme for applicants is as follows. First, the most suitable candidates are selected based on formal criteria (whether their qualifications meet the stated requirements or not), an initial interview is conducted by telephone, and based on the results they are invited to an in-person interview.

Advantages: Notifying a wide range of interested applicants about vacancies. Complete structured information from applicants. Education, experience, achievements, personal qualities - simplifies the selection and narrows the number of candidates.

Flaws: Recently, portals and job search sites have been introducing paid services for organizations. This is either a fee for registering an enterprise in the system, or a fee for removing the limit on the number of posted vacancies, or paid access to a bank of applicants’ resumes. You can select a specialist of any level, but the search time may take a long time.

Social media.

Today, social networks are a relevant tool used to establish valuable connections and find employees of all categories. Nowadays, through social networks, HR managers check a potential candidate even before the interview. First of all, employers study the interests and hobbies of the candidate, look at his photos and professional contacts, and check the accuracy of the information from the resume. Pay attention to materials that may compromise the applicant.

For this type of recruiting in in social networks The organization must have its own account (group). The account (group) must contain information about the organization, news, press releases, information about services or products. In general, to be alive and regularly filled.

If an HR manager is looking for employees on social networks from his personal profile, then the information and photographs on the page must strictly correspond to the goals (photos in a work environment, information about membership in professional associations, publications in the media, etc.), otherwise the employee’s profile can damage the reputation of your organization.
The most popular resources in Russia are Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, My Circle, etc.

The main options for finding candidates using social networks:

1. Post information in your group and wait for responses.
2. Make a mass mailing about vacancies for group subscribers.
3. There are a huge number of groups on social networks that unite users by different signs. The recruiter just has to choose the right group to search for potential candidates. Professional groups, by interest, age groups and so on.
4. Professional social networks, LinkedIn, etc. Very suitable for searching for candidates for key and top positions. In these networks, users provide information about their education, work experience, professional achievements and qualities.

Advantages: the number of social network users is growing rapidly, and given that a large number are dissatisfied with their current jobs, the flow of people interested in the vacancy will be consistently high. Offering more Better conditions labor, it is possible to quickly fill vacancies from service personnel to high-level specialists. This method is one of the cheapest and fastest.
Flaws: a large flow of people “interested” in the vacancy, but who do not meet the requirements set out in the vacancy. To minimize it, you need to set clear requirements for job applicants, as well as describe your working conditions and bonuses.

Corporate website.

Your corporate website is the face of the company, and the staff is its content. Therefore, your website must have a “Vacancies” or “Career in the company” section.

The section should contain a welcoming speech from the head of the personnel department, information about corporate values, employee success stories and career growth and so on. And most importantly, a section about open vacancies and recruitment to the personnel reserve.

It is necessary to technically organize the ability to send a resume from the site to a vacancy you like or a general one to the reserve. Here you are free to arrange everything according to your taste. Develop a resume form for further automated processing, only the information you need and nothing extra. And also through the corporate website you can organize online professional testing for the initial screening of candidates for filling a vacancy.

Advantages: the applicant who submitted an application from the site is interested in the vacancy and work in your company.
Flaws: as usual, low traffic to the corporate website. Vacancies must be updated periodically.

Cooperation with educational institutions.

When looking for personnel, many companies choose to cooperate with educational institutions. Nowadays, universities willingly cooperate with enterprises due to the fact that the criterion for assessing the effectiveness of a university is the percentage of graduates who are employed. On this issue, you can talk with the rector or vice-rector for educational work University.

The most common option is to post information about vacancies in the educational buildings of specialized universities, on the university website, or in the university newspaper.

More effective method attracting the attention of students and graduates - holding a company presentation within the walls of the educational institution.

Concluding agreements on sending students for practical training in the organization. You can talk to the university management and recommend the most gifted and responsible students.

A more promising option for the future– concluding agreements for targeted training of students in specialized specialties. What do you get as a result:
organizing a competition among applicants for targeted places;
more in-depth study of subjects by students in your profile;
attracting the best graduates of specialized educational institutions;
formation of sustainable professional interest of students in working at the enterprise;
formation and strengthening of a positive image of your organization as an employer among the student audience.
completing all types of internships at your enterprise, getting to know the enterprise.

Young employees turn out to be generators of various ideas for the organization, as well as a source of information about the latest scientific developments. At the same time, the costs of paying trainees are usually much lower than the costs of salaries of specialists working full-time at the enterprise.

Advantages: relative cheapness and high loyalty of “grown” employees. Identifying and attracting creatively and professionally active youth. In addition, in this way an important social task is solved - helping young people find employment.

Flaws: The method is focused mainly on closing initial positions.

Head hunting. Hunting for professionals.

