Tamara Sinyavskaya: personal life, first husband, children, where she lives now, biography, photo. Tamara Sinyavskaya. Noble prima donna The first husband of Sinyavskaya Tamara Sergey

Name: Tamara Sinyavskaya

Age: 74 years old

Growth: 170 cm

Weight: 65 kg

Activity: opera singer, teacher

Tamara Sinyavskaya - Biography

Opera singer Tamara Sinyavskaya barely made it to the highest stage of the vocal Olympus. The talent given to Tamara Ilyinichna from God, she gladly gives to her fans. Thanks to her voice, the opera becomes closer and more understandable to many.

Childhood, family

Tamara Sinyavskaya was born in Moscow in the military year of 1943. The mother raised her daughter alone and did a lot for the girl to follow the right path in her life. The whole biography of Tamara was formed by the efforts of her mother. She brought her to the Vladimir Loktev Ensemble. Now the singer recalls with a smile how she sang in the entrances of Moscow houses. She liked the acoustics of old buildings, she learned to listen to her voice.

World famous in the childhood period of Tamara Sinyavskaya's life was a singer from Argentina Lolita Torres. Of course, she was an idol for many girls who had good vocal abilities. Tamara did not waste time: she managed to sing in the ensemble, attended the choir at the Maly Theater, studied remarkably.


The girl came to the trainee group at the Bolshoi Theater. There was no conservative education, but there was a beautiful voice. It was not in vain that the selection committee selected Tamara Sinyavskaya among the best interns, a year later she was transferred to the main part of the theater. From that moment on, all the celebrities she used to want to be like became her colleagues: G. Vishnevskaya, I. Arkhipova, A. Ognivtsev. The girl learned everything from the greats at rehearsals, at home she repeated their movements, intonation, facial expressions.

Tamara behaved modestly, until the end she was embarrassed to reveal her talent. The case helped. Almost the entire staff of the theater was on tour, the Moscow audience was waiting for "Eugene Onegin". The actress who played Olga was absent from the performance, Tamara Sinyavskaya had to sing, with which she coped brilliantly.

The biography of talent does not tolerate inactivity, and Tamara began to move on. The girl continued to work on her voice, building up a repertoire. The young performer began to be trusted by serious parties, which made her popular abroad. In Canada, France and Japan admired the skill of Sinyavskaya. Three years and three awards at the most significant competitions and festivals.

And at the annual International Tchaikovsky Competition, the first prize was shared between Elena Obraztsova and Tamara Sinyavskaya. The singer began to be invited on an American tour, but in the Soviet Union it looked like treason, Tamara was not allowed to make this trip. Sinyavskaya leaves for Baku, where the Decade of Russian Culture was held.

Work in the theater

Tamara Sinyavskaya worked at the Bolshoi Theater for forty years. She combines in her performance not only vocals, but also charm along with sensuality. Her parties are very feminine and in Russian are wide and spacious. Tamara Ilyinichna is not afraid of any work.

Everyone knows that the role of Carmen in the opera is not only voice and appearance, it is the ability to move beautifully. Tamara took choreography lessons from the famous ballerina Semyonova for six months.

Biography of personal life

Tamara's first husband Sergei was a ballet dancer, their relationship was even. But, having met with the singer Muslim Magomayev, the young woman realized that they were meant for each other. The biography of Tamara Sinyavskaya, as a singer and as a woman, would be incomplete without Muslim Magomayev. Muslim showed perseverance in relations. He constantly invented a reason to call his beloved. Young people decided to play a modest wedding, but relatives did not allow the two celebrities to get by with a simple registration and candlelight dinner.

More than a hundred people burst into the restaurant, and those who were not invited stood on the street. Magomayev sang for those who came to congratulate the young with an open window, after which he suffered from bronchitis. Magomayev and Sinyavskaya had no children, so Tamara gave all her tenderness to her husband. For a long time, the favorites of both spouses was a silver poodle. Charlie was like a child to Tamara. She also did not sleep at night, like a loving mother when her pet was sick. She gave injections. The absence of children was made up for by a common common cause - music. The couple combined their songwriting together, giving joint concerts and evenings.

