Tatar ornament on clothes. Tatar national ornament and types of embroidery

Gulsinya Gibadullina

Modern Dictionary Russian language T. F. Efremova explains the meaning of the words PATTERN and ORNAMENT as follows:


a) A drawing that is a combination of lines, colors, shadows, etc.

b) Complex weave, picturesque location of something., forming or resembling such a pattern.


An artistic decoration, a pattern characterized by a rhythmic arrangement of geometric or stylized plant and animal elements of the design.

Tatar patterns and ornaments have three types of motives: geometric, floral-vegetal and zoomorphic. The patterns were used by masters in architecture, embroidery, painting, and wood carving.

Tatar ornament with floral and plant motifs is the most common. There are three directions in floral and plant motifs: steppe, meadow and garden.

Motifs depicting poppies, tulips, forget-me-nots, and carnations are more typical for the steppe direction.

Carnation motif

Tulip motif

Poppy motif

For meadow motifs - flowers of rose hips, bells, chamomile, cornflowers.

Rosehip motif

Bell motif

And garden motifs are characterized by dahlias, chrysanthemums, roses, and asters.

Dahlia motif

The most common are two flowers that are used in the Tatar ornament. This is a tulip and carnation.

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The Tatar people have an ancient and colorful culture. His life, sorrows and joys, wars and alliances, way of life, beliefs could not help but be reflected in his creativity. Since the people are ancient, the history and culture go back centuries. In its way of life and worldview, the nation differed from the tribes that settled nearby and was isolated. Therefore, for example, the Tatar ornament used to decorate clothes, household items, and houses is original and original.

Types of ornaments and types of motifs

The way of life of the people significantly influenced the patterns with which various products were decorated. Predominantly Tatar national ornament has a pronounced influence of ancient agriculture. But if you carefully study the works of the masters, you will notice that the influence of the cattle breeding culture of the nomadic ancestors of the people is also evident.

Tatar patterns and ornaments have three types of motifs: geometric, floral-vegetal and zoomorphic. Characteristic feature is their contour completion.

and its use

Patterns have been used by masters from time immemorial in many areas applied arts: architecture, embroidery, painting, wood carving. Tatar ornament with floral and plant motifs is the most common. Masters create both simple forms and complex bouquets. The colors used for the designs are bright, rich and go well together. The motifs are stylized and have many interpretations. An important role is played by the order in which the elements of the pattern are located and how they are combined with each other.

There are three directions in floral and plant motifs that are used for creativity: steppe, meadow and garden. Depending on the area in which the master or craftswoman lived, certain Tatar patterns and ornaments predominated. Motifs depicting stylized poppies, tulips, forget-me-nots, and carnations are more typical for the steppe direction. Meadow motifs are replete with wild rose, bluebell, and chamomile flowers; the directions were typical for urban settlements. Mostly dahlias, chrysanthemums, roses, and asters were depicted. The most common are two flowers that are used in the Tatar ornament. Tulip and carnation serve as the main motifs.

Geometric and zoomorphic motifs

Zoomorphic drawings are practically not used. This is explained by the requirements of religion, so the Tatar ornament very rarely contains images of animals. However, masters who do decide to use zoomorphic motifs in their products stylize them so much that it is not always possible to understand what kind of animal is depicted.

Often, the geometric Tatar ornament is not an independent element of the product, but performs auxiliary functions. The use of figures depends on what the image is applied to. For example, geometric motifs predominate in weaving, while floral motifs, arranged with geometric precision, predominate in embroidery.

Elements used in the ornament. Their capabilities. Techniques for conveying the master's ideas

First of all, you should pay attention to how the tulip is used in the Tatar ornament. It is presented in the form of a pointed trefoil with varying degrees of bending. Cinquefoils are less common. The wavy lines under the master’s hand become overgrown with leaves and form a “grapevine”.

On one branch there may be grapes, a meander, a dahlia, and a carnation. Tatar ornament with geometric motifs is used as simple figures(triangles, rhombuses, circles, squares) and complex (hexagonal rosettes, stepped figures, eight-pointed stars).

The floral ornament has one more distinctive feature- asymmetry of elements. Flowers that in nature never grow side by side or bloom in different months of the year coexist perfectly on one branch.

The meaning of the tulip in culture and ornament

Each nation has its own symbol, which has meaning only for it. Many craftsmen use the Tatar ornament, in which the main motif is the tulip. For this people, this is, first of all, a symbol of revival. The tulip is on

Secondly, the tulip is inextricably linked with religious views Muslim world. The flower is associated with the name of Allah. The spelling of the plant's name in Arabic consists of the same letters as the name of the god of the Muslim world. From the point of view of the Abaj numerological system (each letter has its own number), the sum of the letters in the words “tulip” and “Allah” is the same and equals 66.