Organizations that need key or rare specialists on the market cannot do without headhunting. All kinds of trainings, exhibitions, seminars, specialized websites and communities are quite effective for establishing professional contacts. A recruiter needs to be able to easily enter any professional “get-together”; this speeds up the process of reaching the right candidates.

You can also engage in “poaching” personnel from competitors - all means are good in war. For example, send a meeting invitation via social networks. The main thing is maintaining confidentiality, because many are in no hurry to leave their place of work or position, and are also afraid of compromising themselves.

At the meeting, it is necessary to outline the advantages of changing jobs and special conditions for the specialist (high pay, employment without probationary period, corporate events, etc.). If you refuse, ask to recommend your colleagues who have the appropriate professional characteristics and may be in search.

Advantages: Direct access to candidates who meet the company's requirements.
Flaws: high price, limited opportunity use for ethical reasons, lack of motivation on the part of candidates to change jobs.

Recruitment agencies.

One of the most modern methods of personnel selection, which has recently become increasingly attractive for companies, is the technology of personnel selection through recruiting agencies.
Such organizations shoulder all the work, and the employer can only dictate his own terms and sort through the candidates found by the agency. The success of the selection in this case largely depends on the correctness of the candidate’s profile and on the accuracy of the agency manager’s understanding of the formulated requirements, and, of course, on his professionalism and integrity.

Sometimes it is more effective to contact agencies that specifically specialize in searching for employees of a certain level (top management, managers and directors, or vice versa workers and lower personnel) or in recruiting personnel for a profession of a certain focus (engineers, IT specialists). In any case, no matter which agency you contact, you should understand that their services are usually paid and they are not cheap.

Advantages: providing candidates who meet the company's requirements.
Flaws: high price.

During the recruitment process, you should constantly analyze which search sources are most effective. The necessary information can be obtained from telephone call statistics and data from questionnaires and resumes filled out by applicants. Based on its results, a decision is made on the appropriateness of a particular method. For example, for applicants applying for low-paid jobs that do not require high professional qualifications, the most popular source of information is street advertisements, followed by newspaper advertising in second place in effectiveness. Candidates for more prestigious and highly paid (“top”) vacancies receive the necessary information on the Internet or through professional connections.

The success of a business and successful organization of work directly depends on proper capital management. No less important are competent methods of personnel selection, thanks to which you can significantly save budget and time.

Many recruitment agencies provide high-quality staff selection services using a number of modern techniques.

With the right people selection techniques, you can:

  • initially weed out unsuitable candidates, saving your time on conducting interviews;
  • correctly evaluate those who passed the test or interview;
  • at the stage of primary selection, reduce the role of subjective assessment;
  • minimize the risk of incorrect hiring and reduce costs.

Modern methods of personnel selection

Modern methods include 4 main ways, which have become firmly established in the work of HR service specialists. Some methods are already outdated, some are innovative. HR managers must be able to select reasonable and the right decision, relying on all tools for searching for highly qualified employees.

When choosing the right methodology, you need to take into account the urgency of the vacancy, the state of affairs in the company, the vacancy and the economic situation on the labor market. Further in the article you will find the most effective methods of personnel search.

Method No. 1 Preliminaring

Preliminaring is considered the most promising.

The key to successful business management in a company can be not only highly qualified employees with extensive experience, but also young people - university graduates and specialists who are offered internships and work in production.

Of course, this process is painstaking, since instead of an employee with established skills and experience, the company gets newbies who should be supervised and taught at all times. But if a training system is organized in production, preliminaring is an excellent method and chance for young, loyal specialists.

Methods No. 2 Head hunting

The main task of headhunting is the highly effective selection of qualified specialist.

This method is more suitable for luring rare personnel and middle and senior management personnel. There is no specific name listed for this position and there may be more than one person available to fill the position.

There is a shortage of competent specialists in the labor market - production directors, heads of enterprises, financial managers, managers, technologists, accountants.

It will take a lot of time to train them; it is much easier to attract an experienced professional from another company, offering him a place in your production.

The difficulty of head hunting lies in the preliminary collection information about specialists specific organizations and a thorough analysis of competing firms.

This is a responsible and lengthy procedure, and also not cheap, since high-level qualified staff are usually valued in their workplace.

Direct search, unlike recruiting, is not associated with searching for advertisements for a given vacancy. Highly qualified specialists do not send out resumes, so it will be more effective contact a recruitment agency, where professionals in their field will analyze the market segment, help you choose the right option and establish contacts.

Method No. 3 Exclusive search

Elite targeted search and selection of unique specialists with a narrow focus and management personnel.

This method characterized by a complex, targeted search for a specific personnel and recruiting him to move to another enterprise.

Exclusive search is usually resorted to if frames are needed that can provide implementation of company policies and have an important impact on the company's business. This may be working staff or free employees.

Luring them from one company to another has a high cost, which is associated with a high level of positions.