When Muslim fell seriously ill, Tamara Ilyinichna could not find a place for herself. And after his death, she did not appear in public for a long time. In recent years, Magomayev and Sinyavskaya were inseparable, and it is very difficult to get used to the idea that the husband whom she adored and idolized is not around. Then there were new projects. Tamara Sinyavskaya began to organize and hold a competition named after her famous husband.

Young talents can take part in the competition. Tamara Ilyinichna heads the vocal art department at GITIS.

Tamara Sinyavskaya now

Being close to young talents is easier than closing in your grief. The woman still tries to keep herself in vocal form so that she is not ashamed in front of the students. Tamara Sinyavskaya very often visits her husband's grave in Baku.

In contact with


Name: Tamara Sinyavskaya

Zodiac sign: Cancer

Age: 75 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia

Activity: opera singer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR

Family status: widow

The name of the singer was named the minor planet of the solar system. The dramatic mezzo-soprano Tamara Sinyavskaya was admired by the opera star Maria Callas, and Sergey Lemeshev noted that in 70 years he met “the real Pushkin Olga” for the first time on the stage. The star of Tamara Sinyavskaya rose very quickly. Less than 20 years after the debut on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, as a vocalist, she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union.

Tamara Sinyavskaya is a native Muscovite, Russian by nationality. She was born 1 year before the end of the war. There is no information about the singer's father. Her idol and family was her mother - a talented woman, naturally endowed with a beautiful voice, but due to life circumstances she did not become an artist. The daughter began to sing after her mother, repeating the songs she heard.

Tamara Sinyavskaya felt like a singer at the age of 3: the girl's favorite childhood entertainment was singing in the front porches of old capital houses with good acoustics. Bringing out excellent-sounding roulades, the girl felt a spiritual thrill, as if in a temple.

During the day, the novice vocalist managed to go around all the entrances of houses along her native Markhlevsky street (today Milyutinsky lane). "Aria" performed by Sinyavskaya continued until it was interrupted by admiring or indignant tenants. Once they recommended that the mother take her daughter to the House of Pioneers, where professional teachers would work with her.

Since then, Tamara Sinyavskaya sang 2 times more - in the House of Pioneers and in the yard, where she gathered a “hall” from the neighboring guys. Soon, the aspiring artist signed up for the children's group of Vladimir Sergeevich Loktev, where she sang and danced.

At the age of ten, the young artist of the Lokteva ensemble was transferred to the choir, where she gained musical and stage experience in eight years. A well-known children's group took part in government concerts, and Tamara Sinyavskaya felt at home on stage. For the first time in her biography, she traveled abroad - the ensemble of Vladimir Loktev toured Czechoslovakia.

Incredibly, as a child, Sinyavskaya dreamed of being a doctor. In the house where the family lived, a polyclinic worked. The girl admired the work of the staff in white coats and inhaled the smell of ether, which seemed to her divine. The future artist played “to the hospital”, she had a file cabinet with medical histories of relatives and friends, she wrote out “prescriptions”, under which “doctor Sinyavskaya” signed.

Since childhood, Tamara Sinyavskaya was very fond of skating and skiing. In winter, when skating rinks began to work in the capital, the girl was among the first visitors. The desire to be on stage appeared in adolescence, when Tamara Sinyavskaya and her friends went to the cinema to watch "Kuban Cossacks" and "The House I Live In". She learned the songs from the movies and sang them all the time. And when she saw the famous Argentine singer and actress Lolita Torres on the screen, Sinyavskaya dreamed only of a career as an artist.

In the senior class, Sinyavskaya made her choice: Tamara was on her way to a theater university. However, Vladimir Sergeevich Loktev, who carefully observed the artist of the ensemble, recommended that they go to the music school at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Sinyavskaya did just that and never regretted it. At the school, she met talented teachers who brought the singer's vocal abilities to perfection.

At the school, the actress worked part-time by performing in the choir of the academic Maly Theater. For the performance, the choristers were paid 5 rubles - money, which was enough to buy a kilogram of stellate sturgeon in the exemplary "Eliseevsky" grocery store. At the Maly Theater, a Muscovite took to the stage with the luminaries of the stage, whose names in the USSR were known to everyone.