The rose is also often depicted in Tatar ornaments. And again for religious reasons: it is a symbol of the Prophet Muhammad. And although the flowers are highly stylized, a person who understands symbols and culture Tatar people, will definitely be able to read the Tatar ornament.

Ornament is a beautiful storyteller. Take a closer look at him, and he will tell you about his land and the time when he was born, about his people and the events that he experienced with him.

Let's study our ornament - Tatar - together with Guzelya Fuadovna Valeeva-Suleimanova, Doctor of Art History, chief researcher at the Institute of History named after Sh. Mardzhani of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, professor at the Kazan University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

Guzel Fuadovna, why is the history of the Tatar pattern interesting?

Ornament is a pattern that decorates products and objects various forms and sizes - from jewelry to architectural structures. The ornament is many-sided and varied. This is a universal art form.

The Tatar ornament evolved over thousands of years, starting from the era of the ancient Turkic Khaganates and even earlier - from primitive era. He went very long haul development. It always reflected nature and symbolically significant objects and images for humans.

Therefore, if you take ancient ornament, then we can see in it the world, natural phenomena, characteristic of the distant ancestors of the Tatars who lived in Altai, Central and South Asia. So, to patterns that have ancient origin It is necessary to include the motif of lotus, rosettes, heart-shaped, palmettes (stylized image of palm leaves). The last motif, depending on the interpretation, is associated with East Asian art and the art of the Huns and the art ancient Greece. Influence Greek culture was felt by Great Bulgaria, which occupied the territory of Crimea and the Azov region with their Greek colonies.

The appearance of the lotus motif can be explained by the residence of our ancestors in the territories Far East, Central and Western Asia. It is noteworthy that the combination of East Asian palmette and lotus motifs is found among the Turkic-speaking peoples of the Volga and Ural regions only in the ornament of the Kazan Tatars

After the ancestors of the Tatars found themselves on the territory of the Volga-Kama region, new motifs appeared in the ornament. They are associated with the flora and fauna of a given region. In the pre-Mongol period of Volga Bulgaria, stylized images of elk, fox, marten, falcon, etc. were popular in ornaments. Patterns from wildflower motifs are often found: daisies, bells, forget-me-nots, poppies, etc. Patterns associated with steppe culture are also preserved, such , as a tulip motif, caragana bush, images wild geese etc.

During the era of the Golden Horde, the ornament reflects the influence of Mongolian and Chinese arts, for example, cloud-shaped motifs appear, a braided motif, in new interpretation you can see the image of a lotus. More often there are motifs depicting foreign animals - lion, peacock, roe deer, etc., fantastic motifs - dragons, sphinxes, two-headed birds - are becoming popular. The Golden Horde, as is known, included many tribes - the ancestors of the present Turkic peoples: Kipchaks, Oguzes, etc. This mixture of cultures had an impact on the ornament of the Kazan and Volga Tatars in general.

During the era of the Kazan Khanate into Tatar ornamental art strongly influenced by Turkish and Iranian cultures. Thus, the ornament is replenished with motifs from the repertoire of garden flowers - dahlias, asters, poppies, peonies and others, which were popular in the patterns of imported oriental fabrics.

Conquest of the Kazan Khanate and its inclusion in the Russian state had a strong influence on the specifics of Tatar pattern making. Russian art was fundamentally religious, Christian. As for the Russian ornament, to this day it has visual basis associated with the desire to realistically convey certain images.

Among the Tatars, since the adoption of Islam, the ornament has a conventionally decorative, abstract symbolic and sometimes metaphorical basis. There is no visual realistic interpretation of images in it. It's about about another way of thinking in art, which is within the framework of the Muslim artistic worldview associated with the aesthetic doctrine of Islam.

If we return to the Tatars who found themselves part of the Russian state, there were also periods of forced baptism. The Tatar community opposed him and tried to defend themselves even at the level figurative language art. During this period, prohibitions on images of living beings were strengthened and motifs based on the image of a cross disappeared. Tatar embroiderers did not cross-stitch (except baptized Tatars), and this embroidery technique spread among them only in the 1960s.

As a result, we will see more impact Tatar ornament in Russian art, rather than vice versa.

What about Arabic geometric motifs?

The so-called arabesques and girihi are those types of patterns that were invented by the Arabs in the field of ornament. They have become universal in Muslim art and are found in the works of almost all Muslim peoples. Girikhs and arabesque ornaments decorated architectural monuments Bulgar, they can be seen on archaeological fragments from the disappeared khan's buildings of the Kazan Kremlin.

Geometric compositions in the form of girikh and complex interweaving of geometric and floral patterns in arabesque patterns became widespread in the medieval monumental architecture of Islam. And among the Tatars, with the conquest of the Kazan Khanate, monumental architecture, as a type of architecture associated with the ruling class, ceased to develop. She is reborn in late XIX c., in connection with the decrees of Empress Catherine II, who allowed the Tatars to build stone mosques and houses of the nobility.