A valuable employee has an important impact on the business, knows all the strategies for its development and increase in profits. When luring such a specialist, you should be familiar with his level wages and offer him an amount greater than what he is paid at his enterprise.

Method No. 4 Recruiting

Passive search for low- and mid-level employees for work positions in the company. Recruiting is carried out by HR services for the selection of line personnel, HR agencies or specialized sites.

Typically, selection is carried out among applicants who are in a random search for a job and purposefully consider vacancies in advertisements and hiring sites.

Proper selection of employees can improve the efficiency of an enterprise. This is an important element of running any business.

With the right staff, you can increase productivity and increase the flow of finance. Without using recruiting, you will receive insufficiently competent candidates and staff turnover, which can lead to bankruptcy of the organization.

Methods for assessing the best candidates.

Such methods form their own selection system, which is suitable for each specific company and more effectively achieves its goals. How to choose the best candidate for a job? The definition of “best” differs significantly for each organization.

Someone needs conscientious specialist, which exactly meets the punctual requirements of the company, so that a full result can already be obtained in the first days of work. There are only a few such candidates, since in a new organization a newcomer still needs time to adapt.

For other employers, experience and skills are not so important, but necessary human qualities. Somewhere they are ready to complete the training of a new employee themselves, accepting the lack of certain skills, but demanding quick adaptation in the team.

There are no universal methods here, but you must be able to use all methods of value judgment in order to make the right choice that meets the company’s needs.

Usually, the screening of applicants occurs even before personal communication - at the stage of reviewing the resume. Anyone who wants to get a job knows how to compile it correctly, and it is not difficult for HR specialists to evaluate it.

But then they don’t read the list so carefully, missing interesting employees. This stage should be done more carefully, reading between the lines so as not to miss a valuable candidate.

Method No. 1 Screening

High-quality selection of candidates and testing of working personnel can be carried out using a lie detector, which has recently become popular, especially in America. It is hardly possible to obtain the most complete and truthful information obtained using a polygraph using other methods.

Typically, with this method, you can get answers to 50-60 questions that will help you avoid problems with the employee in the future.

The employer is mainly interested in:

  • the reliability of the resume or application form;
  • the applicant's criminal history;
  • gambling addiction, alcohol or drug abuse;
  • emotional stability and mental adequacy;
  • the true motives for joining this company;
  • identification of theft from previous jobs, the likelihood of receiving bribes or personal gain in a new place;
  • the real reasons for dismissals from previous jobs (lack of professionalism, information leaks, conflicts, absenteeism).

Any organization has the right to attract the best employees. If you do not find out the nuances in advance, this can lead to unpleasant situations with application. material damage companies.

It is unlikely that such information will be obtained by other methods; the data will still not be as accurate, and the process itself will take a long time.

The advantages of this method include minimal material costs, and screening does not take much time (2-3 hours). The staff becomes much more disciplined, employees begin to be wary of committing illegal actions.

Method No. 2 Interview

When selecting an applicant, various interview methods are used according to a predetermined schedule. This method does not take much effort and time, and is perfect for various vacancies.

After reviewing the written data, the HR employee conducts a short interview in mobile mode, during which you can understand whether the candidate can work in this company by clarifying the information specified in the resume.

It is better to prepare for the interview in advance: think about a rough list of questions, make notes on your resume. The interview should not sound like an interrogation. The questionnaire must contain correctly formulated and correct questions, they must contain logic, and the applicant for the position must be given time to answer and provide clarifying explanations.

Method No. 3 Interview

The most common method of selecting an employee is an interview. It relates to the main important stage recruitment systems. Many recruiters claim that a quality interview is more effective than all other methods combined. The experience of successfully conducting interviews is gained only through practice. They are recommended to be carried out from the position of equality of partners.

The procedure may be as follows:

  1. Greetings and a brief summary of the order of the conversation.
  2. A short story about the company and comprehensive information about the position.
  3. In the main part, the applicant is asked questions to which he answers.
  4. At the end, you should thank the applicant for the position and outline the next steps.

Some Internet site managers prefer to use network blogs and online correspondence by mail, believing that negotiations with a candidate may not be informative. During a personal conversation, an applicant can pretend to be an intelligent and successful employee, exaggerating his abilities.

There may be a situation when an experienced, qualified professional does not impress the interviewer because he appears to be too a modest person, begins to get lost and look unsociable.

The interview takes place in several formats:

Situational interview. Psychological test, to which there are several possible answers, which, in fact, are close to the correct one, but with nuances.

This makes it possible to obtain important data about a future employee, especially if it concerns managerial vacancies or a leadership position with a high level of responsibility.

Unstructured free-form conversation. Such an informal interview is acceptable when selecting an employee for a creative position or when there are not very many applicants. Standard questions may not be suitable for assessing a candidate.