In the daytime, Tamara Sinyavskaya studied, and performed in the evenings. She made her debut with the gypsy choir in the production of "The Living Corpse", where the singer's vocal abilities were noted and given solo parts in the films "Alexander Nevsky" and "Moscow". In 1964, Sinyavskaya was given a diploma from a music school. She passed her graduation with an "5+", which was a rarity in an educational institution. The teachers advised the graduate to become an intern at the Bolshoi Theater, where at that time they were recruiting a group of trainees.

The selection committee of the Bolshoi, where Tamara Sinyavskaya arrived, unanimously accepted the twenty-year-old artist, although she did not have a conservatory education. But the members of the selection committee - luminaries in the world of musical art - Boris Pokrovsky, Galina Vishnevskaya and Evgeny Svetlanov realized that they had an exceptional talent in front of them.

The masters of the Bolshoi Theater did not consider the young, benevolent girl a rival, and she did not think about competition: Tamara Sinyavskaya was breathless when she appeared on stage with Irina Arkhipova, Alexander Ognivtsev and Zurab Anjaparidze.

A year later, Tamara Sinyavskaya was taken to the main part of the troupe, but the vocalist understood that she could not stop: the Muscovite entered GITIS, where she met the famous vocal teacher Dora Belyavskaya. The first time Sinyavskaya heard that she had something to work on, Dora Borisovna turned a diamond into a diamond.

In the theater, Tamara Sinyavskaya carefully watched the work of the luminaries and was shy. Director Boris Pokrovsky helped to cope with uncertainty, entrusting the young singer with the role of Page in Giuseppe Verdi's opera Rigoletto. The girl turned out to be the male part of the Page, the theater made sure that the singer copes with both female roles and travesty.

Tamara Sinyavskaya felt like the hostess of the stage when the main part of the troupe went on tour to Milan. The only performer of the part of Olga in the production of Eugene Onegin went to Italy. The role was given to Sinyavskaya, and she coped with brilliance, having heard the flattering review of the seventy-year-old master Sergei Lemeshev.

For forty years on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, the singer became a prima, performing all the main opera parts with a velvet mezzo-soprano. For her voice range and skill, Sinyavskaya was named the best Russian vocalist of the Italian school. The army of admirers of Tamara Ilyinichna's talent was replenished by both Russian and foreign connoisseurs of opera art.

Tamara Sinyavskaya's repertoire included French and Italian opera music, but performing the parts of Russian opera, the singer felt at ease. The Russian soul of the opera diva was noted by admirers who heard the part of Lyubasha in Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Tsar's Bride. Connoisseurs and music critics call this part the best among Sinyavskaya's works.

In 1970, the Tchaikovsky Competition Festival took place in Russia, where the jury members were Maria Maksakova, Irina Arkhipova, Maria Callas and Tito Gobbi. Tamara Sinyavskaya and Elena Obraztsova shared the main award - the gold medal. Foreign members of the jury preferred Sinyavskaya. The festival brought the opera diva all-Union fame and offers to perform on world stages, but Tamara Ilyinichna did not chase the stage and could not imagine that she would leave the Bolshoi Theater.

In 2003, the artist left the stage at the height of her career. She later said that she chose to leave before hearing words of surprise about her career "longevity."

Tamara Sinyavskaya had two marriages. In the first union, her husband was a ballet dancer, to whom the singer is grateful for helping to survive the departure of her mother. And everything would be fine if Muslim Magomayev, the all-Union "Orpheus", who was idolized by millions of women, did not see the beautiful singer on tour in Baku in 1972. Both were married, but they could not stand the oriental passion of Magomayev.

The artists legalized their relationship in November 1974 and lived together for 34 years. 2 stars quarreled and dispersed, but they were drawn to each other by a magnet, so reconciliation followed the parting. There were no children in the marriage, Tamara Ilyinichna gave all her love and warmth to her husband. When he passed away, Sinyavskaya closed for 3 years and did not go out to the public.