In what form is ornament present in life today?

Now the Tatar ornament is being revived in the works of modern professional artists And folk craftsmen, amateur artists. It can also be seen on some monumental buildings in Kazan and other cities of the republic, in the spatial-objective and everyday environment. The ornament decorates interior items: shamaili, laukhe, wall plates, decorative ceramics; ritual and household items - namazliks, towels, tablecloths, trays, boxes, etc.; costume elements (dresses, vests, hats, shoes).

Some individually, others in small workshops are engaged in modeling and sewing clothes and their components in Tatar style. For those who wish, it is possible to order a Tatar pattern printed on clothing. There are craftswomen who embroider patterns of Tatar ornaments and work with both gimp and gold threads. The ornament is popular in wood and ceramic products, especially in wall plates, in jewelry. Master jewelers working in the technique of openwork filigree, popular for the Tatars, using precious stones, choose ancient ornamental forms for their products...

To be continued.

Interviewed by Guzel Ibragimova

Any nation during its existence has used various ornaments and patterns. Many images of stunning beauty have come to us from time immemorial. Each nation has its own unique style, depending on many factors. Culture, location on the planet and individual characteristics every master. One cannot help but be glad that these national ornaments and patterns are an art that has reached our days and has not disappeared to this day.

Any people during their existence used various ornaments and patterns

The tendency to keep dishes with folk paintings at home and decorate the interior with ornaments and patterns is becoming more fashionable every day. Even if you are not an artist, you can purchase stencils or print them. Then already ready-made templates use it this way, your inner voice will tell you.

Folk workshops, where you can order such stencils or invite an artist, usually exist in the outback. But even in the capital, if you wish, you can find craftsmen who can apply both a simple ornament or pattern, and a more complex one. Decorating, for example, a child’s room with such painting is a great joy for children.

There are geometric ornaments that do not carry any subtext. There are those that contain some meanings and symbols.

Russian ornament: stencils that are easy to make yourself

Russian ornaments, for example, on embroidery, are known to everyone. Everyone has seen folk costumes at least once in their life. This is the kind of beauty that comes out of the hands of masters. And these are not the most difficult options. You can’t say anything - art is art. And Rus' has always been rich in talent.

If you decide to take up the art of ornamentation, you need to start with stencils, which are simpler. And it’s worth starting with a Russian ornament. If you can’t purchase stencils, you can make them yourself. Anyone can do these, you just need to show perseverance and patience.

If you decide to take up the art of ornamentation, you need to start with stencils, which are simpler

Once you get simple patterns, you can switch to more complex ones.

Gallery: ornaments and patterns (25 photos)

Buryat patterns: song of the steppe

The Buryat ornament, like the paintings of all Mongol-speaking representatives, basically consists of simple geometric shapes:

  • broken lines;
  • zigzags;
  • circles;
  • diamonds;
  • other figures.

If the hand is at least a little trained at the most simple drawings, you can take up Buryat ornaments and Mongolian designs. Here are some of them. It is easy to discern Buddhist motifs and Bashkir style in them.

Yakut ornament

Yakut works of art patterns amaze with their beauty. It is especially difficult to look away from works done in gold. Keeping in mind Yakut gold, it would be surprising not to see it in folk art.

It seems to be nothing complicated, but it looks magical.

Yakut works of art patterns amaze with their beauty

As in any form of art, there are also simpler ornaments. From geometric shapes Yakut people loves to use circles.

Tatar pattern: patterns of a great people

Tatar and Bashkir craftsmen specialized in bright ornaments and patterns. This is especially visible in national clothes(headdresses, shoes with multi-colored mosaics).

Decorating your home with stunningly beautiful carpets is one of the main highlights Tatar nation. Any home, whether rural or urban, was always filled with carpets that were superior in beauty to Persian ones. The Tatars have always been dominated by bright floral motifs.

Embroidered flowers can be seen not only on clothes, but also on household items. Towels, pillowcases, tablecloths, aprons, prayer rugs.

We can talk about headscarves for a very long time. Every house has a whole chest filled with such scarves. Everyday, festive, wedding - for each event there is its own scarf, and for each scarf - its own special pattern. This is such a beauty - a Tatar and Bashkir embroidered scarf that you can’t take your eyes off it

Tatar and Bashkir craftsmen specialized in bright ornaments and patterns

The most widespread was the art of ornamentation in carved wooden architecture. Then came embroidery, patterns on shoes and carpets. Fabric applique occupied a very small place among the Tatar people. But on the other hand, in this application, interestingly, oriental and Greek motifs were clearly visible.