Structured interview. A list of questions has already been approved for it, which allows you to compare answers to identical tasks from different applicants and objectively select the best one.

During the interview process, it becomes clear:

  • education, interests and experience;
  • intellectual level, sociability and demeanor;
  • family circumstances and degree of responsibility;
  • ambitions, level of self-esteem;
  • desire to perform work on the employer's terms.

Testing skills and abilities

Reliable methods for determining the professionalism of personnel include testing the skills and abilities identified by a company expert. For a translator vacancy, this may be determining the level of knowledge foreign language or typing speed for a secretary. This method is almost 100% objective.

Managers may be interested in such skills:

  • ability to organize work process;
  • business communication skills;
  • communication and ability to show flexibility;
  • make decisions and be responsible for their results independently;
  • think critically, effectively look for ways to solve problems;

Track record check

To the positive information that is usually contained in testimonials and letters of recommendation from former employer, should be treated with doubt.

Usually they are issued at the request of employees, and often managers themselves do not know anything about their employee or, on the contrary, want to get rid of him, so they draw up positive reviews.

It would be more correct to check the characteristics through colleagues or former leader by phone or in person.

Requests to evaluate employees have already begun to be practiced at enterprises. Usually, in a conversation with previous superiors, questions about the employee’s behavior, conscientiousness, absences, tardiness, as well as relationships with colleagues are clarified. Recruiters are also interested in the reasons for changing jobs.

Group interview

An expert interview in a group, when several specialists communicate with the candidate. For the applicant, the maximum possible tense situation to assess how well he can withstand pressure.

This need usually arises when a position may require highly specialized knowledge that an HR specialist cannot evaluate.

In this case, representatives of the organization where this vacancy is required are invited. A group interview also provides an opportunity to assess the candidate’s personal qualities in order to reduce the risk that a newcomer will not be able to fit into the team.

Assessment center. Not traditional way Personnel assessment is one of the mass interview methods. Used in the West for the selection of reconnaissance groups in America and junior officers.

This method has been adopted by various companies, as it is excellent for group selection of candidates, when you need to quickly select the best one from a huge number of applicants.

Assessors observe the behavior of candidates who are asked to complete tasks in real work realities. This assessment method is close to tests; it has its own assessment system and specific indicators of the procedure.

When conducting an interview, you should not ignore other highly effective techniques, such as cases or self-presentation of candidates.


This method is quite common among methods of selecting applicants. Testing to evaluate a candidate must be fit for purpose, be objective, professionally drawn up and have a high degree of adequacy.

The HR department may ask you to take a psychological test. Personnel officers should remember that there are some limitations to this method.

It should only be carried out professional psychologist and only in cases of extreme necessity. There are rules of ethics; the applicant must undergo a psychological examination voluntarily.

Professional surveys

Questionnaires save time for HR employees, as they identify incompetent job applicants already at the first stage of the interview. The head of the organization, together with the staff, develops questions to assess the thoroughness of the applicant’s knowledge in the professional field.

Such surveys highly effective when selecting specialists of various professions - IT employees, programmers, lawyers, economists, accountants. The questionnaire allows you to find out what type of activity the applicant is most inclined to and is considered to be approximately 80% objective.

Table on recruitment methods with characteristics

Method name Characteristic Flaws
InterviewDoesn't take much time or effort.Possibility of missing individual criteria.
InterviewReceipt complete information directly in communication with the candidate.High requirements for the applicant. It takes a lot of time to conduct an interview.
TestingImportant characteristics of the applicant’s professional suitability are identifiedTime spent on analysis.
RecommendationsIt is possible to clarify all the nuances about an employee at a previous place of work over the telephone.Not always true information about the real success of the candidate.


Having considered the primary personnel search technologies, it can be noted that there are no good or bad methods . There are appropriate and inappropriate ways to select an employee for any given position or company.

The selection procedure includes a set of methods that are tied to the situation on the labor market. To create a flexible personnel composition system, each recruitment agency can choose search tools that would correspond to the interests of their company.

The talent of an HR specialist lies in putting into practice exactly those methods that will be usefully disclosed and used to achieve a working agreement between the employer and the applicant.

The success of any company depends almost 100% on the competence, talent and dedication of its employees. And for any manager, finding exactly such personnel is worth its weight in gold. The search and selection of employees must be approached comprehensively, taking into account all the features of a particular field of activity. This article will be useful to both employers and people job seekers. The first will be able to learn useful information about ways to check the competence of applicants, and the latter will become familiar in advance with what they can expect at the interview.

Where to look for applicants for the position?

Before the selection begins, it is necessary to select several candidates who will go through all the competitive stages. Different companies have preferences different methods search. And often several methods are used at once. The main ones:

1. Advertisements on job search sites. This method is perhaps the most common, and every company has resorted to it more than once. There are now a lot of sites where candidates leave their resumes and employers leave information about vacancies. For example,,, and others.