Tamara Sinyavskaya, leaving the stage, did not give up art. Currently, Professor Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya teaches at GITIS, where she heads the vocal department. Previously, the artist’s weekdays were filled with work, and the woman spent her weekends with her beloved husband. To date, Tamara Sinyavskaya has only a job, and the wound from the loss of a loved one has not healed. To get rid of longing, she conducts classes with students whom Tamara Ilyinichna calls children.

Sinyavskaya is invited to the stage, offering opera parts in performances, but she answers with an invariable refusal, because she does not want to go down at least a step down, but she does not feel the strength to the same height. Tamara Sinyavskaya founded and headed the Muslim Magomayev Cultural and Musical Heritage Foundation.


  • 1973 - The Tsar's Bride
  • 1970 - "Eugene Onegin"
  • 1979 - "Ivan Susanin"
  • 1986 - "Prince Igor"
  • 1987 - "Boris Godunov"
  • 1989 - A cycle of songs on the verses of Marina Tsvetaeva
  • 1993 - "Ivan the Terrible"
  • 1999 - "Jewish cycle"

These days, the famous singer of the Bolshoi Theater Tamara Sinyavskaya celebrates her anniversary. Her mezzo-soprano sounded luxurious both when she sang "Love, like a bird, has wings", and when she performed "The Black-browed Cossack Woman" ... In life, the part of Tamara was made by the legendary singer Muslim Magomayev. And her childhood passed in a modest family, in an ordinary old Moscow courtyard. She told the Trud correspondent about this.