The most popular was and remains floral ornament. Trefoil, carnation, tulip, dahlias, peonies and chrysanthemums - all this is very popular among Tatar craftswomen.


Looking at these works of folk craft, I want the house to have at least one such pattern, pleasing to the eye.

Geometric patterns in the interior: the trend of the season

Geometric solutions in interior design are the most fashion trend of the year. Strictness, harmony, aristocratic aesthetics - all this admires and is used in the work of designers more and more often.

Geometric style came to homes in different forms:

  • like furniture
  • as accessories
  • like patterns and ornaments.

Such ideas are embodied today by designers in the design of apartments and offices.

Geometric solutions in interior design are the most fashionable trend of the year

Simple and beautiful. And this becomes the motto of fashionable modern designers and customers of such interiors who strive for harmony.

Oriental patterns: visiting a fairy tale

Oriental patterns are gaining popularity again today. More often they are used for painting fabrics, silk, and large canvases. Eastern ornament is based on rhythm and construction of elements, on abstraction and stylization of real things. The roots of this art go back to the culture of Persia and Mesopotamia. Each of the patterns symbolizes something. For example, an ordinary rosette is a symbol of the universal cycle. Made in the shape of a flower, it had many varieties. This is only one of the few symbols that have been deciphered. What other patterns hide within them may remain an eternal mystery.

Oriental patterns are gaining popularity again today

The most common motifs of oriental patterns are the plant motif, magical birds and the World Tree. The latter combines a lot of symbols along with real details. The oriental pattern has another feature. This is carpet filling. It is difficult to find an unoccupied space on the surface of the pattern. Lines, leaves, cones, spikelets, blades of grass - the entire space is filled with them. In particular, this technique is used in architecture, the manufacture of decorative dishes and clothing.

Patterns for children: creating together with kids

Developing a child’s abilities by teaching him the art of patterns and ornaments is a way that gives excellent results. Try making a light floral pattern first. Below is step-by-step instruction, which makes everything very simple.

The operating procedure is as follows:

Draw the selected area into eight identical sections. Draw horizontal lines and start making the ornament.

Complete the following sketch.

Add some small details at your discretion.

The unnecessary lines along which the sketch was made must be erased with an eraser.

How much interesting and useful material!!! This is how much literature and information has been shoveled. to provide us with all this for use. Simply a treasure trove. This is such a find for me! Thanks a lot. Good luck to everyone in your creativity.

Elena Motorina

I present to your attention didactic games to familiarize children with the Tatar ornament middle preschool age. Games selected in accordance with the new requirements for the corner "Tugan irem Tatarstan» .

Didactic game"Find a Pair" (domino)

Target games:

Learn children find identical pictures and connect them into chains. Fix the names of elements Tatar ornament.

Develop attention, observation, logical thinking. Cultivate an interest in art Tatar people.

Rules games:

Dominoes are exciting board game, which uses plates. This plate is divided into two parts, the domino set includes 28 plates.

The game is designed for 2-4 players. The plates are mixed. Each player takes 6 cards. Other cards in "reserve" in the middle. Each player takes turns, clockwise, lays out 1 card so that one of the card pictures is the same as one of the outer pictures on the playing field. If the player does not have a suitable card, then he goes to "reserve" and takes cards until he finds the one he needs. If there are no more cards in "reserve" the player misses his turn. If no player can move, the game is over.

Didactic game“Make a pattern on a napkin”

Target games:

Learn children compose Tatar national pattern or ornament on a napkin.

Develop the ability to compose beautiful compositions. Enrich the dictionary children, names. Develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination.

Cultivate an interest in history Tatar people and their traditions

Rules games:

The game uses "napkins" white, yellow and red colors, elements Tatar ornament - tulips, bells, leaves.

Option 1. Each player takes one "napkin" and selecting elements Tatar ornament puts a pattern on it.

Option 2. The player is given "napkin" with a pattern already laid out on it. He needs to put the same pattern on his "napkin".

Didactic game"Find and name"

Target games:

Learn children find and name elements Tatar ornament: tulip, bell, leaf, make pairs of them. Enrich your vocabulary children, names Tatar national ornament.

Develop attention and memory.

Cultivate an interest in art Tatar people.

Rules games:

The game uses large, divided into two parts, and small cards. Each player takes 1-2 large cards. The small cards are shuffled.

Option 1 The presenter shows one small card at a time, calling Tatar element which is depicted on it. Players must find the item on their big card, name it again, and place it on the second empty part of the big card.

Option 2 The presenter shows one small card at a time, without naming Tatar element which is depicted on it. Players must find this item on their large card, name it, and place it on the second empty part of the card.

Option 3 Players are asked to find all the elements of a tulip (bell, leaf) on small cards, name this element and put them on the second empty part of the large card.

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