2. Advertisements in print media. In the Internet era, this method has almost sunk into oblivion. Although such newspapers still exist, which means that someone still finds work and employees this way.

3. Recruitment agencies and labor exchanges. Searching through recruitment agencies is the most expensive method, both for candidates and for employers. Recruitment agencies work efficiently, but charge fees for their services, often considerable. There are labor exchanges, also known as employment centers, in every city, but in most cases they can help in finding low-skilled labor.

4. Social networks. For example, the social network LinkedIn is aimed primarily at professional communication between its members. There, there is often an exchange of professional experience, including the search for suitable employees in your company. Other social networks, which were not created for such purposes, also provide a lot of opportunities to both find a job and find employees - professional communities, groups with posts about job searches, etc.

5. Search within the organization. Many large companies They prefer to first look for a candidate for an open vacancy among existing employees, and then move on to other methods. If we are talking about high and responsible positions, then this approach is very reasonable - an employee already working in this company knows it well from the inside.

6. Search in educational institutions. Some companies are happy to hire a capable and talented university graduate, even without experience. Training, internship, testing - and now you already have an employee who is perfectly prepared for work. Of course, here we are talking more about the lowest positions in the company, but which nevertheless require professional training.

Now let's move on to analyzing specific methods for selecting personnel among existing applicants.

Traditional personnel selection techniques

These techniques are the most common ways to determine whether a candidate is suitable for this position. There is no need to talk about their effectiveness - thousands of companies use just such approaches to hiring.

1. Summary.

HR managers of almost all companies want to see a candidate’s resume before he comes for an interview. A resume can tell you a lot: where the applicant studied, what professional experience he has, what awards he has earned, what human qualities he has, and, ultimately, whether he can write correctly. There is only one downside to a resume - the candidate compiles it at his own discretion, and some data may be unreliable or exaggerated. And he probably won’t talk about “black spots” in his professional career and life. Therefore, hiring decisions are rarely made based on resume analysis alone.

2. Interview.

The interview is already confrontation between the company manager and the applicant. A professional personnel officer will always be able to find out all the necessary information about a candidate in a short time and evaluate him as a potential employee. You can prepare for an interview, but a job applicant cannot always know 100% what questions will be asked. This is the advantage of interviews. Most often, applicants are asked questions about their professional background, interests and their vision of themselves in a given company. In some cases, we may talk about the health status of the applicant if this may affect the quality of the work he performs.

Managers can use different forms of interviews: someone conducts it in a strictly formal form (question and answer), someone prepares only sketches of questions, and in the process the conversation can turn into an almost friendly conversation with jokes and lyrical digressions.

Recently, Skype interviews have become popular. In terms of saving time, this is beneficial for both parties. Employers most often conduct Skype interviews when there are a large number of candidates, and they need to weed out those who are definitely not suitable, even based on a superficial analysis. With the rest, personal conversations are carried out in the future.

3. Questionnaire.

Before the interview, the candidate can be asked to fill out a questionnaire, the questions of which may be different. It usually begins with passport data: last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth. Questions about education, previous jobs, participation in various projects also occur quite often. In addition, the questionnaire may describe various life and work situations and offer several options for resolving them, from which the applicant must choose one (as he would do). Based on this data, the manager will already be able to draw some conclusions about the candidate.

4. Testing.

This method was one of the first to be used in personnel selection, then there was a decline in its popularity, and recently it has come back into fashion again. A test is a test of a candidate's abilities. What tests are there?

- intelligence tests. Such tests are not tied to a specific profession, but help to identify the general level of intelligence and mental abilities of a person;

- tests for professional knowledge. With their help, it is determined how well the candidate understands this specialization and is ready to perform the tasks assigned to this position. Such tests may recall the years of study at the university, when the test required the correct allocation of resources for the efficient operation of the enterprise or the balance of debits and credits;

- psychological tests. The answers to such a test cannot be correct or incorrect, unlike the previous two types. The psychological test is aimed at identifying various personal qualities of a person - leadership abilities, ability to work in a team, temperament, ambitions, subconscious fears, hidden abilities, etc. The results of such testing can only be processed and deciphered by a psychologist.

5. Assessment centers.

Of the traditional methods, it is considered the most inaccurate. The assessment of candidates is carried out by special organizations, which invite them to participate in any business games, group discussions on a given topic, or perform special thinking exercises, as a result of which the professional and psychological qualities of the individual will be analyzed.

Non-traditional personnel selection techniques

More and more companies are striving for creativity even in personnel selection. Non-standard methods, which are described below, are quite controversial regarding their effectiveness, however, they also have a right to life. Most often, such methods are used by domestic companies as experiments, because they cannot provide objective information about the candidate.