Somehow they write little about your parents - who are they?
- I can only tell about my mother, since I did not know my father. Mom had a beautiful voice, in her youth she even sang in the church choir. But she did not receive an education: she was the eldest among the children, after her four more children were born in the family. Mom earned as much as she could, she did not refuse any work - she had to feed me. And, as you can see, she fed well - the girl grew well-fed. (Laughs.)
Of course, they helped my mother - her own sister, my aunt. And just good people supported. Then the way of life was different - you can say that I was raised by the whole yard. We lived near Sretenka, in the very center of old Moscow. For me, the world ended with Kolkhoznaya Square, now Sukharevskaya Square, with the Forum cinema (for some reason we called it Foru?m). But usually I was not allowed to go there - it seemed prohibitively far from home.
- At school, the boys probably followed you in a herd: a beauty, a singer ...
- Yes, what a beauty ... The boys were friends with me, it's true. They were friends, they talked about their heart secrets, about feelings for other girls. I don't know what attracted me so much. Probably because she was a good listener. Or maybe they liked the way I sang.
- It is known what a high mark Maria Callas gave you at the Tchaikovsky Competition in 1970. Did you communicate with her?
- Quite a bit. After the contest, we came to see her off, took pictures as a keepsake. But before that, even at the gala concert of the winners, I felt that she sympathized with me. When I sang "Seguidilla" from "Carmen", I saw with my own eyes how she, sitting in the hall, silently articulated with me. I will never forget.
- Do you remember your first performance at the Bolshoi Theater?
- Still would! It was in 1964, even before any competitions, I had just graduated from the college at the conservatory. They gave me a small part of a peasant woman in Le nozze di Figaro, where I sang in a duet with Klara Kadinskaya. She invited her mother to her debut. Then I ask her: how is it? I thought she would say now: how good your voice sounded, how nice you looked ... But instead she says: you know, I didn’t recognize you ...
- You traveled so much... And in what country of the world would you like to live, if not in Russia?
- So even the question is not put. Only in Russia. I recently visited Paris, mentally said goodbye as a singer to my places: the Grand Opera theater, the Pleyel hall, where I once sang, the hotel where I lived during the tour ... And I thought: how I adore this city . But she returned to Moscow and once again felt: the house is only here.
- Of course, your beloved husband Muslim Magomayev is here ... When you married him, did you understand what you were getting into? Indeed, at least half of the female population of the USSR was in love with Muslim Magomayev.
- At that moment, when I fell in love, I did not understand. I was very surprised by the words of the singer Irina Ivanovna Maslennikova, said when she and her husband, director Boris Aleksandrovich Pokrovsky, came to visit Muslim and me: “Tamarochka, a hard life awaits you - sulfuric acid in your face and all that ...” Of course, it was partly in jest. And, thank God, they didn’t throw sulfuric acid at me, but I had a chance to see other manifestations of jealousy from the fans. I don't want to talk about it now. I understand that such an artist must have fans, and I have never dispersed them. Maybe that's why there was no acid after all. (Laughs.) When unexpected knocks were heard at the door, I opened it, took huge bouquets from the enthusiastic ladies and apologized for the fact that Muslim could not receive them personally. Everything was peaceful.
- How did the Azerbaijani relatives of Muslim Magometovich accept you?
- What family? His father died on the very Day of Victory, May 9, 1945. My mother already had another family... Geidar Alievich Aliyev, the head of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a unique, powerful, brilliant person became our relatives. He and his amazing wife Zarifa Azizovna, their children Sevil and Ilham, the current president of Azerbaijan, accepted me as their own. Until now, they call me that - "our gyallin", that is, the daughter-in-law of all Azerbaijan.
- What have you learned from Muslim Magometovich over the long years of marriage?
- Perseverance, patience, restraint.
- Muslim Magomayev - and restraint? They say he's a real fire.
- I mean perseverance in work, a serious approach to music, to everything that he does ... And in life - of course, he is hot. What are the most famous hurricanes we have there - Catherine, Rita, Andrew? Put them all together and you will get Muslim in anger. I'm joking, of course - it's always not for long, about two minutes, and without casualties.
What did he learn from you?
- Hard to say. Well, it became softer, softer.
- He is said to be amazingly versed in technology.
- Unlike me. I instantly mastered the computer, created my own website.
- Yes, when you request information about Elvis Presley on the Internet, one of the first to appear is a link to Muslim Magomayev's website - there is a large section devoted to his favorite singer.
- And not only to him. There's a lot about Frank Sinatra, Tito Gobi, Giuseppe di Stefano, Caruso, Callas... He also wrote books about them. While preparing a book about Mario Lanza, he traveled to America for a month with his own money, made friends with Lanza's daughter Elisa and her husband. When he sang there, they were amazed at how similar his manner of performance was to that of Lanz. Although he had a tenor, and Muslim had a baritone, he was very rich, he had both tenor and bass colors.
- Are your talents as diverse as Muslim's? How, for example, is the case with culinary skills?
- Practically absent. Although now I sometimes do this, so to speak, improve my skills. Muslim says to me: why have you been silent for so many years, but it turns out you have abilities ... But he is much more talented in this area than me, he has a bold culinary imagination. And he does not need any exquisite products at all. For example, have you heard of such a dish - sausage cutlets? And he took them, scrolled, added something - and it turned out very tasty. Or invented fanta ice cream...
- Do you and Muslim follow today's show business?
- Not. What is the point of following the work of a singer who opens his mouth to a phonogram?
- But at Eurovision they sing live ...
- It doesn't matter - this smoke on the stage, flickering light, half-naked dancers ... It is impossible to focus on the singer's voice itself.
- When you yourself sang, it seemed impossible to imagine a nobler and more beautiful sound.
- Thanks. Although I had health problems - I, as they say, "a lady with stones", I even had to do surgery for this. And after them, not only to sing, it became difficult to breathe. But few people knew about this, they gossiped about me: she is too lazy to sing ... Lena Obraztsova, my friend, recently said to me: well, what can I say, Sinyulya, I would like your voice - the whole world would be lying at my feet ... I'm laughing: you must admit, hearing this from Exemplary is worth something.
Muslim Magomayev was born in 1942 in Baku. His father was an artist, and his grandfather was a composer, after whom the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic Society bears his name. At the age of 14, he discovered a unique vocal talent. He became famous at the age of 19, performing at the World Youth Festival in Helsinki. The repertoire ranges from operas to musicals, from Neapolitan songs to Azerbaijani and Russian. He gave many concerts, the most unusual took place on the day of his marriage to Tamara Sinyavskaya - November 23, 1974. Then, at the request of the fans, he sang right into the open window of the restaurant, after which he fell ill with bronchitis. Author of several books and TV series about outstanding singers of our time.
Tamara Sinyavskaya was born in Moscow. She graduated from the Musical College at the Moscow Conservatory in 1964, and from GITIS in 1970. Then, together with Elena Obraztsova, she won first prize at the Tchaikovsky Competition. People's Artist of the USSR (1982). She sang at the Bolshoi Theater from 1964 to 2002. Until now, he has an agreement with the Bolshoi Theater, where at any time he can take part in the play "The Tsar's Bride". She married in 1974 Azerbaijani singer Muslim Magomayev. Their novel is dedicated to the songs of A. Pakhmutova "Melody" and "Farewell, beloved." Muslim Magomayev painted several oil portraits of his wife.