1. Stressful interview.

The company deliberately sets up unpleasant situations for the candidate in order to evaluate how the applicant behaves in unusual circumstances, how he knows how to control himself, and how he solves problems that suddenly arise. For example, a candidate was assigned an interview time of 13:00, he arrives on time, but is informed that the manager is still busy and needs to wait. And he begins to wait - half an hour passes, an hour, two hours. Some will sit quietly all this time, while others will get nervous and “pump up their license.”

Another option for deliberately creating stress for a candidate is sudden and very strange questions during a regular interview. For example, “in what positions do trolleybus drivers most often sleep?” or “how and to whom to quickly sell a baby rhinoceros”. When answering such absurd questions, reaction speed and creative thinking are assessed.

2. Brainteaser interview.

During such an interview, the goal is to determine logical thinking and the acumen of the candidate. Questions, just like during a stressful interview, may be unexpected and strange, however, they all have logical answers. For example, how to cut a pie into eight pieces using three cuts. This can be done, and the candidate will be able to find the right solution if he thinks a little. Some questions may not have only one correct answer. For example, how many soccer balls can fit in this room. Having approximately estimated the size of a soccer ball and the size of a given room, you can give an answer through mathematical calculations. Of course, he will not claim accuracy, but it will show how much logical thinking the applicant has.

3. Physiognomy and graphology.

These methods are aimed at identifying qualities and personality type. In the case of physiognomy, conclusions are made based on the analysis of a person’s facial features and facial expressions, and graphology - analysis of handwriting. Such methods of personnel selection are a little strange for our country, and most people are likely to perceive it as something frivolous. For example, in France, the graphology method is used as a traditional way of assessing candidates.

List unconventional methods we can continue: socionics, fingerprint research... But still, you should not be seriously guided by their results in the personnel selection process, place the main emphasis on traditional methods.

Recruitment - quite difficult task, the solution of which in each company occurs according to an individual scheme. Recruitment methods today come in a huge variety, and only HR specialists can decide which one will be the most effective in the situation at hand.

The employee selection procedure is divided into two successive stages: searching for candidates and selecting the best among them.

To find personnel, there are four main methods that are actively used in daily work HR managers of almost all companies.

MethodMain featuresAudience of candidates
RecruitingSearch and selection of low and mid-level employeesPeople looking for employment
Exclusive searchTargeted search for rare specialists and senior management personnelBoth free and working professionals
Head huntingA type of Exclusive search, when a kind of “hunt” is conducted for the best specialists of competitors with the aim of luring them to youProfessionals and leading senior managers whose activities will help bring the company to greater high level development
PreliminaringAttracting young promising specialists to work through internships and internships, whose activities in the future will be the key to the company’s successStudents, university graduates

It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the above methods for searching and evaluating candidates during the personnel selection procedure will be the most effective, since each of them is good in its own way and under certain conditions. An analysis of the responsibilities of the vacant position, the state of affairs in the company, the urgency of the vacancy and the current situation on the labor market should be mandatory factors in choosing the appropriate method.

Methods for selecting the best

There are many more methods for assessing candidates for a position when selecting staff than methods for the search itself.

It is important to note that the concept of “best” will have different interpretations in different situations. Thus, one organization needs an employee who fully meets the stated requirements, since it is assumed that he will provide full results on the first day of work. Another employer is ready to devote time to training a new employee, as long as he can quickly fit into the corporate culture and has a certain set of personal qualities. The third company may not take into account the experience of previous activities at all - for it, the human qualities of the candidate will be in the first place.

Based on this, no universal recipe selecting the best applicant. But it is still important to have the necessary set of methods for assessing applicants in order to select exactly the candidate who will ideally meet the organization’s needs.

Collection of data about applicants

In most cases, the initial screening occurs at the stage of receiving a resume, and for recruiters assessing the professional qualities of an applicant based on this document is not particularly difficult. But it happens that precisely because of the unification of these techniques, HR specialists stop carefully studying resumes and simply skip truly interesting specialists, paying more attention to the formal side of presenting information.

It must be admitted that this stage of employee selection should be approached more responsibly than simply looking for keywords in applicants’ resumes. Good manager the personnel manager must be able to read between the lines, and then the danger of missing out on a valuable specialist is almost completely eliminated.


This concept has quite a few interpretations and in Russia it is often associated with a conversation conducted according to a predetermined plan. Having a plan is what distinguishes a screening interview from any other conversation.

Modern methods of personnel assessment and selection allow the use of interviewing in a variety of forms.

Interview formDistinctive featuresA comment
During telephone conversation With the applicant, after studying his resume, the information provided is clarified and supplemented, attention is focused on the features of working in the company in questionSuitable for finding workers for virtually any position. Doesn't require a lot of time
Can take place in several formats: free unstructured interview; structured interview; situational interviewIt is possible to compare the answers of different candidates to similar questions. Applicable when selecting an employee for a creative position
Expert groupSeveral interviewers communicate with the applicant at once. The need for such an interview may arise in cases where the vacancy being filled requires the employee to have highly specialized knowledge that an HR specialist will not be able to assess.During the interview, a rather tense situation is created for the applicant, which makes it possible to test his resistance to stressful situations

Assessment interview

An assessment interview is great when you need to quickly choose the best specialist from a large number of candidates. The methodology is based on observations by specially trained appraisers of the behavior of applicants in real working conditions or when performing specific tasks. The content of the latter reflects the problems of activity and the main aspects of a particular position.

Assessment is somewhat similar to testing, as it involves standardization: checking all candidates for compliance with certain criteria and rating on the same scale. In some cases, assessors add a structured interview or testing to the applicants’ performance of special tasks.

Psychological testing

Despite the high popularity of testing as a method of selecting applicants, its use in recruitment should be subject to certain restrictions:

When choosing this method of assessing candidates, ethical standards should also be observed: a person should not be subjected to psychological examination against his will.


In practice, when selecting employees, professional questionnaires can also be used, with the help of which you can identify incompetent candidates at the beginning of testing skills and knowledge. Alternatively, skills testing can be carried out empirically, when an expert or recruiter checks the candidate’s professionalism in the process of performing a certain task, which will subsequently be part of his job responsibilities. For example, typing speed when filling a secretary position, level of foreign language proficiency for a translator, etc.

Technologies for searching and selecting personnel do not stand still. Methods that worked well just a few years ago do not give the desired results today. There are many reasons for this: the demographic situation, the “difficult” labor market, changes in the motivation of young professionals, and so on. The essence remains the same. Finding the right candidate is becoming increasingly difficult.

In my article I want to dwell on two components of the personnel selection process - the search (methods of attraction) and selection (evaluation) of personnel.

I note that detailed description The “work” of all the methods (who/how/why/when to use them and how much it costs) is not my task.

The article turned out to be lengthy, so I won’t bore you with a long introduction.

Personnel search

4 main recruitment technologies:

  • Mass recruiting (massrecruiting) — used for recruiting large numbers of employees. These are mainly line-level specialists with fairly clearly defined professional skills and experience;
  • Recruiting (recruiting) — search and selection of qualified specialists. As a rule, it is carried out among candidates already looking for a job;
  • Direct search (executive search) — search for rare specialists and/or middle managers. Conducted both among free specialists and those still working;
  • Headhunting - Poaching a specific working specialist.

Methods of attracting personnel (search sources):

Speaking about methods and sources of personnel search, it is worth noting that some of them are used only by direct employers (due to certain restrictions), while some are more often used by recruitment agencies.

  • Personnel reserve— nominating a candidate from among the organization’s employees for an open vacancy;
  • Referral Recruiting– There are two types of referral recruiting: within the company and external. Referral recruiting within the company - employees recommend candidates from among their friends; outside the company - the candidate is sought by recommendation former colleagues, acquaintances, etc.;
  • Targeted training in universities— the company “grows” future employees by offering employment after completing targeted training;
  • Employment centers at universities – attracting young specialists for a period of industrial practice with subsequent employment, especially relevant for blue-collar and technical specialties;
  • Open days – This is an acquaintance of candidates with the organization “from the inside”, an opportunity to evaluate working conditions with their own eyes and communicate with managers. The main disadvantage of this method is the lack of guarantees of attracting interesting candidates and the very labor-intensive process of organizing an event;
  • Job fairs– industry-specific ones are the most interesting, a good opportunity to make a company presentation and collect contacts of candidates interested in the job;
  • State employment centers - This method works well when attracting personnel with low salary requirements;
  • Targeted retraining of specialists in training centers– training of promising employees of the organization with their subsequent promotion;
  • Posting job vacancies near the organization– one of the “guerrilla” methods, works well for retail and workers, production specialties;
  • Recruitment agencies– by contacting the agency, the employer receives a guarantee of attracting a certain number of candidates who meet his requirements, from which he can choose the most suitable one;
  • Posting vacancies on specialized employment sites- one of the most common passive ways attracting personnel, among the minuses I would note the low activity of candidates and the inconsistency of the responses received with the stated requirements;
  • Searching for resumes on specialized employment sites– one of the most common active ways to attract personnel, often expensive and extremely labor-intensive;
  • Placing advertisements about vacancies in specialized print media – well suited for searching for blue-collar, technical and manufacturing specialties;
  • Placement of vacancy announcements in non-core print media– allows you to reach candidates who are not open to currently market;
  • Posting advertisements for vacancies in public transport – The main advantage of this method is large area coverage and the opportunity to interest candidates not open to the market;
  • Posting job vacancies on radio and television– perfect for a small city, but for a metropolis this method is too expensive.