Soviet and Russian opera singer (mezzo-soprano) Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya was born on July 6, 1943 in Moscow.

Her creative path began in the dance group of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers under the direction of Vladimir Loktev, later Tamara Sinyavskaya moved to the ensemble's choir.

She first appeared on stage as the Page in the opera Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi. Her first major role was the part of Olga in "Eugene Onegin" by Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

Fame came to the singer after victories at international vocal competitions.

In 1968 she received a gold medal at the 9th International Festival of Youth and Students in Sofia (Bulgaria). In 1969 she won the Grand Prix and a gold medal at the XII International Vocal Competition in Verviers (Belgium). In 1970, the singer was awarded the gold medal of the IV International Competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky in Moscow.

From 1973 to 1974, Sinyavskaya trained in Italy, at the La Scala Opera House in Milan.

Tamara Sinyavskaya performed title roles in operas by Mikhail Glinka, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Modest Mussorgsky, Georges Bizet, Giuseppe Verdi, Sergei Prokofiev, Rodion Shchedrin.

Her repertoire at the Bolshoi Theater included the parts of Dunyasha in The Tsar's Bride and Lyubava in Rimsky-Korsakov's Sadko, Ratmir in Ruslan and Lyudmila and Vanya in Glinka's Ivan Susanin, Konchakovna in Alexander Borodin's Prince Igor , Polina in Tchaikovsky's The Queen of Spades, Marina Mnishek in Boris Godunov and Martha in Mussorgsky's Khovanshchina, Carmen in Bizet's opera of the same name. She was the first to perform the role of Mademoiselle Blanche in Prokofiev's The Gambler. Also among the roles of Sinyavskaya are the Princess ("Mermaid" by Alexander Dargomyzhsky), Laura ("The Stone Guest" by Dargomyzhsky), Zhenya Komelkova ("The Dawns Here Are Quiet" by Kirill Molchanov), Ulrika ("Masquerade Ball" by Verdi), Morena ("Mlada" Rimsky-Korsakov).

The singer has performed in opera theaters in France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the USA, Australia and other countries of the world. Some parts from Sinyavskaya's vast repertoire were first performed abroad: Lel in Rimsky-Korsakov's "The Snow Maiden" (Paris, concert performance); Azucena ("Il trovatore") and Ulrika ("Un ballo in maschera") in Verdi's operas, as well as Carmen in Turkey. In Germany and France, she sang the works of Richard Wagner with great success, at the Vienna State Opera she was a participant in the production of the opera War and Peace by Prokofiev (Akhrosimova's part).

Sinyavskaya has worked with such famous conductors as Evgeny Svetlanov, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Yuri Simonov, Vladimir Spivakov, Mstislav Rostropovich.

The singer also gained great popularity due to her extensive concert activity, in which she performs not only opera arias and classical romances, but also Russian folk songs. The singer's concert repertoire includes the most complex works by Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, the "Spanish Cycle" by Manuel de Falla and other composers, works by old masters accompanied by an organ.

Since 2005, she has been the head of the Department of Vocal Art at the Faculty of Musical Theater of the Russian Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS), and is a professor.

In 2010, the Sinyavskaya International Vocal Competition named after M. Magomayev.

Tamara Sinyavskaya - People's Artist of the USSR (1982), Honored Worker of Musical Art (2016).

Laureate of the Moscow Komsomol Prize (1970) and Lenin Komsomol Prize (1980), laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture (2013).

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