If we talk specifically about modern methods of personnel search, we can highlight the following:

  • Searching for candidates on social networks– a relevant, inexpensive, but labor-intensive method of attracting personnel. Well suited for searching for young and mid-level professionals.
  • Searching for candidates on the Internet (forums, specialized communities) - inexpensive, but rather labor-intensive method. Allows you to contact a narrow circle of specialists, as well as receive recommendations for interesting candidates.
  • Posting job advertisements on the Internet in video format – one of the most popular methods today. The cost of creating a video about a company/vacancy is comparable to the cost of traditional methods of attracting personnel. The effectiveness of this method is quite high. Thanks to distribution on the Internet, the maximum number of views is ensured.

The active use of these methods of attracting personnel is associated with the development of the global web. Following the candidates, recruiters also went to the Internet.

Recently, methods such as:

  • Personnel leasing– the use of temporary labor resources provided by recruitment agencies for a long period of time to solve the organization’s production problems;
  • Outsourcing– transfer to a third party of some business processes that are non-core for the organization;
  • Temporary staff– unlike leasing, it is used in cases where an organization needs additional employees for a short period (from one day to several months);
  • Outstaffing– registration in the staff of a specialized agency of employees working in a company that, for one reason or another, no longer wants to maintain these personnel.

Of course, these methods are not methods of attracting personnel to the organization, but they solve the problem of its shortage no less effectively.

Personnel selection

Speaking about the selection of candidates, namely all sorts of different tests, we can no longer make a distinction between direct employers and agencies. They use all selection methods equally, and their choice depends on the knowledge and experience of a particular selection specialist.

So, the main methods for selecting candidates:

  • Analysis of resumes and other documents- screening based on formal criteria;
  • Telephone interview— screening according to formal requirements, determining the level of expected salary;
  • Interview— in addition to the necessary competencies, the appearance, and the candidate’s demeanor;
  • Stressful interview— level of stress resistance, pattern of behavior in a stressful situation;
  • Questionnaire— compliance with procedures, willingness to make contact;
  • Testing— psychological, level of intelligence, etc.;
  • Essay— the ability to express one’s thoughts in writing;
  • Solving business cases— model of behavior in a given situation;
  • Logical and associative tasks- behavior, reaction to questions, logical thinking abilities;
  • Infusion into work groups— evaluation of communications, work proposals;
  • Collection of recommendations— recommendations from employers, colleagues from previous places of work;
  • Collecting information on social networks.

I would also like to note some unconventional and largely controversial selection methods:

Anthropological selection method

Anthropological- the candidate’s abilities, his intellectual and Creative skills are assessed based on the structure of his skull: the size of the brow ridges, the position of the lips and ears, etc.

Graphological selection method

Graphological- the applicant’s handwriting is analyzed, based on this analysis, conclusions are drawn about individual characteristics candidate. According to graphologists, graphological examination allows one to evaluate a person’s personal and business qualities. It must be said that this method is used mainly in Europe. In Russia it is not widespread, and graphology itself is often classified as a pseudoscience.

Astrological selection method

Astrological— the candidate’s zodiac sign is analyzed. It is believed that by the zodiac sign one can determine the personal and business qualities of a candidate, the success of his entry into the team, and his predisposition to certain types of work, professions and positions. In Russia, again, this selection method is not common.

It is rarely used by professional recruiters (well, perhaps out of female curiosity). But a male leader can resort to him at the most unexpected moment and make a choice in favor of a candidate based on his zodiac sign.

Numerological selection method

Numerological- the same story with numerology. The candidate is assessed by date of birth (the numbers themselves, their order, combination, etc.).


Palmistry- Palmists evaluate a person’s abilities based on palm parameters. They even say that palmists can evaluate professional qualities.

The boom in attracting palmists, magicians, psychics and other people of outstanding abilities occurred in the “dashing” 90s. Turning to such “specialists” removes the responsibility for making a decision on choosing a candidate, but the quality of assessing candidates is difficult to assess.


Polygraph (Lie Detector)- the least exotic method, has a real scientific basis. Used for over 100 years. Average level The reliability of the lie detector is 95%. Recently it has become increasingly widespread.

To sum up the unconventional methods of personnel selection, I will say that I have formed a rather entertaining image of a recruiter-astrologer-numerologist-palm reader with a polygraph at the ready. Do I need to say that I don’t know such a specialist? And you? 🙂

Of all the listed unconventional methods, there is not a single one that would guarantee 100% correctness of choice (with the possible exception of a lie detector). But traditional methods do not provide such a guarantee.


The choice of ways to attract and select personnel depends on many factors: the state of the labor market, the profile of the vacancy, corporate culture organization and its financial capabilities. At the same time, recruiters, as a rule, do not stop at any one method, but use them in combination.

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